Who wrote the Bremen Town Musicians author. Town Musicians of Bremen (musical)

The Bremen Town Musicians are one of the most famous fairy tales not only in Russia, but throughout the world. In Russia, this story became especially popular thanks to an animated film adaptation. The fairy tale was written by the Brothers Grimm, world-famous authors of children's books who have other achievements.


The Brothers Grimm are Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who lived in Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries. Jacob Grimm was born on January 4, 1785 and lived until September 20, 1863. Wilhelm Grimm was born on February 24, 1786, and died on December 16, 1859. The birthplace of the Brothers Grimm is established as the city of Hanau, but then they moved to the city of Kassel and lived there for a long time.

The brothers were almost the same age. Come on, they were very friendly since childhood. Jacob and Wilhelm were keenly interested folklore and linguistics, they collected tales from all over the country. Among their most famous stories are processed folk tales, but most of what the brothers wrote is theirs own composition, including the tale of the Bremen Town Musicians.

As soon as Jacob and Wilhelm accumulated a decent number of stories, they published a collection, each time calling it “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm.” It is under this name that collections of their fairy tales are published even now; this is the name the books have throughout the world. The brothers were interested not only in fairy tales, but also in linguistics. Together with two other major German philologists of their time, they were the founders of German studies and philology German language.

Closer to their old age, Jacob and Wilhelm began compiling a German dictionary: at that time, no one had ever done anything like this in Germany. The brothers worked on the dictionary until their deaths. Wilhelm managed to finish the letter D, and Jacob, who lived 4 years longer than him, completed several more letters. He worked until his death, which overtook him sitting at his desk and describing the word Frucht, which means fruit.

The contribution of the Brothers Grimm to the development of German philology is so significant that they were decided to be depicted on the 1000 mark banknote that existed in Germany in the past. And in honor of the heroine of the fairy tale “About a Fisherman and His Wife,” whose name is Ilsebill, an asteroid was named in 1919.

The fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” itself tells about animals who, during an adventure, found a home for themselves. The main characters are several animals who were offended and kicked out by their previous owners. These are a donkey, a dog, a rooster and a cat. They decided to try their luck in the city of Bremen, hoping to become musicians there. But the road turned out to be long, and they stopped for the night in the forest. Here a group of animals stumbles upon the house of robbers. The animals climbed on top of each other, and each performed their own music. The donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat meowed, and the rooster began to crow. The robbers were taken aback by such a howl and fled in fear.

A little later, the robbers sent their scout to check what kind of terrible gang drove them out of their beloved house. But the animals unanimously attack the representative of the gang, and he says that the house has been seized scary bandits. The robbers gave up trying to return their house, and the Bremen musicians themselves, as a result of the fairy tale, never reached Bremen, but successfully set up their later life.

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Who among us as a child did not watch a cartoon or read a book about the Bremen Town Musicians? Almost everyone has at least once somehow come into contact with the wonderful story of traveling animals, but not everyone knows who the author of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” is.

Meeting the main characters

The story begins with how four future friends met. First we talk about Donkey, who was very old and not suitable for regular work, so the owner decided to starve him to death. The donkey, being a smart animal, decided to run away in search of better fate. On the way, he meets the Dog, whom the owner wanted to kill, because he is no longer as nimble as before and is not suitable for hunting.

They decide to become musicians together and go to the city of Bremen. Along the way, they “pick up” two more comrades, whom the owners also wanted to get rid of: the Cat and the Rooster. This is how the Bremen musicians met. The author then sends a friendly company in search of a home.


At first, all the little animals were going to settle down right in the forest, but it was terribly uncomfortable there, and one of them noticed a house nearby, where they decided to go. It turned out that robbers lived in this forest hut, but this did not frighten the “musicians,” who immediately gathered and began to “play” their melodies. The cat meowed, the donkey brayed, the rooster crowed, and the dog barked loudly. The robbers were very scared and immediately ran away.

The “musicians” were not at a loss and settled down in a comfortable house for the night. Later chief robber- Ataman - sent his henchman to see who drove them out of the house. The messenger, once in the house, only suffered a new attack from the residents: the Cat scratched him, the Dog bit him, the Donkey kicked, and the Rooster began to crow loudly. The robber returned to the chieftain, told him about all his adventures, and it was decided that witches lived in the house, and entry there was ordered. After this, the only residents of the house in the forest were the Bremen musicians.

Who wrote the fairy tale

The authors of this not-quite-children's fairy tale were the brothers Jacob and They, known not only to every adult, but also to many children. They were born in the city of Hanau (Germany) in the family of an official, with a difference of one year, Jacob was born in 1785, and Wilhelm in 1786. Future writers grew up in a wealthy family; they were raised in an atmosphere of kindness and love.

Together they graduated from high school in just four years, instead of the required eight, and went to receive a legal education.

Both brothers worked as professors at the University of Berlin, jointly wrote “German Grammar”, and compiled a dictionary.


But to this day they remain famous for their unusual hobby, which I became interested in while still a student. They studied folk tales and adapted them in their own way. One of them was history, the main actors which were the Bremen musicians known to us. Who wrote this fairy tale? The answer is simple: they created their stories together. But this is far from the only thing famous work famous authors. They also wrote "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Snow White" and many others, among which one of the most famous fairy tales is "The Town Musicians of Bremen".

Who wrote these fairy tales, what lies behind them? This is the question that researchers asked, because some of them believe that the Brothers Grimm merely processed and retold already existing folk tales.

Now, after so many years, it is difficult to say how they wrote theirs, but the fact is undeniable that now one of the most famous stories remains the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen". Now you know who wrote this work.

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This year, the favorite Russian cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen” turns 40 years old. In this musical fairy tale More than one generation has grown up, and the cartoon has not received a single award. The fairy tale broke all records for the number of records sold, but it was criticized and accused of the “corruptive influence of the West.”

Not original performance

The script for the cartoon was written in the 60s by the actor who later created the most popular image of Sherlock Holmes, Vasily Livanov and songwriter Yuri Entin. The cartoon was created by composer Gennady Gladkov and directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya ( future director cartoons “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song”, “Katerok”, “Scarecrow-Meow”, etc.). The basis was taken from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen".

“We were horrified by this fairy tale,” the portal tvcenter.ru quotes Kovalevskaya as saying. “Well, what kind of plot is this: four retired animals roam the world, meet robbers, scare them and settle in their house?! But that’s not yet "We filmed it, and the heroes are musicians! Therefore, we decided to work on this material after all."

“When I came to Vasily Livanov, I simply accidentally wrote one poem: “As you know, we are a hot people,” Yuri Entin said in an interview with the KM.Ru portal. “I read it to him at first as a joke, and also said, that I read the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen", but did not understand anything from it. Some kind of nonsense: the young owners drove four pensioners onto the street, not knowing where. They decided to go to Bremen to become musicians. On the way they met a den of robbers, they did it there pyramid<…>With the help of this pyramid, they dispersed the robbers and began to live on their stolen gold. That's the whole piece for you."

Vasily Livanov had more experience than Entin. By that time, he had published several collections of fairy tales, which Marshak himself praised. Livanov introduced the images of the Troubadour and the King. Composer Gladkov, in turn, noted that love is needed in a fairy tale - this is how the fate of the Princess was decided.

As a result, a completely new work was created: new characters became the main ones, and the plot revolved around them. All that remains from the original is the name.

The script was written quickly, it was immediately sent to Soyuzmultfilm, and a few days later the cartoon was put into production.

First, it was decided to record a soundtrack for the future cartoon, and then draw the characters.

The roles were distributed as follows: Oleg Anofriev was supposed to sing for the Troubadour, Zoya Kharabadze, the lead singer of the “Accord” quartet, for the Princess, the rest of the “Accord” members for the musicians, and Zinovy ​​Gerdt for the Atamansha. The phonogram was supposed to be recorded at the Melodiya studio, which was constantly busy, so the recording was scheduled for twelve at night.

“And so we come to the recording, but our artists are not there,” recalls Yuri Entin. “At the appointed time, only Oleg Anofriev, who lived next to Melodiya, showed up and came to say that he could not record because he had a high temperature. Gerdt immediately called: he had miscalculated somewhere at a party and had drunk a fair amount, saying, reschedule the recording. Then the guys from Accord called with the same request. But we couldn’t reschedule the work and decided to handle it on our own. In the night they called to the studio of our friends: poet Anatoly Gorokhov (he wrote the lines from the song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...”) and singer Elmira Zherzdev.”

As a result, Elmira Zherzdeva became the Princess, Anatoly Gorokhov sang for all the musicians (he owns the famous donkey “E! E-e! E-e!” And Anofriev sang for all the other characters, including the Atamansha. When he asked Inessa Kovalevskaya asked what kind of Atamansha she wanted to see, and she answered, “Well, something like Faina Ranevskaya!” Anofriev sang to Ranevskaya.

“I remember I was so excited when they were recording the phonogram that I offered to sing for the Princess,” recalls Oleg Anofriev. “Well, I could do it! By the way, Gennady Gladkov also sang in the cartoon: in the general choir and in the guards’ song.” -oh secret!" - this is his voice. When we finished work in the morning, I measured the temperature, but it turned out to be normal. Here great power art!"

The recording of the musical finished at five in the morning. According to Gennady Gladkov in an interview with Literary Russia, sound engineer Viktor Babushkin did an excellent job: “He did an incredible thing: he was able to make an excellent recording using rather primitive equipment. A wizard!”

Artist Max Zherebchevsky made several sketches of the characters. “Max’s troubadour turned out to be wearing a cap, like a buffoon, which I absolutely didn’t like,” the director recalls. “Once I was leafing through a foreign magazine and saw there a blond man with a Beatles hairstyle in jeans. I showed the photo to the artist, and immediately our future Troubadour has arisen."

And the Princess was “put on” the wedding dress of Yuri Entin’s wife. “The same red dress that you see in the cartoon, I bought her for 40 rubles, she wore it at the wedding,” the portal bibigon.ru quotes Yuri Entin as saying. “And Gladkov and Livanov were our witnesses.”

The robbers in this cartoon were copied from the most popular trinities in the seventies: Vitsin, Morgunov and Nikulin.

In the light

“Before it was released, the record with the Bremen Town Musicians lay for 9 months like a child at the Melodiya recording studio. It was there that I worked as an editor,” the videoblock.info portal cites Yuri Entin’s memories. “The director’s signature was needed. I took advantage of official position and... A record with "The Bremen Town Musicians" "slipped" onto the counter when the director was on vacation. Then a cartoon appeared<…>There was so much noise! My wife still remembers the artistic council, at which the Bremen Town Musicians were dismantled piece by piece. Composer Rostislav Boyko called our musical “marijuana for children,” and Natalya Sats said with indignation that Tikhon Khrennikov sold only 3 million copies, and “The Bremen Town Musicians” sold 28 million records, which indicates the approaching collapse of the country.”

They came to the Ministry of Culture angry letters- “How can you sing about robbers and the dead for children?!”

Especially, as Yuri Entin told the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", in "The Town Musicians of Bremen" the editors were confused by two phrases: "We must protect the Majesty from all sorts of unnecessary meetings" and "For us, tempting vaults of palaces will never replace freedom."

By the way, there is even a story about how Oleg Anofriev, speaking at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, sang this second phrase, while circling his arms around the entire palace and pointing to the government stands. It is believed that after this the actor was in trouble, and they even “had a conversation” with him.

But director Inessa Kovalevskaya suffered the most. She was not even accepted into the Union of Cinematographers - “for unprofessional video production.” Not without the stamp “corruptive influence of the West,” writes the portal sestrenka.ru.

“Despite all the stones that were thrown into our garden, I remember that time with tenderness,” says Yuri Entin. “Back then we took criticism very painfully, but now...”

Despite the criticism that fell on the cartoon, despite the fact that it did not receive a single award, “The Bremen Town Musicians” gained stunning popularity. Songs from it became real hits.


Four years later, in 1973, a continuation of the cartoon appeared - “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians.” The creators of the first cartoon did not even think about the second series, but the Soyuzmultfilm studio received a telegram signed by the director of the Barrikady cinema, where the cartoons were shown at that time, that a continuation was required. Kovalevskaya refused to film the second episode, and Livanov himself acted as director.

“At first we had no idea what to write about,” recalls Yuri Entin, “but then it dawned on me that since the princess ran away, there must be a hired detective whom the king equipped to search for his daughter. I wrote four lines and decided to read them to Livanov and Gladkov. They were skeptical and asked: “Well, what else have you come up with?” I said that the second episode begins with the king sitting, pressing a button, a brilliant detective appears and a song sounds:

I am a brilliant detective
I don't need help
I can even find a pimple
On... near the elephant."

“They were silent for a minute, looking at me with completely crazy eyes,” continues the songwriter, “And then we all just became hysterical, and we started laughing wildly. And we composed a sequel.”

The main characters in the new cartoon were slightly redrawn and “re-voiced”.

“Since some time had passed, we decided to make the Troubadour more mature, more baritone - for which we invited Magomayev,” Gennady Gladkov told the newspaper “Zavtra”. Another reason why in the second part Magomayev sang for the Troubadour, according to the composer, that Anofriev “was a little capricious, he didn’t like something...”

By the way, Gennady Gladkov himself sang for the King in the second series of adventures of Troubadour and his friends - it happened by accident. “Muslim Magomayev was supposed to sing, but he was absent at that moment, and I filled the temporary void in the phonogram. And he listened and said: “I like the way Gladkov sings.” And they left it that way,” says the composer.

Brezhnev musicians?

The cartoon “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians” was also not without “revelations”.

“...In the Troubadour they saw Elvis Presley, in these four little animals - the Beatles,” says Gladkov. “Even if there were elements of parody, it was friendly, personal. Not satire, but soft humor. But at that time of total prohibitions, even parody was perceived too Seriously, it was still a breakthrough."

The most scandalous speculation about the cartoon was the assumption that the “hysterical daughter” is a direct allusion to Galina Brezhneva, and by the King, accordingly, Brezhnev is meant.

In those years, the daughter of the Secretary General already had notoriety because of his eccentric behavior and numerous novels. Her first love and first husband was circus artist Evgeny Milaev. In the Chisinau circus, an acrobat carried a pyramid of a dozen people. When the circus left, twenty-year-old Galina also left with the circus (having left the university). This marriage lasted 8 years.

Galina Brezhneva's second love was Igor Kio, son famous illusionist Emil Renard. When they met, she was 32 years old and he was 18 years old. 9 days after the “hasty” wedding, the head of the regional police department and the head of the passport office came to the newlyweds, they took Galina away under escort. The marriage was annulled as illegal.

She also had an affair with the famous dancer Maris Liepa, who was 11 years younger than her. Already married to a policeman named Churbanov, she began a relationship with a gypsy actor, soloist of the Romen Theater Boris Buryatse.

However, the portal “Art of Cinema” writes, in one of his interviews Gennady Gladkov said about the cartoon this way: “We wrote it for ourselves - it was interesting for us!<…>We laughed and fooled around. It was something of a skit for themselves. For us it was just a joke, but everyone else said: this is a parody of this, this is a hint of something else<…>Appeared almost new profession- to look for something where there was nothing."

Any roads

All this time, “The Town Musicians of Bremen” lived not only in the cartoon, but also on stage. “We decided to stage the play “Troubadour and His Friends” based on the cartoon on the stage of the Leningrad Lensovet Theater,” says Gennady Gladkov. “The premiere caused a real storm in the hall.<…>Each number was accompanied by applause, and the final song was generally sung several times. And together with the public. The success was incredible."

“In the play based on The Town Musicians of Bremen, I think the entire cast of the Lensovet Theater outperformed,” the composer continues. “There was even a small incident with Alisa Freundlich. We felt that there was no suitable role for such a great actress, but she was offended. Then she played the role of Atamansha."

The first performer of the Troubadour on theater stage was Mikhail Boyarsky. The princess in the musical fairy tale was played by Larisa Luppian, who soon became the actor’s wife.

In 2000, the third cartoon appeared - "New Bremen", the scriptwriters of which were also Vasily Livanov and Yuri Entin, and the composer was Gennady Gladkov. The stars sing for the heroes in New Bremenskie Russian stage: for the Troubadour - Philip Kirkorov, for the King - Mikhail Boyarsky, for the Atamansha - Nadezhda Babkina, etc.

Also in 2000, Alexander Abdulov, who played everyone from Donkey to Troubadour in Lenkomov's The Town Musicians of Bremen, directed the musical film The Town Musicians of Bremen & Co, a fairy tale based on the cartoon by Yuri Entin and Vasily Livanov. Starring: Mikhail Pugovkin, Oleg Yankovsky, Leonid Yarmolnik, Alexander Abdulov, Semyon Farada, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Alexander Zbruev, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and others.

Housing problem

For many Russians, the Bremen Town Musicians is, above all, soviet cartoons. Therefore, it is not surprising that not everyone remembers what we're talking about in the original source - the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm.

In the original, a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, abandoned by their owners, go to Bremen to become street musicians there. On the way in the forest, they see a house of robbers, by cunning they drive them away and settle in it themselves.

The material was prepared by the online editors of www.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

In the 1970s and 80s, the “lion’s share” of the most popular Soviet children’s songs belonged to the pen of the poet Yuri Entin. However, back in 1968, this name meant nothing to anyone. Yuri Sergeevich worked as an editor at the Melodiya recording company, along the way he composed funny parodies and wrote texts for Gennady Gladkov’s suites.

Entin to Gladkov:
We're not famous yet
Connected by a common destiny.
We compose suites -
You and I are hanging out.

However, everything soon changed...

It all started when director Inessa Kovalevskaya wanted to make a cartoon based solely on songs. Hearing this, Yuri Entin suddenly blurted out: “For example, about the Bremen Town Musicians!”
However, after re-reading the original by the Brothers Grimm, he was upset - the fairy tale turned out to be short, no one became musicians there - along the way the animals simply “took” the robbers to the hut and about musical career forgot.
Accordingly, the plot had to be built anew, almost from scratch. Entin called on his friends for help - the same Gladkov and the future “Sherlock Holmes” Vasily Livanov. It was Livanov who developed most plot and introduced Troubadour there - a kind of leader of the animal VIA. Gladkov insisted that there must be a princess in the fairy tale, and then he would be able to write lyrical theme. Well, where the princess is, it’s not far from the father-king.

From left to right: Gennady Gladkov, Inessa Kovalevskaya, Yuri Entin, Vasily Livanov.

The plot took shape, and Entin began to translate it into poetry. The first he wrote central theme The Bremen Town Musicians is a kind of hymn of free artists. The poet still considers the lyrics of this song to be his first professional poem.

Yu. Entin:
“I will never forget hearing my first song. I was sitting in the editorial office of Melodiya at my workplace, when suddenly I heard phone call, and Gennady Gladkov sang into my phone: “Nothing in the world is better than no-e-that...” When I heard this music, something turned over in me.”

According to Entin, after this he firmly decided to quit his job. old job and also become a free artist.

Yu. Entin:
""Bremen..." were written to some extent out of spite. It seemed to me that since children's songs were written mainly by women, they were all too sweet and sentimental, and this only turned off children.
...there are many reasons for his fame, there is the talent of a poet who came up with puns that had not been used in songs before. Before The Bremen Town Musicians, this genre was considered low-grade: only wits in the kitchen could cling to some word and make puns. But I came up with a meaningful pun, and it’s impossible to say anything other than “any road is dear to us” or “I lost my peace in the royal chambers.”

Next after the script, they planned to record the soundtrack of the future cartoon. In order not to suffer for a long time, we decided to take advantage of Entin’s connections and record on the sly at the studio of that same “Melody”. Everything took place on a clearly designated date late at night. There were no problems with the music - it was played by a small ensemble of young musicians, Melodiya, conducted by Gladkov himself. But with the vocalists the real trouble began...

At first, the plans were Napoleonic: they wanted Zinovy ​​Gerdt to sing for the Atamansha, Oleg Yankovsky for the Donkey, and Zoya Khorodadze for the Princess. But it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out... Then they invited the vocal quartet ACCORD, but at the appointed time... it didn’t come either.
The situation was saved by the performer of the Troubadour role - Oleg Anofriev - who, the only one of the singers, came to the studio, despite his illness and high temperature. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Oleg perfectly imitates different voices. So, little by little, he sang for almost all the characters - he only got over it with the Princess.

I had to call singer Elmira Zherzdeva at two in the morning and beg her to come perform the female parts. Elmira sang for the Princess, but her thin voice did not fit in with the image of the Atamansha.

Oleg Anofriev and Elmira Zherzdeva.

The all-rounder Anofriev joined the process again. He just asked: “Which actress do you imagine in the role of Atamansha?” “Well, Ranevskaya...” “You can also use Ranevskaya...” said the singer and sang the famous “Byaki-buki” in a deep voice.

In addition to Anofriev and Zherzdeva, Entin’s friend, the poet Anatoly Gorokhov (he owns the famous donkey “E-e”) and even the composer himself (Gladkov sang in a thin voice for the King) appeared on the recording "Big-oh secret...").

The emergency recording was completed, and only after that the animators began to create visual images of the characters.
This may seem strange to some, but, according to Entin, Western rock culture had virtually no influence on the creation of songs for the first cartoon (this consciously appeared only in the second part). Similar analogies arose among the audience, first of all, thanks to the unusually modern “image” of the Troubadour and the Princess.

After studying foreign fashion magazines, the Troubadour got his flared trousers, and the princess got her mini-dress. True, Entin still continues to claim that the latter was copied by Vasily Livanov from red wedding dress his second wife, Marina (Livanov was generally a good drawer, and it was he who wrote the first sketches of the characters in “The Town Musicians of Bremen”). The Princess's image was also complemented by playful ponytails suggested by Svetlana Scriabina, assistant to the production designer.

Early and late sketches of the Troubadour and the Princess.

We struggled with the types of robbers for a long time. Until someone brought a calendar with a photograph of the famous trinity - Coward (Vitsin), Dunce (Nikulin) and Experienced (Morgunov). Thus, the robbers acquired recognizable features of the “kunaks” from Gaidai’s comedy “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”

As for the Atamansha, according to Entin, she was copied from the wife of director V. Kotyonochkin (the one who directed “Well, Just Wait!”) - ballerina Tamara Vishneva. Thanks to her performances at the Moscow Operetta Theater, the Atamansha's dance on a barrel also appeared in the film.

And so in 1969 it took place premiere show"Musicians of Bremen" big house cinema, and then on television. The success was phenomenal, both among children and adults. Entin and Gladkov literally woke up famous.

But the release of the album with songs was greatly delayed. The Arts Council found fault with the most unimaginable details. According to Entin, in the line “We must protect the Majesty from all sorts of unnecessary meetings” saw a hint of Brezhnev's security, and the line “For us, tempting vaults of palaces will never replace freedom!” was confusing because it could create the wrong associations with the recently built Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

I often use the phrase “according to Entin,” because often his memories differ from the memories of other participants in the events. For example, in one interview, the poet stated that Anofriev once performed a song by the Bremen Town Musicians in the Palace of Congresses and at the same time circled the “vaults of the palace” with his hands, after which the necessary authorities held an explanatory conversation with him.
Anofriev himself was extremely surprised by such a legend:

“Firstly, I am a sufficiently intelligent and cultured person, as I believe, to allow myself such “things” that current pop singers allow themselves... Secondly, in the time of Brezhnev I had not yet sung in Kremlin Palace congresses, this happened much later, and not because I was bad or good, it’s just that there were other “stars” then.”

As for the song about “security,” Entin likes to tell funny story about how the husband of his wife’s ex-girlfriend came to visit him with a bottle, who turned out to be... Brezhnev’s real security guard.