Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, epics. Heritage of Rus': proverbs about heroic strength

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Cossack folklore oral creativity(legends, fairy tales, epics, proverbs and sayings, riddles) song creativity(dance choruses, ditties) music and dancing. The people put all the best into these works: folk imagination, knowledge of life, invention and wisdom. And the word “folklore” means “ folk wisdom».

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1. “Yellow color is not suitable for fir trees and pine trees,” complains _______. 2. Oh, and he’s evil: Every time he makes us cry _____. 3. Labor feeds a person, but _______ spoils him. 4. Glued, stitched, No doors, but closed. Whoever opens it always knows a lot _______________. 5. A beautiful maiden is rolling across the sky ______________. 6. A person without friends is like _______ without roots. F 1 2 3 4 5 6 r o w a n d m a l e b o o k a sun t r e e r

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Proverbs and sayings Cossacks are famous wits, and it is the word that is “the burden that does not weigh on the journey and does not fill the shoulders, but warms the soul, and even saves,” as the Cossacks said. Proverbs and sayings flowed from the lips of every adult. Donuts for the chieftains, cones for the Cossacks. Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around. Cheerful halts where the Cossacks began to sing. A dog's life, but a Cossack's glory. A Cossack would rather die than leave his native land. Be patient, Cossack, and you will become an ataman. There is no translation for the Cossack family. A Cossack will drink from a handful and dine from the palm of his hand. I wish I could sing and my stomach would feel so bad.

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The moose won't do any good. They don't look for good from a beaver. A healthy body has healthy fluff. You can't spoil Sasha with oil. It's not the feet that burn the pots. Hunger is not a brush. I bought a whale in a bag. We ourselves have ears. He runs towards the catcher and the door. On the mountain the hat is on fire. One mustache is good, but two are better. Seven do not go alone. The forest is being cut down - caps are flying. A coward is afraid of his laziness. A GAME. Proverb, we know you, But you weren’t like that: Has the mischievous letter really taken someone’s place again?

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Fairy tales - fairy tales, fairy tales - dialogues, fairy tales funny and scary, funny and serious. Cossack tales are part of Russian folklore, although they have their own characteristics. - Odnosum, why did it blow your face so much? Yesterday I was fishing - a wasp landed on my lip... And stung? Thank God I didn’t have time! Her brother killed her with an oar! (fairy tale-dialogue-anecdote)

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1. New dishes, but there are holes in them. 2. Zhovty ball rashe heat. 3.Antoshka is standing on one leg, people are poking at him, but he won’t respond. 4. The boys stood in a row and did not wiggle as they passed. 5. Golden Demid looks at the sun all day. PUZZLES

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The songs of the Cossacks are not only an ideal expression of the Cossack soul, but also a true reflection of the fate of the entire Cossacks. The song surrounded the Cossacks from childhood to the grave. They were born with songs, they went to war with songs, they measured distances with songs, drinking songs and songs of wedding ceremonies. Historical, epic and fairy tale songs. Military anthems and regimental songs. Cossack service was difficult and dangerous. In short moments of respite, a Cossack walked - his prowess and fun sounded in his songs. Each Cossack knew more than a thousand songs.

Epics- This is one of the most ancient genres of literature. These are ancient tales in which the people's memories of the distant past are preserved: about wars with the enemies of the people, about the struggle of three of us famous heroes with monsters and bandits, oh legendary heroes who performed feats in the name of the people.

Read epics to kid more difficult, than other genres of literature: fairy tales, poems, stories. Let us immediately explain why this is so: in these tales (unlike other genres) there is no dynamics, i.e. they are designed for slow, quiet reading. There is a very thoughtful structure of the text here, too detailed description Total. And the child loves a quick change of actions. The child has a CLIP CONSCIOUSNESS, i.e. he thinks in images. Therefore, in order for him to have a picture of what is happening in a fairy tale, one phrase is enough. For example, “a hen laid an egg” - and immediately an image! Is not it? And in order for an image to appear when reading the epic, you will need much more words:

“In the capital city of Kyiv,
And from the affectionate prince Vladimir,
The prince started an honorable feast
And for many princes, for boyars
And they are daring in all clearings.
Everyone got drunk at the feast,
Everyone ate their fill at the feast,
Everyone is at a feast and drunk and happy”...

It also follows from this that the child does not like to read works of this genre; for him it is difficult and uninteresting. The question arises:

How to read epics?

1) we need to saturate them with images so that the child gets used to their complex language!

2) everything needs to be worked out!!! unclear words and expressions. After all, in epics many outdated words are used to create images of antiquity, but now these words are not used. The child must understand what we're talking about. And for this you need to understand the words.

Only after working through these steps will the child be ready to fully read and perceive epics.

How to do it:

— The first reading of the epic should be exemplary (either read by an adult, or read by a speaker).

— Find and explain all unclear words and expressions.

Auxiliary material when working with epics:

1. Draw pictures: heroes, princes, troops, etc. But before that, read those lines that will help us imagine this picture, and then formulate the thought in simpler terms, understandable to a child words so that an image immediately appears.

2. You can sculpt story characters from plasticine.

3. You can prepare drawings for the child, and let him choose which lines they go to. And if these drawings are black and white, let him also color them!

4. Try to arrange a home performance of toys based on the epic. Voice the speech of the characters, first simplifying it, and then as it is, with complex turns of phrase. This, by the way, will help in the development of your child’s speech.

5. Play role-playing game, for example: “You are a hero, and I am the Nightingale the Robber.” This will help make the plot more dynamic.

6. In addition to all of the above, after reading the epic, to make it easier to understand, watch its film adaptation (cartoon) with your child.

All these methods will help you bring your child closer to the world of literature and show him how fascinating such a genre as epics is!

And for dessert I prepared this picture for you: Proverbs and sayings about heroes.

Russian folklore is rich in myths, epics and tales, which in difficult historical moments gave strength to the people and gave confidence in victory. The main characters of the CNT were heroes, so the proverbs about heroic strength are very common and well known today.

These are amazing characters who still cause controversy among historians. Many people say that heroes are real characters who lived in a certain era and accomplished great things. Another part of historians does not agree and believes that heroes are mythical characters or ancient deities.

Be that as it may, proverbs about heroic strength are still alive today. And this is easy to explain - people love their heroes, their heroes.

A little history

It is impossible to name the exact time of origin of the proverbs in which the key characters were heroes. Since they were initially transmitted orally, older generations passed them on to younger ones. And, naturally, the proverbs were each time decorated with a variety of details - everything depended on the imagination of the storyteller. It was only in the 19th century that they began to be written down. Below are the most famous of them.

  • Just as a rich man is not immortal, so a hero is not eternal.
  • You will recognize heroic strength in battle.
  • Everyone is their own hero.
  • The hero will die, but he will not take the glory with him - he will remain on earth.
  • The hero is famous for his strength, not his origin.

The secret of heroic strength

Proverbs about heroic strength spread very quickly. And the reason for this, so to speak, is love. common people to your heroes. To heroes who were not afraid of either the enemy or wild animals and were always ready to help. Therefore, proverbs about heroic strength are still relevant today, as they raise the morale of the people and allow them to find strength and cope with problems and enemies.

Bylinas are the heroic epic of the Russian people, dating back to the times of Kievan Rus, until the middle of the 20th century.

Bylinas were preserved mainly in the Russian North (Arkhangelsk region, Karelia) in the mouths of storytellers, who called these songs “old times” or “old women”. The term " epic"in relation to them was introduced in the 30s. XIX century by the collector and publisher of folklore I.P. Sakharov, who borrowed it from the epic “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (the author of which tells the story “by epics of this time,” and not according to the ancient “glory” songs in honor of princes, created by the prophetic singer Boyan).

Now this may seem strange, but back in the middle of the 19th century. our domestic science did not have information either about the existence of epics or about their performers - and this at a time when the Bogatyr epic, as we now know, was still widespread in Russia! The reason for this phenomenon can be found in Peter’s reforms, as a result of which the educated strata of Russian society joined European culture and at the same time they alienated themselves from the bulk of their people so much that they had only the most approximate understanding of Russian folk art (and sometimes even the language itself: it is no coincidence that Pushkin’s Tatyana, “Russian in soul,” “knew Russian poorly” and “ expressed herself with difficulty in her native language").

The situation began to change only in the era of romanticism, which awakened the attention of educated Russian society to the creations of the “national spirit”, transmitted orally among the largely illiterate peasantry. In the 1830-1850s. Activities began to collect works of folklore, organized by the Slavophile Pyotr Vasilyevich Kireevsky (1808–1856). Kireevsky's correspondents and himself recorded about a hundred epic texts in the central, Volga and northern provinces of Russia, as well as in the Urals and Siberia, but these records saw the light only in 1860–1874, when the collection folk songs Kireevsky was published by P. A. Bessonov.

Before mid-19th V. epics were known to the Russian reader only from the collection of Kirsha Danilov, the first (heavily abridged) edition of which, entitled “Ancient Russian Poems,” was published in Moscow in 1804, the second (much more complete) in 1818 (“Ancient Russian Poems, collected by Kirsha Danilov"). It was believed, however, that the songs presented in this book had already ceased to exist among the people.

The very identity of the compiler of this collection of works of folk song epic, as well as the place, time and circumstances of its origin, remained a mystery until recently, when, through the work of scientists who undertook extensive historical and archival research, it was established that Kirill Danilov was a factory foreman in Demidov Nizhny Tagile. Possessing an extensive folklore repertoire, he mid-18th century V. recorded it (or dictated it for recording) on ​​behalf of the owner of the factories, Prokofy Akinfievich Demidov, who, in turn, wanted to convey these songs as important historical source famous historian, Academician Gerard K. Avtorov, V. Kovpik, A. Kalugina. ". Historical songs. Ballads"

Friedrich (“Fedor Ivanovich”, as he was called in Russian) Miller. It is very likely that Kirill Danilov ended up beyond the Urals not of his own free will: in Russia, for a different song, one could be exiled “to places not so distant” both in the 20th and 18th centuries. The phrase dropped by P. A. Demidov in a letter to G.-F makes one think so. Miller on September 22, 1768: “I got [this song] from the Siberian people, because all the intelligent fools are sent there, who past history sing with their voices."

In the section of the site that we offer to the reader, we publish best samples song epic of the Russian people: epics, historical and ballad songs, as well as buffoons. They reflected in poetic form, on the one hand, historical consciousness people, the idea of ​​serving the Motherland, love for native land, to agricultural work, to close people, and on the other - denunciation of enemies encroaching on Rus' and ruining cities and villages, condemnation of atrocities, ridicule human vices and base actions.