In what year did the factory group appear? Full history of the composition of the factory group

In 2002, an interesting musical project was launched on Channel One, which attracted both young people and adults to their televisions - “Star Factory” (first season). Before the eyes of millions of television viewers, real show business stars were formed from ordinary people. It was on this project that the well-known female pop group “Factory” was born today. For more than 15 years, she has been delighting her fans with beautiful songs that differ from other modern compositions in the presence of folklore elements and the absence of vulgarity.

The appearance of the team

“Star Factory” was an unusual project. It was a reality show. All participants lived in a specially prepared Star House. Every day of their life was filmed from morning to night. The most interesting moments were broadcast on TV, and the week ended for the manufacturers with a reporting concert and the departure of one of the participants.

4 incredibly beautiful and talented girls held out until the very end - Ira Toneva, Sasha Savelyeva, Sati Casanova and Masha Alalykina. Igor Matvienko, who is the main producer of the show, decided to unite the participants into one group. “Factory” is the name of the team. The project for the girls was completed successfully. They won 2nd place and received songs such as “About Love”, “Oh, Yes”, “You Understand” into their creative treasury. When 1 year passed after the end of the show, Masha Alalykina left the group. For several years, contact with her was lost.

The fate of Masha Alalykina

Masha Alalykina won the hearts of a huge number of fans even while participating in the “Star Factory”. The young girl was distinguished by her bright appearance and cheerful disposition. On the project, Masha was not shy about the cameras. She behaved freely, at ease, flirted with Alexei Kabanov, a participant in the “Star Factory”.

After the end of the project, Masha Alalykina went on tour around the country with the resulting group. At first glance, it seemed that the girl liked her new life. No one expected that such a bright participant would leave the team in August 2003.

For several years, the girls from the Factory group did not know what the fate of their former colleague had been. More recently, it turned out that Masha Alalykina got married, converted to Islam and devoted herself entirely to her family. In 2008, the marriage was unfortunately destroyed by her beloved friend. This situation caused a lot of pain for Masha, who today goes by the name Maryam. However, the girl did not give up her former life. The former lead singer of the group is no longer attracted to show business. She doesn't see her future in him.

The departure of Sati Casanova

After the departure of Masha Alalykina, the new performer was not accepted into the group. The remaining soloists from the Factory group decided to sing together. They successfully released songs, videos, and albums. The main participant was Sati Casanova. She differed from other girls in her unusual appearance and beautiful voice. In 2010, Sati decided to leave the group. The reason for leaving was the desire to feel freedom, give up strict schedules, and build a solo career.

When life began from scratch, Sati Casanova could not find herself for a long time. In one of her interviews, she said that she is attracted to ethnic music, mantras, ancient melodies and chants. Today Sati Casanova has a rather varied life. She teaches yoga, acts in films, commercials, and releases touching and incendiary songs.

New members

After the departure of Sati Casanova, the vacant place in the group was taken by Katya Li, shown below in the photo. In the Factory group, this girl was not inexperienced. She is from 2006 to 2010. was listed as part of the Hi-Fi group. The girl explained her move to Factory with a desire to achieve something more in her career. In 2013, the factory girls lost this participant too. Katya Lee left the group due to an injury received during the filming of a video clip.

In 2014, Alexandra Popova came to the Factory. She participated in the project “I want to join VIA Gro.” Even at the casting, many viewers liked the girl. In front of a strict jury, she performed the song “Watchmen” by the group “Boombox” in a very interesting style. In the “I want to join VIA Gro” project, the girl, unfortunately, did not reach the final. However, her career was still successful. She fit in perfectly with the factory team and is its highlight today.

The brightest songs

The Fabrika group has several dozen songs to its credit. One of the most significant compositions for performers and fans is “About Love”. This song appeared on the “Star Factory”. At the beginning of 2003, a video was shot, and at the end of the year the girls received their first “Golden Gramophone” - an award for this musical hit.

All subsequent compositions also aroused interest among fans and music lovers. The group also received the Golden Gramophone for the songs “Lelik”, “I’m Not Guilty”, “Light the Lights”, “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”. In 2018, an unusual song was released - “Vova Vova”. A video was shot for it. In it, the girls sing about their work and their boss named Vova, whose heart they want to win. It is not difficult to guess which man we are talking about, because the video shows a photograph of the president. The clip received many dislikes and negative ratings.

The Factory group, like any other group, has unsuccessful works (performances, videos). However, this does not in the least prevent girls from remaining popular. The team plans to further develop and delight fans with their creativity.

Russian pop group, which included graduates of the first episode of the television project Channel One"Star Factory" .

Creation of the "Factory" group

Group "Factory" was created by the show's producer Igor Matvienko in 2002, long before the finale. Four girls performed on stage - Maria Alalykina, Sati Casanova, Irina Toneva and Alexandra Savelyev. Their composition "About love" soared to the top of the domestic charts and stayed there for twenty-six weeks, and the group itself took second place in the debut release of the musical project.

In 2003 "Factory" left Masha Alalykina. She stubbornly pursued success - she became a laureate of the “Beauty of Russia” competition, took part in candid photography for men’s magazines, but suddenly decided to turn her life around. Masha left the stage and devoted herself to study and family - in May 2004 she gave birth to a daughter Ekaterina. Then a huge scandal broke out on religious grounds - at the insistence of her husband Maria converted to Islam. After few years Alexey Zuenko left them with his little daughter for another woman, but she Masha has no regrets:

– I think that the main thing in life is not to “make money” and not to “get a buzz from life”, but to achieve something, to find yourself. Money is important - no doubt about it. It’s stupid to beat your chest and shout: “These rubbish pieces of paper are dirt.” But not everything is for sale. Life fuel is information.

The creative path of the Factory group

In 2003, the first album of the female trio was released - "Factory Girls". This project Igor Matvienko became unique in its own way, since he did not have the task of bringing girls to the international level. The group performs simple songs, simple and easy to remember. Compositions “Fish”, “It’s not my fault”, “Light the lights” instantly shot to the top of the charts.

Sati Casanova entered the first hundred beauties according to FHM magazine, and later her name, along with the name Sasha Savelyeva, was included in the list of the hundred most beautiful people in Moscow.

– We are united by many years of friendship; we have become so accustomed to each other that we understand each other perfectly. We are also united by decency. We never weave intrigues or engage in gossip. We were just very lucky that we met at the same “Star Factory”.

Irina Toneva, unlike her colleagues in the group, she never dreamed of the stage, but was interested in chemistry. She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Leather and Fur from the University of Design and Technology. Only with time Irina I realized that I couldn’t live without creativity, and became a student at the School of Pop and Jazz Arts.

Sati Casanova And Sasha Savelyeva dedicated their lives to music from early childhood - both graduated from the Gnessin State Music College.

The group's second album was released in 2008. "Factory" entitled "We are so different", and two years later she left the team Sati, who decided to go free and pursue a solo career. Contrary to popular belief, she remained on excellent terms with her former colleagues, and her producer was Igor Matvienko.

– We had a difficult conversation with the girls. We were sitting in some cafe, and we were literally shaking with tears. I won't say anything about envy. If it was there, it was only at the beginning, during the grinding-in period. And not even envy, but competition. The first three years it was especially acute. Then it dawned on us that all this was not very good, and the competition took a different form. We suddenly began to open up to each other. They wondered: how did you do it, and how did that... They began to share the secrets of their craft.

In May 2010, the former lead singer of the group was invited to join the group “Hi-Fi” Ekaterina Lee, which, like Sati, originally from Kabardino-Balkaria. Soon the first video of “Factory” with a new composition for the song was released "Ali Baba", and then the audience saw a very colorful video for the composition "I'll kiss you".

The Factory group has won four Golden Gramophone awards and a Stopudovy Hit award.

Discography of the group "Factory"

  • We are so different, 2008
  • Factory girls, 2003

Childhood and family of Maria Alalykina: dances and music

Masha was born into an ordinary family, lived in the residential area of ​​​​Alla Dukhova.

Back in 2001, Maria became the winner of the “Beauty of Russia” competition. As she said in an interview, this came as a surprise to her. Before participating in the competition, the girl decided for herself that she would be able to appear on television; we can say that she set such a goal for herself. Another dream of Masha was to sing from the stage.

Maria Alalykina converted to Islam. Interview

She posted the photo, having previously scanned it, as a participant in the competition. About six months later, when she went to the website, she saw that her name was among the finalists based on the results of online voting. Maria was surprised to learn that she had been chosen as the girl of the week. Even going to the finals, she did not know who her competitors were. Masha perceived her victory then as something extremely important. She was waiting, what would happen next, what would follow such a brilliant victory? Giving an interview after the award, she said that her dream is happiness in her personal life and a successful career.

A few months later, photographs of the girl appeared in a number of magazines, including FHM magazine.

Maria Alalykina at the Star Factory

In 2002, Maria was chosen from many applicants for the first “Star Factory”, hosted by Yana Churikova. She came there by chance, one might say, in company with her younger sister Margarita. However, because of her young age, her sister was not accepted, but Masha was accepted.

The singer had a character that did not allow her to do anything for a long time. Very quickly she got bored with everything, she lost interest and began to look for something else. Masha thought that once she got to the “Factory” she would be able to fulfill her old dream of singing on stage. The girl wanted the audience to hear her songs, wanted to engage in personal creativity, to convey her thoughts to people. However, in reality everything turned out not to be as the girl imagined.

The producers of this project decided to create a group. Thus, Alalykina did not get the opportunity to perform on her own. Having not been in the first cast for even six months, Maria decided to leave the project. During these few months, she managed to star in a single video. Its title is “About Love”. Many believed that Maria was the most beautiful singer of the first line-up.

Maria Alalykina after “Factory”

During the time spent at the Factory, Masha fell far behind at the university. She practically never appeared there. In addition, there have been changes in the singer’s personal life.

How did singer Masha Alalykina from “Factory” trade the spotlight for Salafis?

Later in the interview, the girl said that she was disappointed in “Factory”, since the project did not allow each of the participants to open up personally. Another reason for leaving is the threat of expulsion from the university. Initially, when going to the project, Alalykina thought that she would be able to somehow combine performances and studies, because she was not the only one. But it turned out that this was not easy, in addition, the dean’s office was opposed to having such a student study at the university who skips most classes. At some point, Masha realized that the doors to her past life, where her favorite university was, began to close in front of her.

Work and rehearsals in the group seemed to her like some kind of continuous holiday, far from reality. She had to make a very difficult choice. By leaving the team, she surprised many. A considerable number of people thought that she had done a stupid thing, because success, fame, and financial independence lay ahead. We can say that she left at the height of her possible career.

Producer Igor Matvienko agreed to help Maria and promised to issue the necessary certificates for the university. But Alalykina made it clear to everyone that her decision was deliberate and made finally. Despite the fact that leaving the group was a violation of the contract signed by the singer, they did not forcefully keep her, they took her decision seriously and with understanding.

The teachers happily accepted the girl’s return to school and helped her catch up on the missed program.

Personal life of Maria Alalykina

There was a lot of gossip in the media about the reasons for Maria leaving the group. It was even assumed that she was pregnant. However, these were all rumors. Soon she got married. Her husband was a successful businessman. After he converted to Islam, Mary also changed her faith. Since then, her name has been Maryam. A daughter was born in the marriage. Everything was fine in the family, and the girl felt happy. Seven years later, changes occurred in her life - her husband married her close friend, and Alalykina returned to her parents.

Graduate of the “Star Factory” Maria Alalykina.

Maryam worked at the linguistic center at Leningrad State Medical University. According to the girl, she was asked to leave her job because of her unusual appearance, because after becoming a Muslim, she always wore a headscarf and a floor-length skirt. However, Leningrad State Medical University claimed that Alalykina resigned of her own free will. In 2007, the girl made an unsuccessful attempt to return to the stage. She wanted to get on the New Wave. The composition that Maryam recorded for the competition was not accepted.

Maria Alalykina today

Lately, Alalykina has been translating for a number of Muslim websites. In addition to five European languages, she also speaks Arabic. In addition, she runs a “Live Journal” on the Internet, where you can read many of the former singer’s personal reflections on the topic of religion. Maryam does not regret that she once left the project and changed her life and faith. If you judge her life by her posts on the Internet, we can say that she found what she wanted.

Nationwide love, enormous popularity, contracts with leading domestic producers: graduates and laureates of all “Star Factories” could count on a powerful start in their musical career. However, the first composition of the Factory group was awarded various awards outside of musical activities.

When the group "Factory" (the first composition) was created, the names of the participants consisted entirely of finalists of the project "Star Factory - 1". Probably, at that time, no one suspected that the team would last so long within the framework of domestic show business, or that there would be any personnel changes in it.

So, the very first girls of the "Factory" group were Maria Alalykina, Sataney Casanova, Alexandra Savelyeva and Irina Toneva. In general, the formation of the group itself was an unexpected result: the “Star Factory” project was initially aimed at discovering fresh musical talents among young and beautiful people who would create a start for a solo career, which is why the emergence of the groups “Korni” (winners of the project) and “Factory” ( second place) was not a pre-planned accident.

Each of the participants had unique vocal abilities. Masha Alalykina amazed with the soft timbre of her voice, able to modulate folk notes; Ira Toneva increased the jazz power of her voice. Sati Casanova and Sasha Savelyeva did not have pleasant pop voices, but they also used folklore skills. Sasha Savelyeva knew how to sing in a Russian folk voice (though she didn’t really like this style and understood its beauty already during classes at the “Star Factory”), and Sati Casanova sometimes sang Kabardian songs.

Many people note that the very first composition of the Factory group consisted entirely of beauties - as if they were handpicked! Forgetting that the girls were really “for selection”: the competition to recruit future project participants was attended by many boys and girls across the country, so the jury had a big choice between simply “talented” and “beautiful and talented” applicants. Since “Star Factory - 1” was the very first television project of this format in our country, in order to increase the viewership, preference was given to truly beautiful boys and girls. In extreme cases, having a non-standard, but very bright appearance. And all of them, at the same time, had serious vocal abilities and great potential.

So the photographs of the girls from the Factory group, which regularly appear in men's magazines and "the most beautiful stars" ratings, are not at all accidental: there simply could not be another option.

Masha Alalykina was the first to leave the group. During the finals of the “Star Factory” and subsequent tours, the girl believed that the group format was a temporary phenomenon, and then each participant would be able to pursue a solo career (this was precisely the goal that Masha pursued when applying for participation in the competition). But the producers made it clear that the Factory group was here to stay, and Masha left.

Therefore, the very first composition of the "Factory" group - a charming quartet of loud-voiced girls - lasted literally six months after the end of the "Star Factory" competition. And after the departure of Masha Alalykina, “Factory” turned into a trio and still exists in this format.

Ira Toneva, Sati Casanova, Sasha Savelyeva - these are the names of the participants who made a splash throughout the country. At first it seemed that the group was popular only due to the inertia of the just ended television project and would soon break up or become less popular. For example, "Roots" - the boy's team of winners of "FZ-1" (by the way, took 1st place there) quite quickly lost their army of fans and the interest of the audience. But “Factory” made an incredible and unexpected somersault.

Beautiful girls with beautiful voices, performing in the genre of “modern Russian folk songs” (this is how the group’s producers described the group’s work) gradually gained popularity, releasing hit after hit, until they unexpectedly found themselves the most popular girl band in the country. Squeezing out even the unattainable "Brilliants"! And this result was a complete surprise both for Sasha, Ira and Sati (and the participants of “Brilliant”), and for the producers of the young team. This is what it means to “catch the wave” in show business!

For a very long time, the “Factory” project existed in exactly this composition, until Sati Casanova - the first after Masha - went into free solo swimming. It was very difficult and painful to part with her friends, but Sati could no longer restrain her musical explorations, which did not at all fit the format of a pop group. And if for work she still had to conform to the pop style of performance, then “for the soul” she simultaneously organized a musical group performing in the jazz direction.

From time to time Sasha Savelyeva also does solo projects, while remaining a member of the “Factory”. Probably, the girl has not yet fully decided whether she wants to develop independently or continue to work in a group. The main thing is that Sasha has enough time and energy for all types of creativity, so no one is offended!

Irina Toneva surprised everyone the most: while participating in the “Star Factory,” it seemed that the red-haired girl with an incredibly strong jazz voice and enormous energy simply could not hold on in the format of any group - both her talent and ambitions were not the same! However, the strong friendships that arose between the girls helped Ira remain in the group painlessly.

After Sati left, a place in the trio went to a beautiful brunette who already had experience in show business: Ekaterina Lee, a former member of “Hi-Fi,” fit into the group perfectly both in terms of vocal and appearance. But a back injury suffered during the filming of the video forced Katya to end her career.

Now another Sasha sings with Ira and Sasha. Alexandra Popova tried to make a career by taking part in the “I want to go to Via-Gru” competition, but did not reach the finals. But the girls from “Factory” and their producer noticed her: they all really liked Alexandra, so the invitation to perform as part of the famous trio was not long in coming.

October 13, 2002 many remember this date as launch of the first Russian music show of its kind “ Star Factory"! Their reporting concerts kept viewers glued to the screens every Friday, their songs purred millions of fans under their breath, and their tours across the country filled stadiums. Let's remember all the participants in the first " Star factories“and we’ll find out what happened to the people’s favorites, how and with what they live today. I warn you right away that this is only the first part, so look forward to the continuation tomorrow!

Maria Alalykina (32)

An inconspicuous nine-story building on the outskirts Moscow strikingly different from the apartments where the current members of the group live “ Factory" Masha lives a secluded life, and her mother answers calls from journalists in a tired voice Svetlana. “We are tired of attention and constant calls,” the woman admitted. – Masha He won’t communicate with you, and I don’t have time. There's a lot to do. And anyway, my dinner is burning.” Maria does not contact the press, and her life is more like the life of a recluse, which is surprising, because at a young age she won beauty contests (“ Beauty of Russia") and her photographs were published in a popular men's magazine.

Maria Alalykina was a versatile person and tried herself not only in music, but also in dancing (for some time she danced in the show ballet “ Todes"). Only she quickly became bored, uninterested, and she was looking for something big. Even in the project " Star Factory“The girl’s euphoria quickly disappeared. She wanted to convey her thoughts to the public through songs. But instead, she sang what they said, in the composition in which they ordered. In addition, Masha I had serious problems with my studies. They threatened to expel her from the university. Therefore, she made a firm decision to leave the group - two months after its creation, having managed to star in a single video for the song “ About love" Soon Masha married a businessman Alexey Zuenko, gave birth to a daughter Katya, returned to university and re-entered the jazz college. It would seem that life is getting better. In addition, the changes affected not only family life Maria. She became a Muslim! There were rumors that it was her husband who influenced the girl in this decision. Herself Alalykina She said more than once that she converted to Islam of her own free will. Moreover, in one interview she said that faith helped her improve relationships with her parents.

Unfortunately, happiness and harmony did not reign in her family for long. The year on the calendar was 2008, when Maria introduced her husband to her ill-fated friend. On the picture Maria, to your surprise, on the right, and in the arms of your husband is that same homewrecker. Later in the Internet Diary Maria an entry will appear: “...My best friend, together with my beloved (former, if you dare talk about love in the past) were seen by me tenderly walking by the hand. I introduced them personally two months earlier in Sevastopol. And she helped them become closer spiritually. Still love both. But it’s hard to get used to the idea...” During that difficult period Alalykin fired from work linguistic center at Moscow State Linguistic University, which she herself finished at one time. According to Masha, the reason for this was the scarf she wore to class.

Now Maria or Maryam, as she calls herself, keeps her diary in “ LiveJournal"and does translations for Muslim websites. She knows 6 languages: 5 European and Arabic. From colleagues on " Star Factory» supports communication only with Sati Casanova(32) and regularly congratulates her on all Muslim holidays.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov (39)

Who doesn't remember this fiery guy? It was impossible to stand still from his songs, and your feet in “orange boots” just started dancing. Graduate Voronezh Assembly College and a student of the local journalism department, who served in the border troops, DJ “ Russian radio", a collector of beer mugs, a self-employed entrepreneur and a man who put his whole life into building an unforgettable image of a crazy funny guy - all this Mikhail Grebenshchikov! Among the participants of the first " Star factories“He had a rare zest for life and seemed to really enjoy every day he spent on the reality show. And the audience loved it too Mikhailthe artist was the leader in online voting for a long time and eventually won third place. But we got ahead Mikhail not at all the more talented and independent soloists - in such a fight he would probably defeat anyone. Producer's projects set the dashing guy up " Roots" and "Factory».

As before, Michael- this is a person who makes an action out of every step in his life, a performance out of two, and a meaningful artistic gesture out of running in place. It doesn’t matter what he’s actually doing: sitting in an Indian costume at a youth culture festival in Vladivostok, stars as a referee in a Russian TV series or advises dousing yourself with dill water on Channel One. Brand " Mikhail Grebenshchikov"stands firmly on his feet. Now he himself can produce “manufacturers” and argue with his former producer like an adult Igor Matvienko(55) and even teach young talents.

In the photo the ill-fated sheepskin coat

True, sometimes scandals shake him. One of them took place in February of this year, when Mikhail accused of stealing a sheepskin coat made of wolf fur. Grebenshchikova, like other celebrities, was invited to the opening of a fur salon and, according to him, was given this sheepskin coat as a gift. The artist even thanked the salon owners into the microphone for such a generous donation. But before he could cross the threshold of the store, security stopped him and demanded that he take off his sheepskin coat. When Michael After all, he left in his new clothes, the owners of the store contacted its administrator and demanded that the valuable item be returned, otherwise they would contact the police. Michael laughed it off and returned their “gift” to the salon.

As you know, he is now a music creative producer in children's school of professional creative development of Alla Pugacheva (66) Future Star. Grebenshchikov is also an employee Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and he is a frequent guest at parties in the capital, where he spins his DJ sets. And you probably remember the twins who appeared in the video Mikhail Grebenshchikov. He subsequently married one of them and now has two lovely daughters.

Jam Sheriff (40)

In project " Star Factory» Jam Sheriff(full name Jam Sherif Musa) attracted attention not only with his extraordinary appearance, but also with his talent. In 2005 the name Jema again sparkled in the media, as his duet with Elena Terleeva(30) won the first semi-final " Eurovision" Their track No more war showed how " Star Factory"popular among the people. After all Jam And Lena, having completed their participation in the project, almost did not appear on television and nevertheless received more audience votes than Anastasia Stotskaya(32) and (33). Few people know, but before " Star factories» Jam Sheriff worked as a consultant in a private Moscow clinic.

2005 was for Jam Sherif intense: he participated in the television reality show " Last Hero“However, he failed to take away the cash trophy.
Now Jam turned to directing and thoroughly began his education in this field. “My outlet is directing, because I see words and music in pictures and feel my own stories,” said the artist. He recently graduated First national television school and received a diploma of second higher education in the specialty " TV director».
Director's Path Sheriff It's going more or less successfully. His thesis " Moscow - my love"in the comedy genre was nominated as best foreign film at the prestigious short film festival in Australia.

Pavel Artemyev (32)

Even those who were not a fan of the project remember his curly hair and charming burr. Star Factory». Pavel Artemiev became one of the most popular “manufacturers”, and his name was replicated by all Russian media. Let me remind you that the group “ Roots"took first place in the final of the popular music show Channel One and for many years it collected halls and stadiums throughout the country. From the very beginning, Pavel understood that participation in the group was a temporary stage, so he did not stay in the team for long. After he left in 2010, he said: "It was a great experience, but I never saw myself being in this band at 40."

Now Paul continues to make music. He gives solo concerts, the last of which, by the way, took place not so long ago, on September 10, in the Moscow bar “ Music Pub».
Pavel Artemiev I decided not to focus only on music. He also tries himself on the theater stage, although he has no professional education, to enroll in an acting college Paul no plans yet. Artemiev believes that each of his performances, each role in a film is his university, the practice that hones his facets as an artist. Today Paul plays in performances of the Moscow theater " Practice"and is the ideological leader and lead singer of the group Artemiev. Pavel Artemiev and his group are frequent guests at all kinds of festivals and clubs Moscow And St. Petersburg.

Fans of the charming Pavel there is a separate reason for joy: Channel One has launched the series “ Tatyana's night", Where Artemiev plays one of the main roles.

Yulia Buzhilova (32)

Yulia Buzhilova, participant of the first " Star factories", called new Linda(38) and compared with Renata Litvinova(48). The producers predicted a great future for her, and her fans avidly listened to her music.
Today, the girl who once successfully appeared on TV is not listed either in the charts or in the yellow press. She disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.
At one of the reporting concerts of the first " Factories" song " Sleep", written Buzhilova, captivated everyone: project participants, producers, and fans. Igor Matvienko(55) then realized that he had made the right choice by inviting a young girl to the casting of a popular reality show. Buzhilova and the famous producer had known each other for a long time. After graduation Kyiv Musical College and touring Ukraine Yulia turned to him. Matvienko saw real talent and charisma in her and suggested going to " Star Factory».
Buzhilova, unlike other manufacturers, instead of cheap shocking, love scenes and constant scandals, chose the image of a mysterious and enigmatic singer. Even on the Internet you can't find much about it.

"Manufacturer" BuzhilovaI always dreamed of being popular, but I never wanted to be a star. She wrote poetry and music herself, but for some reason she was not a producer.Matvienko, nor million rubles donatedChannel Onethe aspiring singer did not get any help after the project. Many believed thatYuleThis million came from connections, and not from talent. Be that as it may, we did not hear new songs and albums for which that same million rubles were allocated. By the way, now the producer doesn’t really know anything about his former ward.
“No one gave me a million,” she saidJulia, - They gave me a huge piece of paper with “million” written on it. I still have it somewhere at home. I joked at one time that I would go to the store with her and give her to the seller, like a food coupon in Soviet times.”
It is known that Yulia Buzhilovamarried a sound engineer and became a mother. She does not advertise her personal life. Tired of waiting for support fromIgor Matvienko, JuliaInstead of a solo career and the love of millions of fans, she chose the love of one person and, apparently, she was right. She writes lyrics forVicky Daineko(28) and groups " Factory”, but never got around to his solo album. NowBuzhilovadreams of creating an anti-feminist movement, building the safest plane in the world and learning German, Bulgarian and Polish. And let her dreams come true!

Alexander Astashenok (33)

Alexander Astashenok We remember him as one of the members of the popular group " Roots" The team existed for a long time after the end of the project " Star Factory", but the collapse was inevitable when, following the departure of the frontman Pavel Artemyev left the group and Astashenok. But don't worry Alexander Still creative, he did not see his future in music and began studying acting. Astashenok graduated from the acting department GITIS and began performing on the theater stage. Friendship from " Roots” grew into friendship in the theater. Alexander shared the stage Russian Theater With Pavel Artemyev in the production " Until the death separates us…».

Astashenok greedy for roles, so he tries himself not only in the theater, but also on television. In addition to feature films (“ Still alive») Alexander He also starred in television series. If you're a fan of " Closed school", then you probably remember the secret agent whom he embodied on the screen Astashenok. His dream role is James Bond. Alexander Astashenok does not give up studying music, although now he writes it not for his solo album, but for the films in which he is starring, or for other performers, while acting as a composer and producer.

Konstantina Dudoladova (39) is not about singing and music at all, but about style and makeup. Many believed that the project " Star Factory» Konstantin, comes from Nakhodki, got in thanks to his bright appearance. Anything is possible, because this appearance has saved him more than once! Finding yourself in the capital penniless, Konstantin I had to earn my living somehow, and there was little choice. Dudoladov worked as a stripper in " Russian troika" And " Firebird", he worked part-time as a model, but his shocking antics once disrupted a show, and after that he stopped receiving invitations...

He realized that he needed to move on, since the measly $20 that he was given for his shift “at the pole” could not feed a person in an expensive metropolis. At the moment when from the project " Star Factory» ran away Zhanna Cherukhina(32), many in the social circle already knew Constantine. The organizers had to urgently look for a replacement for the vacant place. And a tall blond man with a charming smile approached like no one else. His appearance was bright, his image was memorable. But after the final show " Star factories"fans haven't heard a single track from Dudoladova and didn’t see a single video with his participation. The guy completely disappeared from the screens and from rotations.

Konstantin I decided to return to where I started - to style and makeup. And he achieved great success. Today Konstantin Dudoladov is the owner of a chain of salons " Eco Beauty Service DUDO", and he is also an image maker and exclusive stylist. He has a 15-year-old son, and he dreams of opening a couple of shops in Tokyo, because he believes that he sews clothes specifically for such freaks as the Japanese.