The secret of Abdullah's wives. Five interesting facts about the film “White Sun of the Desert”

In Bukhara, apricots were blooming, there was a smell of fresh leaves, fragrant smoke from braziers with piles of yellow pilaf.

Abdullah spent almost all his free time from the owner’s orders with Sashenka.

They walked through the garden surrounding the ruler’s luxurious residence, talked, played backgammon - Abdullah taught Sashenka this oriental game, and she showed great passion while fighting with him.

Abdullah became more and more attached to the Russian woman, fearing this and at the same time striving for her. He cursed himself for the feeling that had arisen, being ashamed and tormented, for he was still very devoted to Alimkhan, but he still strove for Sashenka, angry at himself and at Alimkhan, but he behaved very restrained.

Abdullah, you are so timid,” Sashenka laughed, making his heart tremble.

Once, while walking in the garden, Abdullah told Sashenka about that young woman whom he had once seen at the station, on Russian soil - all in white, with a white umbrella, in white elbow-length gloves - he spoke about her face, about eyes, looking at Sasha at the same time. This was almost a direct confession, but Sashenka “naively” asked:

Abdullah, don’t you write poetry for an hour? - and smiled.

Abdullah was offended. He considered this activity unworthy of a real war. Realizing this, Sashenka immediately asked him for forgiveness, affectionately touching his shoulder.

So you like Russian young ladies? - she asked after a while, when he had calmed down.

“I like it very much,” Abdullah admitted. - They are beautiful and light, like... - he looked for a comparison. “Like a desert...” he finished.

Sashenka held back her laughter, thinking that Abdullah would be offended again.

Probably no one has ever compared women to the desert,” she noted as delicately as possible.

For us, the desert is life.

So, woman and life are the same concepts? Yes, Abdullah?

All women?

Why - everything?.. I was talking about one... - He looked passionately at Sashenka, but she turned the conversation to something else:

Abdullah, do you have a harem?..

Yes, small... - he answered.

Tell me, which of the women in your harem do you love most?

“No,” Abdullah said briefly, turning away.

One day, Sashenka seemed to jokingly suggest that Abdulla run away to the mountains, which were white in the distance with snowy peaks, dazzlingly sparkling in the sun.

I miss the snow, you know? - she said and remembered St. Petersburg more and more often.

She remembered how Abdullah, who had come to pick her up, stood under her window in the dim light of the gas lamps, how he worried while waiting for her, how he pulled down the skirts of his Circassian coat, how he ran his hand over the gazyrs and how his eyes darkened when he saw her leaving the entrance.

Alimkhan noticed their mutual affection, but, considering himself a secular person, treated this quite intelligently. Nevertheless, having invited Abdullah to his place for dinner, he casually inquired about his personal affairs: how was his home, how were his wives?

Abdullah, bowing, thanked the owner for his care, and he, smiling, continued:

My friend Abdullah, the Kyzyl Pasha, in short, the senior eunuch, is now renewing the composition of my harem. He has a lot of growing beauties in mind... I decided to give you, as a friend, two absolutely charming girls, and, moreover, very smart and playful. Soon they will appear in your home.

Abdullah bowed silently again, and Alimkhan could not hide how the cheeks of his chief of security were burning. Satisfied, the ruler realized that Abdullah had fully grasped the essence of the conversation...

Soon rumors of a coup in Russia reached Bukhara. Then the Civil War began there. The Russians began to destroy the Russians. Alimkhan complained to Abdullah that he had ceased to understand everything that was happening in Russia: why, did the Russians need to exterminate people who were the flower of the nation and constituted the pride, glory and power of the empire; why do they not spare either the intelligentsia or even the priests, thereby overthrowing the Lord God himself?..

Previously unknown Russian people appeared on the outskirts of the empire. They called on farmers for freedom and world revolution. What this meant, no one really understood - they understood only one thing: you need to ruin those who are richer than you and destroy them... In Central Asia, a war began between the Red Army soldiers and the “Basmachi” - that was the name of people like Abdullah. This war promised to be very long, like all Russian wars in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Bukhara was still calm, but alarmed by everything that was happening around him, Alimkhan decided to hide his valuables, burying them in secret places in the desert. Abdullah was entrusted with leading this operation, and he strictly carried out the ruler’s orders: he buried treasures in different places, and personally shot everyone who helped him in this.

The time has come, and unrest began in Bukhara itself. By order of Alimkhan, Abdullah brutally dealt with the instigators calling on farmers to take to the streets demanding the same freedom: he cut off their heads in the square.

Sashenka was shocked by these “Asian” actions of Alimkhan, she even stopped talking to him, secluded herself, and did not want to see anyone.

Angry from everything that was happening, the arrogant Alimkhan was indignant at the behavior of his Russian concubine and, completely forgetting about his “secularism,” ordered to punish her with several lashes, which was carried out by the eunuch in her own chambers.

Upon arrival at the residence, Abdullah learned about the execution, was very sad and angry at Alimkhan in his heart. He spent several hours at Sashenka’s chambers in the hope that he would see her, but to no avail. And only when Abdullah decided to make his presence known with a loud cough, Sashenka opened the door and invited him to come in with a nod.

I hate you all! - she said angrily, closing the door behind him.

And when he tried to explain that according to Eastern laws you cannot contradict your husband, even if he is wrong, she drove him away

You are just like him!

Abdullah took her hands and tried to calm her down, but she broke free and pushed him out the door.

A day later, Sashenka herself came out of her chambers, she was emphatically cheerful and sweet, but something in her changed, as if it had snapped - she became even more desirable to Abdulla.

A big riot was brewing in Bukhara. Alimkhan got ready overnight and left his homeland, crossing the border into Afghanistan.

He ordered Abdullah, who accompanied him to the cordon, to come to him soon, having previously dug out two of the six treasures.

Returning to Bukhara, Abdullah found the ruler's residence plundered; Alimkhan's office burned down, and with it the securities.

Disguised as a farmer, Abdullah began searching for Sashenka throughout the city - there were the most contradictory rumors about her: some said that this woman was hiding somewhere here, others that she had gone north with a passing caravan.

Abdullah gathered a detachment of loyal people and, after fruitless searches in the city where the new government had established, he moved north, taking with him his wives and some valuables; The thought of Sashenka did not leave him. He suggested that she also moved north, heading to her native land, to Russia. Lately she has really missed her homeland, the coolness, autumn, snow...

It must be said that Alimkhan, long before his departure abroad, sent two wives given to him to Abdullah’s harem. Their names were Gyulchatai and Zarina. Both were very young, very pretty, quick-eyed, but when Abdullah decided to caress Gyulchatai, she hid in a corner out of fear, covering herself with a veil and trying not to breathe. And when he hugged her, deciding that the girl would melt in his arms, Gyulchatay’s flexible body became wooden. Abdullah, who had long been accustomed to the exquisite caresses of his concubines, sighed, released his new wife and instructed Jamila to take care of her education.

Alimkhan in Afghanistan was waiting for Abdullah, who was supposed to deliver him the gold, and was very worried about his long absence - after all, only Abdullah knew where the treasures were hidden. Finally, the former ruler equipped a secret messenger, and he, having found Abdullah, gave him Alimkhan’s order: to immediately arrive in Afghanistan with the jewelry.

Abdullah, after listening to the man sent by Alimkhan, sighed.

“You made a big mistake that you found me,” he said and shot the messenger.

No, he, of course, did not want to rob Alimkhan, did not want to take advantage of even a small fraction of his treasures. He just lost his head and didn’t want to, couldn’t do anything else until he found Sasha. This search was now complicated by the fact that Rakhimov’s Red Army detachment was on his tail - he had to hide, cover his tracks, change the route, but try to maneuver freely here when your own harem is hanging around your neck, all nine wives he has not yet I managed to hide it in a safe place.

Nevertheless, Abdullah found Sashenka and caught up with her in a roadside dukhan located not far from the Black Fortress. She rushed to him with tears - in a simple dress, thinner, but still just as desirable and even more beautiful.

Well, lady, come on... - Abdullah reassured her, calming the beating of her heart. - It’s all over... I found you!..

That same night she gave herself up to him, whispering hot words and covering his face and chest with kisses... But before, when they just sat down on the bed, she, hugging him and looking into his eyes with affectionate passion, said tenderly and trustingly:

Allah Akbar.

Yes, yes,” Abdullah answered and, smiling, kissed her.

But Sashenka continued:

There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.

Abdullah jumped up in amazement, slid off the bed onto the floor and knelt down.

The fact is that the formula spoken by Sashenka immediately made her a Muslim. There are many religions on earth, and to devote oneself to one of them there are more complex or less complex rituals, but only one of the religions - Muslim, in order to become an adherent of it, requires loudly and clearly pronouncing just one phrase: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." Of course, in order to pronounce this formula, a person must consciously, perhaps throughout his entire life, prepare for it, but nevertheless, the one who utters this sacramental phrase becomes a Muslim forever. That’s why Abdullah was so struck by what Sashenka said, a sacred spell for a Muslim.

Do you understand what you said? - he asked.

Yes, dear,” Sasha smiled innocently. - I want there to be no obstacles between us... Isn’t love above all?

Abdullah, pressing the hem of her robe to his lips, thought that it was probably blasphemous to put love above God, and asked:

But do you understand that now even death will not free you from what you said?

“Of course, dear,” Sashenka answered and, smiling again, extended her hands to him. - Come to me.

Abdullah could no longer oppose this charming naivety and realized that Sashenka’s only god in this world was love.

For the first time in his life, he felt complete happiness from owning a woman. When their passion subsided a little, he, like a devoted warrior, suddenly felt in the depths of his soul a burning feeling of shame for betrayal towards his master. Cursing himself, he hated him even more for this and, looking sternly at Sashenka, suggested:

Do you want me to go and kill Alimkhan?

What are you saying!.. No, no!.. Why complicate life further? - she protested. - We should think only about each other... Do you want me to be in your harem, but as a beloved wife?..

"Oh Russian women!" - thought Abdullah, surprised and conquered forever. But that night he understood one thing firmly: this woman, essentially vicious, from now on would truly be his mistress until the end of his days.

“The more I think about the reasons for this unpredictable success of one of the nine paintings I made, the more it seems to me that I am, as it were, the executor of someone’s will, the Lord, so to speak, helped me, helped me miraculously,” Vladimir once noted Bloodworm. For the director, who was included in the list of “unreliable” after the release of the film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyushka,” “White Sun of the Desert” was a real find.

One of the most famous films of Soviet cinema, shot at the Lenfilm and Mosfilm studios, has become a “cult”. Many of the characters’ phrases became catchphrases, the song “Your Honor, Lady Luck” was loved by millions, and years later, fans even created a computer game based on the film.

On the anniversary of the film's release on big screens, the site recalls five facts from the history of our favorite film.

How Georgy Yumatov did not become Comrade Sukhov

Initially, Georgy Yumatov, an actor known for such popular films as “Admiral Ushakov”, “Heroes of Shipka”, “Different Fates”, “Pedagogical Poem” and “Cruelty”, was approved for the main role of Comrade Sukhov.

Yumatov had bright charisma and was ideal for heroic adventure films. At the end of the 60s, his fame began to fade, and he desperately needed a new role. True, among the directors he had a reputation as a person who had problems with alcohol. It was no secret that he could disrupt filming.

Shortly before work on the new film began, an unpleasant incident occurred. The film crew picked up the artist at the hotel, but he did not leave his room and did not answer calls. When the hotel staff broke down the door, they found Yumatov lying on the bed. His whole face was covered in bruises. It later turned out that his friend had been killed in a car accident, and the day before the actor had been at a wake.

No one waited for the artist’s bruises to go away. Director Vladimir Motyl invited Anatoly Kuznetsov, whom he knew from working on the film “Wait for Letters,” to take part in the filming. The very next day Kuznetsov arrived for filming.

“Yumatov would have been a more “supermenistic” Sukhov,” the director is now thinking about the possible course of events, “and Anatoly Kuznetsov’s Sukhov is closer to the hero of a Russian fairy tale...”

Red Army soldier Fyodor Sukhov, played by Anatoly Kuznetsov, became a cult figure in the Soviet Union. Photo: Still from the film

Vereshchagin's feat

The role of customs officer Pavel Vereshchagin in “White Sun of the Desert” was played by Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater actor Pavel Luspekayev. His film career had not been very successful before. Vladimir Motyl invited him to film in 1968. By the time Luspekayev started working, he had serious health problems. He underwent surgery to amputate his feet after an illness that developed due to frostbite received at the front.
He could walk with the help of a cane. But Pavel set a condition: he would act in the film without doubles and without crutches. So that he could move without support, special metal supports were built into his boots. The work was not easy for him: every 20 steps the actor was forced to sit down and rest.

Luspekayev had serious health problems. Photo: Still from the film

An interesting fact: according to the script, the customs officer’s name was Alexander, but Luspekayev got into the role so well that soon the entire film crew called Vereshchagin Pavel.

Thanks to the actor’s personality, the small role of a customs officer began to acquire new scenes and improvisations. As a result, Vereshchagin became one of the most recognizable characters in the film, and the song he performed, “Your Honor, Lady Luck,” became one of the most famous melodies of Soviet cinema.

“White Sun of the Desert” was released on March 30, 1970, and on April 17, Pavel Luspekayev died, a few days before his birthday. He would have turned 43 years old.

Abdullah's wives

The story of “Abdullah’s wives” is interesting. Only three of the nine harem concubines were professional actresses. Zukhra was played by Tatyana Tkach, who later played the role of Fox’s mistress in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” The phrase “When I was a beloved wife, we saw our master every night” was uttered by Tatyana Krichevskaya. The audience never saw Galina Umpeleva’s face in this film.

It is known that two girls starred in the role of Gyulchatay. Tatyana Denisova studied at the Moscow Circus School and when she was offered a solo act, she was forced to stop working on the film. Tatyana Fedotova, a student at the ballet school, was invited to take her place. According to rumors, on the set she began an affair with Nikolai Godovikov, who played Petrukha.

Only three of the nine harem concubines were professional actresses. Photo: Still from the film

The rest of the “concubines” were of the most unusual professions. One was a researcher, another worked in a store, and the third played professional basketball.

In 1997, the 30th anniversary of the start of work on the legendary films was celebrated. In honor of this date, several craters on Venus were given the names of Abdullah's wives - Gyulchatay, Jamili, Guzeli, Zarina, Saida, Hafiza, Zuhra, Leyla and Zulfiya.

Geography of filming

Comrade Sukhov's dream, where he drinks tea surrounded by his wife and beauties from the harem, became the first filmed scene in the film. It is known that filming, which began at the production base of the Lenfilm studio in 1968, took place in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region in the town of Mistolovo.

The main events in the film took place in the town of Pedzhenta, the scenery of which was constructed in Makhachkala. The most difficult stage of filming, according to eyewitnesses, was working in Turkmenistan, where there was terrible heat.

There is a story that in a number of scenes, instead of girls, Abdullah's harem is portrayed by soldiers from a nearby military unit.

Spas Brezhnev

In September 1969, filming came to an end. Vladimir Surin, director of Mosfilm, after viewing the film, rejected the film and did not sign the acceptance certificate. Such a verdict could be a death sentence for a painting that would have to gather dust on a shelf for many years. The situation was actually saved by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who was considered a big fan of Westerns. On the eve of the November holidays, he was sent a film by Vladimir Motyl for private viewing. The Secretary General liked the film so much that he immediately called the Chairman of the State Cinematography Committee Alexei Romanov and thanked him for such an excellent film.

After this, Romanov personally reviewed the film, made several minor edits and gave the go-ahead for the film to be released. On December 14, 1969, a closed premiere took place in Leningrad at the House of Cinema, which was attended by the film crew and influential people in the film industry of those years. The general public was able to see the film a few months later - on March 30, 1970. In its first year, it was watched by about 50 million viewers.


In 1970, the cult Eastern " White Sun of the Desert", which the Soviet audience instantly fell in love with. The phrases heard in the film were immediately disassembled into quotes and catchphrases, and the average person was inspired by the adventures of positive characters.

The film owes its success to the nine wonderful actresses who played wives of the robber Abdullah. They were played by both professional actresses and beginners, and for many the role became the most significant, or even the only one. By the way, according to the plot of the film there were 11 wives, but even nine actresses were collected with great difficulty!

Gyulchatay - Tatiana Fedotova

Fedotova got into cinema quite by accident, skipping classes. She was lucky enough to play one of the most striking roles without any acting experience. Unfortunately, Tatyana has no other roles.

Zarina - Alla Limenes

Alla was persuaded for a long time to play the role of Abdullah’s mustachioed wife. As a result, she was bribed with the opportunity to visit the south. The heroine Limenes uttered only the phrase: “ I think the master abandoned us" However, even these words in the film came from the lips of director Vladimir Motyl, because Alla’s voice was not rude enough.

Jamilya - Tatyana Krichevskaya

Jamila was played by Krichevskaya, but in some episodes she was replaced by Galina Dashevskaya and Galina Umpeleva. The actress who voiced the phrase “ When I was a beloved wife, we saw our master every night..."She played in two more films, but did not achieve significant success in the field of cinema.

Guzel - Marina Stavitskaya

Let's remember that only three of the nine actresses who played Abdullah's wives had acting experience. Stavitskaya, who played the cameo role of Gyuzel, was not remembered by the world of cinema for other roles.

Saida - Svetlana Slivinskaya

Svetlana got the role of Abdullah’s senior wife, who taught everyone in the harem wisdom. She was also bribed with a trip to the south, but after the completion of the film, Slivinskaya refused new roles, even if offers came from foreign directors.

Hafiza - Velta Deglava

The Latvian journalist and philologist played the role of Abdullah's tallest wife. At the time of filming, she was 18 years old, and this was her first and only role.

Zukhra - Tatyana Tkach

Experienced actress Tatyana Tkach was promised a significant role as Abdullah's most beautiful wife, but in the end her appearance on the screen was reduced to a minimum. The actress acts in films to this day, but she is most loved as Fox's friend in the mini-series " Meeting place can not be Changed».

Leila - Lidia Smirnova

The role of Leila was the only one in Lydia Smirnova’s track record. In addition, she got into the film by accident: her beauty charmed Ernest Yasan, who was the assistant director at that time.

Zulfiya - Zinaida Rakhmatova

And the last wife of Abdullah on our list was played by Zinaida Rakhmatova, who was also not destined to be remembered for other roles. She really didn’t like working on the film, and Zinaida could hardly wait for the filming to end.

Almost 50 years have passed since the film was released, but people still watch it with pleasure. I have no doubt that you know the plot of "White Sun of the Desert", but have you noticed

Over the course of 50 years, the famous painting has acquired many legends, but some of them were true.

Movie Vladimir Motyl“White Sun of the Desert” appeared by accident. And the famous name could have been completely different. In 1968, Mosfilm planned to shoot two adventure films. The problem was the lack of suitable scripts. The playwright came to the rescue Valentin Ezhov. He decided to create a script about battles with Central Asian Basmachi who did not want to recognize Soviet power. Veterans of battles in Central Asia acted as consultants. It was they who said that the Basmachi, fleeing from the Red Army, often abandoned their women to the mercy of fate, and the former concubines, not accustomed to taking care of themselves, found themselves in a difficult situation, from which the Red Army soldiers usually rescued them, bringing the harems to the nearest populated areas places

This is how the idea arose to make a Western (more precisely, an “Ostern”, since it takes place in the East) called “Save the Harem.” The name was later changed to "White Sun of the Desert".

How the director had to cast a local bandit in the film

The filming of the film was shrouded in crime from the very beginning. Some episodes were filmed in Dagestan. The group arrived in Makhachkala, but suddenly it turned out that it was impossible to film: the props were missing. The filmmakers were robbed: they took away the sabers and pistols with which the “bandits” and “ours” were supposed to fight in the film, they stole the actors’ costumes and even the director’s pride - a comrade’s large wristwatch Sukhova companies Bure. It was a disaster! Contacting the police did not yield any results. The film was in jeopardy.

And then Vladimir Motyl took the risk of communicating with the local criminals and enlisting their support. He was recommended to talk to a certain Ali- they say, he is in charge here. Ali asked - what interest would it be for me if I helped him find the props? Motyl wanted to pay - and only made the Dagestan “authority” laugh.

Then the director invited Ali to act in a movie himself, suggesting that it might be interesting. And you guessed right! He could not resist such a temptation - to “shine up” on the screen, to become famous throughout the country! Vanity took over. A day later, all the stolen props were in place, including Sukhov’s luxurious watch. Motyl also had to keep his word. He took Ali for the cameo role of one of the Basmachi. It is he who points the rifle at Sukhov, who is emerging from the water, who decided to take a swim, and orders: “Hands!”

They said that when the film “White Sun of the Desert” was released, the cinemas in Makhachkala were sold out like in no other city. Locals went several times to see their already famous fellow countryman, who also became a movie star.

How Abdullah was almost killed by his wife out of jealousy

The actor who played the role came within a hair's breadth of death - figuratively - during filming. Abdullah, artist Kakhi Kavsadze. The director really wanted to film an erotic scene with the participation of a colorful oriental handsome man and one of his wives. Kakha was categorically against it. Motyl still managed to persuade him, but Kavsadze demanded that everyone not involved in the scene be kicked out of the pavilion during filming, only then would he agree to undress. Kicked out. And then Kakha’s angry wife burst into the pavilion - Bella. What started here... A jealous woman started a scandal, and Kavsadze had to work hard to justify himself.

Filming almost ruined the journalist’s family life Galina Luchai, which Motyl, shocked by her appearance, asked to play Katerina Matveevna. Galina stated that her husband was against it. However, Motyl knew how to persuade. And still, the famous legs of “Katerina Matveevna” were filmed separately; Luchai’s body was, in the director’s opinion, not “Kustodievsky” enough. The director's assistant had a hard time convincing one of the Leningrad women to act in a movie "from the waist down."

It is interesting that the oriental beauties - Abdullah's wives - were played not so much by professional actresses (there were only two or three of them out of nine), but by random girls: a salesman, an art critic, a basketball athlete, a philologist and even... a girl of easy virtue found in the Leningrad hotel.

How Petrukha - artist Nikolai Godovikov - almost ended up in prison

For the role of a charming, naive and simple-minded Red Army soldier Petrukha at first they wanted to take Savelia Kramarova. Then the director decided to call Yuri Chernov, who was already known for his role in the film “We'll Live Until Monday.” And yet the final option was 19-year-old Nikolay Godovikov. He did not have an acting education, but he already had film experience: he participated in the filming of the film “Republic of SHKID”, played a street child, then followed the role of a Red Army soldier in the film “ Zhenya, Zhenechka and "Katyusha".

Godovikov appeared on the set with a broken face. He told me that he fell off his horse the day before. But not everyone believed this explanation. Moreover, as a child, the actor was a street hooligan, had records of being in police custody, and was friends with punks. Rumors about the “dark” past of the young actor also surfaced in the film community - and, as often happens, they became overgrown with incredible details.

According to rumors, Godovikov was involved in the theft of equipment from the set of “White Sun of the Desert.” It seems that unknown people came to the studio looking for their friend Godovikov, and after they left, expensive equipment was discovered missing. An investigation began, “Petrukha” was placed in a pre-trial detention cell as one of the suspects... In short, nothing awaited the nice guy.

A summons from the military registration and enlistment office helped out - Nikolai was drafted into the army. Having served honestly, he soon got married, but fate steadily led him along crooked paths.

Family life was interrupted every now and then - Nikolai went to prison. He received one sentence under the article “parasitism” - then in the Soviet Union it was strict with this, if you don’t work, then you will be in jail. And no one cared that Nikolai could not work for health reasons - in a drunken showdown, he was hit in the chest with a “rose” - a broken bottle - from a neighbor who was jealous of his partner.

Nikolai served two terms for theft. In total, his prison experience was 8 years. He tried to get out of this swamp, from time to time he got a job - either as a loader, or as a watchman, or as a worker in Metrostroy... He broke down again and again - he needed money, he got caught - “Lady Luck” did not spoil him. Married, divorced. He even starred in episodic roles several times - he was invited to “Cops”, the TV series “National Security Agent”, “Russian Special Forces”. But nothing got better - his health left much to be desired, he suffered from oncology, and in the fall of 2017 he was admitted to the hospital because he was bothered by an old leg injury. In November 2017, Godovikov passed away. He was 67 years old.

Scene 15. I was counting on you, Said...

After the death of Gyulchatay and Petrukha, there is a short but meaningful dialogue between Sukhov and Said.

Said: “Now go away , quicker. You can’t stay alone.”

Sukhov: “I can’t. Abdullah will kill women."

Said: “Abdullah will kill you. These are his wives. Goodbye".

Sukhov: “I was counting on you.”

Said: “If they kill me, who will take revenge on Dzhavdet?”

Sukhov: “I was counting on you, Said.”

You can view this “conversation” as a conversation between two characters whose previous common interests have diverged for some reason. But if you apply the keys of allegory, you can reach the level of understanding the long historical dialogue of Bolshevism with Koranic Islam, during which a completely new phenomenon of Russian reality was born, which today has received the name of Russian Theology. Then the second semantic row of the dialogue will look like this.

Quranic Islam: “Now leave quickly. Alone You can’t stay.”

Despite the fact that Said outwardly looks psychologically stable, this phrase indicates an internally hidden confusion arising from unconscious agreement with the erroneous Russian proverb “one in the field is no warrior,” but repeatedly refuted by military practice (the exploits of the crews of the brig “Mercury”, the cruiser “ Varyag”, defenders of the Brest Fortress and many other memorable and forgotten defenders of the Fatherland). If “one is not a warrior,” then he is not a warrior in battle formations. If one is a warrior, then he is a warrior alone, both in battle formations, and in the “field,” and in government bodies, and wherever the need to defend the Fatherland and the Truth of God overtakes him. It was this quality that distinguished Stalin, the head of state, from all other leaders who replaced him in this post. As for Quranic Islam, in essence, with these words, he invites Bolshevism to leave the battlefield of the information war, since he considers Bolshevism to be a unique phenomenon, inherent only to Russians, and therefore does not have the necessary resources to effectively counter the concept of crowd-“elitism” at the global level.

Bolshevism: “I can’t. Abdullah will kill women"

That is, Bolshevism refuses to leave the battlefield not because of inflated self-esteem, but in accordance with the ethical rule: “And there is only one warrior in the field. If not me, then who? Who will protect the nations from the disastrous influence of the biblical concept?”

Quranic Islam: “Abdullah will kill you. These are his wives. Goodbye".

Thus, Koranic Islam, bound by the obligation to overcome the consequences of historically established Islam in an Islamic society, unwittingly finds itself on the side of the biblical concept.

Bolshevism: “I was counting on you.”

The short answer of Bolshevism is a sober assessment of the likelihood of the outcome of a single confrontation with the culture of crowd-“elitism” and a call for Koranic Islam to consciously demarcate itself from the biblical concept of governance.

Quranic Islam: “If I am killed, who will take revenge on Javdet?”

Without directly refusing the invitation to cooperate, Koranic Islam with this remark expresses the fear that if he is killed in the information war, there will be no one to “take revenge on Dzhavdet.” And this is essentially an implicit claim to a monopoly understanding of the meaning of what is called Discrimination in the Koran. Silently ignoring such claims of its potential ally, Bolshevism returns it to the starting position of the dialogue (one cannot remain alone) and again offers it cooperation in the common cause of the struggle of two worldviews that are incompatible in a single and integral world, while considering (by default) overcoming the costs of historically established Islam (revenge on Dzhavdet) a process accompanying the main cause - the fight against the biblical concept of management.

Bolshevism: “I was counting on you, Said”

With the assassination of Stalin, the second stage in the formation of an alternative management concept to the biblical one began. Internal regional conceptual power at the structural level in the person of I.V. Stalin was “killed” in the USSR. Internal conceptual power of an unstructured level, formed in the process of unconscious popular resistance to the aggression of the Global Predictor, remained. Essentially this was Stalinism. Koranic Islam, freed by Bolshevism from the shackles of the dogmas of historically established Islam, also received the freedom to choose two types of worldviews.

So in 1969, thanks to “White Sun of the Desert,” we all learned that Stalin really did not go into the past, but disappeared into the future, although we did not realize it.

Stalin, personifying the Concept of Public Security, carried out the full function of governing the state in a structural (mostly) and unstructured way. With the structural method of management, information circulates through certain elements of the structure that was formed even before the start of the management process. With a structureless management method, there are no such pre-established structures. There is an addressless circular dissemination of information in an environment capable of generating structures from itself. Structures develop and disintegrate in the environment in the process of structureless control, and the managed and controlled parameters are the probabilistic and statistical characteristics of mass phenomena in the controlled environment. The basis of structureless management is probabilistic predetermination, ordering mass phenomena in a statistical sense.

Stalinism, which dissolved in the collective unconscious of the peoples of the USSR, under the conditions of a new logic of social behavior, became the basis for a structureless confrontation with the crowd-“elite” concept of management. This was the beginning of the process of understanding hostility to peoples, which until now seemed so familiar and not amenable to critical understanding, the concept of self-government - the Bible. This was the most difficult stage of overcoming “our own” stereotypes of attitude towards the phenomena of the internal and external world, formed in the public consciousness, which for centuries was steadily dominated by crowd-“elitism”. “He who started has done half the work,” the English philosopher Alexander Pope once remarked. This means that the next stage - the stage of forming a management concept, an alternative to the Bible, no longer required such a large expenditure of energy on the part of the collective unconscious: isolating from society people capable of translating unconscious knowledge into certain lexical forms that meet the requirements of the new logic of social behavior was a matter time. All these circumstances probabilistically predetermined the formation of the conceptual center and the development of the Concept of Public Safety. The peoples of the USSR throughout the post-Stalin period were guided by the concept of public security at the level of the collective unconscious, i.e. moved forward as if on “autopilot”, while introducing the necessary adjustments into the movement itself, reflecting changes in the process of self-government at the level of collective consciousness (including those caused by the aggression of the Global Predictor), the speed of which was determined by the speed of the process of changing the logic of social behavior, and the quality - state of the collective unconscious.

Under these conditions, coming up with ideas alternative to the officially existing course that were born in society during a period of “stagnation” was stupid and dangerous. Therefore, the decision was made to “go underground” and, “taking up defensive positions,” to hold out on the achieved lines for as long as possible. In this situation, there was no real possibility of direct influence (from the “underground”) on the consciousness of the center of resistance dispersed among the peoples of Russian civilization.

The Global Predictor also acted mainly unstructured, introducing into Soviet society the information necessary for its purposes, and structurally - destroying old ones and forming new, as it seemed to him, effective structures in the USSR. Thus, after 1953, a situation of conceptual uncertainty was created in the country, which by 1992 manifested itself in the coat of arms symbols. The double-headed eagle is a symbol of conceptual dual power.

Stalin was killed, but Stalinism remained alive in the consciousness, and more in the collective unconscious of peoples, realizing its intellectual and moral potential.

“And if it’s not destiny for us to meet, Ekaterina Matveevna, then know that I was and am, until my last breath, devoted only to you alone. And since, perhaps, I will lie down in these sands forever, out of habit it seems even sad, and maybe because I have recently met people who are more and more sincere, one might say delicate.

I remain a witness to this, a fighter for the happiness of the working people. all over the Earth, Trans-Caspian International Revolutionary Proletarian Regiment named after Comrade August Bebel, Red Army soldier Fyodor Ivanovich Sukhov!”

In this letter, Sukhov is a symbol of Stalinism and through the image of a fighter in white tunic , who is preparing for the last one-on-one battle with Abdullah’s gang, the film for the first time shows the level of global concern of historically real Stalinism for the fate of all peoples of the earth. Moreover, the letter is eloquent proof of Stalinism’s faith in the man of the future: “... I have recently met people who are more and more sincere, one might say, delicate.” Without understanding the content of the second semantic series, the last words of the letter can cause an ironic smile in the viewer, since the reality on the screen is quite harsh.

This letter is also important because it is a kind of watershed between the film and the script: after the letter, an episode is inserted into the plot of the film, which is not in the script, but it is this episode that is very significant for understanding many processes in our contemporary reality. But first, about how the events are presented in the film...

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Scene 5. Dynamite “Petrukha, clinging to the butt of his rifle with his foot, hastily, almost running, followed Sukhov, who was walking from the sea to Pegent. Behind him, ten meters behind him, Abdullah’s wives trotted in single file. “Comrade Sukhov,” Petrukha asked, sobbing. “And what about Rakhimov?”

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Scene 11. All of her, Gyulchatay... It’s night in Pejent. The voices of women settling down to rest are heard: “Oh, Allah, where is he, this husband. All of her, Gyulchatai... Our husband forgot us without even recognizing us. And how to understand it: after all, we are not so bad. Or maybe Gyulchatay caresses him badly? Or him

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Scene 16. They are nowhere Left alone, Sukhov prepares for the last battle: he takes up defense above the entrance to the fortress in a place inaccessible to the bandits, puts on a clean white tunic and at this time the camera shows how Lebedev is climbing up to him. “- Well, the keeper,

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[PICTURE] The author of this and many other wonderful works, a wonderful graphic artist, fighter for Russian art, Yuri VANCHUGIN, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. The editors of “Zavtra” heartily congratulate the master and wish him good health and inspiration. So

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