Garnet bracelet character analysis. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet": genre of work

In August, vacation on the suburban seaside resort was spoiled by bad weather. The empty dachas were sadly wet in the rain. But in September the weather changed again, sunny days. Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina did not leave her dacha - renovations were going on in her house - and now she is enjoying the warm days.

The princess's name day is coming. She is glad that it fell during the summer season - in the city they would have had to give a ceremonial dinner, and the Sheins “barely made ends meet.”

Her younger sister Anna Nikolaevna Friesse, the wife of a very rich and very stupid man, and her brother Nikolai come to Vera’s name day. Towards evening, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein brings the rest of the guests.

A package with a small jewelry case addressed to Princess Vera Nikolaevna is brought in the midst of simple country entertainment. Inside the case is a gold, low-grade blown bracelet, covered with garnets, which surround a small green stone.

In addition to the garnet bracelet, a letter is found in the case. An unknown donor congratulates Vera on Angel's Day and asks to accept a bracelet that belonged to his great-grandmother. The green pebble is a very rare green garnet that conveys the gift of providence and protects men from violent death. The author of the letter reminds the princess how seven years ago he wrote to her “stupid and wild letters" The letter ends with the words: “Your humble servant G.S.Zh. before death and after death.”

Prince Vasily Lvovich at this moment demonstrates his humorous home album, opened on the “story” “Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love.” “It’s better not to,” Vera asks. But the husband still begins a commentary on his own drawings, full of brilliant humor. Here is the girl Vera receiving a letter with kissing doves, signed by telegraph operator P.P.Zh. Here is young Vasya Shein returning to Vera wedding ring: “I do not dare to interfere with your happiness, and yet it is my duty to warn you: telegraph operators are seductive, but insidious.” But Vera marries the handsome Vasya Shein, but the telegraph operator continues to persecute him. Here he is, disguised as a chimney sweep, entering Princess Vera’s boudoir. So, having changed clothes, he enters their kitchen as a dishwasher. Finally, he is in a madhouse.

After tea the guests leave. Whispering to her husband to look at the case with the bracelet and read the letter, Vera goes to see off General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov. The old general, whom Vera and her sister Anna call grandfather, asks the princess to explain what is true in the prince’s story.

G.S.Zh. pursued her with letters two years before her marriage. Obviously, he constantly watched her, knew where she went at the evenings, how she was dressed. He did not serve at the telegraph office, but in “some government institution as a small official.” When Vera, also in writing, asked not to bother her with his persecutions, he fell silent about love and limited himself to congratulations on holidays, like today, on her name day. Inventing funny story, the prince replaced the initials of the unknown admirer with his own.

The old man suggests that the unknown person may be a maniac.

Vera finds her brother Nikolai very irritated - he also read the letter and believes that his sister will find herself in a “ridiculous position” if she accepts this ridiculous gift. Together with Vasily Lvovich, he is going to find the fan and return the bracelet.

The next day they find out the address of G.S.Zh. It turns out to be a blue-eyed man “with a gentle girlish face” of about thirty, thirty-five years old, named Zheltkov. Nikolai returns the bracelet to him. Zheltkov does not deny anything and admits the indecency of his behavior. Having discovered some understanding and even sympathy in the prince, he explains to him that he loves his wife, and this feeling will kill only death. Nikolai is indignant, but Vasily Lvovich treats him with pity.

Zheltkov admits that he squandered government money and is forced to flee the city, so that they will no longer hear about him. He asks Vasily Lvovich for permission to write to his wife last letter. Having heard her husband’s story about Zheltkov, Vera felt “that this man would kill himself.”

In the morning, Vera learns from the newspaper about the suicide of the control chamber official G.S. Zheltkov, and in the evening the postman brings his letter.

Zheltkov writes that for him his whole life lies only in her, in Vera Nikolaevna. This is the love with which God rewarded him for something. As he leaves, he repeats in delight: “Hallowed be Thy name.” If she remembers him, then let her play the D major part of Beethoven’s “Sonata No. 2”, he thanks her from the bottom of his heart for being his only joy in life.

Vera is going to say goodbye to this man. The husband fully understands her impulse and lets his wife go.

Zheltkov’s coffin stands in the middle of his poor room. His lips smile blissfully and serenely, as if he had learned a deep secret. Vera lifts his head, places a large red rose under his neck and kisses his forehead. She understands that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by. In the evening, Vera asks a pianist she knows to play Beethoven’s “Appassionata” for her, listens to the music and cries. When the music ends, Vera feels that Zheltkov has forgiven her.

Have you read the summary of the novel? Garnet bracelet. We invite you to visit the Summary section to read other summaries of popular writers.

Zheltkov G.S. (apparently, Georgy is “Pan Ezhiy”)- appears in the story only towards the end: “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; He must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old.” Along with Princess Vera, he can be called the main character of the story. The beginning of the conflict is when Princess Vera received on September 17, her name day, a letter signed with the initials “G. S. Zh.”, and a garnet bracelet in a red case.

It was a gift from a then stranger to Vera Zh., who fell in love with her seven years ago, wrote letters, then, at her request, stopped bothering her, but now confessed his love again. In the letter, Zh. explained that the old silver bracelet once belonged to his grandmother, then all the stones were transferred to a new, gold bracelet. J. repents that he previously “dared to write stupid and impudent letters” and adds: “Now only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion remain in me.” One of the guests at the name day, for the sake of entertainment, presents the love story of the telegraph operator, P.P.Zh. (distorted G.S.Zh.), to Vera in a comic form, stylized as a pulp novel. Another guest, a person close to the family, old General Anosov, suggests: “Maybe he’s just an abnormal fellow, a maniac.”<...>Maybe your path in life, Verochka, has been crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

Under the influence of his brother-in-law, Vera’s husband, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, decides to return the bracelet and stop the correspondence. J. amazed Shein at the meeting with his sincerity. Zh., having asked Shein for permission, speaks on the phone with Vera, but she also asks to stop “this story.” Shein felt that he was present “at some enormous tragedy of the soul.” When he reports this to Vera, she predicts that J. will kill himself. Later, from a newspaper, she accidentally learned about the suicide of Zh., who referred in his suicide note to the embezzlement of government money. That evening she receives Farewell letter from J. He calls love for Faith “an enormous happiness” sent to him by God. He admits that he “is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people.” All life lies in love for Vera: “Even though I was ridiculous in your eyes and in the eyes of your brother<...>Leaving, I say in delight: Let him be holy your name" Prince Shein admits: J. was not crazy and loved Vera very much and therefore was doomed to death. He allows Vera to say goodbye to J. Looking at the deceased, she “realized that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.” In the face of the dead ^K. she noticed “deep importance”, “deep and sweet mystery”, “peaceful expression”, which “she saw on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon.”

At home, Vera found a familiar pianist, Jenny Reiter, who played her exactly that passage from Beethoven’s second sonata that seemed to J. the most perfect - “Largo Appassionato”. And this music became an afterlife declaration of love addressed to Vera. Vera’s thoughts that “great love passed by” coincided with the music, each “verse” of which ended with the words: “Hallowed be Thy name.” At the very end of the story, Vera utters words that only she understands: “...he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine".

All the heroes of the story, not excluding J., had real prototypes. Criticism pointed out, however, the connection between “The Garnet Bracelet” and prose Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun.

The plot was based on real story, which Kuprin filled with sad poetry. Over the years, films of the same name were made based on this work.

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    Garnet bracelet. Alexander Kuprin

    Garnet bracelet: main characters, issues of the work



  • Vasily Lvovich Shein - prince, provincial leader of the nobility
  • Vera Nikolaevna Sheina - the wife of Prince Shein, received letters from Zheltkov
  • Georgy Stepanovich Zheltkov - an official of the control chamber, in love with Vera
  • Anna Nikolaevna Friesse - Vera's sister, does not love her husband
  • Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky - brother of Vera and Anna, comrade prosecutor
  • General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov - military comrade of Vera and Anna's father, Anna's godfather
  • Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova - sister of Vasily Shein
  • Gustav Ivanovich Friesse - Anna Nikolaevna's husband
  • Jenny Reiter - pianist
  • Luka - cook
  • Vasyuchok - a young rogue and reveler


On her name day, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina received from her longtime anonymous admirer a gold bracelet covered with five deep red cabochon garnets as a gift. Being married woman, she considered herself not entitled to receive any gifts from strangers.

Her brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, assistant prosecutor, together with Prince Vasily Lvovich found the sender. He turned out to be a modest official Georgy Zheltkov. Many years ago he accidentally circus performance I saw Princess Vera in the box and fell in love with her with pure and unrequited love. Several times a year, on major holidays, he allowed himself to write letters to her.

Now, after talking with the prince, he felt ashamed of those actions that could compromise an innocent woman. However, his love for her was so deep and selfless that he could not imagine the forced separation that the princess’s husband and brother insisted on.

After they left, he wrote a farewell letter to Vera Nikolaevna, in which he apologized to her for everything and asked her to listen to Beethoven’s Sonata No. 2. Then he took the bracelet returned to him to the landlady with a request to hang the decoration on the icon. Mother of God(according to Catholic custom), locked himself in his room and shot himself, seeing no point in the rest of his life. Zheltkov left suicide note, in which he explained that he shot himself because of embezzlement of government money.

Vera Nikolaevna, having learned about the death of G.S.Zh., asked her husband’s permission and went to the suicide’s apartment to look at least once at the man who had unrequitedly loved her for so many years. Returning home, she asked Jenny Reiter to play something, without doubting that she would play exactly the part of the sonata that Zheltkov wrote about. Sitting in a flower garden to the sounds wonderful music, Vera Nikolaevna pressed herself against the acacia trunk and cried. She realized that the love that General Anosov spoke about, which everyone dreams of, passed her by. When the pianist finished playing and entered the princess, she began to kiss her and said: “No, no,” he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine".

Theater productions

  • In 2013, on the stage of the Irkutsk Musical Theatre. N. M. Zagursky hosted the world premiere of the ballet “Pomegranate Bracelet” (music: Konstantin Artamonov, libretto: Lyudmila Tsvetkova)

One of the most famous works of Alexander Kuprin is “Garnet Bracelet”. What genre is the story about the unrequited love of the modest official Zheltkov? More often this work is called a story. But it also contains features characteristic of the story. It turns out that defining the genre of “Garnet Bracelet” is not easy.

In order to do this, one should remember the content of Kuprin’s work, and also consider the features of both the story and the story.

What is a story?

Underneath this literary term understand the essay short prose. A synonym for this word is “short story”. Russian writers usually called their works stories. Novella is a concept inherent more foreign literature. There is no significant difference between them. In both the first and second cases we're talking about about the work small volume, in which only a few heroes appear. Important Feature- having only one storyline.

The structure of such a work is quite simple: beginning, climax, denouement. In Russian XIX literature centuries, a story was often called what today is commonly called a story. A striking example- everyone famous works Pushkin. The writer created several stories, the plot of which was allegedly told to him by a certain Belkin, and called them stories. In each of these works there are few characters and only one storyline. So why didn’t Pushkin call his collection “Belkin’s Stories”? The fact is that the literary terminology of the 19th century is somewhat different from the modern one.

But the genre of Chekhov’s works is beyond doubt. Events in the stories of this writer revolve around some seemingly minor incidents that allow the characters to look at their lives differently. Extra characters not in Chekhov's works. His stories are clear and concise. The same can be said about the prose of later authors - Leonid Andreev, Ivan Bunin.

What is a story?

A work of this genre occupies an intermediate position between a short story and a novel. In foreign literature, the concept of “story” is absent. English and French authors created either short stories or novels.

IN Ancient Rus' any story was called prose work. Over time, the term acquired a narrower meaning. Before mid-19th centuries, it was understood as a work of small size, but larger than a story. There are usually significantly fewer heroes in the story than in the epic "War and Peace", but more than in Chekhov's "Wallet". Yet modern literary scholars sometimes it is difficult to determine the genre of a work written more than 200 years ago.

In the story, events revolve around the main character. Actions take place over a short period of time. That is, if the work tells how the hero was born, graduated from school, university, did successful career, and then, closer to his seventieth birthday, died safely in his bed, then this is a novel, but not a story.

If only one day in the life of a character is shown, but the plot contains two or three actors, this is a story. Perhaps the clearest definition of a story is the following: “a work that cannot be called either a novel or a story.” What is the genre of "Garnet Bracelet"? Before answering this question, let's remember the content.

"Garnet bracelet"

A work can be confidently classified as a short story if it involves two or three characters. There are more heroes here.

Vera Sheina is married to a kind and well-mannered man. She doesn't care about the telegraph operator who writes to her regularly Love letters. Moreover, she had never even seen his face. Vera's indifference gives way to a feeling of anxiety, and then pity and regret after she receives a garnet bracelet as a gift from the telegraph operator.

The genre of this work could be easily determined if Kuprin had excluded from the narrative such characters as General Anosov, Vera’s brother and sister. But these characters are not just present in the plot. They, and especially the general, play a certain role.

Let us recall several stories included by Kuprin in “Garnet Bracelet”. The genre of a work can be determined in the process of its artistic analysis. And to do this, you should again turn to the content.

Crazy Love

The officer fell in love with the wife of the regimental commander. This woman was not attractive, and she was also a morphine addict. But love is evil... The romance did not last long. The experienced woman soon became tired of her young lover.

Garrison life is boring and monotonous. The military wife, apparently, wanted to brighten up her everyday life with thrills, and she demanded proof of love from her former lover. Namely, throw yourself under a train. He did not die, but remained disabled for life.

Love triangle

Another incident from garrison life is told in another story included in the “Garnet Bracelet.” Its genre could be easily determined if it were separate work. It would be a classic story.

The wife of a brave officer, highly respected by the soldiers, fell in love with the lieutenant. Got started passionate romance. The traitor did not hide her feelings at all. Moreover, her husband was well aware of her relationship with her lover. When the regiment was sent to war, she threatened him with divorce if something happened to the lieutenant. The man went to sapper work instead of his wife's lover. I checked the guard posts for him at night. He did everything to preserve the health and life of his opponent.


These stories are not given by chance. They were told to Vera by General Anosov, one of the most bright characters"Garnet bracelet" The genre of this work would not be in doubt if it were not for this colorful character. In that case it would be a story. But the general distracts the reader from the main storyline. In addition to the above stories, he also tells Vera about some facts from his biography. In addition, Kuprin paid attention to other minor characters(for example, sister Vera Sheina). This made the structure of the work more complex, the plot deeper and more interesting.

The stories told by Anosov make an impression on main character. And his thoughts about love make the princess look differently at the feelings of the faceless telegraph operator.

What genre does “Garnet Bracelet” belong to?

It was said above that in literature previously there was no clear division between such concepts as story and story. But this was only the case early XIX century. The work discussed in this article was written by Kuprin in 1910. By that time, the concepts used by modern literary scholars had already been formed.

The writer defined his work as a story. Calling "The Garnet Bracelet" a story is incorrect. However, this mistake is forgivable. As one famous person said, not without a bit of irony, literary critic, no one can perfectly distinguish a story from a story, but philology students love to argue on this topic.

By the end summer holiday it got very cold. Summer residents began to return home. Princess Vera decided to stay and celebrate her birthday in a small circle, since Prince Vasily, Vera’s husband, was in Lately tight on funds. Therefore, Vera Nikolaevna tried to save unnoticed.

Later the weather improved: the rains stopped and the wind died down. The princess's sister Anna Nikolaevna came to help prepare for the celebration. The sisters decided to take advantage of the sunny weather and walk along the cliff, admiring the sea. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they couldn't talk enough.

In the evening, guests began to arrive. The sisters were especially happy about General Anosov; in his youth he served with their father. Prince Vasily, as usual, told the assembled guests interesting incidents that had happened to his relatives and friends. Everyone listened to him with pleasure. After the festive dinner, the guests gathered to play cards. Princess Vera was detained by a maid who handed her a small package. Vera Nikolaevna took out a bracelet with bright red garnets and a letter from it. The handwriting was familiar to her. Vera has received messages from a mysterious admirer more than once. In a short message, he congratulated Vera and asked her to accept his modest gift.

In the evening, Princess Vera told her husband about the gift. The next day, the prince and Vera Nikolaevna’s brother found the man who had sent him. He turned out to be a young official named Zheltkov. He frankly told the prince that he saw Vera for the first time even before marriage and could not forget her. Love for her became the meaning of his life. Vasily Lvovich even felt sorry for this young man. But he returned the bracelet to him and asked him to leave his wife alone. And he vowed not to disturb their family anymore.

In the morning, Vera Nikolaevna learned from the newspapers about Zheltkov’s death. The money he spent was considered the basis for suicide. Among the morning correspondence, the princess found a simple note. In it, Zheltkov conveyed sincere wishes to Vera for happiness, goodness and peace. Princess Vera expressed a desire to go to the apartment where Zheltkov lived and say goodbye to him. The mistress of the house showed the room where he was lying. Princess Vera had never met this man, but she was struck by the expression of peace and happiness on his face. When Vera said goodbye to the owner of the apartment, she told her that Zheltkov considered Sonata No. 2 to be Beethoven’s best creation.

At home, Princess Vera was waiting for her friend, a talented pianist. At Vera’s request, she sat down at the piano and played for her a Beethoven sonata, which Zheltkov loved so much. The last chords died down, and Vera Nikolaevna felt relief, as if the music had helped her remove the feeling of involuntary guilt from her soul.

The story teaches you to respect other people's feelings, treat your loved ones with care, and cherish mutual trust and respect.

Retelling of the Garnet Bracelet in chapters

Chapter 1

The action of the story takes place at the dacha of Vera Nikolaevna Shein and her husband, which is located on the shores of the Black Sea. The weather in mid-August was bad, there were heavy rains, but due to repairs in the city, it was not possible to leave the dacha. But at the beginning of September the rainy season ends and good weather returns.

Chapter 2

The story takes place on one day, namely Vera Nikolaevna’s name day.

She is married to the leader of the nobility. Love for her husband has long grown into a tender friendship. She is glad to have the opportunity to celebrate her name day at the dacha, because... This freed me from the need for unnecessary expenses. It so happened that her husband, due to his status, was obliged to lead a proper lifestyle: organize evenings, keep horses, etc. - but his family estate was undermined, they lived beyond their means. Trying to somehow alleviate the situation, Vera tries to be more restrained in spending.

Her sister comes to visit her. Anna Nikolaevna Friesse. The women are very different both in appearance and in character, but they sincerely love each other. If Vera inherited the restrained aristocratic beauty of her English mother, then Anna took after her Tatar father. Unlike her older sister, Anna Nikolaevna was wasteful and was not shy about her desires. She was married to a wealthy man, whom she did not respect at all, which she told him straight to his face, but, despite all her antics, she remained a faithful wife.

Chapter 3

The sisters go for a walk along the shore. They discuss the beauty of the sea, when Vera remembers the forest in Yegorovskoye, Anna Nikolaevna hands her sister a prayer book. She bought it from an antique shop and decorated it to her taste. The gift simultaneously fascinates the birthday girl, because it could belong to some famous woman in the past, but at the same time she is amused by the idea of ​​​​turning a prayer book into a woman's notebook.

When they return to the house, Vera shares with her younger sister her worries about the difficulty of setting a good table. And she says that in the morning they brought her a sea cock, which they will serve in the evening. Younger sister I immediately wanted to look at the amazing animal that was lying alive in the bucket.

Chapter 4

In the evening, guests begin to arrive: Prince Vasily Lvovich and his sister Lyudmila Lvovna, the young reveler Vasyuchka, the pianist Jenny Reiter, then the husband of the birthday girl with Professor Speshkov. Later than everyone else, Vera's named grandfather arrives, accompanied by 2 officers.

Staff Colonel Anosov, the named grandfather of the sisters. She once served with their father, and was very fond of both sisters own daughters. He was an extraordinary, respected man, the type of ideal officer.

Chapter 5

At first, Prince Vasily Lvovich entertained the guests funny stories, he took the basis from the life of the guests, but exaggerated the colors and came up with absurdities, which made them funny. After dinner, the guests sat down to play poker. While still at the table, Vera counted the guests, being superstitious, she was embarrassed by the fact that there were 13 of them. While everyone was sitting down to poker, she decided to leave when they handed her a package. The unknown person handed her a package containing a case and a letter. The case contained a garnet bracelet, and the letter explained that it was a gift for the birthday girl. The author claims that he already wrote letters to her 7 years ago. He doesn't need anything from her. And the bracelet itself previously belonged to his grandmother and mother.

Chapter 6

The evening continues, everyone relaxes and has fun. Prince Vasily Lvovich shows his album to his sister and Anosov. First he tells funny story about my sister. And then, in the same manner, he takes on the story of Vera and the telegraph operator. The woman initially asked him to stop, but he continued. From the story it becomes clear that 7 years ago the telegraph operator began writing love letters to her, and she told her fiance, her current husband, about everything. Six months later she got married.

To change the subject, Vera invites everyone to tea.

Chapter 7

In the evening the guests began to gradually leave. The remaining guests sat on the terrace. Anosov told his war stories, and the guests listened to him with interest. Naturally, he came to the story of how he met and fell in love with a girl in Bulgaria, but soon the campaign continued and he left those places. Here a friendly argument arose between the guests about whether it was love, and whether it exists at all. The colonel admitted that he was not sure that he was in love, he was busy all the time, there was no time for that.

Vera goes to see off her grandfather, and asks her husband to go into the office and look at the case and letter she left there.

Chapter 8

As Vera saw off the colonel, she had a friendly conversation with him. Their conversation turned to marriage and love. Anosov says that there is no love in marriage, but only practical calculation. A real love doesn't require anything in return. He remembers only 2 stories from his life, about tragic love. Vera tells him a story about a petty official who wrote letters to her. She answered him only once, when she asked him not to write anymore. And the fan began to write rarely, on major holidays, and sent a gift on this day. To this the fan replied that perhaps this was the same love that crossed Vera’s life. After that he left.

Chapter 9

Returning to the house, Vera finds her husband and brother talking. Her brother is furious about the gift the stranger sent him. He believes that he needs to be returned, the spouses agree with him. He offers to find a fan, return the gift and threaten. At first, he suggests turning to superior friends or gendarmes, but fearing the fuss, the two men decide to meet with him and resolve this issue.

Chapter 10

Vera Nikolaevna's brother and husband find a suitor. It turns out that this is a simple thin man, he is very nervous around guests, but Vera’s brother behaves impudently. He returns the gift and begins a tirade asking Zheltkov to stop writing to his sister. When in his speech he reaches the point that at first he wanted to appeal to the authorities, Zheltkov laughed. He says that he will never be able to stop loving Vera; no one can change this. He asks her husband for permission to call her and say goodbye to her forever. The prince gives his consent. When Zheltkov returns, he looks upset and promises to disappear from their lives forever. Returning home, the prince finds his wife upset, and at night when he came to her, she drove him away, saying that she knew that Zheltkov would kill himself.

Chapter 11

Vera Nikolaevna did not have the habit of reading newspapers, but it was on this day that she opened this particular page. It was written there about the death of Zheltkov, who committed suicide, explaining this by embezzlement of government money. Then they bring a letter from him. He sincerely admits his feelings for Vera. Says goodbye to her. Vera Nikolaevna comes to her husband in tears with a letter. He tells her that he saw that this man loved her. She decides to go and look at Zheltkov. Her husband supports her in this decision.

Chapter 12

Vera arrives at Zheltkov’s apartment. The landlady meets her and tells her that 2 men came the day before. Also about the fact that the deceased asked to hang the garnet bracelet on the icon. When they enter the room, the hostess leaves Vera alone with Zheltkov. She puts a rose in his coffin. She understands that this was the very love that every woman dreams of. She kisses the dead man on the forehead and leaves. Before leaving, the hostess gives her a note with the number of a Beethoven sonata, which Zheltkov left, in case Vera comes to see him.

Chapter 13

Vera returns to the house. There is no one there except her pianist friend. She asks her to play something and goes to the park. She had no doubt that this would be the same sonata whose number Zheltkov left in the note. She remembers her grandfather's words about true love, words from fan letters. She can't hold back her tears. Her friend finds her in this state. But Vera already knows that even though her and Zheltkov’s love was short-lived, he forgave her.

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Garnet bracelet. Picture for the story

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