Katya Gordon is her second husband. Katya Gordon: personal life, husband

Ekaterina Gordon – journalist, radio host, poetess, director, lawyer defending the rights of women and children in Russia, singer

Date of Birth: October 19, 1980
Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scales

“I want to live with the feeling that this world needs me and that I am a good person. As a matter of principle, I don’t do bad things.”

Biography of Katya Gordon

Ekaterina was born in the capital in the family of professor Viktor Prokofiev and mathematics teacher at Moscow State University Marina Markacheva. Katya was 13 years old when her father got another woman. Mom took her daughter and son Ivan and left her husband. Later, my father realized that he had made a mistake, but it was too late: my mother could not forgive. Katya herself brought her future stepfather Nikolai Podlipchuk to their house because he had nowhere to live. He stayed that way and then married his mother. And Katya took her stepfather’s surname.

Katya has been since childhood creative personality, began writing books at the age of 14, studied at music school in piano class, staged puppet shows. And in high school I studied economics at Moscow State University. In 2002 she graduated from Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Social Psychology.

Katya Gordon: different forms

Katya always wanted to become a director and screenwriter. And she became a graduate of the higher courses for screenwriters and directors in the workshop of master P.E. Todorovsky. Her short film “The Sea is Worried Once” received Grand Prize Festival “New Cinema. XXI Century". But it was banned from public display with a vague wording: “for inhumane reasons.”

Katya Gordon already has 5 published books: “State”, “Kill the Internet!!!”, “Finished”, “Life for Dummies”, “#poetrygordon”.

Katya decided that it was not in vain that she studied at music school, and in 2009 she created the group Blondrock. On next year The first album “Love and Freedom” was released. Two years later, in 2012, the album “Tired of Being Afraid!” was released. And in the same year it came out solo album"Nothing extra". And the Blondrock group existed until 2015. Then Katya decided to perform under her own name.

And in 2016 I decided to try my hand at the popular show “The Voice” with own song“Take Back Paradise”, where Dima Bilan chose her at the blind auditions. True, she didn’t make it to the finals.

Personal life

Katya managed to be married to famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon. At first he was fascinated by her book of poems “State”, then he became fascinated by the author himself.

At the time of their acquaintance, Alexander was the only presenter whom Katya sincerely loved. She saw him in a cafe and gave him her poems to read. And I didn’t forget to leave my phone number. A month after they met, they got married. 6 years, how long they lived together with Gordon, Alexander’s father - famous poet, prose writer and artist Harry Borisovich Gordon could not stand her and called her a hanger-on. Katya names the reasons for the break in relations with Alexander: gradually cooled feelings and Harry Borisovich.

The second time she married lawyer Sergei Zhorin, whom they met when he defended her in court. Moreover, they registered their marriage twice, and a son, Daniel, was born. After her second divorce from Sergei, Katya ended up in a neurosis clinic.

There was a scandalous relationship with actor Kirill Emelyanov. And it was scandalous because the guy was under 18 years old. And Katya was 28 years old at that time.

Katya broke up with the father of the boy Seraphim (the second child), the mysterious Yegor, while she was pregnant. The birth was very difficult, she almost died, she even experienced clinical death.

In August 2018, on her Instagram page, Katya announced that she was getting married for the fourth time, allegedly for businessman Igor Matsanyuk.

In 2012, she founded her own law firm, Gordon and Sons. This organization is dedicated to protecting the rights of women and children in our country. And in 2017, she even nominated herself for the post of President of Russia in order to become the voice of women whose rights have been violated. But having collected a sufficient number of signatures, she withdrew her candidacy.

The journalist and TV presenter is known for his complex temperament and scandalous statements on air, and there is no doubt that Alexander Gordon’s personal life is not last role plays his character, and not every woman can get along with him under the same roof. He had several marriages, and only in the last, fourth, did he seem to find his happiness.

Wives of Alexander Gordon

The famous journalist was never constancy in his personal life; he had many affairs, and some of them ended in marriage. So how many wives did Alexander Gordon have, and how were the relationships in his families?

Maria Verdnikova

The journalist's first wife was Maria Verdnikova, who came to Moscow from Novosibirsk to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism Literary Institute. Alexander at that time was an aspiring actor and, having met an interesting, pretty girl from an intelligent family of genetic scientists, he simply could not help but fall in love with her.

They got married, a daughter, Anna, was born into the young family, and when the baby was one year old, Alexander and Maria went to America.

But family life abroad did not go well - scandals began in the family, and the couple decided to separate. Alexander Gordon's first wife remained in the States forever and managed to achieve significant results there. professional success- Maria Verdnikova is a famous political commentator and media personality, collaborates with Russian-language media, writes historical novels.

Nana Kiknadze

Alexander met Nana when he lived in America and worked as a correspondent for one of the television channels. She was four years younger than Gordon and was studying at the Television Academy at the time.

Kiknadze had a marriage behind her that had broken up due to her husband’s infidelities, her daughter Nika was growing up, and Alexander fell head over heels in love with a new acquaintance.

They were together for seven years, and they family life full of scandals and stormy reconciliations could not be called calm. Despite the long life together Nana and Alexander never formalized their relationship.

Ekaterina Gordon

Alexander met Katya Podlipchuk by chance, but very little time passed and the journalist, who was sixteen years younger than Gordon, became his wife.

At that time, Alexander was thirty-six years old, and Catherine was twenty, but they did not pay attention to such an age difference.

From the very beginning, their life together was overshadowed by open hostility between Alexander Gordon's wife and his father, poet and screenwriter Harry Gordon. At first, Alexander tried to stay away from these scandals, but then more and more often he began to take his father’s side, and six years later this marriage broke up.

Nina Shchipilova

He met Nina, who became the next wife of Alexander Gordon, at the university where he worked as a teacher. At the time of their acquaintance, she was only eighteen years old, and she was studying on a course taught by Gordon.

In the winter of 2011, they had a quiet wedding, and two years later the family fell apart after Nina found out that her husband had cheated on her with another girl, Krasnodar journalist Lena Pashkova.

The children of Alexander Gordon were born not only in legal marriages, it happened this time too - Elena gave birth to a son, Alexander, but this fact did not become the reason for Gordon to marry Pashkova.

Nozanin Abdulvasieva

After another divorce, Alexander Gordon’s personal life did not stop - he met the granddaughter of director Valery Akhadov and the daughter of producer Abdul Abdulvasiev Nozanin, who soon became his fourth wife.

Nozanin is a graduate of the Faculty of Documentary Film at VGIK, and at the time she met her future husband she was still a student. They met on the set of Smart Guy, in which Gordon was involved in leading role, and Noza came to interview a famous journalist and actor.

Their conversation dragged on for a long time, and as a result of communication they realized how much they had in common. The wedding of Nozanin and Alexander took place in 2014, and soon after, the couple had a son, Alexander.

In his fourth wife, Gordon apparently found the ideal woman - Noza, despite her relatively young age, already has her own opinions, she is modest, natural, she does not need publicity.

Being with his wife is interesting for Alexander and he feels calm and comfortable. At the end of 2017, he became a father again - the number of Alexander Gordon's children increased to four - Nozanin gave birth to a son, Fedor.

Brief biography of Alexander Gordon

The famous journalist and TV presenter was born in Obninsk, and his early childhood took place in the village of Belousovo. But all the conscious years of Alexander Gordon’s biography passed in the Russian capital. Sasha was raised by his stepfather, whom his mother married after her divorce from his father.

After school, Alexander entered the Shchukin School, and then was accepted into the Simonov Theater Studio. Two years later, Gordon and his family left for the States, where he discovered television. He became the host of one of the Russian-language channels and soon his career quickly took off.

Later he founded his own television company, and in 1997 he returned to Moscow. Creative biography Alexander Gordon received active development in his homeland, and he quickly gained authority and popularity; many interesting projects appeared and continue to appear.

In today's article, you will meet Ekaterina Gordon. This woman gained her fame thanks to various areas activities in which she excelled. To be more precise, Katya realized herself in law, writing, directing, television, and also in journalism. In addition to all of the above, the journalist made a statement that she was going to run as a candidate for the presidency.

It is worth mentioning the fact that Ekaterina was nominated for the Golden Gramophone Award and won thanks to her song called “Take Back Paradise.”

Since Catherine is pretty famous person, she has her own audience of fans who are interested in height, weight, age. How old is Katya Gordon is also a fairly popular question, especially among the female audience.

So, the height of our today's heroine is 165 centimeters, with a weight of 57 kilograms. At 37 years old, Katya Gordon has exactly these physical characteristics. Photos from her youth can still be easily found in the public domain; there are also photographs of her from her childhood on the Internet. For particularly inquisitive fans who want to know as much as possible about their idol, you can reveal the singer’s zodiac sign. Her sign is Libra.

Biography 👉 Katya Gordon

This famous person is a native of the capital Russian Federation- Moscow. On the 19th day of the autumn month of October, in 1980, a girl was born who was christened Ekaterina, and from this date the biography of Katya Gordon began. The girl grew up in an intelligent family, her mother was a teacher of mathematical sciences at Moscow State University.

The father, in turn, has a professorial degree and was also involved in teaching activities. When Ekaterina was at school age, her parents filed for divorce, and her mother remarried, after which the girl had to take the surname of her mother’s new husband, which is why Katya had a very hard time in the future.

In one of her interviews, the writer said that because of this surname, she was bullied and was subjected to severe stress. In their school years, Katya began writing poetry and prose almost the moment she mastered grammar. There, at school, I managed to try myself as a director, when puppet shows were staged.

At this time, Ekaterina began studying at a music school, where she studied piano, but her training could not be called successful; here the girl did little to distinguish herself.

My glory days as a high school student were spent at a special economics school. There, young Catherine was recognized as the best in educational institution and nominated for a grant to continue studying at a university at one of economic specialties. Unfortunately or not, the young girl was not at all interested in this, and changed direction towards psychology after entering Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Having graduated with honors from the university and received a diploma of completion of education, Gordon was ignited by a new passion, which became cinema. Subsequently, she attended the Higher Director's Courses, where she also shone brightest.

After completing the courses, Ekaterina began her career as a TV presenter. By the way, the graduation project, namely the short film “The Sea Is Worried Once,” did not receive approval, allegedly because of the bad connotations that the artistic council saw in this film. Subsequently, this project nevertheless received recognition at a festival dedicated to cinema, and the director was awarded the Grand Prix.

After working on television, Ekaterina Gordon came to radio, where her knowledge in the field of psychology came in handy. The column hosted by the woman turned out to be quite entertaining, and with this, her popularity grew.

Katya also managed to work on the First All-Russian Channel, as a participant in a television show called “City Slickers.” And after that, Gordon led the project at television channel called "Star".

In addition to her contribution to television, Ekaterina managed to bring something of her own to literature, writing books called “Finished” and “Conditions”. These works appealed to readers who were looking for something extraordinary, so to speak, reading material for the thrill of the senses. After that, she wrote an entire novel called “Kill the Internet.”

Ekaterina’s next activity was music; she created a pop-rock group called “Blonde Rock”. By the way, Gordon herself wrote the music and lyrics.

Another thing that this multifaceted and bright personality, became blogging. She immediately marked herself as the founder of the first trade union of bloggers in the Russian Federation.

Personal life 👉 Katie Gordon

Katya Gordon's personal life began with meeting her first husband, Alexander Gordon. Due to the fact that Catherine's study was her main occupation, she did not have time for matters of the heart, which her parents were very concerned about. They decided to arrange a date for their daughter.

In the restaurant she saw Alexander, who at that time was hosting a TV show that Katya was watching. She approached him, handing over a collection of her poems so that Alexander would give it to his father, after which she returned to her gentleman. After reading the collection, Alexander expressed his opinion on this matter, noting that he finds the main character similar to himself.

Next, Gordon invited Katya to shoot a cinematic film called “The Shepherd of His Cows,” and after filming, he proposed marriage to the woman. Catherine, in turn, agreed and took her husband’s surname.

Family 👉 Katie Gordon

In the family into which Catherine was born, everything was fine at first, but as mentioned earlier, to school age her parents filed for divorce. After this, the mother ties herself to marriage for the second time.

It was decided not to share a lot of information with the public, since few people want someone to delve into their personal lives. As for what Katya Gordon's family is like, this moment, she has two children, and she herself has gone through three marriages. It's about about Alexander Gordon, then there was Sergei Zhorin, and the third time there was Sergei again, but the marriage did not last even a few months.

Children 👉 Katie Gordon

Catherine doesn’t say much about her children; the eldest son was named Daniel, and the younger son Leon, but due to the request of his biological father, Katya’s youngest son, he was given a different name - Seraphim.

The writer does not talk much about her children, so there is no more information on the World Wide Web. Although in her profile of a service for sharing photo and video materials called “Instagram”, there are photographs with captions reflecting Catherine’s thoughts on this matter. However, Katya Gordon’s children, as for any mother, are a source of pride.

By the way, Katya had “ C-section"during childbirth.

Son 👉 Katya Gordon - Seraphim

A year ago, I saw the light younger son famous woman, and this event happened at the end of winter, when Catherine began to have contractions, at that moment she was just walking along the streets of the city.

After getting into the car, the woman headed to the nearest maternity ward. There was a birth, but it went quite easily. When Katya Gordon gave birth to her second child, a boy was born weighing just over three and a half kilograms. At first the boy was named Leon, but later Katya Gordon’s youngest son was named Seraphim. This happened because biological father the boy asked to do this.

Ex-Husband 👉 Katya Gordon - Alexander Gordon

The first person with whom the writer connected her life was Katya Gordon’s ex-husband, Alexander Gordon. At that time, he worked on television and broadcast intellectual content. As mentioned earlier, they met in a rather funny way, chance meeting became fateful.

Alexander and Catherine lived in marriage for six years, after which the couple dissolved their marriage. At the same time, the divorce process took place quite calmly and without any fuss or litigation. By the way, after reading Catherine’s collection, the man said that her works were not professional, but very subtle.

Ex-Husband 👉 Katya Gordon - Sergei Zhorin

After the writer divorced her first husband, new man. Ex-husband Kati Gordon - Sergey Zhorin is a very famous lawyer who is consulted a large number of celebrities. From the moment they met, not even a month had passed before Catherine walked down the aisle again. However, the happiness did not last long; a few months later, the newly-made husband raised his hand against the writer. The consequences were extremely severe, given the fact that Katya was pregnant.

Sergei officially apologized to his wife publicly, but Catherine was unable to improve the relationship and broke up with him, although she forgave him.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Katie Gordon

Ekaterina has established herself before the public as a multifaceted, extraordinary and bright personality, whose news is definitely worth following. The woman monitors her media exposure very carefully, and also never ceases to amaze us with her photos and videos. Speaking of whether Katya Gordon’s Instagram and Wikipedia exist and what they are like.

Since Catherine is a rather extraordinary person, she already has a personal web page in the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, which contains all the detailed information.

The woman also has her own personal account on Instagram, which she maintains personally. In her profile you can find quite a variety of content, which displays family, children, work process, and on top of that, leisure, but overall, it creates a picture that is pleasing to the eye.

On the night of February 19-20, singer, composer and lawyer Katya Gordon became a mother for the second time. She gave the baby the name Leon. The businesswoman admitted that the birth was extremely difficult. She lost a lot of blood, but experienced doctors were able to save her. Katya Gordon almost died during childbirth

Apparently, Katya does not intend to enjoy serene life on maternity leave. Despite the fact that the birth of her second son was not easy for her, two weeks later she was forced to leave the boy under the supervision of a nanny in order to quickly return to work duties.

"Well. One sent to our favorite kindergarten, the second is provided with milk and caressed by mothers and nannies. And the parents are at work. You can make an appointment with me from today", wrote Katya on the microblog.

Fans were delighted with the businesswoman’s zeal for work, although only the day before she had been discharged from the maternity hospital. They admired the fact that Katya did not stay too long on maternity leave, but decided to quickly return to her usual duties. Followers wished that she had enough strength to take care of the little heir. "Congratulations! Grow up healthy and strong”, “And from our family to you the very best congratulations, Catherine! You are extraordinary! Thank you for your posts, for your frankness, for your experience! Good luck to you! To the sons of peace, joy and happy childhood", "Congratulations! Happy days and good night", wrote loyal fans.

Gordon also dreams of getting back into pre-pregnancy shape as quickly as possible, and therefore intends to lose weight in a short time. In half a month she hopes to get rid of extra pounds, and also encourages everyone to join her in pursuit of the figure of their dreams. “I gave myself 15 days to get in shape. We'll start in March, I'll tell you the day later. From nutrition, to needles and blood cleansing. Be afraid. Fitness and swimming, and everything that helps to recover after childbirth, anesthesia, neuroses and operations. Who believes in me and who is with me? - Gordon addressed her subscribers.

Katya sought to be discharged from the maternity hospital as soon as possible in order to reunite with her family - her parents and eldest son Danil. However, the woman did not mention the father of the newborn boy and does not seek to introduce the public to her chosen one. Katya Gordon spoke about the father of her second child

In today's article, you will meet Ekaterina Gordon. This woman gained her fame thanks to the various fields of activity in which she excelled. To be more precise, Katya realized herself in law, writing, directing, television, and also in journalism. In addition to all of the above, the journalist made a statement that she was going to run as a candidate for the presidency.

It is worth mentioning the fact that Ekaterina was nominated for the Golden Gramophone Award and won thanks to her song called “Take Back Paradise.”

Height, weight, age. How old is Katya Gordon

Since Ekaterina is a fairly famous person, she has her own audience of fans who are interested in height, weight, age. How old is Katya Gordon is also a fairly popular question, especially among the female audience.

So, the height of our today's heroine is 165 centimeters, with a weight of 57 kilograms. At 37 years old, Katya Gordon has exactly these physical characteristics. Photos from her youth can still be easily found in the public domain; there are also photographs of her from her childhood on the Internet. For particularly inquisitive fans who want to know as much as possible about their idol, you can reveal the singer’s zodiac sign. Her sign is Libra.

Biography of Katya Gordon

This famous personality is a native of the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow. On the 19th day of the autumn month of October, in 1980, a girl was born who was christened Ekaterina, and from this date the biography of Katya Gordon began. The girl grew up in an intelligent family, her mother was a teacher of mathematical sciences at Moscow State University.

The father, in turn, has a professorial degree and was also involved in teaching. When Ekaterina was at school age, her parents filed for divorce, and her mother remarried, after which the girl had to take the surname of her mother’s new husband, which is why Katya had a very hard time in the future.

In one of her interviews, the writer said that because of this surname, she was bullied and was subjected to severe stress. During her school years, Katya began writing poetry and prose, almost from the moment she mastered grammar. There, at school, I managed to try myself as a director, when puppet shows were staged.

At this time, Ekaterina began studying at a music school, where she studied piano, but her training could not be called successful; here the girl did little to distinguish herself.

My glory days as a high school student were spent at a special economics school. There, young Ekaterina was recognized as the best in the educational institution and nominated for a grant to continue her studies at the university in one of the economic specialties. Unfortunately or not, the young girl was not at all interested in this, and changed direction towards psychology after entering Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Having graduated with honors from the university and received a diploma of completion of education, Gordon was ignited by a new passion, which became cinema. Subsequently, she attended the Higher Director's Courses, where she also shone brightest.

After completing the courses, Ekaterina began her career as a TV presenter. By the way, the graduation project, namely the short film “The Sea Is Worried Once,” did not receive approval, allegedly because of the bad connotations that the artistic council saw in this film. Subsequently, this project nevertheless received recognition at a festival dedicated to cinema, and the director was awarded the Grand Prix.

After working on television, Ekaterina Gordon came to radio, where her knowledge in the field of psychology came in handy. The column hosted by the woman turned out to be quite entertaining, and with this, her popularity grew.

Katya also managed to work on the First All-Russian Channel, as a participant in a television show called “City Slickers.” And after that, Gordon led a project on a television channel called “Star”.

In addition to her contribution to television, Ekaterina managed to bring something of her own to literature, writing books called “Finished” and “Conditions”. These works appealed to readers who were looking for something extraordinary, so to speak, reading material for the thrill of the senses. After that, she wrote an entire novel called “Kill the Internet.”

Ekaterina’s next activity was music; she created a pop-rock group called “Blonde Rock”. By the way, Gordon herself wrote the music and lyrics.

Another thing that this multifaceted and bright personality took up was blogging. She immediately marked herself as the founder of the first trade union of bloggers in the Russian Federation.

Personal Life of Katya Gordon

Katya Gordon's personal life began with meeting her first husband, Alexander Gordon. Due to the fact that Catherine's study was her main occupation, she did not have time for matters of the heart, which her parents were very concerned about. They decided to arrange a date for their daughter.

In the restaurant she saw Alexander, who at that time was hosting a TV show that Katya was watching. She approached him, handing over a collection of her poems so that Alexander would give it to his father, after which she returned to her gentleman. After reading the collection, Alexander expressed his opinion on this matter, noting that he finds the main character similar to himself.

Next, Gordon invited Katya to shoot a cinematic film called “The Shepherd of His Cows,” and after filming, he proposed marriage to the woman. Catherine, in turn, agreed and took her husband’s surname.

Katya Gordon's family

In the family into which Ekaterina was born, everything was fine at first, but as mentioned earlier, by the time she reached school age, her parents filed for divorce. After this, the mother ties herself to marriage for the second time.

It was decided not to share a lot of information with the public, since few people want someone to delve into their personal lives. As for what Katya Gordon’s family is like, at the moment, she has two children, and she herself has gone through three marriages. We are talking about Alexander Gordon, then there was Sergei Zhorin, and for the third time there was Sergei again, but the marriage did not last even a few months.

Children of Katya Gordon

Catherine doesn’t say much about her children; the eldest son was named Daniel, and the younger son Leon, but due to the request of his biological father, Katya’s youngest son, he was given a different name - Seraphim.

The writer does not talk much about her children, so there is no more information on the World Wide Web. Although in her profile of a service for sharing photo and video materials called “Instagram”, there are photographs with captions reflecting Catherine’s thoughts on this matter. However, Katya Gordon’s children, as for any mother, are a source of pride.

By the way, Katya had a “caesarean section” during childbirth.

Katya Gordon's son - Seraphim

A year ago, the youngest son of a famous woman saw the world, and this event happened at the end of winter, when Catherine began to have contractions, at that moment she was just walking along the streets of the city.

After getting into the car, the woman headed to the nearest maternity ward. There was a birth, but it went quite easily. When Katya Gordon gave birth to her second child, a boy was born weighing just over three and a half kilograms. At first the boy was named Leon, but later Katya Gordon’s youngest son was named Seraphim. This happened because the boy's biological father asked to do this.

Katya Gordon's ex-husband - Alexander Gordon

The first person with whom the writer connected her life was Katya Gordon’s ex-husband, Alexander Gordon. At that time, he worked on television and broadcast intellectual content. As mentioned earlier, they met in a rather funny way; a chance meeting became fateful.

Alexander and Catherine lived in marriage for six years, after which the couple dissolved their marriage. At the same time, the divorce process took place quite calmly and without any fuss or litigation. By the way, after reading Catherine’s collection, the man said that her works were not professional, but very subtle.

Katya Gordon's ex-husband - Sergei Zhorin

After the writer divorced her first husband, a new man appeared on the horizon. Katya Gordon's ex-husband, Sergei Zhorin, is a very famous lawyer who is consulted by a large number of celebrities. From the moment they met, not even a month had passed before Catherine walked down the aisle again. However, the happiness did not last long; a few months later, the newly-made husband raised his hand against the writer. The consequences were extremely severe, given the fact that Katya was pregnant.

Sergei officially apologized to his wife publicly, but Catherine was unable to improve the relationship and broke up with him, although she forgave him.

Quite interesting is the fact that Catherine has candid photos. But it’s impossible to find candid photos of Katya Gordon in Maxim magazine, due to the fact that the woman was photographed for a completely different magazine. The name of this magazine is “Playboy”.

This photo shoot has a pretty interesting concept and is directly related to her writing, despite the fact that the woman is completely naked. Also, on the Internet you can see Catherine in a swimsuit; to be more precise, such photographs appear mainly on Instagram.

Instagram and Wikipedia Katya Gordon

Ekaterina has established herself before the public as a multifaceted, extraordinary and bright personality, whose news is definitely worth following. The woman monitors her media exposure very carefully, and also never ceases to amaze us with her photos and videos. Speaking of whether Katya Gordon’s Instagram and Wikipedia exist and what they are like.

Since Catherine is a rather extraordinary person, she already has a personal web page in the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, which contains all the detailed information.

The woman also has her own personal account on Instagram, which she maintains personally. In her profile you can find quite a variety of content, which displays family, children, work process, and on top of that, leisure, but in general, it creates a picture that is pleasing to the eye. Article found by alabanza.ru