The story “Tosca” is a reflection on the comprehensive pattern of human existence. Plot, composition, storyline of the work

Lesson objectives:

Equipment: textbook, story text " Yearning» , material on the topic of the lesson.

Lesson type

Predicted results:

K. I. Chukovsky






Sherstyuk Nina Gavrilovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

first qualification category

MBOU "Gorodets secondary school"

Named after Hero of Russia Alexander Prokhorenko"


The theme of a person’s loneliness in a crowded city in the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Tosca"

Lesson objectives:

1. continue to introduce students to the works of A.P. Chekhov;

2. give an idea of ​​the plot and composition of the story “Tosca”;

3. find out moral issues story, theme, idea;

4. repeat theoretical concepts: composition, story, landscape,

Expressive means of language;

5. develop reading culture;

6. educate spiritual and moral student culture.

Equipment : textbook, story text " Yearning" , material on the topic of the lesson.

Lesson type : a lesson in analyzing a work of art.

Predicted results:

1. students know about the plot and composition of the story “Tosca”;

2. determine plot elements story, composition features;

3. determine the theme and idea of ​​the work, correlate the beginning and ending;

4. characterize the main character of the story;

5. carry out research work with the text of the story in groups.

Chekhov had the least claim to the role of a preacher, an ideological leader of youth, and yet we managed to protect ourselves from many dark and unworthy actions only because he, as if with a click, eradicated all spiritual trashiness from us.

K. I. Chukovsky


  1. Updating of reference knowledge

Hearing from several creative works(cm. homework previous lesson)

  1. Motivation for learning activities

Chekhov is a master of the short story.

This great artist words. He is able to convey in a short story the whole life of a person, adhering to the rules formulated by himself: “to write with talent, that is, briefly” and “brevity is the sister of talent.” Behind his landscapes, often drawn with the help of one precise and precise detail, behind short dialogues and monologues, behind the small details the attentive reader always discerns the depths of life not named by the author, but clearly visible. The story "Tosca" is recognized as the pinnacle of early works writer.

Indifference... How often, when we hear this word, we are surprised and indignant, thinking to ourselves that this does not apply to us. And how often we forget that we have offended and brought grief to our closest and dearest people. After all, often so little is required of us: to listen, to say sweet Nothing, smile. But sometimes we feel so sorry for this little thing. Well, what did it take for the heroes of the story “Tosca” to show a minimum of affection, compassion and patience in order to ease the grief of Iona Potapov? Their soul would become much brighter and purer if they understood the cab driver’s grief. How much brighter and better our world will become when dryness, callousness, and indifference finally leave us...

The famous Russian writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky said (addressing the epigraph of the lesson): “Chekhov least of all laid claim to the role of a preacher, an ideological leader of youth, and yet we managed to protect ourselves from many dark and unworthy actions only because he, as if with a click, drove out us with all sorts of spiritual crap." Can we say these words about us today? We will answer this question today in class.

  1. Working on the lesson topic
  1. Teacher's opening speech

The epigraph to “Tosca” “To whom shall I tell my sadness?..” (the opening line of the spiritual verse “Joseph’s Lament and the True Story”) sets a certain psychological tone for Chekhov’s story. The author encourages the reader to think about the loneliness of a person among people, the lack of response to someone else’s pain, the inability to be heard, to pour out one’s grief, to establish confessional contact with another person. Beginning of "Tosca":

“Evening twilight. Large wet snow lazily swirls around the newly lit lamps and falls in a thin soft layer on the roofs, horses’ backs, shoulders, hats...” Running people in the usual bustle of the streets big city they do not notice either the falling snow or the cab driver Jonah Potapov, who is “white as a ghost” and with his immobility resembles a snow statue.

  1. Immersion in the topic of the lesson (conversation)

What does it mean to be lonely?

Can a person be lonely among people?

What do you think is melancholy? Loneliness?

What's it like lexical meaning of these words?

  1. Vocabulary work (writing on the board and in notebooks)

Loneliness is the state and feeling of a person who is in conditions of real or imaginary isolation from other people, separation social connections, lack of meaningful communication for him, lack of communication, etc.

Melancholy - oppression of the spirit, languor of the soul, painful sadness; mental anxiety, anxiety, fear, grief, sadness, sorrow.

  1. Analytical work with the text of the story "Tosca"

a) Teacher’s message about the history of the creation of the story “Tosca.”

The story appeared in January 1886 in the “Flying Notes” section of the Petersburg Newspaper, where before that A.P. Chekhov had already published many ironic sketches and other short satirical works, which brought him literary fame as the witty, observant humorist Antosha Chekhonte. What served as the leading motive for A.P. Chekhov’s appeal to this topic is not known for certain. In December 1885, the writer visited St. Petersburg for the first time, and the “pool full of monstrous lights, restless crashing and running people,” into which he plunged upon arriving in the capital, may have, to a certain extent, served as one of the incentives for writing “Tosca.” Flashed street scene, an overheard fragment of a conversation, or simply the sight of a cab driver and his horse bent under the snow - these or other impressions unknown to us could give impetus to the work of the writer’s imagination. Is there any need, however, for any special, real or literary, commentary on “Tosca,” on a story with such an obvious plot, with captivating reader sympathy for Jonah Potapov and his misfortune? Of course, the main meaning of the story should be clear without any commentary, through an understanding of the internal connections of the work, the logic of its plot, and composition. The author of "Tosca" is 26. No draft versions of the manuscript of "Tosca" have survived, since during this period of creativity A.P. Chekhov had the habit of destroying all preliminary sketches and used preparatory materials upon completion of work.

b) Research with the text of the story (in groups)

1st group

  • How many times does Jonah try to tell him about his son’s death? (Three times)
  • Write down the reaction of your interlocutors. (The son died... why?... go; the son died... we’ll all die, hurry up; the son died... (no answer)
  • What is this called means of expression? (Repeat) Support with examples from the text of the story.

2nd group

  • At what time of day did the events of the story take place? (In the evening)
  • Write down the change in evening lighting. (Evening twilight, evening haze, darkness)
  • What is the name of this expressive device? (Gradation)
  • How many times does this change occur? (Three times) Support with examples from the text of the story.

3rd group

  • Write down verbs from the text that characterize the actions of a crowded city. (Dark masses are moving, crowds are running, crowds are scurrying)
  • How many times does Chekhov talk about this in the story? (Three times) Support with examples from the text of the story.

4th group

  • Write down from the text how Jonah's address to the horse changes.
  • How it changed emotional coloring words? (From the contemptuous “little horse” - through the neutral “horse” - to the diminutive “little horse”)
  • What is this vocabulary called (first and third words)? (Expressive) Support with examples from the text of the story.

Presentation of work results

c) Conversation

1. Artistic detail.

Among other writers, A.P. Chekhov is distinguished by his extraordinary powers of observation. A deep knowledge of life and people helped him, with the help of small details and individual strokes, to truthfully and vividly depict the character of a person, objects, and nature. Therefore, artistic detail is important in Chekhov’s work. The artistic detail contributed to the reduction in volume. In his works, Chekhov omitted such important information, like a genealogy, a biography of heroes. The main means of characterization was a portrait, although it also did not correspond to the usual idea. This was not a description of the color of hair, eyes, and the like; the writer chose two or three of the most accurate and accurate details, and this was enough to vividly represent the image as a whole. Mastery of detail: in the story by the author for the most part calls the horse a little horse. As soon as the suffix appears, the reader sees this old, worn-out nag, tired of work, as pathetic as its owner, and just as evoking aching pity. And only she can breathe her warmth into Jonah’s arms. In his stories, Chekhov shows only the main, most important points, and omits the rest. Artistic detail helps him condense time. Chekhov does not say this directly, but the reader vividly imagines these changes, and all this thanks to artistic detail.

2. Story composition

The plot of "Tosca", at first glance, is another reflection of the beloved literary device young Chekhov - with warm irony to build a composition, a storyline of a story from an essentially anecdotal situation: not finding understanding from a single person he met along the way, the old cabman, who buried his son, pours out his grief to the horse. However, the story told by Antosha Chekhonte on the pages periodical, “not an ironic trinket” of entertaining humorous journalism, but the age-old tragedy of a man knocking on people’s souls (Dunaev, 1998).

In the plot of “Tosca,” at a minimum, one can detect two interconnected plans: on the one hand, the author calls on the reader to empathize with Iona Potapov, and on the other, to reflect on the all-encompassing pattern of human existence - longing for someone’s soul, consonant with oneself, able to understand, respond, sympathize, listen.

The conflict of the story lies in the fact that melancholy and loneliness stem from the fact that people’s hearts are closed, callous, and not ready for compassion for their neighbors. That’s why “my sorrow” (epigraph) remains unknown to anyone except God, and Jonah’s answer to his bitter words is the silence of the whole world.

  1. Reflection. Summing up the lesson

Teacher's summary:

Today in class you were once again convinced that A.P. Chekhov’s stories are distinguished by their brevity and richness of plot. In the story "Tosca" it seems that nothing happens. Cab driver Iona Potapov is covered with snow in the dull winter twilight. He is waiting for his passengers. In fact, Jonah is no longer waiting for anyone or anything. For a whole week now he has been living half asleep: his son has died. The tragedy of Jonah is of no interest to anyone: neither the military man, nor the idle youth, nor a man of his own class - a cab driver. No one is interested in Iona Potapov, no one needs his soul-tearing pain. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, everyone is dissatisfied, irritated, only Jonah has nowhere to rush. He is lonely, sad, deep in thought. Death made a mistake, “missed the door,” and took away the heir, who “was a real cab driver.” After several attempts to pour out his soul to strangers, Iona Potapov understands that there are no sympathizers in grief and there won’t be, people become isolated, they want anything, but not talk about someone’s death. People don’t want to think about mortality, they mindlessly scurry around the world, hoping that luck will save them, they will find their place in life, and what do they care about the death of another person.

The lack of sincerity, responsiveness, and understanding is a problem not only of the 19th century, but also of the present one. Jonah Potapov may be a taxi driver whose son tragically died. Will it find a response in the souls of modern passengers? I think no. Jonah has “enormous melancholy, which knows no bounds,” and so is the boundless callousness and indifference of those around him. Winter. Snow falls. It will melt when it gets warmer, and not a trace will remain of it. Jonah’s melancholy will also dissipate if he finds warm feedback and participation. Yes, the pain of loss will remain, like the memory of a previous snowfall, but you can live, taking care of the horse, and calmly think about your death. Who can Jonah cry to? Only a living soul, only it is able to understand the grief of another. Jonah found such a silent friend - his partner, a horse, old, worn out, tired from work, which only breathes its warmth into the hands of its owner. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a subtle psychologist of the human soul. He showed how hopeless the melancholy of a person can be, lonely, like a person. They fill each other, vessels with deep, viscous contents. And human spiritual deafness leads to boundless loneliness and emptiness, to the emptiness of vessels that should be filled with living moisture.

The loneliness of a person among people - here terrible essence A.P. Chekhov's story "Tosca".

  1. Homework on Russian literature

Prepare for the lesson extracurricular reading. Read Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's essay "Sakhalin Island".


IN methodological development The lesson used materials from the website of I. N. Perova.

The problem of loneliness has been relevant at all times. It also exists in modern world. Of course, today people use the Internet and by various means connections that allow you to communicate limitlessly. However, according to psychologists, the one who most often turns to social networks, more than others, feels a feeling of loneliness, that is, the absence of a soul mate. Sometimes such a person comes up with some life events and stories. And this is all to attract attention. It often occurs among those people who do not want to accept the society that surrounds them.

They oppose themselves to others, try in every possible way to isolate themselves from the whole world and often go against generally accepted norms and traditions.

Child and loneliness

It is easier to agree with the existence of a problem when a person does not have family, friends or loved ones. However, situations are different. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness visits a person surrounded by relatives. Unfortunately, such a phenomenon exists, although it seems simply incredible.

So, there is a problem of a child’s loneliness in the world of adults. Arguments given by psychologists indicate the danger of this phenomenon. After all, the fears and emotions experienced in early age, have a strong influence on the formation of personality, and, consequently, on a person’s entire life. This is why adults should pay attention to their child’s problem.

What are the reasons why a child becomes lonely? The most obvious of them is the lack of attention from people close to him. Often adults are so absorbed in their worries and problems that they simply do not have enough free time for their children. Think about it, maybe this situation has developed in your family? If yes, then it requires immediate correction. And there is a strong argument in favor of such a step. The problem of loneliness, according to psychologists, leads to children becoming withdrawn, depressed and alienated. Child provided for a long time to himself, goes into the world of thoughts and fantasies he created.

The reason for loneliness at an early age may also be the wrong approach of parents to education issues. Some fathers and mothers mistakenly believe that they know better than the child himself what he needs. In this case, the interests of the not yet formed personality are ignored. Put that kind of pressure on little man it is forbidden. And psychologists have a compelling argument about this. The problem of loneliness that arose in the process of such upbringing can alienate the child from his parents, as it will gradually degenerate into misunderstanding.

How to protect a child from loneliness?

The problem that has arisen requires immediate elimination. Of course, the ways to solve it are not easy, but they exist. The constant efforts of people close to him will help drive away the feeling of loneliness from a child. The main assistant in this will be parental love. But it should not be expressed in material benefits, but in sincere sensitivity, care and participation in the life of the child. You need to constantly be interested in your child’s affairs and not brush him off when he invites you to play with him.

The problem of children's loneliness in literary works

Many writers and publicists have raised the topic of lack of attention to the life and interests of a little person. They often discussed how the problem of loneliness arises. Arguments from literature that can be given on this topic are Pavel Sanaev’s story “Bury me behind the baseboard.” The main character of the work is the boy Sasha Savelyev. He tells readers about lost dreams and unfulfilled hopes due to the moral indifference of adults. The boy has no toys and no friends. All this is replaced only by a small mouse. When she is gone, Sasha will fully feel the loneliness of a child among adults.

The same feeling takes over the heroine of the story written by Dina Sabitova, “Your Three Names.” This is a story about the terrible fate of a girl who went through the real hell of a half-starved beggarly life, first in family of origin, and then in orphanage and with adoptive parents.

Male loneliness

Often representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not have any attachments or close connections. Some men consider this condition to be normal. Is it so? For understanding this issue It is necessary to consider what argument psychologists put forward to counter this.

The problem of loneliness, according to experts, may lie in a man’s inadequate self-esteem. Such a person simply withdraws from relationships with the people around him. He is afraid of criticism of his abilities and talents, which will bring him pain.

The reason for a man’s loneliness may be a lack of communication skills in communicating with others. Often the basis of such immaturity is shyness, which arose due to psychological trauma received in childhood or adolescence.

The cause may be the presence of social phobia. The roots of this phenomenon lie deep and lie in the imposition of an adult opinion on the boy. For example, starting to attend kindergarten when the child is psychologically unprepared. This causes fear and leads to a desire to spend time alone, away from other children.

The reason for a man’s isolation can be psychopathology, expressed in depression, autism, schizophrenia, and a tendency to alcoholism. The problem of loneliness also arises among those young guys who have a strong emotional attachment to their mother. However, it is not only as a result of underdevelopment that a person does not have contact with the world around him. As a direct contrast to everything said above, another, quite compelling argument can be made. The problem of loneliness sometimes becomes an element spiritual growth. Here we are talking about the pinnacle of human development.

The theme of male loneliness in literary works

The feeling of lack of attachment haunts many representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Numerous arguments that are directly related to the problem of human loneliness are found in the works of domestic and foreign writers. There are books that are literally permeated with this feeling, and among them are the works of Marquez.

Many of this author’s works raise the problem of loneliness. Arguments from literature written by Marquez - the hero of his novel “The Outsider”. In addition, he wrote about loneliness Albert Camus, and Truman Capote(“Breakfast at Teffany’s”) and Hermann Hesse (“Demian”). In these works, loneliness is a special canvas of life with hopes and torments, alienation and solitude woven into it, internal conflicts and contradiction.

A weighty argument to the problem of the loneliness of a person who has chosen the path of service is L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” In this work we see the image of the great commander Kutuzov. He saves the country and spares the lives of soldiers, giving up Moscow without a fight. The main task that the commander-in-chief sets for himself is to rid Rus' of its enemies with minimal losses for his army. However, the official government has a different opinion. She wants to achieve fame at any cost. As a result, the author raises the problem tragic loneliness person. The arguments for it are the resignation and then the premature death of the great commander. This is the price to pay for the decision made.

The problem of loneliness was raised in many works of Russian writers. Arguments from the literature on this issue are the hero of A. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin. At first glance, he could be considered a socially active person. Onegin was joyfully accepted and the hero received true pleasure from leading such an idle life. However, at the end of the novel, Onegin concludes for himself that he has always been “a stranger to everyone...”.

In what other works does the problem of loneliness arise? Arguments from the literature can be given as follows:

  1. Novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” His main character Bazarov is lonely both in love and in friendship and views.
  2. Roman by Y. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time.” In it, the image of Pechorin is a multifaceted loneliness, both lyrical and civil, as well as universal.
  3. Comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit.” Her hero, Alexander Chatsky, experiences loneliness, not finding support for his thoughts in society. He perceives his situation as a personal tragedy.

Women's loneliness

Complaints about this state can often be heard from representatives of the fairer sex. Moreover, the topic of such loneliness is, as a rule, of concern to women themselves. Unfortunately, even married ladies or those who are in a love relationship can experience this feeling.

What are the origins of this problem? Psychologists explain its presence:

Complexes and insecurity when women compare themselves with beauties from the covers of glossy magazines;

Stereotypes, when ladies believe that men only love blondes, marry bitches, etc.;

Lack of meaningfulness in finding a partner.

But be that as it may, psychology usually concerns the absence of a beloved man nearby. Even those divorced girls who have children talk about the emergence of this feeling. They project their condition onto the baby, saying: “Nobody needs us.” A woman’s desire to have a family is inherent in nature itself. The little girls are already in kindergarten They begin to play mother and daughter, cook soup in a plastic saucepan and swaddle dolls. At the same time they dream of handsome husband and about a luxurious white veil.

However, the fact is that even after putting a wedding ring on her hand, a representative of the fairer sex may feel lonely. This is often explained by the fact that many families live as if by inertia, and spouses are not interested in each other’s moods and thoughts. This situation often happens when a woman lovingly prepares dinner for her husband, receiving a routine “thank you” in response.

Sometimes ladies doom themselves to loneliness after an unsuccessful romance. They experience the situation painfully, experiencing humiliation. And here the problem of overcoming loneliness arises. Arguments given by psychologists indicate that it needs to be addressed. Otherwise, the woman will become even more unhappy than she was before. She will be prevented from creating new relationships by the fear of her prejudice that all men are evil.

The theme of women's loneliness in literary works

He talks about the life of a simple Russian collective farmer in his story “ Matrenin Dvor"A. I. Solzhenitsyn. This is a lonely woman who lost her husband at the front and buried six children. Matryona Vasilyevna, that’s the name of the main character of the story, struggles alone with the hardships of life. To her, having seniority at the state farm, they do not pay pensions. She was unable to obtain payments for the loss of a breadwinner. However, Matryona did not lose her human feelings. She readily responds to someone else's misfortune and continues to carry the cross of a homemaker.

Very bright female loneliness shown in L. Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina”. This work is about the breakup of the main character’s relationship with all areas of life. Here the author also highlights the problem of the influence of loneliness on a person. The arguments in favor of the fact that the love of Vronsky and Anna is doomed to failure are obvious. Alienation of society and its rejection of feelings that arise that contradict the morality of secular circles. Young and cheerful at the beginning of the novel, the woman is eventually driven to complete despair and dies under the wheels of a train.

Loneliness of the elderly

The problem of lack of demand, the emergence of a feeling of abandonment and misunderstanding on the part of young people often accompanies the elderly. This is aggravated by the fact that they also experience a lack of support and care from the state. But often this is a problem of loneliness of a person who has devoted himself to others. Arguments in favor of the need to solve it are the social aspects of the issue.

What are the reasons for loneliness in old age? This is the absence of relatives and children or living separately from them. It is not easy for old people to bear the death of a spouse. For Russian state Another characteristic problem is loneliness of older people. Arguments for the seclusion of old people are financial helplessness and the inability to cope with household and hygienic issues.

The theme of loneliness of older people in literary works

About old life village woman The story of K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram” is narrated. Its main character, Ekaterina Ivanovna, had to experience loneliness, despite the fact that she has a daughter, Nastya. The author raises the problem of loneliness of old people. Arguments confirming its existence are awareness the main character her uselessness, because her daughter has not visited her for four years. This leads to the old woman living out her days completely alone.

The same problem was raised by A.S. Pushkin. In his story " Stationmaster“He showed how terrible the picture of the loneliness of an old man is. The hero of the story, Samson Vyrin, was abandoned by his daughter, who went after her beloved.

N.V. Gogol convincingly showed us how loneliness changes a person. The hero of his novel " Dead Souls“Plyushkin himself alienated his children from himself. He was afraid that they would ruin him. The result of Plyushkin's loneliness was personality degradation.

One of the problems of residents of big cities

Huge crowds of people in megacities do not allow people to meet often and do not encourage close spiritual communication. Everyone is in a hurry and running about their business, often not paying attention to who is nearby. Women and men live as if by inertia. However, a certain moment comes, and each of them understands that loneliness has set in, because there is no one nearby. You can find a description of this condition in many literary works. It also appears in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “White Nights”. In it, the author raises the problem of loneliness of people in big cities. Arguments confirming the existence of such a situation are a divergence of interests and a total separation of people. At the center of F. M. Dostoevsky’s narrative is the story of a lonely Dreamer. on his life path I met a girl Nastenka. The dreamer falls in love with her and, with her help, tries to get out of the “dungeon” of loneliness.

However, Nastenka loves another and remains true to her feelings. She apologizes for her betrayal in a letter written to Dreamer. He forgives the girl, but, continuing to love her, remains lonely in a cold city that does not understand him.

The problem of loneliness has been relevant at all times. It also exists in the modern world. Of course, today people use the Internet and various means of communication that allow them to communicate limitlessly. However, according to psychologists, those who most often turn to social networks feel a sense of loneliness, that is, the absence of a soul mate, more than others. Sometimes such a person comes up with some life events and stories. And this is all to attract attention. Often the problem of loneliness arises among those people who do not want to accept the society that surrounds them.

They oppose themselves to others, try in every possible way to isolate themselves from the whole world and often go against generally accepted norms and traditions.

Child and loneliness

It is easier to agree with the existence of a problem when a person does not have family, friends or loved ones. However, situations are different. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness visits a person surrounded by relatives. Unfortunately, such a phenomenon exists, although it seems simply incredible.

So, there is a problem of a child’s loneliness in the world of adults. Arguments given by psychologists indicate the danger of this phenomenon. After all, fears and emotions experienced at an early age have a strong influence on the formation of personality, and, consequently, on a person’s entire life. This is why adults should pay attention to their child’s problem.

What are the reasons why a child becomes lonely? The most obvious of them is the lack of attention from people close to him. Often adults are so absorbed in their worries and problems that they simply do not have enough free time for their children. Think about it, maybe this situation has developed in your family? If yes, then it requires immediate correction. And there is a strong argument in favor of such a step. The problem of loneliness, according to psychologists, leads to children becoming withdrawn, depressed and alienated. A child, left to himself for a long time, goes into the world of thoughts and fantasies he has created.

The reason for loneliness at an early age may also be the wrong approach of parents to education issues. Some fathers and mothers mistakenly believe that they know better than the child himself what he needs. In this case, the interests of the not yet formed personality are ignored. It is impossible to put such pressure on a small person. And psychologists have a compelling argument about this. The problem of loneliness that arose in the process of such upbringing can alienate the child from his parents, as it will gradually degenerate into misunderstanding.

How to protect a child from loneliness?

The problem that has arisen requires immediate elimination. Of course, the ways to solve it are not easy, but they exist. The constant efforts of people close to him will help drive away the feeling of loneliness from a child. The main assistant in this will be parental love. But it should not be expressed in material benefits, but in sincere sensitivity, care and participation in the life of the child. You need to constantly be interested in your child’s affairs and not brush him off when he invites you to play with him.

The problem of children's loneliness in literary works

Many writers and publicists have raised the topic of lack of attention to the life and interests of a little person. They often discussed how the problem of loneliness arises. Arguments from the literature that can be given on this topic are Pavel Sanaev’s story “Bury me behind the baseboard.” The main character of the work is the boy Sasha Savelyev. He tells readers about lost dreams and unfulfilled hopes due to the moral indifference of adults. The boy has no toys and no friends. All this is replaced only by a small mouse. When she is gone, Sasha will fully feel the loneliness of a child among adults.

The same feeling takes over the heroine of the story written by Dina Sabitova, “Your Three Names.” This is a story about the terrible fate of a girl who went through the real hell of a half-starved, impoverished life, first in her own family, and then in an orphanage and with foster parents.

Male loneliness

Often representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not have any attachments or close connections. Some men consider this condition to be normal. Is it so? To understand this issue, it is necessary to consider what argument psychologists give in opposition to this.

The problem of loneliness, according to experts, may lie in a man’s inadequate self-esteem. Such a person simply withdraws from relationships with the people around him. He is afraid of criticism of his abilities and talents, which will bring him pain.

The reason for a man’s loneliness may be a lack of communication skills in communicating with others. Often the basis of such immaturity is shyness, which arose due to psychological trauma received in childhood or adolescence.

The cause of male loneliness may be the presence of social phobia. The roots of this phenomenon lie deep and lie in the imposition of an adult opinion on the boy. For example, starting to attend kindergarten when the child is psychologically unprepared. This causes fear and leads to a desire to spend time alone, away from other children.

The reason for a man’s isolation can be psychopathology, expressed in depression, autism, schizophrenia, and a tendency to alcoholism. The problem of loneliness also arises among those young guys who have a strong emotional attachment to their mother. However, it is not only as a result of underdevelopment or degradation of personality that a person does not have contact with the world around him. As a direct contrast to everything said above, another, quite compelling argument can be made. The problem of loneliness sometimes becomes an element of spiritual growth. Here we are talking about the pinnacle of human development.

The theme of male loneliness in literary works

The feeling of lack of attachment haunts many representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Numerous arguments that are directly related to the problem of human loneliness are found in the works of domestic and foreign writers. There are books that are literally permeated with this feeling, and among them are the works of Gabriel García Márquez.

Many of this author’s works raise the problem of loneliness. Arguments from literature written by Marquez - the hero of his novel “The Outsider”. In addition, Albert Camus wrote about loneliness, as well as Truman Capote (“Breakfast at Teffany’s”) and Hermann Hesse (“Demian”). In these works, loneliness is a special canvas of life with hopes and torments, alienation and solitude, internal conflicts and contradictions woven into it.

A weighty argument to the problem of the loneliness of a person who has chosen the path of service is L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” In this work we see the image of the great commander Kutuzov. He saves the country and spares the lives of soldiers, giving up Moscow without a fight. The main task that the commander-in-chief sets for himself is to rid Rus' of its enemies with minimal losses for his army. However, the official government has a different opinion. She wants to achieve fame at any cost. As a result, the author raises the problem of human tragic loneliness. The arguments for it are the resignation and then the premature death of the great commander. This is the price to pay for the decision made.

The problem of loneliness was raised in many works of Russian writers. Arguments from the literature on this issue are the hero of A. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin. At first glance, he could be considered a socially active person. Onegin was joyfully received in secular society. Moreover, the hero received true pleasure from leading such an idle life. However, at the end of the novel, Onegin concludes for himself that he has always been “a stranger to everyone...”.

In what other works does the problem of loneliness arise? Arguments from the literature can be given as follows:

  1. Novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” His main character Bazarov is lonely both in love and in friendship and views.
  2. Roman by Y. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time.” In it, the image of Pechorin is a multifaceted loneliness, both lyrical and civil, as well as universal.
  3. Comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit.” Her hero, Alexander Chatsky, experiences loneliness, not finding support for his thoughts in society. He perceives his situation as a personal tragedy.

Women's loneliness

Complaints about this condition can often be heard from representatives of the fairer sex. Moreover, the topic of such loneliness is, as a rule, of concern to women themselves. Unfortunately, even married ladies or those who are in a love relationship can experience this feeling.

What are the origins of this problem? Psychologists explain its presence:

Complexes and insecurity when women compare themselves with beauties from the covers of glossy magazines;

Stereotypes, when ladies believe that men only love blondes, marry bitches, etc.;

Lack of meaningfulness in finding a partner.

But be that as it may, the psychology of female loneliness concerns, as a rule, the absence of a beloved man nearby. Even those divorced girls who have children talk about the emergence of this feeling. They project their condition onto the baby, saying: “Nobody needs us.” A woman’s desire to have a family is inherent in nature itself. Little girls already in kindergarten begin to play daughter-mother, cook soup in a plastic saucepan and swaddle dolls. At the same time, they dream of a handsome husband and a luxurious white veil.

However, such is female psychology that even after putting a wedding ring on her hand, a representative of the fairer sex can feel lonely. This is often explained by the fact that many families live as if by inertia, and spouses are not interested in each other’s moods and thoughts. This situation often happens when a woman lovingly prepares dinner for her husband, receiving a routine “thank you” in response.

Sometimes ladies doom themselves to loneliness after an unsuccessful romance. They experience the situation painfully, experiencing humiliation. And here the problem of overcoming loneliness arises. Arguments given by psychologists indicate that it needs to be addressed. Otherwise, the woman will become even more unhappy than she was before. The fear of her prejudice that all men are evil will prevent her from creating new relationships.

The theme of women's loneliness in literary works

A. I. Solzhenitsyn tells about the life of a simple Russian collective farmer in his story “Matrenin’s Dvor”. This is a lonely woman who lost her husband at the front and buried six children. Matryona Vasilyevna, that’s the name of the main character of the story, struggles alone with the hardships of life. She, who has work experience at the state farm, is not paid a pension. She was unable to obtain payments for the loss of a breadwinner. However, Matryona did not lose her human feelings. She readily responds to someone else's misfortune and continues to carry the cross of a homemaker.

Women's loneliness is shown very clearly in L. Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina. This work is about the breakup of the main character’s relationship with all areas of life. Here the author also highlights the problem of the influence of loneliness on a person. The arguments in favor of the fact that the love of Vronsky and Anna is doomed to failure are obvious. Alienation of society and its rejection of feelings that arise that contradict the morality of secular circles. Young and cheerful at the beginning of the novel, the woman is eventually driven to complete despair and dies under the wheels of a train.

Loneliness of the elderly

The problem of lack of demand, the emergence of a feeling of abandonment and misunderstanding on the part of young people often accompanies the elderly. This is aggravated by the fact that older people also experience a lack of support and care from the state. But often this is a problem of loneliness of a person who has devoted himself to others. Arguments in favor of the need to solve it are the social aspects of the issue.

What are the reasons for loneliness in old age? This is the absence of relatives and children or living separately from them. It is not easy for old people to bear the death of a spouse. The Russian state is characterized by another problem of loneliness among older people. Arguments for the seclusion of old people are financial helplessness and the inability to cope with household and hygienic issues.

The theme of loneliness of older people in literary works

The story “Telegram” by K. G. Paustovsky tells about the life of an old village woman. Its main character, Ekaterina Ivanovna, had to experience loneliness, despite the fact that she has a daughter, Nastya. The author raises the problem of loneliness of old people. The arguments confirming its existence are the main character’s awareness of her uselessness, because her daughter has not visited her for four years. This leads to the old woman living out her days completely alone.

The same problem was raised by A.S. Pushkin. In his story “The Station Agent” he showed how terrible the picture of the loneliness of an old man is. The hero of the story, Samson Vyrin, was abandoned by his daughter, who went after her beloved.

N.V. Gogol convincingly showed us how loneliness changes a person. The hero of his novel “Dead Souls” Plyushkin himself alienated his children from himself. He was afraid that they would ruin him. The result of Plyushkin's loneliness was personality degradation.

One of the problems of residents of big cities

Huge crowds of people in megacities do not allow people to meet often and do not encourage close spiritual communication. Everyone is in a hurry and running about their business, often not paying attention to who is nearby. Women and men live as if by inertia. However, a certain moment comes, and each of them understands that loneliness has set in, because there is no one nearby. You can find a description of this state in many literary works. It also appears in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “White Nights”. In it, the author raises the problem of loneliness of people in big cities. Arguments confirming the existence of such a situation are a divergence of interests and a total separation of people. At the center of F. M. Dostoevsky’s narrative is the story of a lonely Dreamer. On his life's path he met a girl, Nastenka. The dreamer falls in love with her and, with her help, tries to get out of the “dungeon” of loneliness.

However, Nastenka loves another and remains true to her feelings. She apologizes for her betrayal in a letter written to Dreamer. He forgives the girl, but, continuing to love her, remains lonely in a cold city that does not understand him.

A.P. Chekhov - psychologist human souls. Reading his works, you understand what thin matter- the soul of a person. The tragedy of experiences does not depend on social status person.

Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, but Jonah is in no hurry. He has nowhere to rush, he only has pain left, which is too much. Death took the wrong one, she made a mistake, but nothing can be corrected. If someone had talked to Jonah and felt sorry for him, we could have moved on with our lives. The pain would gradually go away. Jonah’s melancholy is “enormous, knowing no boundaries,” and the people surrounding the cabman have the same indifference and callousness.

Life once again confirms how animals can be kinder people. Their silent kindness is worth more than a thousand human words. Then how to live with people if they do not have a response to trouble? Everyone wants to rejoice, be happy, and is looking for their place in life.

The story “Tosca” will be relevant at all times, because it is about human relationships. Do we always try to understand the bereaved person? Are we trying to hide in our shell so as not to solve other people's problems? An indifferent society passing by a crying man.

Reading short story Chekhov, it’s as if you yourself are becoming Ionych. You feel the smell of winter, the warm nostrils of a horse and the boundless melancholy that filled every cell of your body.

The noble nobility did not like such stories from Chekhov. They did not recognize rights common man worry.

Analysis of the story Tosca for 7th grade

The works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov can never leave readers alone, because the problems addressed in his stories are unusually vital and relevant. The problem of indifference was raised in the work “Tosca,” which is sure to touch the heart of a spiritual person.

The main thing that manifests itself in “Tosca” is the terrible indifference of others to the problems of this or that person. IN this story The main character is Jonah Potapov, a poor old cab driver who recently lost his own son. And how can you remain yourself under such circumstances? How can you avoid giving in to despair and overwhelming despondency? It's really difficult. In adversity, it takes a person to overcome it. Only by being able to entrust your destiny to someone else, you can again feel like your old self, not broken, it is possible to reconsider your life and understand that not everything is lost, life provides many opportunities that should be used. However, where can you find a person who is ready to help in difficult times?

The hero turns to people with hope, so that after listening to him, they will advise him, support him with a kind word, and show some kind of participation in the character’s difficulties. But “again he is lonely, and again there is silence for him...” The fact that those around him do not want to come into contact with Jonah Potapov, who needs support, shows people’s complete indifference to the experiences of others. This problem existed before, and it still exists today. Therefore, the story is instructive and educational, because indifference among people was and remains.

As a result, “he considers it no longer useful to contact people.” Jonah now sees animals as support. Yes, people are not capable of showing warm feelings; for this there are such cute creatures as horses, dogs, cats and other inhabitants of the earth. Iona Potapov meets a horse, which, although silent, listens to him. And for this the character is grateful to the horse, because in difficult circumstances it is necessary to speak out, to pour out what is going on in the soul.

However, the problem remains open, because most people, both impartial towards others, remain indifferent to their problems. Is simple compassion really that difficult? Why has the world forgotten about the concept of “kindness”? Where has responsiveness gone? Anton Pavlovich repeatedly asks similar questions, since the problems are exciting, forcing him to think and reflect on his attitude towards people. It is worth understanding that many often need our support, the main thing is to be responsive and sympathetic to people’s requests. To change the world, you need to start with yourself!

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Lesson summary

The theme of human loneliness in the world (based on the story by A.P. Chekhov “Tosca”).

Item: literature

Class: 9

Lesson type: reading and study lesson

Forms of work: individual, frontal, group

Lesson objectives:

    Continue to introduce students to the works of A.P. Chekhov.

    Continue to develop the ability to analyze artistic text. Develop creative imagination and the ability to boldly express one's own opinion.

3. Instill in children a sense of compassion, empathy, and a desire to help

to your neighbor in difficult times.

Lesson equipment:

    Projector, screen, computer presentation.

    Explanatory dictionary edited by S.I. Ozhegova.

    Cards for group work.

During the classes

I . Organizing time.

Target: emotional mood for the lesson. Understanding the importance this lesson, motivation for its result.

Hello guys!

I want to start our lesson today with a parable borrowed from notebook French writer Alphonse Daudet:

“One day a wise songbird was asked: “You sing so beautifully, but why are your songs so short?” To which the bird replied: “I have so many songs, I must tell them to the world.”

A.P. loved this parable. Chekhov. He, like that bird, getting to know the world and its people, was in a hurry to tell us, his readers, about everything. In his short stories, he, as a doctor, tries to cure people from such ailments as vulgarity, servility, veneration, ignorance, and narrow-mindedness.

The famous Russian writer Korney Chukovsky said: “Chekhov had the least claim to the role of a preacher, an ideological leader of youth, and yet we managed to protect ourselves from many dark and unworthy actions only because he, as if with a click, eradicated all spiritual trashiness from us.”

Can we say these words about us today? We will try to answer this question today in class.

And the subject of our conversation will be the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Tosca".

Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson.

State the objectives of the lesson. What should we learn in class? What to learn? (continue acquaintance with the work of A.P. Chekhov; develop the ability to analyze a literary text; find artistic means in it; learn to boldly express your own opinion).

II . A word about the writer. Student message.

Target: development monologue speech students, ability to highlight main information, work with sources.

A student's story about the life of A.P. Chekhov (using presentation).

The story, “Tosca,” which will be the subject of our analysis in class, was written by the writer in 1886.

III . Working on the content of the story.

Goal: to develop the ability to analyze a literary text, to find out what the system of visual and expressive means of language in a story is used for. Improve skills in working in groups to analyze a work of art.

Guys, tell me what associations arise in you when you hear this word - melancholy.

Creating a cluster.

Questions for the class:

What does it mean to be lonely?

Can a person be lonely among people?

Do you feel lonely?

What is the lexical meaning of this word?

Let's turn to explanatory dictionary edited by S.I. Ozhegova.

Yearning and

1. Mental anxiety, despondency.

2. Boredom, as well as (colloquial) something very boring, uninteresting.

In what meaning is this word used in the story?

Name synonyms for this word (grief, sorrow, chagrin, sadness, sadness, despondency ).

Why did the writer choose the wordyearning ? Guess what you think. (It can be assumed that the stressed vowelA emphasizes the infinity, boundlessness of this feeling, hopelessness).

You have already read the story at home. But just reading Chekhov's story is not enough. To understand true meaning of his works, one must pay attention to every detail. To this end, let's turn to the story test.

Frontal conversation on the following issues:

What is the beginning of the story? Read it.

(Snow, twilight, lit lanterns. Every object, Living being entangled, separated from the outside world by a cold blanket).

What impression does this make on you? winter evening?

(My soul becomes gloomy, cold and lonely).

What is the role of this description?

(Using the landscape, the inner psychological condition person).

How does the main character Jonah feel?

(He feels sad and ill.)

Why is he feeling bad? (His son died.)

Absolutely right. He buried his son and stayedone . Tell me, how can you help a person who finds himself in such a situation?

(Talk to him, listen, smile, show a minimum of affection, compassion and patience).

Did Jonah try to talk about his grief? (Yes.)

To whom?

(To a military man, a hunchback, a janitor, a young cab driver.)

Let's follow through the text how these people react to Jonah's story about the death of his son.

Work in groups. Find and discuss. Prepare a speaker for the group.

1st group: meeting of Jonah Potapov with a military man.

Group 2: meeting of Iona Potapov with Gorbach.

Group 3: Meeting of Iona Potapov with the janitor.

Group 4: meeting of Jonah Potapov with a young cab driver.

So,Let's conclude:

Iona Potapov is among people, but he has no one to tell his sadness to, because they are indifferent people, they do not know how to feel the pain of another person, they do not know how to sympathize. Nobody cares about his grief. Everyone for themselves.

What artistic means does Chekhov use to convey the hero’s melancholy?

Let's do this task in groups.

1st group:

Epithets: Enormous melancholy, melancholy that knows no bounds. The epithets evoke in the reader not very bright, not very joyful associations. Without a doubt, they convey the author’s feeling towards the events and images depicted.

Group 2:

Metaphors : the chest is bursting, it would flood all the light, fit into a shell.

Metaphors, personifications, comparisons carry a negative emotional load and help to feel Jonah’s state.

Group 3:

Gradation : evening twilight – evening haze – darkness.

Repeat: son died - from what?...go; the son died - we’ll all die, hurry up; son died -... These techniques enhance the expressiveness of the statement.

Let's do itconclusions about the role of these artistic means:

Used in the text language means are not accidental, they help to reveal the theme of the work and express the author’s idea. In a small work, using various artistic techniques Chekhov reveals a great misfortune in a person's life.

To whom did Jonah pour out his soul? Who listened to him anyway? (Horse.)

Why did Jonah decide to tell her everything?

(In the horse, Jonah Potapov sees a kindred spirit. Just as he lost his son, so she lost her owner and oats. He begins to remember and talk about his son, and then “gets carried away and tells her everything.” Because in this emptiness and silence, in this “soulless” city - this is the only creature that listened to him and did not push him away.)

How did Jonah address the horse? (Brother filly)

Does the emotional connotation of this word change throughout the story? (Yes)

(From the contemptuous horse, to the neutral - horse, to the diminutive - filly.)

Read the last two sentences of the story expressively.

How do you explain the ellipsis?

Indifference is laziness of the soul. After all, a person needs so little from people - he needs to be listened to, told kind word, smiled. But it’s not that I feel sorry for this little thing - I’m just too lazy to sympathize and understand...

Let's pay attention to the epigraph of the story. Read it.

How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph?

(There is no one to tell, only man himself and God know).

Let's go back to the question that I asked at the beginning of the lesson: “he eradicated all spiritual trashiness from us.” Can we say these words about us today? (Yes)

In many of Chekhov’s works, he gives us a lesson in relationships between people, calls us to be sensitive, teaches us to be tolerant of each other, to drive away indifference and complacency from our hearts.

Listen to the poem by Varlam Shalamov:

Where is life? Even the rustle of a leaf

She would have let it slip.

But behind me there is emptiness,

But behind me there is silence.

And I'm afraid to step forward,

Step as if into a hole, into Black forest,

Where memory takes you by the hand

And - there is no heaven.

Varlam Shalamov 1938

Do you think there is anything in common between A.P. Chekhov’s story “Tosca,” written in 1886, and the poem by Varlam Shalamov, a poet and writer who, like A. Solzhenitsyn, went through the Gulag, written in 1938?

(The theme of loneliness. The poem, just like the story, teaches empathy and understanding of a person.)

IV . Summarizing. Grading.

Purpose: to evaluate students’ knowledge and motivate them to work in the next lessons.

The result of our work will be writing a syncwine. As keyword Let's take the word - melancholy.


Green, huge

Covers, absorbs, oppresses

No one to tell about your grief


Grading for the lesson.

Thanks everyone for the lesson.

V . Homework assignment (group)

1st group:

Find epithets. How do they make the reader feel? What is their role in the text?

Group 3:

Find examples of gradation, repetition. What is their role?

Group 2:

Find metaphors, personifications. Do they carry a negative or positive emotional load? For what purpose do you think the author used these linguistic means?