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If you accidentally deleted some information from iOS devices and hope to restore it, then an iTunes backup can be a great help.

iTunes backups happen automatically, each time you connect your iPad or iPhone with iTunes (if you didn’t turn on the iCloud Backup option), or manually, when you right-click the device in iTunes and choose ‘’Back Up’’. They are saved on your computer and contain important data, such as contacts, text messages, calendar, notes, call history and app data.

So where are iPhone or iPad backups stored? This depends on what operating system your computer is using, although the default backup location is the same between iOS versions.

Where is the iTunes backup folder on Windows?

iTunes backups are stored in %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync on Windows.

On Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, this will be a path such as \Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup .

On Windows XP it will be similar to \Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup .

The Microsoft Store version of iTunes is slightly different: it stores its backups in %HOMEPATH%\Apple\MobileSync . This will be a path like \Users\\Apple\MobileSync\Backup .

Where is the iTunes backup folder on macOS / OS X?

iTunes backups are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync on macOS.

This folder is usually located in /Users//Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup.

How to find the iTunes backup folder automatically

iPhone Backup Extractor automatically finds the iTunes backup folder for you, and can open it with a click. This functionality is in the free version, so this won't cost a thing.

  1. Download and install iPhone Backup Extractor
  2. Open the Preferences window from the app's pull-down menu
  3. Select the Backups tab.
  4. Where the window says "We always look for backups in your default folder", click the "default folder" link. Easy!

Opening the iTunes Backup Folder on Windows

Open the default backup location in File Explorer using the Start Windows command. Press ⊞ Win + R and the Run window will appear. Type %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync and press ⏎ Enter .

For the Microsoft Store version of iTunes, you can do this: Press ⊞ Win + R and the Run window will appear. Type %HOMEPATH%\Apple\MobileSync and press ⏎ Enter .

Here's what it looks like on Windows 10:

A folder named “Backup” will appear in the Explorer window that opens. This contains any iTunes backups that are already present on the computer.

Finding the iTunes Backup Folder on macOS

The default backup location can be displayed in Finder using Spotlight. Press ⌘ Cmd + and enter ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync before pressing ⏎ Enter .

A folder named “Backup” will appear in the Finder window that opens. This contains any iTunes backups that are already present on the computer.

Changing iTunes Backup Folder Location?

If you want to change the default folder that iTunes backs up to, we have a handy guide in our Help Center.

I think everyone has had such a situation when you bought yourself an iPhone, and then decided to change it to another or flash it, then you need to make a backup copy, which is not always possible to do.

In this article we will tell you: where iTunes stores iPhone/iPad backups on Windows computer and Mac.

Where iTunes Stores iPhone and iPad Backups on Windows and Mac Computer

The main method for creating iPhone and iPad backups is iTunes. With its help, you can create a regular or password-encrypted copy of the data, which is located:


Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Windows Vista: C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Windows 7, 8, 10: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Note: if the folder is not displayed, then go to “Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View” and turn on the display of hidden files and folders and check the box for “Show hidden files, folders and drives”.

2.Mac OS X: \Users\username\Library\Application Support\MobileSync\

A backup is a folder with a name of 40 characters (letters and numbers), which contains a large number of files without an extension (English filename extension). File names also consist of 40 characters. Apart from iTunes, it will not be possible to recognize the backup files.

How to determine which iPhone/iPad this iTunes backup was created for

You can find information for which device the backup was created using the file “ Info.plist", which is located in each copy folder.

And so, to find for which device the backup was created:

1. Open the “Info.plist” file in any text editor, Notepad, for example.

2. In the document search (Ctrl+F), find the line “Product Name”.

3. Information about the device model is located between the “” tags: “iPhone 5s”. This means that in the folder with open file there is a backup copy of iPhone 5s. The device can also be identified by its serial number or IMEI. The data is located under the corresponding lines (Serial Number and IMEI).

Info.plist also contains information about the date the backup was created, device ID (iPhone 5s is iPhone6,1), phone number (for iPhone), iOS version, serial number, IMEI and much more interesting things.

1. The backup file size can be more than 10 GB. This can affect both memory hard drive and on its performance. And if you still have backup copies of other devices, then store them on system disk may be unsafe.

2 If some Windows file is damaged or there is a software glitch in the operating system, which can lead to data loss when the computer starts to restart and you need to reinstall Windows.

And so to protect your system from failure and occupation large quantity memory, you need to transfer the backup to another hard drive.

So how to do it right?

How to properly transfer iTunes backups to another drive in Windows 7, 8 and 10

1. You need to close iTunes

2. Copy or move the folder “C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\” to another drive (replace username with your own). Just in case, copy the folder somewhere else.

4. Run the command line (command line processor) “cmd.exe” with administrator rights (“Start” -> “Search programs and files” -> “cmd” ->

5. Enter the command: MKLINK /D “from” “to”

mklink /d "C:\Users\Alexander Varakin\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\" D:\iTunes\Backup

6. Example of command execution.

How to Move iTunes Backups to Another Drive in Windows XP

1. You need to close iTunes

2. Copy or move the folder “C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\” to another drive (replace username with your own). Just in case, it is better to copy the folder somewhere else.

3. Delete the “Backup” folder on the system drive (from where the backups were moved).

5. Run the command line “cmd.exe” with administrator rights (“Start” -> “Search programs and files” -> “cmd” -> Right-click the context menu on the file “cmd.exe” and select “Run from” administrator name"). The name of the command line window must include “Administrator: C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe”.

6. Enter the command: C:\Path_to_Junction\junction.exe “from” “to” -s,

“from” - the previous location of the “Backup” folder on the system drive;

"Where" - new way to the backup folder.

C:\Junction\junction.exe "C:\Users\Alexander Varakin\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\" D:\iTunes\Backup -s

7. Launch iTunes and check for backups in the program settings on the “Devices” tab.

How to Move iTunes Backups to Another Drive on Mac OS X

For Mac computers with a backup function using the built-in OS X Time Machine program or third-party iBackup and ChronoSync, the issue of backup safety is not so pressing, but it will still be useful for someone.

1. Quit iTunes (right-click the iTunes icon in the Dock (https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT201730) and select Quit).

2. In Finder, press the key combination “Shift+Cmd+G” and in the window that appears, in the “Go to folder” field, enter the text: “/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/” and click on the “Go” button (or the “enter” key ").

3. Copy or move the Backup folder to another drive.

4. Launch Terminal (you can find it using Spotlight or in “Programs -> Utilities”).

5. Enter the command:

ln -s /Volumes/your_disk/Backup /Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync/,

where “/your_disk/Backup” replace with the path to the new backup folder. You don’t have to manually type the path, just drag the desired folder into the Terminal window.

6. After executing the command, an Alias ​​(Shortcut) will appear in the “MobileSync” folder leading to the backup copy on another drive.

7. Launch iTunes and check for backups in the program settings on the “Devices” tab.

Backups transferred to another drive will be available in iTunes until the next reinstallation operating system, after which the symbolic links will need to be created again.

Cycle iPhone Sync, but decided to pull out a separate article from the series “ Where is the iPhone backup stored?“, since this is an important aspect that few people pay attention to, but in vain... Let's look at everything in order.

Where is the iPhone backup stored?

So, it’s worth starting with what operating system you use. If your choice for a workstation is an operating room Windows system XP, then the copy will be stored in the following route: \Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\.

But if you are a Vista or Windows 7 user, then your data will already be next path: Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

If you are a user of the best operating system in the world - Mac OS, then you need to look for a backup along the route:

/Users/Username/Libraries/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup

Naturally, replace “Username” with your username.

We would like to give a slightly more detailed answer for Mac OS users. You may have problems at the stage of searching for the “Libraries” folder, which has become hidden since version 10.7 (Lion). To get into it without knowing the command line, you need:

1) Open Finder

2) At the top, click the “Transition” tab

3) Press “Alt” on the keyboard and the “Libraries” folder should appear in the menu. Go to it.

Where else can you find an iPhone backup?

In addition to those difficult routes that we wrote above, you can find your backup in an easier way. But these two methods have a drawback: the backup copy can only be deleted and cannot be transferred, copied or changed, but these options must be discussed for the overall integrity of the picture.

First of all, you can find the data in the iTunes program. For this:

1) Open iTunes itself

2) Go to iTunes settings->Preferences

3) In the window that opens, go to the “Devices” tab

4) In this window you will see all the backups that are on your computer and the date they were created.

But the only thing you can do with them is delete them. It is not possible to copy or transfer through the iTunes interface.

The second option where you can find your backup is Apple's cloud service - iCloud. There is no graphical interface as such, for example like iTunes, in the cloud service for backup. For example, you can go to iCloud.com, enter your username and password, and the following data will be available to you through your browser:

  • Mail - if you did not use your personal mail for iCloud, but created a free email like [email protected] and/or [email protected] then you can click on the “Mail” shortcut and get access to your letters.
  • Contacts. By going to the Contacts tab, you will see all the subscriber cards and all the information on them, of course, if you checked the appropriate box in mobile device or computer.
  • Calendars. There’s really not much to say about calendars, everything is the same as with contacts. If you checked the “Synchronize calendars” checkbox on your iPhone/iPad or computer, then the data will also go to the iCloud servers
  • Notes. Synchronizing notes, and therefore displaying them in a cloud service, is only possible if you have mail on iCloud. Otherwise, notes will not be synced.
  • Reminders. Everything is the same as with contacts or calendars.
  • Find iPhone. This function allows you to show the location of your Mac, iPhone or iPad on a map. This function can be very useful to you if you have lost your phone or other mobile device from Apple.
  • Documentation. With document synchronization, you can wirelessly share data between programs: Pages, Numbers, KeyNote and TextEdit. Any changes you make to documents will automatically be transferred to all devices in which your credentials are entered.

As you can see in iCloud, there is no “backup” item anywhere in the web interface that would allow you to copy or at least use a copy. Even if you go to your iPhone or iPad in Settings-> iCloud-> Storage and copies of your data, you will not find, and the most you can do is delete unnecessary program data.

So how can you restore your phone from a backup if it’s nowhere to be found in iCloud? When you start the phone for the first time, it is required to ask whether to restore from a backup copy; after entering your login and password, all data will be restored from the copy.

How can you apply your knowledge about backup?

Now, after we have figured out where backups are stored on the computer, we need to understand why we might need this knowledge. To make it clear, we will give an example from life.

And so imagine the situation, one of our acquaintances deliberately deleted photos of his girlfriend, so that they would not be seen by either another friend or his wife, well, in general, he had a lot of girlfriends, so we didn’t delve too deeply into this issue, and the point is how would not be about this. Well, so to speak, after reading more than one article, he knew that he had a backup copy. Therefore, I came home, confident that everything was under control: I connected my phone to iTunes and clicked restore from backup. And he was so sure that everything had worked out and that he had done everything right that he almost basked in the rays of his own resourcefulness. But then what seemed impossible to him happened: when he went to check his photos, he didn’t find them there. But how so??? I did everything right!!! And the answer is actually very simple. Every time you connect your phone to iTunes, a new copy replaces the old one, which is why he couldn't find his photos. And for everything to succeed, in his case it was necessary to do the following:

1) Copy the backup copy to a safe place, and you have already read about where it is stored earlier.

2) Connect your phone using (if you have an iPhone 4S or earlier) or using

Every time you sync your iPhone with iTunes, you automatically create a backup copy of your device, from which you can later restore lost information. However, it is not uncommon for backups to be deleted, for example, after reinstalling Windows. In order not to lose the money collected for for a long time data you need to be able to copy backup files to removable media or to a cloud service.

The backup made by iTunes stores a lot of data: from a contact sheet to Safari browser bookmarks. No one wants to lose such important data, so now we will look at where to find backup files on various operating systems.

Where is iPhone backup stored on Mac OS X

To locate and copy your devices' backup files to ~//Libraries/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/

Where is iPhone backup stored in Windows XP

To locate and copy the backup files of your devices in Windows XP, go to \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Where is iPhone backup stored in Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10

To locate and copy backup files of your devices in Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10, go to \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Note: If the folder is not visible, go to Control PanelFolders settingsView and activate the option Show hidden files, folders and drives. For Windows 7 and Windows 8, for convenience, the Control Panel needs to be translated into classic look by pressing ViewSmall icons. In Windows 10, the easiest way to access folder options is by searching the system with the query “ Change search options for files and folders».

How to quickly detect iPhone backup files in Windows 7/8/10

Step 1: Go to the search bar. In Windows 7: click on the "Start" menu; in Windows 8: click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner; on Windows 10: Click the search bar next to the Start menu

Step 2: Enter the following command in the search bar:

Step 3: Press the " Enter»

Step 4. From the folder that opens, go to the directory Apple Computer MobileSync Backup.

Remember that there is only one backup available for each device and if you try to create another one, it will replace the previous one. All data will naturally be lost. Try not to lose your backup files by copying them when reinstalling the operating system to removable media or a cloud service, such as Dropbox.

If the backup was made by you back in old version iOS, then you won’t be able to transfer data to a device running new versions of Apple’s mobile operating system. However, there is a simple solution to this problem - the program allows you to manage old backups, as well as retrieve or view all saved data.