Marriage of Presnyakov and Lenskaya. Star families: Presnyakov and Podolskaya

Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov is a Russian singer, composer, and actor. He became famous for his melodic songs and unique high voice.


Vladimir was born on March 29, 1968 in Sverdlovsk into the musical family of Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov. Vladimir and Elena actively participated in amateur performances and at that time were just beginning their creative path. The family lived poorly: when the baby was born, the parents could hardly find funds even to buy a crib. However, despite financial difficulties, the Presnyakovs lived in peace and harmony.

Some time after the birth of their son, serious changes took place: the talented couple was invited to Moscow: the head of the then popular VIA “Gems” saw the young artists on stage and decided to start working with them.

Left in the care of his grandmothers and aunts, Vladimir grew up as a restless child. He often behaved like a hooligan, for which he gained fame as a yard bully. He was even expelled from boarding school for bad behavior. It was then that the parents decided to take their son with them in order to seriously engage in his upbringing.

In Moscow, Vladimir was again sent to boarding school, where his musical talent was truly revealed for the first time. However, his character again became an obstacle to success. After another expulsion, he moved into an apartment with his parents, who enrolled him in his third educational institution.

In many ways, Vladimir was influenced by tours, which his parents often took him on. Constantly being in a creative environment, he, like a sponge, absorbed music and the love of freedom characteristic of artists.

Music career

After finishing his studies, which had never been easy for him, Vladimir concentrated on creativity. It is noteworthy that he wrote his first song at only 11 years old. The first serious step towards a brilliant career was working in the creative team of Laima Vaikule. The young man was able to get a job there under the patronage of his then already popular parents, but he gained a foothold thanks to his own talent.

Bright appearance and amazing vocal abilities allowed Vladimir to quickly gain the love of the viewer. In addition to his solo career, he performed for some time with the group “Captain” (1980), but it did not last long.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Zurbagan”

In total, Presnyakov released 11 albums during his musical career (1989-2012). The most famous compositions were “Zurbagan” (1993), “Castle made of rain” (1994), “A stewardess named Zhanna” (1996). The singer was awarded the Golden Gramophone award twice: in 1996 and 2006.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “A stewardess named Zhanna”

By the way, Vladimir acquired his famous falsetto “thanks” to a severe form of pneumonia, which he suffered in his youth. After his illness, the young man completely lost his voice for some time. But after restoration, the singer’s voice was transformed and became the way millions of Russians loved it - very high and thin. So we shouldn’t forget that before Vitas there was already a counter-tenor on the Russian pop scene, and it belonged to Vladimir Presnyakov.

The artist also starred in several films. Among the most famous works with Vladimir’s participation are the films “Upside Down” and “New Year’s SMS.”

Personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov

The couple Vladimir Presnyakov - Kristina Orbakaite - in the 90s in Russia was similar to the couple Justin Timberlake - Britney Spears in America in the 2000s. The only difference is that Presnyakov and Orbakaite walked their path to fame together. Subsequently, these two charismatic pop stars aroused frantic interest from the tabloid press and irrepressible fans.

At the time of the start of cohabitation with Kristina Orbakaite in 1986, Vladimir was 18 years old, and his lover was only 15, however, despite such a young age, they received parental approval for a civil marriage.

In 1991, their son Nikita was born. However, in 1996 the idyll was destroyed. Despite the high-profile breakup with Christina, Vladimir managed to maintain friendly relations with the mother of his child. After the breakup, he helped his former lover in every possible way in raising his son.

Vladimir Presnyakov in the program “Secret to a Million”

According to people from his close circle, the moment of parting with Orbakaite became a real tragedy for Presnyakov. Having found solace in religion (according to some sources, he was pushed to this idea by

Natalya Podolskaya, the current wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., was born in 1982 in eastern Belarus, in Mogilev. She was born together with her twin sister Julia. The girls' father worked as a lawyer, and their mother was the director of an exhibition hall. Natalya already showed her love for singing in early childhood, constantly humming various melodies, and having matured a little, Podolskaya began to dress up in her mother’s dresses and use a comb as a microphone - she dreamed of being a pop star.

The parents decided to help make their dream come true and sent their daughter to the Raduga theater studio so that professionals could work with their daughter. Then, at the age of 9, the girl sang in Studio “W” and as part of this group became a laureate of various international competitions, and at the age of 17, as an individual artist, she received her first award at the “Golden Shlyager” music competition, which came with a large monetary reward. prize. Like a true young singer, Natasha spent the money she received on a fur coat and boots. The girl’s participation in international competitions did not end there: she performed at the “Slavic Bazaar” and that same fall received an award in two categories at once at the “Universetalent Prague 2002” festival.

Thus, the girl was talked about internationally. For example, representatives of Great Britain wanted Natalya to sing for their country at Eurovision 2004, but she did not have the right to perform for any country except Belarus. And in her native country, the future second wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Podolskaya did not even pass the very first selection for this competition.

Luck smiled on Natalya the following year, when she was among the participants in the famous project that created many popular artists - “Star Factory”. This project became an impetus for the singer’s career - despite the third place she took in the show, producer Viktor Drobysh assisted in the recording of her first album entitled “Late”. And in 2005, Natalya managed to qualify for Eurovision with a song written specifically for her, although she represented Russia, not her country. Unfortunately, the girl did not even make it into the top 10 of the competition, which could not but upset her.

After this defeat, there followed a series of scandals between producers working with Podolskaya and disruptions of concerts. The singer decided to terminate the contract with her producer Igor Kaminsky, but she succeeded only after numerous trials in court. Under the leadership of Victor Drobysh, fruitful work was carried out, as a result of which eight singles were released, tours were actively organized and participation in television programs. At one of these programs, Natalya met Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.

Married to Presnyakov

Despite the difference of 14 years, feelings flared up between the artists literally at first sight. But after some time, Natalya found out that Presnyakov Jr. was still married. Natalya Podolskaya did not want to break up her family. But Vladimir Presnyakov and his wife considered themselves free from their relationship, since their marriage had long been bursting at the seams. After the official divorce, Presnyakov and his new wife almost immediately began living together. A month after the wedding, photos of the Presnyakov couple at a wedding in a church appeared online.

Print media regularly printed headlines like “has Presnyakov’s wife (Natalya Podolskaya) given birth?”, but only in 2015 reliable information appeared that answered all such questions - Presnyakov Jr.’s wife Natalya gave birth to a son and almost immediately the couple posted a photo on Instagram! But fans found out who Natalya gave birth to and the name of the child of the creative couple a little later - the name Artemy was chosen for their son and he was baptized a month later in the Moscow Church of the Unmercenary Saints Cosmas and Damian.

The surname of Presnyakov Jr.’s wife remained unchanged, apparently, the singers decided that they did not need such empty formalities, because the couple was already delighted with family life! They understand each other perfectly and over the years of living and creating together they have not lost their romantic relationship and tenderness. This couple is called one of the most sincere and strong in Russian show business, they are used as an example and asked about the secrets of a happy family. They often go on tour together, release songs together and honor family traditions: for example, leaving sweet and pleasant notes for each other.

There is harmony in the family, because the couple manages to do the almost incredible - to combine a successful career, raising a child and love for each other! Perhaps Presnyakov’s wife will end up in the maternity hospital again, and then we will have another reason to be happy for this couple.

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. is a popular pop singer, known for his original high voice.

The peak of his popularity came in the 90s of the last century, but even now the singer is working on creating musical compositions, delighting fans with new projects. Presnyakov also acts as an arranger and composer.

Childhood and youth

The future musician was born in Yekaterinburg into a musical family. was the leader of a pop ensemble and a laureate of several jazz festivals. The boy's mother, whose maiden name was Elena Kobzeva, and later, was a soloist in her husband's ensemble. The musicians toured and enjoyed success, but the growth of their popularity was yet to come.

In the mid-80s, Presnyakov Sr. was accused of imitating the West and inappropriate behavior during performances. Because of this, the musician was not even accepted into amateur performances for a long time, which could not but affect the well-being of his family.

The only child of Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov was not surrounded by special chic as a child: not having their own home, at the dawn of their marriage the young parents lived in Elena’s family, where there were 6 people per 2-room apartment. But this situation did not prevent Volodya’s creative gift from developing. Presnyakov Jr., from the age of 4, tried to compose songs, later he played the piano, was bursting with ideas, the explosive energy of youth, and certainly could not be called an obedient and quiet example of diligence.

Over the years, the musical couple’s living situation began to improve: first, they received a room in a communal apartment “one by one,” then they met the leader of the ensemble and moved to the capital.

By the time of this event, Vladimir was 7 years old, and at the family council it was decided to leave the child in his hometown. The boy was sent to study at a Sverdlovsk boarding school, where his father also studied at one time. However, the rebellious spirit of the future musician was not conducive to diligent study, and after 2 years the student was expelled, after which the parents took their son to Moscow.

The creative biography of the future musician began early - at the age of 11 he composed his first full-length song. Vladimir immediately chose the musical path and entered the Choir School. Sveshnikova. Constant absenteeism, smoking and other “unformatted behavior” were the reason for regular calls to the school by parents who could not influence the headstrong teenager.


The last long-awaited straw for many teachers was the Burda magazine, banned in those years, confiscated from the younger Presnyakov during a German lesson. He was expelled from the Sveshnikovsky Music School in 1982, which coincided with the year of his first independent tour, made as part of the group “Cruise”, which played hard rock.

Early penetration into adulthood, older friends - in childhood, Volodya’s main circle of friends were his parents’ colleagues - and a rebellious character determined the formation of a musician: already at the age of 15, the future star made his solo debut in a restaurant variety show.

A peculiar high voice, formed after pneumonia, during which the singer feared that he would lose his gift altogether, acquaintance with the artistic world and hard work formed the beginnings of future success, and the charisma of a disheveled rebel added magnetism.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Zurbagan”

In 1986, the film “Above the Rainbow” was released, where Presnyakov Jr. performed the songs “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps,” which, according to the plot, belong to the main character. This event had a positive impact: the performance of bright hits increased the success of the film and brought the first round of fame to the young performer.

Presnyakov Jr. participated in the world of cinema and as an actor. In the musical fairy tale film “She with a Broom, He in a Black Hat,” he appeared in the cameo role of the hero Igor, singing the song “Genie.” Work soon followed in the film “Burglar,” where the singer appeared in the guise of a breakdancer.

The artist looked convincing in the choreographic number: a tall, athletic singer (Vladimir’s height is 184 cm with a current weight of 80 kg) while he was just passionate about breaking. 10 years later, Presnyakov starred in the film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Subsequently, the singer continued to write songs himself, and also collaborated with famous composers and songwriters. In the 1980s, the musician formed the group “Captain”. In 1987, Presnyakov Jr. appeared on the stage of the Song Theater, where he worked until 1994.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Castle made of rain”

During the late 80s and early 90s, Presnyakov Jr. occupied a stable place in the top ten best performers in Russia, and also held the honorary title “Singer of the Year” for several years in a row. In 1995, the musician performed at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex with the concert program “Castle Made of Rain,” which attracted a sold-out audience. "Rain Castle" was named the best show of the year.

A year later, the singer won the Golden Gramophone award. The song “Masha” brought Presnyakov Jr. the award. Music videos were also shot for it and other cult compositions by Presnyakov.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Masha”

By the end of the 90s, Presnyakov Jr. began to lose popularity. The musician himself noticed that he no longer packs stadiums, but he accepted this fact philosophically. Vladimir continued to play music and participate in concerts and television shows. As he told the press, fame was not his goal in itself, so the decline in popularity did not deal him a heavy blow. In 2002, the singer took part in the show “The Last Hero” and became the winner of the season.

Leonid Agutin and Vladimir Presnyakov - “Airports”

In 2006, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. again won the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Airports,” which he performed in a duet with. The last album he recorded, “Being a Part of Yours,” was released in 2012. Leonid Agutin, and participated in its creation.

Personal life

Attention to the popular musician was attracted not only by his work, but also by his wives. The well-known serious relationships, like everything else in the life of the younger Presnyakov, began to take shape early. At the age of 18, he met the 15-year-old daughter of Alla Pugacheva. Nothing interfered with these early relationships; Presnyakov’s lifestyle and his social circle only contributed to such experiments: the touring life of his parents, filming, festivals, concerts, and the circle of acquaintances who did not follow the formalities of marriage.

As a result, Presnyakov and Orbakaite became a married couple when Kristina turned 16, not considering it necessary to interfere with the bureaucracy in her own destiny. The parents, initially shocked by the act of their talented offspring, could only come to terms with and support the decision of the young couple.

The musicians did not hide their relationship and often demonstrated it with various youthful touching gestures, for example, wearing badges with each other’s names. The small age difference did play a role: Christina later said that Presnyakov literally raised her. The young family first lived with Vladimir’s parents, but then moved to Alla Pugacheva’s apartment. Presnyakov remembers this with particular warmth, saying that they lived like an Italian family, and there was always music and songs in the house.

Vladimir and Christina tried to earn money themselves and, with youthful maximalism, refused financial assistance, so the star parents had to try hard to help their children.

Quickly formed, colored by the separation of frequent tours and the joy of meetings, the union of 2 stars brought them a son and 10 years of mutual support. From time to time, the press flared up with reports of infidelity and a possible breakup, but each time the couple overcame the crisis until they finally broke up in 1996. This “divorce,” perhaps due to the informality of the relationship, went smoothly. The stars maintained warm friendly relations, and Vladimir participated in the life and upbringing of his son.

The first official wife of Vladimir Presnyakov was fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, who is called the main reason for the singer’s departure from Orbakaite. According to another version, which is supported by many media outlets, it was Christina who left Presnyakov, and he had a hard time with the breakup, to the point of depression and clinical death.

A new love pulled him out of this terrible period. This relationship also lasted just under 10 years and was finally interrupted in 2005, when the singer met Natalya Podolskaya, a graduate of the Star Factory show.

The lovers did not rush, indulged in the pleasure of meetings for several years, and then arranged an unforgettable “make-believe wedding” in Las Vegas, covered with such stories.

The married couple lived as a well-coordinated creative duo: they recorded songs and videos together and toured the country.

In 2010, Presnyakov and Podolskaya decided to repeat the wedding ceremony and this time officially registered their relationship in Russia. 10 years after the start of the love story, a long-awaited child appeared in the family. June 5, 2015 Natalya Podolskaya, who was named Artemy.

Fans noted that with the birth of his youngest son, the musician seemed to become younger.

Perhaps a certain role was played by the fact that shortly before Artemy was born, literally a year, the man changed his image, which he had been faithful to for decades. Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. got his hair cut. On his 46th birthday, he appeared with a short haircut instead of his usual thick head of hair. But fans admitted that such a radical rejection of the image of the “eternal boy” only made their idol visually younger and more attractive.

Presnyakov rejoices at Artemy’s success, shares with subscribers on "Instagram" important milestones in a baby's life. And the happy mother and wife shared with reporters that she is not against another addition to the family. But so far, according to press reports, things have not gone beyond planning.

The birth of a child did not make Vladimir and Natalya forget about the creative component of their union. Artists continue to harmoniously combine professional and personal lives. Now the musicians continue to delight fans with new projects. In 2016, their joint video for the song “Breathe” was released.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov - “Breathe”

In a slightly arthouse video - filming took place in a strange-looking apartment - Vladimir sported emerald hair and a beard, and his wife dyed her hair bright scarlet - Presnyakov and Podolskaya, with the help of music and song, showed the real passion of people in love.

In 2017, the singer presented the musical compositions “Unearthly” and “If You Are Not Near.” Soon the singer presented the old hit “Zurbagan”, which he performed together with the group. Later, photo artist Vladimir Dashevsky created a video project for the musical composition.

In March 2018, the singer celebrated his 50th anniversary, in honor of which a large concert took place on the stage of Crocus City Hall. Together with his father, the song “Airports” was sung by his son Nikita. The artist’s youngest heir, Artemy, also visited the stage, and his wife presented the hero of the day with a musical film dedicated to him, which moved Vladimir to tears.

Soon the artist went on tour to major cities in Russia. Natalya Podolskaya also appeared on stage together with Presnyakov. The performance program includes many duets that the couple performs together. In February 2019, the singer’s tour list includes a performance at the Moscow International House of Music with a new program “Listening to Silence.”

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Listening to Silence” (2018 premiere)

According to Vladimir Presnyakov, with the onset of his 50th birthday, he expected a calm, measured life, but it turned out to be the opposite. The number of concerts and tours does not decrease, and the singer devotes his free time to his youngest son Tema and his wife Natalya. In the summer, the artist traveled around Europe and Russia. Together with his family he visited Italy, France, Kazakhstan, and the Urals. Vladimir set himself the goal of showing his son the world, teaching him to swim and dive, and becoming independent from computers. According to the singer, he succeeded. Family photos are not uncommon on the singer’s microblog page.

In the summer of 2018, at the international festival “Heat,” Presnyakov, together with Leonid Agutin, performed a creative evening.

The artist also held a solo concert on the New Wave stage. In the fall, Vladimir presented a new hit, “You Are the Only One for Me,” which he dedicated to his wife Natalya. Together with Podolskaya, Presnyakov attended the Glamor Award ceremony.

In November of the same year, Vladimir received the Golden Gramophone figurine and the Radiomania 2018 award with the song Listening to Silence. The musical composition lasted 24 weeks in the hit parade, which allowed the musician to become a laureate of national awards. The video released for this track received more than 3 million views in six months.

The eldest son Nikita never ceases to please his father. The young musician, leader of the Multiverse group, is preparing to release his debut album Beyond, the music of which delighted Vladimir Vladimirovich, which he informed his subscribers about.


  • 1989 - “Dad, you were like that yourself”
  • 1991 - “Love”
  • 1994 - “Castle Made of Rain”
  • 1996 - “Zurbagan”
  • 1996 - “The Wanderer”
  • 1996 - “Zhanka”
  • 1996 - “Drools”
  • 2011 - “Unreal Love”
  • 2012 - “Be part of yours”

Vladimir Presnyakov is the youngest owner of an ultra-high singing voice called tenor-altino, and he sings in falsetto - this is his performance style. Initially, and this was in the late 80s, the public was wary of this singer, they said, why is he singing so unmanly, many thought. In 1986, the film “Above the Rainbow” was just released, where Dmitry Maryanov played the main role, and eighteen-year-old Vladimir Presnyakov sang for him and, I must say, sang magically. “The blue Zurbagan is falling asleep... And beyond the horizon is a hurricane...” - girls and boys sang throughout the Soviet Union. And the question arose, why does Vladimir sing so high? The fact is that in adolescence, Vladimir Presnyakov’s voice began to break, but apparently did not break. Honestly, I’m in prostration, what’s wrong with his voice, one thing is clear - this manner of performance is the artist’s trick, it’s what brought him recognition and popularity. Vladimir Presnyakov’s voice cannot be confused with anyone else’s. But all this was somewhat unusual thirty years ago. Vladimir Presnyakov had long hair, combed and varnished, and he sang in a high voice, dressed very strangely: bracelets, rings, earrings, jewelry around his neck. The audience was divided into those who spat and those who admired, in the second camp there were mainly young people who needed something extraordinary, boys and girls were tired of living by the rules, standing out from the crowd - that was their motto, and Volodya was truly enchanting. I remember, my aunt was, and still is, an ardent fan of Vladimir Presnyakov, she had all his records and cassettes with songs, she collected magazine and newspaper clippings from his interviews, and once, to the amazement of her husband, even She herself drew his portrait with a pencil and hung it on her wall in the marital bedroom. After listening to my aunt, I thought - maybe Vladimir Presnyakov is really an excellent singer? But mostly I giggled, my dad’s opinion on this matter was closer to me, and he was extremely outraged by the image of Vladimir Presnyakov, he probably liked Lev Leshchenko and Muslim Magomayev more. Time passed, it was possible to learn more about Vladimir Presnyakov. For example, he participated in the “The Last Hero” program and established himself as an intellectual and a person with an excellent sense of humor. Over time, I learned that Vladimir Presnyakov drank a lot of strong drinks, but his third wife, Natalya Podolskaya, discouraged him from this bad habit. The couple Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya are amazing, they have such tender love. This is another reason to admire Vladimir Presnyakov. Although we are all human and Vladimir Presnyakov has enough shortcomings, this man works on himself and his image is positive, this guy NO LONGER takes part in scandals. In general, my opinion is clear, Vladimir Presnyakov is an excellent singer, a talented musician, an interesting man, an exemplary family man. It seems to me that with age, Vladimir Presnyakov began to look better and more interesting. In general, here you are, dear readers, 44 of the best photos of Vladimir Presnyakov, look, enjoy, be surprised, admire. What a funny image Volodya had, my 16 year old daughter laughed when she looked at the photos I had collected with such difficulty.

In these photos, Vladimir Presnyakov’s second wife is Elena Lenskaya.

Vladimir Presnyakov lived with Elena Lenskaya for nine happy years, but the singer needed a slightly different woman - homely, flexible, not striving for anything. But Lena Lenskaya cannot be just a housewife and wife, she has a need to develop, she could not sit quietly in one place, she always needed to run somewhere, in essence she is a workaholic, a very successful clothing designer. Vladimir Presnyakov ate her whole baldness with his laments for her to calm down and just lie with him in an embrace on the sofa. The breakup was painful, but necessary. Having met his third wife Natalya Podolskaya, Vladimir Presnyakov finally realized that women should not be prevented from developing.

Childhood photo of Elena Lenskaya.

In these photos, Vladimir Presnyakov with his third wife Natalya Podolskaya.

The shoes of the son of Presnyakov and Podolskaya are clearly growing :)

Childhood photo of Vovochka Presnyakov.

Photo of Vladimir Presnyakov in his youth.

In this photo, Vladimir Presnyakov with his wife Natalya Podolskaya.

In his youth, Vladimir Presnyakov was like that...

Childhood photo of Volodya, his mother Elena holding him in her arms.

Photo of young Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.

A couple of funny cartoons.

Volodya is a teenager.

With parents.

Childhood photo of Vladimir Presnyakov.

The son of Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov was never a good boy and always loved music. In early childhood, this love caused a lot of inconvenience to those around him: even before going to kindergarten, little Vovka drummed on whatever he could (mainly on pots), sang in a thin voice and categorically did not listen to his parents. As he grew up, he replaced the pots with real instruments, but otherwise everything remained the same.

Pugacheva's son-in-law

As soon as his son was born, Presnyakov Sr. began to dream that he would follow in his footsteps and become a musician. The dream came true, but in an unexpected way. Vladimir Jr. flatly refused to master the saxophone, and at the boarding school at the Sveshnikov choir, where his parents sent him, he terrified all the teachers. It seems that he knew exactly what he would do in life, and therefore did not listen to anyone’s advice. Presnyakov did not finish his studies - he was expelled. But this did not stop him from becoming a star at the age of 18. A guy with an unusually high voice was invited to sing for the main character of the film “Above the Rainbow”. The whole country fell in love with the songs “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps,” and Vova Presnyakov was now not just the son of his parents, but an independent musician.

It was this Presnyakov—popular, bold, with a mane of blond hair and a crowd of fans—that 15-year-old Kristina Orbakaite fell in love with.

They met on the set of “Blue Light,” and Presnyakov immediately persuaded Pugacheva to let Christina go to the disco with him. She agreed - which was a shock to everyone around her. Strict Pugacheva fell under the charm of young Presnyakov?! Then what can we say about her teenage daughter. “I was 15 years old at the time, the moment I met just happened to be at this transitional age, it probably saved me that I immediately met a person who immediately became everything to me. For six months after my grandmother’s death, I was content with freedom and made some mistakes. Then I met Vova Presnyakov... And that was the end of my parties. From the end of the ninth grade, I was already employed,” said Orbakaite. The wise Alla Borisovna warned her: he is 18, he has a completely different life, you are a “frozen cutlet” for him - when necessary, he will take you out of the freezer and “eat you.” But Christina did not listen, and Vova, having fallen seriously in love himself, soon showed that he was not afraid of the authority of the Diva.

One day, when Christina came to see him off on tour in Zaporozhye, at the last moment he dragged her onto the train and took her with him. For half the night Pugacheva did not know where her daughter was, until she realized that Presnyakov was involved. When her car with tinted windows pulled up to the door of their hotel, he approached, ready to take full responsibility. But Pugacheva just lowered the window, looked at him carefully, and left. Presnyakov remembered this “conversation” forever.

Both brought up in a free artistic environment, Christina and Volodya did not observe any formalities. The elder Presnyakovs began living together when she turned 16: every day Christina traveled for a long time to school by metro, and returned to her new home with her beloved after midnight. Sometimes Alla Borisovna called, said that she missed her and called to her. Thus, under the supervision, but outside the control of their parents, their young family was born. They did not hide their feelings and were even similar in appearance: both wore “I love Presnyakov” and “I love Orbakaite” badges, identical torn jeans and long hair.

When Nikita was born, Christina began to stay at home with the child while her husband toured. She was a very caring mother, but at the same time she never stopped dreaming of her own career as a singer and actress. Presnyakov was not ready for this. “In these conflicts there has never been a right and a wrong. In such situations, you need to either endure a few years or break up. I was not able to endure then - I was young and jealous,” he says now, fully accepting the blame for the broken marriage. He started drinking and his career began to decline. Periodically he called Christina, trying to win her back, and she cried - it was both close together and boring apart. The press turned against Presnyakov so much that Pugacheva came to his defense: “Don’t you dare touch Presnyakov! He was my son and will remain my son!”

Analyzing now what pulled him out of depression, Presnyakov lists: guardian angel, God, parents. At some point, he again began writing songs and giving concerts. And then he entered into his first legal marriage - hastily and unexpectedly for everyone.

People of different elements

Designer Elena Lenskaya was also healing her wounds after her divorce from musician Igor Sarukhanov. At that moment they met Presnyakov. At some party, Volodya took her “weakly”: Lenskaya would not be able to drink a glass of vodka. She did it - and he publicly declared that he was getting married.

Now Presnyakov calls this marriage a mistake. His creative nature could not get along with Lenin’s practicality and pragmatism. She took care of him like a mother, sometimes complaining to her mother-in-law - he came home late again. They lasted just under 10 years. In 2005, when their marriage was already bursting at the seams, Presnyakov was invited to film the “Big Race” program. Among the participants was a recent graduate of the “Star Factory” Natalya Podolskaya.


Their communication began with real rudeness on the part of Presnyakov: without wasting time on courtship, he immediately invited 24-year-old Natalya to his hotel to “tumble in the pool.” She refused indignantly. But after half an hour I still fell under the charm of the impudent man.

“I was showing off, and Tusya, with downcast eyes, continued to communicate with me. It was amazing, and soon it seemed to hit me on the head: you know, there is such a cannonball on a leash, which is used to demolish houses - it seemed to knock out a needle from my heart that was there, I seemed to be freed, cleansed and realized that there was something next to me - dear person." They started dating. Podolskaya does not hide that she fell in love with him immediately and deeply. But when she realized that Presnyakov was not going to get a divorce, she was the first to leave. Five months of separation put everything in its place: Vladimir filed for divorce, and she realized that she could not live without him. But the lovers were in no hurry to go to the registry office.

Having burned himself with Christina and Lena, Presnyakov did not rush into a relationship with Natasha. “Let it go as it goes,” he answered numerous questions from journalists about the wedding. This approach turned out to be correct: on June 5, 2010, they got married, absolutely confident in their desire to be together for the rest of their lives. On their fifth wedding anniversary, June 5, 2015, Natasha gave her husband the most long-awaited gift - her son Artemy. He tries not to be separated from her for more than a week, his Instagram is full of photographs of his wife and son, and in an interview he admits that he dreams of a third child - a girl. The rebellious nature seems to have given way to the wisdom and responsibility of a family man. And only on stage Vladimir Presnyakov remains the same bright musician who 30 years ago conquered the Soviet stage with his bright falsetto.