Literary quiz in the senior group “What a miracle these fairy tales are. Literary quiz game “Guess the fairy tale” Literary quiz on fairy tales in the senior group

Quiz on fairy tales for preschool children “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”

Target: develop children’s active thinking; arouse interest in folklore works.

Quiz progress

I. Quiz (based on Russian folk tales).

. “They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.”

What fairy tale is this from? (From the fairy tale “Turnip”.)

Name the characters in the fairy tale. (Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse.)

What words do the fairy tale end with? (They pull and pull - they pulled out the turnip.)

. “The goat will leave, and he tells the children to lock themselves tightly and not open the doors to anyone.”

What fairy tale are these words taken from? (From the Russian folk tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.”)

List the characters in the fairy tale. (Goat, kids, wolf.)

How did the goat sing when she returned home to her kids?

(Kids, kids,

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come,

I brought milk.

I'm a goat, I was in the forest,

I ate silk grass,

I drank cold water.

Milk runs down the shelf,

From the notch up to the hoof,

And from the hoof in the cheese the earth.)

Why didn’t the kids let the wolf into the hut?

You, kids, you, fathers,

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come,

Brought milk...

The hooves are full of water!)

How did the goat praise the kids? (You are smart, kids, for not opening the door to the wolf, otherwise he would have eaten you.)

Give the title of the fairy tale based on these words: “A mouse entered a little house and began to live in it.” (This is the Russian folk tale "Teremok".)

Name the characters in the fairy tale. (Mouse-norushka, frog-croak, bunny-bunny, little fox-sister, top-gray-barrel, clumsy bear.)

Why did the tower collapse? (The bear sat on the roof of the tower.) -

How was the error fixed? (The animals built a new little house.)

From which fairy tale are the words: “Oh, old woman! Mark the barn, scrape the bottom of the tree...”? (From the fairy tale “Kolobok”.)

What happened to the kolobok? (Kolobok got tired of lying: he rolled from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, and to the door, jumping over the threshold into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the yard, and then through the gate, further and further.)

Who did Kolobok meet? (With a hare, gray wolf, bear, fox.)

Remember Kolobok’s song, repeat it.

(Kolobok's song:

Me, Kolobok, Kolobok!

It's sweeping through the barn,

Scratching the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream,

Sat in the oven,

It's cold at the window.)

How did Kolobok respond when meeting another animal?

(I left my grandfather,

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

Left the bear

From you, fox,

It's not smart to leave.

This was the answer to the fox. Kolobok suffered for his boastfulness.)

Which fairy tale begins like this: “Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox has an ice hut, and the hare has a bast hut”? (Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s hut.”)

Who did the hare let in with the onset of cold weather? (He let the fox come to him.)

How did the fox “thank” the hare? (The fox kicked out the hare

Who wanted to help the hare to drive the fox out of the hut? (Help was offered by a dog, a wolf, a bear, and a rooster.)

How did the rooster chase the fox?


I'm on my feet

In red boots

I carry the scythe on my shoulders,

I want to whip the fox

Come on, fox, out of the oven!)

What is the end of the fairy tale? (And the bunny and the rooster began to live and get along.)

What fairy tale are these words from: “Here is Mashenka - tree by tree, bush by bush - and she went far from her friends”? (From the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear.”)

Who did Mashenka end up with? How is this said in the fairy tale? (And in that hut lived a huge bear. Only then he was not at home: he was walking through the forest. The bear returned in the evening, saw Mashenka, and was happy.)

How did Mashenka decide to get home? (Masha baked pies, took out a big, big box and asked the bear to take the gift to her grandparents.)

What did the bear say when he was tired and wanted to sit down? (I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.)

What did Mashenka say from the box?

(See see!

Don't sit on a tree stump

Don't eat the pie!

Bring it to grandma!

Bring it to grandpa!)

II. Practical work.

Exercise. Dress up as characters from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Children receive cardboard templates of fairy tale character figures. They are given paper suits. Children dress up fairy tale characters. Costumes could be something like this:

Grandfather - a red shirt with white large polka dots, blue pants with black vertical stripes, white onuchi, bast shoes, a belt woven from fabric.

Baba is a long skirt, very wide, blue, a white jacket with wide puffy sleeves that are embroidered with a red pattern, an apron (on the straps) of red color, embroidered with a pattern, a brown scarf (with pink flowers), white onuchi and bast shoes on the legs.

Masha - white jacket, red sundress, yellow scarf with patterns, onuchi, bast shoes.

Bear - long yellow shirt with red polka dots, blue pants, bast shoes.

Whoever dresses the characters the fastest is the winner (receives a prize).

Develop the ability to select words with a given sound, select a rhyme. To promote in children the development of an understanding of such a linguistic phenomenon as antonymy, the ability to actively use it in speech, and children’s mastery of the ability to change the meaning of words using suffixes. Develop the ability to read words and put words together into sentences. To lead to an understanding and explanation of the meaning of proverbs. Develop the ability to generalize, compare, analyze, logical thinking, attention, endurance. . To develop cultural behavior skills in kindergarten and in everyday life. Improve collaboration skills when working in a team. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people around you.

Material and equipment

Demo: gates, 2 trees with red and black heart-shaped leaves depicting fairy-tale characters, cards with words of proverbs (for each team), 2 leaves with excerpts from fairy tales, easel, audio recording of the song from the movie “Little Muk” “On the Road of Good”, letters : “v”, “o”, “l”, “k”, “l”, “i”, “s”, “a”.

Dispensing: emblems - “fairytale forfeits” in red and green according to the number of children, 2 bells, 2 cut-out illustrations based on the fairy tale (elements according to the number of children), medallions for awards.

Guys, you and I know a lot of fairy tales and know how to compose them ourselves. Today I invite you to take part in a quiz for the best expert on fairy tales. The quiz for the best fairy tale expert will be held in the fairy tale kingdom.

A long time ago, when you were not, your parents were not and your parents' parents were not in the world, there was one fairy-tale kingdom in the world. Only very, very kind fairy-tale heroes lived in this kingdom. And kind, kind people came to visit them. Everyone who came to the kingdom could enter it only if they could do a good deed. Do you want to get to this kingdom? (children's answers).

Let's approach its gate (there are two trees with hearts at the entrance).

Like ours at the gate

The miracle tree is growing

And the leaves on it are not simple

And the leaves on it are colored.

Guys, look at the leaves. Have you noticed that the leaves on the trees are different? Which? (Children's answers).

Do you recognize these fairy-tale characters? Name them. (Children's answers).

Why do you think the leaves on the trees are different? (Children's answers).

What color represents kindness? Why did you decide so? (Children's answers).

What does black mean? (Children's answers).

What heroes live on red leaves? Why?

What heroes live on black pieces of paper? Why?

That's right, guys, the red color means goodness, good deeds, and the black color means bad deeds. Therefore, fairy-tale heroes who did good deeds “live” on a tree with red heart-leaves, since they have a good heart, and heroes who committed bad deeds “live” on a tree with black heart-leaves, and they have an evil heart .

To enter this kingdom and take part in the quiz for the best expert on fairy tales, we need to say what good deeds we have done.

Each child names an action and goes through the gate, receiving a “fairytale phantom” in red or green. Divide into two teams according to the color of the forfeit, come up with a team name in accordance with the theme and a greeting.

Literary quiz rules:

The team that completes the task faster and gives the correct answer receives a “fairytale forfeit.”

« Confusion»

No one has lived in the fairy-tale kingdom for a long time, so the names of fairy tales here are mixed up and scattered. We need to put things in order.

Gray, bread, cap, light, red, neck.

Hoof, small, silver, snowy, Muk, queen.

What kind of fairy tales are these?

« Collect a fairy tale»

Each team collects an illustration for a fairy tale: having reached the table with cut-out pictures from the fairy tale, the child takes one element and returns to its place, then the next participant runs for another element and so on until the illustration is collected. Whoever is the first to collect and name the name of a fairy tale receives a “fairytale phantom.”

« Who is attentive»

Various fairy-tale heroes came to the kingdom; find the same sound in the names of these heroes:

Aibolit, Ayoga, Alyonushka, Alisa.

Morozko, Malvina, Muk, Moidodyr.

Name which of these heroes did good deeds, and which ones?

« Who is bigger?»

Guys, remember the positive literary characters whose names contain the sound “b”, “v” (negative). Each team will name a hero in turn.

« Curious »

Name fairy tales that describe:

  • the destruction of a unique plant at the whim of a girl (“The Scarlet Flower”);
  • collecting primroses for a bouquet (“Twelve Months”);
  • turning a child into an animal due to disobedience (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”);
  • where friendship and unity helped to overcome not only cold and hunger, but also the worst enemies: the fox, the bear and the wolf (“Winter Hut of Animals”);
  • heroes left with nothing because of their greed (“Two Greedy Little Bears”);
  • a character who does not leave a friend in trouble (“The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

« Vice versa»

I will name the heroes who acted well, and you name the heroes who acted badly:

  • Cinderella - (Cinderella's stepmother).
  • Aibolit - (Barmaley).
  • Gerda - (Little robber).
  • Little Red Riding Hood - (Gray Wolf).

Now name the qualities that the heroes of fairy tales have, also vice versa:

  • Bravery - (cowardice).
  • Loyalty - (betrayal).
  • Honesty - (deception).
  • Hard work - (idleness, laziness).
  • Generosity - (greed).
  • Politeness - (ignorance).

« Superfluous word»

Tell me which hero is the odd one out and why?

  • Cinderella, Khavroshechka, Fedora, Snow Maiden.
  • Sivka the Burka, the Little Humpbacked Horse, Puss in Boots, Baba Yaga.

« Find a rhyme»

  • Wand - (lifesaver)
  • Flower - (seven flowers)
  • Sivka - (Burka)
  • Karabas - (Barabas)

« Several from one word»

In fairy tales there live a sly fox and an evil wolf. Make up words using the letters of the words “wolf” and “fox” as initial ones to denote good deeds, so that the wolf and fox become kinder.

B - politeness

L - love

O - responsiveness

And - sincerity

L - courtesy

S - modesty

K - cultural

A - accuracy

« Change the words»

Change the names of negative fairy-tale characters so that they become kinder, call them affectionately.

  • Barmaley - Barmaleychik.
  • Koschey - Koscheyushka.
  • Baba Yaga - Grandma Yozhka.
  • Gray wolf - Gray wolf.

« Proverbs»

Make up a proverb from the words written on the card and explain what this proverb means.

  • As it comes back, so will it respond.
  • What goes around comes around.

« Who is who?»

Which fairy tale characters do these fairy tale names belong to?

Aibolit (doctor).

Barmaley (robber).

Fedora (grandmother).

Gerda (girl).

Little Mook (boy).

Sivka-burka (horse).

Winnie the Pooh (bear cub).

Pechkin (postman).

Our quiz has come to an end. Let our fairy-tale heroes live in their fairy tales, and we will not forget about the rules of cultural behavior. Then everyone who is close to us will enjoy communicating. And how good life would be on Earth if only good deeds were performed.

There's a song playing« On the road to goodness».

Rewarding teams with gifts.

Svetlana Golovko

od quizzes:

Children to the music "Visiting fairy tales» included in group.

Hello guys!

Tell me guys, do you love fairy tales?

A fairy tale is amazing, a magical world in which the most extraordinary miracles and transformations occur.

Do you love fairy tales? Then I suggest you spend fairytale quiz"Our favorite fairy tales» .

Let's greet each other, the team - "Sun" and the team - "Sparrows".

Guys, let's welcome our jury. The jury will evaluate each of your correct answers with one point, and at the end of our quiz will sum it up.

And so let's begin our warm-up quiz. I will ask questions to each team in turn, and you must answer quickly.

Ready? Begin!

1 competition: "Warm-up"

1. Who caught Ivan Tsarevich’s arrow? (Princess Frog)

2. What kind of hut did the fox have? (icy)

3. To whom was Little Red Riding Hood going? (to Grandma)

4. What egg did the Ryabya hen lay? (golden)

5. Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka. (Gena)

6. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)

7. Who pulled the turnip? (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse)

8. Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella)

9. What did Mukha – Tsokotukha buy at the market? (samovar)

10. Who did Kolobok meet during his travels? (with a hare, wolf, bear, fox)

11. Who broke the golden egg? (mouse)

12. What did the Wolf catch fish with in Russian folklore? fairy tale"The Fox and the Wolf"? (tail)

13. Who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)

14. Who helped the girl and her brother hide from the geese? (milk river - jelly banks, apple tree, stove)

2 competition: "Find out fairy tale according to description»

Well done, you know it well fairy tales. Next competition "Find out fairy tale according to description» Listen carefully first and then answer.

1. B in a fairy tale the sky is blue, IN scary birds in a fairy tale.

Apple tree, cover me! Rechenka, save me! "Swan geese"

2. At the edge of the forest there were two huts.

One of them has melted, One is standing still old. "Zayushkina's hut"

3. The thief was stealing wheat, and Ivan caught him.

The thief turned out to be magical, and Ivan rode on him. "Sivka-burka"

4. Said a word - The stove rolled

Straight from the village to the king and princess.

And why, I don’t know, I’m lazy, lucky? "By magic"

5. Oh, you, Petya-simplicity, you blundered a little bit:

I didn’t listen to the cat and looked out the window. "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

6. There is neither a river nor a pond. Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water in the hoof hole.

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

7. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie. "Masha and the Bear"

8. It was baked from flour and mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window, He was rolling along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave, and on the way he sang a song.

A bunny, a gray wolf and a brown bear wanted to eat him.

And when the baby met a red fox in the forest,

I couldn't leave her. What the fairy tale? "Kolobok"

9. The mouse found a home for itself. The mouse was kind.

In the end, there were many tenants in that house. "Teremok"

10. The maiden is beautiful, sad, she doesn’t like spring,

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing sheds tears. "Snow Maiden"

3 competition "Guess the hero fairy tales» .

Guys, now all your attention is on the screen. You need to guess the hero fairy tales, and which one is he from? fairy tales have come to us. (Slides are shown on the TV screen)

Guys, guess who? mystery:

There is a hut in the dark forest, standing backwards.

In that hut there is old lady - And her name is(Yaga).

Well done, let's take a little rest.

Phys. just a minute "Baba Yaga". (audio recording starts)

4 competition "Correct the mistake"

"Ryaba the Cockerel", "Dasha and the Bear"

"The Wolf and the Seven Lambs", "Ducks - Swans"

"Fox with a saucepan", "Zayushkin's House"

"Princess Turkey", "Katya and brother Ivanushka"

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf", "Sister Fox and Gray Mouse"

"At the dog's command", "Bubble, Straw and Shoe".

Guys, we are with we don't say goodbye to fairy tales, and we tell them goodbye and see you again.

Publications on the topic:

Fairy tale quiz“Quiz on fairy tales” Tatyana Nikolaevna Eremkina, teacher, GBOU school No. 1272, Moscow Tasks: - consolidate children’s knowledge about Russians.

Goal: Generalize children's knowledge about fairy tales. Objectives: Continue to teach children to transform in the game through the development of sign language, facial expressions.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory school group on the topic “Quiz on the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen.”.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Quiz on Russian folk tales” Program content: Educational objectives: To clarify and enrich children's knowledge about Russian folk tales. Learn to recognize a fairy tale by assignment.

Summary of OOD on speech development in the senior group “Quiz on fairy tales” Educational objectives: Formation of sound expressiveness of speech Developmental objectives: Develop diction and phonemic perception, enrich.

Quiz “Everyone loves fairy tales” for children 5-6 years old with special needs.

Target: to activate children’s knowledge of fairy tales by increasing interest in joint cognitive activities.
1. Encourage children’s desire to look for ways to solve problem situations.
2. Help children express thoughts and assumptions in a way that is clear to others.
3.To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about fairy tales; to form a stock of literary artistic impressions, a personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the creative process.
1.Develop attention, memory, thinking, observation, logic, instill an informal perception of fairy tales, and develop a sense of humor.
2.Develop the ability to compose a whole from parts using analysis and synthesis.
3. Arouse children’s interest in theatrical play, develop intonation expressiveness of speech, develop the ability to build a dialogue between fairy-tale characters, and enrich children’s vocabulary.
1. Cultivate such qualities as mutual assistance, camaraderie, friendliness, honesty in the game, justice.
2. Encourage the expression of independence in choosing decisions.
3. Contribute to the implementation of the norms and rules of the team, showing restraint and patience, and establishing interpersonal relationships between the children of the group.
4.Avoke a positive emotional response, a desire to take part in team competitive games of a developmental nature.

Equipment and materials: masks and attributes for staging, multimedia installation, presentation created in Microsoft PowerPoint, audio recording of music and voices of fairy tale heroes, cut-out pictures of two fairy tales of the teacher's choice, magic objects, pictures of fairy tale heroes, medals, chips, two diplomas, distinctive items for participants teams (this can be emblems, ties, baseball caps, etc.)

Preliminary work.
1. Reading and listening to fairy tales with conversations on the content.
2. Design of a thematic exhibition of books.
3. Joint and independent games using bi-ba-bo dolls and table theater.

Technologies used.
1. Collaboration Technology– develop the ability to correctly analyze and draw conclusions, formulate and ask questions, the ability to appreciate your work and your partners, the ability to communicate with your peers.
2. Gaming technology. Educational games for the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy, creativity, the ability to compare, contrast, and find analogies.
3. ICT. Use of multimedia support.
4. Health-saving technology. Performing physical education exercises, competitive outdoor games to relieve stress and increase the performance of students in the process of conducting direct educational activities.

Progress of entertainment.

Leading . The fairy tale has a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
The native people are its creator,
The people are cunning, the people are wise,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.
The fairy tale, guys, was born a long time ago, before man learned to read and write. The fairy tale was passed from mouth to mouth, and she walked around the world bright, smart, cheerful.
- Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)
- Do you know fairy tales? (Yes)
- Now we will check it.

Leading . Today we will take an interesting, exciting journey into a fairy tale.
Let the meeting be joyful; friendship is the essence of such acquaintance.
We are starting a quiz, as they say, good luck!

Leading . So, two teams are participating in our quiz (the names of the teams are agreed upon by the teacher before the start of the quiz, for example, “Teremok” and “Kolobok”).
Let's welcome our teams.
Welcome speech from the team «__________________».
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth.
May goodness forever
Evil wins!
Welcome speech from the team «___________________».
If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare me a little, you won’t be able to find it.
Should she swim or walk?
Or rush from where,
Only where a fairy tale should be,
A miracle will happen there...

Task No. 1. “Guess the fairy tale.”
Leading . The first task for our teams is called “Guess the Fairy Tale.”
For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.
Girl sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
Without knowing it himself
He carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle?
Then answer quickly!
The title of this fairy tale... (" Masha and the Bear»)

He lives above all:
He has a house on the roof.
If you go to bed quickly,
You can chat with him
Will fly to you in your dream
Lively, cheerful... (" Carlson»).

And now about someone's house
We'll start a conversation...
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned down!
cat house»)

He rolled out of the house
Along an unfamiliar path...
Did you recognize him, friend?
This is the most naughty one,
Talkative, simple-minded,
And stubborn... ( Kolobok)

He goes to visit with Piglet,
Loves honey, asks for jam...
Who is this, say out loud:
Little baby... ( Winnie the Pooh)

This only happens in a fairy tale:
The pumpkin carriage turns out big!
In a wonderful outfit, light as a feather,
Meets a fairytale prince... ( Cinderella)

Heals all his friends in a row,
He treats adults and children.
He rushes to you when it hurts,
Good doctor... ( Aibolit)

They are invited with their friend Gena
Definitely for a birthday.
And loves every bug
Funny, kind... ( Cheburashka)

Leading . No hints were needed, you guessed all the fairy tales.
It was created by wise men, and you are all well done!

Task No. 2. “Magic objects.”
Leading .And now the second task. Guys, we need to figure it out quickly and return things to the heroes as soon as possible!
Now 4 portraits of fairy tale heroes will appear on the screen and team members need to “return” the fairy tale hero’s things (for each correct answer - 1 chip).
Dunno's hat (“Dunno”), glass slipper (“Cinderella”), rolling pin (“Fox with a rolling pin”), golden key (“The Adventures of Pinocchio”), little red riding hood (“Little Red Riding Hood”), seven-flowered flower (“Flower- seven-colored"), samovar ("Fly-Tsokotukha"), pike ("At the command of the pike").

Task No. 3. “Who knows, call quickly!”
Leading . And now the third task: “Who knows, call it quickly!” (screen).
Anyone who has read a lot of fairy tales will easily find the answers. Yes, you already knew them for a long time.
Well, let's check this out? If anyone knows the correct answer, quickly raise your hand!
Let everyone know that today we have no way of dealing with Boredom!
(for each correct answer – 1 chip)
- What were the names of the three bears from L. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”?
(Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)
- Which of the three little pigs built the strongest house? (Naf-naf)
- What kind of hut did the hare have in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”? (Lubyanaya)
- Who used their tail instead of a fishing rod in the fairy tale? (Wolf)
-Who is called Patrikeevna by his patronymic? (Fox)
- Who buried 5 gold coins? (Pinocchio)
- What bird did Thumbelina fly on? (Martin)
- Who said that he was a handsome, moderately well-fed man? (Carlson)
- Who is the savior of the Fly-Tsokotukha? (Mosquito)
- What did Puss in Boots call his owner? (Marquis Karabas)
Leading . Now it's time to relax and play.
Relay race "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

Teams stand in a column near their landmarks. The first participant is placed a large ball on his back ( imitation of the appearance of a humpbacked horse), the child, holding the ball behind his back with his hands, runs around the landmarks like a “snake” and returns simply by running. Passes the ball to the next participant. The teacher helps place the ball on the back of the next relay participant. The game continues until one of the teams finishes the test first.

Task No. 4. “Who can name more fairy tales.”
Leading . Task seven: “Who can name the most fairy tales?”
Now collect all your thoughts
And name more fairy tales.
Who can name more fairy tales?
He will collect more chips.
So, two fairy tale heroes appear on the screen. Each team needs to name as many fairy tales as possible where these characters meet.
1st team: wolf and hare.
2nd team: fox and bear.

Task No. 5. “Put all the pieces together.”
Leading . Bedokurka got into the book of fairy tales and got into trouble: he cut up illustrations for fairy tales with scissors. They need to be restored. Teams receive cut-out pictures for fairy tales in envelopes (at the teacher’s choice) and at the count of “1, 2, 3...” they open the envelopes and make up a picture of 10 fragments. Whoever is the first to collect a picture for a fairy tale and determine the name wins.

Leading . And now it's time for a break again. And we announce the Baba Yaga relay race.
Relay "Baba Yaga".

Teams stand in a column near their landmarks. The first participant is given a bucket (Baba Yaga's stupa) and a broom. The child puts one foot in the bucket and holds the handle of the bucket with his hand; the child has a broom in the other hand and places it between his legs. The first participant runs to the landmark, runs around it and returns to his team. Gives all the attributes of Baba Yaga to the next participant in the relay. The game continues until one of the teams finishes the test first.

Task No. 6. “Correct mistakes.”
Leading . Task five: “Correct mistakes.”
Now the names of fairy tales or their heroes will be read to you, but some of them have errors. Your task is to recognize and correct errors.
Indian Princess ( frog)
Silver trough ( hoof)
One-flowered flower (seven-flowered)
Sibvka-booth ( Burka)
Frost - red dog ( nose)
Baby golden cockerel ( scallop)
Wolf and seven donkeys ( kids)
Helicopter carpet ( airplane)
Zayushkina turntable ( hut)
Fox with a spinning wheel ( rolling pin)

Task No. 7. “My favorite fairy tale.”
Leading . Task six. "My favorite fairy tale." (Dramatization.)
And now, the teams are invited to dramatize a short scene from their favorite fairy tale (each team receives a chip).
The leader announces the exit of one of the teams:
Everyone in the world loves fairy tales
Adults and children love it.
Fairy tales teach us kindness and hard work.
“Teremok” in a new way, the kindergarten will show you.
The leader announces the exit of the other team:
There, in a small forest in a meadow, a little bunny is crying in the corner.
Zaykin took over his house and kicked him out.

Task No. 8. “Guess the hero from the song.”
Now listen to the songs and guess the hero and the fairy tale.
For each correct answer they get a chip.

Leading .
Guys, it's time to count your chips.
The results of the game are summed up and the winners are awarded. Teams are awarded certificates of participation in the game. All participants in the quiz game receive consolation prizes (for example, medals).
Leading . Fairy tales give us miracles,
People cannot live without a fairy tale.
It's time to say goodbye to the fairy tale.
We'll tell all our friends until we meet!
See you again!

1.Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical activities in kindergarten: A manual for preschool workers. -: M.: T C “Sphere”, 2001.
2. Doronova T.N. Playing theater: theatrical activities for children 4-6 years old: method. A manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. T.N. Doronova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005.
3. Kudryavtseva N. Yu. “Getting ready for the holiday” Methods for making costumes, dolls, and scenery for a children's play. Moscow: School Press, 2011.
4. Polyak L.Ya. Theater of Fairy Tales: Scenarios in verse for preschoolers based on Russian folk tales. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2008.
5. Shorokhova O. A. “Playing a fairy tale”, M “Creative Center” 2007.
6. Russian folk tales / ed. O.F. Trifonova. – M.: AST-ASTREL.
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"We love fairy tales"

Senior group

Goal: To consolidate and expand children's understanding of fairy tales; to form a stock of literary artistic impressions, a personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the creative process;


  • evoke a positive emotional response and a desire to take part in competitive team games of a developmental nature.
  • cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art, and the ability to work in a team.


The music of the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. Children enter the hall, which is decorated with balloons and illustrations of various fairy tales.


Hello, children and dear adults! We are glad to see you at our quiz “We love fairy tales.” Let's welcome our participants.

We present to you the jury. The jury scores each correct answer one point.

So here we go!

First competition "Mysterious".

You need to guess the names of the fairy tales.

(The teacher asks riddles to each team in turn).

1. Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He himself, without knowing it,

He carries her home. (Masha and the Bear)

2. People are surprised:

The stove is moving, the smoke is coming out,

And Emelya on the stove

Eating big rolls! (By magic)

3 .The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

4. Who didn't want to work

Did you play and sing songs?

To the third brother later

We ran to a new house. (Three piglets)

5 .The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What awaits her in this fairy tale?

The toad will steal it in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide you in a hole. (Thumbelina)

6 .The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears!.. (Snow Maiden)

Second "Explainers" competition.

I want to check how well you know fairy tales. Look at the board and explain the magical power of this fairy-tale object. Name a fairy tale in which this item is present.

Items appear on the board:

Carpet plane.

Walking boots.



Seven-flowered flower.

Gold fish.

Well done boys! I didn't know you knew fairy tales so well.

Third competition "Confusion".

Help us, guys, unravel the names of fairy tales.

Listen carefully.

"Axe Soup"

"At the hare's command"

"Green Riding Hood"

"Puss in Shoes"

"Two Little Pigs"

"The Fox and the Heron"

"Wolf and Five Puppies"

"Sister Tanyushka and brother Ivanushka"

“A boy with a palm;


What wonderful participants you are! You know everything!

Warm-up An active game of a competitive nature is played with children "Baba Yaga"

The indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga were a mortar and a broom.

In the relay race, you can use a simple bucket as a mortar, and a mop as a broom.

The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground.

With one hand he holds the bucket on his leg by the handle, in the other hand he holds a mop.

And now in this position it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the “mortar” and “broom” to the next one.

Forward, Baba Yaga!

The fourth competition “Cut-up fairy tale”

Each team needs to collect the cut pictures and name the fairy tale.

Fifth “Question-Answer” competition.

Teams need to answer my questions in one minute

1 team

What was the name of Pierrot's bride?

Who is the right size for the glass slipper?

Who was born in the cup of a flower?

Who was pulled out of the swamp for so long?

Who took matches and set fire to the blue sea?

Who cooked porridge from an ax?

Who laid the golden egg?

2nd team

What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”?

What was the name of the village where the postman Pechkin lived?

Who treated sick animals?

Name the hero who lives on the roof?

Which of the heroes rode down the street on a stove?

What did the fly buy at the market when he found the money?

What did the wolf fish with in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”?

Sixth competition “Guess the melody”.

Now you will hear songs from fairy tale or cartoon characters. Remember the names of these fairy tales.