Distance English courses – training via Skype. Teaching English via Skype: pros and cons Who are intensive English courses aimed at?

The question of the minimum possible time for learning a foreign language still does not find a clear answer.

Some are convinced that years of effort are required, others cite a well-known joke according to which our compatriots (namely, Russian students) determine the deadline only by specifying: “When is it due?”

The only thing faster than the speed of thought is the speed of forgetfulness. Good thing we have other people to help us remember.

The only thing faster than the speed of thought is the speed of forgetting. It's good that there are those who can help us remember.

If you need a language not to “pass and forget”, but to master and use it, then the overnight “express preparation” option is not recommended.

Today we will talk about the option known as, and we will tell you whether it is worth investing in them and what results you can safely count on after two weeks of express training.

English in two weeks?

Translated from English. intensive means “reinforced, giving the greatest performance,” and the English word express means “operating at high speed.”

Express courses in English have become incredibly popular recently. There are many reasons why we choose an intensive English course.

Some are driven by external motivation: either an audit from abroad is coming, or a last-minute trip that cannot be refused, or it turns out that the interview will be held in English.

There are also those who fall under the influence of ubiquitous advertising: “ It is possible to speak English in a month. They spoke, and so can you!” But is an intensive course right for you?

What is an intensive English course?

At the subconscious level, even the name itself English Intensive(quickly and a lot?) is already affecting us: why bother for years when, with an intensive schedule, I can speak English in two to four weeks?

It is interesting that most intensive course students cannot clearly define the ultimate goal, or define what it means to them to “learn a language.” Speaking at a survival level is one thing, but communicating fluently in English is a completely different matter.

Usually, intensive English courses usually last from two weeks to 6 months, which includes from 20 to 200 academic hours.

There are often cases when, with an individually selected program and a maximum number of hours per day (from 6 to 10), students completed their studies within a week. The truth is that it’s worth talking more about than about the express course.

In many ways duration of intensive English course determined by the starting language level and the final result. The lower the language level and the higher the bar, the longer you need to study.

Depending on the desired goal, the final expected result of the intensive course can also vary from overcoming the language barrier and communicating on everyday topics to passing international exams and holding business meetings.

To minimize time, it will also be important for you to work independently in addition to the main classes with the teacher. It can include homework, watching videos, listening to podcasts, etc.

Who is the intensive English course for?

According to statistics, Russia ranks 39th in terms of English language proficiency. Most candidates learn the language for pragmatic reasons.

As you know, the goal of any intensive course is to provide as much knowledge as possible in the shortest possible time. Purpose of intensive English course- teach you to speak this language in a short period of time.

As for the demand for intensive English courses, the reason why we remember English at the last moment lies in our mentality and our laziness. “Until the roast rooster pecks”, “Until the thunder strikes”, familiar?

But it's not only that. The audience for such courses is very wide.. According to statistics, the number of intensive students includes the following categories:

  • tourists who want to go beyond the proposed program or travel independently (30%);
  • students who are planning to take the exam and would like to systematize their knowledge in order to achieve the best result (20%);
  • businessmen who have taken the company to the international level and have to communicate with partners (10%)
  • leaving for permanent residence (10%)
  • candidates who plan to be interviewed in English (10%)
  • working professionals who dream of quickly improving their skills with the help of English-language sources (5%);
  • children whose parents believe that summer should be spent productively (5%)
  • and many others who needed English urgently and at a good level (10%)

These are just a few situations when English may be needed urgently; others prefer to learn it slowly, step by step, from rule to rule.

After all, the speed of learning cannot guarantee quality, which means there is a high probability that you will forget much of the training program in the near future.

Intensive English Course Programs

Not everyone can take a standard intensive course: 4-5 lessons per week of 45, 60 or 90 minutes.

Every language school that provides express English courses We have our own training programs. They can vary in duration, intensity and direction of English.

We have already mentioned the duration and load; all that remains is to outline the forms and directions of the intensive course.

By form of training intensive can be group or individual. It is difficult to say which form is more productive - it all depends on the problems that you are trying to solve with the help of intensive training.

In groups there is a maximum opportunity to develop oral communication skills that will be useful to you when staying abroad or negotiating. It is known that in groups it is easier and you learn to perceive foreign speech faster. Groups are usually formed by level, the maximum number of participants should not exceed 12.

Those who have to interview in English or exam. The program is developed individually for each student and is necessarily adjusted depending on progress. The main advantage of individual lessons is the flexibility of the lesson schedule - you do not have to adapt to other group members.

Depending on the learning objectives, the following can be distinguished: intensive English course programs :

  • . A course designed for everyone who wants to learn how to communicate fluently in English on everyday topics. Usually consists of several programs by level.
  • . This course is designed for those planning to take domestic (GIA) or international English language exams (IELTS, FCE, TOEFL, etc.).
  • The course consists of topics related to doing business: negotiations, presentations, telephone conversations, etc.
  • Usually the shortest intensive course, the purpose of which is to help the traveler feel comfortable in a foreign language environment: hotel, airport, store, etc.

Cost of English courses in the intensive program

Price of intensive English courses will depend on several factors:

  • language school prices. A convenient location and a well-known brand will cost you about 300-500 rubles more.
  • teacher (Russian-speaking or native speaker) Classes with a professional speaker always cost more, but well-promoted Russian-speaking teachers do not lag behind their English-speaking colleagues.
  • duration of the course. Discounts are usually provided for courses lasting two months or more, but in general they are more expensive than short-term intensive courses.
  • forms of training (individual or group) Individual lessons tend to be rated higher. The option of mini-groups (or micro-groups) from 3 to 5 people is the most acceptable for a modest budget.

Intensive English training

Intensive English courses in groups - the best option to learn to speak in a short time

Features of intensive methods of teaching English

Are intensive English courses effective? This question is asked by everyone who plans to learn English in a short time.

Skeptics will only smile: “What can you learn in two weeks or even six months? basic tenses and a basic vocabulary minimum of about 1000 words?” But let’s not forget that intensive courses have their own goal: it is not a deep study of the language, but focused and intensive work on results.

Main features of the intensive English course

To learn English effectively, intensive English courses must meet certain criteria. So, the features of intensive training are as follows:

  • Spontaneous speech skills are practiced. Students learn to quickly respond to messages from their interlocutors using templates. Repeated practice is akin to memorizing the multiplication table, which you will recite even in your sleep.
  • a specially developed program and a high concentration of attention allow you to master a large amount of vocabulary and grammar in the form of ready-made constructions and subsequently use them without constructing sentences from scratch;
  • developing the skills of holistic speech perception helps to grasp the meaning of what is heard without translation and without focusing on unfamiliar words;
  • the use of mnemonic techniques allows you to remember material using associations; audio and video materials in English also help stimulate the process of memorizing new words;
  • A communicative focus and a large amount of conversational practice are mandatory in courses whose goal is to teach you to speak English.

If you are interested in expanding your English vocabulary in a minimum amount of time, we recommend that you read the article

The benefits of intensive English training

Intensive courses have a number of advantages over ordinary courses, namely:

  • Results in a short time. Speed ​​learning is suitable for anyone who needs to learn English in the shortest possible time. After just two weeks of the intensive you should feel a breakthrough. If this does not happen, feel free to change school or teacher.
  • Good communication skills. In a very short time, you will learn to speak English and understand what you hear, overcome the language barrier and psychological discomfort.
  • Passion for the process. With an intense load, you will feel involved in learning, and your brain and memory will quickly adapt to this pace and will work at 100%. As a result, you will soon be enjoying your lessons.
  • Visible target. Most likely, you will not quit the intensive halfway through, since the intensive sets a very specific goal towards which you move daily. When you see that the goal is quite achievable, a second wind opens.
  • Saving time and money. Each intensive must have an end result and a deadline. If you achieve the expected result within the specified period, most likely you will not return to learning English soon, until thunder strikes again.

Disadvantages of a crash course in English

However, speed courses also have disadvantages that you should be aware of:

. There is a huge amount of information that your brain needs to process after work, if you are not on vacation. Plus homework, which is also recommended to be completed. Not every human body is able to cope with strenuous work for several weeks or months. As they say, everyone has their own margin of safety.
  • Fast (read frantic) pace of learning. You will have to take courses almost every day. Missing a lesson means missing a topic that you will never return to. You won’t be able to be lazy here; you can quickly fall behind the group or get behind schedule when studying individually.
  • Ignoring grammar and phonetics. If your goal is not to quickly learn grammar, most likely, 70% of the lessons will be spent on oral speaking practice. With this approach, minimal attention is paid to grammatical rules, and you can forget about the pronunciation of the native speaker for a while.
  • Unilateralism. This drawback may be a plus for some, but it will be difficult to communicate on topics outside the course.
  • Popular express methods in English for self-study

    If you do not have the time and funds to attend high-speed courses at a language school, the solution for you may be to study English on your own using popular express methods.

    It should be taken into account that learn English intensively much more difficult on your own. In addition, the communicative task, that is, communicating in English, will not be realized if your goal is to speak as soon as possible.

    We wrote in detail about mistakes when learning English on your own in the article, but perhaps you should try one of the following methods.

    Learning English in frame 25

    Buying the course “English 25 frames” from the Intellect company for 1,500 rubles does not mean learning the language. The developers promise that you you can learn up to 25,000 English words, without straining at all.

    You can simply sit in your favorite chair in front of the TV, while the program will “record” phrases and sentences into your subconscious. In every hour you can learn about 50 words.

    So the language you study on your own and completely free. And if you are interested in phonetics and grammar, then you can use the reference book, which is also included in the program.

    Perhaps this program helps you remember a certain number of words that your brain can handle, but contrary to advertising, a sane person will think: how to use words that are in the subconscious, how to construct sentences and messages?

    Reviews of students learning English using the “25 frame” method(“Polyglot”, “Intelligence”, etc.), usually vary from sharply negative on forums to 100% positive, usually posted on companies’ own websites.

    Express method by Ilona Davydova

    The essence of I. Davydova’s method is in listening, memorizing and repeating clichéd phrases. As a result, as the author promises, you will be able to respond to your interlocutor’s message using memorized phrases and construct your own sentences.

    Reviews about learning English using Ilona Davydova’s method ambiguous. There are both positive and negative.

    Experts agree that this method will be good for those planning a trip abroad but learning the language. to communicate freely on it, it will not help you.

    English by Nikolai Yagodkin using “Advanced” technology

    Advertisements for Nikolai Yagodkin’s trainings can be found on almost any Internet site. The author promises. what will teach you remember any information 2-3 times faster, which means that you will achieve your goal faster.

    For example, he recommends writing out and memorizing all unfamiliar words from the track before watching it. After memorizing the words, you need to watch the video without subtitles. Thus, the author believes, our brain will focus only on what we really don’t know.

    On a note:

    In fact, his developments are based on mnemonics, the use of associative connections to facilitate memorization. Mnemonics are usually used to memorize individual words and lists of words, but they will not help you learn a full language. Its main disadvantage is the isolation of words from their natural context.

    Intensive English course: the best tutorials

    On the shelves of bookstores, various sites and the Internet manuals for self-studying English are represented quite widely. Let us note just a few textbooks for intensive study at home:

    • Self-instruction manual "English language. Intensive course for beginners”(Latysheva T.S.) The intensive course, presented in two books, can be used for self-study or for working with a teacher. After completing the course, you will be able to freely conduct a conversation on everyday topics within 2000-2500 words.
    • "English language. Intensive course of study.”(Chernenko D.V.) The textbook contains a large number of drawings and diagrams on English grammar and will be especially useful for those who are learning English from scratch.
    • “Intensive English Course”(Ignatova T.N.) This multimedia course includes 7 hours of audio. Designed for anyone who needs to master the English language in the shortest possible time. Designed for people who have some knowledge, but have no language practice.
    • "English language. Intensive exam preparation course”(Tatyana Parkhamovich, Elena Makarova) The textbook is aimed at applicants in preparation for entrance exams in English. Suitable for both independent study and work with a tutor. The manual includes explanations of grammar, diagrams and tables, examples of the use of words, various exercises and tests.

    Intensive English course via Skype

    Intensive English courses via Skype have no competitors due to their merits.

    They have already gained their popularity among those who want to achieve good results within a certain period of time. Analysts predict that in the next two years their demand will increase several times more.

    Online classes combine traditional methods typical of all intensive courses (we wrote about them earlier in this article) and the latest technologies that make your learning as comfortable as possible and less energy-consuming.

    Among the main advantages online learning english highlight:

    • Save time. In intensive conditions, every minute counts, and the fact that classes take place at your home, without additional costs for travel there and back, plays an important role.
    • Saving money. Individual lessons at school or at home are not cheap. In contrast, the prices for classes via Skype are quite moderate. You can save about 300 rubles on each Skype lesson.
    • Schedule flexibility. Study at a convenient time for you, be it morning, evening or night. If you are tired or not in the mood, reschedule the lesson to any time convenient for you and the teacher.
    • . Decide for yourself with the teacher what duration of the lesson is most effective for you: some people can barely stand 45 minutes, while for others even two hours is not enough.
    • The best teachers. Skype helps you find teachers from different parts of the world. Choose whether to study with a native speaker or a Russian-speaking professor. The main condition: there must be a result. Read how to choose the best English teacher
    • Dynamics of the program. The good thing about individual English lessons via Skype is that the material is selected only for you and your purposes. During the learning process, progress monitoring and program adjustments are required.
    • Support and control. If you study English via Skype at an online school, and have not found your tutor on your own on the Internet, you will most likely be offered methodological assistance. Your teacher and your progress will be monitored by a professional who will be able to notice shortcomings in time and improve the material and its presentation.
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    With the development of technology, new ways of learning English have begun to emerge. The most popular of them are learning through applications on phones and learning English via Skype. How effective are these teaching methods?

    Now we will look at the pros and cons of teaching via Skype. Can such lessons replace live communication with a teacher? What should you pay attention to when studying online?

    Within the framework of the article, English classes can be divided into 2 categories: group and individual classes, which, in turn, are divided into live or Skype classes.

    First, you need to decide which lesson format suits you best. We discussed this in detail in the article - how best to study English in a group or individually. This is important because these teaching formats aim to achieve different English language goals.

    Now let's look at the positive and negative aspects of learning via Skype and what you should pay attention to when learning via Skype.

    Advantages of learning English on Skype

    1. Classes in any place convenient for you.

    You don't have to travel anywhere, just open the program. Neither bad weather nor traffic jams will interfere with such activities. You don’t have to think about what to wear or the fact that you need to have time to clean the apartment before the teacher arrives. You study in conditions that are comfortable for you. All you need is a computer and Internet access.

    2. No attachment to time.

    This is very convenient for busy people. If you are constantly traveling or on business trips, you do not need to interrupt your studies. You can choose any time convenient for you. If you want, you can even practice at night.

    3. The opportunity to study with a teacher from anywhere in the world.

    This is very convenient, especially if you live in a small city where there is not a huge selection of courses and teachers. You can study with anyone: with native speakers from the USA, Canada, Australia, England, or with a Russian-speaking teacher.

    4. Low price.

    Although you will study at home, the cost of such classes will not be compared with the cost of individual lessons. After all, the teacher does not need to travel anywhere.

    Disadvantages of teaching English via Skype

    1. Non-professional teachers.

    If you decide to study via Skype, you need to be very responsible when choosing a teacher. Don't hesitate to ask your teacher to send you a copy of their diploma or other evidence of their professional skills, especially if it is in native media.

    It is also important to understand whether the teacher experience in this format of classes. After all, classes via Skype are very different from real training. At this stage, you can ask your teacher for the contact information of his students. If the teacher is good and his clients are happy, then he will easily give you their email or Skype so that you can ask about their impressions and results.

    It is important that your teacher prepares for the lessons and not treats them like you would a conversation with a friend.

    2. It is difficult to overcome the language barrier.

    3. Sound distortion.

    Communicating on the phone or on Skype is not the same as in person. Sometimes the connection is poor, and the teacher may not be able to hear that you are pronouncing some sounds incorrectly. And, accordingly, it will not always correct your mistakes.

    4. Live communication is more pleasant.

    An integral part of human dialogue is the emotional component: gestures, facial expressions, personal contact. The person who is nearby is better than on the screen. Some people are not comfortable communicating through “technical innovations”; they are much more pleased with a live conversation.

    5. It's difficult to organize yourself.

    Not everyone can bring themselves to study at home, especially after work. For many people, home is a place where we are used to rest and relax. English may take a backseat because you may cancel a lesson citing fatigue.

    6. Distractions.

    Most of us have husbands/wives, children, dogs, cats and fish. To take classes via Skype, you need to “get away from everyone” for a while and concentrate on classes, which is not always easy. In addition to this, at home something can constantly distract you: either you need to answer the phone, or pour tea, or open the door.

    In this case, it is difficult to concentrate on English and understand the new material that the teacher explains.

    7. Computer time.

    Almost all people spend a lot of time at the computer at work. Firstly, it is not very healthy, especially for the eyes. Secondly, not all people will be able to sit all day and all evening in front of a monitor.

    What is better: live training or skype?

    The main thing in learning English is the result, which you want to receive. Both learning methods have their positive and negative sides. In one case it is better to choose one training option, and in another - the second.

    The most important advantages of taking classes via Skype are saving time and the opportunity to study anywhere. If you are a busy person who is constantly traveling, or you live in a small town where there are no good courses or teachers, then this option will be the best for you.

    However, Skype lessons cannot replace a live lesson. If you have no problems with time and you can study live, then it is better to choose this option.

    Without confident English, you will not be able to convince your business partners that your proposal is serious. You can take one or more classes to practice communicating in English and perform at your best in real negotiations and business meetings. In this mini-course you will:

    master basic business or industry vocabulary that will be useful in meetings or negotiations;

    learn English words and expressions for argumentation, persuasion, opposition, proof and agreement with someone else's point of view;

    write a speech for a presentation, and also practice delivering it in front of the teacher;

    play out dialogues with the teacher, working through different scenarios for the outcome of business meetings and negotiations;

    You will learn in detail: how to outline the purpose of negotiations in English, discuss a business proposal and make a counter proposal, propose new ideas, resolve disagreements and resolve conflicts, and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.


    Presenting any business idea in Russian is a lot of stress in itself. In English, this is much more difficult to do: you not only need to convey the idea to your interlocutor, but also speak correctly, without mistakes, and even with good pronunciation. Our express course will help you understand all this and develop your own presentation style. After completing it, you will be able to:

    use business or industry vocabulary when composing texts for presentation slides, graphs, tables and diagrams;

    translate the text of the finished presentation from Russian into English;

    introduce yourself and the topic of the presentation in English, give comments on the handouts, focus the audience’s attention on the most important points of the presentation and correctly complete the presentation;

    sound beautiful and convincing during a presentation with the correct intonation and meaningful pauses;

    Prepare answers to potential questions from audience members.

    Business trips abroad

    If you often travel abroad on business trips or to meet with business partners, you need a crash course that will allow you to feel comfortable in an English-speaking business environment. We will teach you:

    use business or industry vocabulary when communicating with foreigners at exhibitions, conferences, seminars and trainings;

    organize business trips: buy tickets, book accommodation, take out insurance - and all this in English;

    use basic tourist phrasebooks to communicate at the airport, hotel, store and other popular places;

    navigate an unfamiliar city and quickly get to the necessary conference rooms, restaurants and any other places for business meetings.

    Visa interview

    If you need to undergo a visa interview, we will prepare you as quickly as possible. There are tourist, work, student and immigration visas. Together with your teacher, you will play out the main possible interview scenarios. Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

    remove the fear of a language barrier that may prevent you from passing an interview;

    answer any of the basic questions that a visa center employee may ask you.

    The program is developed for each student individually. If you need an immigrant visa, you may be asked about the history and culture of your destination country. If you are interviewing for a work visa, you will hear questions about your professional experience, the reasons for your desire to work abroad and your plans to return to your homeland.

    Conversational English course via Skype is the most popular course at our school. You feel the result after the first lesson, even at the initial level, and receive a large amount of information in the shortest possible time. The course is suitable for both beginners and those wishing to refresh old knowledge. Immersion in the language environment and overcoming the language barrier, a set of useful vocabulary for communication, the opportunity to quickly learn to communicate competently on everyday topics in an English-speaking environment - all these are the advantages of the English speaking intensive.


    • You have a very short time frame for learning a foreign language;
    • You want to prepare for the international exam format (provided that you have sufficient language proficiency to pass the chosen exam) in the near future;
    • You need to prepare for an important interview;
    • in the near future you will be traveling to an English-speaking environment;
    • you want to achieve the effect of “immersion in the environment” using old knowledge in spoken language and gaining new knowledge;
    • You have a desire to attend classes, do your homework well, and follow the teacher’s recommendations.


    When studying English intensively via Skype, you study 4-5 times a week, one lesson lasts from 1 hour (60 minutes) to 2.5 hours (160 minutes). The minimum course duration is 2 weeks, maximum 3 months. Most of the lesson (up to 80%) is devoted to speaking practice in a foreign language. You study the necessary grammar in accordance with your level of English proficiency, train your listening skills, thereby improving your ability to understand foreign speech by ear, significantly increase your vocabulary, systematize old knowledge and use new ones in practice!

    Training in the course CONVERSATIONAL INTENSIVE: ENGLISH takes place at the following levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-intermediate. If you have never studied English before, we suggest you study 3-4 times a week for an hour for 2.5 - 3 months, this pace will allow you to learn and consolidate the material properly.

    The teacher selects the pace necessary for you, prepares additional theoretical and practical material, motivates you to learn a foreign language, re-explains points where difficulties arose, corrects mistakes and gives the necessary recommendations, following which you will successfully learn a large amount of information in the shortest possible time.

    Individual program and pace of preparation, student motivation when taking an intensive English language course

    Studying the most relevant topics on general topics (for traveling abroad for tourism) or business topics (for an interview or for work) will allow you to quickly and efficiently obtain the necessary knowledge in accordance with your goal - to speak English.

    p.s. The intensive course is designed not only for English language learners. At the ALTAIR Online foreign language school, teaching other foreign languages ​​via Skype is also available.

    TIP: if you are studying several foreign languages, use the intensive course for only one, and attend the rest once a week to maintain the level.

    English language training lessons

    according to multi-level training programs.

    How it works

    Developed by professionals and proven by 30 years of experience, an effective method of quickly teaching conversational skills based on the principle of creating an artificial language environment without using the Russian language and removing the language barrier and fear of speaking allows you to start learning from an initial level and quickly master the basics of the language.

    You do the talking 85% of the time!

    You learn a language in a complex way: speaking, listening, reading, writing.

    Language learning is based on the principles:

    • Consciousness (reliance on a certain system of rules that precede the formation of a skill and, in their totality, give the learner an idea of ​​the system of the language being studied).
    • Visualization (use of various types and forms of visibility: linguistic, visual).
    • Accessibility, which is ensured thanks to the interactive mode of operation.
    • A positive emotional background that is capable of creating a stable learning motivation for each student.

    What do we teach

    General English speaking programs by level:

    • Elementary-1
    • Elementary-2
    • Pre-intermediate
    • Intermediate
    • Upper-Intermediate,

    Allowing you to expand your vocabulary on everyday topics, overcome the language barrier, learn to perceive speech by ear, speak phonetically correctly, and easily and quickly use lexical and grammatical structures in speech.

    Lesson duration: 2 ac. hours 3 times a week, class time (morning, afternoon, evening, day of the week) is determined at the request of the customer.

    The total duration of the course is 10 weeks (60 hours).

    As well as specialized courses:

    • A business course with the study of professional vocabulary and business etiquette for negotiations with partners and communication with colleagues, participation in conferences and exhibitions, organization of public speaking and presentations, participation in foreign business trips.
    • English for travel.

    Express courses are short situational courses that develop only the necessary skills and provide sufficient knowledge to cope with a specific life task:

    • Preparing for an interview at a foreign company.
    • Conducting presentations in English.

    Conversational trainings for those wishing to improve their spoken English skills and maintain their language level in shape. Such online trainings in live communication with a teacher provide an opportunity to deepen your knowledge, remember what you have already studied and move forward. They also allow you to quickly prepare for an international exam or a business trip. The topics of classes are compiled individually in accordance with the needs of the student. Educational material (vocabulary and grammar exercises) is sent individually to the personal email address of each student before the start of classes.

    Lesson duration: 2 ac. hours 2 times a week, class time (morning, afternoon, evening, day of the week) is determined at the request of the customer. The total duration of the course is 5 weeks (20 hours).

    What training materials are used

    At each stage, textbooks are used that are compiled by English-speaking experts and are recognized as one of the best in Europe: Interchange (Cambridge University Press) and Total English (Longman Publishing).

    Each student receives an electronic version of educational materials.

    Upon completion of training, a certificate of the appropriate level is issued.

    How is the lesson going?

    A webinar platform or Skype is used to conduct classes.

    A webinar platform or Skype is used to conduct classes.

    During the lesson, the student is presented with new lexical and grammatical material, which is carefully practiced in various speech exercises aimed at developing stable speaking skills, and then consolidated in free communication (dialogue with the teacher).

    The teacher is only concerned with you.

    Each lesson includes:

    • Explanation of new vocabulary and grammar.
    • Practicing the introduced new material.
    • Further use of it in a free conversation with the teacher.
    • Checking homework with correction and explanation of errors.
    • During the lesson, audio and video materials and an electronic board are used.

    How homework is checked

    Homework is completed in the webinar room or sent to your email address, automatically checked by the teacher in the electronic version, and errors are analyzed during the next Skype lesson.

    How is your learning process regulated?

    The center's managers are always ready to solve your problems and answer all your questions promptly: by phone, Skype and mail. A technical specialist helps resolve any issues: setting up Skype or making a payment.

    To save your money, you can pay in stages, each time for 10 lessons in advance. You can also reschedule or cancel a scheduled lesson by agreeing with the center manager.

    Upon completion of the training, you receive a certificate confirming the level of training you have completed.

    How does distance learning work at Intensive?