Russian epic heroes names. The most famous Russian heroes and their exploits

These people are often credited with superhuman capabilities. They are described as strong and powerful men sitting astride huge horses. They always held a spear or other heavy weapon in their hands. Epics and songs about heroes were rewritten more than once. New details and details were added there. Sometimes the character of the hero himself underwent changes. This began to be especially evident after the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

These people are often credited with inhuman capabilities // Photo:

Although our man was not distinguished by belligerence, there were still strong representatives of it among the people. Thus, history stores many names of people with heroic strength: Svyatogor, Peresvet, Mikula Selyaninovich and others. They shed their blood for their native territories and their brothers.

Over time, the heroes changed. They began to serve not the people, but the princes. The most famous such heroes were Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha. They were sung most of all in songs. They were depicted by famous artists such as Vasnetsov. However, his painting “Three Heroes” is historically incorrect. They all lived in different times. So Dobrynya was born in the 15th century, Alyosha in the 13th, and Ilya in the 12th. In addition to them, there were still a large number of strongmen on Russian soil.

Great Svyatogor

One of the most mysterious and oldest Russian heroes. His story overshadows the exploits of even Muromets himself. His name completely matches his appearance. In the paintings he appears as a real giant. However, there are few reliable facts about this man. His death is especially incomprehensible. Svyatogor allegedly found a bag with all the “heaviness of the earth.” And he died while trying to move it.

Great Svyatogor // Photo:

There is a legend that describes the joint campaign of Muromets and Svyatogor. She colorfully describes how the younger generation is replacing the old. The legend says that during the journey of two heroes, a coffin, thrown by fate itself, appears on their way. Nearby there was a prophecy that said that only those who were destined to fall into it would fall into it. Ilya was the first to go there, but the coffin seemed too huge for him. Then it was Svyatogor’s turn. As soon as the hero lay down in it, the lid immediately slammed shut. The giant was never able to get out of there. In this legend, the hero’s feat is that the hero transferred all his powers to Muromets.

Mikula Selyaninovich

Mikula was a simple peasant. In epics he appears as a god-plowman, protector of peasants and their lands. If you believe the legends, then it is thanks to him that we can use the gifts of Mother Earth.

Mikula Selyaninovich // Photo:

The most famous story that describes the life of the hero is the epic about Volga and Mikula. In it, the hero goes to serve Prince Volkh in his squad to fight the Varangians. Before this, the epic describes how a man laughs at Volga and his associates because they cannot pull an ordinary peasant’s plow out of the ground.

Volkh Vseslavevich

He is known not only as a hero, but also as a werewolf and magician. Volkh was a Kyiv prince. And stories about him are very reminiscent of folk tales. Already the birth of the hero was shrouded in mystical events. Rumor has it that his father was Veles himself, who appeared to the hero’s mother in the form of a serpent. Immediately after the future hero was born, thunder was heard and lightning flashed.

Volkh Vseslavievich // Photo:

There are legends that say that Volkh often walked among his squad during his childhood. At night, he turned into a wolf and got food for the warriors. But the most famous epic is the one that tells about the victory of a hero over the Indian king. Noticing that the enemy was plotting evil against the Russian lands, Volkh used his magic and struck the entire enemy army at once.

The prototype for the hero is a real-life personality - Vseslav of Polotsk. The people were a little afraid of him, as they considered him a sorcerer. In fact, the prince was simply very cunning and took cities with his wits and extremely ruthlessly got rid of enemies.

The memory of the great heroes of Ancient Rus' has remained throughout the centuries. One of them is the hero Ilya Muromets. My report is dedicated to this amazing hero.

Epics about the hero

About heroes in Ancient Rus' legends and epics were composed. Epics are heroic songs that old storytellers performed while playing the harp. This is such an old stringed instrument.

There are many epics about Ilya Muromets, and each has several dozen more variants. These works were very popular in ancient times. Especially in the Russian North, where most of the works dedicated to Ilya Muromets and his service to Prince Vladimir have been preserved. In the southern regions, Ilya Muromets was often portrayed as a Cossack and served no one. But the enormous strength of Ilya and his the role of defender of the Russian land from invaders.

Miraculous healing and the first exploits of Ilya

The epics say that for 33 years Ilya could not get up: his legs were paralyzed. But one day strangers came to the house. They asked the patient to bring them water so much that Ilya could not stand it and tried to get up. He succeeded, he brought water, but the strangers told him to drink it himself. He drank the water, was healed and gained great strength. The wanderers told Ilya where to find the heroic horse and armor and sent Ilya to Prince Vladimir. On the way, the Russian hero accomplished a feat, protecting the city of Chernigov from nomads.

Victory over the Nightingale the Robber

The people of Chernigov complained to Ilya about Nightingale the Robber, and the hero won and took the criminal prisoner. Scientists believe that he was either the leader of a real bandit gang, or the commander of a detachment of nomads. Ilya shot, wounded Nightingale and took him to the prince. Vladimir ordered the robber to whistle. This whistle made everyone very scared, and several people died. Ilya executed Nightingale so that he could no longer cause harm.

The filthy idol

Then Ilya defeated the filthy Idol, which captured Kyiv. The hero accomplished this feat, disguised as a beggar wanderer, in order to penetrate the palace, which had already been captured by the enemy. He easily defeated the Idol, grabbing it with one hand. Then the hero went out into the courtyard and killed all the enemies with a stick, that is, a wanderer’s crutch.

Kalin the Tsar

Ilya Muromets - one of the most beloved heroes among the people, because he was from a peasant background. He was respected and revered more than anyone else. Even in V.M. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” the mighty hero is depicted in the center as the strongest. But the prince did not love Ilya. Once he kept a hero in prison for three years, wanting to starve him to death. But the prince’s daughter secretly brought Ilya something to eat. And when Tsar Kalin attacked Kyiv, the prince repented of having killed the hero, and his daughter admitted that she fed the hero and he is alive. Ilya was released, and he, not harboring anger in the face of a common danger, went to battle. But other heroes, also offended by the prince, did not want to fight for Vladimir. Having killed almost all the enemies, Ilya was nevertheless captured. But other heroes come to his aid, and together they defeat the enemy.

Alien hero

Ilya also became famous for his victory over some alien hero equal to him in strength. They fought for three days and three nights, and only in the end did Ilya win and smash the enemy to the ground.

Venerable Elijah

Surprisingly, Ilya Muromets there was a prototype - a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Having examined his relics, scientists came to the conclusion that he actually suffered from a serious spinal disease for a long time and could not walk. But then he recovered and became a hero. At about 40 years old - this was then considered old age - he entered a monastery and died at about 45 years old. Monk Ilya Muromets is considered a saint.

The real Ilya was also famous for his enormous physical strength, heroic build and military victories. But he could not serve Prince Vladimir, because he lived 200 years later.

Ilya Muromets is both a hero of epics and a real hero of Ancient Rus'.

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People need heroes, or rather, not so much themselves as legends about them. After all, when the life of a real person is surrounded by myths, it is so easy to love and admire him. Or better yet, set an example. Such people are not humanly ideal - they are honest and selfless, and they do not die out of stupidity in a drunken fight, but only by performing a great feat, in the name of the common good. And although these are all fairy tales, they help those who believe in them to become better and work on themselves in the hope of reaching the level of their hero. Let's learn about one of the varieties of such ideals - about the heroes and knights of the Russian land. After all, although over the past centuries it is hardly possible to establish the truth about their lives, they were great people, since the memory of them has been preserved to this day.

Who are the heroes, and where did this word come from?

From time immemorial, this noun has been used to refer to warriors with superhuman abilities, usually physical strength and endurance. Most often, these valiant knights were heroes of folk medieval Slavic epics and legends. The main occupation of the heroes of the Russian land was to protect it from enemies, as well as measure strength and demonstrate prowess by performing feats.

Most linguists agree on the Turkic origin of the term “hero” (“brave”, “brave hero”). Probably, especially distinguished warriors began to be called this way with the beginning of raids on the lands of Rus' by steppe nomads. And among them, the word Bahādor meant a hereditary title, which was given to especially distinguished fighters, an analogue of the European knightly title. This noun was first mentioned in this meaning in a Chinese chronicle of the 8th century.

There are mentions of Mongolian knight-heroes in Italian chronicles of the 13th century, as well as in the famous Slavic document of the 13th-14th centuries. - Ipatiev Chronicle.

It is not known exactly when and why the Slavic knights, who specialized in protecting themselves from the steppe “heroes,” began to be called a foreign word. But already in the chronicles of the XV-XVI centuries. this term is used precisely in the sense of a Slavic hero-defender.

There is an opinion that, when faced with valiant Russians, the Mongols called them knights, that is, “heroes.” The Slavs liked this name because of its similarity with the word “God,” and they themselves began to call their own heroes this way, as if hinting at godlikeness. Moreover, some heroes of the Russian land were identified with ancient deities, for example Svyatogor. And although at the time this concept arose, Rus' had already been baptized, the process of full Christianization itself took several centuries, and Orthodoxy took root only because it had absorbed a good half of pagan rituals and beliefs.

The question of the cultural affiliation of the epic knights

Almost all legends, tales and epics about the heroes of the Russian land relate to the period of Kievan Rus, namely the time of Vladimir the Great. Because of this, disputes about the nationality of the knights do not subside. After all, they are claimed by Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians at the same time.

To understand why this happened, it is worth remembering where the Old Russian state was located. Under Prince Vladimir, it included the lands of modern Ukraine (except for its steppe part), Belarus and a small piece of Poland and the Russian Federation. Please note, according to the chronicles, during the times of Kievan Rus, the lands of Novgorod, Smolensk, Vladimir, Ryazan, Rostov and Galich were not considered Russian.

The spread of Christianity is closely intertwined with the concept of "Rus". By the 14th century In the chronicles, the lands where Orthodoxy was widespread began to be called Russian. And all of the above cities also began to be called as such. This is evidenced by the chronicle document “List of Russian cities far and near”, which lists these great Slavic trading cities, in addition to them, there are Bulgarian and Lithuanian ones. This is precisely what, according to historians, indicates that the concept of “Russian” was synonymous with “Orthodox” in the minds of people of that time.

In this way, this name spread to the inhabitants of other Slavic territories, which were not initially considered as such. And after the final collapse of Kievan Rus, it was Novgorod, Smolensk, Vladimir, Ryazan and Rostov that were able to strengthen their influence in this region and took responsibility for protecting it from the steppe inhabitants. They became the core on the basis of which in the future the Moscow Principality arose and strengthened, which years later turned into Russia. And its indigenous inhabitants, according to tradition, began to call themselves Russians. This name has stuck with them to this day.

This version is supported by the fact that the main occupation of the classical heroes of the Russian land, according to epics and legends, was not just the defense of borders from the Mongols and other steppe inhabitants, but also the defense of the Christian faith. This feature of them is emphasized more than once in legends.

Therefore, when talking about the heroes of the Russian land during the existence of the Kyiv state, Ukrainians and Belarusians have every right to classify them as their own culture. After all, in those centuries it was these peoples who left Rus'.

On the other hand, the popularization of most epic heroes occurred in a later era precisely through the efforts of the inhabitants of the future Russia, who not only sang the exploits of the legendary knights of Rus', but also added many of their own to their pantheon. So its people also have the right to Slavic defenders from the steppes. Moreover, it was this literature that gave the world numerous beautiful poems about the heroes of the Russian land.

Disputes about the cultural affiliation of the legendary knights between the three nations are unlikely to ever cease. But they bring some benefit. The fact is that Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians have their own views on the interpretation of the biography and the very image of the hero. The defenders of the Russian land in the epic of each nation are endowed with special features characteristic specifically of its mentality. This provides a lot of interesting material for research by historians and linguists. And who said that truth is not born in disputes?

What categories are epic heroes and knights of the Russian land divided into?

Scientists also argue about how to classify the heroes of tales and legends. The most famous are 3 theories:

  • Knights are divided into older and younger generations.
  • There are 3 heroic eras: pre-Tatar, Tatar and post-Tatar.
  • The heroes of the Russian land are divided into those who lived in the pre-Christian and Christian periods. It is worth noting that pre-Christian knights are few in number. Their images are often close to ancient pagan deities.

While the heroes of the era after the baptism of Rus' are often more humane. Most of them accomplished their feats during the reign of Vladimir the Great. This is probably because this period was considered the most successful in the history of the Kyiv state. And although the highest point of development were the years of Yaroslav’s reign, almost all events from the life of classical Christian heroes are associated with the era of the Red Sun. Perhaps, in order to more successfully spread the new religion among the Slavs, the exploits of all the heroes they respected began to be associated with the era of its implementer. By the way, he himself was declared a saint, and yet he was a rapist and murderer, as mentioned in the chronicles.

Some historians believe that in fact there were fewer knights themselves. There were simply wandering stories about nameless heroes. In each locality, special names and biographies were invented for these nameless heroes of the Russian land in order to tie them to their own history. That is why their exploits are often similar: to woo a bride, kill a snake, fight a horde, suffer from boasting.

Pagan heroes

The most famous hero of this period is Svyatogor. He is described as a knight of gigantic proportions, who, by the way, lived outside of Rus' - in the Holy Mountains.

This character hardly had one prototype and is a composite one, and, moreover, borrowed. Tales about him usually describe 3 fragments from his life:

  • Death due to boasting of one's own strength.
  • Finding the predicted spouse.
  • Betrayal of his wife and acquaintance with Ilya Muromets, to whom Svyatogor transferred his sword and part of his power before his death.

Svyatogor, who is identified with a certain pagan deity, exists outside of the Kyiv or Novgorod epic cycles. While Mikula Selyaninovich and Ilya Muromets are among their brightest representatives. Therefore, probably, the legends about their meetings with Svyatogor are later (especially judging by the names) and were invented in order to show the continuity of these characters.

The bogatyr-plowman Mikula Selyaninovich also belongs to the pagan heroes from the Novgorod cycle. Judging by the structure of the name, to which a nickname was added, indicating its origin, this is an image later than Svyatogor.

All legends about Mikul emphasize his connection with the land and labor on it. She was the source of his strength. Subsequently, this plot element was borrowed from epics about other heroes.

It is noteworthy that there is no information about Mikula’s wife, but we know about two glorious daughters.

By the way, with the advent of Christianity, the character of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as the holidays associated with him, were “borrowed” from Mikula.

The third cult superhero, that is, the legendary hero of the pagan era, is Volga Svyatoslavich (Volkh Vseslavyevich).

He was not only strong, but also knew how to understand the language of animals, birds and fish, and also transform into some of them.

It is believed that he was the son of Princess Marfa Vseslavyevna and the snake. Hence the werewolf abilities. If Svyatogor is considered a deity, then Volga is a demigod. In epics he is spoken of as a hero of noble birth, leading a squad by right of birth. At the same time, he takes the commoner Mikula Selyaninovich as his assistant for his valor and courage.

As for the nobility of the soul, Volga is hardly worth holding up as an example. The story of meeting Mikula describes the hero as a mediocre ruler who stifles the people with taxes.

The epics about Svyatoslavich's campaign against the Indian kingdom describe the hero not as a valiant warrior, but as a cunning and far-sighted commander who, turning into various animals, successfully led his soldiers through all difficulties and led to victory. On the conquered land, he raped the wife of the defeated ruler and, taking her as his wife, reigned there. He gave local girls to be torn to pieces by his own soldiers. So Volga is more of an anti-hero, especially in comparison with the noble plowman Mikula.

Some identify this character with the Prophetic Oleg. There are also those who compare him with Prince Vladimir. Agree, their destinies have a lot in common. In addition to the same patronymic, in Vladimir’s life there was an episode with the rape of the daughter of the Polotsk prince, who became the mother of Yaroslav the Wise. True, the mother of the future baptist of Rus' was a slave, and not a princess, like Volga’s.

Golden Trinity

Most of the remaining epic knights belong to the Christian period.

First of all, you should pay attention to the trio from Vasnetsov’s painting. Everyone can easily say the names of the heroes of the Russian land. These are Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich.

Many epics, often contradicting each other, tell about the biography of the first. They agree only in a few aspects. So, Ilya could not walk until he was 33 years old (perhaps this date is given as an analogy with Christ), but then wandering magicians heal him and punish him to go to Vladimir’s squad, where Muromets performs most of his feats. At the same time, the hero’s relationship with the ruler himself was not the best.

It is also known that the hero was married, which did not prevent him from often having fun on the side.

According to legend, in his old age, Ilya Muromets took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, where he spent the last years of his life. After his death he was canonized. The declaration of Elijah as a saint contributed to the preservation of his remains to this day. Thanks to this, they were explored in the 80s. Scientists have confirmed that their owner suffered from leg paralysis in his youth, and died at the age of 40-55 due to a wound in the heart area.

Dobrynya Nikitich is the second most popular character. It is generally accepted that he existed during the same historical period as Ilya. Unlike him, he was close to Vladimir. The hero is identified with his maternal uncle.

Unlike Muromets, Nikitich is known not only for his strength, but also for his intelligence. He is well educated and even plays several musical instruments.

It is worth saying that in future centuries some features of pagan and Christian deities were attributed to the heroes of Vladimir’s era. Ilya Muromets is identified with the biblical prophet Elijah and the pagan god of thunder. Rumor equates Dobrynya with St. George the Victorious, who slayed the Serpent. This is reflected in the legends about the victory over the serpent who kidnapped the beautiful Zabava.

Unlike Ilya Muromets, this hero was a faithful husband. In later centuries, in order to link the image of Dobrynya and Alyosha Popovich, a story was spread about the latter’s attempt to deceive himself into marrying the knight’s wife.

Little is known about the last years of his life. According to legend, he died in the battle of Kalka. At the site of his grave, a mound was built, which still bears the name “Dobrynin”.

The positioning of Alyosha Popovich as younger arose not because of his age or physical characteristics, but because of the later period of his appearance. Thanks to Vasnetsov’s masterpiece, as well as modern cartoons, we get the impression that these heroes of the Russian land acted together. But they lived at different times, and the difference between Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha Popovich is 200 years. Despite this, the image of the latter has deeply penetrated most epics about heroes. In them he often plays a completely negative role and is distinguished by boastfulness and cunning, rather than daring. In this way he is close to Volga and, perhaps, “borrowed” several stories from him.

What do we know about his life from epics? He was the son of a priest and from childhood was distinguished by his intelligence and strength, although his lameness is sometimes mentioned. Like Dobrynya, he was a good musician.

Very few independent feats are attributed to him. The most striking is the fight with Tugarin on the road to Kyiv.

As for his heartfelt preferences, in addition to trying to deceive Nikitich’s wife, there are many stories about his relationship with Zbrodovich’s sister Alena. According to one version, because Popovich disgraced the girl, her brothers cut off his head. In other versions of this story, the hero manages to avoid death.

The real prototype of Alyosha is considered to be the Rostov boyar Olesha Popovich.

Seven popular knights with unusual stories

It is not only the heroes of Vasnetsov’s painting that folk epics are alive with. They often feature other characters. Let's look at the most famous of them and find out the names of the heroes of the Russian land who became famous in later periods.

Danube Ivanovich. This knight is known not for his exploits, but for his sad love story. Together with Dobrynya, he went to the Lithuanian prince to marry his daughter to Vladimir the Great. In a foreign land, he meets her sister Nastasya, and love arises between them. The girl helps Danube escape from death by ransoming him from the executioners and releasing him to Kyiv.

During his next visit to Lithuania, the hero no longer pays attention to his savior. Taking offense, the girl changed into a man’s dress and, catching up with the Danube in the field, started a battle with him. The hero did not recognize her and, having won, almost killed her. However, old feelings prevailed, and the knight took her as his wife.

At the wedding, Danube boasted of his prowess, and his wife - of her accuracy. The newly-made husband decided to shame his wife and demanded to show her skills. Nastasya displays accuracy that would make even William Tell and Robin Hood cry in the corner with envy - she hits the thin silver ring on the head of the Danube hero three times. The disgraced husband decides to repeat her feat, but turns out to be not so good and accidentally kills his wife with an arrow. Before her death, he realizes that she was pregnant, so he also killed his child. In despair, the knight commits suicide.

Sukhman Odikhmantievich. This name, so unusual for the inhabitants of Rus', belongs to a hero who became famous for his fight against the Tatars. Perhaps he himself was a native of the steppes, but then went into the service of Prince Vladimir, who again played a bad role in this story. He ordered the knight to deliver him a white swan, either for the zoo, or this is an allegorical name for the bride.

Sukhman was unable to complete the assignment because he was seriously wounded in the battle with the Tatars. Overcoming the pain, he returned to Kyiv empty-handed, but spoke about his victories. The prince did not believe him and sent him to prison.

Dobrynya goes to foreign lands in order to find out the truth, and finds confirmation of the hero’s words. Vladimir is going to reward him, but the proud hero chooses death.

By the way, the prince’s distrust and the knight’s resentment testify in favor of the version that Sukhman was a stranger.

Another hero of the period of Vladimir the Great is Nikita (Kirill) Kozhemyaka, mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. According to it, this knight defeated the Pecheneg hero in a duel, and afterward popular rumor attributed to him the victory over the snake.

Perhaps the legends about him are partially borrowed from the Bible. Thus, the duel with the enemy is a clear reference to the story of David and Goliath. And victory over the serpent makes him similar to St. George the Victorious. Although, perhaps, a snake is a metaphorical description of the Pecheneg.

Duke Stepanovich. This is another hero from the time of Prince Vladimir. However, he can only be called a hero of the Russian land only reluctantly. Since he was originally from Galich, which, as we remember, did not belong to Vladimir’s Rus'. It is difficult to understand why this character is called a hero, because apart from wealth and boasting, there are no other special “feats” listed for him. According to legend, he comes to Kyiv and begins to actively criticize it and all its inhabitants. To prove that he is right, he has to take part in a marathon of boasting, in which he wins and, proud of his “achievement,” leaves the princely city.

Khoten Bludovich, a hero whose name bears an overt sexual context, became famous for his desire to get married. The epics say that, despite his strength and glory, he was very poor. Because of this, the mother of his beloved China Chasovaya (another “Slavic” name in this story) refused the noble knight. This did not stop the brave hero, who systematically dealt with all the relatives of his beloved, and at the same time destroyed the army of the local prince. In the finale, he married his charming lady, and at the same time took the wealth left behind by those killed.

However, not all heroes were associated by rumor with the period of Vladimir’s reign. After the collapse of Kievan Rus, other heroes of folk epics began to appear. For example, the defender of Ryazan is Evpatiy Kolovrat. Unlike the classical heroes, he was not a composite image, but was a real historical figure who risked giving an unequal battle to the Mongol-Tatar army in revenge for the destruction of the city. Unfortunately, he died, but his courage earned respect even from his enemies.

Also among the heroes is the monk-warrior Alexander Peresvet, who participated in the Battle of Kulikovo. Although he is positioned more as a monk and then a warrior. However, combat skills do not appear out of thin air, and, therefore, before taking monastic vows, Peresvet had its own heroic history. He, too, was canonized.

Belarusian asilki

Such epic heroes as velets or asilks stand apart from other heroes. The most common stories about them are in Belarusian folklore.

Asilkas are the name given to pre-Christian giant heroes. They not only fought with snakes and other enemies, but created rivers and mountains. It is believed that for their pride they were cursed by God and turned to stone or went into the ground alive. Mounds appeared on the site of their graves.

Some researchers include Svyatogor in this category. Other scientists correlate the Velets with the ancient Greek titans or biblical giants (children of angels who rebelled against God).

Women knights

At all times, the Russian land was famous for its heroes. But these were not always men. People's memory has also retained mention of several heroes, who were usually called “polenitsy”.

These women were able to withstand not only their enemies, but also seriously compete with the epic heroes, and sometimes even surpass them.

The most famous Polenitsa are the two daughters of Mikula Selyaninovich, Vasilisa and Nastasya.

The first became the wife of the Chernigov boyar Stavr Godinovich, whom she saved from prison by dressing in a man's outfit and winning a competition.

The second married Dobrynya, having previously defeated the knight in a duel.

The aforementioned wife of the Danube hero Nastasya also belongs to the Polenitsa.

Many stories about heroes are associated with Ilya Muromets. Apparently, before taking monastic vows, he loved many strong women. Polenitsa is considered to be his wife Savishna (who saved Kyiv from Tugarin), as well as his temporary lover Zlatygorka, who gave birth to his mighty son Sokolnik. Also a hero was the nameless daughter of Muromets - another accidental fruit of love, seeking revenge for her mother.

Marya Morevna stands apart from the others. She is considered one of the most popular female characters and is the prototype of Vasilisa the Wise and Marya the Princess. According to legend, this steppe warrior defeated Koshchei the Immortal. So modern feminists have some Russian heroines to look up to.


The glorification of heroes and their exploits was done not only in order to preserve the memory of them, but also in order to set them as an example for others. That is why the epic knights and their exploits were embellished and magnified. This was done especially actively when it was necessary to tell children about the heroes of the Russian land. Then these characters were turned into moral ideals to be equaled.

Often the adult characters and their problems were too difficult to understand. Therefore, stories about the exploits of children were told especially for them. Such characters were called seven-year-old heroes.

Epics and tales about them were more often typical specifically for Ukrainian literature, but were also found among other peoples.

The characters could be either boys or girls, as well as twins.

One of the first stories about the youth knight concerns the period of Vladimir’s father, Prince Svyatoslav. In those days, a nameless boy got out of Kyiv, which was surrounded by the Pechenegs, and managed to bring help to his hometown.

So the tradition of setting examples of the heroes of the Russian land for preschoolers and schoolchildren has very deep roots.

Interesting facts

Worth paying attention:

  • In Mikhail Lermontov’s poem “Borodino,” his hero-narrator compares the classic generation with the epic knights, not in favor of the former (“Yes, there were people in our time, Not like the current tribe: Bogatyrs - not you!"). But if we talk about physical data, the average height of the legendary heroes-defenders of the Russian land was 160-165 cm (except for Ilya Muromets, who was a real giant at that time and was 180 cm tall), while under Mikhail Yuryevich, such growth was clearly not heroic.
  • According to legends, the father of Svyatogor is considered to be a supernatural creature that kills with its gaze. Many identify him with Gogol's Viy.
  • The Budenovka hat, which for a long time was part of the compulsory uniform of a Red Army soldier, looked a little like the erikhonka helmet, in which artists often depicted knights. Therefore, among the soldiers she was often called the “hero.”

Meanwhile, there were many more heroes in Rus', but not everyone knows about them. Faktrum proposes to rectify the situation and publishes a selection of legends about little-known Russian heroes.

1. Svyatogor

One of the most ancient heroes of the Russian epic epic. Svyatogor is a giant hero so big and strong that even Mother Earth could not withstand him. However, Svyatogor himself, according to the epic, could not overcome the “earthly pull” contained in the bag: trying to lift the bag, he sank with his feet into the ground.

2. Mikula Selyaninovich

The legendary plowman-hero, with whom you cannot fight, because “the whole Mikulov family loves Mother - Cheese Earth.” According to one of the epics, it was Mikula Selyaninovich who asked the giant Svyatogor to pick up a bag that had fallen to the ground. Svyatogor could not do this. Then Mikula Selyaninovich raised the bag with one hand and said that it contained “all the burdens of earth.” Folklore says that Mikula Selyaninovich had two daughters: Vasilisa and Nastasya. And they became the wives of Stavr and Dobrynya Nikitich, respectively.

3. Volga Svyatoslavich

Volga is one of the most ancient heroes in Russian epics. His distinctive features were the ability to shapeshift and the ability to understand the language of birds and animals. According to legends, Volga is the son of a snake and Princess Marfa Vseslavyevna, who miraculously conceived him by accidentally stepping on a snake. When he saw the light, the earth shook and terrible fear gripped all living creatures. An interesting episode of the meeting between Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich is described by epics. While collecting taxes from the cities of Gurchevets and Orekhovets, Volga met the plowman Mikula Selyaninovich. Seeing a mighty hero in Mikul, Volga invited him to join his squad to collect taxes. Having driven away, Mikula remembered that he had forgotten the plow in the ground. Twice Volga sent his warriors to pull out that plow, but the third time he and his entire squad did not overcome it. Mikula pulled out that plow with one hand.

4. Sukhman Odikhmantievich

Hero of the Kyiv epic cycle. According to legend, Sukhman goes to get a white swan for Prince Vladimir. During the trip, he sees that the Nepra River is fighting the Tatar power, which is building Kalinov bridges on it to go to Kyiv. Sukhman beats the Tatar forces, but during the battle he receives wounds, which he covers with leaves. Sukhman returns to Kyiv without the swan. Prince Vladimir does not believe him and orders him to be imprisoned in a cellar for his boasting, and sends Dobrynya Nikitich to find out whether Sukhman told the truth, and when it turns out that he was telling the truth, Vladimir wants to reward Sukhman; but he removes the leaves from the wounds and bleeds. The Sukhman River flowed from his blood.

5. Danube Ivanovich

One of the most popular heroic images in Russian epics. Unlike the three main characters of the epic (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich), Danube Ivanovich is a tragic character.
According to legend, during the wedding, Danube and Nastasya Korolevichna, who was also a hero, begin to boast, Danube about her courage, and Nastasya about her accuracy. They arrange a duel and Nastasya shoots the silver ring lying on the head of the Danube three times. Unable to recognize his wife’s superiority, Danube orders her to repeat the dangerous test in the opposite way: the ring is now on Nastasya’s head, and Danube shoots.

The Danube's arrow hits Nastasya. She dies, and the Danube finds out, “spreading her womb,” that she was pregnant with a wonderful baby: “knee-deep legs in silver, elbow-deep arms in gold, frequent braids on the head.” Danube throws himself on his saber and dies next to his wife; the Danube River originates from his blood.

6. Mikhailo Potyk

One of the minor heroes. He is known only in northern Russian epics as a handsome man and a snake fighter. There are several legends about him. According to one of them, Mikhailo met a swan while hunting, who turned into a girl - Avdotya Swan White. They got married and swore an oath that if someone died first, the survivor would be buried with the deceased in the same grave.

When Avdotya died, Potyka, along with her corpse, was lowered into the grave, on horseback in full armor. A serpent appeared in the grave, which the hero killed, and with his blood he resurrected his wife. According to other epics, the wife drugged Potyk and turned him to stone, and she fled with Tsar Koshchei. The hero's comrades - Ilya, Alyosha and others, save Potyk and avenge him by killing Koshchei and quartering the unfaithful White Swan.

7. Khoten Bludovich

A hero in Russian epics, acting in one epic as a matchmaker and groom. The story of Khoten and his bride is practically the ancient Russian story of Romeo and Juliet. According to legend, Khoten’s Mother, a widow, wooed her son to the beautiful China Sentinel at one feast. But the girl’s mother answered her with an insulting refusal, which was heard by all those feasting. When Khoten found out about this, he went to his bride and she agreed to marry him. But the girl’s mother was categorically against it.

Then Khoten demanded a duel and beat his bride's nine brothers. China's mother asks the prince for an army to defeat the hero, but Khoten defeats him too. After this, Khoten marries the girl, taking a rich dowry.

8. Nikita Kozhemyaka

Formally, he does not belong to the heroes, but he is a hero-snake fighter. According to legend, the daughter of the Kyiv prince was carried away by a snake and kept captive by him. Having learned from the snake himself that he is afraid of only one person in the world - Nikita Kozhemyak, she and the dove send a letter to her father asking him to find this hero and encourage him to fight the snake.

When the prince's envoys entered Kozhemyaka's hut, busy with his usual business, he was surprised to tear through 12 skins. Nikita refuses the prince’s first request to fight the snake. Then the prince sends the elders to him, who also could not persuade Nikita. For the third time, the prince sends children to the hero, and their crying touches Nikita, he agrees. Wrapping himself in hemp and smearing himself with resin to become invulnerable, the hero fights with the snake and frees the prince’s daughter.

Further, as the legend says, the serpent, defeated by Nikita, begs him for mercy and offers to share the land equally with him. Nikita forges a plow weighing 300 pounds, harnesses a snake to it and draws a furrow from Kyiv to the Black Sea; then, having begun to divide the sea, the serpent drowns.

9. Vasily Buslaev

Also not formally a hero, but a very strong hero, representing the ideal of valiant and boundless prowess. Since childhood, Vasily was a daredevil, knew no restrictions and did everything only as he pleased. At one of the feasts, Vasily bets that he will fight at the head of his squad on the Volkhov Bridge with all the Novgorod men. The fight begins, and Vasily's threat to beat every last one of his opponents is close to coming true; Only the intervention of Vasily’s mother saves the Novgorodians.

In the next epic, feeling the severity of his sins, Vasily goes to Jerusalem to pray for them. But the pilgrimage to holy places does not change the character of the hero: he defiantly violates all prohibitions and on the way back he dies in the most ridiculous way, trying to prove his youth.

10. Duke Stepanovich

One of the most original heroes of the Kyiv epic epic. According to legend, Duke arrives in Kyiv from “Rich India,” which, apparently, was the name of the Galicia-Volyn land. Upon arrival, Duke begins to boast about the luxury of his city, his own wealth, his clothes, which his horse brings daily from India, and finds the wine and rolls of the Prince of Kyiv tasteless. Vladimir, in order to check Duke’s boasting, sends an embassy to Duke’s mother. As a result, the embassy admits that if you sell Kyiv and Chernigov and buy paper for an inventory of Dyukov’s wealth, then there won’t be enough paper.

If you ask any Russian person in our country to name the names of Russian heroes, they will probably name Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. But then there’s a hitch. Thanks to popular culture, only these three have become widely known. Meanwhile, there were many more heroes in Rus', but not everyone knows about them. Let's try to correct the situation and tell about the “unknown” Russian heroes in this collection.


One of the most ancient heroes of the Russian epic epic. Svyatogor is a giant hero so big and strong that even Mother Earth could not withstand him. However, Svyatogor himself, according to the epic, could not overcome the “earthly pull” contained in the bag: trying to lift the bag, he sank with his feet into the ground.

Mikula Selyaninovich

The legendary plowman-hero, with whom you cannot fight, because “the whole Mikulov family loves Mother - Cheese Earth.” According to one of the epics, it was Mikula Selyaninovich who asked the giant Svyatogor to pick up a bag that had fallen to the ground. Svyatogor could not do this. Then Mikula Selyaninovich raised the bag with one hand and said that it contained “all the burdens of earth.” Folklore says that Mikula Selyaninovich had two daughters: Vasilisa and Nastasya. And they became the wives of Stavr and Dobrynya Nikitich, respectively.

Volga Svyatoslavich

Volga is one of the most ancient heroes in Russian epics. His distinctive features were the ability to shapeshift and the ability to understand the language of birds and animals. According to legends, Volga is the son of a snake and Princess Marfa Vseslavyevna, who miraculously conceived him by accidentally stepping on a snake. When he saw the light, the earth shook and terrible fear gripped all living creatures. An interesting episode of the meeting between Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich is described by epics. While collecting taxes from the cities of Gurchevets and Orekhovets, Volga met the plowman Mikula Selyaninovich. Seeing a mighty hero in Mikul, Volga invited him to join his squad to collect taxes. Having driven away, Mikula remembered that he had forgotten the plow in the ground. Twice Volga sent his warriors to pull out that plow, but the third time he and his entire squad did not overcome it. Mikula pulled out that plow with one hand.

Sukhman Odikhmantievich

Hero of the Kyiv epic cycle. According to legend, Sukhman goes to get a white swan for Prince Vladimir. During the trip, he sees that the Nepra River is fighting the Tatar power, which is building Kalinov bridges on it to go to Kyiv. Sukhman beats the Tatar forces, but during the battle he receives wounds, which he covers with leaves. Sukhman returns to Kyiv without the swan. Prince Vladimir does not believe him and orders him to be imprisoned in a cellar for his boasting, and sends Dobrynya Nikitich to find out whether Sukhman told the truth, and when it turns out that he was telling the truth, Vladimir wants to reward Sukhman; but he removes the leaves from the wounds and bleeds. The Sukhman River flowed from his blood.

Danube Ivanovich

One of the most popular heroic images in Russian epics. Unlike the three main characters of the epic (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich), Danube Ivanovich is a tragic character. According to legend, during the wedding, Danube and Nastasya Korolevichna, who was also a hero, begin to boast, Danube about her courage, and Nastasya about her accuracy. They arrange a duel and Nastasya shoots the silver ring lying on the head of the Danube three times. Unable to recognize his wife’s superiority, Danube orders her to repeat the dangerous test in the opposite way: the ring is now on Nastasya’s head, and Danube shoots. The Danube's arrow hits Nastasya. She dies, and the Danube finds out, “spreading her womb,” that she was pregnant with a wonderful baby: “knee-deep legs in silver, elbow-deep arms in gold, frequent braids on the head.” Danube throws himself on his saber and dies next to his wife; the Danube River originates from his blood.

Mikhailo Potyk

One of the minor heroes. He is known only in northern Russian epics as a handsome man and a snake fighter. There are several legends about him. According to one of them, Mikhailo met a swan while hunting, who turned into a girl - Avdotya Swan White. They got married and swore an oath that if someone died first, the survivor would be buried with the deceased in the same grave. When Avdotya died, Potyka, along with her corpse, was lowered into the grave, on horseback in full armor. A serpent appeared in the grave, which the hero killed, and with his blood he resurrected his wife. According to other epics, the wife drugged Potyk and turned him to stone, and she fled with Tsar Koshchei. The hero's comrades - Ilya, Alyosha and others, save Potyk and avenge him by killing Koshchei and quartering the unfaithful White Swan.

Hoten Bludovich

A hero in Russian epics, acting in one epic as a matchmaker and groom. The story of Khoten and his bride is practically the ancient Russian story of Romeo and Juliet. According to legend, Khoten’s Mother, a widow, wooed her son to the beautiful China Sentinel at one feast. But the girl’s mother answered her with an insulting refusal, which was heard by all those feasting. When Khoten found out about this, he went to his bride and she agreed to marry him. But the girl’s mother was categorically against it. Then Khoten demanded a duel and beat his bride's nine brothers. China's mother asks the prince for an army to defeat the hero, but Khoten defeats him too. After this, Khoten marries the girl, taking a rich dowry.

Nikita Kozhemyaka

Formally, he does not belong to the heroes, but he is a hero-snake fighter. According to legend, the daughter of the Kyiv prince was carried away by a snake and kept captive by him. Having learned from the snake himself that he is afraid of only one person in the world - Nikita Kozhemyak, she and the dove send a letter to her father asking him to find this hero and encourage him to fight the snake. When the prince's envoys entered Kozhemyaka's hut, busy with his usual business, he was surprised to tear through 12 skins. Nikita refuses the prince’s first request to fight the snake. Then the prince sends the elders to him, who also could not persuade Nikita. For the third time, the prince sends children to the hero, and their crying touches Nikita, he agrees. Wrapping himself in hemp and smearing himself with resin to become invulnerable, the hero fights with the snake and frees the prince’s daughter. Further, as the legend says, the serpent, defeated by Nikita, begs him for mercy and offers to share the land equally with him. Nikita forges a plow weighing 300 pounds, harnesses a snake to it and draws a furrow from Kyiv to the Black Sea; then, having begun to divide the sea, the serpent drowns.

Vasily Buslaev

Also not formally a hero, but a very strong hero, representing the ideal of valiant and boundless prowess. Since childhood, Vasily was a daredevil, knew no restrictions and did everything only as he pleased. At one of the feasts, Vasily bets that he will fight at the head of his squad on the Volkhov Bridge with all the Novgorod men. The fight begins, and Vasily's threat to beat every last one of his opponents is close to coming true; Only the intervention of Vasily’s mother saves the Novgorodians. In the next epic, feeling the severity of his sins, Vasily goes to Jerusalem to pray for them. But the pilgrimage to holy places does not change the character of the hero: he defiantly violates all prohibitions and on the way back he dies in the most ridiculous way, trying to prove his youth.

Duke Stepanovich

One of the most original Kyiv epic epics. According to legend, Duke arrives in Kyiv from “Rich India,” which, apparently, was the name of the Galicia-Volyn land. Upon arrival, Duke begins to boast about the luxury of his city, his own wealth, his clothes, which his horse brings daily from India, and finds the wine and rolls of the Prince of Kyiv tasteless. Vladimir, in order to check Duke’s boasting, sends an embassy to Duke’s mother. As a result, the embassy admits that if you sell Kyiv and Chernigov and buy paper for an inventory of Dyukov’s wealth, then there won’t be enough paper.