Musicology, history of music - famous scientists. Musicology, history of music - famous scientists Participation in the jury of competitions

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Elena Gennadievna Sorokina(born April 6, Moscow) - Russian pianist, musicologist-historian, professor and head of the department of history of Russian music at the Moscow Conservatory.

Organizer and first president (together with A.G. Bakhchiev) ().

: defense of candidate's dissertation " Problems of development of the piano sonata in Russia"(Moscow Conservatory).

: one of the organizers of the All-Union Association of Piano Duets and (together with A.G. Bakhchiev) its first president.

: defense of doctoral dissertation " Piano duet. History of the genre"(Moscow Conservatory).



Duet with A. G. Bakhchiev (Melodiya company):

  • J. S. Bach, his family, students. Piano duets(2 records).
  • W. A. ​​Mozart. Complete collection of recordings of piano duets(3 records).
  • A. Dvorak. Slavic dances op. 46 and 72 ().
  • F. Schubert. Works for piano 4 hands ().
  • « Music and painting"(S. Bresgen, S. Veres, B. Bartok, with an ensemble of soloists. Conductor G. Rozhdestvensky) (2003).
  • Piano duets(F. Schubert, F. Couperin, C. Debussy, E. Podgaits, S. Rachmaninov, J. Field, S. Mayer, M. Glinka, A. Dvorak, I. Brahms) (2003).
  • Piano duet: romantic masterpieces. J. N. Hummel. R. Schumann. A. Rubinstein (2003).
  • Music of France(J. Bizet, M. Ravel, J. Massenet, F. Poulenc, L. Durey, J. Offenbach) ()
  • Piano duets(B. Bartok, W. Lutoslawski, J. Enescu)
  • Music of old Vienna(E. Strauss, J. Lanner, A. Diabelli, F. Schubert, I. Strauss, E. Sauer) (2004)


  • Second Symphony by N. Peiko // From the history of Russian and Soviet music. Vol. 1. − M.: 1971.
  • Piano sonatas of S. V. Rachmaninov // From the history of Russian and Soviet music. Vol. 2. − M.: 1976.
  • Piano duet. History of the genre. − M.: Muzyka, 1988. − 319 pp. − ISBN 5-7140-0120-6. ().
  • Mozart und die russische Kultur des XIX. Jahrhunderts // Mozart: Aspekte des XIX. Jahrhunderts. . − Mannheim, 1992.
  • German composers. Piano duets / Series “Foreign musicians in Russia”. − M.: Deka-VS, GTSMMK im. M. I. Glinka, 2005.

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An excerpt characterizing Sorokin, Elena Gennadievna

True, sometimes all this information manifested itself in a very funny form - I suddenly began to see very vivid images of places and people unfamiliar to me, as if taking part in it myself. “Normal” reality disappeared and I remained in some kind of “closed” world from everyone else, which only I could see. And so I could remain for a long time, standing in a “pillar” somewhere in the middle of the street, not seeing anything and not reacting to anything, until some frightened, compassionate “uncle or aunt” began to shake me, trying to somehow lead me to feel, and find out if everything is okay with me...
Despite my early age, I already (from my own bitter experience) understood perfectly well that everything that was constantly happening to me, for all “normal” people, according to their usual and customary standards, seemed absolutely abnormal (although regarding “ normality” I was ready to argue with anyone even then). Therefore, as soon as someone tried to help me in one of these “unusual” situations, I usually tried to convince them as quickly as possible that I was “absolutely fine” and that there was absolutely no need to worry about me. True, I was not always able to convince, and in such cases it ended with another call to my poor, “reinforced concrete-patient” mother, who after the call naturally came to pick me up...
This was my complex and sometimes funny childhood reality in which I lived at that time. And since I had no other choice, I had to find my “bright and beautiful” even in what others, I think, would never find it. I remember once after my next unusual “incident”, I sadly asked my grandmother:
– Why is my life so different from everyone else’s?
Grandmother shook her head, hugged me and quietly answered:
– Life, my dear, consists of a tenth of what happens to us and nine-tenths of how we react to it. React cheerfully, baby! Otherwise, at times it can be very difficult to exist... And what is different is that at the beginning we are all different in one way or another. You will just grow and life will begin to “tailor” you more and more to general standards, and it will depend only on you whether you want to be the same as everyone else.
And I didn’t want to... I loved my unusual colorful world and would never trade it for anything. But, unfortunately, every beautiful thing in our life is very expensive and we need to really love it very much so that it doesn’t hurt to pay for it. And, as we all know very well, unfortunately, you always have to pay for everything... It’s just that when you do it consciously, you remain satisfied with free choice, when your choice and free will depend only on you. But for this, in my personal opinion, it is truly worth paying any price, even if it is sometimes very expensive for oneself. But let's get back to my fasting.
Two weeks had already passed, and I still, much to my mother’s chagrin, did not want to eat anything and, oddly enough, physically I felt strong and absolutely wonderful. And since I looked, in general, quite well then, I gradually managed to convince my mother that nothing bad was happening to me and, apparently, nothing terrible was in danger for me yet. This was absolutely true, as I truly felt great, except for that “oversensitive” mental state that made all my perceptions maybe a little too “naked” - the colors, sounds and feelings were so vivid that it sometimes it became difficult to breathe. I think this “hypersensitivity” was the reason for my next and yet another “incredible” adventure...

At that time, it was already late autumn and a group of our neighboring children gathered in the forest after school to pick the last autumn mushrooms. Well, naturally, as usual, I decided to go with them. The weather was unusually mild and pleasant. The still warm rays of the sun jumped like bright bunnies across the golden foliage, at times seeping down to the ground and warming it with the last farewell warmth. The elegant forest greeted us in its festively bright autumn attire and, like an old friend, invited us into its tender embrace.
My beloved, gilded in autumn, slender birches, at the slightest breeze, generously dropped their golden “leaves-coins” to the ground and did not seem to notice that very soon they would be left alone with their nakedness and would bashfully wait for spring will again dress them in their annual delicate attire. And only the stately, evergreen spruces proudly shook off their old needles, preparing to become the only decoration of the forest during the long and, as always, very colorless winter. Yellow leaves rustled quietly underfoot, hiding the last russula and milk mushrooms. The grass under the leaves was warm, soft and moist and seemed to invite one to walk on it...
As usual, I kicked off my shoes and walked barefoot. I always loved walking barefoot everywhere, whenever the opportunity arose!!! True, these walks very often had to be paid for with a sore throat, which sometimes lasted quite a long time, but, as they say, “the game was worth the candle.” Without shoes, my feet became almost “sighted” and there was a particularly acute feeling of freedom from something unnecessary that seemed to interfere with breathing... It was a real, incomparable little pleasure and sometimes it was worth paying for it.

Elena Sorokina
Full name

Elena Gennadievna Sorokina

Date of Birth
Place of Birth


A country

USSR, Russia


pianist, musicologist-historian, teacher






piano duet with A. G. Bakhchiev


Elena Gennadievna Sorokina(born April 6, 1940, Moscow) - Russian pianist, musicologist-historian, professor and head of the department of history of Russian music at the Moscow Conservatory.

Doctor of Art History (1990). Vice-rector for scientific and creative work (since 2001), head of the department of history of Russian music, professor of the department of history of Russian music, professor of the department of chamber ensemble and quartet of the Moscow Conservatory.

Organizer and first president (together with A.G. Bakhchiev) of the All-Union Association of Piano Duets (1989).

Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR (1985) (since 1992 - Union of Composers of the Russian Federation). Academician of the International Academy of Creativity. Member of the editorial board of the Muzyka publishing house.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1992). She was awarded Certificates of Honor from the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and the Knowledge Society.


1958: graduated with a gold medal from the piano and theoretical departments of the Central Music School (class of I. R. Klyachko).

1959-1967: taught at the Central Music School.

1963: graduated with honors from the Faculty of Theory and Composition (class of A. I. Kandinsky) of the Moscow Conservatory, and the following year – from the piano faculty (class of I. R. Klyachko). She continued her postgraduate studies at the Department of History of Russian and Soviet Music (headed by A.I. Kandinsky).

From 1965 to present. works at the Moscow Conservatory:

1965-1978: teacher at the department of history of Russian music, 1965-1966: lecturing on methods of teaching musical literature and music history at the Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers 1969-1978: teacher at the department of history of music of the peoples of the USSR, 1979-1984: associate professor at the department of history of Russian music, 1984-1991: i. O. Professor of the Department of History of Russian Music, 1992-2011 - Head of the Department of History of Russian Music, 2001-2008 - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Creative Work, from 1991 to the present. - Professor of the Department of History of Russian Music.

In 1968, together with her husband A.G. Bakhchiev, she created a piano duet, recognized as “ Golden Duo of Russia».

1977: defense of the candidate's dissertation " Problems of development of the piano sonata in Russia"(Moscow Conservatory).

1989: one of the organizers of the All-Union Association of Piano Duets and (together with A.G. Bakhchiev) its first president.

1990: defense of doctoral dissertation " Piano duet. History of the genre"(Moscow Conservatory).


Duet with A. G. Bakhchiev (Melodiya company):

  • J. S. Bach, his family, students. Piano duets(2 records).
  • W. A. ​​Mozart. Complete collection of recordings of piano duets(3 records).
  • A. Dvorak. Slavic dances op. 46 and 72 (2002).
  • F. Schubert. Works for piano 4 hands (2003).
  • « Music and painting"(S. Bresgen, S. Veres, B. Bartok, with an ensemble of soloists. Conductor G. Rozhdestvensky) (2003).
  • Piano duets(F. Schubert, F. Couperin, C. Debussy, E. Podgaits, S. Rachmaninov, J. Field, S. Mayer, M. Glinka, A. Dvorak, I. Brahms) (2003).
  • Piano duet: romantic masterpieces. J. N. Hummel. R. Schumann. A. Rubinstein (2003).
  • Music of France(J. Bizet, M. Ravel, J. Massenet, F. Poulenc, L. Durey, J. Offenbach) (2004)
  • Piano duets(B. Bartok, W. Lutoslawski, J. Enescu)
  • Music of old Vienna(E. Strauss, J. Lanner, A. Diabelli, F. Schubert, I. Strauss, E. Sauer) (2004)
  • Second Symphony by N. Peiko // From the history of Russian and Soviet music. Vol. 1. − M.: 1971.
  • Piano sonatas of S. V. Rachmaninov // From the history of Russian and Soviet music. Vol. 2. − M.: 1976.
  • Piano duet. History of the genre. − M.: Muzyka, 1988. − 319 pp. − ISBN 5-7140-0120-6. (Content).
  • Mozart und die russische Kultur des XIX. Jahrhunderts // Mozart: Aspekte des XIX. Jahrhunderts. . − Mannheim, 1992.
  • German composers. Piano duets / Series “Foreign musicians in Russia”. − M.: Deka-VS, GTSMMK im. M. I. Glinka, 2005.
  1. Unforgettable duets. Elena Sorokina and Alexander Bakhchiev

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Vice-rector for scientific and creative work (2001-2009).
Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR (RF) (1985).
Academician of the International Academy of Creativity. Member of the editorial board of the Muzyka publishing house.

She was repeatedly awarded Certificates of Honor from the Government of the USSR (RF), the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and the Knowledge Society.
Laureate of the Moscow City Prize in the field of literature and art in the category “Education Activities” (2008).

Born in Moscow into a family of scientists. In 1958 she graduated with a gold medal from the piano and theoretical departments of the Central Music School (class of I. R. Klyachko), in 1963 with honors - the theoretical and composition department (class of A. I. Kandinsky), in 1964 - piano ( class of I. R. Klyachko) faculties of the Moscow Conservatory.

She improved herself in graduate school at the Department of History of Russian and Soviet Music (headed by A.I. Kandinsky). In 1977 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Problems of the development of the piano sonata in Russia” (Moscow Conservatory).

In 1990 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Piano duet. History of the genre" (Moscow Conservatory). Organized and held international festivals and conferences at the Moscow Conservatory: "Bortnyansky and his time" (2000), "Russian music. Frontiers of History" (2002).

Under her leadership, the festivals “200 years since the birth of M. I. Glinka” (2004), “60 years of Memory” (2005), dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and the solemn week of celebrating the 140th anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory (October 2006).author and performer of a series of radio programs on Radio 1 - “Artist and Time”.

Gives lectures, conducts methodological seminars for teachers, organizes and takes part in conferences at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins, conservatories of St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Petrozavodsk, Kazan, Tashkent and other cities, as well as in leading educational institutions of the USA, Japan, Germany.

The high level of lectures, reports and scientific and methodological consultations by Sorokina was noted in numerous official thanks from the leadership of the Moscow Conservatory and other music universities. Scientific director of the Problem Research Laboratory of Music and Music Education and the N. G. Rubinstein Museum (since 1992) . From 2001 to 2009 — Vice-Rector for Scientific and Creative Work.

Pedagogical activities:

She began her teaching career in 1959 at the Central Music School (worked until 1967). At the same time, in 1965-1966, she gave lectures on methods of teaching musical literature and music history at the Moscow Institute for Advanced Teacher Training.

Since 1965 he has been working at the Moscow Conservatory: in 1965-1978. Lecturer at the Department of History of Russian Music, 1969-1978. - Department of History of Music of the Peoples of the USSR (since 1979 - Associate Professor). Since 1984 - acting. O. professor, since 1991 - professor of the department of history of Russian music, since 1992 - head of the department.

He gives special and general courses on the history of Russian music, conducts seminars, advises coursework, and supervises diplomas and dissertation research.

Constantly participates in State examination commissions of composers and musicologists, including as chairman of the commission.

Training courses, master classes:

In 2002 and 2004 Sorokina conducted master classes at the Musashino Academy (Tokyo).


Among Sorokina’s students are candidates of art history A. Arakelova, G. Zhukovskaya, D. Smirnov, S. Terentyeva, I. Ukhova, O. Khvoina, N. Chakhvadze, E. Shabshaevich and others; Doctor of Art History V. Dulat-Aleev, M. Chernaya.

In the chamber ensemble class: Yulia Getallo and Alexander Andreev - winners (Grand Prix) of the International Competition in Druskininkai (Lithuania, 2005); Anastasia and Lyubov Gromoglasov are winners (Grand Prix) of the International Festival in London (2006), laureates of the 2nd prize at the International Shostakovich Competition (Moscow, 2008).

Participation in the jury of competitions:

Member of the jury of the First Open Competition of Chamber Ensembles and String Quartets named after N. G. Rubinstein (Moscow, 2007).
Chairman of the jury of the First International Chamber Ensemble Competition named after D. D. Shostakovich in the category “piano duet” (Moscow, 2008).
Chairman of the jury of the All-Russian competition of piano duets “At the piano together” named after A. G. Bakhchiev (Vologda, 2008).

Concert activities:

Sorokina is practically the only musicologist in the country who successfully combines intensive scientific and teaching activities with active concert and performing practice.

Since the 1960s performs as a pianist and musicologist in many cities in Russia, neighboring countries, Western Europe, the USA, Canada, Israel, and Japan. Regular participant in the Piano Duet with her husband A. G. Bakhchiev.

Sorokina's performing activities are inextricably linked with scientific and educational activities. For many years, he has been participating in the development of the concept, programming and holding of “Historical Concerts”, concerts of the “University of Musical Culture” (Moscow Conservatory), “Musical Living Room” (House of Scientists), the Library of Foreign Literature and others.

Scientific works. Editions. Publications:

Sorokina’s scientific work is distinguished by the breadth of its topics and the variety of genres. Her main areas of research include the history of Russian piano music, the process of formation of the piano sonata genre in Russia in the 18th century, and its further development in Russian music of the 19th century. and the heyday of the genre at the beginning of the 20th century. (see master's thesis and a number of articles).

Another leading area of ​​Sorokina's research is the history of world literature for piano duets. The monograph she created and defended as a doctoral dissertation with an extensive musical appendix “Piano Duet. History of the Genre" (Moscow, 1988) is the world's first study covering almost the entire history of music for piano for 4 hands over three and a half centuries in more than 20 countries. A significant part of the analyzed works by foreign and Russian composers was introduced into scientific and concert use for the first time.

  • History of Russian music: Textbook. In 3 issues (Issue 1. Ed. A. I. Kandinsky, E. G. Sorokina. M., 1999)
  • The world through the eyes of a musician: Articles. Conversations. Publications (Moscow, 1993)
  • M. I. Glinka. To the 200th anniversary of his birth in 2 vols. M., 2006 Volume 1 Volume 2
  • St. Petersburg piano duet. Musical and historical essays. Sat. articles. St. Petersburg, Lan, 2007
  • Moscow Conservatory: yesterday - today - tomorrow. Sat. articles
    and others

Selected publications

  • Second Symphony by N. Peiko // From the history of Russian and Soviet music. Vol. 1. M.: 1971
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka // Primary school. 1972. No. 2
  • N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov // Ibid. 1972. No. 4
  • Piano sonatas of S. V. Rachmaninov // From the history of Russian and Soviet music. Vol. 2. M.: 1976
  • Formation of the piano sonata in Russia at the end of the 18th century: Sonatas of D. Bortnyansky // Problems of musicology. Vol. 3. M.: 1976
  • From the history of a forgotten genre // Some problems of domestic musical culture: Genesis and evolution of genres: The originality of a creative personality. M.: 1987
  • Piano duet. History of the genre. M.: 1988
  • Tchaikovsky's piano sonatas: On the problem of the formation of the classical sonata in Russian music of the second half of the 19th century // Tchaikovsky: To the 150th anniversary of his birth: Questions of history, theory and performance. M.: 1990
  • Mozart und die russische Kultur des XIX. Jahrhunderts // Mozart: Aspekte des XIX. Jahrhunderts. . Mannheim, 1992
  • German composers. Piano duets // Series “Foreign Musicians in Russia” / M.: Deka-VS, State Central Musical Theater named after. M. I. Glinka, 2005


A special genre in Sorokina’s scientific and performing activities is sound recordings and annotations to them.

    Selected discography (in duet with A. Bakhchiev) (the most famous records ("Melody") and CDs (VistaVera))
  • J. S. Bach, his family, students. Piano Duets (2 LPs) (CD, 2006)
  • W. A. ​​Mozart. Complete collection of recordings of piano duets (3 records) (two CDs, 2006)
  • F. Schubert. Works for piano 4 hands (2003)
  • Music of France (J. Bizet, M. Ravel, J. Massenet, F. Poulenc, L. Durey, J. Offenbach) (2004)
  • Piano duets (B. Bartok, W. Lutoslawski, G. Enescu)
  • Music of old Vienna (E. Strauss, J. Lanner, A. Diabelli, F. Schubert, I. Strauss, E. Sauer) (2004)
  • “Music and Painting” (S. Bresgen, S. Veresh, B. Bartok, performers - Sorokina, Bakhchiev, ensemble of soloists. Conductor G. Rozhdestvensky) (2003)
  • Piano duets (F. Schubert, F. Couperin, C. Debussy, E. Podgaits, S. Rachmaninov, J. Field, S. Mayer, M. Glinka, A. Dvorak, J. Brahms) (2003)
  • Piano duet: romantic masterpieces. J. N. Hummel. R. Schumann. A. Rubinstein (2003)
  • A. Dvorak. Slavic dances op. 46 and 72 (2002)
    Programs recorded by foreign companies
  • Carl Czerny. "Klaviermusik zu drei, vier und sechs Haenden"
  • "Music from the Pushkin-Epoch" (1997)
  • S. Rachmaninov. Piano Duets (1993)
  • "Russian Salon Music"
  • "Russian Treasure"
    and others

List of recordings of a piano duet with A. G. Bakhchiev:

  • Balakirev M.
  • Bach V.F. Concert F major
  • Bach K.F.E. Andante a-moll
  • Bach I.K. Sonata C major for piano 4 hands
  • Bach I.K. Sonata C major
  • Bach I.K. Sonata G major
  • Bach I.K.F. Sonata A major
  • Bach I. S. Two mirror fugues d-moll
  • Bach I. S. Concert C major(B 1061) for 2 claviers, 2 violins, viola and basso continuo
  • Bach I. S. J. S. Bach, his family and students. Piano duets
  • Bach F.E. Four little duets
  • Bakhor Firuz Indian Suite for 2 Pianos
  • Bakhor Firuz Toccata for 2 pianos
  • Bernie C. Sonata No. 4 C major for piano 4 hands
  • Beethoven L. March C major
  • Beethoven L. March D major op. 45 for piano 4 hands
  • Bizet J.“Children's Games” (suite for piano 4 hands)
  • Bizet J.- Ravel M. Music for piano 4 hands
  • Borodin A. Polka "Helen" d-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Borodin A. Dead March a-moll(No. 3 from "Paraphrase")
  • Borodin A. Polka C major
  • Bartok, Lutoslawski, Enescu Piano duets
  • Brahms I. Five waltzes for 2 pianos op. 39
  • Brahms I. Waltz g-moll(No. 12 from “New Songs of Love” op. 65a)
  • Brahms I. Waltz a-moll(No. 14 from "New Songs of Love")
  • Brahms I. Waltz e-moll op. 39 No. 7 for piano 4 hands
  • Brahms I. Waltz gis-moll op. 39 No. 4 for piano 4 hands
  • Brahms I. Waltz F major(No. 1 from “Songs of Love” op. 52a)
  • Brahms I. Variations on a Theme by Haydn B major op. 56v for 2 pianos
  • Brahms I. Hungarian Dance No. 1 g-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Brahms I. Hungarian Dance No. 4 f-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Brahms I. Hungarian Dance No. 13 D major for piano 4 hands
  • Brahms I. Hungarian Dance No. 17 fis-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Brahms I. Hungarian Dance No. 19 h-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Weber K. M. In the spirit of Siciliana, d-moll op. 60 No. 5 for piano 4 hands
  • Weber K. M. Rondo C major op. 3 No. 6 for piano 4 hands
  • Weber K. M. Rondo Es-dur op. 10 No. 6 for piano 4 hands
  • Weber K. M. Rondo B major op. 60 No. 8 for piano 4 hands
  • Weber K. M. Sonata Es-dur op. 2 for piano 4 hands
  • Gabler K. A. Sonata F major op. 22 for piano 4 hands
  • Haydn J."Teacher and Student" (Sonata F major for piano 4 hands)
  • Gesler I.V. Grand Sonata C major for piano 3 hands
  • Gesler I.V. Sonata C major for piano 4 hands
  • Gummel I. N. Grand Sonata F major op. 92 for piano 4 hands
  • Dvorak A. Slavic dances (books 1, 2)
  • Debussy K.
  • Diabelli A. Military Rondo D major for piano 4 hands
  • Diabelli A. Sonatina in d minor op. 163 No. 6 for piano 4 hands
  • Durey L."Rings" op. 7 No. 1
  • Durey L."Snow" op. 7 No. 2
  • Sauer E."Echo of Vienna" concert waltz D major for piano 4 hands
  • Clementi M. Sonata B major for 2 pianos
  • Clementi M. Sonata No. 3 Es-dur for piano 4 hands
  • Kozhelukh L. Concert B major for piano 4 hands and orchestra
  • Crane Yu.“Spring Dreams” for piano 4 hands
  • Crane Yu.“Forest Picture” for piano 4 hands
  • Crane Yu.“Watchman's March” for piano 4 hands
  • Couperin F. Musette
  • Couperin F. Allemande
  • Couperin F. July
  • Cui C. Waltz C major(No. 11 from "Paraphrase")
  • Lanner J."Shepherd's Dances in the Alps" (Waltzes) A major op. 205 for piano 4 hands)
  • Lanner J.“Echoes of Hymen’s Festival” (waltz for piano 4 hands)
  • Lesur D.“Beatrix’s Bouquet” (five pieces for piano 4 hands)
  • Lyubovsky L. Suite for piano 4 hands
  • Lyadov A. Procession C major(No. 15 from "Paraphrase")
  • Lyadov A. Waltz C major(No. 4 from Paraphrase)
  • Lyadov A. Zhiga a-moll(No. 7 from Paraphrase)
  • Mayer Sh. Great Overture E-dur for piano 4 hands
  • Mayer Sh. Military gallop Es-dur op. 117 for piano 4 hands
  • Mayer Sh. Mazurka-caprice Es-dur for piano 4 hands
  • Mayer Sh. Nocturne E-dur for piano 4 hands
  • Makarov E.“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” for piano 4 hands
  • Manukyan I. Bagatelles (suite for piano 4 hands op. 10)
  • Massenet J. Suite op. eleven
  • Medtner N. Russian round dance E-dur op. 58 No. 1
  • Medtner N. knight errant c-moll op. 58 No. 2
  • Mozart V. Complete collection of piano duets
  • Mozart V. Sonata No. 2 B major(KV 358)
  • Mozart V. Sonata No. 3 D major(KV 381)
  • Mozart V. Sonata No. 4 F major(KV 497)
  • Mozart V. Sonata D major(KV 448) for 2 pianos
  • Mozart V. Theme with variations G major(KV 501) for piano 4 hands
  • Mozart V. Fantasia No. 1 (Adagio e Allegro) f-moll(KV 594) for piano 4 hands
  • Mozart V. Fugue g-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Mozart V. Fugue c-moll KV 426 for 2 pianos
  • Moore T. Partita for 2 pianos (Bacchanalia, Blues, Triple Fugue)
  • Moore T. Collection of light piano duets
  • Music of old Vienna
  • Music and painting
  • Mutel I. G. Duet Es-dur
  • Persichetti V. Concerto for piano 4 hands
  • Persichetti V. Sonata op. 23 for 2 pianos
  • Plakidis P. Fifths (Invention for 2 pianos)
  • Pleyel I. Sonata No. 3 e-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Poulenc F. Sonata
  • Rakov N. Three pieces for 2 pianos
  • Rachmaninov S. Fantasia (Pictures) Suite No. 1 op. 5 for 2 pianos
  • Rachmaninov S. Barcarolle g-moll(No. 1 of Six Pieces for Piano 4 Hands)
  • Rachmaninov S. Waltz A major(No. 4 of Six Pieces for Piano 4 Hands)
  • Rachmaninov S. Italian polka es-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Rachmaninov S. Romance c-moll(No. 5 from Six Pieces for Piano 4 Hands)
  • Rachmaninov S. Romance G major for piano 4 hands
  • Rachmaninov S. Russian song h-moll(No. 3 of Six Pieces for Piano 4 Hands)
  • Rachmaninov S. Scherzo D major(No. 2 of Six Pieces for Piano 4 Hands)
  • Rachmaninov S. Glory C major(No. 6 from Six Pieces for Piano 4 Hands)
  • Rebikov V. Little suite for piano 4 hands
  • Rimsky-Korsakov N. Variations on a Theme of Misha C major for piano 4 hands
  • Rimsky-Korsakov N. Lullaby C major(No. 5 from “Paraphrase” for piano 4 hands)
  • Rimsky-Korsakov N. Little fugue C major(No. 8 from “Paraphrase” for piano 4 hands)
  • Rimsky-Korsakov N. Trezvon C major(No. 13 from “Paraphrase” for piano 4 hands)
  • Rimsky-Korsakov N. Tarantella a-moll(No. 9 from “Paraphrase” for piano 4 hands)
  • Rubinstein A. Grand Sonata D major op. 89 for piano 4 hands
  • Rubinstein A. Gallop C major for piano 4 hands
  • Stravinsky I. Five pieces for piano 4 hands
  • Stravinsky I. Circus polka, arrangement for piano 4 hands
  • Triandafilidis P.“Vergina” (seven pieces for piano 4 hands)
  • Ferguson T. Sonata D major op. 18 for piano 4 hands
  • Field J. Great Waltz A major for piano 4 hands
  • Field J. Variations on the theme of the Russian folk song “How have I upset you”
  • Field J. Rondo G major for piano 4 hands
  • Fore G.“Dolly” (six pieces op. 56 for piano 4 hands)
  • Fried G. Sonata for 2 pianos op. 76
  • Cherny K. Romance Es-dur op. 111 No. 2 for piano 3 hands
  • Cherny K. Romance g-moll op. 111 No. 1 for piano 3 hands
  • Chulaki M. Burlesque for piano 4 hands
  • Steibelt D. Sonata No. 2 F major for piano 4 hands
  • Strauss I. Echoes of Vienna (waltz for piano 4 hands)
  • Strauss I. Memories of Berlin (waltz op. 78 for piano 4 hands)
  • Strauss I. Memories of Pest (waltz op. 66 for piano 4 hands)
  • Strauss I. Festive chimes (waltz B major op. 179 for piano 4 hands)
  • Strauss I. (father) Gifts of Vienna (waltz op. 167 for piano 4 hands)
  • Strauss I. (son) Ten girls and no men (quadrille)
  • Strauss I. (son) Peasant Polka op. 276 for piano 4 hands
  • Strauss E. The way is open (polka op. 45 for piano 4 hands)
  • Schubert F. Music for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Great March es-moll op. 40 No. 5 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Hungarian divertissement g-moll op. 54 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Polonaise F major op. 75 No. 4 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Military march Es-dur op. 51 No. 3 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Heroic March D major op. 27 No. 3 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Fantasy f-moll op. 103 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Characteristic march op. 121 No. 2 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Polonaise B major op. 75 No. 2 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Polonaise d-moll op. 75 No. 1 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Storms of Life op. 144 Allegro a-moll for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Andante and variations h-moll op. 84 No. 1 for piano 4 hands
  • Schubert F. Polonaise E-dur op. 75 No. 3 for piano 4 hands
  • Schumann R. Oriental paintings op. 66 (six impromptu pieces for piano 4 hands)
  • Schumann R. Children's ball op. 130 (six easy pieces for piano 4 hands)

Recordings of concertos for piano duet and orchestra

  • Kozhelukh L. Concert B major
  • Mozart W. A. Concert Es-dur
  • Mozart W. A. Concert F major
  • Cherny K. Concert C major
  • Bach I. S. Concert No. 1 c-moll
  • Bach I. S. Concert No. 2 C major
  • Bach I. S. Concert No. 3 c-moll
  • Bach I. S. Concerto for three claviers d-moll
  • Bach I. S. Concerto for three claviers C major
  • Bach I. S. Concerto for 4 claviers a-moll
  • Bach K.F.E. Concert Es-dur
  • Manukyan I.
  • Moore T. Concert (dedicated to A. Bakhchiev and E. Sorokina)
  • Podgaits E."Bakhchiev-concert"

chairman of the jury

Elena Gennadievna Sorokina - an outstanding pianist, professor, doctor of art history, President of the National Association of Piano Duets, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (Russia - USA)

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Levitan (born December 9, 1943, Leningrad) is a Russian pianist and music teacher, a student of Bertha Marantz and Stanislav Neuhaus. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, professor, laureate of the Russian Performing Arts Foundation Prize.

Born in Leningrad into a family of doctors. On his mother's side, he is the nephew of the famous Russian poet Alexander Vvedensky. Since 1973 he taught at the Ural State Conservatory. M.P. Mussorgsky; for a number of years - head of the department of special piano. Since 2005 - head of the department of special piano at the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts. More than 20 students of E. A. Levitan are Laureates of International competitions, among which are A. Chernov, E. Nefedov, E. Khanin, M. Kutuev, A. Borodin, M. Ivashkov, A. Nechaev, S. Khulankhov, D. Khulankhov, A. Litvinenko, E. Simakova, D. Kaukin, E. Farakhova and others.

E. A. Levitan is the founder of the International Competition named after. Stanislav Neuhaus, which took place in April 2007 and November 2010 in Chelyabinsk under the chairmanship of outstanding contemporary pianists Vladimir Krainev and Eliso Virsaladze.

Lukyanova Elena Pavlovna - professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, all-Russian laureate, diploma winner of all-Russian and international competitions. Graduate of the UGC in the special piano class of A.I. Bukreev. She studied ensemble disciplines under the guidance of Professor V. S. Polyakov. In 1999 she graduated from graduate school in performing arts with a degree in Chamber Ensemble (creative director K. E. Korchinskaya).

Since 1997, Elena Pavlovna has been teaching at the department of chamber ensemble and accompanist training at the Ural State Conservatory. Mussorgsky (since 2006 associate professor, since 2008 professor). Since 1984, E. P. Lukyanova has worked as an accompanist in the classes of violin, viola, flute, horn, choral and orchestral conducting. Teaches at the Department of Theory, History of Music and Musical Instruments of the Ural State Pedagogical University. Repeatedly traveling to international and all-Russian competitions, she became the owner of several diplomas and titles of best accompanist and ensemble player.

Extensive performing experience allows her to achieve excellent results in teaching. Many of the graduates of her chamber ensemble class become laureates and diploma winners of prestigious competitions, demonstrating in their performance a respectful attitude towards the author's text, careful finishing of the details of a musical work, and high ensemble technique. Theoretical understanding and generalization of the fundamentals of the accompanist's skill and her own teaching methods with ensemble players were embodied in the creation of her own lecture courses “theory and practice of accompanist work” and “methods of teaching chamber ensemble”, which E. P. Lukyanova reads for undergraduate and graduate students of the UGK. The result of her research activities was the defense in 2006 of her candidate’s dissertation “Formation of professional and communicative qualities among students of music performing universities in the chamber ensemble class.”

Musicians Elvira and Anatoly Polonsky are recognized masters of the piano duet; their repertoire includes a large number of concert programs covering a wide variety of musical eras and styles.

The piano duo Elvira and Anatoly Polonsky began their creative activity in 1988. Performances at International Piano Duo Festivals brought them fame and recognition. Since 1994, the ensemble has been a member of the National Association of Piano Duets. In 1997, the duet Elvira and Anatoly Polonsky became a collective of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic.

During their collaboration, they accumulated a huge repertoire - both for one piano for four hands and for two pianos.

The duo's programs are quite universal and are designed for both adults and children. In their programs, the musicians set the task of introducing listeners to rarely performed four-hand and two-piano musical literature, including a huge number of masterpieces. The basis of the duo’s repertoire is the music of Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Dvorak, Debussy, Ravel, Poulenc, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Gavrilina.

The piano duet Elvira and Anatoly Polonsky performs successfully in many cities in Russia and abroad.

The piano duo has released several CDs and DVDs with recordings of concerts. In 2007, two children's collections for piano ensembles and a CD with a recording of all the pieces were published.

Elvira and Anatoly Polonsky are the permanent chairman and co-chairman of the jury of the Altai Piano Duet Competition in Angarsk, Irkutsk Region. In 2009, the duet took part in the work of the jury at the All-Russian Piano Duet Competition named after. Bakhchiev in Vologda.

The piano duet Elvira and Anatoly Polonsky is distinguished by a high performing culture, an excellent sense of style, genuine virtuoso skill, artistry and musicality.