Portrait plan outline based on art. Lesson plan and presentation on art "unusual-ordinary portrait"

Look carefully at Rembrandt’s portraits “The Old Man in Red” and “Portrait of an Old Woman.” Look at their faces, think about their character, try to imagine the story of their life. What do you think old age is?

(Old age is a period of a person’s life characterized by deteriorating health and decline in body functions.)

Wisdom is a deep mind based on life experience.

What determines the beauty of an elderly person? (The beauty of an elderly person is determined not so much by external features as by his spiritual wealth and wisdom. There is beauty that is immediately visible. But there is a deeper understanding of beauty. To see this beauty, you need heartfelt sensitivity and mental effort.)

With age, a different beauty appears more and more clearly in a person’s face - the beauty of the experience of years lived, joys experienced, anxieties and deeds accomplished. The high beauty of understanding other people, the wisdom of the soul, comes.

Age reveals and sharpens in a person’s face his character traits and peculiarities of destiny.

Artists from all countries turn to the theme of old age in their works. In their works they show the universal human values ​​inherent in all people on Earth - the beauty and wisdom of old age.

Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn “Portrait of an Old Man in Red” (Holland 1606-1669) Describe this painting: what do you see in it? What colors? His hands?

This is a tragic story about a hard life. A stream of light snatches the figure of an old man from the darkness. Take a closer look at the facial expression - a gray beard, a frowning forehead and a look of dark eyes give the hero of the picture the appearance of a biblical sage.

The old man's slightly bent shoulders, worn-out arms with knotty veins in his arms. They can tell a lot about a person.

Look closely at the pictureLeonardo da Vinci "Self-Portrait" (Italy 1452-1519)

In all likelihood, Leonardo da Vinci was sixty-two years old when he painted his self-portrait. The great Italian artist looks from the self-portrait decisively and inquisitively.

What do you see on this picture? What colors? What catches your eye?

Among the soft falling hair, the master sharply and harshly emphasized the eyes, looking attentively and demandingly from under the eyebrows. He is a proud man of great fortitude. He did so much and yet accomplished so little. On the threshold of old age, he found himself without a home, without a patron. He was almost forgotten by everyone. Even his image was preserved only in this single drawing

What means did artists use to reveal the beauty of old age? (Rembrandt used light. The depth of light highlights the face and hands of the model. The artist depicted inner peace, spiritual harmony, which is a reflection of the wisdom that has come.

Leonardo da Vinci in his self-portrait emphasized the eyes, looking carefully and demandingly from under the eyebrows. He is a proud man of great fortitude.)

Do you want to become better at computer skills?

The “Word Search” puzzle is used especially successfully in foreign language lessons; one might even say that this is a classic exercise for students of any age. Completing such a task allows you to “practice” a new word more than once: the player sees the full spelling of the word in the hints, and searches for the word among others. We believe that this puzzle is also effective when learning your native language, learning vocabulary words, new concepts, etc. In this article we will tell you how to make a word search puzzle online.

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The most important factor in learning that has become widely available today with the advent of new technologies is interactivity. However, the method of cognition through interactivity does not always and not immediately become obvious - if, for example, in chemistry you can visually see the mixing of two reagents, then what about computer science and physics? How can you visualize, and most importantly, apply your experience in life? The question is easy to solve - you need to take something simple and interesting, use a little imagination and technical skills, and visually observe the result of your actions. To implement these tasks, ready-made construction kits based on microcontrollers are produced under the SmartElements brand - electronics and programming have never been easier!

Poorly developed attention can lead to learning delays that will be difficult to catch up with later. It is necessary to purposefully develop voluntary attention so that at school the child can concentrate on the teacher’s explanations or completing a task, without being distracted by extraneous sounds, the view outside the window, or communication with a neighbor at his desk. The learning process is much easier for a child with developed attention: he does not need to spend a huge amount of resources just to sit through the lesson.

Subject:Portrait: human facial proportions grade 4

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the patterns in the design of the human head, the proportions of a person’s face, the size and shape of the eyes, nose, location and shape of the mouth; give the concept of midline and facial symmetry.


teach how to depict a human head;

develop observation and creative activity;

cultivate aesthetic taste, intensify cognitive interest in the world around us.

Formation of UUD:

Personal UUD: the desire for self-control of the process of completing a creative task of creating a drawing.

Regulatory UUD: manage your emotions and learning activities; understand what tasks you have difficulty completing; take real action to complete assigned tasks and solve the problem.

Cognitive UUD: analysis and comparison of works of art.

Communication UUD: be able to ask questions, using questions to obtain the necessary information from a teacher or activity partner

Projection system (projector, screen), computer, electronic presentation of the lesson. Sample portrait (drawing), step-by-step drawings

Literature: Shpikalova T. Ya. art . Textbook. 4th grade

Lesson Plan

1.Organizational moment

2. Updating knowledge.

3.Learning new material

4. Independent work

5. Summing up the lesson.


Lesson steps

During the classes

Student activities



I .Org.moment

II .Aktualization

III. Learning new material

Physical education minutes


IV . Practical work.


V. Summing up. Reflection

Hello guys, please check if you have everything you need on your desks. -Everyone is ready for the lesson, is there anything left at home?
Everything is in place? ...Okay, well done. Sit down

Well done, right.

What genres of fine art do you know?

What is still life?

What is landscape?

What we will learn to draw today, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Guess the riddle

In a painted picture

This is the main person.

Maybe dad or mom

Maybe grandpa and me

Drawn in a picture

Maybe my whole family.

It's easy to guess here,

There is no uncertainty

What a beautiful picture

It's called... (portrait)

So what will we draw in class? (portrait)

This is the topic of our lesson

Portrait: proportions of a person's face

What is a portrait?

Presentation Slide1,2

What types of portraits are there?

In the fine arts, there are many varieties of the portrait genre. We will now get acquainted with some of them . By format Slide 3--

By genre:

Historical portrait- depicts some figure of the past and created from the memories or imagination of the master.

Portrait painting -man is presented in relationship with the world of things around him, nature.

Costume portrait- a person is presented as a mythological, historical, theatrical or literary character.

Self-portrait are portraits of artists painted using a mirror image. It is only through self-portraits that we know the portraits of the world's great artists.

Family portrait

Why do they draw portraits?

What can a portrait tell us?

As you know, people have different moods.

Let's relax and play.

Game "Emotions". I name an emotion for you, and you show it: Surprise, joy, fear, sadness, admiration, pain.

Working with textbooks. Here are illustrations with images of portraits drawn by famous artists, look at them and say what unites them.

Look carefully and tell me

What do artists try to convey in a portrait?

How can you find out a person's character?

Absolutely right, an artist, before painting a portrait, strives to learn more about a person in order to draw him more accurately. The artist strives to convey not just external resemblance, but the expression of the eyes, pose, manners, etc.

The Russian land is rich in talents. Skilled craftsmen - blacksmiths, potters, artists, weavers, carvers - have glorified the small towns and villages where their unique crafts originated throughout the world with their work. The works of Russian masters have long gained worldwide fame. Guests coming to our country are sure to take home the products of folk craftsmen as souvenirs. There are many places in Russia where magnificent objects and products, unique in their beauty, are created with love! Many things and objects made by man have become the pride and face of our country.

And now you and I will be a little artists. What do you think we will draw now?

Absolutely right. And you can paint a portrait of your friend, your deskmate, mom, dad, or any person you want to draw

Drawings of a person's face, a portrait, are the most complex type of fine art.

It is quite possible to learn a simple technique for drawing a person’s face on your own, but first you can try draw a person's face step by step, with a simple pencil.

1. The overall contour of a person’s face is most important.

To draw correctly portrait of a man It is important to accurately make the first contour, the contour of the face.
Without pressing hard on the pencil, repeat this oval of the person's face in your drawing.
You may have to draw it several times, repeating this step again. Do not spare paper, draw until the oval of the face is the correct shape and symmetrical. If you want to draw the same portrait as in my drawing, be patient and diligent.

2. Marking the main parts of a person's face

Exactly in the center, draw a horizontal line dividing the portrait into two parts, and just below another parallel line.
From the center of the bottom line, draw a perpendicular line and mark where the tip of the nose will be located on the face.
When drawing these lines, do not press hard on the pencil.
Don't forget to draw the ears.

3.Eyes are the main part of a person’s portrait

The eyes on a person's face are the most important part of a portrait. So let's start drawing this portrait step with them.
Draw the eyes using smooth, oval lines, but first place marks (dots) for the lateral, upper and lower borders of each eye.
Draw the pupils, the line of the mouth and the initial contours of the hair.

Draw the outlines of the eyebrows, mouth and lips

Draw the eyebrows and finish drawing the outline of the hair.

Now let's draw a slightly more complex element of a person's face - lips.
It’s easier to draw the lower lip, so we’ll start with it, and the upper one will be a mirror image of the lower one, only it is divided in half in the center.
Don't draw too wide a mouth or thick lips.

Start drawing the nose from its tip, in the form of a “tick”, and two arcs along the edges.
Now draw a line from the right eyebrow, slightly deviating to the right.

Using an eraser, carefully remove from your drawing of a person's face extra contour lines and look, you get a real portrait of a person.

If you have reached this stage and are quite satisfied with your drawing of a person, then you are a real artist and apparently you can draw a lot of other beautiful things. .

For those who have finished drawing in pencil, color with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Let's see how hard you did in class today. Now everyone will show off their drawing and then we will hang them on the stand.

Today we all did a good job, look what wonderful portraits you got. It was a pleasure to work with you, thank you for the lesson.

Clear everything from the tables, prepare everything you need for the next lesson and you can go to recess.


Children's answers.


Portraiture is a genre of fine art dedicated to the depiction of one or a group of people.

By format

head (shoulder)



up to the hips


full length

Artists painted portraits

Portraits of different professions, different ages


Cognitive UUD

1 .F We develop the ability to extract information from text.

Regulatory UUD

    Developing the ability to express one’s own assumptions.

    We develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the assigned task.

    Formation of the ability to draw up an activity plan for the lesson.

Communicative UUD

1. We develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2 . We develop the ability to see and speak the language of art.

Personal UUD

1. Formation of an emotional attitude towards a portrait

2. F developing an understanding of the meaning of the combination of different portraits.

3. F formation of motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

Drawing lesson (with paints) in the school preparatory group ZPR on the topic: “Portrait of a mother”

Target :

To consolidate children's knowledge about the genre of portraiture. To cultivate a feeling of love and respect for the mother through communication with works of art. Make children want to draw a portrait of their mother, to convey in the drawing some features of her appearance (eye color, hair color). Learn to position parts of the face correctly. Strengthen the techniques of painting with paints using the entire brush and its tip.

Vocabulary work:

Portrait, self-portrait, bust-length, miniature, profile, frontal, full-face, cheerful, friendly, executive, long-haired, short-haired, white-faced, chubby, black-browed, big-eyed, etc.

Methodological support:

The teacher has a poster with a female bust portrait, chalk for drawing, and diagrams of the face. Children have a sheet of paper (A-4 format), pencils, watercolors, gouache, including light pink or light orange for drawing a face, a palette. Thick and thin brushes, water glasses, napkins.

Preliminary work:

Examination of portraits of artists and poets.

Consideration of thematic dictionary in pictures from the series “Human World” on the topic: “Parts of the body.” Drawing portraits with a simple pencil.

Didactic game “Name it affectionately”, “Name the parts of the head”, “Name what a person has 2”, etc.

Progress of the lesson:

"Simple Word"

In the world of kind words

Lives quite a bit

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables

A simple word "mom"

And there are no words dearer than it!

Children today we will draw a portrait of the most dear and beloved person for everyone - a portrait of our mother. You know what your mother's eyes are, what her hair color is, what her hairstyle is, what her favorite dress is.

If you see one of us looking from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or some kind of steeplejack,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor.

The painting must be called... (portrait)

Portraits are:

  1. Full height
  2. Pogrudny
  3. Head portrait
  4. Waist-high

Portraits are also distinguished by size, for example miniature.

You can also highlight a self-portrait - the artist’s depiction of himself.

(see Attachment)

Before drawing a portrait of your mother, we will look at the portrait of this actress so that you depict the eyes, nose, and mouth on the face in the right places.

What shape is the head? (circle your head with your fingers).

Place your hand on your forehead. A person's eyes are located below the forehead, in the middle of the face.

What shape are they? (oval with sharp corners).

The teacher draws an oval with chalk on the board and his eyes in the middle, explaining that the distance between the eyes is small, no more than one eye.

Inside the eye there is a colored circle and a small pupil.

What are your mother Julia's eyes like?

Brown eyes.

Your mom is brown-eyed! And your Sasha?

Mom is blue-eyed, gray-eyed, etc.

What is above the eyes? (brows).

These are arcuate stripes.

But a person’s nose is the same color as his face. Therefore, you need to draw only the tip of the nose in the middle of the distance from the eyes to the end of the face. But from the tip of the nose to the end of the face there are lips.

Children, look at each other. You see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower. There are, as it were, two waves on the upper lip, and one on the lower lip (draw lips). Place your hand on your chin.

Now tell me where the eyes are located? (in the middle of the face).

The tip of the nose? (in the middle from the eyes to the end of the face).

Lips? (midway from the tip of the nose to the end of the face).

Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”

Eyes - ocelli Eyebrows - eyebrows

Nose - spout Lip - sponge

Cheek - cheek Lips - lips, lips

Forehead - forehead Ears - ears

Hair - hairs, etc.

You will draw a full-length portrait of your mother - head, neck, shoulders. Don’t forget that the neck is narrower than the face, and the shoulders are wider than the head (I show it in the portrait).

Try to draw the color of the eyes, hair, hairstyle, and the top of the dress like your mother’s.

Didactic game "Which one?"

Words - definitions:

kind, affectionate, caring, good, young, beautiful, slim, fashionable, cheerful, healthy, strict, strong, athletic, well-mannered, cultured, smart, contented, happy, etc.

- Word formation:

Teacher: Children:

If he enjoys life? Cheerful

If he wishes well? Friendly

If he does everything? Executive

What if mom has long hair? Long-haired

If mom has a white face? White-faced

If mom has a round face? Chubby

If mom has black eyebrows? Black-browed

If mom has big eyes? Big Eyes

What if mom is busy with housework? Housewife

Didactic game “What is he doing?”

Verbs (words - actions):

Goes to work, earns money, cooks, cleans the apartment, wipes the dust, washes dishes, cooks, fries, washes, irons, sews, goes to the store, reads fairy tales, takes care of the fish, listens to music, sings songs, dances, plays with me, sitting, standing, resting, sleeping, etc.

Didactic game “Mommy, which one?”

Mom smiles - smiling

Mom is sad - sad

Mom laughs - cheerful

Mom is crying - whiny

Mom is angry - angry

Mom was lost in thought—thoughtful, etc.

Akmola region

Zerendinsky district


Art lesson in 2nd grade

Topic: "Portrait"

Prepared by: Art and Drawing Teacher

Sergazina K.Zh.

Fine art lesson on the topic: “Portrait”. 2nd grade

Goals: -Learn to distinguish between genres of fine art: landscape, still life, portrait; draw a portrait of your mother based on your imagination;

Develop artistic and graphic skills and abilities, creative imagination;

Cultivate love and respect for mother;

Lesson type: combined

Didactic principle: the principle of scientific nature, accessibility and feasibility of training, Presentation methods: verbal, visual, partially search, comparison of practical work

Equipment: illustrations - U. Azhieva “Kazakh Madonna”, Leonardo da Vinci “La Gioconda”, etc., table “Drawing a portrait”; poems about mom, albums, paints, brushes, water, napkins.

During the classes:

1.Org. moment(checking readiness for the lesson).

2 . Repetition of what has been covered.

(pictures on the board)

What genres of painting do the paintings you see on the board belong to?

(still life - image of various objects; landscape - image of nature; portrait - image of a person). Read poems about genres of art.

3. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Listen to an excerpt from Gladkov’s song and you will find out what we will be working on.

(verse from Gladkov’s song “Song about Pictures”)

If you see what's in the picture

Is anyone looking at us?

Or a prince in an old cloak,

Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina,

Or Kolka, your neighbor, -

The painting must be called a portrait!

What are we going to draw? (portrait)

But whose portrait will we draw, who can guess?

* Busy with good deeds at home,

Kindness quietly wanders around the apartment.

Good morning here,

Good afternoon and good hour.

Good evening, good night,

It was good yesterday.

*And where, you ask,

Is there so much kindness in the house?

Flowers are taking root

Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?

I'll answer you straight:

It's mom, mom, mom!

What is she like, your mother? (children's answers - 2-3 sentences)

4.Learning new material.

How is a portrait drawn? What do we need to know for this? Let's do a little investigation (problem situation).

Look at each other. What shape is the head? (round, oval).

It is symmetrically divided into two parts: right and left.

The face is divided into three equal parts: eyebrows-eyes, nose, mouth.

What shape are the eyebrows and eyes? (arched eyebrows, oval eyes)

In the center of the eye is the iris, which determines the color of the eyes.

Where are the eyes located? (under the eyebrows)

Approximately in the middle of the face. Look at each other. Is it so? By the way, the ears are in line with the eyes.

What shape does a person's nose have? Where is it located on the face? (the nose is triangular in shape, can be large, straight, small; located in the middle of the face; the beginning of the nose is in line with the eyes).

What shape does a person's mouth have? (large round, located below the nose)

You must remember facial expressions - expressions that depend on a person’s mood. What kind of mood can a person be in? (happy, surprised, sad, angry, calm). Because of this, the arrangement of parts of the face among themselves changes.

Physical exercise.

Moms need help!

So that our house is clean,

We sweep the floor with a broom.

Now no fuss

Mopping the floors.

We'll wash all the dishes,

We will set the table for dinner.

Let's wait for our mother,

And greet with a smile.

5. Practical work.

Choose how you will position the sheet: horizontally or vertically. Draw an oval, divide it into three parts: draw eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips. Don't forget about facial expressions. Draw in the details: hair, freckles, glasses.

6. Exhibition and analysis of works, evaluation.

Why are your works called “portraits”?

Did everything you planned succeed?

What should you pay attention to next time?

I see with what love you painted the portrait of your mothers. All works are rated “five”.

6. Summary.

Today you drew a portrait based on an idea.

How do you feel at the end of the lesson? What did you especially like? What new did you learn?

Every day and every hour

We stubbornly insist:

There's no one in the world

Our best... (mother).

7.Cleaning workplaces.( Gladkov's song "Song about paintings").