What does it mean to run in a dream. Run naked, naked in a dream

Running in a dream is associated with health and longevity, and is also a way to escape from impending danger. What this action means in a dream is interpreted by the dream book taking into account many details, such as the place, type and reason for jogging, the speed and motives of the runner.

Race location

Miller's dream book explains what dreams of running on rooftops mean, the rapid success of a sleeping person, the opportunity to turn his wildest plans into reality. If the dreamer jumps on the roofs of houses, driven by fear, running away from someone, it means that in real life he will be able not only to avoid danger, but also to discover his inner potential.

In a dream, running around the house indicates an internal search, a desire to understand your feelings, and model a picture of your future life. A dream about running on water symbolizes luck in business and career. The race through the cemetery reveals the dreamer’s inner fears, the desire to “bury” the past.

Dreaming of running in the rain reflects the state of joy and comfort in which you are now. Many people can guess why they dream of running up the stairs. Such an action means rapid career growth.

Type of running

Competing in a cross-country race in a dream foreshadows in the Housewife's dream book an unforeseen situation in which you need to quickly make a decision. To emerge victorious in a dreamed race means in reality you will be able to defeat your competitors. Losing the race, having reached the finish line among the laggards, means the need to defend your right to work on your own brainchild.

It’s easy to guess why you dream about running with obstacles. The dreamed vision symbolizes the difficulties that the dreamer will have to face on the way to realizing his plans.

Running uphill represents the dreamer's development, his desire for success. If the road along which the dreamer is running has obstacles, it means you will be faced with difficult tasks that will delay the fulfillment of goals for an indefinite period.

Seeing a finish line on the horizon with obstacles that goes uphill promises troubles in completing the goals you have set for yourself. If the runner’s route runs through an area where the road either climbs uphill or falls down, your business is progressing with varying degrees of success.

Running in the wrong place or in an unknown place threatens a sleeping person with thoughtless spending. Running in a circle in a dream, according to the Yellow Emperor's dream book, indicates a state of fixation, a repetition of past stages or situations in the future.

Dream books describe another interpretation of what dreams of running in circles mean. A dreamed action reveals the likelihood of getting bogged down in work in the future, like a squirrel in a wheel.


Participating in a running competition in a dream, according to the English dream book, predicts the defeat of an opponent or competitor. Becoming a winner in this sport predicts incredible success on the love front.

Compete with someone in a race - in the near future you will become convinced that not everything you strive for can be achieved. Watching someone compete in speed in a dream is considered a good sign, indicating the successful implementation of one’s own goals.

For a woman, running away from a man in a dream, according to N. Grishina’s Noble Dream Book, promises love and a feeling of reciprocity. Running away from danger prophesies losses and the inability to improve things in a way acceptable to you.

Running characteristics

Jogging barefoot in a dream is evidence of excellent health. Running a race naked speaks of a subconscious fear of exposing your feelings and emotions. According to the General Dream Book, such circumstances may be harbingers of an upcoming scandal.

Running in the dark predicts events for which you are completely unprepared. A fast run foreshadows a fun pastime, a slow run foretells a quick encounter with difficulties.

According to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina, running in a dream indicates dissatisfaction with oneself, the need to rush. If it is fast, it means that in reality you feel the strength to cope with the assigned tasks.

Running alone portends championship on the path to career achievements. Running with a group of other people means the opportunity to take part in a fun event, as well as a subtle improvement in things.

Running into a dream can warn of impending danger or indicate excellent health and possible longevity of the sleeper. But to determine exactly what you dream about running is only possible by turning to a dream book for help and analyzing all the nuances of the dream.

Place to run

Miller's dream book quite accurately defines what dreams of running on rooftops mean. Such a dream opens up the brightest prospects for the sleeper in the future. Namely: it portends rapid success and the fulfillment of all cherished desires. And even if the sleeper happened to jump on rooftops under the influence of strong fear, there is no need to fear the future. Such an episode indicates early success and the discovery of great potential within oneself, albeit under the influence of circumstances.

Running around the house in a dream speaks of a strong desire to change life priorities, to sort out your inner self and plans. Running on water portends good luck in business or career. But running through a cemetery in a dream is a sign that the dreamer has many secret fears, which he would be very happy to get rid of.

Run in your sleep - Run around without clothes- to a situation in which you will see the cunning of your relatives.
Run barefoot in a dream- to unrequited feelings, resentment, injustice and major chagrin.
Running in a dream without shoes- to illness or malaise, difficulties or stagnation in business.
Run barefoot in a dream- to troubles in real life.
Run after the game and catch it- to unexpected joy.
Running through the air in a dream- in the real world, a good person will help you, but for your help he will demand something more in return.
Horses running at a gallop mean disturbing events in your life that are about to happen.
Running in a dream, feeling fear, in the dark- to a terrible danger, a way to escape from which you have not yet thought of.
Running after someone in a dream and feeling tired at the same time means financial losses.
Seeing a cat chasing a mouse in a dream- to the wedding of one of your friends, to which you will be invited.
If during the run you periodically stumble, then various obstacles most likely await you, but one way or another you will be able to get to the end if you do not give up, if you fight back everyone and go exclusively forward.
If you dreamed that you were running in the company of people you liked, this means that in the foreseeable future you will be invited to a holiday with numerous participants, or your company will suddenly experience wonderful success in business matters.
If you dream that you are running in an area that is foreign to you, beware of losing something important in your life - be it a loved one or financial independence.
If you dream that others are running away from danger, then this dream can result in the death of friends.
If in a dream you run on the surface of water, then this vision promises an inextricable connection with your parents, an honest, sincere relationship with them throughout your life.
If in a dream you were running towards some illusory or completely unknown goal, it means that you will become vulnerable to your enemies and ill-wishers. Be more cautious and careful, do not trust people you don’t know well enough. Also, such a dream symbolizes the onset of deterioration in all areas - in work, in family life, and in relation to health, so as not to lose everything you have, think about your life and what you are not doing. So.
If in a dream you are running as part of a team, then this is a sign of participation in some kind of celebration in reality.
If you run alone, airily and enjoying yourself, this indicates that on the path of your life you will leave all rivals behind and will bask in the rays of respect.
If you run a race with someone you know and get ahead of him, you will outlive this person.
If you see other people running and you cannot catch up with them, then in the real world you have your own path prepared for you, in which there will be no sorrows and disappointments. You just need to make the right choice at the crucial moment.
If you stumbled or fell while running in a dream, then this may be a sign of some unpleasant moment in business or ruin.
If you escape through the window- this is a sign that in reality you can get into trouble.
If a girl saw in a dream how she was running after a mouse, then this is a sign of imminent matchmaking.
If you cannot give what he wants, beware of his anger.
When you fall in your dream, you need to get back on your feet, otherwise you will be “crushed” by people running behind you, and in reality you risk losing money, getting into debt and tarnishing your name.
Participate in running competitions- the dream promises malaise due to overexertion, fatigue in real life. In your life, all days are similar to each other, boredom and routine are exhausting.
Run on the grass- happiness, carefree life, youth will pass actively, you will have something to remember in the future.
Any interpreter will associate a dream in which you see running with good health, vitality, health, and with luck and happiness, which are just around the corner. However, it is worth focusing your attention on what kind of running you are dreaming of, and on your feelings from it.
A dream in which you dreamed of running alone means that you will be able to overtake all your business partners in life or take a strong official position.
A dream in which someone was running has many interpretations. First of all, it says that you lack money, and often that you passionately want to get what you were running towards in a dream; in order to solve these problems, you need to be more calm and restrained and systematically move towards desired.
Run away from someone- to travel, and a dangerous one at that.
Run away from somewhere- your success will be replaced by failure.

Why do we sometimes have to run in our sleep? Such a vision may portend a desire for new adventures or a desire to isolate oneself from some problem. There are many options. Let's turn to authoritative dream books to find out the most likely ones.

Miller's Dream Book

Running in a dream means changes in life, says the famous psychologist. He notes that quickly moving to a certain group of people promises the dreamer a magnificent celebration in reality. In addition, success awaits him in all endeavors. Things will certainly go uphill even with minimal effort. However, it is necessary to avoid obstacles while running. Miller believes that if a person stumbles and falls in a dream, then in reality all sorts of troubles await him. He may go bankrupt or lose his reputation.

Loff's Dream Book

The psychologist is convinced that running in a dream means maintaining good health and longevity. It also avoids possible danger. Therefore, a dream with elements of athletics promises a person elation or a reliable refuge from troubles. Sometimes the dreamer sees himself running all night. As a rule, he is driven by fear of a formidable pursuer. At the same time, he can constantly stumble and encounter various obstacles. This suggests that in reality the sleeper is experiencing strong pressure in some area of ​​activity. The next morning he needs to seriously think about what to do in order to change the current state of affairs. A decision can come unexpectedly and bring a person peace of mind and peace of mind.

Ukrainian dream book

This source is based on all sorts of folk signs. Running without a goal in a dream means losing a lot of money in reality. Seeing athletes from the outside means, on the contrary, getting a large sum in reality. Running with all your might, but still staying in place is a long wait for change for the better. To pursue someone and overtake them is a sign of happiness and prosperity. To overtake a person means to outlive him by several years. Reaching the goal without interference means a successful completion of affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

This book takes into account that the dreamer can run away from danger or rush towards a desired goal. The dream is interpreted depending on the motive that guides the person when moving at high speed. If he is urged on by a wild animal, it means that in reality he may commit some rash act. If he has to hide from a fire, it means major changes await him ahead. In addition, you should pay attention to your own health. Running away from a flood means an excess of emotional distress. Trying to catch up with a train, bus or plane means the fleeting fulfillment of hopes and plans. Chasing a stranger in a dream means tiredness from everyday worries.

Psychological dream book

This source has its own view of what one dreams of running towards in a dream. If the sleeper sees that he simply needs to break free and rush forward, it means that new sexual adventures await him. Steeplechase running in bad weather is dreamed of by people who subconsciously avoid intimacy. Perhaps they need to change partners. If in a dream a person runs with pleasure, it means that he is completely satisfied with his personal life.

Running in a dream, seeing a person nearby and enjoying communicating with him means meeting a new interesting interlocutor. He will be able to inspire the dreamer to new feats personally and professionally.

Romantic dream book

Many people ask the question: “If you dream that you are running in your sleep, what is this for?” The interpretation of this vision can be very different. According to the romantic dream book, such a dream promises household chores for family people. Fate advises them to slow down and approach their actions more thoughtfully.

If the dreamer is chasing his soulmate in a dream, then in reality he will experience changes in his personal life. Most likely, the person is taking too long with the marriage proposal. And this could become a serious problem for him in the future.

If a man sees himself running in a competition, then this promises him the favor of his beloved. He can marry her, and his family life will be happy. For women, a dream in which she is being pursued by a certain person promises an early marriage. And in general, running quickly in a dream means a love relationship. Catching a fleeing mouse means matchmaking and an imminent wedding.

Persian dream book

He relies on the material side of life. For example, overtaking someone in a competition means becoming the most selfish and rich person in your own environment. Running with all your might means a long business trip. Feeling pleasant fatigue from physical activity in a dream means a wonderful holiday in a paradise of the world. The dreamer will detach himself from the everyday hustle and bustle and spend time with great pleasure.

Up or down?

Running fast in a dream can be very pleasant. In the world of dreams, a person does not feel gravity, so it may seem to him that he is flying like a bird. However, the question arises: where can this road lead the dreamer?

If a person dreams that he is rushing up the stairs, it means that in reality he is too carried away by career achievements. He needs to remember his family and communicate with them cordially. This will bring the sleeper not only pleasure, but also great benefit. He will receive good advice from one of his relatives.

Running down the stairs means possible problems with the opposite sex. The sleeper makes too high demands on his chosen one. This could backfire on him. However, there is another opinion. For example, according to Aesop, a rapid descent down means material well-being and success in professional activities. And rushing down the mountain at full speed means a huge number of problems, as well as financial collapse.

Barefoot or with shoes?

Some may have a question: “Why do I run fast in my sleep barefoot?” It turns out that such a picture can be dreamed of by people who strive to find harmony with their sexual partner. Bare feet are very vulnerable. So the dreamer feels too open and helpless. However, his fears are in vain: personally, everything will turn out well for him.

Running fast can mean that a person is at the peak of their physical fitness. It can also foreshadow a long and difficult journey, which, despite difficulties, will end happily.

Freud's version

The famous psychoanalyst was famous for his original approach to dream interpretation. For example, he considered running in the rain as a sign of aggravation of the natural instincts of the sleeper. Most likely, he dreams of a new sexual experience with a different partner. If a person runs in circles all night, it means that in reality he is in a difficult situation from which he cannot get out.

These are the interpretations that proven dream books offer us. Use them, and you will always know what this or that dream portends for you.

In fact, running is one of the most common dreams. Almost everyone has ever dreamed that they were running from something or somewhere, while experiencing a feeling of fear or, conversely, liberation. Fortunately, now you can find out what running is about in your dreams from numerous dream books aimed at every taste and preference.

Traditionally, people perceive running in a dream as a harbinger of something bright and pleasant. For example, it is generally believed that someone who often runs in their dreams will have good health and live a long and happy life. Also, such people are less likely to be exposed to various kinds of dangers, since running in this case is interpreted as a kind of rescue remedy from misfortunes. In addition, a dream in which you jog can indicate a high degree of masculinity and the presence of brave qualities.

A dream in which a person is running and at the same time experiencing great fear, in fact, in real life can be an excellent solution to pressing problems. On the one hand, such dreams are exhausting, and after waking up one feels some kind of fatigue and emotional heaviness, but on the other hand, all the obstacles and obstacles that come along the way begin to seem less serious. It is important to pay attention to the plot of the dream itself and compare all the events that occur in it with what is actually happening in life. In this way, you can find a way out of their current difficult situations, as well as understand where to move next.

You can approach dreams in different ways. However, in most cases they provide an opportunity to understand the problems. After all, dreams are almost always a kind of prism through which a person can look at the events happening in his life from a different angle. This helps you understand what to focus on and what issues are important at a particular time. Such dreams push people towards a speedy positive resolution of all troubling problems.

The dream book helps to correctly interpret all dreams associated with running. In order to most accurately determine what is actually behind a particular dream, it is necessary to pay attention to the details of what is happening, for example, such as the environment, what exactly is happening, possible reasons and the actual characteristics of running.

You can run in a dream in completely different places; most often, of course, this is a simple road, but there are other, more exotic places:


What you dream about running up the stairs is directly related to your internal expectations of using your full potential. Most often, such dreams are harbingers of quick career growth and all kinds of success in the workplace.

Under rain

A favorable sign for those who still doubt their choice of life path. Running in the rain in a dream is a sure sign that in reality a person is in a complete state of harmony, experiencing only joy and comfort from everything that happens.


If the sleeper sees how he dashingly runs across the roofs of houses, then, most likely, in life even his most daring plans will be able to be realized, and with great success. There is no need to worry if the fear was too strong while running, because this is what means that, in essence, the danger can be avoided using inner strength and potential.

On water

Such an unusual dream can be a harbinger of great work-related news. Most likely, you should expect a promotion or favorable events related to any business.

Types of running

When understanding why you dream of running, it is worth paying attention to exactly how the process of jogging occurs. This can be anything, from running in place to running with obstacles.

Running in place

This also includes dreams when a person runs and does not know the final stop, as if abstracting himself from what is happening. This may indicate some financial problems associated with unreasonable expenses. Such a dream can protect a person from unsuccessful purchases.

Running uphill

Talks about the desire to strive for success in any endeavor. Such a dream can be an impetus to achieve new goals. If there are any obstacles on the way, it means that in real life some problems will appear that will somewhat delay the completion of the assigned tasks.

Running with obstacles

Here you don’t even need a dream book to understand that, most likely, the matter is some difficulties and real life obstacles that you will have to face in the future in order to realize all your conceived ideas. Perhaps such a dream will help you assess the situation more clearly and pay attention to all the pitfalls.

Cause-and-effect relationships

You can find out why you dream of running in a dream by understanding the very circumstances of what is happening. In this case, it is important to pay attention to what exactly is happening and answer the question of why you have to run.

Running in competitions

Competitions themselves mean unexpected circumstances when it is necessary to quickly make some important decisions. If in a dream you manage to overtake everyone, then in reality the competition as such will be successfully overcome. In the event that you have to run at the very end at the finish line, you should pay attention to protecting your rights in relation to your own affairs.

Run a race

Speed ​​running may indicate that plans will soon be implemented, and this will be done so quickly and unhindered that everything that happens will be very unexpected. However, if you failed to win the race, then achieving your goals will have to be postponed for some time.

Run away from someone

If a girl runs away from a man, then this may indicate disappointment in love relationships and betrayal. If a man runs, then this is a warning that there is a high probability of being deceived.

Running characteristics

Pay attention to exactly how running is performed, to its technique:

Barefoot running

The most important indicator of why you dream of running barefoot is excellent physical condition. Such a dream promises good health and excellent well-being. If such dreams appear frequently, then we can talk about longevity and prosperity.

Fast run

Running itself is a symbol of forward movement and constant haste. If you dream of running fast, then most likely inner perseverance and strength, as well as great desire, will help you overcome all obstacles along the way and cope with all problems.

Group run

A good sign for those who like to spend time in company. Such a dream may mean that soon you will have the opportunity to take part in some large-scale event and prove yourself from the best side, and things will improve noticeably.


Many dream books explain in detail what running means in dreams and offer their own interpretations. To understand this issue more specifically, pay attention, first of all, to how you feel after such a dream, as well as to all the events that preceded it; perhaps they will be the answer.