Statements 7. Selected statements

Russian language lesson in 7th grade on the topic “Teaching writing concise presentation"is carried out after studying the topic "Adverb. Words of the state category." In calendar planning, it falls at the end of January. This explains the choice of the topic of the text"Children of besieged Leningrad." The development contains a lesson plan, applications, and a presentation with which you can immediately conduct a lesson, since each slide contains a separate micro-topic, and the next slide offers the correct ready-made option for self-control. The text is displayed on the screen or interactive whiteboard, thus it is convenient to practice the techniques of meaningful compression (methods of text compression - Appendix 2).Work is underway to prepare students for the State Examination.

The purpose of the lesson : teach basic techniques for meaningful text compression.

Tasks: create a favorable psychological climate for work; identify individual approaches to writing a concise presentation of schoolchildren; reveal to students the value of their own experience; cultivate a sense of patriotism using examples of historical events and works of art.

Lesson plan:
I. Organizational moment. Setting the lesson goal.
II. Emotional mood (slides 2 – 6).
III. Listening to the text (Appendix 1).
IV. Working with micro-themes (slides 7 – 18).
V. Retelling according to plan (slide 19).
VI. Writing a presentation.
VII. Lesson summary.

The text for the presentation is taken from the book by A.I. Pristavkin “Soldier and Boy”, chapter 31.

Andrei saw how, from the narrow carriage doors with vertical awkward steps, some women in white coats, military men in pea coats and boots, and just people in black padded jackets were carrying children out and standing them up, sitting them down, or even laying them down right next to the rails on the ground.

Siege... Leningrad... They were brought from Vologda, - it was said in the crowd, next to Andrei. Nobody reacted to these words. Everyone knew what a blockade was and what Leningrad was. But there was something about the children that people, even those who had not heard the last words, stopped and froze, unable to take their eyes off. And more and more people came after them and stood there, lining up on the edge of the platform and forgetting about their train.

People saw everything in the war. It was impossible to surprise or amaze them with anything. But they looked, and who would look at them: so much pain, sorrow, painful pity, shock, suffering, but also bitter joy was in their eyes. For even though these were children of war, pitiful scorches on the black ashes, they were living children, saved and carried out of the death of the flames, and this meant revival and hope for the future, without which life could not continue for these, also different on the platform of people.

The children were different. But something united them all. Not only the unusual complexion, merging with the fallen snow, not only the eyes, in which the eternal horror of the blockade froze, as if frozen. There was one more thing about them, something in common - both in their appearance, and in the same faces, and in the lips, and in the eyes, and in something else - something that could only be seen not individually, but only when they were all together, and that it was expressed in how they behaved towards each other and towards adults, how they stood, how they held hands, lined up in columns - and one can express it this way: children of war. A terrible combination of two unnatural words. The children here, by their presence, expressed the lowest, most hellish, destructive essence of the war: it struck in the embryo, in the embryo, on all other children who were not born, on all generations that did not yet exist.

But these people, who were now standing in a column, teaming up two by two, ready to set off on an unknown journey, had survived! Survived! God forbid! They were messengers from there, from the future, bringing to the people standing on the other side of the platform, on this still military side of life, hope for the future, no matter what.

A strange, fluctuating, thin stream, following the thin dark woman, blockade troops flowed along the rails further and further towards the city. And in every tiny person, wrapped in rags, there was, despite the timidity of the first steps, a weak swaying, causing the living stream to stretch, then shrink, and pulsate, and break to merge again - there was unbreakable bond with their neighbors, with each other, with whom they were now walking, clasping their blue fingers so that no one could open them, but also with the people on the platform, from this silent station, and with this new promised land that would raise them.

A seed thrown into hard soil, but will it sprout and become a noisy ear?

When learning to write a concise statement, the following communication and speech skills are formed: the ability to correctly and logically express one’s thoughts, the ability to accurately use language means generalized transmission of content, the ability to select the main thing in the source text (relative to parts source text) and essential (within each main part); ability to shorten text in different ways.

Upon exception : You must first highlight the main thing in terms of the main idea of ​​the text and details (details), then remove the details, combine the essentials and compose a new text(in the menu select the function allocation And color for work). Slide 7.

When generalizing : When summarizing the material, we isolate individual facts, then select linguistic means of their generalized transmission and compose a new text.

Slide 14.


Generalized (compressed)

the lowest, most hellish, destructive essence of war

the destructive nature of war

it struck in the embryo, in the embryo, for all the other children who had not been born, for all the generations that had not yet existed

which deprived us of new generations

To simplify: This method of linguistic text compression is based on the idea of ​​simplification: complex, extensive syntactic structures are simplified. This method is based on the phenomenon of speech redundancy. The fact is that in natural speech much more words than is necessary to express a certain thought. Slide 17.

Note! Children really enjoy working with colors that they can choose freely. You can select a function eraser and correct shortcomings.

Which compression method to use in each specific case will depend on the communicative task and the characteristics of the text. In this case, the student must first find these homogeneous particular facts in the text, isolate what is common in them, and then select the linguistic form of their generalized transmission, that is, reformulate the thought in his own words.

The concise presentation must meet the following methodological requirements:

maintaining consistency in the development of events;

the presence of sentences expressing a thought common to each semantic part;

using, whenever possible, grammatical forms different from those presented for perception;

establishing a semantic connection between sentences;

use of appropriate, accurate and concise language means to convey content in a generalized manner.

Slide 1

MBOU Verkhnedneprovskaya secondary school No. 3, Dorogobuzh district, Smolensk region Teachers of Russian language and literature Lazurina V.V. 2014

Slide 2

When I arrive in Leningrad, the seagulls moan before sunset. Night. The stars look straight into my soul, They float in the Neva and never sink. From the sky, from the water they look, Reminding me and Leningrad, That these stars are the glory of all the soldiers who broke through the hated blockade.

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

A twelve-year-old girl, Tanya Savicheva, poignantly told people about the war that brought so much grief to her and her loved ones. Among the incriminating documents against fascism presented at the Nuremberg trials was a small Notebook. It's only nine pages long. Six of them have dates on them. And behind every date is death. Six pages - six deaths. Concise, laconic notes: “On December 28, 1941, Zhenya died... Grandmother died on January 25, 1942. March 17 – Leka died. Uncle Vasya died on April 13. May 10 – Uncle Lesha, mother – May 15.” And then, without a date: “The Savichevs died. Everyone died. There is only Tanya left.”

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Andrei saw how, from the narrow carriage doors with vertical awkward steps, some women in white coats, military men in pea coats and boots, and just people in black padded jackets were carrying children out and standing them up, sitting them down, or even laying them down right next to the rails on the ground.

Slide 9

Slide 10

Siege... Leningrad... They were brought from Vologda, - it was said in the crowd, next to Andrei. Nobody reacted to these words. Everyone knew what a blockade was and what Leningrad was. But there was something about the children that people, even those who had not heard the last words, stopped and froze, unable to take their eyes off. And more and more people came after them and stood there, lining up on the edge of the platform and forgetting about their train.

Slide 11

Slide 12

People saw everything in the war. It was impossible to surprise or amaze them with anything. But they looked, and who would look at them: so much pain, sorrow, painful pity, shock, suffering, but also bitter joy was in their eyes. For even though these were children of war, pitiful scorches on the black ashes, they were living children, saved and carried out of the death of the flames, and this meant revival and hope for the future, without which life could not continue for these, also different on the platform of people.


The plot of the poem

N.V. Gogol read A.S. Pushkin his new story. Extraordinary beautiful eyes the poet looked at N.V. with love. Gogol. The slight smile on her face expressed true pleasure. When N.V. Gogol finished reading, A.S. Pushkin grabbed his hands and shook them tightly. “You are simply a sorcerer, Nikolai Vasilyevich! Congratulations my friend! Your talent is enormous!” - he said tenderly. A.S. Pushkin jumped up from the sofa and walked around his office. “Yes, the talent is enormous, but why are you hiding it? You need to write great work", continued the poet.

N.V. Gogol thought, looking at open window. Write a novel? Is this an easy task? “Alexander Sergeevich, I would be happy to take on big essay, but where can I get the plot?” - N.V. said excitedly. Gogol. “I have one story. True, I thought I’d write a novel or story about it myself, but I’ll give it to you. Listen,” replied the poet.

And A.S. Pushkin spoke about one swindler - an official. He bought from the landowners those peasants who died, but were listed as alive according to the lists. Then he wanted to put them in the bank and get a lot of money. This swindler realized that the landowners would be happy to sell him dead souls, since they paid taxes for them.

“You understand, Nikolai Vasilyevich,” said A.S. Pushkin, - with this hero you can travel all over Russia, show our landowners, officials, merchants. No one can do this better than you. And the title already exists - “Dead Souls”. Write, my friend, write quickly!”

On the way home N.V. Gogol thought about A.S. Pushkin: “How generously he distributes his wealth to writers and does not become poorer because of it!”

    Taking advantage explanatory dictionary, explain lexical meaning words:sorcerer, swindler, official, tax.

    How do you understand the words of N.V. Gogol: “How generously he distributes his wealth to writers and does not become poorer because of it!”

    Explain how you perceived A.S.’s action. Pushkin.

    Determine the style and type of text.

    Explain the spellings in words: unusual, true, sorcerer, jumped up, hide, excited, died, lay, travel, no one, will do.

    Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:pleasure, essay, distributed.

    Do parsing offers: When N.V. Gogol finished reading, A.S. Pushkin grabbed his hands and shook them tightly.

    Make a simple outline of the text.

    Write down key words and phrases to retell each semantic part.

    Orally retell the text, relying on key words and phrases.

    Write a detailed summary of the text.

Compiled by S.V. Panfilova

14.12.2011 106594 2013

Appendix 3. Presentations

When reading a text for the first time as a teacher, it is important not just to listen,but to hear the text, understand the topic (what it’s about), grasp the main idea(idea: for what purpose did the author write this, what did he want to say), definepour functional style and type of speech (description, narration, reasoning). To avoid distractions, you can listen with closed eyes.

If this is a description, try to follow the author in imaginingsubject of description, mentally see a picture, “photograph”, aboutsecond we're talking about. If the text talks about something, record itWhile reading, write down the sequence of actions, events on a memory “film tape”. In case of reasoning, try todevelop its logic, consistency, define the thesis, arguments,conclusion. In all cases, it is necessary to feel the peculiaritiesauthor's style in order to partially convey them in his work.

After the first reading, sketch out a plan forWrite down memorable keywords for it. Please note that the plan does not need to be rewritten into a clean copy; it is needed only for preliminarycareful work on the presentation to restore the content in memoryzhaniya text, its sequence, structure, for correctdividing your text into paragraphs. The plan may consist ofkeywords, from questions, from author’s expressions, from brief subheadings.

Presentation 1

The hospitality of the Zhitkov family amazed me. It was not expressed insome sugary greetings, but in a generous and inexhaustiblehospitality Some silent people came, smelling of tobaccothese were obviously hungry people, and without any questioning they were seated with their family at a long table covered with oilcloth and fedthe same thing that the family ate. And her food was simple, without gourmetquirks: porridge, fried mackerel, boiled beef. Usually lunchwhether silently and even as if frowningly, but while drinking tea they becamemore sociable, and then heated debates arose about Leo Tolstoy, about populism.

In addition to literature, the Zhitkov family loved mathematics,throneomy, physics. I vaguely remember some electrical appliancesin Stepan Vasilyevich’s office. I remember the textbooks he compilednicknames in mathematics; they lay in a pile in his office.

I was very surprised by the relationship that existed between SteMr. Vasilyevich and his son Boris: it was a relationshiptwo adults, equal people. Boris was givencomplete freedom, he did whatever he wanted - so great was his convictionparents that he will not use their trust for evil. And indeed,he himself told me that he never lied to them about anything.

I had never seen such a family before, and only then, several years later, did I become convinced that, in essence, they were very youngtypical for that time Russian intelligentsia working family, scrupulously honest, alien to any falsehood, strictto every untruth. I vividly remember with what admiration I, Trinaa twenty-year-old boy absorbed its atmosphere.

(225 words) (According to K.I. Chukovsky)


1. Title the text.

2. Answer the question: “Why did Chukovsky like the Zhit family?” which ones?"

Presentation 2

In the very center of Moscow there are deaf people who have retained the scent of a hundredcorners of the river, where only the outside noise of the big streets can be heard,where passers-by are rare, and all-knowing taxi drivers scratch their heads,remembering where such an embankment is located. And with this quietThe Kremlin is not visible from the embankment only because it is closed The walls are not high-rise buildings at all.

Once upon a time there were salt warehouses here, then utility farmsconstruction of one of the very first power plants in the capital, now long agoinactive. Now there is a computer center, one oflargest in the city. And it serves mainly energy workers, helping them manage energy systems spread acrossthroughout our vast country with its thousands of kilometershigh-voltage lines, uniquely gigantic stations, with itsdiverse consumer in the form of industrial cities and lazy villages.

The former salt warehouses are now jealously maintainedrequired temperature. Intelligent machines are capricious - fromare called to the slightest cooling and warming. Around carsthere are usually a lot of people milling about. For the most part these are programmers.Everyone has unresolved urgent issues, everyone hopes that the car will explain them.

(152 words) (According to V.F. Tendryakov)


1. Title the text.

2. Tell us about one of the corners of your hometown.

Exposition 3

I met Tuzik in July.

stood warm nights, and I got used to sleeping on the grass, in a sack.Not in a sleeping bag, but in a regular potato bag. For some reason“Pichugin” was written on the bag. Of course, I washed the bag,before sleeping in it, but the inscription could not be washed off.

And so I once slept under the fir trees in a “Pichugin” bag.

Morning has already come, the sun has risen over the gardens and dachas,but I didn’t wake up, and I had a ridiculous dream. It's like some kind of wigThe macher lathers my cheeks to shave. Hairdresser's businessI was doing it too hard, so I opened my eyes.

I saw a scary “hairdresser”.

Above me hung a black and shaggy dog's face with yelloweyes and an open mouth, in which sugar fangs were visible. With his tongue hanging out, this dog was licking my face.

I screamed, jumped to my feet, but immediately fell, confusedin a bag, and the “barber” jumped on me and affectionately hit me in the chest cast iron feet.

“This is a gift for you! - Akim Ilyich shouted from somewhere to the side. - Tu Call Zeke!

I have never spat as much as I did that morning, and I have never washed my faceso furiously. And while I was washing, a gift - Tuzik - jumped onand finally knocked the soap out of my hands. He was so happy to meet as if we knew each other before.

(202 words) (According to Yu.I. Koval)Tasks

1. Title the text.

2. Have any funny stories happened to you? Ras tell me about one of them.

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See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Speech development lesson in 7th grade.

Detailed presentation. (2 hours)

"Mate's Heart"


    Educational : teach, using the author’s language means, to convey the source text in detail; pay attention to the word.

    Developmental : develop the ability to determine the topic, main idea, work on drawing up a plan.

    Educational : promote the formation of a sense of responsibility towards the mother, love for the mother.

There is the most beautiful creature in the world,

to whom we are in debt is mother.

A. N. Ostrovsky

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson. Design of notebooks.

    introduction teachers.

    Reading a poem about mother (any).

    Teacher's story of the legend:

“Once upon a time, there lived a beauty in the world named Cornelia Grak. And she was very beautiful and rich. Many admired her beauty. The most famous artists fought for the right to paint her portraits. Everyone respected and revered her, but no one had ever seen her wealth.

And then one day, admirers of her beauty asked to show them her main jewels. Then Cornelia Grak came out to the people in her most ordinary dress, and she led her three children by the hand. And then everyone realized that Cornelie Grac’s jewels were her children.”

Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of the legend? Why are children a mother's wealth? What is the most important thing for a mother?

Listening to a song about mother.

    Working with an epigraph for the lesson.

Teacher: Why are we always in debt to our mothers?

The whole meaning of a mother's life is her children. And how are you

How do you feel about your mothers? Is it always fair?

Let's listen to S. Plotov's poem about his mother.

    Reading a poem

The easiest thing is to offend your mother,

She will not respond with offense.

And he will only repeat:

“Don’t catch a cold, it’s windy today.”

The easiest thing to do is to offend your mother.

Years will pass, we will become taller

And someone, lips compressed, again

He will take a piece of paper and write:

“The easiest thing is to offend your mother.”

And maybe they will hear him

S. Plotov.

Teacher: In what lines is it expressed? the main idea poems?

    Reading text.

A wonderful teacher, Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, in one of his letters to his son, told him an old legend.

“The mother had an only son. He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. But the girl’s heart was black and unkind.

The son brought his young wife to native home. She didn’t like her mother-in-law and told her husband: “Let mother not go into the hut, let her live in the hallway.” The son put his mother in the hallway and forbade her to enter the hut. The mother was afraid to appear in front of her evil daughter-in-law.

But even this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband: “Move your mother into the barn.” The son moved his mother into the barn. One evening a young beauty was resting under a blooming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife became furious and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take her heart out of her chest and bring it to me!”

The filial heart did not tremble; he was bewitched by the beauty of his wife. He killed his mother, took her heart out of her chest, and put it on maple leaf, carries. A mother's heart trembles. The son tripped over a stone, fell, and hit his knee; the hot mother’s heart fell on the stone, bled, perked up and whispered: “My dear son, didn’t you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised area with your palm.”

The son began to sob, grabbed his mother’s hot heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, put the heart into his torn chest, and poured it with hot tears. He realized that no one had ever loved him as devotedly and selflessly as birth mother. And it was so huge and inexhaustible mother's love“So deep was the desire of the mother’s heart to see her son joyful and carefree that the heart came to life, the mother stood up and pressed her son’s curly head to her chest.”

    Text analysis.

Teacher: What is the topic of this text? (The power of mother's love).

The main idea? (No one ever loves so sincerely

and selflessly, like a mother).

What is the legend about?

Why is the legend called this? (Test on human

ity). Who survived the test? My son managed to get through this


How is the son's wife described?

What is humanity?

What style does the text belong to? (fiction)

Determine the type of speech (narration).

Conclusions are drawn from the text.

    Dividing text into parts. Planning.


      A legend told by V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

      A beautiful wife with a black soul.

      Wife's demands.

      Inhuman act of a son.

      A mother's selfless love.

    Elements of linguistic text analysis.

1. Explain the lexical meaning of the word legend?

Legend is a narrative, a story with elements of the miraculous, fantastic and unusual heroes or images.

In folklore - a story about the miraculous that has become part of the tradition of the people, perceived by the narrator and the listener as reliable.

2. Name what epithets are used to create images of the hero of the legend?

The only one (son), amazing, unprecedented (beauty), black, unkind (heart), hot, maternal (heart), huge, inexhaustible, maternal (love), etc.

3. In what meaning is the word “unkind” used? Find synonyms for it. (evil, callous, rude, cruel).

4. Pay attention to the epithet “single”; why is it important to keep this word in the presentation?

5. How did the hearts of two loved ones “behave” differently in relation to each other? Find in the text words that describe the “behavior of hearts”: “did not flinch” - filial and “trembled, quivered, bled, whispered” - maternal.

7. Why is a mother’s heart “hot” and her son’s tears of repentance also “hot”?

Choose synonyms. (loving, sincere, sensual, emotional).

8. What does “selfless” mean?

VII. Retelling the text in parts using reference words and plan points.

VIII. work on spelling and punctograms.

On the board: Disliked, furious, ancient, only, black, bewitched, no one, never, wife - daughter-in-law - daughter-in-law, told, beautiful wife, inhuman, selfless love etc. (depending on the class).

Repeating the placement of punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members, in sentences before conjunctions “what, so, like, etc.”

IX. Full retelling text.

X. Re-reading.

XI. Writing a presentation.

Municipal budget educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 5" Bryansk

Brief summary of the story

Y. Dmitrieva “Once upon a time and not so much” in 7th grade


teacher of Russian language and literature

Legotskaya Vera Sergeevna


The purpose of the lesson

teach types of text compression.

Lesson objectives:

develop the ability to adequately perceive the information contained in the text read; the ability to process perceived information, highlighting the main thing in it; the ability to convey processed information in writing; the ability to understand the logic of dividing text into paragraphs and reproduce the composition of the text;

develop skills in determining the main idea, identifying micro-topics, conscious mastery of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical norms of the language;

cultivate love and interest in the natural environment.

Preliminary exercises(conducted in lessons prior to writing the presentation.)

1. Vocabulary dictation. (Work in pairs). Read carefully and explain the spellings you encounter to your desk neighbor. Give your examples orally. Take dictation from your desk neighbor.

Primitive man, numerous animals, in their original form, associated with them, everything unknown, extraordinary qualities, in the midst of boundless space, leveling the earth, became very angry, accompanied by ceremonies,

2. Grammar tasks.

Write down the words morphemically: kept watch, ordered, unconditional, ancestors, American, sacred, worshiped, representation.

Parse sentences.

1) Animals, like everything unknown, were surrounded by primitive man with legends, endowed with extraordinary qualities, and considered omnipotent.

2) Primitive people They invented for themselves ancestors who lived on earth even when there were no people on it.

Specify the "fourth wheel"

1) numerous (n, nn), unprotected (n, nn), shackled (n, nn) ​​by ice, unusual (n, nn)

2) release, all... thick, prohibit, sacred.

3) c...r...monia, r...tual, attitude, absolute

4) got...angry, melted...forged, unknown...

During the classes

1. Goal setting

Teacher. Today in the lesson we will have to remember what a condensed presentation is, how it differs from a detailed one, what techniques exist for compressing text. And the exam preparation materials (they are in your folders on your desks), your knowledge, which is always with you, and the texts of the story “Once upon a time and not very long ago,” with which we will work, will help us with this. What is a concise summary?

Students. A concise presentation involves reproducing the source text briefly, generally, while preserving its main stylistic and language features.

Teacher. Why is it so important to be able to express it concisely?

Students. Because in life most often you have to state the essence, the essential, main information.

Students. Dmitriev (Edelman) Yuri Dmitrievich (1926-1989) - naturalist writer. A philologist by training. Literary creativity Dmitriev dedicated to the protection surrounding nature, education of scientific and humane treatment to animals. Many guys know his books “Green Patrol”, “ Ordinary miracles», « Big Book forests”, “Man and animals”.

Teacher. I would like to add that Yuri Dmitriev has a rare gift - not only to see and feel the beauty and unusualness of the world around him, but also to be able to convey both beauty and unusualness to readers. Often in our lives we do not see anything unusual around us and believe that miracles only happen in fairy tales. But it’s enough just to look carefully at the world around us to understand that every blade of grass, every bee, every squirrel tells amazing stories and as if invited to a fairy tale, amazing country.

2. Expressive reading text by teacher

Life was very difficult for primitive man. He was tormented by cold, illness, and was stalked at every step by wild animals- powerful and numerous. And he is weak, unprotected, a tiny grain of sand in the raging ocean of nature. Everything is incomprehensible to him: the sun and stars, the moon and rainbows, river floods and rains, thunder and lightning. But even more incomprehensible are living beings, their voices, their cunning, their life. Animals, like everything unknown, were surrounded by primitive man with legends, endowed with extraordinary qualities, and considered omnipotent. Even the creation of the world was often attributed to animals.

...The endless expanse of water, absolute darkness and absolute silence - this is how the ancient inhabitants of Egypt imagined the world in its original form. But above this surface of water a hill rose with a frog sitting on its top and an egg lying next to it. A goose hatched from the egg - the Great Cackling Goose. And immediately the silence disappeared - the goose screamed. It immediately became light - the goose, like the sun, illuminated everything around. Then the goose began to create the inhabitants of the earth - people and animals.

Some peoples believe that the earth was made not by birds, but by animals. For example, the Evenks have a legend that the world was created by a mammoth and a fantastic snake - the dyabdyar. It was like this: among the vast expanse of water there was a tiny island. To increase it, the mammoth began to use its trunk and tusks to take out the earth from the bottom and throw it onto the island, and the snake crawled along the island and, leveling the ground, increased its area.

The Algonquin Indians know another, no less important point in the history of the earth. It turns out that at first the whole earth was covered with deep snow, all the waters were frozen. It was very bad. But then a kind animal, a weasel, was found, which gnawed through the vault of heaven, and warm winds poured out of the hole onto the earth and Sun rays. It became warm. The ice and snow have melted. And the weasel opened the cages and released the birds. The weasel did many good deeds, but the inhabitants of the heavenly country were very angry with her and killed her.

Well, since animals created the earth, freed it from eternal ice, ordered day and night, then they have an unconditional connection with the creation of people! This is probably what primitive people thought. They invented for themselves ancestors who lived on earth even when there were no people on it. And these ancestors, of course, were animals.

For example, Australians believed that their ancestors were the Mindy and Volunku snakes, the Milbili lizard and the Kipara turkey. American Indians They believe that they come from wolves, deer, jaguars, bears, ravens...

Naturally, these animals were sacred to the tribes that allegedly descended from them. They were worshiped, they were asked for help, they were forbidden to hunt. And if they killed, it was accompanied by special ceremonies and rituals. This is how the first sacred animals and the first rituals associated with them appeared. Scientists called this idea of ​​the kinship of people and animals totemism, which in the language of one of the Indian tribes meant “his kind.”

3. Conversation based on content

Teacher. What is this text about?

Students. This text is about the relationship between man and animals in ancient times, about how once a weak person, who did not know how to explain what was happening around him, tried to find answers from our smaller brothers.

Teacher. What is the main idea of ​​this text?

Students. People and animals have equal rights on this earth - this is the main idea of ​​the text; the author convinces us that at the dawn of human civilization, people recognized the superiority of animals and even worshiped them.

Teacher. How would you title the text you read? Will you convey the theme or idea in the title?

Students. How did the first sacred animals appear? Man and animals are relatives. How animals “created” the Earth.

Teacher. What, in your opinion, is important and what is secondary in this text?

Students. The main thing is to show with what respect primitive people treated animals, how they surrounded them with legends and endowed them with extraordinary qualities. The secondary thing, probably, lies in the details of the story about what ancient people’s ideas about the world were.

Teacher. Provide examples in the text that allow the author to convince the reader of the original kinship between humans and animals.

Students. According to ancient people, animals and birds created the earth and were the ancestors of people.

Students. Probably, just like the ancient people - with reverence and worship, remembering the kinship between humans and animals.

4. Making a plan and defining keywords

Teacher. What parts can the text be divided into? How did you identify them? Try to indicate them on your draft as quotation plan.


    “The goose, like the sun, illuminated everything around.”

    “The weasel has done many good deeds.”

    "The ancestors were animals."

Teacher. Now let’s select keywords and phrases for each of the microtopics.

Students. (They write it down, the teacher pays attention to the spelling patterns encountered)

5. Vocabulary and spelling work

Teacher. Explain the lexical meaning of words

Absolute – unconditional, perfect, complete.

Ceremony – established solemn ceremony, the order in which something is done.

Ritual is the order of ritual actions.

Totemism - in the minds of ancient people: the belief that the ancestor of the tribe is some animal, and the worship of it.

6. Text compression (work in groups)

Teacher. As we have already said, the task of our lesson is to compress text. Let's remember the basic compression techniques. (Memo 1). You will decide which method to choose by joining groups and discussing compression methods. The class is divided into four groups and compresses each of the microtopics in order.

Memo 1. Three main ways to compress text

There are three main methods of text compression:




1. Exception:

exclusion of repetitions, details, details;

exclusion of one or more of the synonyms;

exclusion of clarifying and explanatory structures;

exclusion of one or more sentences.

2. Generalization:

replacement homogeneous members a general word;

replacing a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun with a general meaning.

3. Simplification:

merging several sentences into one;

replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun;

replacement complex sentence simple;

replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression.

Text compression techniques:

1) division of information into main and secondary, exclusion of unimportant and secondary information;

2) collapsing the original information through generalization (translating the particular into the general).

Which compression method to use in each specific case will depend on the communicative task and the characteristics of the text.

7. Discussion of the results obtained

8. Re-reading the text and writing a concise summary


Primitive man They were tormented by cold, illness, and wild animals stalked them at every step. And he is weak, unprotected, unable to explain natural phenomena, and does not understand the life of plants and animals. He feared the latter most of all and, like everything incomprehensible, he surrounded them with legends and considered them omnipotent. Even the creation of the world was often attributed to animals.

Residents ancient egypt imagined the world in its original form as an endless expanse of water in silence and darkness. But then a hill rose with a frog sitting on its top and an egg lying next to it. A goose hatched from the egg - the Great Cackle, which, like the sun, woke up and illuminated everything around, and then began to create the inhabitants of the earth - people and animals.

Some peoples, for example, the Evenks, believe that the world was created by mammoths and snakes. It happened like this: a mammoth, with its trunk and tusks, took out the earth from the bottom and threw it onto a tiny island in the middle of boundless water, and the snake crawled along the island and, leveling the ground, increased its area.

The Indians of one of the tribes believe that at first the entire earth was covered with deep snow, all the waters were frozen. The kind animal, the weasel, gnawed through the vault of heaven, and warm winds and sun rays poured out of the hole onto the earth. It got warmer, the ice and snow melted. The weasel did many good deeds, but the inhabitants of the heavenly country were very angry with her and killed her.

Primitive people invented ancestors for themselves (animals, of course) who lived on earth even when there were no people on it. Australians believed that their ancestors were snakes, lizards and turkeys. American Indians believed that they descended from wolves, deer, jaguars, bears, ravens...

Naturally, these animals were sacred to the tribes descended from them. They were worshiped, they were asked for help, they were forbidden to hunt. Scientists called this idea of ​​the kinship of people and animals totemism, which in the language of one of the Indian tribes meant “his kind.”

8. Reflection

Teacher. Continue the sentence:

Today in class I learned...

Today in class I learned...

Today in class I realized...


1. Shapiro N.A. and others. Preparation for the State Examination in the Russian language in grade 9: method and practice. - M.: “First of September”, 2010.

2. Khaustova D.A. Russian language. Preparation for the State Examination (writing a concise presentation). - M.: “Exam”, 2010.