Who are minions and where did they come from? Who are the minions: the story of the funny minions of the villains

Welcome readers of the site “I and the World”! Our news today is not very good. Some travelers going to exotic countries, do not seriously think about what dangers may lie in wait for them. Vaccinations are necessary, but it is also advisable to move with caution. You never know who will run past and even bite you. Today we will talk about dangerous spiders, and you will find out which is the most poisonous spider in the world.

Some representatives of these creatures can be called eight-legged monsters. They are so cunning, resourceful and dangerous that, if they wanted, they could destroy all humanity on the planet. And it's just wonderful that the Creator decided to make them so small. If they were even the size of a small dog, we would be in trouble. So, look at the photos and names, read the description and remember.

Golden Sak in 10th place

The top 10 is opened by a golden or golden spider. Residents of Europe need to be careful, because Sak lives mainly on their territory. It is very small (about 1 cm in length) and it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of, but this baby bites so painfully that the severe sharp pain does not go away for a long time, and a necrotic wound develops at the site of the bite. A spider can bite even if there is no attempt to cause discomfort to it - just like that. So remember its appearance and try to look at your feet more often.

Goliath tarantula – 9th place

Another name for the spider is Teraphosa Blonde. We have already written about this creature as one of the largest on the planet. The span of its legs reaches 25-28 cm, and its body up to 9 cm. This size allows the spider to absorb mice, frogs and small birds. Lives in the humid tropics of Brazil. Because the Tarantula is so big, for a long time he was considered very dangerous. But the spider will not waste its poison in vain, although it knows that it can easily kill any person. He pierces his large fangs into the skin only if he senses great danger.

Tarantula in 8th place

A large spider with brown or dark gray hairs from the tarantula family. There are many types of tarantulas. They do not weave webs, but to live in they dig burrows up to half a meter deep, covering the entrance with dry leaves. It goes hunting for insects only at night, and during the day it “rests” in its hole. The tarantula is poisonous, but the poison is not fatal to humans, although the bite causes a lot of pain. The area may become swollen and yellow.

Redback spider in 7th place

In appearance it is very similar to black widow, but there is a red spot on the back larger size. The homeland is Australia, but apparently it is already becoming too crowded there, because it is beginning to spread to Japan, New Zealand and even Belgium. Small, up to 1cm, but not at all harmless. At the site of the bite, a muscle spasm begins, causing nausea and sweating. But the spider does not attack without a reason.

The recluse spider takes 6th place

You should be very careful when traveling in the southern US and Mexico. It is also quite small, only 1-2 cm and not at all aggressive. It does not attack itself, but if it settles next to a person’s home, such a neighborhood will not be entirely pleasant. Inspect dark and dry areas of the shed, attic and even closets more often, because spider venom is very poisonous. If, after all, the bite is made. The poison will spread throughout the body within 24 hours, so it is important to administer the antidote within 24 hours. Symptoms of a Hermit bite: nausea, pain, rash, fever, tissue swelling (and not only at the site of the bite), and sometimes death.

Karakurt or “black worm” in 5th place

Black spiders living in Russia. Small, up to 2 cm, but quite dangerous, especially females. If a “lady” bites you, you won’t feel anything, but after a few minutes the pain begins to slowly “creep” throughout the body. A person suddenly feels an incomprehensible fear, pain appears in the chest, abdomen and lower back, and convulsions begin. Only timely assistance will save the victim. But even then, the pain will not stop immediately, but after a few days.

Black Widow is in 4th place

It’s clear why it’s black, but the widow spider is called because after mating it kills its partner. Question: for what? But after the mating games I just wanted to eat. But in in rare cases the female graciously lets her “husband” go for a walk. And after all, he is very small and his poison cannot even paralyze insects, but next to him she is simply a giant, because she is 2-3 times larger and the poison is more dangerous and stronger than that of a rattlesnake. If an old man or a child gets in her way, this meeting will end in the death of the latter. Adult healthy man Anyone bitten by a Black Widow needs antivenom within 30 seconds. So the “widow” can be called the black death of the desert. These spiders are black in color with bright red spots on their back. You can meet them in Canada, the USA and Australia.

Sydney spider takes 3rd place

Lives 100 km from the capital of Australia, where he likes to settle in stumps, under stones or on trees. During periods of heavy rains, it moves closer to people's houses, but does not just attack. But if you feel the slightest danger, then you will see a horror film in miniature. The spider stands on its hind legs and shows its large fangs. And it bites several times at once, and then it’s too difficult to tear it away from the wound. The males of the Sydney spider are dangerous; their venom is several times stronger and the dose is greater. Black, dangerous and aggressive. May attack for no reason. But fortunately, every hospital in the city stores a vaccine for such cases.

Sand six-eyed in 2nd place

Habitat: African sands. It could be called a “camel spider” because, like the ships of the desert, it can go without eating or drinking for several days. According to recent studies, these periods can last up to a year. Now that's endurance! If you see him funny burying himself in the sand, try not to stay in that place for long. The Sandpiper sets up an ambush for a subsequent attack. Its venom is a powerful necrotic toxin: the blood becomes liquid, causing the tissue of the blood vessels to rupture. Can you imagine how dangerous it is for blood to get into internal organs? And the worst thing is that the antidote has not yet been invented!

Wandering spider of Brazil in 1st place

Here he is - the most dangerous on earth. This wandering creature does not weave webs and does not live on one permanent place. It grows up to 20 cm and feeds on insects, other spiders, birds and even small lizards, although it is larger in size. By the way, he has a sweet tooth and loves bananas, which is why he is also nicknamed “banana”. He likes to relax in people's houses, gets into cars, bags and pockets of clothes, so meeting them is not uncommon. It attacks quickly, jumping and paralyzes the muscles with poison. And then comes nausea, vomiting, convulsions and suffocation. There is an antidote, but you still need to protect yourself.

Look carefully at the pictures of these dangerous, poisonous creatures and try to remember them, so that when traveling around the world you can protect yourself from encounters that could end in disaster. If the information was useful to you, share it with your friends on in social networks. Goodbye, dear readers!

How dangerous are spiders? Because when they bite, they inject a toxic secretion into the body of their victim. It is worth noting that absolutely all types of these creatures are poisonous, the difference lies only in the portion of the toxic substance and its effect. Thus, it turns out that the bite of one arachnid may well go unnoticed, and the venom of another will be many times more toxic than the venom of a snake. Exactly to last group and include the most dangerous spiders in the world. Let's get to know them better.

It is better to avoid meeting some spiders

What is the danger?

The spider is a predator, therefore it requires weapons to hunt. And nature endowed it with such a thing - it is poison. However, it is interesting that the poisonous secretion of some spiders affects the nervous system of the victim, while others provoke tissue destruction, which leads to their necrosis.

However, even the most dangerous spiders in the world never deliberately attack a person. They bite people only in cases where they feel danger, that is, for the purpose of self-defense, even if they were disturbed by accident. And no matter how toxic the venom of a biting spider turns out to be, death is extremely rare, for example:

  • in case of untimely provision of medical care;
  • when the body is too weakened by illness;
  • if you are allergic to spider bites;
  • if the poison enters the body of a child or an elderly person.

On a note! But even in such cases, death does not always occur. Often life can be saved, although with serious complications!

Who should you be wary of?

Among the most dangerous spiders in the world are not the largest ones. And their main qualities are agility, speed and, of course, the toxicity of the poison. So who are they?

Brown recluse spider

This is a small, inconspicuous spider, the size of its body together with its legs usually does not exceed 2 cm. The venom of this baby causes tissue necrosis, and the damaged area soon becomes like a festering ulcer.

Enough a large number of was discovered on the east coast of the United States, where they happily settled in houses local residents. Moreover, these spiders were located not only in corners and other secluded places, they willingly crawled and settled in closets, in shoes and simply hid in clothes. Therefore, in order to receive a dose of poison, it was enough to simply put your hand in the pocket of your jacket.

On a note! People living in the habitat of this spider have a sacred rule - to shake out all their clothes and shoes before putting them on!

Some time after the bite, symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • malaise.

The greatest danger from a brown recluse spider bite is when the affected area is very close to important organs. In such situations, they are most likely to be affected by necrosis.


For representatives of this genus, desert and semi-desert regions of Eurasia are preferred, but they can often be found in forest-steppe zones. Tarantulas - found on. Their body size is about 5 cm.

On a note! Tarantulas are often mistaken for tarantulas, but each of them represents absolutely different groups. They are similar only in their furry bodies. Tarantula spiders are huge compared to tarantulas - their paw span is about 25 cm!

The venom of tarantulas is fatal to insects, and for humans its bite feels similar to the bite of a hornet - quite unpleasant and even painful, but, as a rule, it does not pose a direct threat to life. In this case, the degree of toxicity of the secretion will depend on the time of year and the gender of the individual. For example, the most poisonous are females that have entered the puberty phase and are awaiting mating. And those tarantulas that have just woken up or will soon go to winter are practically not poisonous.

Tarantula venom affects the nervous system and causes symptoms such as:

  • local convulsions;
  • complete numbness of the tissues at the site of the bite;
  • attack of sudden shortness of breath;
  • suppuration of the wound.

Against the background of an allergic reaction, such signs can be pronounced.

Six-eyed sand spider

This spider lives in the territories South Africa And South America and is considered the most poisonous spider in these regions. It can be called an indigenous inhabitant of these places, since it was found here even before the times of colonization. As for toxicity, six-eyed sand spiders living in Africa are more poisonous and dangerous than American ones. But at the same time, the bite of the latter can also lead to death or leave the victim disabled. The effect of its venom is compared to the effect of sulfuric acid, and therefore the six-eyed sand spider is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous in the world.

Representatives of this species have a medium-sized body - about 5 cm, colored light brown or reddish-brown. This color allows them to hunt very successfully. Living in desert areas, the six-eyed sand spider buries itself in the sand and sits there motionless, waiting for prey. When approaching, potential prey creates vibrations with its paws, sensing which the hunter quickly attacks. The main food of six-eyed sand spiders are various insects, scorpions and other spiders.

On a note! Six-eyed sand spiders prefer to live away from people and, perhaps, it is because of this that there are only two recorded deaths.

After a bite from a six-eyed sand spider, the cell walls rupture, which leads to tissue necrosis in the affected area.

Sydney spider

He is extremely graceful and deadly. The Sydney spider has a massive black body with large paws - its dimensions reach 7 cm. And due to the complete absence of villi, it seems that its entire body is covered with a viscous gloss.

The Sydney spider belongs to the funnel-web spider family, which includes about 500 species. Some of them live in Russia. The Sydney spider is the most dangerous and poisonous member of its family and is most common in Sydney (Australia) and its environs.

A representative of this species is very aggressive. He bravely and without unnecessary hesitation pounces on his opponent and inflicts not one, but several deadly bites at once. But at the same time, he always warns of his intentions and, before attacking, raises the front part of the body, spreads the first pair of legs to the sides and demonstrates large chelicerae, in the glands of which the very poison is hidden.

After being bitten by a Sydney spider:

  • the affected area goes numb;
  • the limb is temporarily paralyzed;
  • the victim notes a general deterioration in health;
  • his condition becomes quite painful.

Delay in in this case is fraught with coma, and Small child can die within a quarter of an hour.


It belongs to and is included in the list of the most dangerous spiders living in Russia. Karakurt initially lived exclusively in the warm regions of Asia, Europe and African continent. However, due to climate change, today it can be found even in the Moscow region, and at the same time they continue to move further north.

In Russia, two types of karakurt are most often found: the steppe widow and the white karakurt. Representatives of the first species have a black round abdomen with 13 red spots scattered in a chaotic manner.

The body of the white karakurt is also spherical, but completely white. Instead of spots on the upper side of the abdomen there are four pinpoint depressions arranged in a rectangle.

Karakurts are quite poisonous. Characteristic symptoms of this spider bite are:

  • slight swelling in the affected area;
  • skin redness;
  • After about an hour, muscle spasms are observed;
  • tension occurs in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

In some cases, these symptoms are also associated with others. Possible increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, vomiting and heavy sweating. The victim complains of headaches and general weakness. Urinary incontinence, tachycardia and drooling are often observed. “Goosebumps” and tingling sensations are felt in the affected limb, and gradually it becomes completely numb.

Brazilian wandering spider

This is the most dangerous spider in the world, a photo of which is in wildlife can be done exclusively in the tropics of South America, in particular in Brazil. He is an excellent hunter and catches his victims without nets. Fully justifying its name, the Brazilian wandering spider does not stay in one place for a long time - its life is spent in constant wanderings, the purpose of which is to search for food. Representatives of this species attack the prey with extraordinary swiftness, and they are capable of catching and killing not only an insect or other spider, but also a lizard and even a small bird.

If medical assistance is not received in time, a Brazilian wandering spider bite can result in death within 30 minutes.

On a note! This often happens to residents of the Brazilian hinterland, where ambulance is traveling from the city and for this reason does not make it on time!

The Brazilian wandering spider is not afraid to be near a person’s home. Moreover, representatives of this species quite often enter residential buildings, where they hide in clothes. They also love to eat bananas and often end up in fruit boxes. As a result, banana packers and pickers suffer from the bites of these spiders.

No one is safe from a spider bite, but it is still possible to protect yourself. To do this, it is enough to reconsider your clothes after returning from a walk, especially if you are in the habitat of one of the most poisonous arachnids. And when you encounter a dangerous spider, try to carefully walk around it and, of course, under no circumstances try to pick it up.

Ordinary house spiders can only harm insects that are familiar to us, for example, flies. But there are species that can kill humans. They live almost throughout the entire earth, mainly in the tropics. This article will talk about the most dangerous spiders in the world, and some of them have deadly venom.

Available all over the world about 40,000 species. But a small part may pose a danger to people. Many spiders begin to run away at the slightest threat; this instinct extends to poisonous individuals; they bite only when necessary. But there are also aggressive species, and their poison can be fatal.

Yellow sac spiders

The species is widespread in many continents of the world. It has another name - "criminal", this is due to the fact that it can suddenly attack and bite. The bite resembles the bite of the Hermit spider, but unlike the second species, its venom is not as strong. The toxin, entering the blood, causes the effect of cell destruction, but the process ends with painful sensations at the site of the bite and swelling.

Wolf spiders

It does not shine with terrifying size, like, for example, tarantulas and tarantulas, which can frighten with their appearance. This type of arachnid can cause significant harm to humans, although their poison is not fatal and does not have paralytic properties. But wolf spider bite causes incredible swelling and itching. This arachnid is not the most dangerous in the world.

Sand six-eyed spiders

Scientists still do not know the name of the toxic poison that accumulates in the mandibles; it belongs to the species Sicarius hahni. But its effect is known to many. If toxins enter the blood, the destruction of red cells and the circulatory system of blood vessels occurs. Only 2 cases of death from a sand six-eyed spider bite have been recorded; the fatal encounter ended in internal hemorrhage.

This species is distributed only in African and South American territories. Although the death was recorded by medicine, it is unknown how many victims unofficially added to the statistics of this one of the most dangerous spiders in the world.

Redback spiders

This individual has another name - Australian widow, this was the original habitat, but soon the habitat expanded to many continents, except for the snow-capped poles. The redback spider's venom does not contain strong toxins and therefore cannot be fatal. However, if a bite occurs, the sensation will be unpleasant. The following symptoms will begin:

  • bouts of vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • heavy sweating;
  • weakness in the body.

Brown recluse spiders

This species has a second name - violin spider, and it is widespread in the southern territory of the United States of America and in the northern lands of Mexico, so people living there always exercise the utmost caution when meeting them. The appearance of the spider is unprepossessing, but it has another peculiarity - poison. When a bite occurs, a necrotic effect occurs, but it all depends on the amount of toxin that enters the blood. There are 3 stages of damage:

  • mild inflammation of the affected area;
  • human tissue has a deep necrotic effect;
  • fatal outcome.

The brown recluse spider is classified as one of the most dangerous arachnids.

Sydney funnel spiders

Arachnid species - Atrax robustus. If a person catches this spider's eye, it shows strong aggression and may attack first. Its venom consists of protein delta-atracotoxin and can cause death not only in primates, but also in humans. Its effect is to paralyze the lungs and central nervous system. From the name it is clear that this deadly species is distributed over 100 km in Sydney and its environs.

This arthropod is dangerous because it chooses houses that are calm and cool to weave its trap. Man not knowing about uninvited guests, may suffer in a sudden meeting with a spider. Australian medical institutions They store a sufficient amount of the vaccine, so after its production in 1891, there were no more deaths from the bite of this dangerous spider in the world.

Red-footed widows

This type belongs to the varieties of widows. The distribution of the red-legged widow is in Florida. She does not have an aggressive disposition and injects a small amount of poison. Symptoms include vomiting, cramps and muscle pain. For an adult, death is a rare case; children are mostly at risk.

North American black widows

This name has long been associated with the most dangerous spiders in the whole world. Before the invention of the vaccine (1908) against the bite black widow One in 20 Americans died. And from this date for Lately According to medical reports, 13 people died. But this species is not considered the most toxic, although it belongs to the category of dangerous . Poison affects a person in this way: it penetrates the entire lymphatic system and causes a strong allergic reaction by stimulating blood antibodies. In addition to the United States, black widows also live in the countries of Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The area bitten by the black widow returns to normal within 3 months.

Brown widows

This species is classified under the category of Australian, red-backed and black widows. Brown Widow distributed everywhere except the cold terrestrial parts of the world. Spider squirts small dose poison, but it is stronger than the black widow toxin. As intended by nature, males are less dangerous than females due to the fact that they have different sizes. The effect of the poison is short-term paralysis and is accompanied by pain in the muscles. Deaths are quite rare.

Steppe black widows - karakurts

Despite their small size, approximately 20 mm, they produce a powerful poison, which contains a dangerous natural protein neurotoxin. After a karakurt bite, the following consequences occur:

  • the bite causes severe acute pain;
  • after about 30 minutes, the poison disperses throughout the body;
  • then symptoms occur in the form of vomiting, dizziness and weakness.

Such symptoms may subside over several days. The person experiences very deep depression and may lose his mind. In this case, you shouldn’t hesitate, you need to be in time provide assistance no later than five days after the bite, otherwise the injured person will die.

Recently, the Karakurts have begun to migrate to the lands of Russia. But there is a second side to the coin. Males do not pose a threat, their size does not exceed 7 mm, only large females are dangerous. Today they can be found in the southern territories of Ukraine and Russian Federation, mainly in the Black Sea and Azov regions. Karakurt also inhabits the steppes of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. This is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world, which is common in the CIS countries.

Brazilian wandering spiders

This is the most poisonous spider species (Phoneutria fera) and is considered the most active, he is quite agile, jumping and fast. The venom contains the properties of the neurotoxin PhTx3. Brazilian wandering spiders pose a significant threat to the population of southern and central tropical America. It is capable of undetected penetration into homes, bags, cars, pockets and clothing. It is listed in the Guinness Book as the most dangerous and poisonous species in the whole world.

This spider is not inclined to spin webs. According to statistics, people who are bitten survive with a 97.7% probability if an antidote is administered in a timely manner. Their poisonous properties have a high probability of death. The poison introduced into the blood causes a muscle paralytic reaction and causes suffocation. A person experiences terrible sensations during the action of the poison, and if an arthropod bites a man, he risks becoming impotent and curing the disease will be very problematic. Brazilian wandering spiders prefer to live among bananas. Behind last years a considerable number of South Americans died from its bites.

Many people are afraid of something in their life. For some it is less pronounced, while for others, on the contrary, it is a real phobia. Or a panicky fear of something, which is accompanied by uncontrollable behavior of the frightened person.

Fear of spiders (arachnophobia) is present in five percent of the entire population of our planet. But, oddly enough, spiders are actually not the most terrible inhabitants. globe. In addition, most of them pose absolutely no danger to humans. They don't attack first. And in case of a bite, the consequences will be like a mosquito bite, and maybe there won’t even be a pimple at all. But, despite the safety of arachnids in general, there are species that are truly dangerous. They can call serious problems with health and even take the life of the one who is bitten. This is due to the powerful neurotoxic substance contained in their venom. So, below, we present to your attention a list of the ten most dangerous spiders in the world.

10. Sand six-eyed spider

Considered fatal and dangerous. But, fortunately, he lives in deserted African deserts. Therefore, a person rarely has a chance to encounter this arthropod, much less be bitten by it. A series of experiments conducted by scientists with the venoms of this spider showed that the substance breaks down and destroys all living tissues. But so far there is not a single recorded case of a human being bitten by this spider. Therefore, no one knows the exact consequences.

9. Spider mouse

IN to a greater extent found in Australia. So interesting name it was given to him in ancient times. People were sure that it was capable of digging holes in the ground, like a mouse, and they named the spider after the animal. Nowadays, this myth has already been dispelled and everyone knows that this spider has nothing in common with mice and it does not dig holes. But the name still stuck. The venom of this spider is quite strong, but it bites very rarely. And in cases when someone is bitten by this representative of spiders, there is always the opportunity to introduce an antidote and avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

8. Katipo

He has a very calm, balanced character. By nature, this type of spider is very shy, so they try in every possible way to avoid unwanted encounters with people. If, sometimes, bites from representatives of this species occur, they are inflicted by females. Females are much larger than males and more hot-tempered. Although, usually, they also do not want to conflict and try to escape in time.

7. Brown Recluse Spider

Usually lives in North America. Scientists also consider its poison to be quite dangerous. Since its bite may well lead to the death of children, the elderly or people with allergies and weak bodies. A strong hemotoxin, entering the circulatory system, begins to destroy internal organs and muscle tissue from the inside. When a healthy adult receives a bite, they usually do not experience any special consequences. In addition, there is a serum against this poison.

6. Hobo Spider

Never comes into a person's field of vision intentionally. And even more so, he never attacks anyone just like that. The female of this spider can bite if she feels a threat to her offspring. She usually sits next to the cocoon and protects her unborn babies. According to arachnologists (spider specialists), this species is considered dangerous due to the neurotoxin contained in the spider's venom. which can cause damage internal organs person, and in in some cases- death.

5. Redback Spider

It is a distant relative of the black widow and occupies fifth position in the ranking. It is no less safe than the widow or hermit, but a good antidote has been developed against its poison. Therefore, no fatal cases due to its bite have been recorded at all in recent years. It is named so because of the red stripe on its shiny black body that runs along the top of its belly. The habitat of this species is in certain parts of Australia.

4. Chilean hermit

One of the largest recluse spiders in the world. In addition to its impressive size, it also stands out among its peers due to its stronger poison. True, its bite rarely leads to death, but unpleasant consequences can be observed for a long time. Out of hundreds of bite cases, up to four of them are fatal.

3. Black Widow

Found in most countries with warm and temperate climates. Most common in North America, where it has the status of the most poisonous spider in the country. Poison this representative The spiders are quite powerful, but not particularly deadly. Usually, out of a hundred people bitten, only about five people die. Although her poison is not as strong as that of the two previous representatives, it is quite noticeable. And upon contact with an unwary person, the black widow does not lose the opportunity to bite. By the way, the species received its name for the reason that after the act of fertilization, the female eats her partner.


Lives in warm Australia, takes second place in this top. There are about forty varieties of representatives of this species. These spiders were given their name because of their manner of building a shelter out of webs. They make a web funnel among bushes or stones at a short distance from the ground. The bite of a representative of this species is very dangerous and will certainly have Negative consequences for human health. But these spiders are very cowardly and non-conflicting. They never attack and even if they are touched, they simply try to run away. The bite is the most last method escape from the attacker.

1. Brazilian spider

The Brazilian spider or wandering spider, which is better known in its homeland as the “banana spider,” is considered the most dangerous on the planet. It is officially recognized as the most poisonous spider in the world. Where it can be found is clear from its name. But it happens that he is brought far beyond the borders of his homeland with exported products. Fortunately, the spider itself does not attack people and only bites in defense. But, according to scientists, a tenth of a portion of this creature’s poison can easily kill an adult mouse. So a bite from an adult representative of the species is quite capable of leading to death, in the case of a person. This is one of the few spiders that can even kill a person. In any case, the consequences after his bite will not be the most pleasant. So, you need to try to avoid meeting such a big handsome man