Where Ilya Muromets found treasures. "Time for business - time for fun"

Key Russian hero folk epic- son of a peasant, Ilya Ivanovich Muromets. Let's remember his brothers - children different nations. Roland is the nephew (and according to some versions, the illegitimate son) of Charlemagne, Rustam is the son of the famous hero, Hercules is the son of Zeus... Ilya has a lot in common with each of them, but they are the offspring of royal families, descendants of pagan deities... And the Russians The hero became a commoner, a plebeian, about whom arrogant princes and boyars sometimes said: “A man, a hillbilly!” This is worth thinking about. Ilya is more humane than the giant Svyatogor, wiser than Dobrynya, more honest than Alyosha. Strength and Wisdom common man invincible - such a conviction is inherent in the Russian people and it has never let us down. Games of “elitistism” have more than once brought Rus' to the brink of destruction - and our great heroes have given up.

Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy felt this; in his poem, Ilya Muromets is the bearer of conservative peasant values. He does not strive for patricia, does not indulge anyone’s arrogance, grumbles at those who are tempted by the newfangled decorations of life:

I can’t stand rich hallways,

Marble slabs;

From Tsargrad from smoking

My head hurts!..

Ilya's first feat was a feat of mercy. The illness confined him to bed from infancy. But when the Kaliki passers-by asked him for alms, Ilya experienced such a strong impulse to help them that he was rewarded with healing and heroic strength.

V. M. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”

The last feat of the “old Cossack Ilya Muromets” is also known: having driven along the last of the “ three roads“Ilya found a treasure, countless treasures. But why does a hero need gold and silver? He spent all his wealth on the temple:

He built a cathedral church.

Here Ilya turned to stone,

And to this day his relics are incorruptible.

In another storyteller’s version, the denouement looks like this:

“Ilya Burushka loaded her with expensive treasury and took her to Kyiv-grad. There he built three stone churches so that there would be a place to escape from enemies and to sit out from the fire. He distributed the rest of the silver, gold, and pearls to widows and orphans, and did not leave a single penny for himself.”

Heroes of the Russian heroic epic - selfless defenders Orthodoxy and the Fatherland. This is Dobrynya: one of his historical prototypes- the uncle of Prince Vladimir, the baptist of Novgorod, who suppressed the rebellion of the Magi. Such is Alyosha: he was the son of one of the holy Rostov bishops. According to one version, he is St. Leontius, according to another, Theodore. They were the baptists of Zalesskaya Rus'. The destinies of our legendary heroes are tightly connected with the Baptism of Rus' - historically and mystically. It is not for nothing that Demyan Bedny, in an anti-God impulse, wrote the play “Bogatyrs”, in which he ridiculed Baptism, Ilya, Dobrynya, and Alyosha at once. The blasphemous comedy was staged in the Moscow Chamber Theater. The play outraged Molotov and Stalin, and Demyan Bedny was soon expelled from the party. Sometimes militant atheists were expelled from the party for blasphemy against the Baptism of Rus'...

Ilya Muromets. 1895. Illustration for the book "Russian epic heroes". 1895 Andrei Ryabushkin

Centuries passed, but the heroes of Russian epics always acted in the era of the baptism of Rus' - under Prince Vladimir. Elijah's exploits are directly related to overcoming paganism. He overcomes the filthy Idolishche, he cuts off the head of the enemy hero Zhidovin, who, according to some researchers, symbolized the Khazar expansion. Prince Vladimir in the heroic epic is far from ideal hero. Sometimes he unfairly offended Ilya, but when it was necessary to stand up for the defense of the Fatherland, the hero forgot about the insults and served the people and the state. This story contains an important metaphor for our history.

In the epic biography of Ilya there are also moments of eclipse. In response to the prince’s cunning, he sometimes flew into a rage, once started shooting at the golden domes, and then went on a spree with “tavern heads.” These are all the people's favorites epic heroes: they sometimes make mistakes, stumble, because they are not schematic, but humane. In this, Ilya is similar to Gilgamesh, and Hercules, and the Nibelungs, and David of Sassoun...

Another thing is its historical namesake. In 1643, Ilya Muromets, a warrior and monk, was ranked Orthodox Church to the ranks of saints in the rank of saint. Completely identify him with epic hero it is impossible: the epic has absorbed many stories, glorious deeds of centuries, which the people associated with the favorite image of the hero. And yet in this story there is amazing facts!

Whoever has been to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra will not forget the relics of the holy saint Elijah of Pechersk, Ilya of Muromets, broad-shouldered, strong man. In the twentieth century, studies of the remains of the hero were undertaken several times. Anatomists determined that Ilya suffered serious illness spine, confirming epic plot about the many years of impotence of the young strong man. And many wounds were also found on his body, one of them was from an enemy spear, fatal, in the heart. Apparently, the defender of the Russian land took on an unequal battle.

In 1956, a color widescreen film directed by Alexander Ptushko “Ilya Muromets” was released on the country’s screens. The role of the hero was played by Boris Andreev, an actor who personified the heroism of the people. The result is an impressive, truly epic picture. Computer technology in those days it was not - but the miracles of “Ilya Muromets” are impressive to this day... And how can you forget the look of the hero from Vasnetsov’s painting? This painting is known to every Russian person, it inspires, teaches courage, teaches to love the Fatherland. The Orthodox hero, the old Cossack Ilya Ivanovich Muromets, looks vigilantly into the distance, peasant son, invincible warrior. He carries his cross without hiding behind other people's backs. He is the first to meet enemy arrows with his chest. The memory of Ilya will not disappear - the heroes on Russian land will not disappear.

Arseniy Zamostyanov

Ilya Muromets

Ilya Ivanovich Muromets was born in peasant family, in the village of Karacharovo, in the Murom region Vladimir region. The most important Russian hero. Life path Ilya Ivanovich Muromets was glorious and difficult.

For thirty years he sat on the stove in his Karacharovo, as he was born “without arms, without legs.” And he would have sat like that all his life, without accomplishing a single feat, but he helped Lucky case. One day, when his parents (father Ivan Timofeevich, mother Efrosinia Yakovlevna) went to work, two cripples knocked on the door of the Murom residents. Ilya answered them that his parents were not at home, and he himself was just as crippled as they were, even worse, because he could not get up from the stove. The cripples probably didn't hear him, so they knocked again. A real miracle happened here. Ilya Muromets suddenly stood up for the first time in thirty years and went to open the gate.

In those distant times, guests often came with their own food and drink. This time too, the cripples, entering the Murom residents’ yard, treated Ilya to a glass of honey drink. Having drained the glass and washed it down with spring water, Ilya Muromets felt unprecedented strength in himself and went into the field to help his parents.

After this, Ilya mounted a heroic horse and rode to Kyiv. In those days, all the heroes went to Kyiv to serve in the heroic squad of Prince Vladimir Red Sun. This squad was truly elite, princely. And serving there was not only interesting, but also an honor.

Having driven quite a bit from his village, Ilya Ivanovich found himself in the neighboring village of Devyatidubye. This village was used by the Karacharovskys notoriety. Settled here on nine oak trees big family Soloviev Razboinikov (see Nightingale the Robber). The most terrible thing was the head of the family, who sat on nine oak trees at once and waited for rare passers-by.

But neither the nightingale's whistle, nor the snake's thorn, nor the animal's roar frightened the hero. Only his horse was a little frightened, which was then very ashamed in front of its owner. Ilya Muromets shot a red-hot arrow into the right eye of Nightingale the Robber. He immediately crooked and fell from the oak tree.

The Robber’s wife, Nightingale began to ask the hero to let her husband go, but Muromets did not believe her. And so that the Solovyov Robber family would no longer destroy the surrounding heroes, he “cut off all the Nightingale’s children.”

Having accomplished his first feat, Ilya tied the Robber to the saddle and rode to Kyiv. Along the way, Ilya Ivanovich did many more good deeds: he cleared the city of Chernigov from the enemy “great stronghold” and built local residents several pedestrian bridges across the Smorodina River.

Having finally arrived at capital city Kyiv, Ilya Muromets showed Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko his trophy - the Nightingale the Robber. He, of course, immediately whistled, which greatly frightened the prince and his guests. Then the hero killed the villain, and the frightened Vladimir made Ilya Muromets his most important hero.

And on time. Because in Kyiv, out of nowhere, a filthy Idol appeared. Everyone, of course, was scared. Only Ilya Muromets was not afraid and went to fight. But then he made a mistake. As soon as they started to fight with the Idol, Ilya sees that he forgot his damask club somewhere. And without her, Idolishche cannot be defeated. In annoyance, Muromets took off his fur “hat of Greek land” from his head (either his hat was from Greece, or there was soil from Greece in it - the epic is silent about this) and cursed it about the filthy Idol! This is where the end came for him.

Ilya Muromets provided great assistance to the defense of Kyiv from the invasion of the Golden Horde. Having once met with their leader Tsar Kalina, the hero first asked him to withdraw his troops from Kyiv in an amicable way. In response, the invader “spit in Ilya’s clear eyes.”

This was his fatal mistake. Ilya Muromets grabbed the enemy by the legs “and began to wave: wherever he waved, there were streets, and wherever he turned, there were alleys.” He waved at Kalin, waved, and then “hit him on a flammable stone and smashed it into crumbs.” Tsar Kalin turned out to be strong. He collected everything that was left of him and fled from near Kyiv along with the army.

And crumbs of flammable stone are probably still lying somewhere in Kyiv. And Ilya Ivanovich Muromets was a traveler. On his heroic horse he traveled all over Ancient Rus', visited India, Turkey, Mongolia and even Karelia.

Ilya Muromets was a real hero and good friend. Was friends in Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich(see related articles). He had a very good wife, whom he affectionately called “Baba Zlatygorka” and three children: Sokolnik, Sokolnichek and Podsokolnichek.

At the end of his life, Ilya Muromets found a treasure, which he gave to Vladimir the Red Sun for all the people. ABOUT future fate Nothing is known about this treasure. Having given away the treasure, Ilya Ivanovich went into the Kyiv caves, where he became completely petrified and remains in this state to this day.

One of the first national heroes Russia, Rus'. In people's memory, he is still on horseback, on the faithful Burushka.

The hero Ilya Muromets is known to everyone in Russia. We know him not only as epic image, not only as an Orthodox saint, whose relics rest in the Kiev-Pechora Lavra, but also as the patron saint of the Strategic Missile Forces and Russian border troops. If you look closely at the fate of this epic hero, you can see symbolism that is intimately important for understanding the fate of our country. It is no coincidence that in a recent study “Self-awareness and national character Russians" Ilya Muromets was recognized as the most pronounced Russian character.

The heroic epic is not only the roots of any culture, but also, excuse the pathos, the outline of the future fate of the people. Ilya Muromets is a patriarchal hero, conservative society. The storytellers emphasize that before us is an experienced warrior at a respectable age - “The Old Cossack Ilya Muromets.” Epics about Ilya Muromets began to appear somewhat later than epics about Dobrynya Nikitich - and, as folklore character, Ilya was younger than his noble brother. Maybe that’s why the authors of the film “Ilya Muromets” called Dobrynya the eldest in age. But in all epic stories, Ilya’s seniority is emphasized. He is called “old” even when talking about the first exploits of the hero, although his age at that time is precisely known - thirty years (in some versions - thirty years and three years). Often in later history In our country, it was the “old Cossacks” who became the heroes and saviors of the Fatherland - remember Suvorov in the Alps or Kutuzov in 1812. It just so happened: the image of Ilya appeared when the epics about Dobrynya and Alyosha Popovich were already circulating among the people. But he quickly won central place in Russian epic.

How is he unique? key character Russian folk epic - the son of a peasant, Ilya Ivanovich Muromets? Let us remember his brothers - children of different nations. Roland is the nephew (and according to some versions, the illegitimate son) of Charlemagne, Rustam is the son of the famous hero, Hercules is the son of Zeus... Ilya has a lot in common with each of them, but they are the offspring of royal families, descendants of pagan deities... And the Russians The hero became a commoner, a plebeian, about whom arrogant princes and boyars sometimes said: “A man, a hillbilly!” This is worth thinking about. Ilya is more humane than the giant Svyatogor, wiser than Dobrynya, more honest than Alyosha. The strength and wisdom of the common man are invincible - this conviction is inherent in the Russian people and it has never let us down. Games of “elitistism” have more than once brought Rus' to the brink of destruction - and our great heroes have given up.

Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy felt this; in his poem, Ilya Muromets is the bearer of conservative peasant values. He does not strive for patricia, does not indulge anyone’s arrogance, grumbles at those who are tempted by the newfangled decorations of life:

I can’t stand rich hallways,

Marble slabs;

From Tsargrad from smoking

My head hurts!..

Ilya's first feat was a feat of mercy. The illness confined him to bed from infancy. But when the Kaliki passers-by asked him for alms, Ilya experienced such a strong impulse to help them that he was rewarded with healing and heroic strength. There is also this opinion: the myth of Ilya Muromets glorifies passivity and laziness. What does the epic teach? Lay on the stove for thirty years and three years - and you will be honored and praised. But we must not miss the essence of the plot: Ilya was not rewarded for laziness, but for his spiritual impulse, for his kindness, for his desire to help people. Only a deaf heart can perceive this as passivity. Behind kind heart Ilya received heroic strength.

What happened next is known to everyone:

From somewhere in the city of Murom,

From that village and from Karacharov,

A distant, burly, kind fellow was leaving,

He stood at Matins in Murom,

And he wanted to be in time for lunch in the capital Kyiv-grad...

First try heroic forces- fight with enemy troops near Chernigov and capture of Nightingale the Robber.

The last feat of the “old Cossack Ilya Muromets” is also known: having driven along the last of the “three roads,” Ilya found a treasure, countless treasures. But why does a hero need gold and silver? He spent all his wealth on the construction of the temple:

He built a cathedral church.

Here Ilya turned to stone,

And to this day his relics are incorruptible.

In another storyteller’s version, the denouement looks like this:

“Ilya Burushka loaded her with expensive treasury and took her to Kyiv-grad. There he built three stone churches so that there would be a place to escape from enemies and to sit out from the fire. He distributed the rest of the silver, gold, and pearls to widows and orphans, and did not leave a single penny for himself.”

It's interesting that the first theatrical performance Peter's time, which was played in the village of Preobrazhenskoye in honor of the newlyweds - Tsar Peter and Evdokia Lopukhina - there was a play “Ilya the Murom Bogatyr and the Nightingale the Robber.”

The heroes of the Russian heroic epic are selfless defenders of Orthodoxy and the Fatherland. This is Dobrynya: one of his historical prototypes is the uncle of Prince Vladimir, the baptist of Novgorod, who suppressed the rebellion of the Magi. Such is Alyosha: he was the son of one of the holy Rostov bishops. According to one version, he is St. Leontius, according to another, Theodore. They were the baptists of Zalesskaya Rus'. The destinies of our legendary heroes are tightly connected with the Baptism of Rus' - historically and mystically. It is not for nothing that Demyan Bedny, in an anti-God impulse, wrote the play “Bogatyrs”, in which he ridiculed Baptism, Ilya, Dobrynya, and Alyosha at once. The blasphemous comedy was staged at the Moscow Chamber Theater. The play outraged Molotov and Stalin, and Demyan Bedny was soon expelled from the party. Sometimes militant atheists were expelled from the party for blasphemy against the Baptism of Rus'...

Centuries passed, but the heroes of Russian epics always acted in the era of the baptism of Rus' - under Prince Vladimir. Elijah's exploits are directly related to overcoming paganism. He overcomes the filthy Idolishche, he cuts off the head of the enemy hero Zhidovin, who, according to some researchers, symbolized the Khazar expansion. Prince Vladimir in the heroic epic is far from an ideal hero. Sometimes he unfairly offended Ilya, but when it was necessary to stand up for the defense of the Fatherland, the hero forgot about the insults and served the people and the state. This story contains an important metaphor for our history.

Ilya’s service took place at the heroic outpost, he was the first to meet enemies, defend his homeland - and no one could defeat him either by force or by cunning. That is why the border guards recognized him as their hero. The pinnacle of the Russian epic is the epic about the confrontation between Ilya Muromets and foreign invaders, with Tsar Kalin. This patriotic epic gained particular popularity during the years of military trials, when the question of the independence of the Motherland arose, when mortal danger loomed over the country. After the victory on the Ugra, our country, no matter what it is called - Muscovite Rus', Russian empire, RSFSR, USSR - did not submit to enemies, invariably won. We are used to winning patriotic wars, we consider them something natural, even inevitable. But in history there are many more examples of “prudent” submission to the pressure of the conqueror than examples of victorious resistance. In the last three centuries, it was Russia that invariably stood in the way of candidates for world hegemony. In these centuries, the epic about Ilya Muromets was known to every boy. The example of heroic service raised warriors. And there was no more resilient army in the world. The epics about Ilya were listened to and remembered by the future militia of Prince Pozharsky, the glorious Preobrazhensky and Semyonovites - the first Russian guardsmen... And the Suvorov soldiers - those who were taught to read and write - read popular print book"The story of the glorious and brave hero Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber,” which retold the plots of several epics. And 1812 reminded everyone of Ilya’s victories over Kalin. The events of the 20th century again awakened the imagination of storytellers, and new motifs appeared in the epics about Ilya. By that time, Viktor Vasnetsov’s paintings dedicated to the heroes – “Bogatyrs” (popularly called “Three Bogatyrs”) and “Ilya Muromets” – had already thundered throughout Russia. There are countless copies of Vasnetsov’s “Bogatyrs” that decorated the modest huts and city rooms of Soviet people who knew the value military feat. Vasnetsov wrote: “my painting “Bogatyrs” - Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha Popovich, on a heroic outing, are noticing in the field whether there is an enemy somewhere, whether they are offending anyone somewhere!” It was on guard, and not in battle, that the artist depicted them, trying to convey the image of a formidable but peace-loving force. And in the center of the picture, of course, is Ilya Muromets, the eldest of the “cross brothers.” It radiates calmness, it is fused with Russian nature - with the pre-storm sky, with wide hills, with strong oak groves. Defender of orphans and poor widows, defender of the Russian land - this is exactly how he spoke about himself before big battles.

And they came to the Tatar stronghold,
They let loose the heroes' horses,
They began to beat the Tatar strongman,
They trampled the whole great power here,
And they came to a linen blanket;
And the dog Kalin the Tsar is sitting in a linen blanket.
They speak like heroes and Holy Russians:
- How about cutting off the wild little head?
And to that dog Tsar Kalin.–
The old Cossack and Ilya Muromets said:
- Why chop off his wild little head?
We'll take him to the capital Kyiv city
Yes, to the glorious prince, to Vladimir. –

Thus ended the main battle of Ilya Muromets.

In the epic biography of Ilya there are also moments of eclipse. In response to the prince’s cunning, he sometimes flew into a rage, once started shooting at the golden domes, and then went on a spree with “tavern heads.” These are all the people's most beloved epic heroes: they sometimes make mistakes, stumble, because they are not schematic, but humane. In this, Ilya is similar to Gilgamesh, and Hercules, and the Nibelungs, and David of Sassoun... In addition, the plot of the rage of Ilya of Murom is connected with a popular uprising against moneylenders. Ilya in this epic shows his contempt for gold and acquisitiveness. And yet many to this day cannot forgive him for shooting at the domes.

Another thing is its historical namesake and one of the historical prototypes. In 1643, Ilya Muromets, a warrior and monk, was canonized by the Orthodox Church with the rank of saint. It is impossible to completely identify him with the epic hero: the epic absorbed many stories, glorious deeds of centuries, which the people associated with the favorite image of the hero. And yet there are amazing facts in this story! In 1701, the relics of the hero were described by the pilgrim I. Lukyanov: “Immediately I saw the brave warrior Ilya of Muromets, incorruptible under the cover of gold, as tall as today big people, his left hand is pierced by a spear; the whole ulcer is on the hand, and right hand he is depicted with the sign of the cross.”

Anyone who has been to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra will not forget the relics of the holy saint Elijah of Pechersk, Ilya of Muromets, a broad-shouldered, strong man. In the twentieth century, studies of the remains of the hero were undertaken several times. Anatomists determined that Ilya suffered a serious disease of the spine, confirming the epic story about the many years of impotence of a young strong man. And many wounds were also found on his body, one of them was from an enemy spear, fatal, in the heart. Apparently, the defender of the Russian land took on an unequal battle. Either he defended the monastery, or he became a monk after a long military service.

...In 1956, a color widescreen film directed by Alexander Ptushko “Ilya Muromets” was released on the country’s screens. The role of the hero was played by Boris Andreev, an actor who personified the heroism of the people. The result is an impressive, truly epic picture. There were no computer technologies in those days - but the miracles of “Ilya Muromets” are impressive to this day... And crowd scenes, which has no equal in world cinema (an epic scale!), and the chanting speech of Boris Andreev - everything in this film corresponds to the epic mood. Is it possible to forget the look of the hero from Vasnetsov’s painting? This painting is known to every Russian person, it inspires, teaches courage, teaches to love the Fatherland. The image of Ilya Muromets is loved by everyone, understood by millions - and yet he is mysterious, like nature itself. The Orthodox hero, the old Cossack Ilya Ivanovich Muromets, a peasant son, an invincible warrior, looks vigilantly into the distance. He carries his cross without hiding behind other people's backs. He is the first to meet enemy arrows with his chest. He is immortal as long as his exploits are remembered on earth. The memory of Ilya will not disappear - the heroes on Russian land will not disappear.

One day, while rummaging through dusty books on archeology in the city library, Ilya discovered an old volume “Treasures of the Moscow Region.”
Having blown off the dust, he began to leaf through the book, suddenly, he saw a yellowed piece of paper folded in two from the book onto the floor. Picking up and unfolding the piece of paper, he found some kind of diagram and text there. Putting the piece of paper back into the book, he headed towards the exit.
I’ll take a look at home, Ilya decided.
Arriving home and having a quick snack, he unfolded the piece of paper and began to study it. The sheet showed a diagram of a village dotted with some arrows and circles, and below there was written an explanation of how to find the village and a specific house. The village was called Stupino. Below there was also a diagram of the house, on which arrows showed the place marked with a cross. Ilya looked at the diagram with interest. What if this is the path to the treasure! - he thought. If this is a treasure, then that's great! You can get rich in no time!

He collapsed on the sofa and smiled dreamily. The dreams came one better than the other. He saw himself going to the designated place, finding a treasure, and there were a lot of gold coins and jewelry. Violent fantasies took over his consciousness, he saw himself in new apartment, in a luxurious limousine, as he relaxes somewhere in expensive resorts, on the Cote d'Azur, caressed by the sun, in general, he is wasting his life.
And so, waking up in the morning, drinking a cup of aromatic coffee, he hit the road.

Arriving at the train station. He got on the train, unfolded the diagram and began to study it again.
It turned out that the place with the house was not so far away. Just about an hour's drive.
Arriving at his destination, he began to look around the unfamiliar place. But no matter how much I looked around, I could not determine in which direction to move. Coming down from the platform, Ilya saw an old woman selling vegetables nearby.
Yeah! – so I’ll ask her, probably a local grandmother. He came up and said hello and asked.
- Tell me, grandma, where is the village of Stupino? The old woman looked carefully at Ilya
- Why do you need a son? No one has lived in that village for five years; all the houses are boarded up. People have all gone somewhere. There were no jobs, so everyone moved to the city.
- Yes, I’m a grandmother from search engines. I’m looking for where battles took place earlier during the war, and there they say our fighters held the defense not far from Stupino, so I want to scout out that place. And in the summer we’ll equip an expedition, maybe we’ll find some of the fighters, and bury them, so to speak, according to all the rules and with military honors. The old woman looked at Ilya incredulously.
“There were battles everywhere here, but I didn’t hear anything near Stupino, well, you know better, son. And you can get there like this...
And the old lady began to explain in detail how Ilya could find Stupino. After listening to his grandmother, Ilya set off.

It took about thirty minutes to walk through the forest. Finally emerging from the forest, Ilya saw a village. Yes, grandma was right! There's not a damn thing here other than old boarded-up houses. It's definitely a creepy place. And when a raven suddenly cawed overhead, Ilya shuddered in fear. A bad sign, he thought. Shoo the infection - he waved his hand, driving the bird off the branch. Ugh... fuck you...
Having recovered from his fright, he headed to the village. Wandering around deserted street, he finally found the right house. The house from the outside looked gloomy, gray rickety walls, a porch with rotten wooden steps, the windows were boarded up with old boards, the house radiated some kind of unpleasant aura. Somewhere inside, a feeling began to stir, either fear or something else. Ilya did not spend a long time sorting out his feelings, but decided to go inside. Inside he saw a pile of construction debris, old broken chairs, an overturned wardrobe, a dead cat with glassy eyes and a bunch of other rubbish. Taking out the diagram, he looked again where to look Right place. The arrow on the diagram pointed to a place a meter away from where he stood. But there was nothing there except a pile of garbage.

Damn it! – is there really nothing and this scheme, someone’s cruel joke? Ilya walked up to the place indicated on the diagram, stirred up the garbage with his foot, and suddenly saw a ring of a hatch that led to the underground. Having cleared the hatch of debris, he grabbed the ring and pulled it towards himself. It was difficult to open the hatch a few centimeters; from the crack there was a smell of dampness and rot. Ilya tensed and threw the lid to the side; the dark mouth of the underground gaped in the floor. An iron staircase, rusty from damp, led down. Ilya stomped around in indecision. Something doesn’t feel right - going down into this hole - Ilya doubted, peering into the darkness of the underground. But the desire to find the treasure beckoned him. Where ours didn’t disappear! – with these words he turned on the flashlight and began the descent.

Going down into the underground, he shone the light around him and looked around. The depth of the underground was three meters, the earthen walls smelled of dampness and the old chest was covered with cobwebs. Here it is! – Ilya was delighted. So. Interesting. Let's see what we have in our chest! He came closer and illuminated the chest with a flashlight. Yeah - there doesn't seem to be a lock. Ilya brushed away the cobwebs, found the handle, and pulled it, opening the lid. I looked inside and, to my disappointment, did not see any treasures there, except for an old, worn book of considerable size. Damn, what a fool! – in vain I dragged myself into this darkness. Damn he wanted to find the treasure, the cardboard one was fooling - he cursed himself. OK. Let's see what kind of book there is... it looks like it's ancient - Ilya took the book out of the chest and climbed back to the top.

At the top, shaking off the dust from the book, he began to examine the rarity. Wow, a hefty little book! Leather cover, embossed, some kind of symbol that looks like a bowl. Ilya opened the book. On title page there was an inscription in large letters"Book of Destiny" The book seems to be old, but the inscription on modern language– Ilya was surprised. Under the title there was an inscription small print“Think before you turn the page”, but what is there to think about!? – some kind of nonsense, and he turned the page. On the page there was an inscription, “Think again, we warn you in last time" Damn, we're sick of it! – Ilya turns the next page.
And there is the inscription: “Well, that’s a sucker!” Did you find the treasure?