There are different nations and people in the Caucasus, and they all have different attitudes towards Russians: opinions of bloggers. Myths: In every nation there are good and bad people

Since March, various media outlets, bloggers, and journalists, when discussing insiders from the Presidential Administration, have also pointed to the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, as a replacement for Governors. Almost all commentators agree that Andrei Vorobyov overdid it with the reform of local self-government and drove municipal areas to city districts, abolished direct elections of Heads municipalities, redistributed powers over construction and land use, creating an ephemeral Urban Planning Council, and quarreled with both local and federal elites.

The most amazing thing is that Andrei Yuryevich was awarded “temporary” status in the very first weeks, they thought he wouldn’t survive. It turned out that the godson of the Minister of Defense not only served 4 years, but also broke the entire management system in the Moscow region. So new rumors can also serve as a simple game under the carpet in order to solve personal business interests.

Rumors intensified immediately after Vladimir Putin’s direct line, where the Balashikha landfill was closed almost live. Immediately after this, the media began writing mocking headlines: “The governor of the Moscow region went to the dump after a direct line with the president.” Telegram channels also started talking about a possible resignation:

Davydov-index (45 thousand readers) + Alexey Venediktov (25 thousand readers)

Nezygar (60 thousand readers)

The possible resignation of Andrei Vorobyov was actively discussed at the end of May, 3 months before the September elections; apparently, something went wrong and the resignation was cancelled. And we can assume with almost complete confidence that this is due to the fact that instability in the Moscow region on the eve of Vladimir Putin’s elections will definitely not play into his hands. The next elections will be held in a year in 2018, at which time Andrei Vorobyov’s term of office ends - 5 years. And the Kremlin’s policy regarding the timing of resignations of Governors is well known and is not a secret: the change is 3-10 months before the elections, so that the new Governor gets used to it, gets promoted and people get used to him. In short, if he does not leave before the election of the President and remains after the inauguration of the GDP, then Andrei Yuryevich will have a second term.

But let's imagine for now that Andrei Yuryevich left. Politics in the Moscow region will not change, there is too much money circulating here, so the only question is about personalities: who will replace Vorobyov? Various “sofa” and not so analysts name several successors to Andrei Vorobyov:

Alexander Beglov– Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President in the Central Federal District, a person extremely close to Vladimir Putin from his work in St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Men– Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services. Mikhail Men is a long-time friend of the State Duma deputy from Korolev, Pushkino, Krasnoarmeysk Sergei Pakhomov.

Sergei Neverov - Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, son-in-law of his mother-in-law, who has a dacha on Istra

Radiy Khabirov– Head of the Krasnogorsk urban district. It was his federals (and not Vorobyov) who appointed to govern Krasnogorsk after the incident with the Krasnogorsk shooter

In addition to these candidates, the media names Andrei Vorobyov as possible successors: Georgy Poltavchenko- Head of St. Petersburg, Igor Albin, Ruslan Khadzhismelovich Tsalikov- Deputy Minister of Defense, Evgeny Moskvichev and even Anastasia Rakova- Deputy Mayor of Moscow.

And the Head of the city district, Korolev, is considered one of Andrei Vorobyov’s successors. Alexandra Khodyreva. True, one of the requirements for candidates for the post of Governor is age. Alexander Nikolaevich celebrated his 60th birthday last year.

How will this affect Korolev? It depends who comes. But it’s too early to talk about this yet.

So now live with this.

I now publish all the latest in

Behind Lately“voluntary” resignations of governors took place en masse. “It’s unbearable when it’s forced. But voluntarily is more unbearable.”

Much has already been written and said about this “voluntary fall of the government”, so there is no point in repeating it. IN Once again The authorities have demonstrated that they don’t care about voters’ opinions. In principle, the majority of voters don’t care about their opinions. They believe exclusively in the “good and superior king,” who alone knows who should rule the local electorate.

It is in this context that we can say why Putin dismissed one and not the other. We don’t know the guarantor’s plans, but in principle, any regional leader can become a “volunteer,” otherwise... You yourself know that those who don’t want to become a volunteer have very little choice. Everyone has their own “skeletons in the closet”. True, there is information that planned resignations have ended. Only if there is force majeure.

In this regard, a significant part of law-abiding residents of the Moscow region are asking a perplexed question: “Why is there no governor on the list of “volunteers” Andrey VOROBYOV.

It seemed that after the “direct line” with Putin, which talked about the garbage dump in Balashikha, the governor’s days in his post were numbered. The names of successors have already been named, but in the end everyone remained with their own.

Indeed, why don’t they resign? It must be understood that Vorobyov’s arrival to the governorship was generally perceived positively in the Moscow region. Firstly, he made campaign promises that were very attractive to the electorate. Prohibit multi-storey and infill development. To restore order in the sphere of housing and communal services, medicine, education. Secondly, he replaced as governor Sergei SHOIGU, who, during his short period of leadership, managed to win the sympathy of the region’s residents. Given the close and close relationship, they hoped that Vorobyov would become worthy successor Minister of Defense Maybe he would become a worthy successor. We don’t know what kind of governor Sergei Shoigu would have been had he stayed in the region longer.

Election promises in our country are rarely fulfilled. They are not fulfilled, and that’s already good. But even that “good” didn’t work out. Multi-storey development was not only not limited, but also received a new impetus - a shameless and senseless scale. Municipalities, having lost their powers in the field of construction, most often act as outside observers or a lightning rod into which the discontent of residents is drained. In the housing and communal services sector, transformations have boiled down to a redistribution of the market and redistribution of financial flows. This was clearly demonstrated in the history of management companies and the creation of MosOblEIRTS, which ultimately led to colossal debts to resource companies.

Almost completely destroyed local government. In most municipalities there was no direct election of heads and deputies, and the municipalities themselves actually turned into an appendage of the regional government. The main function of local authorities was reduced to one issue. What do you want? The regional government itself is a government of incompetent “blonds” with all the ensuing consequences. One could go on and on about the problems that Governor Vorobyov created or aggravated.

He deserved no less, and perhaps more, “voluntary” resignation than those governors who were dismissed. However, Vorobyov is still governor.

Why didn’t the president dismiss Governor Andrei Vorobyov?

The explanation for this situation seems to be on the surface. The governor has a powerful “roof.” “Godson” - Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, regional prosecutor - son-in-law of the Minister of Defense, son of the Prosecutor General Yuri CHAIKA for some time he was in power near Moscow. With such a “roof”, resignation, if possible, is only upon receipt of an equivalent position for Vorobyov. There are rumors that he could head the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Thank God it's just rumors.

Moreover, there is information that the planned resignations of governors have ended. Only if there is force majeure. It is clear that in the current situation in the region, the socio-economic situation will only worsen: an increase in crime, a decrease in living standards, deepening social stratification, etc.

Not only the population, but also the so-called “local elites” are dissatisfied with the governor’s policies. They are increasingly irritated by the need to fulfill the various “wants” of the governor.

Therefore, there is another more or less plausible version, when the president dismisses the governor. Closer to the new year, when the presidential campaign begins, in order to once again remind the electorate “who’s boss” before the elections. But in any case, with the current structure of power, nothing fundamentally will change. Vorobyov will be replaced by the conditional Drozdov or Sorokin. The electorate will obediently vote “yes”. And then once again he will wait for the president to remove the governor. “The master will come, the master will judge us”- the poet wrote about the psychology of serfs.