The most famous Russian performers. Who is the most famous Russian singer? The most famous Russian singers

The Russian pop scene, which has been actively gaining momentum for a long time, is increasingly becoming the object of observation by Western media, which periodically compile their own ratings of our performers. For example, the world-famous publication Forbes provides detailed descriptions of the level of income of domestic stars for a certain period. Some foreign newspapers and magazines compile lists of those Russian musicians whose compositions occupy leading positions in the charts. Sometimes, when figuring out who the most famous Russian singer is, they take data from surveys of people on the Internet as a basis.

The most famous domestic performer of the last decade

At the end of 2014, a special rating of Russian vocalists was compiled, according to which the latter were ranked according to the rotation of their works on domestic radio stations. This was done in order to find out which of the most famous Russian singers could be awarded this high title in the opinion of the listeners themselves, who had been ordering certain songs on air for ten years.

As a result, the undisputed leadership was won by the famous Russian pop singer Dima Bilan, whose songs during the above period of time were heard on the radio more than 5,500,000 times, which is a record result.

Following Bilan is Yulia Savicheva, who, however, is almost a million plays behind the leader of this rating. The “Vintage” team closes the top three winners, only 1000 points behind the silver medalist.

Who is the richest Russian musician?

One way or another, it is quite difficult to say which most famous Russian singer received the most recognition in the West. According to a survey of users on social networks, the most famous Russian musicians, along with Dima Bilan, are performers such as Sergei Lazarev and Grigory Leps, who managed to bypass such serious masters of modern Russian pop music as Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev and Valery Meladze.

However, if we talk about those musicians whose income is maximum, then in this case the list will be somewhat different. Forbes magazine provides data according to which it is possible to answer which most famous Russian singer is the leader, according to the fees and income received. The first line in this list is confidently occupied by Grigory Leps, not far from whom are the beloved Stas Mikhailov and Philip Kirkorov.

The most famous Russian singers of the 20th century

Modern performers, of course, have achieved certain heights in the field of show business and have earned worldwide recognition. However, we should not forget those who supported the image of Russia and the entire Soviet Union in the last century and became real legends on the world stage.

Answering the question about which most famous Russian singer conquered the entire globe with his charisma and talent, we can give a clear answer - this is the famous Fyodor Chaliapin, whose bass sounded on the stage of the most famous theaters. It’s hard to confuse his timbre with anyone else’s, and his love for romances made Chaliapin truly a folk singer.

Without any doubt, Lyudmila Zykina, a woman who won the hearts of viewers with her spontaneity and originality, can also be called a real legend. She was an idol for several generations at once and was the personification of the Russian soul and, to some extent, Russia as a whole.

The list of domestic and, in particular, Soviet singers who have earned worldwide recognition is truly wide, and this once again proves that the nationality of the performer does not play the most important role, because the main criteria here are precisely his talent and inner strength.

Arts and entertainment

Who is the most famous Russian singer? The most famous Russian singers

January 15, 2015

The Russian pop scene, which has been actively gaining momentum for a long time, is increasingly becoming the object of observation by Western media, which periodically compile their own ratings of our performers. For example, the world-famous publication Forbes provides detailed descriptions of the level of income of domestic stars for a certain period. Some foreign newspapers and magazines compile lists of those Russian musicians whose compositions occupy leading positions in the charts. Sometimes, when figuring out who the most famous Russian singer is, they take data from surveys of people on the Internet as a basis.

The most famous domestic performer of the last decade

At the end of 2014, a special rating of Russian vocalists was compiled, according to which the latter were ranked according to the rotation of their works on domestic radio stations. This was done in order to find out which of the most famous Russian singers could be awarded this high title in the opinion of the listeners themselves, who had been ordering certain songs on air for ten years.

As a result, the undisputed leadership was won by the famous Russian pop singer Dima Bilan, whose songs during the above period of time were heard on the radio more than 5,500,000 times, which is a record result.

Following Bilan is Yulia Savicheva, who, however, is almost a million plays behind the leader of this rating. The “Vintage” team closes the top three winners, only 1000 points behind the silver medalist.

Who is the richest Russian musician?

One way or another, it is quite difficult to say which most famous Russian singer received the most recognition in the West. According to a survey of users on social networks, the most famous Russian musicians, along with Dima Bilan, are performers such as Sergei Lazarev and Grigory Leps, who managed to bypass such serious masters of modern Russian pop music as Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev and Valery Meladze.

However, if we talk about those musicians whose income is maximum, then in this case the list will be somewhat different. Forbes magazine provides data according to which it is possible to answer which most famous Russian singer is the leader, according to the fees and income received. The first line in this list is confidently occupied by Grigory Leps, not far from whom are the beloved Stas Mikhailov and Philip Kirkorov.

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The most famous Russian singers of the 20th century

Modern performers, of course, have achieved certain heights in the field of show business and have earned worldwide recognition. However, we should not forget those who supported the image of Russia and the entire Soviet Union in the last century and became real legends on the world stage.

Answering the question about which most famous Russian singer conquered the entire globe with his charisma and talent, we can give a clear answer - this is the famous Fyodor Chaliapin, whose bass sounded on the stage of the most famous theaters. It’s hard to confuse his timbre with anyone else’s, and his love for romances made Chaliapin truly a folk singer.

Without any doubt, Lyudmila Zykina, a woman who won the hearts of viewers with her spontaneity and originality, can also be called a real legend. She was an idol for several generations at once and was the personification of the Russian soul and, to some extent, Russia as a whole.

The list of domestic and, in particular, Soviet singers who have earned worldwide recognition is truly wide, and this once again proves that the nationality of the performer does not play the most important role, because the main criteria here are precisely his talent and inner strength.



The singer did what no one could do. got into the “daughter” of the main US chart with a song in Russian. In 2007, the track was placed at number 41 on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks. “I Will” had a chance to get into the Billboard Hot 100, if not for the rule according to which songs not released in the United States fly past the “Hot 100” in the cradle of show business.

Valeria - Wild!

In 2009, very unexpectedly, the singer’s single hit the Billboard Hot Dance Club. The chart shows the popularity of songs in American nightclubs.

The track debuted at #48 and was a national event. Almost all Russian publications wrote about the stunning success of not the most popular singer in Russia. To make it clear what kind of musical Chomolungma Valeria conquered, the publications specified that the single “American Dream” by Britney Spears was then ranked 45th. Over time, the track managed to reach number 25 and stay on the chart for more than 10 weeks.


The group has several tracks that appeared in various international charts. "Mama Lover" entered the Japan Hot 100 (Japan's national chart) at number 49. And Mi Mi Mi - up to 88th line. The English version of “Mama Lyuba” also appeared in Mexico, reaching 19th place on the Mexico Airplay (radio chart). Residents of the Netherlands liked Mi Mi Mi more: in the Netherlands Digital Songs (download chart), the single peaked at number 8. But most of all Serebro is loved in Italy. Four songs of the group appeared in the download chart: Mama Lover, Mi Mi Mi, Kiss and Gun.

Yulia Kova

Singer Yulia Kova made her debut quite successfully on the international market. In 2008, her single Beep Beep peaked at number 27 on the Hot Dance Club Songs. And the song Sorry appeared on the Japan Hot 100, peaking at number 88. In Japan, the singer enjoyed such success that it was even planned to release a specialized version of the album “This Is Me.” But due to disagreements with the record company, the release was canceled.

Timati - Welcome to St. Tropez (feat. DJ Antoine)

The 2009 single reached number 1 on Billboard Luxembourg Digital Songs, number 2 on the German chart (the video was in hot rotation on local MTV), number 7 in Austria and France, and number 9 on Billboard Global Dance. Songs. 145 million views on YouTube!

"PPK" - Resurrection

The Russian electronic band first conquered the Internet, and then the national charts in Great Britain.

In 2001, the track “Resurrection” was included in the rotation of BBC Radio One. Perhaps thanks to this, the single soon reached third place in the UK Singles Charts. The track was based on a motif from the soundtrack of the Soviet film “Sibiriyada”, written by Eduard Artemyev.

“Gorky Park” - Try to Find Me

Now let’s remember about the artifact of ancient times that broke out from behind the Iron Curtain immediately after it rusted. The group's self-titled debut disc sold 300 thousand copies in the United States. This was in 1989. In "hot" numbers, it peaked at number 80 and spent two weeks overall on the Billboard 200. Only one song managed to make it onto the Billboard Hot 100. Try To Find Me reached number 81. The group was relatively successful in Norway and Denmark.

In the wake of interest in Russia at that time, many producers tried to find someone and promote them, but it didn’t work out very well. One can only recall the group “Aquarium”, whose long play Radio Silence was on the 198th place on Billboard in the same 1989.

Alsou - Before You Love Me

After a successful performance at Eurovision, the singer began to be promoted as the Russian Britney Spears. But something in the singer’s PR team did something wrong, and her single Before You Love Me was able to debut in 2001 on the UK Singles Chart only in 27th place and stay on the chart for only three weeks. Although it is worth admitting that the track was no different from the endless pop bubble gum that stormed the American and English charts at that time.

Leonid Rudenko - Everybody

The DJ's career began after he, rejected by Russian record companies, began sending his recordings by e-mail to managers of Western labels. Soon he signed his first contract.

In 2009, the single Everybody entered the UK national chart. Having debuted in 24th place, he left the top 100 after just three weeks. The single later ranked second on the Upfront Club Chart's list of the top 100 tracks of the year.


Three singles entered the main UK chart: Not Gonna Get Us, All About Us and All the Things She Said, thanks to which they became the first Russian group to reach the top of this chart. The song was in the lead for four weeks.

The group also achieved success in the USA. The debut English-language album, for example, ended up in 13th place on the Billboard 200.

But most of all t.A.T.u. loved in Japan. Here the record 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane sold 1.8 million copies. At that time, these were record sales among foreign artists. By the way, after the breakup of the group, one of the ex-members again submitted to Billboard. The remix of Lena Katina's single Never Forget managed to reach the top of the magazine's dance chart.

The Russian land is rich in talents... Over the thousand-year history, a lot of them have accumulated. Writers, artists, philosophers, actors, singers... The latter have become especially popular recently. Show business brings quick fame; the names of pop stars are known to millions throughout the country. A significantly smaller number of Russians know opera singers, but their fame is worldwide. Therefore, when finding out which is the most famous Russian singer, we will try to study both directions.

As soon as someone utters the words “Russian opera singer,” the first association is “Fyodor Chaliapin.” The world-famous bass began his career in Tsarist Russia and performed here for several years after the revolution. But in 1923 he went to Europe, and stayed there for several years. The Soviet government took offense at him for this, banned his return entry and deprived him of the title of People's Artist. True, he was returned, but after the collapse of the USSR and, naturally, posthumously.

Despite the fact that Fyodor Ivanovich has been dead for many years, he is still considered a symbol of Russian opera. His bright, powerful voice has remained on hundreds of recordings where he performs Russian folk songs, romances, and opera arias. And his unique style of performance influenced the entire world opera.

Almost a quarter of a century has passed since his death, but this has not affected his popularity in any way. True, but his concert is no longer available, and new albums have not appeared for a long time, but the old songs have been learned by heart. “A Star Called the Sun”, “A Pack of Cigarettes”, “Cuckoo”, “We Are Waiting for Change” - they became a real manifesto of an entire generation that was striving for a new, better life.

Tsoi died at the age of 28 - criminally early... He performed for only 12 years, but managed to become a hero of the era. We can only regret that his life was cut short so quickly. All we can do is stage “Cuckoo” again. Or go to Krivoarbatsky Lane in Moscow, where the Wall of Memory of Viktor Tsoi is located, leave a broken cigarette in the ashtray for him and write “Tsoi is alive” for the hundred thousandth time.

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, a new direction flourished in Russia - the culture of bards. Hairy guys in old sweaters and with guitars sang poetry around the fire. Most of them didn't sing very well, and the lyrics were bad, and their sweaters were dirty. But out of thousands and thousands of bards, the brightest, most outstanding ones remain in the memory of people, the first among whom is Vladimir Vysotsky.

He sang poetry in his hoarse voice, but it seemed that he was speaking with the voices of thousands of his listeners, telling their stories. About love, about friendship, about work. Funny, sad, lyrical, tragic, as different as his admirers, his songs have been listened to for half a century and will be listened to for as long and even longer.

He’s like Tsoi, only he’s really alive. He still actively performs, records new songs, releases albums and tours a lot. And now they talk about him more than ever. The reason for this is his active civic position. Too active, according to many. In any case, now he is perhaps the most famous singer in Russia.

It's hard to believe, but the story of the Time Machine began in the distant, distant year of 1969. It was a different millennium and a different era, but, like 45 years ago, people listen to them, come to concerts and buy CDs, even when they can be downloaded for free. Almost all modern famous rock musicians say that it was Andrei Makarevich and “Time Machine” that shaped modern rock music. This is not only a musical, but also a social phenomenon.

We remembered very different singers. Singers who spoke in the voices of their eras. But we cannot ignore modern pop music. Dima Bilan is one of its representatives. Its viewers are girls aged from 12 to 42 years old who love beautiful melodic songs. However, it must be said that he really can sing. After all, he is the only singer from Russia to win Eurovision.

You may think another popular singer should be on this list, we don't mind. That's what comments are for.