5 questions on a musical topic. Quiz questions about musical instruments

It happens that at school, as homework, they are asked to compose. This, in general, is not a tricky matter, however, this problem can be solved even easier if you use a special program for composing crossword puzzles.

In this article I will show you a simple example musical crossword, and I’ll tell you how easy it is to make one yourself. I compiled a crossword puzzle on music taking into account the school curriculum - the questions are downright simple.

When you compose a musical crossword yourself, in order not to rack your brains coming up with words and questions, just open your school notebook and use the notes you made in class. Various terms, names of works, musical instruments, names of composers, etc. will work for this work.

Example of a musical crossword

Here's the crossword puzzle I came up with, try to solve it:

Horizontal questions:

  1. The title of the famous play by I.S. Bach for flute.
  2. The founder of Russian classical music.
  3. An orchestral introduction to an opera or ballet, sounded just before the start of the performance.
  4. An ensemble of four musicians, as well as the name of one famous fable by I.A. Krylova.
  5. For example, Mozart has a work for choir, soloists and orchestra, a funeral mass.
  6. A percussion musical instrument, with a tremolo (this is a playing technique) of which Haydn's 103rd symphony begins.
  7. The name of the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky on a New Year's theme, in which the tin soldier fights the mouse king.
  8. Musical and theatrical genre, in which such works as “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by M.I. were written. Glinka, “The Queen of Spades” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  9. Low male voice.
  10. One of the “whales” in music: dance, march and...?
  11. A musician who conducts a symphony orchestra.
  12. Belarusian song-dance about potatoes.
  13. A musical instrument whose name is made up of Italian words meaning “loud” and “quiet.”
  14. Opera epic N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov about the guslar and the sea princess Volkhov.

Vertical questions:

  1. A musical interval connecting two adjacent steps.
  2. Austrian composer, author of the song “Evening Serenade”.
  3. A sign in musical notation that indicates the sound is lowered by a semitone.
  4. An ensemble of three instrumentalists or singers.
  5. The name of the composer who opened the first conservatory in Russia.
  6. Who wrote the series “Pictures at an Exhibition”?
  7. The dance that underlies Strauss's play On the Beautiful Blue Danube.
  8. A piece of music for a solo instrument and orchestra, in which the orchestra and soloist seem to compete with each other.
  9. The musical style to which the work of I.S. belongs. Bach and G.F. Handel.
  10. Austrian composer who wrote "Little Night Serenade" and "Turkish March".
  11. Polish national dance, for example, in Oginski’s play “Farewell to the Motherland.”
  12. A great German composer who wrote many fugues, and he is also the author of the St. Matthew Passion.
  13. Consonance of three or more sounds.



1. Joke 2. Glinka 3. Overture 4. Quartet 5. Requiem 6. Timpani 7. Nutcracker 8. Opera 9. Bass 10. Song 11. Conductor 12. Bulba 13. Piano 14. Sadko


1. Second 2. Schubert 3. Flat 4. Trio 5. Rubinstein 6. Mussorgsky 7. Waltz 8. Concerto 9. Baroque 10. Mozart 11. Polonaise 12. Bach 13. Chord

How to make a crossword on music?

Now I’ll tell you a little about how I made this miracle. Helped me program for creating crosswords entitled Crossword Creator. It is free, very easy to find on the Internet and install (weighs about 20 MB - that is, not much). Before I started this program, I tried a number of others. This one seemed the best to me.

As you can see, I didn’t include many words for guessing in my musical crossword puzzle - only 27. You can use any number of words. The list of required words is simply entered into the program window, which itself then distributes them vertically and horizontally and beautifully crosses them.

All we have to do is choose a design style, and then download the finished crossword puzzle. Moreover, you can download several necessary files at once: a crossword puzzle without answers, or one with filled-in cells, a list of all answers, and a list of questions. True, the questions are taken from different dictionaries, so most likely the questionnaire will have to be adjusted. For the music crossword example I showed you, I wrote the questions by hand.

Now a very important point. How to output the crossword itself into a graphic file? There is no separate function for exporting to other formats in the Crossword Creator program. Essentially, we just copy the image and then paste it wherever we want. It is best to paste it into some graphic editor: Photoshop, for example. The easiest way is in standard Paint, or you can directly in Word, in the same file where you have the questions.

One technical point. After the picture is inserted into the graphic editor, click "Save as", then enter the name and ( important!) select the format. The fact is that in Paint the default bitmap is bmp, and Photoshop has its own format, but it is most profitable for us to save the image in JPEG format, so we select it.


Your music crossword is ready. Thank you for attention. If you find this material “useful for society,” please send it to “Contact”, “My World” or somewhere else - there are buttons for this right under this text. See you again!

How to increase interest in knowledge in our age? How to instill in children a desire to know more and more? These questions undoubtedly concern every teacher. It is gratifying that interesting programs for developing the mind have begun to appear on television, but they are not enough. Therefore, I believe that it is necessary, using various forms, to play the erudite. I would like to see our students as smart and witty children. Let them show off their talent and their knowledge of music.

This is not the first time that a musical game has been held at our school. It can be carried out during the school subject ten-day period, at the end of the topic of the semester or year. In this article I offer an example of a musical game “What? Where? When?" on the topic “In the world of musical instruments” for 7th grade students.

Goals and objectives:

  • Expand your understanding of musical instruments;
  • encourage students to independently acquire knowledge in the field of music; help to demonstrate your own erudition and ingenuity, as well as creative abilities;
  • contribute to the formation of the spiritual culture of schoolchildren, the development of communicative qualities of the individual.

Lesson equipment: screen, projector, envelopes with questions, playing field, spinning top, images of musical instruments, paper, markers, table with scores, “black box”.

Characters: presenter, team of “experts”, team of “TV viewers”. The teacher acts as a presenter, selects a team of “experts” (5-6 people), the rest of the students act as “TV viewers”, participate in the game and comment on the questions. Students who independently prepared questions included in the game also take places among the “TV viewers.”

Progress of the game

Opening remarks by the presenter: Dear guys! Today's meeting will be unusual. We will hold a musical game “What? Where? When?". And it will be dedicated to musical instruments, which you already know a lot about thanks to music lessons and MHC, as well as independent acquaintance with them.

One of the outstanding guitarists of the last century once compared musical instruments to islands in the ocean of music. He considered the guitar his island. I will be happy if our meeting today helps you not only to navigate well in this sea and islands, but also to find your island in the ocean of sounds.

And now I will ask the team of experts to take their places at the gaming table.

(Musical intro: “What is our life?.. A game!”)

Host: Dear experts, I remind you that 12 envelopes with questions from our “TV viewers” ​​are laid out on the playing field. For one correct answer, the team receives 1 point. The count goes up to 6 points. Choose a team captain.

So, let's start the game!

(A gong is heard, which will sound before each round in the future. The team captain spins the top and selects one of the envelopes).

Round 1.

Presenter: In one minute you need to write in the frames the names of the musical instruments played by the heroes of books and fairy tales. ( Annex 1)

Answer: Orpheus played the cithara, Lel played the flute, Bayan and Sadko played the gusli, Sherlock Holmes played the violin, Gena the Crocodile played the accordion, Dunno played the tuba, Kobzar played the kobza.

Round 2.

Presenter: Attention to the screen. Dear experts, in 1 minute you must name the instrument shown on the screen, tell what material it is made of and how it is played. (Appendices 2, 3)

Answer: These are bagpipes. The air reservoir (fur, bag) is made of goatskin or calfskin, sometimes from an animal's bladder. Several tubes are inserted into it. Through one, air is pumped into the bag and it inflates like a balloon. Other tubes play sounds that accompany the melody. The sounds go on continuously, because... The piper holds the instrument under his arm and presses his elbow towards him.

Round 3.

Host: Different types of art have their own symbols, emblems, etc. You can see some of them on the screen (Appendix 4).

Dear experts, do you know what the emblem of musical art is? Draw it on paper in 1 minute.

Answer: This is a picture of a lyre. ( Appendix 5)

Round 4.

Presenter: Dear experts, here is an ancient manuscript of the 11th century (Appendix 6). In 1 minute you have to guess the riddle - what do these signs mean?

Answer: This ancient manuscript depicts the symbols of the medieval music notation system. These are neuromas. They indicate the ascending and descending movement of the melody, without determining the exact pitch of the sounds. From neumas later musical notations emerged.

Round 5.

Presenter: Attention! Listen to a piece of music. (Sounds “Habanera” by M. Ravel)

Composer M. Ravel commissioned the trumpet to perform this beautiful melody. Attention, question: name the object thanks to which the musician performing this melody achieves such a soft, “velvety” trumpet sound?

Answer: This item is a mute, which is inserted into the bell of a wind instrument. Thanks to this, its sound becomes muffled and soft.

Round 6.

Host: Look at the screen (Appendix 7). This musical instrument has existed for more than 2000 years. He alone can replace the choral and instrumental chapel. It is played with hands and even feet on special keyboards. In the hands of one performer it is a whole brass band. Attention, question: One of the journalists wrote about the organ that it is “wise, secretive and lonely.” Explain what he meant?

Answer: The organ is “wise” because it has absorbed the culture of thousands of years; “lonely” because it is the only keyboard-wind instrument; “hidden” because it cannot be seen in its entirety (we can only see its façade).

Round 7.

Question: What musical instrument did the family of Italian craftsmen named Stradivari become famous for making?

Answer: Violin.

Round 8.

Host: At different times, different nations called musicians differently. Take a look at this list (Appendix 8). Question: who is not a musician here? Cross out the extra:

Answer: A clown is not a musician .

Round 9.

Host: Dear experts, take a look at the screen. Here is an image of a hunting horn ( Appendix 9). It was blown as a signal during a hunt, army gathering, or some special event. In order for the sound to be heard over a long distance, the hunting horn had a huge length, sometimes 6-8 meters. It was extremely inconvenient to blow it. Attention, question: What solution did the musicians find, and what was the name of the new musical instrument?

Answer: A long hunting horn was “twisted” to form a French horn. (An image of a French horn appears on the screen. ( Appendix 10)

Round 10.

Host: You probably know the ancient Greek myth about the “musical competition” between Apollo and Pan. Let me remind you of it:

The god of the forests, Pan, challenged the god Apollo himself to a “musical competition.” After the gentle sounds of Pan's pipe, Apollo struck the golden strings of his cithara. The majestic sounds of his divine music flowed, a melody of wondrous beauty began to sound... When Apollo finished playing, the gods awarded him victory, and the saddened Pan retired into the thicket of the forests...

Thus, the ancient Greeks found that among all musical instruments, string instruments have the most beautiful, expressive, and most exciting sound.

Now attention question: Dear experts, tell me, how did the very first plucked string instrument come into being?

Answer: The first plucked string instrument arose from a hunting bow. As he pulled the bowstring, the hunter heard a pleasant, slowly fading sound. This is how the first plucked string instrument was born.

Round 11.

Presenter: Attention! Bring in the “black box”! (A “black box” is brought in to the music. It contains the following items: a comb, tissue paper, a tin jar, several peas, 2 pot lids, 2 wooden spoons). Dear experts, you need to build homemade musical instruments within 1 minute and demonstrate the sound of an “orchestra”.

Answer: experts demonstrate the sound of an “orchestra” - spoons, rattles, cymbals, harmonica.

Round 12.

Host: You have a Blitz tournament. Listen to the sound of a piece of music. (The play “Penzer Mystery” is performed by the Nenets ensemble “Syrasev”).

  1. Name the musical instrument that played the music.
  2. Explain its structure.
  3. Who in Yamal was the direct owner of this musical instrument and why?


  • This is a penzer - a Nenets tambourine. (Appendix 11)
  • The penzer is a wooden hoop covered with deer skin, tanned to a thin and soft leather. Columns (tubercles) are attached to the shell. On one side of the tambourine there is a handle. The sound is produced using a beater - a narrow spatula covered with deer skin. The structure of the tambourine reflected the structure of the world. As the northern peoples understood it. The upper part is the celestial sphere, the lower part is the underworld, between them is the earthly world, the world of people. The handle symbolized the “shamanic tree” connecting all 3 worlds.
  • The tambourine (penzer) is a necessary tool for the Nenets shaman. To its sounds, the shaman called upon spirits and performed rituals (“travels” to the Upper and Lower worlds).
  • Leading. Let's summarize our game. (Draws attention to the table with the score). There were no winners in our game today. The score is equal. Game over.

    I hope you enjoyed it, because the game was not only informational, but also creative. I hope that the knowledge gained in this game will continue in your life. Thank you all for your participation. See you!

    Musical game “What? Where? When?" on the topic of:

    "In the world of musical instruments"

    Target: identify the level of knowledge on the topic “Musical instruments. Orchestra"


    Educational objectives:

      identify knowledge gaps in musical instrument families;

      formation of practical skills;

      expand your understanding of musical instruments;

      encourage students to independently acquire knowledge in the field of music.

    Educational tasks:

      awakening interest in history and existence, in the beauty of the sound of Russian folk instruments, instruments of symphony and brass orchestras;

      nurturing love for the native land, for the history of one’s people;

      contribute to the formation of the spiritual culture of schoolchildren, the development of communicative qualities of the individual.

    Developmental tasks:

      formation and development of a creatively active personality,

      development of research and analytical abilities, performing and creative skills and abilities;

      activation of creative imagination and fantasy;

      formation of a socially active personality, intellectual activity skills;

      help to demonstrate your own erudition and ingenuity, as well as creative abilities.

    Lesson type: lesson-game

    Methods: conversation, performance, game, visual and illustrative methods, partially search, research.

    Duration: 45 min.

    Equipment: music center, piano, set of musical instruments, projector, portraits of performers, magnets, textbooks, notebooks, writing materials, envelopes with questions, playing field, spinning top, images of musical instruments, paper, felt-tip pens, table with scores, “black box”.

    Progress of the game

    Teacher: Dear Guys! Today's test lesson on the topic “In the World of Musical Instruments” will be unusual. We will hold a musical game called “What? Where? When?"

    One of the outstanding guitarists of the last century once compared musical instruments to islands in the ocean of music. He considered the guitar his island. I will be happy if our meeting today helps you not only to navigate well in this sea and islands, but also to find your island in the ocean of sounds.

    And now I will ask you to split into two teams: the team of “experts No. 1” and the “team of experts No. 2” and take their places at the gaming tables.

    (Musical intro: “What is our life?.. A game!”)

    Teacher: Dear teams, envelopes with questions are laid out on the playing field. We need to answer everything with you. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point. Questions will be asked to teams in turn. If one team does not answer a question, the other team is given the right to answer the same question. Let's play until 6 points. At the end of the game we will see who has the most points and see which team of Experts knows more.

    So, let's start the game!

    (A gong is heard, which will sound before each round in the future. The team captain spins the top and selects one of the envelopes).

    Round 1.

    Teacher: So, round 1.

    You are given encrypted musical instruments, your task is to guess and write the instrument within a minute, determine which family it belongs to, and tell its structure.

    BOYGO – oboe

    AKPIRKS - violin

    GANOR – organ

    NEBUB - tambourine

    YALRO – piano

    YANAB - accordion

    HEADLAMP – harp

    MONBOARD - trombone

    AKEVSILN - harpsichord

    NETCLAR - clarinet

    NINOPIA – piano

    LIRYTAV – timpani

    TORVALNA – French horn

    Round 2.

    Teacher: The names of the instruments are given on the cards in front of you.

    Question: Which family does each line with tools belong to and the missing tools need to be added.



    Trumpet, French Horn, Tuba... (trombone)


    Timpani, bells, bells …(xylophone)

    Round 3.

    Teacher : Different types of art have their own symbols, emblems, etc. You can see some of them.

    Teacher : Dear experts, do you know what the emblem of musical art is? Draw it on paper in 1 minute.

    Answer: This is a picture of a lyre.

    Round 4. Quiz.

    Teacher: You have received a quick survey, which consists of 3 tasks. The team needs to answer all three questions. If a team finds it difficult, the right to answer passes to the other team.

    1 task: This term in Ancient Greece was translated as “a platform in front of the stage on which the choir sang while making movements.” What is this term? And what does it mean now?

    Answer: An orchestra is a group of people playing instruments that convey the overall concept of the work.

    2 task:

    Nowadays the person who runs the orchestra is called a conductor. What was such a person called in the Middle Ages? What function did it perform? What was their symbol?

    Answer: called masters, proctors, cantors.

    Task 3: What is the name of the advance command given by the conductor? Why is it needed?

    Answer: auftakt.

    Teacher : So, the winners of round 4 are...

    Round 5.

    Teacher : Are the statements true, if not, correct them:

      There are four groups of instruments in a symphony orchestra.

      The group of string instruments includes: violin, cello, harp, viola.

      In the family of woodwind instruments, the lowest sounding one is the contrabassoon.

      Brass instruments include: trumpet, horn, tuba, trombone.

      A drum is a percussion instrument with a certain pitch of sound.

      Woodwinds include: flute, oboe, horn, clarinet.

    Round 6.

    Teacher : Look for errors in the placement of tools. (cards are handed out)

    Round 7.

    Teacher : Dear experts, take a look at the screen. Here is an image of a hunting horn. It was blown as a signal during a hunt, army gathering, or some special event. In order for the sound to be heard over a long distance, the hunting horn had a huge length, sometimes 6-8 meters. It was extremely inconvenient to blow it.

    Attention, question: What solution did the musicians find, and what was the name of the new musical instrument?

    Answer: A long hunting horn was twisted to form a French horn. (Image of a French horn appears)

    Round 8.

    Teacher : In one minute you need to unravel musical instruments based on the following characteristics:

      Shipkovo-strings, epics, folk, ringing... (harp)

      Three-string, triangular, Russian, dance, Osipov... (balalaika)

      Three-string, pear-shaped, buffoons, Andreev... (domra)

      wooden, gaming, Russian... (spoons)

    To which family can all these instruments be classified?

    Round 9.

    Teacher : Attention to the screen. Dear experts, in 1 minute you must name the instrument shown on the screen, tell what material it is made of and how it is played.

    Answer: This is bagpipes. The air reservoir (fur, bag) is made of goatskin or calfskin, sometimes from an animal's bladder. Several tubes are inserted into it. Through one, air is pumped into the bag and it inflates like a balloon. Other tubes play sounds that accompany the melody. The sounds go on continuously, because... The piper holds the instrument under his arm and presses his elbow towards him.

    Round 10.

    Teacher : Not all tools were easy for manufacturers, some were constantly improved, and some were completely forgotten for some time.

    Attention question: Which instrument and why, after some time, was restored by Andreev?

    Answer: domra, was burned, later restored by Andreev.

    Round 11. “Black Box”!

    Teacher : Attention! " black box"! (The “black box” is brought in to the music)

    Dear experts, in the black box there are instruments, or rather their images, which you need to guess by sound.

    After hearing the fragment, name the instrument and describe its structure.

    (sound of oboe, flute, harpsichord, horn, celesta, balalaika)

    Round 12.

    Teacher : Look at the screen. This musical instrument has existed for more than 2000 years. He alone can replace the choral and instrumental chapel. It is played with hands and even feet on special keyboards. In the hands of one performer it is a whole brass band.

    Attention, question: One of the journalists wrote about the organ that it is “wise, secretive and lonely.” Explain what he meant?

    Answer: The organ is “wise” because it has absorbed the culture of millennia; “lonely” because it is the only keyboard-wind instrument; “hidden” because it cannot be seen in its entirety (we can only see its façade).

    Teacher : So, let's summarize our game. Let's find the best team. Who was the best expert on the team? (grading). Our lesson has come to an end.

    I hope you enjoyed it, because the game was not only informational, but also creative. I hope that the knowledge gained in this game will continue in your life. Thank you all for your participation. See you!

    Elena Borodina
    Music quiz “Music tournament”

    Music quiz “Music tournament”

    Guys, today we will hold a music quiz called “Music Tournament”. In it we will talk about everything related to music. I would like to hope that you will show off your knowledge. I will ask the participants to divide into two teams and choose a team name and captain. Titles must be related to music. So, let's meet the first team.

    In order to find out who will be the best today, we need strict judges. Our jury includes:...

    Competition 1. “Guess the melody”

    Leading. Now excerpts of melodies from children's songs will be heard. Your task is to find out the song and say its name.

    1. “Magic Cap” (music by V. Dashkevich).

    2. “Three White Horses” (music by E. Krylatov).

    3. “Forest deer” (music by E. Krylatov).

    4. “Winged swing” (music by E. Krylatov).

    Competition 2. “Find the “extra” word”

    Leading. Words are written on the sheet, find the odd one.

    1. Violin, trumpet, guitar, balalaika.

    2. Piano, grand piano, accordion, drum.

    Musical break (song plays)

    Competition 3. “Riddles”

    Leading. I will ask riddles, and you must guess. Whoever does it faster will win. Don't forget to raise your hand to answer.

    1. Which instrument

    Are there strings and a pedal?

    What is this? Undoubtedly

    This is our sonorous... (Piano)

    2. He looks like the accordion’s brother,

    Where there is fun, there he is.

    I won't give any hints

    Everyone knows... (Accordion)

    3. Louder than a flute

    Louder than violins

    Our giant is louder than trumpets:

    It is rhythmic, it is distinct

    Our cheerful... (Drum)

    4. I put the pipe to my lips,

    A trill flowed through the forest,

    The instrument is very fragile

    It's called... (Pipe)

    Competition 4. Music quiz “Find the answer in the song”

    Leading. When taking the quiz, you need to remember the lines from the song.

    For example: - What can you do in a fairy tale?

    (In a fairy tale, you can swing on the moon and ride across a rainbow on a horse)

    1.- Who is grazing in the meadow far, far away? (That's right, cows)

    2.- What were the geese doing in the puddle by the ditch? (The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch)

    3.- What happened to the bear when he walked to his den along a country road? (Stepped on the fox's tail)

    4.- Who was the grasshopper’s friend? (I didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies)

    5.- What’s in Winnie the Pooh’s head? (Sawdust in my head, yeah, yeah, yeah)

    6.- Where does friendship begin? (Well, friendship begins with a smile)

    7.- Dad can do anything! Swim breaststroke, argue with bass, even chop wood. Why can't daddy do it? (Only it cannot be a mother)

    8.- The Bremen musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than?

    (Than friends wandering around the world)

    9.- Once a needle, two needles - what will happen? (There will be a Christmas tree)

    10.- If you stomp, drive and run along the path for a long time, where can you come?

    (Ah, you can come to Africa)

    Competition 5. “Words from notes”

    Leading. Now guys, come up with words that contain notes: who is greater. For example: house, renovation, mirage.

    .(beans, road, chisel, river, revolution, resume, tomato, board, mimosa, world, facial expressions, headlight, apron, surname, clang, frog, orphan, syrup, tit, lilac).

    Competition 6. “Multi-remote”

    Leading. Now you will hear soundtracks of songs that were heard in cartoons. Guess what the songs are called and what cartoons they are from.

    1. “The Bear’s Lullaby” from the cartoon “Umka.”

    2. “Smile” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon”.

    3. “Song of Friends” from the cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”

    4. “Song of the Vodyanoy” from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.

    5. “Song of Winnie the Pooh” from the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”

    6. “If only there were no winter” from the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”

    Competition 7. “Blitz survey”.

    I will ask you questions one by one, and the team should answer out loud. Each team is asked 9 questions. The command “…” will respond first.

    1. What do we hear with our ears? (Sound).

    2. What do you call a person who composes music? (composer)

    3. A musical instrument in the shape of a table on three legs (grand piano).

    4. What are the names of graphic signs for recording musical sounds? (Notes).

    5. What is the name of the person who plays music on church bells (Ringer)

    6. What note is added to the soup (salt)

    7. Solemn song - a symbol of the state (anthem).

    8. A stick with a hair stretched along it for playing the violin (bow).


    1. What dance was traditionally performed with daggers? (Lezginka).

    2. String instrument, which is called the “soul of the orchestra”? (violin).

    3. What is the name of the musical accompaniment of the songs? (Accompaniment).

    4. What musical term translated means “circle”? (Rondo).

    5. Which instrument is the largest in the world? (organ).

    6. What key won’t open the door? (treble clef);

    7. Seven guys on the ladder started playing songs (notes);

    8. A musical instrument with a neck and six (maybe seven) strings (guitar).

    Competition 8. “Guess the instrument”

    Various instruments will sound. Your task is to guess what kind of instrument it sounds.

    (Musical fragments are performed by the following instruments: piano, organ, accordion, guitar, violin, flute).

    Leading. While the jury sums up the results of our quiz, a song will be played for you and the audience.

    The jury sums up the results, announces the results of the competitions, and awards the winners.

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