Maple leaves coloring book. Coloring book with several leaves

Like all holidays, you need to prepare thoroughly for April Fool's Day. Preparations are carried out several days before the event, so that on April 1 the winners of the funniest drawing can be announced, and the school corridors can be decorated with funny inscriptions, playful signs and laughing faces. At the same time, you cannot violate educational process, because nothing should distract students from their studies during lessons.

I. Preparation for April Fool's Day

Decorate all school premises with humorous names. The wardrobe can be called a “Dump” or a “Second-hand wholesale warehouse”, the director’s office can be called a “Room of Horror”, and the assistant principal’s office can be called a “Showdown Room”. On the doors of the teachers' room, pin the name "Market Exchange", and on the first aid station - "Whoever did not escape, we will heal him." The gym can be decorated with a poster: “I know judo, karate, sambo and a lot of others.” scary words" On the doors of the dining room you can write “Beware, there are hungry fish here.”

Don't forget to prepare the appropriate currency that will be valid within the school for the entire duration of the holiday April 1st. They can be called duremarks.

So, the preparation is over, we begin to celebrate April Fool's Day at school.

II. How to enter school

First, you need to select from among the students those responsible for holding the April Fool's school holiday. They can be called OHRYU (humorous security) or SHOP - a comic security company. Come up with the funniest passes that the OHRYU-sheep (SHOP-sheep) will hand out to everyone entering the school. Write on the blanks funny jokes, jokes according to age category students. For teachers, try to come up with passes with the most polite inscriptions, preferably without grammatical errors. The price for obtaining a pass should be the funniest smile and the most cheerful fable from own life. Each person entering is obliged to keep his pass until leaving school, otherwise he will simply not be released.

III. April Fool's School Press Center

Near entrance doors, next to the SHOP point, there should be an April Fool's press center with students appointed as the newspaper's own correspondents for the April Fool's Day at School newspaper. Correspondents armed with voice recorders and cameras interview teachers and students and ask them “provocative” questions, for example:

You don't know what holiday it is today?

How did you not manage to oversleep on the first day of the last school term?

Did you manage to prank anyone early in the morning?

What's your favorite joke?

Who would you like to prank on this day more than anything else?

Who has already managed to prank you and how?

Do only fools laugh on this day?

Correspondents record all answers, which are then sent to the press center and the editor-in-chief. He selects the wittiest answers. All the funniest things are then published in the newspaper and read out on the final line, dedicated to the Day laughter. The newspaper can contain the most interesting photos students and teachers.

IV. School line on April Fool's Day

Each class should receive a guide to building a humorous line. The manual outlines the order and rules of construction:

Primary classes should be lined up by weight (or shoe size);

Second level classes should line up according to hair length;

For older classes, organize the formation in alphabetical order;

Graduation classes are based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Teachers should line up according to age.

The line in a humorous form is carried out in the form of a traditional report for the previous quarter. The following are the reprimands:

The duty officer, for late calls from recess;

School administration, for the lack of escalators and elevators in the premises;

To teachers who save on A's.

1.2. Anyone who wears a bored, irritated or gloomy expression on their faces is considered a troublemaker.

1.3. Without a pass received at the entrance, no participant in the event has the right to leave the school building until the end of the school year.

1.4. Classroom attendants do not have the right to record or make verbal comments during breaks to the following persons:

Rapidly moving through the school corridors;

Laughing loudly or laughing quietly;

Dressed out of shape, that is, strange.

1.5. During breaks between lessons, everyone is categorically invited to participate in fun competitions. The reward to participants is given in duremarks. The winners are awarded double duremarks.

1.6. At the end of classes, all students and teachers must gather in the assembly hall for a ceremonial final assembly dedicated to summing up the results of the past April Fool's Day.

V. Changes at school on April Fool's Day

During breaks you can spend funny games, competitions, competitions. Organize competitions for walking with goose or frog steps, hold a competition for the funniest (within the limits of decency, of course) ditty. You can have a competition for the loudest or longest laugh. Of course, it is necessary to involve everyone in participation in competitions, including teachers, head teachers, and directors.

During breaks, funny joke announcements are heard from the school radio room:

The school hair salon “You Live Curly” offers discounts on chemistry to every student... And also for mathematics, physics and drawing;

The “Hello” company will wave at you when leaving abroad from any train station in the city. Payment in euros;

Selling a striking watch. Boy is cute blue-eyed blond athletic build;

School exams are cancelled, all tickets are sold out;

A boxing designer will paint any face for a reasonable fee.

You can read out the most funny quotes from school essays. With this, the organizers of the holiday will need the help of a literature teacher.

VI. Summing up April Fool's Day

At the end of the lessons, a meeting is held in the assembly hall. ceremonial closing holiday, the results of competitions for the best poster and drawing are summed up, taking into account everyone’s sense of humor in accordance with age. The editor reads out the most interesting interview, received by press center correspondents. Next begins the awarding of certificates and diplomas, which are executed in the most funny form. For example, you can write the winner's last name upside down, and the first name with the last letter.

At closing, you can hold a fun auction, where buyers will pay with duremarks. They are easy to earn by taking part in all competitions, quizzes, and competitions. And you can sell masks with portraits of teachers for duremarks.

VII. Extracurricular reading (or how to prank teachers on April Fool's Day). Only for students.

So, we will sing a song to the madness of the brave.

It's a dangerous joke, but you can try. Rub school board soap. It will become impossible to write on it.

Take cardboard box with the bottom cut out, place it on the cabinet. On the side of the box, stick or write with a colored marker an inscription that is noticeable from a distance, for example, bribe. Place confetti in the box. When the teacher tries to remove the box, confetti will fall on his or her head.

Run into the classroom immediately after the bell rings and tell the teacher that the director is calling him urgently. Don’t forget to attach a poster to the door of the director’s office: “I don’t trust anyone on April 1st!”

Well, hope that your teacher has an excellent sense of humor, because the holiday will soon end and exams are just around the corner.

VIII. How to prank classmates

A much lower risk is pranking classmates.

You can smear lipstick on his mobile phone (or rather, the part of it that is applied to his ear), and then make a test call. His lipstick-smeared ear will please others.

Bet with a friend or friend (for something sweet) that they will not be able to run a distance of 15 meters in a minute. Gather the fans and strictly record the race with a stopwatch. When the victim of the prank runs such a distance in a few seconds and demands a prize, feel free to answer: we argued that you would not be able to run 15 meters in a minute, but you ran faster.

Not entirely harmless, and an old prank. Offer the “victim” lemonade or soda, after shaking the bottle several times.

We do not offer a white back, untied laces, or plastic buttons on a chair.

You can come up with a lot of pranks, competitions, humor, and quizzes on April Fool's Day. Just try to keep them non-offensive, cheerful and joyful. Happy April, 1! Have fun and be healthy!


Presenter: Dear guys, unfortunately, we are forced to postpone today’s holiday to another day, since the SES is now coming to our technical school to check. We will definitely spend our holiday on next week. And now I would ask a few guys to stay and help put the assembly hall in order.

The presenter leaves the stage and begins to remove posters from the walls. Children immediately or after a while understand that this is a joke.

Host: Happy April 1st! And now we will have fun and have fun. Let's change our shoes - from the left foot to the right one and turn the clothes inside out! And remember: April 1st - I don’t trust anyone!

LEADING. Good evening, Dear friends!

HOST. Hello, comrades in arms.

LEADING. Lena, what weapon? What are you talking about? Tell me immediately that you misspoke.

HOST. Hello, comrades in the world's sharpest weapon - laughter!

LEADING. Aaah! I would have said so right away, otherwise there would have been a commotion.

HOST. It is possible that since those present did not understand what weapon I was talking about, they also do not understand why I call them comrades-in-arms?

LEADING. And to prevent this from happening, I will explain. Here's the thing. We are with

Lena introduces the director and production group who are filming

new color multi-part action-packed widescreen

a humorous, generally awesome film with an unusual, and, most importantly, extremely

rare title: `Laughter for no reason...`.

HOST (interrupts). Igor, have you forgotten that the name has not yet been approved, and we cannot announce it ahead of time.

LEADING. No, I didn’t forget, I remember it perfectly and that’s why I didn’t mention it last words.

HOST. But now it’s not difficult to guess them.

LEADING. Well, that's how to say...

HOST. There's nothing to say. Guys, sure enough, they’ll guess. We bet?

LEADING. I bet. And for what?

HOST. Here's what. If they guess right, then at the end of the evening you stand on a chair in the middle of the stage and crow.

LEADING. What if they don’t guess?

HOST. Then at the end of the evening the whole hall crows.

HOST (after thinking a little). Deal with each other, I agree!

(The presenters shake hands and make a bet)

HOST. However, we got a little distracted. We settled on the fact that

We're filming a comedy. And everything would be fine if some problems had not arisen.

LEADING. We need actors to play the main roles. And we decided to choose them from you.

HOST. And being confident that there are at least a dime a dozen talents in our hall, and therefore our business is doomed to success, we called you comrades in laughter, because our picture, let’s tell you a secret, will make you laugh out loud.

LEADING. What do you want to laugh about...

HOST (interrupts). He wanted to say that she was very funny. But not now

about it. I think you guys understand that acting in films is a big deal.

how difficult. And, of course, very prestigious. For one and

the same role is sometimes screened by several applicants before

stop at just one. The director then works with him.

Therefore, we will select actors for our film on a competitive basis.

LEADING. I assume you are wondering what the selection criteria are.

We will talk about them in detail later, when explaining the conditions of a particular competition. But we can say one thing firmly and right now: the main thing

The criterion will be the presence of a sense of humor and the ability to use it for the benefit of everyone present in the room.

HOST. However, let's not waste time - I want to laugh so much, as if someone was tickling my mouth. Our first competition is called... Trickster Riddles

We ask you a riddle and you answer, whoever answers first gets a token

Whoever has the most tokens will get the first leading roles!

All the guys know for sure
Cats are very loud...
meow (bark)

Our kitten gallops deftly,
He loves very much...
milk (carrots)

Hurry up and run to the shore
The toothy one is swimming...
crocodile (parrot)

Walks with his head up
Two-humped young...
camel (giraffe)

This is worth a look:
He picked up the log with his trunk...
elephant (bear)

As soon as the light of day went out,
Whooshed in the dark...
eagle owl (rooster)

Fastest from fear
cheetah (turtle)

In your warm puddle
Croaked loudly...
frog (sparrow)

Curled up in a ball - come on, touch it!
Prickly on all sides...
hedgehog (horse)

The sun's ray has gone out over the forest,
The king of beasts is sneaking...
lion (rooster)

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one hits with his hoof...
horse (lion)

He takes the hay with his trunk
elephant (hippopotamus)

A simple question for kids:
"Who is the cat afraid of?"...
dogs (mice)

Who likes to run around on branches?
Of course, red...
squirrel (fox)

In your warm puddle
Croaked loudly...
frog (ant)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
The sky is gloomy, there is no sun,
It just arrived...
autumn, summer)

What a sweet time -
Sun, greenery and heat?
Everyone understands - this is the time
It's called...
summer (spring)

Everything is dressed in white snow -
So it's coming...
winter summer)

I'm beautiful, I'm flying
And in the spring I melt from the sun.
Guess quickly
Who is this?...
snow (nightingale)

Enters the classroom for first-graders

Only the fearless...
teacher (diver)

We remembered easily:
Number one is the letter...
A (O)

Round shaped head
The same shaped letter...
O (A)

The bunny went out for a walk
The hare's paws are straight...
four five)

Look at the bird:
The bird's legs are straight...
two (three)

The teacher told Ira,
That two is more than...
one (four)

You'll sleep in class -
For your answer you will receive...
two (five)

All the boys need to know
Two plus two of course...
four five)

Everyone in the whole world knows
fingers on hand...
five (four)

Now let's count our tokens

So the first roles of Koschey, the maiden, the firebird are played out

LEADING. And we continue our holiday. They're waiting ahead interesting discoveries And. finds. We want the most silent and sad people today to smile at least a little, because laughing, really, is not a sin, but necessary. Because laughter improves health and instills confidence in the future and in one’s abilities.

HOST. So, let's start the second competition!

LEADING. What should we call it?

HOST. This is a secret for now. We will announce the name when we go on stage

three of its participants will rise. There is no better four.

I ask those who wish to be bolder. Don't be shy, no big deal

it won’t - we won’t force you to fly into space. Everything will happen on

Blow-blow competition

Two volunteers are invited to participate in the next competition. Placed in the middle of the table boiled egg. Participants are tasked with blindfolded blowing an egg off the table on the opponent's side. At the leader’s command, the players begin to blow as hard as possible... into a plate of flour, which they have quietly placed instead of an egg.

Here are 4 more roles played out in our comedy Well done the daredevil and the Dungeon, Mouse-norushka, Sword-Hoarder.

HOST. However, we need to continue selecting artists for other roles. A

because - the next competition. What should I call it? Well, at least this way -

`The most eloquent`. Why not a name? But I hope you understand

eloquent silent ones to take the stage.

(Competition participants line up on stage).

HOST. Wonderful. Please state your first and last name. Just

wonderful - you started talking in earnest. So we can start

contest. It's very simple. You only need to say one phrase. On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney... The main thing is that you

those sitting in the hall understood. There is nothing simpler, you say. How to say. I

Please add a word absorber.

(The presenter brings out a bag of caramels).

By the way, since ancient times, people considered this remedy to be the first in

combating excessive talkativeness. But this does not apply to those present. I

please start.

And so we have 2 more roles played: the three-headed Serpent and the Egg

HOST. I am very pleased with the progress of our qualifying competition. All 9 vacancies have already been filled.

LEADING. So the filming will take place. The tests, in our opinion, were a great success. And in conclusion, all we have to do is... make our color multi-part, action-packed, wide-format, humorous, generally awesome film with an unusual, and, most importantly, extremely rare title: “Koshchei’s Castle”

We ask all our artists to come on stage.

A fairy tale - an impromptu for any company "Koshchei Castle" written based on the works of Swift, M. Mokienko, A. Usachev, O. Ozhogina - thanks to them for their talent.

Characters, lines and movements:

Koschey: “Wow, you!” - he threatens everyone with his hand.

Maiden: "Oh you!" – Flirtatiously straightens her hair.

Firebird: "Oops!" - waves his arms as if flying.

Well done - Daredevil: "Oops!" – shows off his biceps

Dungeon: "Oh you!" – arms crossed

Three-Headed Serpent: “Oops!” – shows the mouth of a crocodile with his hands

Egg: “Opochki!” – oval, hands connected above head

Little Mouse: "Both on!" – spreads his hands, like “We didn’t expect you?!”

Sword-Kladenets: “Hey-hey!” - everyone waves their hand as if with a saber and runs around the chairs

Presenter (reads the entire text):

Text of the fairy tale "Koshchei's Castle"

This is the castle that Koschey built (Wow, you! - movement)

And this is….the Beautiful Maiden, (Oh, you! - movement)

Oh you! - movement)

(Wow, you! - movement)

And this is... the fabulous Firebird, (Oops! - movement)

(Oh, you! - movement)

Which languishes in the dark Dungeon ( Oh you! - movement)

(Wow, you! - movement)

But the brave fellow, fair-faced, (Oops! – biceps)

(Oops! - flies)

Who keeps a watchful eye on the Maiden, (Oh, you! - hairstyle)

Which languishes in the dark Dungeon ( Oh you! - cross)

In the castle that Koschey built (Wow, you! - threatens)

But the fire-breathing three-headed snake (Oops! - mouth)

He wants to kill the daring fellow, (Oops! – biceps)

(Oops! - flies)

Who keeps a watchful eye on the Maiden, (Oh, you! - hairstyle)

Which languishes in the dark Dungeon ( Oh you! - cross)

In the castle that Koschey built (Wow, you! - threatens).

Here is the Sword-Kladenets, maybe without regret,

Easily kill the Three-Headed Serpent, (Oops! - mouth)

(Oops! – biceps)

Who steals the feather from the Firebird, (Oops! - flies)

Who keeps a watchful eye on the Maiden, (Oh, you! - hairstyle)

Which languishes in the dark Dungeon ( Oh you! - cross)

In the castle that Koschey built. (Wow, you! - threatens)

But Koschey himself is a hooligan and a scoundrel, (Wow, you! - threatens)

Who hid the Sword - Kladenets, (Hey-hey! - everyone runs, waves their hand)

(Oops! - mouth)

Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,

Wants to kill the Young Daring Man, (Oops! – biceps)

Who steals the feather from the Firebird, (Oops! - flies)

Who keeps a watchful eye on the Maiden, (Oh, you! - hairstyle)

Which languishes in the dark Dungeon ( Oh you! - cross)

In the castle that Koschey built (Wow, you! - threatens).

And this is an Egg... And in it, without aging, (Opochki! - oval)

The death of the hooligan Koshchei is preserved (Wow, you! - threatens).

Which (scoundrel, impudent and scoundrel!)

Hid the Treasure Sword somewhere

Who decisively and without regret,

Can kill the Three Headed Serpent (Oops! - mouth)

Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,

Wants to kill the Young Daring Man, (Oops! – biceps)

Who steals the feather from the Firebird, (Oops! - flies)

Who keeps a watchful eye on the Maiden, (Oh, you! - hairstyle)

Which languishes in a dark dungeon ( Oh you! - cross)

In the castle that Koschey built (Wow, you! - threatens).

And this is... the mischievous Mouse-Norushka (Both of us! – spreads his hands)

It came out of an old tub.

She waved her tail - everything changed immediately!

The egg immediately broke with death! (Opochki! - oval)

And then Koschey comes to hell! (Wow, you! - threatens).

And then the Treasure Sword appears, (Hey, hey! - everyone is running, waving their hand).

Who decisively and without regret,

Cuts off all the heads of the fierce Serpent, (Oops! - mouth)

Who did not know such an end

And he didn’t devour the Young Daring Man, (Oops! – biceps)

Who with a smile on his bright face

He stole a feather from the ravenous Firebird, (Oops! - flies)

That's why she missed the Maiden, (Oh, you! - hairstyle)

Which came out of the dark Dungeon. ( Oh you! - cross)

And then the Well done guy appeared! (Oops! – biceps)

Applause to the participants - the end of the fairy tale!

A special ovation for Mouse, if not for her, (Both of us! – spreads his hands)

This story would never end!

(participants bow - spectators clap)

I think that our humorous film was a success and everyone present had great fun!

HOST (interrupts). Igor, you forgot something...

LEADING. Oh yes! Bet. Moreover, I won it.

HOST. Won? You are so confident in yourself. And don't you consider yourself a braggart?

LEADING. I don't think so. Of course I won. Still an agreement more expensive than money, and I ask the whole audience to crow, because our film is called `Koshchei's Castle`. The most amazing heroes met in it, and the most amazing things happened to them. amazing Adventures.. However, it’s time to crow...

(In this episode, the organizational skills of the presenters should be demonstrated. They should infect the hall with their example).

HOST (addressing his assistant): Lena, isn’t it time to end the evening - the first roosters have already crowed.

HOST. Well. We have turned the last page of our holiday.

If your soul feels a little warmer, if it doesn’t disappear on your faces

smile, it means that it was not in vain that we tried to instill in you good mood.

LEADING. It’s really not a sin to laugh!

HOST. Laugh every day, for a reason or without a reason, - from this

the heart and thought work more confidently. And the person becomes kinder and more beautiful.

Have a good mood!

LEADING. Smiles and success!

HOST and HOST: - Goodbye! See you again on the radio wave “Laughter is the companion of our life.” Happiness to everyone!!!

Extracurricular activities take place in the form of a game.

Goals: develop Creative skills; cultivate a sense of humor and the ability to have fun; help children organize leisure time.

Progress of extracurricular activities

I. Conducting competitions.

1st presenter. What laughter is and what it does to a person was known back in the time of King Solomon. “A cheerful heart is beneficial, like medicine, but a sad spirit dries out the bones,” the great ruler of antiquity wrote in his Book of Wisdom.

2nd presenter. Modern doctors say that smiling increases hemoglobin in the blood and lowers blood pressure. One smile extends life by five minutes. Smile! Amazing! After all, even Princess Nesmeyana, as you remember, smiled in the end.

3rd presenter. In order for a kind, welcoming smile, as well as a cheerful, cheerful laugh, to accompany us always and everywhere, we must learn to enjoy life. And it turns out that you can see the funny even in what seemed sad. How good life is for someone who knows how to laugh at himself! Such a person is not a suitable target for jokes.

1st presenter. Anyone who lacks a sense of humor is touchy and vulnerable. A harmless joke he may take it as an insult. But I am sure: there are no such people among us!


Two years in each class

Sat without desire

And almost from under the stick

We received knowledge.

But we saved a lot

All sorts of wisdom:

How to cheat on tests

Without much difficulty.

We reject cheat sheets:

They need to be written.

It's much easier with a neighbor

Write everything down to the letter!

We would have a good life

But there is one thing that is painful.

The guys tell us:

“Uncle, get the little sparrow!”

We are ready to sing to you until the morning -

So as not to learn lessons.

How lazy we have become!

How to kill time?!

2nd presenter. The guys from our class returned from England. They only communicated with gentlemen there and so breathed in the air of Foggy Albion that a slight dizziness did not leave them. I hope today we learn something about the manners of high society.

A scene is played out.

Sir Henry, your tongue says one thing, but your eyes say something completely different!

It may very well be: I have my father’s eyes, and my mother’s tongue.

How do you run, sir?

With obstacles.

Do you take them, sir?

I don't take them. Why do I need them? I rest on them.

What's the difference between the stage and life, sir?

In the theater, the action begins after the curtain has opened. In life it's the opposite. It all starts after it was closed.

Fate gives relatives, sir. We choose our friends ourselves. Where do the enemies come from?

It's simple! These are ours former relatives and friends.

II. Game program.

3rd presenter. Now let's play a very interesting, and most importantly, very fun game"Inside out". To do this, we first need to split into two teams.

Today we will do everything in reverse, or just topsy-turvy. We will joke, fantasize, make up tall tales and nonsense, and compose nonsense.

Two representatives from teams take part in the first competition. They are asked to choose one of the pre-hung letters, such as "P" ("trick"). Participants are offered a drawing, the image on it is not the same as usual. This could be a shadow from a drawing, an image from above, half of a drawing, etc. The task of the competitors is to find out what is drawn here.

Letter "3" - "zigzag". Changing the task consists of reading the tongue twister not only as it is written, but also vice versa.

Tasya and her dachshund were looking for a taxi.

Praise halva, praise halva.

Praise praise, praise praise.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

Letter "I" - "game". One player per team participates. The host asks questions to the players. They answer, but they follow two rules. The question must be answered with the words “yes” or “no”, accompanying the answer with a movement of the head, but in the same way as the Bulgarians do: vice versa.

Questions for participants:

Do you often read while eating?

Do you like to look at people?

Do you like to dance?

Do you keep a diary?

Do you like to sleep?

Do you like silence?

Did you have breakfast today?

Do you spend a lot of time on your appearance?

Do you like to scare?

Playing with the audience: “On the contrary.”

The guys must throw the ball and at the same time say the word; the one who catches the ball must answer the antonym. For example:

thick - thin;

small big;

young - old;

beginning - end;

wide narrow;

slow - fast;

empty - full;

left - right;

blue; green;

true False;

soft - hard;


brave - cowardly;

early late.

The winners are awarded incentive prizes (candy). After the game with the audience, the presenter invites the teams to continue the game and invites one player to the stage.

It is suggested to choose the following letter: “X” - “Hochma”. The guys are given the task: to imagine a person who...

1) boots are tight;

2) who has back pain;

3) who had a hearty lunch;

4) who is reprimanded by his superiors.

A song competition is held with the fans: one part is offered the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” - it needs to be croaked; the other is to hum.

The letter "B" is "blitz". The whole team participates in this competition. Each is asked several questions; The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Questions for the first team:

This man traveled without a ticket on the bus (hare).

Repeated other people's words (parrot).

Constantly grimaces (monkey).

Stepped on (a bear's) foot.

Questions for the second team:

I slept a lot (sleepyhead).

Ate a lot of food (glutton).

Kicked the ball wide of the goal (missed).

Eats a lot of sweets (sweet tooth).

The next competition is related to the letter “F” - “fantasy”. It involves two people per team. This competition is called “Figli-migli” - these are tricks, jokes, antics.

Participants of one team are given the task: to act as conductors and show how they will conduct the orchestra during the performance:

An old slow waltz;

Military march;

Russian folk song.

The competition is performed using a musical soundtrack.

Assignment for the members of the second team: if you can learn so much about a person from handwriting, what can we say about gait? It is proposed to depict a gait: businesslike, flying, bearish, beautiful, sweeping; The audience must guess what kind of gait the participant is portraying.

The letter "N" means "vice versa". The whole team participates in this competition. The presenter brings out a poster with the word “hut” written on it. It is easy to read both from left to right and from right to left. The task of the teams is to come up with other words that read “back and forth”: order, stomp, flood, madam, argument, Cossack...

While the teams are thinking, the presenter plays with the audience: he shows some movement, and the guys do it the other way around.

The last competition is related to the letter “G” - “puzzle”. 2 people per team participate. Each team is given a task. For example:

What word is encrypted in this table?

Assignment for the other team: given 5 nesting dolls with letters written on them. You need to find out which word is encrypted (for example, if you arrange the nesting dolls according to height, you get the word “spring”).

All competitions are accompanied by music.

After each competition, the results are summed up and the teams are awarded points.

III. Final part.

The jury sums up the overall result of the game and awards the winners.

Complete Classroom hour You can perform a song.

If you leave the house frowning,

If you are not happy about a sunny day, -

Let him smile at you as if he were a friend,

The guy you meet is not at all familiar to you.

And a smile, without a doubt,

Suddenly touches your eyes;

And good mood

Will not leave you again!

Characters: presenter, Oh and Ah, Carlson.

The progress of the holiday

Leading. Dear guests: fathers and mothers, grandparents and, of course, children! Today is an extraordinary, wonderful day. Happy April Fools, friends! Happy April Fool's Day, spring jokes and mischievous pranks! And now everyone loves to play and prank each other. Kind, cheerful laughter is a wonderful vitamin for everyone, the most powerful and priceless elixir of life. And it is even more valuable because this vitamin does not cost you a penny. You can laugh - even in our time - still completely free. And at our evening, moreover, you can still get a prize for this. Also completely free, and even with a profit for yourself, you can laugh today!

Carlson appears.

Carlson. I love prizes, especially if they are sweet, and I love to have fun too! What a beautiful day! You can jump and laugh loudly and no one will punish you for it! Really, guys!

Leading. So my assistant came, of course, guys, you recognized him! (Children answer.)

Leading(to Carlson). Let's put together two teams of boys and girls. Let's hold a competition and find out which team has the smartest and funniest!

Teams of 5-6 people are assembled. Leading. A competition “Translation from Russian into Russian” is being held.

Any phrase in Russian can be said in other words, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning. For example: “A fly sat on the jam.” You can say: “The insect landed on a mixture of sugar and boiled berries.” Try saying it differently:

The first of April is a holiday of laughter;

The detachment walked along the shore;

It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together;

I'm too lazy to do homework, etc.

The team that quickly and correctly completed the task receives points.

Ah and Oh appear in the hall from different sides. Ah - the image of an optimist, the suit is dominated by pink and blue tones. Oh - the image of a pessimist, gray tones predominate in the suit.

Oh: Where am I? Oh, how fun it is here! Oh, so many guys!

Oh, how interesting it is here!.. (Continues to look at the hall, the guys and move towards Okh, without noticing him.)

Oh: Where I am? Oh, I don’t know anyone! Oh, all the new faces! Oh, at least I could meet someone I know! (Continues to look at the hall, the guys and move towards Ahu, without noticing him.)

Ah and Oh collide.

Oh: Oh, how interesting! Who are you?

Oh: Oh! How painful! And who are you?

Leading. Guys! Can you guess who came to us? What are the names of our guests? (Children answer.) They have prepared surprise riddles for you: Ah - funny, Oh - sad. For each guess the team gets a point.

Buy it, don't regret it -

The ride will be more fun. (Bell)

There are no legs, but he walks.

There are no eyes, but tears are flowing.

And how he comes and how he bursts into tears,

everyone is hiding under the roof.


3. Semyonova

Rooted into the ground for a minute

multi-colored miracle bridge.

The miracle master made

The bridge is high without railings.


L. Slutskaya

Crying in the swamp

But it doesn’t come from the swamp. (Sandpiper)

A lonely fiery eye wanders.

Everywhere he goes, he warms you with his gaze. (Sun)

L. Sandler

Grandfather is sitting

Dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (Onion)

Uncle laughs

His fur coat is shaking (Kisel)

They hit the boy on the cap,

so that he could live in a piece of wood. (Nail)

The horses are at rest,

They don't drink, they don't eat,

And the cheerful ones stand. (Window)

What a simpleton is this?

lay down on his side at the door?

On the threshold, on the road

puts his feet up. (Rug)

A. Rozhdestvenskaya

Leading. The next competition is proverbs on the theme “Laughter-joke-fun”.

I'll start, you continue. For each correct answer the team receives one point

He who lives in joy... (sorrow is numb).

There is nothing to eat, but to live... (fun).

Joy is not eternal, sadness... (not endless).

Mix business with idleness, spend time... (with fun)

To joke,... (to amuse everyone).

Whoever makes people laugh...(the whole world is worth it for him).

The boyar is happy with the jester... (but doesn’t walk in a row with him).

Some are cheerful, and some are noisy... (hanged up).

He cries bitterly, but squats... (dances).

Don’t get angry for a joke, but take offense... (don’t give in).

The heart is happy, and the face... (blooms).

Handsome for sin, but bad... (to laugh)

Ah, Oh and Carlson are counting the teams' points - they are the jury while the song is being staged. A soloist dressed as Charlie Chaplin performs a song.

I want to become Charlie Chaplin

Sl. Y. Chichkova, music. M. Protasova

I want to become Charlie Chaplin

So that you don't wither away from sadness.

And I’ll be a little sad for you. Chorus:

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, sad, funny,

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, you are my hero

I sing my song about you,

Charlie, Charlie, you are always with me.

Hat, mustache and cane...

A handful of unshed tears...

And I’ll be a little sad for you


I will secretly give you my word from my relatives,

That I will be a cheerful clown.

Friends, laugh, friends, hope,

And I’ll be a little sad for you.


If life turns out this way,

Happiness will not increase with laughter,

Friends, don’t cry, hide your sadness,

And I’ll be a little sad for you.

I can do that too (reads translation from John Ciardi)

Centennial oaks

Crooked branches

They ate silently

But the resin

Like tears

It flowed along the trunks.

Oh. Stop sighing and shedding tears. The sea has already filled up.

Carlson. And now a monument to me will arise from the depths of the sea! I ask in unison:

The sea is agitated - once,

The sea is worried - two,

The sea is worried - three,

Marine figure, freeze!

To these words, Carlson imitates a rippling sea, waving his arms over his head to the beat, like in a children’s game. At the word “freeze,” the presenter and a volunteer assistant from among the guests abruptly close it with a “curtain”—a cloth. Then, after a significant pause, to the sounds of a smooth and solemn melody, the “curtain” slowly lowers to the floor, and the motionless figure of Carlson appears before the audience with a life preserver on his belt, huge jars of jam in his hands and a large piece of cake or a large fake candy in his mouth. His cheeks and nose are smeared with cream, his pose is full of grandeur.

Carlson. Monument to the victim of the sea disaster - the great Carlson! Applause!

Leading(after applause). It seems to me that this is rather a monument not to a victim of the elements of the sea, but to a victim of gluttony. I just want to knock out an aphorism inscription on the pedestal: “To die is so well-fed!”

Carlson. You see, thanks to me he was born new aphorism. which expresses an unusually wise thought. This is how the monument I created inspires you! Well, who, besides the great Carlson, is capable of this?

Leading. And now we can easily find out! So, let's follow the example of the great Carlson, create monuments, entire sculptural groups expressing some great ideas born of humanity and formulated in aphorisms

Several cards with aphorisms written on them are in the leader’s pocket. Teams are given a few minutes to think about their composition. Leading. We continue competitions.

Twisted Tales

You all know the fairy tales “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ The Bremen Town Musicians", "Three Bears", "Silver Hoof", " The Snow Queen" Now imagine that the names of these fairy tales are mixed up. Try to compose and tell a fairy tale, which now has the following title:

Red bears;

Snow Musicians;

Three Queens;

Bremen hoof;

Silver cap.

Carlson. And now dancing. Everybody dance!

Dancing robots

In all films, robots walk, fly, and shoot almost everywhere. But, perhaps, there is not a single film in which robots dance. Show how they could do it. Dance like robots...




The jury sums up the results

Leading. And now the prizes, but I won’t give them away just like that. I will name the word, and I will give a ticket to the one who comes up with the funniest Rhyme for it. And on the ticket it says what prize you will receive. After the game, tickets will be exchanged for prizes. Carlson will present them.

Carlson. I agree! The inscriptions on the tickets can be the following: car, vacuum cleaner, musical, etc. They are awarded - with appropriate comments - a toy car, a broom, a rattle, a children's kaleidoscope.

Leading(after presentation of the won prizes). So, dear friends, we celebrated April Fool's Day as we expected. The teams were lucky everywhere. This is what it means to do everything with a smile!

Carlson. And with a talisman like me!

Leading. As we say goodbye to you, we thank you for giving us a pleasant and fun company on this extraordinary journey.





5th grade

Prepared by:

Kozlenko T.V., physics teacher

Bastan village, 2013

Target: - conduct an educational and entertaining event;

Bring the class team together with laughter and enthusiasm.

Before the start of the event, the class is divided into two teams by drawing lots.

Board design:

"Laughter is a great healer"

“Whoever makes people laugh is worth the light”

“He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief”

“If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh”

“All genres are interesting, except boring”

“It’s easier to keep laughing than to stop laughing.”

"Tears together, laughter in half"

“If you want to look smarter, don’t have smart people around you”

“He who laughs last laughs best”

“Laughter is the head of everything!”

Progress of the event:

If you leave home one day

And suddenly you wander into our light,

Then rest assured that with us it is clear

It will be a very nice and cheerful evening.

And a smile, without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes,

And a good mood will be with you at the same hour!

Today we will laugh, have fun and give each other a good mood. And we will call all this “Humorina”.

Humor is an English word that means special kind comic, which combines ridicule and sympathy. The word “comic” translated from Greek means “cheerful, funny.” Most often, April Fool's Day is celebrated on the first of April. This day is also called “April 1st - I don’t trust anyone.” Previously, this day was called “the first of April - fun for a fool.” April Fool's Pranks known in Russia since the time of Peter the Great, when both men and boyars made fun of each other.

This day is celebrated not only in Russia.

In England, on this day it is customary to send each other comic packages, for example: a net to catch, and a rope to tie up the wind.

In France, it is customary to discreetly attach a paper fish to someone's clothing, meaning "to be fooled on this day."

In Australia, this day begins with loud laughter. Early in the morning, a tape recording of the cry of a cucumarra bird is played on the radio. It's very similar to uncontrollable laughter.

If your friends consider you an irrepressible prankster,

If your head is swollen from planning funny pranks,

If you can laugh not only at others, but also at yourself,

So you've come to the right place!


1.Create recipes for dishes with the following names: “Hedgehog in the Fog” cocktail, “Nobody Wanted to Die” sandwich.

2. Often in performances there are lyrical or tragic scenes of farewell. Stage a silent scene in which they say goodbye: 1) to the lady of his heart - a knight leaving for crusade; 2) with his daughter - a father going to a parent-teacher meeting.

3. Tongue twisters:

Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yaktsedrak, Yaktsedraktse-Droni.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpapony. So they had children: Yaktsedrak with Tsypa-Dripa-Shah, Yak with Tsypa - Shah-Sharah, Yaktsedraktse-Droni with Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpampona - Shah-Sharah-Sharahsheroni.

Shishel - went out, went out,

I went to the boyar's courtyard,

There the boyars sew hats,

They put them on the window.

You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak them all.

4 .Draw a person’s gait:

who just had lunch

Whose shoes are too tight

Who ended up in the forest at night

The soles of his shoes have peeled off.

5. Humorous riddles:

1. What happens if you swallow your knife and fork while eating? (you'll have to eat with your hands)

2. To whom do all people take their hats off? (in front of the hairdresser)

3.What do elephants have and no other animals? (baby elephants)

4.What kind of fabric can you not make a shirt from? (from the railway station)

6. Dramatize

1.Mom wakes up Seryozha:

Get up, Serezhenka, it's time for school!

Will not go! Smirnov will make faces again!

Get up, honey, you're already late!

Will not go! Chernov will start throwing a rag again!

Get up, Serezhenka, why don’t you go? After all, you are the school principal!

2. An ant is walking through the forest, dragging two loaves of bread. An elephant is approaching. The ant throws the loaf to the ground and yells at the top of his lungs: “Elephant, elephant!” Come on, go to bed quickly! The elephant got scared and fell to the ground. The ant climbed onto the elephant, put down the second loaf and said:

Well, it turned out to be an awesome sandwich.

7. Blindfolded, draw a portrait of your favorite teacher.

Well guys, I hope

Nobody's tired of it

April Fools jokes?

Or rather, on the contrary:

People are happy to laugh!

8. Jokes competition

Ivan Tsarevich galloped for three days and three nights and would have galloped further if the rope had not been taken away...

Each team tells a joke. 1 point for each joke.

While the jury is summing up the results,funny win-win lottery:

1. Here's the ticket, so the ticket, don't rummage around in the rooms,

Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (handkerchief)

2. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (pen)

3. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!

4.This ball will stop children's crying. (balloon)

5.Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, so hold it (pencil).

6. To prevent your cap from being blown away by the wind, here’s a gift for you (a paperclip).

7. Small business seal. (eraser)

8. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (candle)

9.Antique hanger. (nail)

10. Dear comrade, get (candy)

Just don’t eat it yourself, but treat your neighbor.

11.Thrill seeker. (buttons)

12.Device suitable for emergency situations. (pin)

During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles and heard laughter: cheerful, infectious, joyful. But…

Everything comes to an end

Our hour of parting has come.

They joked, played and kept us warm

Smiles and the sparkle of your eyes...

I wish everyone whole year forward

More joy, more success.

Laugh for a hundred years

Not knowing grief, tears and troubles,

And also more...laughter!


1. The school year is hassle-free. Scenarios school holidays. -Rostov n/a: from “Phoenix”, 1999. Konstantinova M., Petrova M., Yuryeva M.

2. School holiday calendar. S.I. Lobacheva, K.V. Shchigol, O.E. Zhirenko. M:5 for knowledge, 2006

3. Internet resources.