Horoscope for the next week according to zodiac signs. Weekly horoscope for everyone

Many printed publications publish both daily horoscopes and a weekly horoscope on their pages. It must be said that newspapers and magazines containing astrological forecasts are in much greater demand than others - this is explained by the never-ending interest of people in the opportunity to read about their near future. A weekly horoscope is not just a tribute to fashion, or a desire to increase the rating of horoscopes. A week, as a fairly capacious unit of time, makes up a cycle, which is commonly called a work week, or seven days. This period of time has a beginning and an end; it is most convenient to plan things for a week, and analyze the results as time passes. In addition, the events planned for the week are easy to remember, just as it is convenient to trace their general pattern. To know about the events in the coming week means to gain time to think about your actions and maneuver, to act not blindly, but carefully checking your steps.

Life in harsh reality drives a person into a corner, forcing him to look for a way out of a difficult situation alone. The stone metropolis does not provide options for solving problems, does not leave a person time to think, ponder, analyze his actions and relationships with people around him. The world is full of signs that people have forgotten how to read, and in our century - the century of space technology - we suddenly started talking about loneliness in the crowd, when each of us is left alone with our problems and experiences.

A keen interest in astrological forecasts arose a long time ago, and at all times there have been attempts to introduce astrology into the circle of other sciences, to make them equal. Currently, the functions of astrology are so extensive that the data it provides is taken into account in almost all areas of human life, including science and education.

The weekly horoscope can now be read not only in a newspaper or magazine, but also on the Internet, and life shows how true these predictions are, as well as the high constant demand for a wide variety of astrological forecasts. A person in the modern world needs a travel companion and friend who will tactfully give advice and make comments that are not focused on his mood or personal preferences. The weekly horoscope, which is published at regular intervals at the beginning of each seven-day week, has become such a dispassionate but delicate advisor, and can become for almost each of us an individual diary of the near future. The weekly astrological forecast contains a description of the general features of the upcoming seven days, as well as information about the peak events of this period, which should be paid close attention to. A weekly horoscope may contain advice from a professional astrologer that will help you get out of particularly difficult situations and not fall into new traps of fate. An astrological weekly forecast is more than information: the horoscope talks to a person, convinces, advises, listens. The psychotherapeutic properties of this unique prediction are effectively used by many people on the path to achieving their own success.

People who do not believe horoscopes, just like people who are keen on astrological forecasts, periodically look at the astrological prediction page to see information about their zodiac sign and learn at least a little about their future. As a rule, people who do not believe in horoscopes read them only to refute them, but after they discover that most of the predictions come true, they soften the harsh categoricalness of their opinion and become regular readers of horoscopes. A weekly horoscope can be common for all zodiac signs - it reveals the main aspects of the upcoming seven days and the general trends in the development of the week. The weekly horoscope for each representative of the zodiac circle complements and clarifies the general astrological forecast, and is most preferable for a person who wants to know more about himself and his life.

General horoscope for the week from March 25 to March 31, 2019
The beginning of the week coincides with the full moon, which cannot but affect the manifestation of our internal, previously hidden properties, feelings and abilities. The beginning of the week will be primarily associated with receiving information, passive perception...

Weekly horoscope for Aries from March 25 to March 31, 2019
All this week you will strive to improve your financial situation, which will affect your aggressive attitude towards others. Demandingness and assertiveness, the desire for everyone to follow your plan (after all, it is so ideal) - that’s...

“What I want, I don’t know, what I know, I don’t want” is your motto for the coming week. You will be very active, constantly taking on something, starting new things, quitting and starting again, because there are so many interesting and attractive things around you,...

It will be a difficult week for you. You tend to take on too much work, try to redo everything, resolve all the issues. At the same time, someone will constantly interfere with you; minor disagreements and disputes will not add strength to you. Apart from clean...

This week you have to make an important choice. You have been waiting for some kind of offer for a long time and soon you will receive it. It will be so easy to decide, you will be plagued by doubts, but the advice you receive from friends will allow you to make up your mind. You will become...

At the beginning of the week, conflicts and minor quarrels are possible, but they will not lead to serious incidents in the personal sphere. Thanks to your ability to understand the hidden motives of people, you can easily get out of any difficult situations and help others get out...

Relationships with your significant other may reach a dead end, despite all your efforts, it will be difficult for you to understand where you made a mistake and why everything is not going as planned. The best way out of this situation is to take a break, you must allow...

Your desire to find your soulmate and strengthen existing relationships will not lead to success this week. All attempts to somehow understand the relationship, to push for a transition to a new, more serious level will be met with misunderstanding....

The beginning of the week will be very persistent; you will have to be assertive and not give up halfway through. Weekly events will not be significant, but very pleasant, you will be able to lay the foundations for further advancement, especially in...

There is a period of stagnation in your personal life, this will be especially pronounced at the beginning of the week. You and your significant other will misunderstand each other, have different interests, different needs. Most likely it won't come to a quarrel, it's just that you...

Contrary to general trends, your personal life may be very active in the coming week. If you don’t have a soulmate right now, then there is a high probability of a romantic acquaintance, or even winning off a suitor from your rival. Fate favors...

The week ahead will not be easy, but its difficulty will lie not so much in the large number of things to do, but in the general accumulation of fatigue that has been going on for quite a long time. At the same time, you will be able to put your affairs and thoughts in order, especially favorably...

The week will be very bright and emotional. Events will develop rapidly and often for reasons beyond your control, many even unexpectedly. In the second half of the week, a romantic acquaintance may begin, but to judge the seriousness of this...

General horoscope for the next week from March 30 to April 5, 2019
This week will be more devoted to work matters than family matters. No changes are expected in the relationship between you and people close to you, so you will be able to get busy with work and everyday life. The beginning of the week helps...

Horoscope for the next week for Aries from March 30 to April 5, 2019
This week is extremely unfavorable for relationships with your significant other. It will probably become resolving, final. Your relationship has accumulated long-standing disputes and disagreements that will spill over this week. The gap will be especially bright at the beginning...

The beginning of the week is best spent with relatives or in the company of very old friends. These will be very pleasant days from which you will get a lot of pleasure. The whole week will be pleasant and successful for you. It is possible to receive a small...

As with Taurus, your week will have distinct periods at the beginning and end. The first days of the week are a pleasant time spent with friends, parties or a mini holiday are possible. By the middle of the week you will be more absorbed in work matters...

From the very beginning of the week, you will be charged with a stream of optimism, and literally glow with energy and happiness; everything will go smoothly. And any questions will be resolved. True, by the middle of the week you will become an overly serious and domineering person, prone to...

Nothing can be hidden or hidden from your insightful and wise gaze. You will be able to sort out any matters and even help Cancers bring deceivers to clean water. This period is good for learning of all kinds. If...

At the beginning of the week, you will be required to make the announced decision, slowly and qualitatively comprehend the situation, and only after that take any action. The right choice will bring you success in both financial and personal matters....

Throughout the beginning of the week you will have to catch luck by the tail. On the one hand, many opportunities will be close to you, but at the decisive moment they will elude you due to absurd accidents. The loss of something valuable, serious disappointments are likely...

You will feel like you are on a horse. You will be able to make a favorable impression on others, thereby earning their respect and love. This will also allow you to find new love, a pleasant acquaintance, and if you already have a second soulmate,...

This week of serious achievements, from the very beginning you will be in a working mood, set a clear goal and confidently move towards its solution. You will be inclined to act directly and be able to resolve almost any issue that...

A very favorable week for family affairs, but for already established ones, since romantic meetings and acquaintances are not expected. The first days are quite calm, they will flow easily and carefree, in complete comfort. And by the middle of the week, emotional...

This week you will be in a state of what is called “not being yourself.” Completely detached from the affairs that will actively occur around you. Perhaps some changes will begin in your personal life. By tuning in to outside help, you can...

Unpleasant events at the beginning of the week can incapacitate you for a long time and throw you off your usual rhythm of life. Perhaps the betrayal of a person close to you, because of which you will fall into a state of prostration and will not be able to adequately make decisions...

Horoscope for the next week - another updated horoscope for all twelve zodiac signs. If your life flows at least approximately according to the star signs, then this horoscope will be most useful for you, as it will tell you about the week that has not yet come. And this will help you mobilize and overcome possible difficulties with minimal losses.

Horoscope for the next week from March 25, 2019 to March 31, 2019

The beginning of the week coincides with the full moon, which cannot but affect the manifestation of our internal, previously hidden properties, feelings and abilities. The beginning of the week will be, first of all, associated with receiving information, passive perception of what is happening around us, without any active influence on the world around us. And the point is not that you cannot influence events, but that you don’t need it. The best position at the beginning of the week is to listen, perceive and wait. The events around you will line up in the right way, which will bring you a certain positive result that will manifest itself a few days later.

By the middle of the week, it is possible to receive a gift, as well as a general improvement in your financial situation. Relationships with a person close to you will begin to actively develop, frequent meetings, a lot of communication, as well as making an important decision to move the relationship to a new level. At this time, a transition point begins when you can strengthen and prolong your relationship, but at the same time you will have to sacrifice something, or maintain your usual way of life, but because of this, relationships and feelings will suffer.

Intensification of the emotional sphere towards the end of the week, the appearance of depression and withdrawal into oneself can largely predetermine the further development of the relationship. The manifestation of touchiness, isolation, self-torture and solitude is a natural result of interpersonal problems that will appear in the last days of the week. Active activities on the weekend will help you overcome these days and come to your senses. Moreover, you must manifest it yourself.

The weekend will be active, you will be inclined to make decisions, plan and generally carry out many different activities related to work, primarily on yourself, which will allow you to sort out past events, your feelings, cut off illusions and get rid of unreasonable fears. The events of this week will affect your life in many ways and will allow you to understand a lot. The only thing to be wary of is an excessive infatuation with a melancholic state, which is useful only in small doses, not exceeding two days. And if, after some life events, you still feel broken on the third day, this is a clear sign that it’s time to take charge of yourself. This week you will have the strength to take care of yourself.

horoscope for next week for Aries

Aries, this week will be ambivalent, largely due to your mood. Everything you do according to your own ideas will turn out great, but you have learned not to trust yourself and your own strengths, look back at the stars and wait for instructions from the outside. As the weekend approaches, you realize that it is time to act more boldly.

horoscope for next week for Taurus

Taurus, your emotions are too easily influenced by Venus, not in love, but in friendship. You run the risk of being too charmed by strangers, revealing important information to them that can easily be used against you. Therefore, be careful in conversations and try not to cross familiar and proven boundaries in communication.

horoscope for next week for Gemini

Gemini, scales will seem to fall from your eyes, you will become convinced that you have been doing a lot of things wrong lately, and you will begin to correct your mistakes. The second half of the week will be more active and successful for representatives of your sign than the first.

horoscope for next week for Cancer

Cancers are still in a period when everything is important and everything matters. Issues related to dismissal or employment may be resolved. Treat new acquaintances scrupulously; they appear in your life for a reason. If a decision is required from you, do not crawl into the mud, transfer responsibility - and it will be worse for you.

horoscope for next week for Leo

Leos recover in every sense. At the beginning of the week you are still “stretching your paws”. At this moment, your loved ones or friends will begin to encourage you to act, and you will snap in disbelief, and in vain. Your time is coming when your initiative, determination and even authority are in demand. Feel free to poke your nose into all situations that require quick resolution and have the last word there.

horoscope for next week for Virgo

Virgos, filter what you say and what they say to you. Avoid “white lies” or what is called “lying to benefit the cause.” If at any moment it seems to you that you are in a fairy tale, turn on your inherent sobriety and check the unprecedented harmony with algebra.

horoscope for next week for Libra

Libra, you may have to protect your reputation, personal and business. Bring the situation to the end, do not leave room for interpretation. Become a bore and present documentary evidence of your own innocence, even if it discredits one of your colleagues.

horoscope for next week for Scorpio

Scorpios, if you want to sort out your relationship, and are not afraid to enter into conflict and break it off, then do this on weekdays. Over the weekend, all your polemical fervor will fade away, you will want harmony, you will become pliable and lose your vigilance. Therefore, spend Saturday and Sunday with people you absolutely trust.

horoscope for next week for Sagittarius

Sagittarius, in one of the old films there was good advice: you always need to “strengthen the facade,” that is, based on your appearance, others should think that everything is fine with you. This is what Sagittarius should do. Buy nice clothes, improve your appearance, go where they will give you a reason to smile. And try to avoid strangers.

horoscope for next week for Capricorn

Capricorns, be prepared for the fact that this week you will be “plowed” in the interests of a person who, by and large, is indifferent to you, but you cannot completely neglect this relationship, otherwise you will ruin your reputation. Therefore, you will have to distribute your time not on two, but on three fronts, keeping up at work, at home and wherever else you are called. Take this philosophically - with these works you will add a plus to your karma.

horoscope for next week for Aquarius

Aquarius, everyday life and everyday life await you, but in the most positive sense. Intuition tells you what issues need to be resolved in order to then get on with things at full capacity. Many Aquarians will be involved in health, sports, and shopping. Those with a family or couple will consider a short vacation. Lonely representatives of the sign will press on to study. Figuratively, this period can be called a cleaning of armor for Aquarius.

horoscope for next week for Pisces

Pisces and water signs rarely miss the moment when the stars give them a light kick and encourage them to act. This week, Pisces will begin to become active, more on the labor front than on the personal front. You will stop humbly accepting failures and will trust your own opinion more than the advice of others. And it is right.

The horoscope is published in the magazine "7+7ya"

A very interesting week. The retrograde phase of Mercury is ending, and many stuck things will move forward. The long-awaited answers will come. You may receive a response to your proposal or request. On Monday you can start a new business. On Tuesday there is a risk of miscalculation and unsuccessful investment. From Wednesday to Friday, do only current affairs. Do not provoke your superiors with inappropriate remarks, otherwise you will not be able to avoid inspections and new assignments. Don't make plans for the weekend. Most likely, you will do something unexpected.

The craving for experimentation and variety will be replaced by selectivity and a balanced approach to choosing activities. At the beginning of the week, you still have to deal with unexpected problems or you will be overwhelmed by enthusiasm for repairs, reconstruction, and reshuffles. Keep in mind that either you will start something yourself, or circumstances will lead you to it. On Thursday, your loved one may test your strength. Take any news calmly. On weekends, choose new places to relax. Unexpected invitations are just what you need.

This week you may become involved in some kind of secret, even if you did not intentionally intend to do so. Mercury in conjunction with Neptune makes it possible to find lost things and find a good professional in the field that interests you. You can sort out conflicting feelings if you can push the emotions aside. Your extraordinary mind will build cunning combinations, but it is possible that you yourself may be deceived. Do not do anything important until the middle of next week, but for now observe and draw conclusions.
Favorable days: 28, 31. Be careful: 26

This week you will discover the truth about relationships with other people. You may want to ignore someone's point of view if it doesn't agree with yours. You have the right to do so. From Wednesday to Friday, luck may be accompanied by minor troubles. If your feelings are hurt, don't let yourself get stuck in that state. Take advantage of your partner's intention to seriously discuss an issue that is important to you. If you postpone the conversation until Sunday, be prepared for surprises. This weekend can be devoted to a new hobby, purchasing materials, making useful connections and contacts.
Favorable days: 25, 29. Be careful: 28

By Thursday you should have a minimum of unfinished tasks left. Try to deal with your debts and “tails”, get rid of reminders in the workplace and eliminate clutter. Your relationships with people from afar take on new meaning. In March, it is good to resolve issues of moving, studying away, and traveling. On Friday, be flexible in emotional matters. Don't plan any trips on Saturday morning. The accident rate is increasing. On Sunday you can purchase office equipment, upgrade your computer, or buy some household appliances for your home.

Hidden information becomes available. Your intuition works great, and you are able to see what you are used to not noticing. But you should beware of deception that can sneak up on the other side while you are passionate or preoccupied with something. Expect a flow of information to your mailboxes, mobile phone and in contacts with others. Highlight the main things to do so as not to get bogged down in the hustle and bustle. At the end of the week there is a danger of catching an infection. Thefts and machinations of rivals are also possible. There is also a positive side - the conjunction of Mercury with Neptune will open a creative period in relationships.
Favorable days: 27, 29. Be careful: 26

If at the beginning of the week you show a desire to plunge headlong into some business, but something worries you, postpone your intention until you are more confident. In the first half of the week, think about what you can complete and submit, take stock. Venus moves into the sign of Pisces, and your mood for the weekend will become more calm and peaceful. Do not rush to resolve issues of concern with your employer. Wait until they contact you with an offer. If you need to make a special impression on someone, use Sunday for this purpose.
Favorable days: 25, 31. Be careful: 29

Mercury is conjunct Neptune all this week, and knowing how to take a step back is just as important as staying focused if an urgent problem arises. The news will fall like a snowball. What will be required from you is not excessive zeal in your work, but your special quality - the ability to see people and situations through and through. On Friday, ask about the well-being of your parents. Perhaps someone close to you needs your help. On Sunday, the consequences of your actions will come back to you. This is one of the points in the year when you can choose a new course.
Favorable days: 27, 28. Be careful: 30

Your irrepressibility can attract a real adventure this week. But even pleasant stress can negatively affect your well-being. There is one important warning for this week - special caution is needed when consuming medications and alcohol. It would also be unwise to relieve stress through shopping. What you put into action (projects, ideas, connections) begins to live its own life. Our partners will provide you with news that will take your breath away. The most interesting things await you on Sunday. Be open to contacts.
Favorable days: 25, 31. Be careful: 26

If you are “bursting” with the desire to interfere in someone’s life, let yourself cool down and transfer your energy to more useful things. At the beginning of the week, it will be good to promote something that for some reason you want to keep secret. Those born between January 11 and 13 should avoid high-risk activities on Friday and Saturday. At the end of the week, don't cling to the old if life presents you with a new challenge. Show conscientiousness and attention to detail and formal courtesies. Sunday may be remembered for some personal discovery, find or acquisition.
Favorable days: 27, 28. Be careful: 29

An orderly home and office is a guarantee that you will not forget or lose anything. It will be easier for you to work if all the necessary materials and things are at hand. Beware of theft, loss of information, keys and documents. You can reveal someone’s pretense, deception, and, at the same time, calculate your benefit from this information. At the beginning of the week, turn in completed tasks. Focus on one thing at a time, but watch to see if tension builds around a particular topic. Sunday is your day. A surprise awaits you.
Favorable days: 27, 31. Be careful: 30

The emphasis is still on your sign. At the beginning of the week, pay off your debts and turn in completed tasks. The less left, the more effective your work will be. Changes are coming and you may have to learn something. If a new business does not work out right away, you should not consider yourself a victim of mysterious forces, but try to determine what you are doing wrong. From time to time, switch from intellectual work to physical work. Interesting discoveries are possible in the most unexpected places, and ideas will appear as if out of thin air. On weekends, there may be troubles associated with gossip and intrigue. It is better to relax in a familiar and protected place.

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Weekly horoscope

A mixed week. So, on Monday and Tuesday, increased charm, diplomacy and hard work will help make the right impression on the right people. But on Wednesday, the overactive desire to show off will start to scare away others. And on this day it will become more difficult to concentrate on work. However, you should not shift your responsibility to others. Thursday and Friday are a completely different matter. Being active will do you good. Put your plans into action. Saturday and Sunday are also favorable and active. Try not to overload yourself with work so much that you feel tired.

It is very important that you remain alert at all times in career matters during this period. Well, if you have doubts about your professionalism, then at the moment you should not underestimate them: approach your work as responsibly as possible, correct all mistakes, and

High spirits and soul-satisfying communication - what more does a person need?! Moreover, frank conversations with those closest to you will bring peace and clarity to your relationships. But some of you will get the other side of this coin - excess information can lead you into

Shift the priority of actions these days towards communication, contacts and establishing strong and reliable connections. You can’t do without outside support and advice now, so make sure that people want to help you - and then in official matters and in your personal life you will

This week you should pay great attention to making new acquaintances and communicating with people you don’t know much, since it is other people’s ideas and opinions that will help you succeed. However, still try not to take rash steps or act under the influence of impulses, so that

This is a good time to change jobs, as well as take on a new position. If you are not going to change anything, then you should make sure that the work environment becomes more comfortable. Also try this week to remember the laws of justice and not fetter your

This week your life potential will be on the rise, however, do not try to take on additional work. In addition, you can feel like a truly happy person if there are people around who need your help. So take every chance to

It is unlikely that you will be denied insight this week, but His Majesty Chance may intervene in the matter, so try to make informed decisions. And if you can sacrifice a little and compromise, then there is a high probability that you can win in

This June week has prepared pleasant surprises for you in the form of unexpected money, passionate love or just a very good mood. Use the opportunity to show the world your hidden talents and take the initiative yourself.

Favorable days- Wednesday Thursday.

Unfavorable days- Saturday.

This week you will be inclined to indulge all your weaknesses and try to get as much pleasure from life as possible. Be more picky and scrupulous in choosing not only dishes, but also travel companions or casual acquaintances. You will feel uncomfortable if you find yourself in

You will be full of strength and charm. So in love there will certainly not be a mistake - well, there is no way the opposite sex will be able to resist you. In business life everything is also good - there are more than enough assistants. Well, health is the time to join the cosmonaut corps