Telephone sales techniques cold calling. Cold calling - what is it?

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Buyers don't need choice, they want a specific product or service

Joseph Pine

What is the principle behind a cold call?

Continuing the topic of cold calling, it should be noted that calling a stranger without a pre-drawn up plan is very difficult. After all, it is important not just to call, but to make sure that the conversation takes place.

And it just won’t work out that way. A cold calling script is required. An approximate diagram of such a call is as follows:

  • Be sure to capture the person's attention.
  • Clearly and competently introduce yourself and the company whose products are offered.
  • It is clear to explain the reason for the call.
  • The conversation should include an evaluative or interrogative statement.
  • A business meeting must be scheduled.

Of course, you don’t have to use a standard script, but while working in this direction, develop your own, individual one. After all, everything that comes with practice brings success much faster. There’s a show on TV, and it’s clear that the actors pass all their dialogues through themselves. There is no talk of any scenario.

Likewise, a successful sales agent must pass through the text of a cold call prepared in advance. Then the words will sound natural and convincing. Or a teacher who has been working in the same program for many years. He knows the basics thoroughly, but can make changes based on circumstances.

The purpose of this article is to help the sales agent develop a customized scenario. Then he will be able to have time to say everything that is necessary and at the same time, will have the opportunity to focus on the answer of the interlocutor, since it is the answer that plays the main role.

Detailed cold calling algorithm point by point

Be sure to grab a person's attention

It is necessary to start a conversation with a phrase, the purpose of which is to capture the attention of the invisible interlocutor. The subsequent answer depends on her. But what it will be, positive or negative, will depend on the correct question that will be asked at the beginning of the conversation.

That is why a sales agent must remember the truth: what is the question, so is the answer. Suppose a cold calling scheme begins with something like this: “Would you be interested in an offer to save a trillion dollars for yourself?” It is clear that the proposal is impossible, it sounds stupid and the answer will be just as stupid.

The conclusion follows from this: it is necessary to start a conversation with reasonable proposals to which you can get a reasonable answer. So the statement is visible, what is the question - this is the answer.

Recently, a stockbroker called the manager of a computer equipment manufacturing company and asked: “Mr. Ivanov, are you interested in investing the product in securities?” The company was not interested in this and the answer was: “No.” The conversation ended before it even began. Consequently, the cold calling algorithm, the example of which is being discussed, had to be built differently.

But here's a completely different conversation. “Hello, Mr. Ivanov. A representative of the Life Insurance company, Alexander Tikhonov, is calling you. Have you insured your life? “Yes,” he hears in response. The agent asks another question: Would you like to change insurance company?” and hears in response: No, I wouldn’t want to.” That’s it, the conversation didn’t work out again, there was no reason to ask the next question, the agent hung up.

But if he had shown a little imagination in advance and structured the conversation with a hint of curiosity in questions, for example, why the client insured his life with that particular company, the result would have been different. It is necessary to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain information and the ability to take advantage of it.

When offering their services over the phone, a sales agent must be able to talk, that is, not just silently listen to disagreement and refusal, but be able to avoid the pitfalls that most often await at the beginning of a conversation (the issue will definitely be considered separately).

Don’t forget the rule: what question is the answer. In addition, you should not seek permission to call again, it is not necessary. You can call as many times as necessary. But whether the interlocutor will pick up the phone or not is another question. Most people can’t understand for a very long time that the first conversation doesn’t really matter, it’s just a matter of chance. It is much more important to prepare scripts for cold calls subsequent to the first.

When scheduling a business meeting, an agent should not resort to tricks and tricks, trying to deceive the interlocutor into a meeting. But some do just that, introducing themselves as a doctor from a clinic or reporting about a prize they have won. Such methods are not worthy of attention and will only cause irritation.

There is a known case where representatives of one company were trained to start a conversation by looking for the wrong person. For example, call:

This is probably his brother, connect with him.

And when the well-known Nikolai Ivanov uncomprehendingly picks up the phone, he is bombarded with a stream of pre-prepared information. Few people would like this, so this cold calling tactic causes a lot of negativity and irritation.

This is not the best way to start a conversation. And the intriguing phrase loved by many at the beginning, like: “I would tell you how to make a million...” also applies here. A smart person will not invent anything, but will simply say hello. And it really works. It would seem that it could be simpler, but many do not use it. But in vain.

If you analyze some telephone conversations, you can understand that the sales agent should concentrate his attention on the answer of the interlocutor and the direction of the conversation after the answer. In order for the conversation to continue, you need to be able to use the answer for your own purposes.

Therefore, the cold calling algorithm at the initial stage of the conversation is structured so that the answer can lead the interlocutor to the desired result. And a simple phrase: “Good morning...” will definitely give this necessary result.

The very first words should force the interlocutor to give an answer. The agent must foresee options for continuing the conversation after any answer and conduct it in such a way that the result is an appointed meeting. But this is not the most important point, because no matter what is said, the answer will still be heard, and you can prepare for it.

But the real important point of the conversation is the positive tone. After all, they react to it most often. And if the agent speaks intelligently, politely and calmly, they respond in kind. If, after the sales agent’s question, the interlocutor hangs up, this is a reason to think about what the reason is.

But this is also a kind of answer. Using the advice in this article, the agent will learn how to create cold calling scripts without using anything extra. Thus, less and less people will hang up.

Clearly and competently introduce yourself and the company whose products are offered

The bell rings, the man picks up and hears: “Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. This is Dmitry Petrov from the World of Miracles company. Surely, he will not understand who is calling and what kind of company it is. This means that the agent’s task is to present himself and the company’s services in more detail.

The conversation should sound something like this: “Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. This is Dmitry Petrov from the World of Miracles company, which is located here in the city. Our company is a large corporation providing any services. We cooperate with more than 200 other companies,” and so on. It’s much clearer and the likelihood of attracting the client’s interest increases.

It is clear to explain the reason for the call.

The third, important point that the cold calling scheme provides is the rationale for calls, most of which are made for the purpose of scheduling a business meeting. Having called a large number of people with an offer to set up a meeting, the agent will probably arrange it, and in more than one case. But if the reason for the call is not announced, then the meeting will not be scheduled. In other words, it is necessary to designate the signal.

An interesting case was when a girl, after walking around the city for a long time, got tired and sat down to rest on the steps of the church. It was very hot and she took off her cap and put it next to her. People passing by took this as a signal and began throwing money into the cap. And although her actions were aimed at something completely different, she involuntarily gave a certain signal. If you didn't put the cap in front of you, the girl wouldn't get anything.

Therefore, the agent, when making a call, is obliged to signal that a meeting is necessary. And approximately one out of twelve interlocutors will definitely agree, if only for the sake of interest, since they will not understand what they are talking about. He will need to satisfy his curiosity and agree to meet.

You can try to make this stage more productive. To do this, instead of the usual phrase asking for a meeting, you need to come up with something more enticing that will surely attract a potential client.

So, cold calling tactics at this stage should be clearly defined.

The sales representative must provide a holistic picture of the entire conversation. To do this, he indicates the reasons why he is calling, and the purpose of his call is not in his presentation, not in the questions he can ask, not in a specifically voiced request, and not even in concluding the deal itself. His goal is to make an appointment and that's it. It is extremely important to understand this.

The conversation should include an evaluative or interrogative statement

Evaluative or interrogative statements will play an important role during the conversation. It should flow smoothly from the initial phrases of the conversation and at the same time logically continue everything that has already been said. At the same time, the agent should not allow any hints of manipulation of his interlocutor.

Here is a cold calling script, an example of which clearly shows the meaning of such statements.

Mr. Ivanov, I am sure that the activities of your company are exactly the same as those of others with whom I work (it would be appropriate to name specific companies), ... And you are interested in more efficient work ...

In this case, the answer is likely to be yes, which is exactly what the representative is looking for.

A business meeting must be scheduled

Don't be afraid of specifics. Let's assume that the answer is affirmative. The client is ready to schedule a business meeting. This must be done in the following way: “Great, Mr. Ivanov, then we just need to meet. Will Wednesday suit you at four o'clock in the afternoon?"

In other words, the phrase should be brief and specific, with a mandatory indication of time. Only then will everything work out. If the agent starts offering options, this will not lead to good results. Many people make a serious mistake, being afraid to directly make a specific request for a meeting. Only in this way, clearly, directly and specifically, can you benefit from your actions. And again the statement arises: what is the question, so is the answer.

Sample script for one cold call

Agent: Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. This is Dmitry Petrov from the World of Miracles company, which is located in our city. It is the largest service provider in its field and more than 100 similar companies cooperate with us.

I would like to make an appointment with you and tell you about new programs that can improve the efficiency of your employees. I am sure that you, like the Filibuster company, are interested in the efficient work of your employees.

Ivanov: Yes

Agent: Great, that means we need a meeting. Will Wednesday suit you at four o'clock?

And here is an example of how not to structure the text of cold calls, the purpose of which is to set up a meeting.

Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. You are worried about Dmitry Petrov from the World of Miracles company, which is located in the city. I'm calling you because I think you will be interested in our company and want to know more about it.

With such a beginning, a completely natural answer will sound:

Of course, send me some brochure or something...

The goal was not achieved and the meeting was not scheduled. But this is the main thing when calling. Everything else should be kept silent, otherwise problems will arise.

When should you call?

This is a very common question that concerns many sales representatives. Of course, here everyone chooses a convenient time. But the agent must remember that it should be convenient not only for him, but also for potential clients. You can call in the morning, before the start of a busy working day, or in the evening. But statistics show that calls made in the first half of the day are more effective.

What are cold calls: definition of the concept + description of the 5 stages of conversation + basic techniques.

Anyone who works in sales probably knows about cold calling.

And at the mention of this concept, many people feel a shiver running through their bodies, since not all salespeople like to call potential clients with an offer of possible cooperation.

The calls got their name for a reason; it is directly related to the fact that the interlocutor will not be notified about the upcoming telephone conversation, so with a high probability his answer will be “cold” and not promising anything.

Arrangement for a meeting

Already during the conversation it will be clear whether the purchasing department employee is inclined to continue communication or not.

In this case, you can schedule a face-to-face meeting to discuss all the details.

To do this, offer several dates yourself so that the interlocutor certainly does not refuse.


Whatever you come to, bring the conversation to its logical conclusion.

If a meeting is scheduled, reconfirm the date and time; if not, thank them for their attention and say goodbye.

During a conversation during a cold call, so-called objections may arise, which may be associated with a banal lack of interest in your goods or services, as well as unsuitable conditions, etc.

We will talk about what to do in this case in the section on preparing to make cold calls.

Cold calling is easy if you prepare for it.

Still don't believe us that cold calling is easy?

In fact, this is true, but only with careful preparation.

If you act blindly, you will quickly lose the desire to work with this technique, and you will be afraid to call strangers for a long time.

Therefore, we suggest that you prepare in advance:

Cold calling techniques

Now we invite you to understand what a cold call is, which can bring positive results.

    The duration of the entire telephone conversation should be no more than 5 minutes.

    The golden mean would be a 3-minute call.

    Therefore, you shouldn’t waste yourself on unnecessary phrases, but there’s no point in speaking quickly either.

    Find the golden mean between the pace of speech and the amount of information provided.

    We remember that we do not sell anything.

    It is important for us to arrange a meeting.

    Just because you can’t see your interlocutor through your phone doesn’t mean you have to sit with a sour face.

    You can tell your mood by intonation, so smile.

    If possible, find out the full name of the decision maker.

    This can be done at the stage of visiting the secretary, or by making a preliminary call.

    The fact that you address your interlocutor by name will, to some extent, endear him to you.

    When creating a cold calling script, do not use template phrases.

    They immediately hit the ears, and those involved in purchasing listen to them ten times a day.

    Focus on the buying company.

    Less “I” and “We”, more “You”, “Your company”.

    Be more specific in your proposal.

    Not “Maybe we can meet..?”, but “How do you feel about meeting on Thursday or Friday?”

    It’s easy to get a refusal on the first question, but on the second, the interlocutor will think about it, and perhaps he himself will suggest a more suitable day and time.

You will learn from the video what you need to pay attention to when creating a script for successful telephone sales:

4 Cold Calling Mistakes That Are Ruining Sales

And the last thing I would like to talk about in analyzing the question of what cold calling is is their typical mistakes, because these failed moments have long been part of this topic.

Cold calling is a real failure if you:

    don't prepare for the conversation

    A cold call is always a specific conversation, which is also subject to regulations.

    All remarks must be clear, confident and thoughtful.

    you will conduct a monotonous monologue

    There may be a two-in-one error here, or maybe separately.

    In any case, no one wants to listen to monotonous speech, as if recorded on a tape recorder.

    The situation is also the same with a long monologue.

    In addition to talking about yourself, you need to listen to the client and collect information about him.

    will not use words that show politeness

    Basic “thank you,” “please,” and “all the best” demonstrate good manners.

    you will sell the product on the fly

    This is what causes irritation the most, so many people immediately say “no.”

    During a cold call, you need to interest the interlocutor, win him over and invite him to a meeting to which he will agree.

In the end, let's say one thing, it is important not only to know what are cold calls, it is important to use them in practice.

If you give up after the first failure, you will never be able to understand how to work with this tool, which can still bring profit to your company.

So don't be afraid to call and talk to people.

Having made 100 calls, 101 will probably end in success, because you will be able to understand the psychology of clients, and you will already know in advance what they will tell you next and how to respond to it.

Only in this case can you get buyers.

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With their help, you can effectively sell a product or service, or schedule a meeting to subsequently discuss the terms of the transaction. In some cases, scripts are used to make cold calls. What it is? What are the criteria for their effective use?

What are they needed for?

A little theory. “Cold calling” - how does it differ from “hot calling”? Everything is very simple. It involves a conversation with a person or company with which the caller has not previously had any contact (remote acquaintance). In turn, a “hot call” is the development of existing contacts in order to maintain contact with a partner or conclude a new deal with him.

Actually, what are the “cold calls” for, the scripts of which we are going to study? What is their practical effectiveness for business? Experts note: the use of “cold calls” is one of the most accessible and effective. This technique is designed, first of all, to save the manager’s time in relation to performance indicators. The use of many other sales channels (such as mailings) does not always give a comparable effect.

Many experts are sure: communication with clients as such, regardless of whether “cold” or “hot” calls, is one of the main criteria for business success. If only because this tool, unlike various types of electronic channels (social networks, e-mail), appeals to the natural human need - to talk with others like oneself.

It's simple

Cold calling is easy to do. At least from a technical point of view, because there is a regular telephone in almost all offices. They are also easy to do from a preparation point of view. Even if a person is not used to communicating on the phone, he has a faithful assistant - a ready-made script. Or, in other words, a script. With its help, “cold calling” turns into almost routine work, but at the same time incredibly exciting. If we use a successful script, cold calling will help you make great money. But what is the likelihood that the script we use will secure a sale?


One of the most common purposes that a cold calling script is designed to solve is setting up a meeting between the caller and the person with whom the conversation is being conducted. That is, probably with a potential client of the company. In some cases, a manager can use pure sales scripts when making “cold calls,” persuading a client to buy something without a meeting. It all depends on the specific task and the specifics of the product or service being sold.

Therefore, when choosing the optimal script, we need to make sure that it is suitable for us, based on all current criteria. We read the script and decide whether it is optimal for a meeting or whether it is better adapted specifically for sales. After that, we study the structure of the script.

Chef required

In sales practice, the main emphasis is on the interaction between the manager of a company producing goods and providing services and a decision maker on the side of the client company. Often this is a top-level manager, and it is not always possible to reach him directly. Adapted to the task that cold calling performs, scripts are sometimes divided into two subtypes. The first of them is best designed to achieve a conversation with the “boss”. The second, in turn, contains instructions applicable to the conversation with the decision maker. In the first scenario, the sales manager, whose status in relation to the “chief” is initially unknown. Accordingly, the script can contain mechanisms by which the caller finds out information about the official with whom it is desirable to talk.

Thus, based on the specifics of the task, we determine which part of the script to use - the first or immediately the second. Then we begin to carefully study the contents of the script. Let's analyze how effective it will be.

Script effectiveness criteria

We have a script. "Cold calling" is the main tool. How to ensure results? What are the criteria for the effectiveness of a script? Let's agree that the task before us is a conversation with the decision maker. We have reached the "boss" or we have his direct telephone number.

1. The finished cold call script must, first of all, contain a link to a significant request to the company. Experts believe that a good script should not explicitly indicate the purpose of the call, which is a sale or a meeting with a decision maker. It is important that the script contains a phrase that will at least ensure that the manager’s interlocutor is not indifferent to the conversation.

A short example of a cold call script that can interest the person on the other end of the line: “Good afternoon. Our company sells innovative methods for storing large-scale computer information. Could this be of interest to you?” In fact, we sell flash drives wholesale. But if we immediately admitted: “I want to offer you to buy flash drives,” then the interlocutor would probably refuse to continue the conversation, because the information feed is clearly not “catchy.”

2. The script must provide for dialogue, not a monologue. The point is that once the conversation has begun, the interlocutor usually has questions, opinions, and judgments. Including those related to competitors. He may say: “Oh, I don’t need flash drives, I use devices from Alphabeta Electronics, they suit me quite well.” It is completely unacceptable for the script to contain hints like: “What are you saying, “Alphabeta” is the last century!” You need to respect the opinion, and, importantly, the choice of your interlocutor.

An example of a “cold call” script with the correct option: “Great choice! Would you like to see a device with improved characteristics compared to the products of this brand?”

3. Following the script's instructions will definitely lead to results. To one of three. The first is refusal. Moreover, it should not be confused with an objection, which most often sounds like this: “No time, sorry.” The second is a meeting. In order to show flash drives that are head and shoulders above their competitors in terms of characteristics. The third is agreeing to talk later.

These are, of course, just a few basic criteria. Now we will move on to more detailed examples of using ready-made telephone sales scenarios. Each of them uses a technique that can positively influence the interlocutor’s decision. That is, the logic of the script is built with an emphasis on one or another aspect that expresses the advantages of the product or service being sold.

Mutually beneficial cooperation

So, let's look at a possible cold calling script (sample). We call the bakery owner and offer him to buy croissants from our own private bakery. The main thing we will use to motivate our future partner is the prospect of mutually beneficial cooperation.

We call and immediately lay out the essence of the matter: “We offer you mutually beneficial cooperation.” But that's not all. We immediately justify: “The croissants offered, and this has been proven by the example of dozens of our partners, will increase your revenue by 15%.”

The profitability of bakeries is now relatively low - there is a lot of competition. And therefore the owner of the establishment will at least listen to the details. Which, of course, “we will discuss with you in person.” All. Then offline sales techniques come into play. The cold calling script, a sample of which we have just looked at, has fulfilled its function.

The sales manager will most likely show graphs that will show: croissants, in their price segment and consumer qualities, fit perfectly into the bakery menu. And therefore, they will be actively purchased along with other types of baked goods for tea, which should ultimately increase sales turnover.

More clients

The next scenario that we can give as an example is motivation based on the prospects of attracting more clients. A cold call script template may contain the following phrases. “We offer a product that will significantly expand your target audience,” we state the essence of the matter to the bakery owner. Do not forget to once again refer to the successful experience of numerous partners. Next is a meeting to which an experienced manager is sent. We used a script and the cold call worked.

Most likely, the manager, when meeting with the owner of the establishment, focuses on the fact that with the appearance of croissants on the bakery’s menu, the client groups will be replenished with people who appreciate high-quality sweets - these are children, people of the older generation. In principle, revenue will likely increase due to the same mechanism.

I know everything about you

And one more interesting option. It is based on the ability to pleasantly surprise your interlocutor with knowledge of facts about him. However, their reliability may not matter. Why? Let's look at an example.

“Hello. We were told that your bakery specializes in selling fresh croissants made with yeast-free dough. This is a very rare segment. Would you like to exchange experiences?”

The owner of the bakery, who had no idea that his company bakes croissants without yeast, will at least be surprised. But with a high probability he will agree to the meeting, since the interlocutor at it will be a person who seems to own this technology. It will be great to know how delicious croissants are baked! There will almost certainly be a meeting where the sales manager of our bakery will let the baker taste croissants, but will never tell him the recipe. However, a contract for the supply of baked goods will definitely be signed.

Sales examples

Above we looked at the option in which call scripts are used to schedule an appointment. This is the emphasis. Now let’s try to study the situations in which sales scripts are used (if you decide to practice “cold calling”). That is, the purpose of the conversation is not a subsequent meeting, but the conclusion of some contractual agreements over the phone.

Let’s take, for example, a segment such as the Internet. This service is one of the most popular in Russia. Competition is quite high (although the position of monopolists is strong), and many subscribers often change one provider to another, having heard that somewhere the tariffs for the same speed are cheaper or the communication is of better quality.

The main recommendation here is to immediately focus on the competitive advantages of the offer. If the provider definitely guarantees, for example, that the price will be lower than the market average by 20%, this fact must be immediately announced. If the interlocutor indicates the name of his provider, there is no need to specify that this particular supplier loses in price to our company. It is worth limiting yourself to the diplomatic phrase “your provider works within the framework of average market prices.” The client will be able to draw a small logical conclusion himself, while the caller will show respect for the previous choice: if a person has previously found a provider with market average prices, then what’s wrong with that? However, we will offer it cheaper. If this, of course, is our main component, which should never include a “cold call” script intended for use by managers in the communication services segment - advertising. There should be a specific offer - to connect. Or leave your contact information for an application.

Who else can really help out with “cold calls” and scripts? Realtors, of course. True, to a greater extent for one segment - commercial real estate. When it comes to purchasing apartments, people usually call themselves. Similarly, we focus on the competitive advantages of production facilities or offices. These could be a location in the city center, near the metro, near shops, etc. Since it is not, as in the case of providers, about pitting their offer against another brand (as a rule), the seller may well tell the client everything he thinks about the current premises he is renting. And how you should praise yours.

Scripts of good taste

Whatever the goal of the sales manager, it is extremely important to maintain tact and politeness in communicating with the interlocutor. Even if he himself is not inclined to do so, preferring to answer with harsh phrases. In most cases, the interlocutor can be adjusted to the desired emotional mood, which contributes to a more constructive dialogue.

What else could be a sign of good taste in “cold” correctness of formulations. It is more correct to say not “let’s try”, but “we offer you.” Not “you will want”, but “you may have a desire”, etc. Before using the script, you should check it for diplomatic language.

It is important to end the conversation extremely correctly, even if it did not lead to the desired result. It is likely that the same person will have to call again with a similar offer, but with a new approach or with a different idea. It would be great if your full name. a sales manager will be associated with politeness and tact.

Therefore, quality scripts should follow the guidelines presented above. The main condition for their use is maximum automation of the communication scenario. The sales manager, in principle, only has to follow the text and read it in the right intonation. The script is mainly intended to make the work of a sales specialist easier. This is not a theoretical guide, but a practical tool designed to produce results.

Hello! Today we will talk about cold calling.

Today you will learn:

  • What are the features of cold calling?
  • How to create conversation scripts;
  • What rules should the caller follow?

What are cold calls

A certain type of call is called “cold” not because of the tone of the caller, but because of the attitude of the client who answered the phone. It is not for nothing that sales department employees are afraid to make such calls, because very often the responses to an unsolicited offer are rude and unpleasant.

The main task of a cold call is to set up a meeting. The second most important task is to expand the customer base.

Cold calls are made to new clients with whom a business relationship has not yet been established. This is their main difference from warm and hot calls, which are addressed to already familiar and existing clients, respectively.

In a number of countries, cold calling is limited and controlled by law, and sometimes even prohibited.

In Russia, many companies strictly instruct secretaries not to facilitate cold calls. Telesales are becoming increasingly popular among marketers, and potential clients, in turn, are becoming more and more easily evasive.

Cold calling has its pros and cons.

The advantages of this type include:

  1. Costs a minimum of time and money. The search for clients is carried out from the office; the manager does not need to make many unnecessary trips.
  2. Fast communication (relative to correspondence), a high chance of convincing the interlocutor.
  3. The opportunity to understand the client’s reaction to the offer and ask additional questions.
  4. PR of the company, increasing popularity and number of clients.
  5. An additional way of sales without compromising the main one.
  6. Research of demand, competitors and the market as a whole.

Disadvantages of Cold Calling (even if the calls are organized correctly and the sellers do not make mistakes):

  1. A client's obviously negative reaction to a sudden call.
  2. It’s easier to refuse an offer if you don’t see the seller in person.
  3. The client can end the conversation at any time (hang up).
  4. It is impossible to clearly demonstrate the product.

In our country, cold calling is most actively used:

  • Forwarding companies;
  • Advertising agencies, media;
  • Manufacturers or wholesalers of business goods;
  • Real estate agencies.

Cold calls can be made either by specially trained internal employees of the organization or by third-party specialists from the call center.

Cold calling techniques

There are many cold calling techniques. But it’s better to look at an example of how to make cold calls.

Every company's customer base inevitably changes. Regular customers sooner or later leave, having lost interest, need, or become interested in a new seller. To maintain a balance in the client base, it is necessary to regularly call not only the warm base, but also make about a hundred cold calls to new clients per day.

The main skill of the cold calling technique is to anticipate the client's responses and know the scenarios for continuing the conversation.

Cold calling is only appropriate in the following situations:

  • The offer is definitely necessary for the potential client (for example, a watch repair shop always needs batteries and spare straps);
  • Various clients may be interested in the offer from time to time (computer equipment repair);
  • The offer is not driven by necessity, but may be of interest to various clients (printing business cards);
  • They constantly need an offer and at the same time choose the most suitable seller (courier service).

In practice, cold calling is a very complex technique, and sales managers who have mastered it are irreplaceable employees in any company. In addition to theoretical training, such a specialist needs self-control, self-confidence and the ability to accept refusal.

The components of a successful cold call: self-control, knowledge of the product, customer needs and sales techniques.

Stages of cold calling

Let's figure out what the cold calling technique looks like in a step-by-step scenario.

Stage 1. Collecting information about clients

It is more pleasant to talk with the interlocutor who is well aware of who he is calling and why. The Internet, reference books and other media will help here.

If your client is a legal entity that provides certain services or goods, you can conduct reconnaissance and, pretending to be a buyer, find out details about their offers.

At this stage, it would be nice to have a reason to call.

Example. The beginning of the conversation could be like this: “Good afternoon, Ivan Petrovich. My name is Victor Sidorov, I am a representative of the EcoPlus company. I saw a story yesterday about your new production line. I agree with your words that modern production should cause minimal damage to the environment. We are engaged in the removal and disposal of waste from industrial facilities. I would like to meet with you to tell you more about our proposals.”

Stage 2. Creating a script

This is a kind of cheat sheet for the seller. You can learn it by heart or have it before your eyes (the format of telephone calls allows this).

Well-written cold calling scripts are the sales manager’s faithful assistants, helping him speak confidently and to the point.

Stage 3. Conversation with the secretary

Sometimes this stage can be avoided, but the first call most often goes through the secretary. Moreover, the larger the organization, the stronger the “wall” erected by the secretary in front of his leadership. We’ll talk more about how to bypass a secretary with a cold call later.

Stage 4. Conversation with the client

The total duration of the conversation should not exceed five minutes. The golden mean is three minutes. The main purpose of the conversation is to set up a meeting and conclude a deal.

When talking with a client, a sales manager needs to go through several steps:

  1. Introduction: Greet the interlocutor, introduce yourself and clarify whether there is free time for conversation.
  2. Establishing contact: cite the source, use the information obtained in the first stage.
  3. For more information: ask if the client uses a product similar to yours and if he is interested in improvements.
  4. Attracting interest: Explain the benefits to the client from the meeting.
  5. Work with objections(If you want to).
  6. Arrangement for a meeting: suggest your option for the date and time of the meeting.
  7. Completion: repeat the agreed meeting time, thank the client for his interest, say goodbye.

Secretary on the cold call route

If you are calling not an individual, but the head of an organization, then there is a high probability that the call will be answered by his secretary (or another third party). How to behave in such a situation?

  • Introduce yourself politely.
  • Try not to directly say that the purpose of your call is sales.
  • Ask to speak with the decision maker on the issue you are interested in (for example, “who can I talk to about advertising?”).
  • If at the moment you are denied a conversation with the manager, find out as much information as possible about him (what is his name, when and how can you contact him).

There are several tricks that will help you bypass an attentive secretary:

  1. Big Boss Mask. The secretary will not refuse to communicate with the boss if he hears on the phone the confident voice of not the seller, but the boss. (For example: “You are concerned about the reception of General Director Alekseev. Connect me with the director.”)
  2. Recall style. This technique is possible only if at least the name of the decision maker is known in advance. To the request “Please connect with Arkady Ivanovich,” the secretary most likely will not ask additional questions, but will simply direct the call to the right person.
  3. Request for advice. A friendly tone and the phrase “Please advise who is best to contact...”. The secretary will be flattered if the interlocutor increases his status (“only you can help me”).
  4. Complex issue. Sometimes, in order to answer a caller's question, the secretary is forced to redirect his call. But to ask it, you need to know well the structure and specifics of the company.
  5. False error. In this case, the caller uses a trick and asks the secretary to connect him to another department. For example, if he is interested in the purchasing department, he goes through the secretary to the accounting department, and there he pretends that he made a mistake. “Hello, is this the purchasing department? - No, this is accounting. “Can you connect me to the purchasing department?”


For effective telephone sales, you need first practice, and only then theory.

It is impossible to develop an ideal cold calling script that is universally suitable for every seller and buyer - both have their own characteristics.

Here are a few basic rules that all sales managers working in cold calling should adhere to:

  1. Find out the client's needs and interests in advance.
  2. Use scripts prepared in advance.
  3. At the beginning of the conversation, explain the purpose of the call and ask for some time.
  4. Do not put pressure on the client, communicate without aggression. Don't use expressions like "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse." The phrase “Let me tell you about...” sounds much softer.
  5. Emphasize the importance of the client. Less “I” and “we”, more “you”.
  6. Take your time, pause between speech blocks, and speak clearly.
  7. Be confident, friendly and always smile - you can hear it even over the phone.
  8. Don't try to sell your product. Your goal is to generate interest and schedule an appointment. In this regard, replace the common “we offer” with “we are engaged”.
  9. Don't argue or prove that you're right. Respect the client's choice if he is satisfied with his current counterparties.
  10. To get people interested in a meeting, talk about the main benefits.
  11. Know how to switch the attention of your interlocutor and interest him in additional offers.
  12. For questions about details, offer a personal meeting.
  13. More specifics. When asking about a meeting, immediately give a specific time. Instead of “Maybe we’ll meet?”
  14. Monitor the client's mood and adapt to it.
  15. Remove the “not” particle, closed questions and complex terms from your speech.
  16. Use attractive words: “promotion”, “free”. If there is an opportunity to offer a free trial of a product, don't miss it.
  17. Don't drag out the conversation, watch the time. Three minutes is usually enough.
  18. Listen to recordings of your conversations, analyze and draw conclusions about what could have been said differently.

Work with objections

In any sales, it is important to distinguish objections from categorical refusals. “Cold” calls usually become an unpleasant surprise for the client, which is why objections arise in this format much more often.

There is no point in working with decisive refusals; it is better to end the conversation on a positive note and not waste your own and other people’s time. But with objections, subtle work is needed.

Let's look at the most common examples:

"I'm busy (in a hurry)" Explain that you will not take much time, but only want to arrange a meeting. As a last resort, ask when you can call back. “I understand, let me come to you to tell you everything. Will it suit you on Wednesday at eleven in the morning?”
"Call back later" Ask to schedule an exact time convenient for the client. “When will it be convenient for you to talk? What if I call you back tomorrow around ten in the morning?”
"Send information by email" Don't end the conversation here. Such a request is almost tantamount to refusal. Offer a meeting or accept and ask when and how you will receive a response. “Okay, I'll send you the information. But I'm calling to set up an appointment so I can demonstrate our products and give you a free sample. Will it suit you on Wednesday at eleven?”
"I do not need anything" Name famous customers who changed their mind after trying your product. Convince that the meeting is non-binding and set a specific date. “Representatives of other organizations also thought so, but only before they realized how much our proposal could help them in... We should meet. How about Wednesday at eleven?”
“My counterparties suit me” Use all the information you prepared earlier. Explain that you are not trying to replace a competitor, but are offering an alternative, because two suppliers are more reliable than one. Tell us what the benefits of working with you are and offer to meet. If refusal is inevitable, turn the situation to your advantage and find out from the client why your competitors attract him in order to use this information in the future. “If you work with ..., then you probably use their program ...? - Positive or negative answer - Great, then we should definitely meet, because our proposal is ... (list the advantages). How about Wednesday at eleven o'clock?"
"We don't have enough funds" Don’t stop the dialogue here, but ask a leading question that will tell the client that he still needs your offer. "Of course I understand. Let me ask, are you currently collaborating with anyone in this area? - Client's response - Then we must meet, because our product... (its advantages). How about Wednesday at eleven?”

Cold calling scripts

Sales call scripts can be of two types:

  1. Hard. They are used in selling simple goods, where the variety of answers from the interlocutor is minimal.
  2. Flexible. For selling complex products and ambiguous offers. Requires creativity and more experience.

Everyone who makes sales over the phone should have their own scripts, and those working in the cold calling technique are no exception.

  1. There should be as many scripts as possible. An experienced seller regularly updates his database.
  2. Each script must first undergo practical testing on colleagues and acquaintances. Those that are obviously unsuccessful and inconvenient should be eliminated immediately.
  3. The main purpose of a cold call script is to illustrate the essence of the conversation, and not become a verbatim script.

Download cold calling scripts

Outgoing call script

Incoming call script

Cold calling examples

Example 1.

- Good afternoon, Ivan. This is Anastasia from the international company ABC, which deals with... I am calling you to arrange a meeting during which I could tell you about our new program, which ... (what the client is interested in). I am sure that you, like our other clients ... (examples of companies), are interested in ... (certain benefit).

- Yes, I'm interested in this.

- Great, let's meet. How about Wednesday at four o'clock in the evening?

Example 2.

- Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich. This is Anastasia Petrova from the ABC company. We are doing…. Do you use... in your work?

— I don’t have time to talk to you now, send all the information by email.

- I will send you a presentation so that you can review it in your free time, but I am calling to make an appointment and demonstrate all the benefits of our proposal. Will it suit you on Thursday at two o'clock?

“I’m afraid that my whole month is already planned out.”

- Okay, is this date busy for you next month?

- I'll take a look now. Not yet.

- So, maybe we will meet on April seventeenth?

Example 3.

- Good evening. My name is Anastasia, I represent the ABC holding in your region, which is engaged in... . Your company is ... (type of activity), which means you will be interested in our new offer for ... (what the client needs).

— Sorry, but we are already collaborating with another company.

— Let me ask, is this not the EYUYA company by any chance? Perhaps you chose their “First” tariff?

- No, this is the “Second” tariff.

— Great, I think it will be useful for us to meet, because our programs perfectly complement this tariff. How about this Friday?

In contact with


From this article you will learn:

  • What is the basis of proper cold calling?
  • What cold calling rules should sales managers know by heart?
  • What can reduce the quality of cold calls?

Everyone knows that cold calling is a fairly effective sales tool. However, the procedure itself often causes unpleasant emotions on both sides of the conversation. Constant refusals and aggressive reactions on the other end of the phone make the work of the sales department more difficult. In order to turn calling into a process that brings pleasure and increase its efficiency, we suggest considering the rules of cold calling.

The basis of proper cold calling

  1. Current database.

A database containing telephone numbers of potential clients is the basis of the operator’s work. Just one wrong number can cost an entire transaction. It is very important to have an up-to-date list with reliable data. To compile it, you can use free programs.

An available option is Microsoft Office Access, which allows you to differentiate the rights of different users and compile information separately about each client. Of course, this program does not have the capabilities of modern CRM systems, but it is much more convenient to interact with it than with another Microsoft Office product - the Excel spreadsheet editor. A large number of limitations and low information processing ability make it not the best option for creating a high-quality database.

  1. Filling the base.

How do you find new clients and replenish the existing database for cold calling? To do this, they use paid information portals, but only verified, up-to-date and generated from reliable sources.

Thus, the Interfax database contains a large amount of information useful for sales department employees about companies of various organizational and legal forms, etc. You can also use the FIRA PRO bank, which contains not only information about legal entities, but also data from the National Bureau credit histories (NBKI). Please note that information from unverified sources will reduce the effectiveness of cold calls.

  1. A combination of experience and talent.

Some people think that cold calling is not an effective sales tool, but it all depends on the right organization. Remember the simple rule of cold calling - you need to put operators into a comfortable calling mode. The more your employees make such calls (hourly, daily, monthly), the faster they will develop their own sales technique.

Based on intuition and rich experience, they will already feel how best to behave with a particular interlocutor and how to structure the conversation in such a way that it is beneficial. Regular practice is important for the operator. Getting back into work mode after a long break is quite difficult. Complexes, a feeling of discomfort, and monotony in the voice may appear.

If the prospect senses this, the conversation will not be successful. Of course, there are exceptions to all rules: some people have an innate ability to persuade and persuade. Such employees have easy contact with most consumers. But, as a rule, there are only a small number of nuggets, while the rest need to constantly learn and improve.

  1. Nice script.

A script is a conversation script that the operator will focus on. A good outline is a detailed conversation plan, a set of rules that contain a list of answers and questions that allow you to keep the interlocutor’s attention in various situations. Remember to adjust and modify these basics so that they remain effective.

  1. The right attitude.

A sales operator must skillfully manage his emotions and evoke a response from his interlocutor. Statistics show that the highest effectiveness of cold calls was recorded two to three days before the New Year. This is explained by the fact that before the holidays, all people are in high spirits, so it is much easier for them to communicate with clients and even call those whom they have not decided to do for a long time. When a manager is relaxed and confident, the interlocutor senses his mood and listens with more interest.

  1. First impression.

Don't forget the well-known truth: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Therefore, the first conversation with a potential client is considered the most crucial moment. After all, the interlocutor does not know you, where you are from, or what you want. As a rule, operators are presented as tired, exhausted employees who automatically do their job and call people “for show.” Naturally, having imagined a “robot” on the other end of the line, a person loses all desire to communicate with the manager.

Another important rule for cold calling a sales specialist is to become a pleasant and interesting interlocutor for the client. It is necessary to feel the consumer and communicate in his language. For example, when selling b2b services, awareness of the state of the business and the situation in the customer’s company is of particular importance. But the operator rarely has such information. That is why it must interest the client, make him think, and evoke emotions, even negative ones.

You can force a person to show his emotions with the help of provocative questions that hurt his pride. Try asking your interlocutor: “Are you authorized to make decisions about this?” or “Are you responsible for refusing me now?” The response, as a rule, does not take long to arrive; the consumer begins to get nervous and enters into a conversation, which, with the right approach, can lead to a positive result.

Negative emotions are also caused by comparing the interlocutor’s company with its competitors. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, since the effectiveness of cold calls is much higher if the operator is perceived positively by the client. This can be achieved, for example, by recognizing a leading position in the market: “Your company is one of the largest, tell us a little about your plans...”.

Introduce a simple cold calling rule for operators: record the consumer's responses so that they can use this information during further communication.

5 main rules of cold calling

  1. Don't be a robot.

Don't let your actions and conversations become automatic. You're knowledgeable about the product you're offering, but how much do you know about the people you're calling? Remember that no one on your list of potential clients is expecting this conversation, and it will be very difficult to gain the trust of a person without prior preparation.

Cold calling is not just “calling a list.” At the other end of the line there are living people with their own experiences and problems. Before you call, try to gather as much information as possible about your potential client. Take the time to find out from the customer service department exactly what product the company offers to its consumers. The more you know, the easier it will be to establish contact with your interlocutor.

  1. Talk to the decision maker.

The purpose of a cold call is not to sell, as many people think, but to set up a meeting. Can you take seriously a stranger who calls you in the middle of the workday and is annoyingly trying to sell you a certain product or service over the phone? Agree that this is not very pleasant. As we have already said, the attitude and presentation of the operator play a big role. Goodwill is easy to feel even through the phone.

However, if during the conversation you establish that the interlocutor is incompetent in making decisions about the meeting, ask to connect you with the decision maker (DM). Your task is not to sell a product over the phone, but to find out whether a potential client is interested in working with your company.

  1. Respectful attitude towards yourself and competitors.

Typically, the organization you are calling not only works with trusted suppliers on an ongoing basis, but also periodically receives similar calls from many other companies. Remember the golden rule of cold calling: never talk bad about your competitors. After all, it turns out that you are questioning the choice of your interlocutor and his competence in work matters. It’s better to mention a couple of minor positive qualities of a competitor and hint at your professionalism: “Are you served by company X? Yes, they have a beautiful logo, but what about the quality of service?

  1. Understand refusal correctly.

Sometimes clients say “no” due to lack of time or a lot of other important things to do. This is common practice. If the answer you make to a proposal is: “I don’t have time,” then it is more correct to interpret this as an objection rather than a refusal. In this case, it is advisable to schedule a meeting at a time when the opponent is free, but under no circumstances give up. Be sure to discuss the exact date and time of the next conversation. Insist on a personal meeting: “I agree, it’s not very convenient over the phone. Let me come to you to tell you everything. Maybe on Thursday at 12 o'clock?

When cold calling, it is very important to know the line between being pushy and being pushy. If you are told a clear, categorical “no,” this is already a refusal.

  1. No need to sell.

Let's repeat the rule of cold calling customers again: you are not selling a product over the phone. Your goal is to convince the person of the need for a personal meeting. To do this, you need to be different from dozens of other people who also call and offer various goods and services. You are required to have competent speech, goodwill, the ability to quickly navigate the current situation and a little humor. When making cold calls, try not to think about money. Focus on your goal, not how much you will earn when you sell something to someone.

What makes cold calling less effective?

Frequent smoke breaks

Very often, after two or three calls, managers go to smoke to unwind or calm down, for example, after a conversation with a negative client. This takes a lot of time, and if the frequency of breaks is not limited by any rules, the effectiveness of cold conversations becomes minimal.

Causes. Moral and physical fatigue, fear of difficult calls and refusals of the interlocutor, which they try to compensate for by smoking.

Solution. Employees who smoke should allocate time for breaks, for example, the last five minutes of every hour or every other hour. The fear of rejection can only be overcome by regular practice. After a negative answer, you need to immediately make the next call, without pause or hesitation. This way, refusal will be perceived as a simple work moment, and not an event that needs to be feared and after which you should definitely smoke.

To help the manager, listen to recordings of his conversations, because his mistakes may be the reason for frequent refusals. Analyze the situation together with the employee, review the rules of cold calling, if necessary. This will reduce the emotional dependence of specialists on the results of telephone conversations.

Wrong offer

When making a cold call to a potential client, the sales manager offers to cooperate with the person who answered. As a result, the person on the other end of the line may simply hang up without saying a word.

Causes. Neglect of basic sales rules, lack of a script, fatigue, emotional instability.

Solution. Constantly train your managers and improve their skills. Regulate your workflow, create cold calling scripts. Analyze errors and work together to eliminate them. Prepare a system for motivating employees. Automate your sales process.

Losing initiative

In the first minutes of the conversation, the interlocutor begins to actively ask your specialist questions, and he has to answer them. One of the rules of conversation: the one who asks the questions has the initiative.

Causes. Ignorance of sales rules, neglect of scripts, emotional instability.

Solution. The same as in the previous paragraph.

Lack of next step control

At the next stage of negotiations, your manager communicates with the client, but at the end of the conversation he forgets to determine the date of the next contact, tell the sequence of actions, and discuss the obligations of the parties. Thus, the conclusion of the deal may be delayed indefinitely or even fail.

Causes. Neglect of sales rules, unwillingness to follow cold calling scripts.

Solution. Typically, the most common reason for poor cold calling performance is the lack of proper sales techniques. Create a motivation system for employees. Develop a corporate spirit, regularly conduct joint training and analyze difficult situations.

Misperception of the secretary

There are different secretaries in companies of potential clients: friendly, aggressive, indifferent, withdrawn. This means that they can sometimes interfere with your communication with the decision maker. Incorrect assessment of the interlocutor leads to loss of contact and wasted time. For example, your specialist immediately begins to talk in detail about the product, although according to the rules such a conversation should only be held with the decision-maker.

Causes. Neglect of sales rules, unwillingness to follow scripts or lack of them.

Solution. Make sure your managers undergo regular performance reviews. Check the relevance of existing scripts and cold calling rules (if they are missing, develop algorithms for conversations with clients), distribute copies to all employees. Monitor the negotiation process to ensure compliance with established standards.