What movie do Russian cosmonauts watch before a flight? Why do astronauts watch “White Sun of the Desert” before each flight?

Earth and Freedom is a secret revolutionary society. The participants set their goal to prepare a peasant revolution. One of the most important demands put forward by members of the organization was the convening of an unclassified people's assembly.

The inspirers of the society were Herzen and Chernyshevsky. Among the organizers were N. N. Obruchev, S. S. Rymarenko, I. I. Shamshin and others. Program documents were created under the influence of the ideas of Herzen and Ogarev.

The first Executive Committee of the organization in 1861 included 6 of its organizers (N. N. Obruchev, S. S. Rymarenko, brothers N. A. and A. A. Serno-Solovyevich, A. A. Sleptsov, V. S. Kurochkin).

Land and Freedom was an association of circles located in 13–14 cities. The largest circles were Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to the data available to A. A. Sleptsov, the number of Earth and Volya was 3,000 people ( Moscow branch consisted of 400 members).

In the summer of 1862, the tsarist authorities dealt a serious blow to the organization, arresting its leaders - Chernyshevsky and Serno-Solovyevich, as well as the radical journalist D. I. Pisarev, associated with the revolutionaries.

Members of the organization expected a powerful peasant uprising in 1863, but hopes for a peasant revolt did not materialize. In addition, the liberal-minded part of society for the most part refused to support the revolutionary camp, believing in the progressiveness of the reforms that had begun in the country. Under the influence of all these factors, Earth and Freedom was forced to self-destruct at the beginning of 1864.

In 1876, Earth and Freedom was restored as a populist organization. It included A. D. Mikhailov, G. V. Plekhanov, D. A. Lizogub, later S. M. Kravchinsky, N. A. Morozov, S. L. Perovskaya, L. A. Tikhomirov, N. S. Tyutchev. In total, the organization consisted of about 200 people. Earth and Will in its activities relied on a wide circle of sympathizers. The name Earth and Freedom was given to the society at the end of 1878, with the appearance of a printed organ of the same name.

The organization’s propaganda was based not on the old socialist principles, incomprehensible to the people, but on slogans that came directly from peasant environment, that is, the demands of “land and freedom”. In their program they proclaimed “anarchy and collectivism” as the goal of their activities. The specific requirements were the following:

- transfer of all land to peasants,

– introduction of full community self-government,

– introduction of freedom of religion,

– granting nations the right to self-determination.

The organization consisted of a main circle, which was divided into seven special groups by type of activity, and local groups, located in many major cities empires.

On December 6, 1876, a demonstration took place on the square of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. It was organized and carried out by the land populists and members of workers' circles associated with them. About 400 people gathered in the square. G. V. Plekhanov delivered a passionate revolutionary speech to those gathered. The young worker Potapov unfurled a red flag. The demonstrators resisted the police. 31 demonstrators were arrested. The Kazan demonstration of 1876 marked the beginning of the conscious participation of the Russian working class in the social movement.

Landlords took part in several strikes in St. Petersburg in 1878–1879.

The Lipetsk congress of the organization took place in June 1879. It was convened in an atmosphere of heightened disagreement among the revolutionary populists on the issue of the future direction of the organization’s activities. Several radical revolutionaries took part in it, secretly from Earth and Volya. The congress decided to include in the program of Earth and Freedom the recognition of the need for a political struggle against autocracy as a primary and independent task. Participants in the Lipetsk Congress declared themselves the Executive Committee of the Social Revolutionary Party and adopted a charter based on centralism, discipline and secrecy. The Executive Committee was to take upon itself the implementation of terror.

At the same time, in June 1879, the Congress of Earth and Freedom met in Voronezh. About 20 people took part in it. Supporters of the “policy” of political struggle and terror (Zhelyabov, Mikhailov, Morozov) came to the congress as a united group. Plekhanov’s supporters (“villagers”) took a conciliatory position, considering the main task to be work among the peasants: they did not, in essence, object to terror. Plekhanov, who proved the danger of being carried away by terror for the prospects of working among the people, formally resigned from Zemlya and Volya and left the congress. The resolutions of the congress were of a compromise nature: along with activities, the people also recognized the need for political terror.

For a long time, no mustachioed pilots flew into space. Rockets are not launched on Mondays and “special dates.” On the eve of the start, all pilots, without exception, watch a film that everyone knows by heart.

Traditions are strictly observed. Due to non-compliance with the rules, the launch may be delayed for several days. In the USSR, starts were often postponed or cancelled.

What movie do Russian cosmonauts know by heart and why do they continue to watch it to this day? Faktrum figured it out complex issue training of domestic pilots.

The evening before the launch, the crew in full force sits down in front of the projector. The cosmonauts know the adventures of Fyodor Ivanovich Sukhov by heart, but no one misses a session. It is believed that if at least one person does not come to watch the film " White sun desert”, then the launch will be postponed. Where did such a strange tradition come from?

The film was not released in 1969. As they said then, “they put it on the shelf.” Cosmonaut Alexander Leonov asked for the tape to conduct a private viewing before the flight, to raise the morale of the pilots. The astronauts were delighted with the film. Soon Leonid Brezhnev became interested in the film, and was informed that the Soviet cosmonauts were watching some new movie before their flight. The personal approval of the Secretary General of the USSR paved the way for the famous film. The film has become an important tradition for astronauts. The pilots even passed a special exam on their knowledge of the events of the film.

Crew Training: Strange Exam

The exam was scheduled after all tests, checks and inspections. The questions they asked were tricky. For example, the pilot could easily be asked: “What kind of caviar did Vereshchagin eat?” The pilot had to answer: “Damned.” Sometimes the cosmonauts were asked about Abdullah’s nickname, the number of bandits dug up by Sukhov, and Petrukha’s homeland. The questions were constantly changing. However, regular flights made the exam meaningless: the answers spread among the pilots.

Some considered the exam an important tradition. In fact, this was how the astronaut’s psychophysical state was tested: his memory, attention and ability to concentrate. In addition, the test allowed us to understand whether the pilot had a sense of humor - important component stress resistance. However, not all astronauts believed that watching a film was just a ritual.

Russian cosmonauts: superstitions versus facts

According to another version, the film “White Sun of the Desert” was not watched out of superstition. Camera work in the film is unique in quality. In difficult conditions, the operator achieved the perfect picture. Based on the film about Comrade Sukhov, cosmonauts learn how to position the camera correctly. This skill will help you make high-quality video recordings during the flight and in the event of landing on another planet. The film was shot in the desert, so it was taken as a sample of camera work.

The version is controversial. Cosmonauts do not often film in outer space or in ships. Superstition is a more plausible explanation. Most of the rituals, by the way, were introduced by Sergei Korolev himself.

Important superstitions of astronauts

For example, he banned rocket launches on Mondays. For three years, management accepted Korolev’s strange condition, but then the request was ignored. After that, 11 accidents occurred in a short period, and the tradition was returned. Monday is still a “non-start” day. There are also “unlucky dates” at cosmodromes. During these days, various accidents occurred during launches: rockets caught fire, engines exploded. Ship launches on “unlucky days” are also prohibited.

Before the first flight, astronauts are prohibited from giving autographs. However, everyone always signs the bottle of vodka that they open after returning to Earth. Some pilots do not use black ink on principle.

PHOTO: Sergey Krikalev // wikipedia.org/NASA

About depression in space and toothache, as well as about Cheburashka, an indicator of weightlessness NSN said one of the most famous Russian cosmonauts.

On April 12, Russia and other countries around the world celebrate Cosmonautics Day. On this day 56 years ago, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into orbit in human history. He managed to fly around the Earth in 108 minutes, landing in the Saratov region. Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his congratulations to everyone involved in the space industry.

In honor of the holiday Hero Soviet Union, Hero Russian Federation, cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev visited morning show "Lifts" on "OUR Radio". Read about traditions, awards and records only at NSN.

About Cosmonautics Day

Sergey Krikalev: It already happened today traditional event- laying flowers at the Kremlin wall, this is how we pay tribute to Korolev, Gagarin, and those cosmonauts who died exploring space. Now I’ll stay with you for a while, and then I’ll go back to work.

About the film “White Sun of the Desert”

Sergey Krikalev: Cosmonauts continue to watch this film before a space launch while on the site. As legend has it, it started by accident. Cosmonauts are quarantined before a long flight and are in a relatively confined space; people have been bringing films there for a long time. This film was shown last before the launch, then it coincided by chance, then there was another film, after which a not very successful flight followed. Everyone said: “This is probably a sign. It’s better to watch, because the last time we watched, everything was fine.” This is how the tradition arose. Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov told me this story. Foreign cosmonauts are also watching, and now there is a version of this film with English subtitles.

About space exploration

Sergey Krikalev: The development of space comes in waves: at some point it goes faster, at some point it slows down. We, who are involved in this business, would like development to go faster, because at some moments there are sharp breakthroughs, then it seems that we are marking time, although in fact new methods are being prepared. The work is moving forward.

About records

Sergey Krikalev: I landed in 2005 and this record stood for 10 years. I had no goal of setting a record for flight duration. This is not an end in itself, this is what happens in the process of normal flight. There is a tradition: each record holder comes to congratulate the next one in order to push this bar further. In the same way, I remembered this tradition and, 10 years later, I came to congratulate Gennady Padalka on achieving this result. ( Sergei Krikalev is the Earth record holder for the total time spent in space: from October 2005 to June 2015 - 803 days over six launches, approx. NSN)

About the flight to the space station

Sergey Krikalev: From launch to entry into orbit is less than 10 minutes, then the process of rapprochement occurs in slow and careful impulses. Once upon a time, this rendezvous took a day, then it was decided that it was better to switch to a two-day scheme in order to spend fuel more economically, and it would be easier to plan the issuance of commands. With development computer equipment, with the ability to carry out calculations not on Earth, but on board, they began to discuss that it would be good to fly closer and shorter to the station. Several years ago we worked out a flight technique using short circuit(four-turn), it takes 6 hours.

About the shuttle flight

Sergey Krikalev: NASA gives a reward to those who have done something. I was the first to fly on the shuttle [under the Russian-American program], which was unusual both for us and for the Americans. The system of preparing for a shuttle flight is different, because we are preparing for a long flight, and they are preparing for a short flight, so they have a higher ability to repeat individual elements. Comparing flights on the shuttle and on the Soyuz spacecraft, we found the following analogy: our ship is a small car, and the shuttle is a truck with a large cabin and a place to sleep. You live in the shuttle cabin for 7-10 days, and in a small car you fly to a large laboratory, more comfortable place conducting experiments and life.

About sadness on board

Sergey Krikalev: If we talk about depression in in every sense this word, then we try not to bring it to this point. Sadness and depressive state– this is a little different. Depression is a medical diagnosis that requires treatment. They take away from us relatively healthy people who don’t fall into depression so easily. It is clear that sometimes there is sadness because you long time You are on a business trip in a confined space, far from family and friends. But the view of the Earth is so beautiful that even on long flights, the time spent in space is so precious that you try to admire the Earth in your free moment.

About the film library at Mir station

Sergey Krikalev: We had periods when we took one or two of our favorite cassettes with us to listen to. Then they started supplying us with film cassettes. A whole film library has gathered at the Mir station. Then disks appeared. Now there is no such need, it can be uploaded.

About space food

Sergey Krikalev: When we arrived to prepare for the shuttle flight, there was a procedure for testing the diet. When I first tried it, American food seemed more specific, I would call it a delicacy. It's like sausage, which is set on the table on holidays, but is not eaten on an ordinary day. The Americans had a greater bias towards food that can be pampered, although both we and the Americans have restrictions, since food should not spoil if stored without refrigeration, and should be light. There is a stereotype that astronauts eat food from a tube.

About talismans

Sergey Krikalev: There is a small load that a person can take with him into space for six months. Only this load is limited to 1-1.5 kilograms - and do not deny yourself anything. You are allowed to take the talisman. Now there is an innovation - a toy that dangles from the hatch. This is not just a talisman, it is an indicator of weightlessness. Well, as a rule, one person from the crew takes [the talisman]. When I was flying as a commander, I annexed a Cheburashka from the daughter of some guy.

About medical care in space

Sergey Krikalev: When a small crew flies, each of us is trained as a nurse. We can provide some help to each other. When they started working with Americans, this range of medical care even expanded a little, to the point that they were taught how to apply stitches. We have a set of dental instruments. It is clear that it is impossible to provide qualified assistance, but it is possible to put a temporary filling or pull out a tooth. In zero gravity this is not very pleasant, but it can be done.

About how to become an astronaut

Sergey Krikalev: All these are probabilistic things, much depends on the individual person. Here a lot depends on personal qualities, perseverance, and abilities. Yes, it would be nice to have an education, but you also need to have good health, because work in stressful conditions.

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Cosmonauts are considered perhaps the most superstitious people on the planet. Traditionally, they take a sprig of wormwood with them on a flight, since it retains its scent longer than other plants and reminds them of the Earth, and it is customary for the crew to be escorted to the launch complex to the song “Earth in the Porthole.”

Black Mondays and unlucky dates

The “cosmic superstitions” were started by the famous General Designer Sergei Korolev. It is reliably known that Korolev did not like starts on Mondays and always moved the date if it fell on Monday. Why remains a big mystery. Nevertheless, Korolev defended his point of view at the very top, and because of this, serious conflicts even flared up. Spaceships They didn’t fly on Mondays in the Soviet Union for the first three years space age. Then they started flying, which caused 11 accidents. Since 1965, Monday has been considered almost an official “non-launch” day in Soviet and now Russian cosmonautics.

There are also “unlucky dates” at Baikonur. The start is never scheduled for October 24th. On this day, no activities are carried out at the launch sites at all. serious work. On October 24, 1960, an R-16 ICBM launch vehicle exploded on the Baikonur launch pad, killing dozens of people. On October 24, 1963, an R-9A rocket burst into flames on the launch pad. Eight people were burned.

Happy operator

Another superstition of the famous designer was the “happy” operator who always pressed the “start” button on command, Captain Smirnitsky. Not a single rocket launch was complete without Smirnitsky. Even when he had eczema, he still pressed the button, because Korolev believed that the man had a “light hand.”

The same Korolev strictly forbade one of his designers to appear on the launch pad during the launch (once some trouble occurred while he was on duty) and personally made sure that he did not even show his nose.


Astronauts never sign autographs before their first flight. Some people avoid signing autographs in black ink on principle. However, the entire crew must sign a bottle of vodka, which they drink on the ground, in the Kazakh steppe, after a successful flight.

Cosmonauts are also happy to leave autographs on the door of the hotel room where they spend the night before the launch. Painting over or washing away these autographs is strictly prohibited.

Woman on board

They say that because of superstitions, they were afraid to send Valentina Tereshkova into space - everyone remembered the old naval omen about a woman on a ship. But the Soviet leadership was not distinguished by superstition. In 1963, on the eve of the international conference of women in Moscow, it was a woman who was supposed to fly into space.

Themselves with a mustache

For a long time, people with mustaches were not allowed into space. During the flight of the mustachioed Viktor Zholobov there were problems, and the program had to be terminated early.

White Sun of the Desert.

Before launch, astronauts must watch “White Sun of the Desert.”

Viewing "White Sun of the Desert" has become a tradition as a result of the training of previous filming crews. This film is used as a tool for training astronauts in filmmaking. How to build a plan, how to work with a camera, how to set up scenes. Cosmonauts know this film “more than by heart.”

Other astronaut oddities

Cosmonauts will never call the launch of any spacecraft “the last”: for example, “the last launch to the Mir station...” they would prefer to call it “final”, “final”. Also, astronauts never say goodbye to those seeing them off.

At the cosmodrome in Plesetsk, before launching a launch vehicle, they must write “Tanya” on it. They say that this name was written on the first rocket by an officer in love with a certain Tanya. Once, when they forgot to display on the case lucky name, the rocket exploded before launch.

It is a common practice for astronauts to pee on the wheel of the bus taking them to the launch pad. After this, the suit is tightly zipped up, and the next opportunity to relieve oneself will present itself only after a few hours in outer space. The ritual seems to have started from the time of Yuri Gagarin and is still maintained. Others consider the founder of this tradition to be General Designer Sergei Korolev, who always irrigated the rocket before launch.

Finally, before the launch, the astronauts receive a friendly kick from their boss.

But Russian cosmonauts and rocket scientists do not have any special superstitions associated with the 13th. Of course, few people like this number, but we definitely don’t have a “Friday the 13th” craze. But NASA doesn’t really like the 13th – there have already been unpleasant incidents. Thus, the famous lunar Apollo 13 set off for the earth’s satellite on April 11, and on April 13, an explosion occurred on board the ship - one of the oxygen tanks exploded.

Yulia Khlopina, RIA Novosti.