House 2 group VK. Review of the latest news from the project perimeter

True fans are always interested in the latest news from the Dom-2 television project. What happened on the project today will be shown on air only six days later, since the show is being released with a delay. During this time, a lot of events happen in the lives of the participants. Thanks to this, we can find out the latest news before the main releases of the show.

The official website of the project never posts news in order to maintain intrigue until the episodes are released on TNT. And fans have to look for information about the guys and the presenters of the project in order to keep abreast of events today. But now viewers don’t have to waste time searching, because we promptly post all the news on!

This will not be on the official website

Life in the clearing does not stand still. Every day, the heroes of the scandalous reality show fight, make up, confess their love, discuss what happened in the relationship, argue, and sometimes even fight. The official website will not always tell about the most scandalous and shocking antics of the boys and girls of Dom-2. If yesterday, after watching the next episode, you witnessed the arrival of new participants in the perimeter, then it is possible that today we will have the latest news about his departure after the next vote. And this situation is far from uncommon.

Review of the latest news from the project perimeter

There are no days off at Dom-2, TNT gathers viewers every day, but despite this, a lot of interesting things remain behind the scenes. Everyone knows that guys have days off, some of them work in Moscow, others constantly fly on business trips, acting as presenters at TNT parties. This part of the lives of young people passes by the camera lenses, but sometimes it is much more interesting than on the Dom-2 television broadcasts. Outside the perimeter, the “household members” can relax a little and break away.

The popular project Dom 2, which has been broadcast since 2004, has many fans today. They are interested in the personal lives of their favorite characters, their relationships with other participants and, of course, the latest news from House 2. Someone is collecting the latest rumors that everyone is talking about today. People love the intrigue and strange things that happen on the show, as well as the humor that is often found here.

Over the entire existence of the television project, many people participated in it, whose names are known to many today: they can be found on the pages of popular magazines, in youth programs, and in videos. News and rumors about these people are always of interest to the most ardent fans of the show. Of course, the hosts of “House Two” do not go unnoticed, gossip about which can also be found everywhere.

All the latest news and rumors from House-2 are here!

There is a Video section on the website, where some Dom-2 news can be watched online in this format. And all information about the project and participants that has not been officially confirmed ends up in the Rumors section. This includes controversial facts about the show. As it turned out, not only the latest news from House 2, but also the latest gossip about the characters are of great interest to viewers.

Many people collect news and rumors about House 2 6 days earlier. This was made possible by posting information about the latest events on the site. After all, it is known that until rumors reach the press, a lot of time passes, and the news loses its relevance. It will also not be possible to see the latest news on television, since the program was filmed earlier, 6 days before the broadcast.

Fans of the project, ready to spend hours collecting rumors about their favorite characters, prefer to find out what’s new in “House 2” today online. After all, they have the opportunity to see the news from House 2 for the week ahead. Particularly popular are the latest events, in which there is intrigue or juicy details that are necessarily amenable to discussion. Finding out about House 2 six days earlier is also convenient for those who are planning to leave or will not be able to watch the broadcast for other reasons.

The reality show Dom-2 currently remains in the leading positions in the ratings among television programs. The Russian channel TNT has been broadcasting it since May 2004. The project immediately gained popularity, and was one of the most talked about shows all this time. Dom-2 fan club consists of thousands of people of different ages who loved this show. They sincerely empathize with the characters and what happens between the couples.

The plot is that young people live in the same territory and are trying to build their love. Participants often conflict with each other, sometimes these quarrels turn into brawls and streams of obscene language flow. According to the rules of the show, such behavior threatens to disqualify the participant, so some journalists and critics do not recommend watching the show House 2; they believe that the organizers specifically recruit emotional characters to maintain the rating.

Another reason for criticism of the project is that many do not believe the sincerity of feelings on camera, and consider it an open imitation. After all, participation in the project is a good reason to stay on the screen of a popular TV channel. Opponents of the project conclude that by being “exposed” on television you can build a career as a star, or as a public figure.

The Dom-2 show often makes fun of various humorous programs, which adds to the ratings of an already well-known project. Bad PR is also PR. Sometimes criticism brings more glory than praise and gratitude.

There was a serious threat of failure of the project in 2005. Then deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation prepared an appeal to the prosecutor’s office with demands to close the reality show. They also called for the presenter, at that time Ksenia Sobchak, to be brought to criminal responsibility for pimping. The appeal stated that the program could only be broadcast from 23.00 to 4.00, as it contained immoral scenes.

In an interview, Ksenia Sobchak addressed government officials, saying that the Dom-2 project was created for young people. They teach to be friends, communicate, love and understand each other. And the deputies, instead of paying attention to the significant problems of the future generation, unfairly blame her.

The channel's management was ready to bring the plaintiffs to criminal liability under Articles 129 and 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for slander and knowingly false denunciation.

In turn, the general producer of the TNT channel, Dmitry Troitsky, stated that no one would finance and broadcast an unprofitable project, especially on a channel with such a name.

Despite the blows this project takes from ill-wishers, it has many fans who actively follow, discuss, argue, and empathize with the participants in Internet forums and body chat. The good thing about House-2 is that the project demonstrates relationships within the team. People love to see friendships and closer relationships develop on screen and bear fruit. After all, people get married on the show, children are born, and parents come to the aid of the participants.

The heroes are building their family - and this is a topic that will always be relevant and interesting to different generations. The reality show shows that trust, mutual understanding and love are the foundation on which a family is built.

The organizers managed to interest the audience in various competitions. This caused a storm of emotions and discussions on the subject of justice. After all, the participants won valuable gifts in the form of apartments, large sums of money, cars, travel, etc.
The project reflects real life, in which there are conflicts, quarrels and separations. This proves the authenticity of what is happening, life as it is. House-2 fan. community is what keeps the show alive. Support

The “House-2 News” section is difficult to ignore, since true fans of House-2 always want to be aware of all the news of their favorite project. It’s always interesting to check out the latest events or look a little ahead and find out what awaits viewers in the upcoming episodes of Dom-2. News is taken from many sources: the Internet, social networks, blogs of participants.

News of the Dom-2 project.

It is unlikely that an ordinary person will bother searching for the latest news and monitoring all available sources. Of course, there are crazy fans who are ready to scour the entire Internet, contact everyone in their household on social networks and extract information of interest from them. But, you see, for this you need to have a huge amount of free time, which is at a great price in our difficult times. This is where the Dom-2 News section comes to the rescue. We collect all the most interesting things that can be found on the Internet about the Dom-2 project, all the rumors and all the news, and post them on the pages of our website. You just need to go to our website, select the News section and slowly familiarize yourself with the information that interests you.

The latest news about the Dom-2 project is here!

All significant events at Dom-2 will necessarily appear in the section News. It is worth mentioning that many news will never be shown on the air of the project for one reason or another. And there are many reasons for this. Some will simply be considered insignificant for broadcasting, some concern former participants in the project, and some news is simply too sensitive to be covered throughout the country. In any case, even if the news becomes publicly available, you will learn about it before ordinary TV viewers who watch Dom-2 on TV. After all, as you know, the delay between the official broadcast and the filming of the project is six days.

Where does the news about the Dom-2 project come from?

And many members of House-2 are not averse to communicating with fans online, discussing the latest news and rumors, and sharing information that is inaccessible to television viewers. Also, most household members maintain their own blogs, from where you can often get exclusive details from the filming of TV shows. This is how the Dom-2 News section is formed, filling it with fresh first-hand information, which you can easily familiarize yourself with while sitting in front of your computer monitor.

News Dom-2 is sometimes criticized...

Sometimes people complain that we cover events that will only happen on television in a few days. Some accuse us of ruining all the intrigue by publishing the news from House-2 too early. They say that after this it becomes completely uninteresting to watch a television project. At the same time, the same people regularly go to “News” and scrupulously study the new items in the section. And it’s hard to blame them for that. After all, it is absolutely impossible to resist looking into the news section, which simply pulls you to itself like a magnet, rushing to reveal secrets and allowing you to look a little into the future. And even in some way killing the intrigue that the project organizers strive for so much, trying to keep the high ratings of House-2, people again and again come to this alluring section and study the latest news.

For those who are interested in the Dom-2 project, VK news is a great opportunity to learn everything about the lives of the talk show participants. In this article, we have collected the most popular groups from the social network that cover what is happening on the project.

Popular communities

The official group of the project "Dom-2" on VKontakte is located On the page. The group has more than 1,144,000 members. Information in the community is divided into several main topics, which can be accessed using special links:

  • Esters;
  • Participants;
  • Presenters;
  • Experts;
  • Casting;
  • Blogs and video blogs;
  • Discussion of participants;
  • Acquaintance;
  • Music and history of the project.

New entries from the categories described above appear on the wall every day, and in the comments there is a heated discussion of talk show stars and their actions.

Every day a lot of posts are posted on the wall, which contain a link to the event website, as well as a link to the commentator forum. Quite often there are reposts from other communities on similar topics. The group also regularly posts recordings of all broadcasts of the show.