How to open a dwg file without AutoCAD. DWG file extension: how to open it

In our professional activities, many of us often have to deal with various drawings of structures, products, or a plan of a house, plot or area. Traditionally, such geometric data is distributed in the *.dwg file format, which belongs to the AutoCAD program from Autodesk. For the first time I received a file in this format, I was a little puzzled, because... The standard package of installed programs on the computer did not allow viewing the contents of such files.

Programs that open dwg files

Having studied the issue, I was pleasantly surprised by the thoughtfulness and possibilities of using this file format. Autodesk, in order to maximize user convenience and cover all possible platforms (personal computers, mobile devices), provides four software solutions to the question of how to open a DWG file:

The first, easiest and fastest way to view a file is the new A360 Viewer tool, which does not require installation on your computer, opening the file directly in your browser online. The service provides the ability to view, print and track changes to files with collective work (shared in the public domain) of 2D and 3D projects. Please note that this utility is for viewing purposes only and does not allow the creation or editing of projects. Using the resource is completely free. Before opening the program, you should take care in advance to update your browser to a modern version, in order to eliminate possible incorrect operation of the service.

Download A360 Viewer—

The second tool, called DWG TrueView, features offline functionality. The program requires installation on your computer. This feature will be useful in workplaces with limited access to the Internet. Using the program is also free. Currently, this product does not have a Russian language and is presented in English, French and Japanese. But, thanks to the intuitive interface, using the utility will not cause difficulties for users of any level of training.

Download DWG TrueView—

The ubiquity of mobile devices was not ignored by Autodesk in its free version of the AutoCAD 360 product. A distinctive feature of the program is the ability not only to view, but to create and edit projects. The service is designed for all popular mobile platforms. To use the utility, you must have an account on the Autodesk AutoCAD 360 server.

Download AutoCAD 360—

Listed above are the simplest and free solutions that I use, depending on my tasks for working with DWG files. However, for professional and full-fledged work, I use the full version of AutoCAD. The product is paid and requires certain professional skills from the user to work.

It is the thoughtfulness and wide selection of tools that solve the question of how to open a DWG file that is the reason for such a proliferation of projects in this type. The choice of a specific one of the listed tools must be chosen for yourself, based on the tasks at hand.

DWG files are drawings, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional, that are created using the program. The extension itself stands for “blueprint”. The finished file can be opened for viewing and editing using special software.

Don't want to download DWG drawing programs to your computer? Today we will look at the most functional online services that will help you open a popular format directly in the browser window without complex manipulations.


A Russian-language resource that allows users to manipulate files in professional formats directly in the browser. There are restrictions on the site, for example, the file size should not exceed 50 megabytes, but in most cases they are not relevant.

To start working with a file, simply upload it to the site. The interface is simple and clear. You can even open the drawing on a mobile device. It is possible to zoom in and out of the image.

You can also change the image scale using the mouse wheel. If the image is not displayed correctly or the fonts are unreadable, try simply enlarging the image. The site was tested on three different drawings, all of them opened without problems.

Method 2: ShareCAD

A simple service that allows you to view files in DWG format without having to download special programs to your computer. As in the previous method, there is no ability to make adjustments to an open drawing.

The ShareCAD interface is completely in Russian; in the settings you can change the language to one of the eight offered. It is possible to go through a simple registration on the site, after which the built-in file manager will be available and you can save your drawings on the site.

Unlike the previous site, here the drawing can not only be viewed, but also immediately sent for printing. Just click on the corresponding button on the top toolbar.

Method 3: A360 Viewer

Professional online service for working with files in DWG format. Compared to previous methods, it requires users to undergo a simple registration, after which trial access is provided for 30 days.

The site is in Russian, but some functions are not translated, which does not prevent you from evaluating all the capabilities of the resource.

The site is much more functional than the resources described above, but the whole impression is spoiled by a rather complicated registration process. The service allows you to work with a drawing together with other users.

This extension indicates that the file contains graphic data, a drawing. Information is stored in vector form - this format is the most popular option for projects in CAD programs. The data can be in 2D or 3D, but some users have difficulty viewing dwg files.

How to open a dwg file

To open and view this format, you should use a specialized dwg viewer. In the best case, it should be the AutoCAD program (AutoCAD), but you will have to pay a lot of money to use it. If you do not work with this format constantly, such a purchase will not be advisable, and it is much easier to download a free viewer (a program for viewing dwg files) and open the drawing through it. Many of these applications are compatible with all modern operating systems:

  • Mac (Apple);
  • Windows;
  • Linux.

Free programs for working with dwg

There are a number of free programs that can open the drawing format. They do not provide such wide functionality as their paid counterparts, but they are quite enough to familiarize yourself with a drawing or project. How to open dwg format for free:

  1. DWG TrueView. A free utility that allows you to open the format, but not edit it. Read-only. To use the application you need to register on the developer's website.
  2. Autodesk Design Review is a free version of the program from the creators of AutoCAD themselves. Unlike its “full-fledged” version, this utility does not require payment. Provides the ability to view the document, leave notes and comments, but not edit.
  3. Brava! Free DWG Viewer is the easiest option than opening the dwg format. It is not possible to make changes to the drawing. This program and the XRef extension are able to read.
  4. eDrawings Viewer is a free application from the developers of SolidWorks. It provides the opportunity not only to open, but also to print documents in dwg, dxf, edrw formats.
  5. nanoCAD is a free editor for entry-level CAD management. It has direct support for the project format and has all the necessary functionality for working with drawings, designing and publishing. You should download the latest version of nanoCAD, which contains all the necessary fixes and additional functions: support for DirectX, AutoCAD files, quick selection of objects, auto-correction and auto-completion.
  6. DraftSight is a Dassault Systèmes product that is distributed free of charge. It does not have a manual in Russian, so to study it you must speak English.

View dwg files using free online services

Not every computer owner wants to install some software that will only have to be used once. In such cases, online services that do not require downloading or installation on a PC are well suited for viewing. How to open dwg format online:

  1. ShareCAD is a service easy to find in Google search, designed for reading documents with an extension from the AutoCAD program. The application interface is very simple, understandable for any user. Able to open a project whose size does not exceed 50 MB. If the file size is exceeded, it will need to be reduced.
  2. Autodesk 360 is a cloud service from Autodesk. To use it, you must go through the registration procedure, after which you will receive 5 GB of memory for storing files, the ability to view and edit a document.

List of paid professional programs

If a person needs not only the ability to read projects with drawings, but also make edits, and maybe even create his own, he should use full-fledged, professional versions of the programs. They will also help with the question of how you can open the dwg format.

  1. The compass is a domestic product from the ASCON company. Opens up full functionality for working with drawings, provides the ability to perform work in accordance with the standards of the ESKD series. The program has several options: Home, LT, 3D, Graph, SPDS. The first three versions are used for non-commercial purposes. The functionality of such software provides the ability to quickly generate a set of documentation, create additional images, import and export models, and open third-party formats.
  2. AutoCAD is the main tool for design engineers and architects. This is a very powerful tool for creating projects, drawings in three-dimensional space. It will be difficult for the average user to understand, because the work environment is designed for people with knowledge in this area. The program is distributed through a subscription system, you will have to pay for it regularly. The developers have provided full functionality for creating documentation, working with tables, text inserts, and checking drawings. The application has the ability to interact with MS Excel.
  3. ArchiCAD is a CAD software package for architects from Graphisoft. Widely used for designing landscape solutions, building structures, design elements, furniture. The main advantage of this software is the close relationship of all parts of the project with each other. It is based on “virtual building” technology, which makes it possible to work both with individual elements and with the entire drawing. If you make changes to the plan, all specifications will be recalculated, and changes will be automatically made to the sections. This greatly reduces design time. Even during the creation of the drawing, a professional will be able to identify possible problems and eliminate them so that they do not appear at further stages or on the construction site.
  4. Advance Steel is an AutoCAD application that allows you to quickly design steel structures. The utility is capable of automatically creating working and general drawings, statements, and data files for CNC machines. The application simplifies interaction with the format both for an individual worker and for the entire team during collaboration. Advance Steel is part of the GRAITEC comprehensive solution, which is capable of automating the construction process.

AutoCAD is the most popular digital drawing software. Many projects completed in AutoCAD are transferred to contractors for further work in other programs in the native AutoCAD “dwg” format.

Situations often arise when an organization that has received a dwg drawing for work does not have AutoCAD in the list of its software. Fortunately, opening the AutoCAD format using other applications is not difficult, due to the prevalence of the dwg extension.

Let's look at several ways to open a DWG drawing without the help of AutoCAD.

Opening a dwg drawing using drawing programs

Many engineers use less expensive and functional drawing software that supports the dwg format. The most famous of them are Compass-3D and NanoCAD. On our website you can find instructions on how to open an AutoCAD file in Compass.

Opening a dwg drawing in ArchiCAD

In the architectural design industry, file migrations between AutoCAD and Archicad are very common. Architects receive topographic and geodetic surveys, general plans, and drawings of utility networks completed in AutoCAD. In order to correctly open dwg in Archicad, follow these steps.

1. The fastest way to add a drawing to the Archicad graphic field is to simply drag the file from its folder into the program window.

2. In the “Drawing Units” window that appears, leave the default millimeters and click the “Place” button.

3. The file will be placed as a “Drawing” object. All its lines will be grouped into one solid object. To edit a drawing, select it and select “Decompose in Current View” from the context menu.

4. In the decomposition window, uncheck the “Save Source Elements during Decomposition” checkbox so as not to clutter up your computer’s memory with a copy of the source file. Leave this checkbox if you need a complete source file for your work. Click OK.

Opening AutoCAD files using dwg viewers

There are special small programs designed for viewing, but not editing AutoCAD drawings. This can be a free online viewer A360 Viewer and other applications from Autodesk - DWG TrueView and AutoCAD 360.

You can find other free applications for opening drawings on the Internet. The principle of their operation is similar.

1. Find the file download button and click it.

2. Upload your file from your computer's hard drive. The drawing will be opened.

Now you know how to open a dwg file without AutoCAD. There is nothing complicated about this, since many programs provide interaction with the dwg format. If you know other ways to open dwg without AutoCAD, please describe them in the comments.

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