Hammerhead shark pencil drawing. How to draw a shark step by step with a pencil

Hello! Today we will draw a very formidable predator - a great white shark. This animal is not the largest inhabitant of the ocean depths, but it greatly frightens beach lovers and diving enthusiasts. What can we say if one of the most frequently used names of our guest today is “man-eating shark.” Her menacing appearance was shown very well by Steven Spielberg in the movie “Jaws”, you can watch this cool movie for inspiration.

Well, we are starting a lesson in which we will talk about how to draw a shark with a pencil step by step!

Step 1

In books on ichthyology or biology, you can often come across the phrase “a shark has a cigar-shaped body.” In our first stage this will not be entirely true. It will look a little like a cigar, of course, only the ends will not be smoothly rounded, but pointed. For now we denote the fins, tail and mouth in the form of simple smooth lines, as in our sample;

Step 2

We outline the fins and tail of the white shark in the form of triangles. We outline the contours of the eye and denote the gills with stripes.

Step 3

Cleaning up the outline of the long shark body. We erase sections of this contour from below in those places where the fins closest to us pass. We paint over the entire eye, draw pointed, slightly curved teeth. By the way, there is a line in front of the eye that looks like a bracket, don’t forget to mark it in your drawing.

Drawing animals is not as easy as it seems at first glance. We found several types of lessons that will help you draw a shark simply and step by step.

To start the lesson, I advise you to learn a little about the anatomy of a shark, since every artist knows that in order to draw any object you need to know the external and internal details to create a frame.

A shark's face is made up of a jaw, nose and small eyes.

This is the usual view of an adult shark from the frontal view.

The teeth of some shark species are cone-shaped. The jaw itself has lower and upper rows for catching victims.

How to draw a shark step by step?

This shark is drawn in stages using a simple pencil; use a ruler to draw the frame evenly.

First of all, draw an oval for the body and the shape of a claw, then the nose and the entire head.

We finish drawing the fins and breathing passages of the shark. The second picture shows the entire body.

The next step is drawing the second shark.

Draw an oval and the body of a simple fish.

Let's give the picture the right look.

How to draw a hammerhead shark?

The shark is a famous marine predator. But there are many species that differ in size (from 17 cm to 20 m) and type of nutrition. It is no coincidence that cartoon characters are good sharks: in real life, as many as three species are not predatory, and, like whales, feed on plankton. The history of these marine inhabitants is hundreds of millions of years old. In this lesson we will look at how to draw a shark, and not only a modern one, but also an already extinct species.

Step by step

Draw with a pencil

cartoon shark

White shark


Hammerhead shark

Step by step

First, let's look at an example that explains how to draw a shark step by step. The predator itself has simple streamlined shapes, characteristic of marine life. Therefore, the drawing process will not be difficult.

Stage 1
Let's draw the main outline, complemented by a forked tail and two fins. On the upper part of the back, closer to the tail, we note a vertical fin distinctive for the species, which is usually visible when the shark moves near the surface of the water and warns of danger.

Stage 2
Let's complete the drawing with the eyes and open mouth of the predator.

Stage 3
The main drawing is ready. Use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines and refine the eyes and teeth.

Stage 4
All that remains is to draw the gills and mark the place where the body color of the sea dweller changes: the back and upper part are usually darker, and the bottom (abdomen) is lighter. The drawing is ready.

Draw with a pencil

The sequence below, showing how to draw a shark with a pencil, is also suitable for various levels of artist training.

Let's prepare a sketch in the form of a triangle with rounded edges.

In the right corner we will draw the eye of a predator, looking intently into the distance in search of food.

Let's adjust the upper right edge of the base of the triangle a little as shown in the picture so that it looks like a nose.

Let's mark the mouth with sharp teeth.

Add fins.

In general, the sea predator is ready. You can also, for example, depict the depths of the sea where a shark swims.

Cartoon shark for children

A completely non-scary and even funny character is obtained in this collection of how to draw a shark for children. A very detailed visual description will help even those with little experience in drawing to master the technique.

Let's prepare a sketch in the form of a circle of the head, from which the tail goes down and the nose goes up.

We will complement the tail with a forked caudal fin, and the body with lateral fins. The sketch is ready.

Let's start detailing with the muzzle. Let's draw the eyes and nose. Then - a toothy mouth. Although, despite the teeth, the shark turns out to be not at all evil due to its smile.

Let's outline the entire outline: first the body, then the fins and tail.

The finishing touches: gills and a line separating the back and abdomen of the sea creature.

All that remains is to use an eraser to remove the extra lines and fill the entire picture with color.

White shark

An easy way to draw a white shark for beginners is discussed below.
First of all, let’s depict an oblong and streamlined body with a tail.

In the image you can already guess the sea predator. Let's complement it with a toothy mouth, eyes and gills. The pencil drawing is ready.

We trace its outline with a pen or a thin felt-tip pen and erase the pencil with an eraser.

The finished drawing can be colored. For example, watercolors.


Megalodon is a species of extinct shark. These are huge 15-meter sea monsters that lived many thousands of years ago throughout the world's oceans. We invite you to see how you can draw a megalodon shark in the form that scientists assume based on the fossilized remains found.

Let's prepare a sketch as shown below.

Let's start detailing from the head. It is assumed that the megalodon had a huge mouth, much larger than modern ones.

Let's add gills, eyes and many sharp teeth.

The drawing is ready and you can now color it.

Hammerhead shark

Among the numerous species of marine predators, there are some very unusual ones. Below we will see how to draw a hammerhead shark using a pencil.

The body of such a shark is practically no different from the usual one, with the exception of the shape of the head, which really resembles a hammer. This is what we will show in the sketch.

In addition to the body and head, draw fins and a tail using simple lines.

Let's start the detailed image from the head. Let’s give it an appropriate streamlined shape and draw a toothy mouth in the middle.

Now let's move on to the body. Let's clarify the fins and add additional ones at the bottom, characteristic of this species.

Let's clarify the tail and draw the gills.

We erase the extra lines with an eraser.

All that remains is to paint over the drawing. You can do this, for example, with a pencil.

In this lesson we will learn how to draw a megalodon shark with a pencil step by step, an extinct predator, the largest predatory fish in history. Check out the comparison image below, which compares a megalodon and a shark from this era, as well as a diver.

Now look what kind of jaw they had.

We will draw this action, a megalodon hunting for large fish.

The pictures keep getting bigger. Draw this shape - this is a muzzle with an open mouth, the line shows the middle, then draw the middle of the predator’s body.

We draw the body of the fish, because... This drawing in perspective has the following shape, i.e. body length decreases, a sharp change in body thickness. We outline the mouth of a giant shark.

We draw contours, draw teeth, eyes, nostrils.

We draw their mouth, eyes, fins and tail.

We paint the oral cavity black; for this it is better to take a very soft pencil, for example 8B. We leave a small area where there is air white, then we draw curls there, simulating escaping air. Let's draw the gills.

Shade the lower part of the shark with a darker tone, and the rest with a lighter tone.

The body of almost all fish is oval in shape. Therefore, at the first stage we draw this geometric figure. We draw an axis that will divide the oval in half. Inside the oval, draw the shark’s body using smooth lines.

Sharks, fierce and predatory, attack other fish and sea animals suddenly. They also swim near the surface of the ocean, but can also descend to greater depths.

Thin lines indicate the mouth and eye of the fish. We finish drawing the fins and tail.

Let's color our picture of a drawn shark - a dangerous predator

Hammerhead fish (shark) - how to draw

Draw an oval again. Since the hammerhead fish has a unique shape, the oval should be slightly wider on one side. We divide the oval in half with an axis. We cross it with another line. Draw the body of the fish.

Erase the extra lines. Draw the hammerhead face and tail. Let's add fins and strokes that will give the drawing volume.

This fish is also part of the shark family. Her eyes and nostrils are placed on the sides of the hammer. Therefore, she sees and smells prey better. The hammerhead shark is a very dangerous predator.

When coloring a picture with a drawn shark or hammerhead fish, pay attention to how smoothly the colors of the paint change

How to draw a catfish

Again, draw an oval with an axis. The shape of the catfish's body is similar to other fish. Only his head is big and wide. Let's finish drawing the fins and tail. The head of the catfish is decorated with unusual mustaches. By them, catfish can be easily recognized among other fish. Let's draw them. There are no scales on the catfish's body. But the fins and tail consist of thin plates, like those of other fish. Shade the fins and tail with thin lines.

Catfish is an inhabitant of fresh water bodies. This fish can be up to 5 meters long and weigh up to 300 kilograms. Favorite treats are small fish and frogs.

Picture of a drawn catfish for coloring

How to draw a pike

The pike's body looks like a narrow oval. In it we draw the outline of the fish. Let's finish drawing the fins and tail. Let's make some lines double, so we will add volume.

Let's draw the details of the head - eyes, gills, mouth. Shade the tail and fins. When coloring, pay attention that the pike’s scales are motley.

Pike lives in rivers, lakes, ponds, even swamps. This fish is a voracious predator. Pike are considered the longest-living fish. In the 18th century, a pike that was almost 200 years old was caught near Moscow. In its gills was a copper ring with a date carved into it indicating when the fish was released into the pond.

Picture of a drawn pike fish for coloring with pencils or felt-tip pens

Learn to draw a clown fish

The body of a clown fish is an elongated oval. The dorsal fin of this fish is of an unusual shape. First we draw several arcuate lines. The closer they are to the tail, the shorter they are. The remaining fins and tail are wide and short. We connect the arches of the dorsal fin. Shade the fin and tail. We draw stripes on the body of the fish that will help color it. This fish needs to be painted only according to the sample. After all, it was precisely for this striped coloring that she was nicknamed the clown.

How to draw a clown fish step by step with a pencil

These fish are one of the most popular species of marine fish kept in aquariums. Their homeland is the Pacific and Indian oceans. Clown fish live under the reliable protection of sea anemone tentacles. These tentacles can severely burn any sea creature except the clownfish. By the way, many species of these fish are protected by law and it is prohibited to catch them.

Picture for coloring - drawn clown fish

How to draw an angelfish fish

The angelfish has an almost square body. Therefore, the basis for the drawing is a circle, and the axes intersect in the center of the circle. We draw the body of the fish in relation to them. We draw the fins of the angelfish, they look like wings. The tail of the angelfish is also unusual.

Let's complete the details - the eye, mouth, add volume to the fins. When coloring the fish, pay attention to the unusual shape of the stripes on its body.

The angelfish is a very beautiful and elegant fish. She settled in aquariums almost a hundred years ago. Angelfish are peaceful - they easily get along with other inhabitants of “glass houses”. Scientists believe that angelfish have quite developed intelligence.

Draw an angelfish fish with a pencil step by step

While coloring the picture of this drawn aquarium fish, pay attention to the unusual shape of the stripes on its body.

Picture of a drawn aquarium fish angelfish for coloring

How to Draw Guppy

The guppy's body is the same length as its tail. Therefore, we draw a small oval. The fins and tail are easy to draw - wide and long with wavy edges. Don't forget about the small details - eyes, mouth, gills.

Shade the tail and fins. Let's draw small scales on the body.

The fish was named after the English priest and scientist Robert John Lemcher Guppy, who in 1886 reported that guppies do not spawn, like all fish, but give birth to live young. The scientists laughed at him. However, this fact was soon confirmed by other researchers.

Can be painted. A picture of a drawn guppy in front of you (click to enlarge it)

How to draw a rooster fish

Although the rooster fish's body resembles an oval, its outline is bizarre. Try to repeat the artist's first drawing. Erase all the extra lines and proceed to the tail and fins. They are also unusual in location and shape. Draw the eye and gills.

In Mexico, the rooster fish is also called the parrot fish. The thing is that its second dorsal fin has one spine and several soft rays and resembles a cockscomb.

Shade the fins and tail, draw small scales. Rooster fish is very bright. Try to depict a smooth transition from one color to another. You will succeed!