A modern bedtime story. Fairy tales for children for any age

Modern writers for children

The book presents works by Lena Arden, Olga Fadeeva, Ekaterina Burmistrova, Vladimir Blagov, Alexey Oleinikov, Yulia Ivanova, Guy Sever and Olga Kamelina. Modern children's authors present their fairy tales, in which unexpected, fresh plots coexist with the classical traditions of children's literature.

“I was interested in reading something new, unusual, something that would make me want to immediately grab a pencil. I must say that some of the works really gave me a characteristic tingling sensation in my fingertips.”

“As a child, I loved to read, but I don’t think that these books will be very interesting to my children today, because the world has changed so much. And I really want books for children to reach them on time, and not when they are as adults as I am now.”

Lena Arden. Tales of the Magic Chestnut

Chapter first. Chestnut

This magical story took place in the courtyard of the most ordinary house, which stood on the most ordinary street of the most ordinary city. Almost all the space in this city, as in many other cities, was occupied by houses, shops, roads, parking areas and tram tracks. People cut down trees so diligently and filled lawns with concrete that there was almost no greenery left here. By some miracle, in the courtyard of this very house, a small island of green grass was preserved, on which grew an old spreading tree - Chestnut. It had a beautiful thick crown that cast a long shadow on the lawn and walls of an ordinary house. Almost at the very roots, the tree trunk forked, and it towered over the lawn in a huge English letter V.

The lawn on which Chestnut grew was surrounded on all sides by curbs and asphalt roads. They completely cut him off from the outside world. Adults living in the apartments of an ordinary house had no idea what an interesting story was happening right under their noses. But some attentive children, of course, suspected something. They often observed how the ants, lined up one after another, climbed over the curb and crossed the road. At this time, another line was walking in the opposite direction, with coffee beans and grains of sugar on their backs. The ants marched with their legs raised high, looking like little military men on parade. If you listen closely, you could hear the cheerful song they sang along the way.

Under the roots of the Chestnut tree, which spread across the lawn in all directions, there was an entire city with houses, shops, restaurants and cafes. It even had its own library with a reading room, which contained books on the history of the lawn, dating back to time immemorial. Then the Chestnut was still a thin twig that grew in the middle of a beautiful meadow, and there were no houses, borders or cars in sight. Underground was the city hall - a dark palace where the mayor of the lawn, the blind Mole, lived. In addition, the large hollows of Chestnut housed a Coffee and Sugar store, a dance school, and a fire department where firefighter beetles worked. In the smaller hollows there are workshops and newsstands.

In one of these workshops, dishes were made from the shells of those very chestnuts that ripened in abundance on the mighty tree every autumn. For several years now, none other than the hero of our magical story, a master of plates and cups, a gentleman named Mouse, has been working in this workshop. His dishes were bought by all the inhabitants of the lawn, both those who lived at the roots of the Chestnut tree, and those higher up, on its branches and in the hollows. Such fame and love from customers made Mouse not an ordinary resident of the lawn, but one of its most respected citizens.

The Mouse lived in a house with a round blue door under one of the large roots of the Chestnut tree. The houses in this part of the lawn were old. They burned here with fallen leaves and old chestnut bark. If you looked closely, you could see small chimneys among the roots. In cold weather, barely noticeable steam-like smoke came out of them. People, of course, saw it, but mistook it for ordinary fog.

The mouse was a real gentleman. To work, he always wore a top hat, a bow tie, and even took with him a cane cut from a Chestnut branch. In the morning, Mouse did not like to rush. He slowly got up, drank a cup of coffee with milk, read the latest newspaper and only then left the house. He walked slowly, and the road to the workshop was more of a pleasant walk than a necessity. Along the way, Mouse stopped to chat with his acquaintances: the postman Snail, who delivered letters and newspapers, the beautiful Butterfly, who worked as a ballet teacher at a dance school, and Aunt Caterpillar, who ran a bakery at a nearby root.

The road to work went up one of the chestnut trunks. Having reached the third large branch, it was necessary to jump over to another trunk. And there it’s already a stone’s throw to the hollow of the workshop. Previously, the workshop belonged to Mouse’s father, and before him – to his grandfather. When his father died, Mouse had to continue the family business. He was very responsible and could not leave the residents of the lawn without dishes. Although, in truth, Mouse always dreamed of one day handing over the workshop to his assistant Frog and doing something else. What exactly, Mouse did not know. He was busy every day making dishes, and he did not have time to think about a new occupation.

In the workshop, Mouse usually turned on the record player and, enjoying the music, began working on the next cup or saucer. The mouse selected the chestnuts for the dishes himself. In autumn they ripened and fell to the ground. Fallen chestnuts often cracked and were no longer suitable for cups and plates. Therefore, the Mouse had to collect the chestnuts that were ripe but had not yet fallen. Then he left them in the workshop to dry in order to turn them into the highest quality dishes until the following autumn. Picking chestnuts has always been hard work. The mouse had to get up very early and run through the branches of a large tree in search of selected chestnuts. In addition, this activity was quite dangerous. A chestnut warning was even announced on the lawn, which the Woodpecker loudly tapped out in Morse code. Then all the shops closed, and residents, with airbags tied to their heads, hurried home and did not go out unless absolutely necessary.

Chapter two

I'm looking for a travel companion!

One morning Mouse was about to enjoy his coffee with milk and read the newspaper. But, to his surprise, there was no milk on the doorstep where the messenger Grasshopper usually left it. Then the Mouse took a fresh newspaper from the mailbox and went to the bakery to see Aunt Caterpillar. In good weather, she placed several tables near the bakery and opened a small outdoor cafe where one could have breakfast.

- Good morning, Aunt Caterpillar! The grasshopper disappeared somewhere today, and I can’t drink coffee without milk.

An invaluable source of wisdom and inspiration for a child. In this section you can read your favorite fairy tales online for free and give children the first most important lessons of world order and morality. It is from the magical narrative that children learn about good and evil, and also that these concepts are far from absolute. Each fairy tale presents its short description, which will help parents choose a topic that is relevant to the child’s age and give him a choice.

Fairy tale title Source Rating
Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian traditional 352334
Morozko Russian traditional 232217
Aibolit Korney Chukovsky 1003785
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor Arabian tale 225798
Snowman Andersen H.K. 129914
Moidodyr Korney Chukovsky 989697
Porridge from an ax Russian traditional 264244
The Scarlet Flower Aksakov S.T. 1416002
Teremok Russian traditional 385159
Fly Tsokotukha Korney Chukovsky 1052201
Mermaid Andersen H.K. 437412
Fox and crane Russian traditional 207234
Barmaley Korney Chukovsky 456188
Fedorino grief Korney Chukovsky 764687
Sivka-Burka Russian traditional 187816
Green oak near Lukomorye Pushkin A.S. 770192
Twelve months Samuel Marshak 804821
The Bremen Town Musicians Brothers Grimm 272480
Puss in Boots Charles Perrault 420290
The Tale of Tsar Saltan Pushkin A.S. 637084
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Pushkin A.S. 583458
The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights Pushkin A.S. 285694
The Tale of the Golden Cockerel Pushkin A.S. 240451
Thumbelina Andersen H.K. 190511
The Snow Queen Andersen H.K. 241545
Fast walkers Andersen H.K. 29448
sleeping Beauty Charles Perrault 100414
Little Red Riding Hood Charles Perrault 233496
Tom Thumb Charles Perrault 159501
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Brothers Grimm 163120
Snow White and Alotsvetik Brothers Grimm 43220
The wolf and the seven Young goats Brothers Grimm 137198
Hare and hedgehog Brothers Grimm 129714
Mrs. Metelitsa Brothers Grimm 89589
Sweet porridge Brothers Grimm 187107
Princess on the Pea Andersen H.K. 109688
Crane and Heron Russian traditional 29407
Cinderella Charles Perrault 320770
The Tale of a Stupid Mouse Samuel Marshak 328936
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Arabian tale 132532
Aladdin's magic lamp Arabian tale 223420
Cat, rooster and fox Russian traditional 125655
Chicken Ryaba Russian traditional 313888
Fox and cancer Russian traditional 88050
Fox-sister and wolf Russian traditional 79787
Masha and the Bear Russian traditional 264493
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise Russian traditional 85738
Snow Maiden Russian traditional 53733
Three piglets Russian traditional 1821387
ugly duck Andersen H.K. 126220
Wild Swans Andersen H.K. 55771
Flint Andersen H.K. 74411
Ole Lukoje Andersen H.K. 121090
The Steadfast Tin Soldier Andersen H.K. 47187
Baba Yaga Russian traditional 127643
Magic pipe Russian traditional 129730
Magic ring Russian traditional 155006
Grief Russian traditional 21889
Swan geese Russian traditional 74636
Daughter and stepdaughter Russian traditional 23224
Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf Russian traditional 65973
Treasure Russian traditional 47984
Kolobok Russian traditional 162229
Living water Brothers Grimm 83670
Rapunzel Brothers Grimm 135719
Rumplestiltskin Brothers Grimm 43786
A pot of porridge Brothers Grimm 77384
King Thrushbeard Brothers Grimm 26791
little people Brothers Grimm 59600
Hansel and Gretel Brothers Grimm 32491
golden goose Brothers Grimm 40221
Mrs. Metelitsa Brothers Grimm 21891
Worn out shoes Brothers Grimm 31646
Straw, coal and bean Brothers Grimm 28031
twelve brothers Brothers Grimm 22111
Spindle, weaving shuttle and needle Brothers Grimm 27832
Friendship between cat and mouse Brothers Grimm 37677
Kinglet and bear Brothers Grimm 28057
Royal children Brothers Grimm 23320
Brave Little Tailor Brothers Grimm 35411
crystal ball Brothers Grimm 63552
Queen Bee Brothers Grimm 40936
Smart Gretel Brothers Grimm 22432
Three lucky ones Brothers Grimm 22016
Three spinners Brothers Grimm 21774
Three snake leaves Brothers Grimm 21919
Three brothers Brothers Grimm 21892
The Old Man of the Glass Mountain Brothers Grimm 21879
The Tale of a Fisherman and His Wife Brothers Grimm 21861
underground man Brothers Grimm 31101
Donkey Brothers Grimm 24146
Ocheski Brothers Grimm 21485
The Frog King, or Iron Henry Brothers Grimm 21889
Six swans Brothers Grimm 25546
Marya Morevna Russian traditional 44924
Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle Russian traditional 42799
Two frosts Russian traditional 39483
Most expensive Russian traditional 33313
Wonderful shirt Russian traditional 39971
Frost and hare Russian traditional 39337
How the fox learned to fly Russian traditional 48517
Ivan the Fool Russian traditional 36495
Fox and jug Russian traditional 26522
bird tongue Russian traditional 23080
The soldier and the devil Russian traditional 21997
Crystal Mountain Russian traditional 26087
Tricky Science Russian traditional 28797
Smart guy Russian traditional 22245
Snow Maiden and Fox Russian traditional 62795
Word Russian traditional 22116
Fast messenger Russian traditional 21969
Seven Simeons Russian traditional 21942
About the old grandmother Russian traditional 23984
Go there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what Russian traditional 51826
At the behest of the pike Russian traditional 70074
Rooster and millstones Russian traditional 21744
Shepherd's Piper Russian traditional 38132
Petrified Kingdom Russian traditional 22130
About rejuvenating apples and living water Russian traditional 37082
Goat Dereza Russian traditional 34619
Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber Russian traditional 28531
Cockerel and bean seed Russian traditional 54644
Ivan - peasant son and miracle Yudo Russian traditional 28423
Three Bears Russian traditional 472417
Fox and black grouse Russian traditional 23398
Tar barrel Russian traditional 77193
Baba Yaga and berries Russian traditional 38397
Battle on Kalinov Bridge Russian traditional 22221
Finist - Clear Falcon Russian traditional 51912
Princess Nesmeyana Russian traditional 137912
Tops and roots Russian traditional 57535
Winter hut of animals Russian traditional 41099
flying ship Russian traditional 73490
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Russian traditional 37968
Golden comb cockerel Russian traditional 45742
Zayushkin's hut Russian traditional 132712

By listening to fairy tales, children not only acquire the necessary knowledge, but also learn to build relationships in society, relating themselves to one or another fictional character. From the experience of relationships between fairy-tale characters, the child understands that one should not unconditionally trust strangers. Our website presents the most famous fairy tales for your children. Choose interesting fairy tales from the table provided.

Why is it useful to read fairy tales?

The various plots of the fairy tale help the child understand that the world around him can be contradictory and quite complex. Listening to the hero's adventures, children virtually encounter injustice, hypocrisy and pain. But this is how the baby learns to value love, honesty, friendship and beauty. Always having a happy ending, fairy tales help the child to be optimistic and resist various kinds of life's troubles.

The entertainment component of fairy tales should not be underestimated. Listening to fascinating stories has many advantages, for example, compared to watching cartoons - there is no threat to the baby's vision. Moreover, by listening to children's fairy tales performed by parents, the baby learns many new words and learns to correctly articulate sounds. The importance of this is difficult to overestimate, because scientists have long proven that nothing affects the future comprehensive development of a child more than early speech development.

What kinds of fairy tales are there for children?

Fairy tales There are different ones: magical – exciting children’s imagination with a riot of imagination; everyday - telling about simple everyday life, in which magic is also possible; about animals - where the leading characters are not people, but various animals so beloved by children. A large number of such fairy tales are presented on our website. Here you can read for free what will be interesting to your baby. Convenient navigation will help make finding the right material quick and simple.

Read the annotations to give the child the right to independently choose a fairy tale, because most modern child psychologists believe that the key to children’s future love of reading lies in the freedom to choose material. We give you and your child unlimited freedom in choosing wonderful children's fairy tales!

Modern fairy tales for children are created by many writers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and authors from foreign countries. They contain bright names that attract attention, as well as an interesting and captivating plot.

Authors of modern fairy tales

  • Alexey Ars Chernyshev.
  • Alexey Klyuev.
  • Anatoly Valevsky.
  • Andrey Zhvalevsky.
  • Boris Aidabolov.
  • Vasily Bystrov.
  • Victoria Streltsova.
  • Vladimir Kosarev.
  • Vladimir Radimirov.
  • Daniil Petrov.
  • Dina Sabitova.
  • Eva Alekseeva.
  • Evgeny Krymov.
  • Evgenia Pasternak.
  • Ekaterina Nikolaeva.
  • Elena Rakitina.
  • Igor Nakonechny.
  • Inna Sudareva.
  • Marina Aromstam.
  • Sel Leram.
  • Seraphima Toulouse.
  • Svetlana Kapustina.
  • Polina Ganzhina.
  • Tatiana Kim.
  • Yana Sipatkina.

Tales of Sel Leram

Modern fairy tales for children Sel Leram are interesting and instructive. A very dynamic and exciting plot will interest any child. Their bright names attract attention: “Red Raven”, “A Tale of Fidelity, or Where Mermaids Came From”, “About a White Unicorn”, “About True Friendship”, “About a Princess, Memory and Love”, “About a Lost Magic Wand” ".

At the heart of her fairy tale “About Love, or Where the Fairies Came From” is a simple plot. One day a girl named Fairy went out for a walk and met a prince named Fairy. His father, a noble king, forbade him to marry his chosen one, since he had already chosen a bride for him long ago. The fairy was put in a tower. But the prince freed her and ran away with her. When the king found out about this, he ordered his subjects to immediately find them. The chase began. The first time they managed to escape thanks to the mermaids. Thinking that no one was chasing them, they got out onto land. However, they began to catch up with them again. The second time they were hidden by forest nymphs. After some time, the lovers set off. But again they heard the approaching clatter of hooves. They found themselves over a precipice on the mountainside. The fairy prayed to mother earth. The voice said not to be afraid of anything and to jump down. That's what they did. The butlers who caught up with them saw that they were dead and returned to the castle. Immediately two flowers rose from the ground, blossomed, and the resurrected lovers flew out of them. Only now they have become very small with transparent wings. This is how fairies came into being.

Tales of Sipatkina Yana

Modern fairy tales for children by this writer are worthy of attention. The author wrote the following fairy tales: “Angel and the Blue Butterfly”, “Goblin from the Closet”, “Charlie the Clown”, “Black Cat”, “The Caterpillar Who Wanted to Fly”, “Girl with a Magic Box”, “Peter and Chamomile”, “ The Tale of a Smart Lamb" and others. "A Letter to Grandfather Frost" by Yana Sipatkina is a modern New Year's fairy tale for children about miracles and the fulfillment of cherished desires. The main character of the fairy tale is a little girl Katya, who really wanted to receive a real dog as a gift from Grandfather Frost. Every year she sent him letters, but for some reason she received a doll or a soft toy. She doubted the existence of magic and wrote about it in her next letter to Grandfather Frost. The parents who read it decided not to disappoint their daughter and buy a puppy. Before the holidays, dad went on a business trip. On New Year's Eve, Katya saw a beautiful gift waiting for her under the Christmas tree. She eagerly unpacked it and saw a dog wagging its tail. - Mom, mom, Grandfather Frost exists! - the girl screamed joyfully. Mom smiled and went to meet her husband. But I was very surprised when I realized that he had not returned yet. And suddenly the door opened and Katya’s dad came in with a small puppy in his arms. Since then, two dogs have settled in their family, thanks to which the girl and her parents believed in the existence of Santa Claus.

The best modern fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers

These tales are very interesting. They are designed for children of preschool and primary school age.

  • "Hercules. 12 great labors: how it really happened. An eyewitness account" (S. Sedov).
  • “Where is my sister” (S. Nurdqvist).
  • “How the elephant fell from the sky” (K. DiCamillo).
  • "Adventures of toys in an ordinary apartment" (E. Pasternak).
  • "The True Story of Santa Claus" (A. Zhvalevsky E. Pasternak).
  • "Seryozhik" (E. Rakitina).
  • "Tales about Karlchen" (R. Berner).
  • "Tosya-Bosya and the gnome Clean" (L. Zhutaute).
  • "The Snail and the Whale" (D. Donaldson).
  • "Circus in a box" (D. Sabitova).

Famous folk tales with a modern twist

Modern folk tales in a new way are very funny and even instructive. They are not intended for children. Adults or teenagers will understand their humor.

Russian fairy tale "About brave ingenuity." The father-king had half the kingdom, the rest half belonged to his sons. One day he gathered them together and said: “Dear sons, brave fellows, I give you this task. Whoever tears a thick paper packet, to him I will give my half of the kingdom.”

No matter how hard the sons tried, nothing worked out for them. Then the king came up, untied the pack and said: “Don’t despair, since you couldn’t tear the pack right away, try one piece at a time.” The sons immediately got to work and tore the entire thick paper bundle.

“Remember, my dears, three truths,” said the king. “If you can’t do something right away, it will definitely work out, but gradually. If you can’t do something yourself, then do it together. If you manage to take it by force, then use cunning and ingenuity. Do you understand?"

“You don’t understand anything,” the king laughed. “You just broke up and now your half of the kingdom has become mine.” This is the end of the fairy tale, and so are the sons.

Modern short fairy tales for children

The first fairy tale is “About the Silver Hoof”. Once upon a time there was a little goat, and he had an unusual hoof - a silver one. Wherever he knocks, a ruble appears in small change. If he stomps a couple of times, he’s a steward. And if he knocks three times, then a thousand appears in a bank package. Perestroika scared the little goat and is now running all over the country. Everyone catches him: the police, the army, the KGB, the FSB and other services. But they can’t catch him. And they are caught not out of curiosity or self-interest. The fact is that each such run is at least fifteen percent inflation. So if you find this money somewhere, then immediately run with it to the central bank to hand it over. These are superfluous, they will be destroyed there. But if you catch this goat, then our country will immediately rise from the crisis. And everything will be equal to the Russian currency, and the US dollar will be equal to one ruble. This will be a real fairy tale for the Russian people.

Modern folk tales can have a completely unexpected ending. One of them is “About the chicken Ryaba”. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and one day she laid an egg, and not an ordinary one, but a golden one. And they began to beat him. They beat for a long time, but in the end, of course, they broke. And they got the hang of it. They began to break dishes and glass, break furniture, scratch the elevator, and litter in the entrance. Such an outbreak of vandalism can happen to uncultured people who fall into the hands of valuable objects.


Good modern fairy tales for children, as it turns out, are quite difficult to choose. Many of them are simple and banal to the extreme. Others don’t even look like fairy tales at all. Some children should not listen to at all, as their plot is striking in its absurdity. Maybe all the best has already been written long ago? And no one can compare with Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perot, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Korney Chukovsky and other brilliant writers? Perhaps, but only time can put everything in its place. But still, from the existing variety, there are good fairy tales for children by modern authors. They have bright and memorable names, a fascinating plot, characterized by novelty and originality. Many of them are simply interesting stories, others broaden children's horizons about the world around them, and some of them are very instructive.

Fairy tales are poetic stories about extraordinary events and adventures involving fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word “fairy tale” has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that point, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on an invented story, with a happy ending, where good defeats evil. The stories contain a certain hint that enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil and to comprehend life through clear examples.

Read children's stories online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and important stages on your child’s path to life. Various stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. By listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to value love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having grown up, we forget that in the end good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is nothing, and a beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. It’s quite easy to give a little good mood and plunge into a fairy-tale world!

Instructive, most interesting fairy tale stories for children with pictures play a huge role in the development of a child. Children should start reading fairy tales from a very early age. They should always interest the child, they should attract him, both with their content and appearance. Initially, the book should be beautifully and brightly designed, and then contain any information that can intrigue the young reader. Children's short stories read online to a child at night will help him develop his imagination and analyze all the good and bad that can be learned from the book.

Russian folk tales for children are interesting adventures in which you can feel like a hero of events, a fairy-tale character, and make your fantasies and dreams come true. A fairy tale itself presupposes some kind of magical and very unrealistic situation, but it is in a fairy tale that a child can liberate himself and give free rein to his childhood emotions. Parents will help you bring out the meaning and useful information further.

Childhood is one of the most wonderful and magical periods in the life of every child, and of course in the life of his parents. There are a lot of components of this happiness and you can spend hours listing them and giving each your own assessment, but we will now talk about the moral education and development of our children, about how we can instill in a child and his consciousness certain tendencies and principles of life in healthy society.

Reading fairy tales has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. It is Russian fairy tales that carry that positive note in teaching a child to read and listen. This is facilitated by the fact that only a genre such as a fairy tale can be reread many times, exaggerate or minimize certain events described in the book, add and invent something of your own during the retelling. This factor is very important for young listeners. Children learn to listen, fantasize, and retell what they hear.
In psychology, for example, such a field of activity as “fairy tale therapy” occupies a special place. Fairy tale therapy at night can reveal the hidden talents of an individual; through stories you can solve any personal problems and help find a solution for them in real life.

New Year's fairy tales should also be present in the life of every family with children. By reading and instilling in your children a love of books, you develop in them a love of beauty, teach them to care for their neighbors, do good deeds, and be honest and decent. After all, it is in fairy tales that the main lessons of life are given, which in the future will help your children become a full-fledged personality!