Tolstoy's childhood and adolescence. Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

It's called a test of cognitive reflection. It was invented by a professor to evaluate how capable a person is of perceiving complex things that at first glance seem simple.

So, here we go:

Question 1

A baseball bat and ball together cost 1 ruble 10 kopecks. The bat is 1 ruble more expensive than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

Question 2

5 machines produce 5 gizmos in 5 minutes. How long will it take 100 machines to produce 100 gizmos?

Question 3

The pond is overgrown with water lilies. Every day their area doubles. The entire lake will be overgrown in 48 days. In how many days will the flowers absorb half of its surface?

corruption test...


Answer 1

How much did you get - 10 kopecks? Like most people in a hurry, who considered themselves too smart for such a simple question. Think about it for yourself: if the ball really cost 10 kopecks, and the bat was a ruble more expensive, then it alone would cost ten rubles, and this is the total cost of the items. In fact, the price of the ball is 5 kopecks.

Answer 2

Did you give in to temptation and automatically answer 100? In vain, the question was a trick one. In fact, a hundred machines to produce a hundred gizmos will take the same amount of time as five machines to create five gizmos. That is 5 minutes. Changing the number of machines does not change the production time of the stray items!

Answer 3

How many names of those who answered “24 days” have sunk into oblivion! Your's too? Don't be sad, this question is the pinnacle of the test. Let's think logically: if the area of ​​the thickets doubles every day, then they will occupy half the surface of the pond one day before the expiration of the 48-day period required for the flowers to completely cover the pond. That is, in 47 days.

This is just a test, no need to pull your hair out. Although, if there is almost nothing to tear, it’s better to tear it anyway! And to crack the puzzles like nuts, here’s our trouble-free set for boosting your intelligence “30 simple ways to become smarter.”


Biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

1.2 Childhood

Born on August 28, 1828 in Krapivensky district Tula province, in the mother's ancestral estate - Yasnaya Polyana. Was the 4th child; his three older brothers: Nikolai (1823--1860), Sergei (1826--1904) and Dmitry (1827--1856). In 1830, Sister Maria (1830-1912) was born. His mother died when he was not yet 2 years old.

A distant relative, T. A. Ergolskaya, took up the task of raising orphaned children. In 1837, the family moved to Moscow, settling on Plyushchikha, because the eldest son had to prepare to enter university, but soon his father suddenly died, leaving affairs (including some litigation related to the family’s property) in an unfinished state, and the three younger ones The children again settled in Yasnaya Polyana under the supervision of Ergolskaya and their paternal aunt, Countess A. M. Osten-Sacken, who was appointed guardian of the children. Here Lev Nikolaevich remained until 1840, when Countess Osten-Sacken died and the children moved to Kazan, to a new guardian - their father's sister P. I. Yushkova.

The Yushkov house was one of the most fun in Kazan; All family members highly valued external shine. “My good aunt,” says Tolstoy, “a pure being, always said that she would want nothing more for me than for me to have a connection with married woman"("Confession").

He wanted to shine in society, but his natural shyness prevented him. The most diverse, as Tolstoy himself defines them, “philosophies” about the most important issues our existence - happiness, death, God, love, eternity - painfully tormented him in that era of life. What he told in “Adolescence” and “Youth” about the aspirations of Irtenyev and Nekhlyudov for self-improvement was taken by Tolstoy from the history of his own ascetic attempts of this time. All this led to the fact that Tolstoy developed a “habit of constant moral analysis,” which, as it seemed to him, “destroyed the freshness of feeling and clarity of reason” (“Youth”).

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Biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Born on August 28, 1828 in the Krapivensky district of the Tula province, on his mother’s hereditary estate - Yasnaya Polyana. Was the 4th child; his three older brothers: Nikolai (1823--1860), Sergei (1826--1904) and Dmitry (1827--1856). In 1830, sister Maria (1830-1912) was born...

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy born on August 28 (September 9), 1828 on his mother’s estate Yasnaya Polyana, Krapivensky district, Tula province. Tolstoy's family belonged to a wealthy and noble count family. By the time Leo was born, the family already had three eldest sons: Nikolai (1823-1860), Sergei (1826 -1904) and Dmitry (1827 - 1856), and in 1830 she was born younger sister Leva Maria.

A few years later, the mother died. In Tolstoy’s autobiographical “Childhood,” Irtenyev’s mother dies when the boy is 10–12 years old and is fully conscious. However, the portrait of the mother is described by the writer exclusively from the stories of his relatives. After the death of their mother, the orphaned children were taken in by a distant relative, T. A. Ergolskaya. She is represented by Sonya from War and Peace.

In 1837, the family moved to Moscow because... older brother Nikolai needed to prepare to enter university. But a tragedy suddenly occurred in the family - the father died, leaving affairs in poor condition. The three youngest children were forced to return to Yasnaya Polyana to be raised by T. A. Ergolskaya and their father’s aunt, Countess A. M. Osten-Saken. Here Leo Tolstoy remained until 1840. This year Countess A. M. Osten-Saken died and the children were moved to Kazan to live with their father’s sister P. I. Yushkova. L. N. Tolstoy quite accurately conveyed this period of his life in his autobiography “Childhood.”

At the first stage, Tolstoy received his education under the guidance of a rude French tutor, Saint-Thomas. He is depicted by a certain Mr. Jerome from Boyhood. He was later replaced by the good-natured German Reselman. Lev Nikolaevich lovingly portrayed him in “Childhood” under the name of Karl Ivanovich.

In 1843, following his brother, Tolstoy entered Kazan University. There, until 1847, Leo Tolstoy was preparing to enter the only Oriental Faculty in Russia in the category of Arabic-Turkish literature. During his year of study, Tolstoy proved himself to be the best student this course. However, between the poet’s family and the teacher Russian history and German, by a certain Ivanov, there was a conflict. This entailed that, according to the results of the year, L.N. Tolstoy had poor performance in the relevant subjects and had to re-take the first-year program. To avoid a complete repetition of the course, the poet is transferred to the Faculty of Law. But there, too, problems with the German and Russian teacher continue. Soon Tolstoy loses all interest in studying.

In the spring of 1847, Lev Nikolaevich left the university and settled in Yasnaya Polyana. Everything that Tolstoy did in the village can be found out by reading “The Morning of the Landowner,” where the poet imagines himself in the role of Nekhlyudov. There, a lot of time was spent on carousing, games and hunting.

In the spring of 1851, on the advice of his older brother Nikolai, in order to reduce expenses and pay off debts, Lev Nikolaevich left for the Caucasus.

In the fall of 1851, he became a cadet of the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade stationed in the Cossack village of Starogladov near Kizlyar. Soon L.N. Tolstoy became an officer. When it began at the end of 1853 Crimean War Lev Nikolaevich transferred to the Danube Army and took part in the battles of Oltenitsa and Silistria. From November 1854 to August 1855 he took part in the defense of Sevastopol. After the assault on August 27, 1855, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was sent to St. Petersburg. A noisy life began there: drinking parties, cards and carousing with gypsies.

In St. Petersburg, L.N. Tolstoy met the staff of the Sovremennik magazine: N.A. Nekrasov, I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharov, N.G. Chernyshevsky.

At the beginning of 1857, Tolstoy went abroad. He spends a year and a half traveling around Germany, Switzerland, England, Italy, and France. Traveling does not bring him pleasure. Your disappointment European life he expressed it in the story "Lucerne". And returning to Russia, Lev Nikolaevich began improving schools in Yasnaya Polyana.

At the end of the 1850s, Tolstoy met Sofia Andreevna Bers, born in 1844, the daughter of a Moscow doctor from the Baltic Germans. He was almost 40 years old, and Sophia was only 17. It seemed to him that this difference was too great and sooner or later Sophia would fall in love with a young guy who had not outlived himself. These experiences of Lev Nikolaevich are set out in his first novel, “Family Happiness.”

In September 1862, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy nevertheless married 18-year-old Sofya Andreevna Bers. For 17 years life together they had 13 children. During the same period, War and Peace and Anna Karenina were created. In 1861-62 finishes his story “Cossacks”, the first of the works in which great talent Tolstoy was recognized as a genius.

In the early 70s, Tolstoy again showed interest in pedagogy, writing “The ABC” and “ New ABC”, composes fables and stories that made up four “Russian books for reading”.

To give an answer to the questions and doubts that tormented him religious nature Lev Nikolaevich began to study theology. In 1891 in Geneva, the writer writes and publishes “A Study of Dogmatic Theology,” in which he criticizes Bulgakov’s “Orthodox Dogmatic Theology.” He first began to have conversations with priests and monarchs, read Bogoslav tracts, and studied ancient Greek and Hebrew. Tolstoy meets schismatics and joins the sectarian peasants.

At the beginning of 1900 Lev Nikolaevich was excommunicated by the Holy Synod Orthodox Church. L.N. Tolstoy lost all interest in life, he was tired of enjoying the prosperity he had achieved, and the thought of suicide arose. He becomes interested in simple physical labor, becomes a vegetarian, gives his entire income to his family, and renounces literary property rights.

On November 10, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left Yasnaya Polyana, but on the way he became very ill. November 20, 1910 at the Astapovo station in Ryazan-Uralskaya railway Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy died.

Be one of best writers world history is an honorable right, and Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy deserved it, leaving behind a huge creative heritage. The stories, tales, novels, which are presented in a whole series of volumes, were appreciated not only by the writer’s contemporaries, but also by his descendants. What is the secret of this brilliant author, who was able to fit “” into his life?

In contact with

The writer's childhood

Where was the future fiction writer born? Master of the pen was born in 1828 September 9 on his mother's estate Yasnaya Polyana, located in Tula province. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy's family was large. Father had count's title, and the mother was born Princess Volkonskaya. When he was two years old, his mother died, and 7 years later, his father died.

Leo was the fourth child in noble family, so he was not deprived of the attention of his relatives. The literary genius never thought about his losses with heartache. On the contrary, only warm memories of his childhood were preserved, because his mother and father were very affectionate with him. IN work of the same name the author idealizes his childhood years and writes that it was the most wonderful time life.

The little count received his education at home, where he was invited French and German teachers. After leaving school, Lev was fluent in three languages ​​and also had extensive knowledge of different areas. In addition, the young man was fond of musical creativity, could play works by his favorite composers for a long time: Schumann, Bach, Chopin and Mozart.

Early years

In 1843, the young man became student at the Imperial Kazan University, chooses the Faculty of Oriental Languages, however, later changes his specialty due to low academic performance and begins to study law. Unable to complete the course. The young count returns to his estate in order to become a real farmer.

But here, too, failure awaits him: frequent travel completely distracts the owner from the important affairs of the estate. Keeping your diary- the only activity that was done with amazing scrupulousness: a habit that lasted a lifetime and became the foundation of most future works.

Important! The unfortunate student did not remain inactive for long. Having allowed himself to be persuaded by his brother, he went to serve as a cadet in the south, after which, after staying in Caucasus mountains for some time, received a transfer to Sevastopol. There, from November 1854 to August 1855, the young count participated in.

Early creativity

The rich experience gained on the battlefields, as well as in the era of the Junkers, pushed the future writer to create the first literary works . Even during his years of service as a cadet, having a lot of free time, the count begins to work on his first autobiographical story "Childhood".

Natural observation and a special flair were clearly reflected in the style: the author wrote about what was close and understandable not only to him. Life and creativity merge into one.

In the story “Childhood” every boy or young man would recognize himself. The story was originally a short story and was published in a magazine "Contemporary" in 1852. It is noteworthy that already the first story was excellently received by critics, and the young writer was compared to Turgenev, Ostrovsky and Goncharov, which was already a real recognition. All these masters of words were already quite famous and loved by the people.

What works did Leo Tolstoy write at that time?

The young count, feeling that he has finally found his calling, continues his work. From his pen one after another comes brilliant stories, novels that instantly become popular thanks to their originality and stunning realistic approach to reality: “Cossacks” (1852), “Adolescence” (1854), “Sevastopol Stories” (1854 – 1855), "Youth" (1857).

IN literary world rushes in quickly new writer Lev Tolstoy, which amazes the reader with detailed details, does not hide the truth and applies new technology letters: second collection "Sevastopol Stories" written from the point of view of the soldiers to bring the narrative even closer to the reader. The young author is not afraid to write openly and frankly about the horrors and contradictions of war. The characters are not heroes from paintings and canvases by artists, but simple people who are capable of performing real feats to save the lives of others.

Belong to anything literary movement or to be a supporter of a specific philosophical school, Lev Nikolaevich refused, declaring himself anarchist. Later, the master of words, in the course of a religious search, will stand on the right path, but for now the whole world lay before the young, successful genius, and he didn’t want to be one of many.

Family status

Tolstoy returns to Russia, where he lived and was born, after a riotous trip to Paris without a single penny in his pocket. took place here marriage to Sofya Andreevna Bers, daughter of a doctor. This woman was main companion in life Tolstoy, became his support until the very end.

Sophia expressed her readiness to be a secretary, wife, mother of his children, girlfriend and even a cleaner, although the estate, for which servants were commonplace, was always kept in exemplary order.

The title of count constantly obliged household members to maintain a certain status. Over time, the husband and wife diverged in religious views: Sophia did not understand and did not accept the attempts of her loved one to create her own philosophical creed and follow it.

Attention! Only eldest daughter writer Alexandra supported her father’s endeavors: in 1910 they made a pilgrimage trip together. The other children adored Dad as a great storyteller, albeit a rather strict parent.

According to the recollections of descendants, the father could scold the little dirty trickster, but after a moment he would sit him on his lap and feel sorry for him, making up an amusing story as he went. In the literary arsenal of the famous realist there are many children's works recommended for study in preschool and junior school age- This “Book to read” and “ABC”. The first work contains stories by L.N. Tolstoy for the 4th grade of the school, which was organized on the Yasnaya Polyana estate.

How many children did Lev and Sophia have? A total of 13 children were born, three of whom died in infancy.

Maturity and creative flowering of a writer

From the age of thirty-two, Tolstoy began work on his main work - the epic novel. The first part was published in 1865 in the magazine "Russian Messenger", and in 1869 the final edition of the epic was published. Most of The 1860s was dedicated to this monumental work, which the count repeatedly rewrote, corrected, supplemented, and at the end of his life he was so tired of it that he called it “War and Peace” - “ verbose rubbish" The novel was written in Yasnaya Polyana.

The work, four volumes long, turned out to be truly unique. What advantages does it have? This is first of all:

  • historical veracity;
  • the action in the novel is both realistic and fictional characters, the number of which exceeded a thousand according to philologists;
  • interspersing into the outline of the plot three historical essays on the laws of history; accuracy in describing life and everyday life.

This is the basis of the novel - a person’s path, his position and the meaning of life are formed precisely from these everyday actions.

After the success of the military-historical epic, the author begins to work on a novel "Anna Karenina", taking much from his autobiography as a basis. In particular, the relationship between Kitty and Levina- these are partial memories of the life of the author himself with his wife Sophia, a certain short biography writer, as well as a reflection of the outline of real events of the Russian-Turkish war.

The novel was published in 1875 - 1877, and almost immediately became the most discussed literary event that time. Anna's story, written with amazing warmth and attention to female psychology, created a sensation. Before him, only Ostrovsky in his poems addressed female soul And revealed the rich inner world the beautiful half of humanity. Naturally, high fees for the work did not keep us waiting, because everyone educated person I read Tolstoy's Karenina. After the release this is enough secular novel, the author was not happy at all, but was in constant mental torment.

Change of worldview and later literary successes

Many years of life were devoted searching for the meaning of life, which led the writer to the Orthodox faith, however, this step only confuses the count. Lev Nikolaevich sees corruption in the church diaspora, complete subordination to personal convictions, which does not correspond to the doctrine that his soul longed for.

Attention! Leo Tolstoy becomes an apostate and even publishes an accusatory magazine “Mediator” (1883), because of which he is excommunicated from the church and accused of “heresy.”

However, Leo does not stop there and tries to follow the path of purification, taking quite bold steps. For example, gives away all his property to the poor, which Sofya Andreevna categorically opposed. The husband reluctantly transferred all the property to her and gave away the copyrights to the works, but still did not give up the search for his destiny.

This period of creativity is characterized huge religious upsurge- treatises are created and moral stories. What works with religious overtones did the author write? Among the most successful works between 1880 and 1990 were:

  • the story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” (1886), which describes a man near death who is trying to understand and comprehend his “empty” life;
  • the story “Father Sergius” (1898), aimed at criticizing his own religious quests;
  • the novel “Resurrection”, which tells about the moral pain of Katyusha Maslova and the ways of her moral purification.

Completion of life's journey

Having written many works during his life, the count appeared to his contemporaries and descendants as a strong religious leader and spiritual mentor, such as Mahatma Gandhi, with whom he corresponded. The writer’s life and work are permeated by the idea of ​​what is necessary resist evil every hour with all the strength of your soul, while demonstrating humility and saving thousands of lives. The master of words became a real teacher among lost souls. Entire pilgrimage trips were organized to the Yasnaya Polyana estate; students of the great Tolstoy came to “get to know themselves,” spending hours on end listening to their ideological guru, whom the writer became in his declining years.

The author-mentor accepted everyone who came with problems, questions and aspirations of the soul, and was ready to give away his savings and shelter wanderers for any period of time. Unfortunately, this increased the degree of tension in relations with his wife Sophia and, in the end, resulted in the great realist's reluctance to live in his own house. Together with his daughter, Lev Nikolaevich went on a pilgrimage around Russia, wanting to travel incognito, but often this was to no avail - they were recognized everywhere.

Where did Lev Nikolaevich die? November 1910 was fatal for the writer: already sick, he stayed in the house of the head of the railway station, where he died on November 20. Lev Nikolaevich was a real idol. During the funeral of this, truly, people's writer, according to the recollections of contemporaries, people cried bitterly and followed the coffin in a crowd of thousands. There were so many people as if they were burying a king.

Brief biography of L. N. Tolstoy

Lev Tolstoy. Short biography.


The story about the life and work of Leo Tolstoy can be continued endlessly; many monographs have been written about this. The writer's novels still remain the standard literary art, and the military epic “War and Peace” was included in the gold collection greatest works peace. Lev Nikolaevich became the first writer who drew attention to the depths of the human subconscious, unconscious and subtle motives of character, as well as great role everyday life, which determines the entire essence of personality.

The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is known for the authorship of many works, namely: War and Peace, Anna Karenina and others. The study of his biography and creativity continues to this day.

The philosopher and writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born into a noble family. As an inheritance from his father, he inherited the title of count. His life began on a large family estate in Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province, which left a significant imprint on his future fate.

Life of L. N. Tolstoy

He was born on September 9, 1828. While still a child, Leo experienced many difficult moments in life. After his parents died, he and his sisters were raised by their aunt. After her death, when he was 13 years old, he had to move to Kazan to be under the care of a distant relative. Elementary education Lev took place at home. At the age of 16 he entered the philological faculty of Kazan University. However, it was impossible to say that he was successful in his studies. This forced Tolstoy to transfer to an easier, law faculty. After 2 years, he returned to Yasnaya Polyana, having never fully mastered the granite of science.

Due to Tolstoy's changeable character, he tried himself in different industries, interests and priorities often changed. The work was interspersed with protracted sprees and revelry. During this period, they incurred a lot of debts, which they had to pay off for a long time. The only passion of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, which remained stable throughout his life, was conducting personal diary. From there he later drew the most interesting ideas for your works.

Tolstoy was partial to music. His favorite composers are Bach, Schumann, Chopin and Mozart. At a time when Tolstoy had not yet formed main position regarding his future, he succumbed to his brother's persuasion. At his instigation, he went to serve in the army as a cadet. During his service he was forced to participate in 1855.

Early works of L. N. Tolstoy

Being a cadet, he had enough free time to start his creative activity. During this period, Lev began to study history of an autobiographical nature called Childhood. For the most part, it contained facts that happened to him when he was still a child. The story was sent for consideration to Sovremennik magazine. It was approved and released into circulation in 1852.

After the first publication, Tolstoy was noticed and began to be equated with significant personalities of that time, namely: I. Turgenev, I. Goncharov, A. Ostrovsky and others.

During those same army years, he began work on the story Cossacks, which he completed in 1862. The second work after Childhood was Adolescence, then Sevastopol Stories. He was engaged in them while participating in the Crimean battles.


In 1856 L. N. Tolstoy left military service with the rank of lieutenant. I decided to travel for a while. First he went to St. Petersburg, where he was given a warm welcome. There he established friendly contacts with popular writers of that period: N. A. Nekrasov, I. S. Goncharov, I. I. Panaev and others. They showed genuine interest in him and took part in his fate. The Blizzard and Two Hussars were written at this time.

Having lived a cheerful and carefree life for 1 year, having ruined relations with many members of the literary circle, Tolstoy decides to leave this city. In 1857, his journey through Europe began.

Leo did not like Paris at all and left a heavy mark on his soul. From there he went to Lake Geneva. Having visited many countries, he returned to Russia with cargo negative emotions . Who and what amazed him so much? Most likely, this is too sharp a polarity between wealth and poverty, which was covered with feigned splendor European culture. And this could be seen everywhere.

L.N. Tolstoy writes the story Albert, continues to work on the Cossacks, wrote the story Three Deaths and Family happiness. In 1859 he stopped collaborating with Sovremennik. At the same time, Tolstoy began to notice changes in his personal life, when he planned to marry the peasant woman Aksinya Bazykina.

After the death of his older brother, Tolstoy went on a trip to the south of France.


From 1853 to 1863 his literary activity stopped due to leaving for home. There he decided to start farming. At the same time, Leo himself carried out an active educational activities among the village population. He created a school for peasant children and began teaching according to his own methods.

In 1862, he himself created a pedagogical magazine called Yasnaya Polyana. Under his leadership, 12 publications were published, which were not appreciated at the time. Their nature was as follows: he alternated theoretical articles with fables and stories for children at the primary level of education.

Six years from his life from 1863 to 1869, went to write the main masterpiece - War and Peace. Next on the list was the novel Anna Karenina. It took another 4 years. During this period, his worldview was fully formed and resulted in a movement called Tolstoyism. The foundations of this religious and philosophical movement are set out in the following works of Tolstoy:

  • Confession.
  • Kreutzer Sonata.
  • A Study of Dogmatic Theology.
  • About life.
  • Christian teaching and others.

Main accent they are based on moral dogmas human nature and their improvement. He called for forgiveness of those who bring us harm and renunciation of violence when achieving our goals.

The flow of admirers of L.N. Tolstoy’s work did not stop coming to Yasnaya Polyana, looking for support and a mentor in him. In 1899, the novel Resurrection was published.

Social activity

Returning from Europe, he received an invitation to become the bailiff of the Krapivinsky district of the Tula province. He actively joined the active process of protecting the rights of the peasantry, often going against the tsar's decrees. This work broadened Leo's horizons. Closer encounter with peasant life, he began to understand all the subtleties better. The information received later helped him in literary creativity.

Creativity flourishes

Before starting to write the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy began writing another novel, The Decembrists. Tolstoy returned to it several times, but was never able to complete it. In 1865, a small excerpt from War and Peace appeared in the Russian Bulletin. After 3 years, three more parts were released, and then all the rest. This created a real sensation in Russian and foreign literature. In the novel the most in detail different segments of the population are described.

TO latest works writers include:

  • stories Father Sergius;
  • After the ball.
  • Posthumous notes Elder Fyodor Kuzmich.
  • drama Living Corpse.

The character of his latest journalism can be traced conservative attitude. He harshly condemns the idle life of the upper strata, who do not think about the meaning of life. L.N. Tolstoy harshly criticized state dogmas, rejecting everything: science, art, court, and so on. The Synod itself reacted to such an attack and in 1901 Tolstoy was excommunicated from the church.

In 1910, Lev Nikolaevich left his family and fell ill on the way. He had to get off the train at the Astapovo station of the Ural Railway. last week He spent his life in the house of the local station master, where he died.