What are prose genres? Prose

Most often, rhetorical questions are used to emphasize the significance of a statement and draw the listener's or reader's attention to specific problem. At the same time, the use of the interrogative form is a convention, because the answer to such a question is not expected or it is too obvious.

Being one of the means of expressiveness, rhetorical questions are widely used in literary texts. For example, they were often used in works Russian XIX century (“And who are the judges?”, “Who is to blame?”, “What?”). By resorting to these rhetorical figures, writers strengthened emotional coloring statements that made readers think about him.

Rhetorical questions have also found application in journalistic works. In them, in addition to strengthening the text, rhetorical questions help create the illusion of a conversation with the reader. Often the same technique is used in speeches and lectures, highlighting key phrases and engaging the audience in reflection. Listening to a monologue, a person involuntarily draws Special attention to statements pronounced with a questioning intonation, so this way of getting the audience interested is very effective. Sometimes the speaker uses not one, but a series of rhetorical questions, thus focusing the listeners' attention on the most important thing of the report or lecture.

In addition to rhetorical questions, both in writing and in oral speech rhetorical exclamations and rhetorical appeals are used. Just like in rhetorical questions, main role The intonation with which these phrases are pronounced plays a role here. Rhetorical exclamations and appeals also belong to the means of enhancing the expressiveness of the text and convey the emotions and feelings of the author.

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An address is a word or combination of words that names the addressee of speech. Distinctive feature this construction is the grammatical form nominative case. In addition to defining an object, animate or inanimate, an address may contain an evaluative characteristic and express the speaker’s attitude towards the addressee. To establish the role of words naming the one to whom speech is addressed, it is necessary to find out what features this construction may “possess.”

Most often, proper names, names of persons according to degree of relationship, position in society, position, rank, and relationships between people act as addresses. Less often, names of animals, names of inanimate objects or natural phenomena, usually personified in the latter case, are used as addresses. For example:
- “You know, Shurochka, I have to tell you something.” The role of address is a proper name.
- "My brother! How glad I am to see you!" The address names the person according to the degree of relationship.
- “Where did you take me?” The word "ocean" is a naming inanimate object. Such designs are used in artistic speech, making it figurative and expressive.

In oral speech, the address is formalized intonationally. For this purpose they are used different types intonation.
Vocative intonation is characterized by increased stress and the presence of a pause after the address. In written speech, such intonation is a comma or exclamation point. (My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to the fatherland beautiful impulses!)
Exclamatory intonation is usually used in rhetorical address, calling poetic artistic image. (Fly, memories!)
Introductory intonation is characterized by lowering the tone and fast pace pronunciation. (I’m terribly glad, Varenka, that you stopped by to see me.)

If in colloquial speech The main function of addresses is to give a name to the addressee of speech, but in fiction they perform stylistic functions and are carriers of expressive-evaluative meanings. (“Where are you going, you thieving mug?”; “Good, beloved, we are far from each other.”)

The metaphorical nature of poetic addresses also determines the features of their syntax. For example, in artistic speech, common and homogeneous appeals are often used (Hear me, good one, hear me, my evening dawn, unquenchable.) They often give the speech intimacy and special lyricism. (Are you still alive, my old lady?)

Please note that according to grammatical form the address coincides with the subject and application. They should not be confused: the subject and the clause are members of the sentence and the question is asked about them. An address is a construction that is not grammatically connected with other members of the sentence, therefore it does not fulfill a syntactic role and the question is not posed to it. Compare:
"Her dreams were always romantic." The word “dreams” is the subject of the sentence.
“Dreams, dreams, where is your sweetness?” This is a syntactic construction.

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Prose is all around us. She is in life and in books. Prose is our everyday language.

Literary prose is a non-rhyming narrative that has no meter (a special form of organization of spoken speech).

A prose work is one written without rhyme, which is its main difference from poetry. Prose works can be both fiction and non-fiction, sometimes they are intertwined, as, for example, in biographies or memoirs.

How did prose, or epic, work arise?

Prose came to the world of literature from Ancient Greece. It was there that poetry first appeared, and then prose as a term. The first prose works were myths, traditions, legends, and fairy tales. These genres were defined by the Greeks as non-artistic, mundane. These were religious, everyday or historical narratives, which were defined as “prosaic”.

In the first place was highly artistic poetry, prose was in second place, as a kind of opposition. The situation began to change only in the second half. Prose genres began to develop and expand. Novels, stories and short stories appeared.

In the 19th century, the prose writer pushed the poet into the background. The novel and short story became the main ones artistic forms in literature. Finally, prose work took its rightful place.

Prose is classified by size: small and large. Let's look at the main artistic genres.

Large prose work: types

A novel is a prose work that is distinguished by the length of the narrative and a complex plot, fully developed in the work, and a novel can also have side plot lines in addition to the main one.

Novelists included Honoré de Balzac, Daniel Defoe, Emily and Charlotte Brontë, Erich Maria Remarque and many others.

Examples of prose works by Russian novelists could form a separate book-list. These are works that have become classics. For example, such as “Crime and Punishment” and “The Idiot” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, “The Gift” and “Lolita” by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, “Fathers and Sons” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, “Hero of Our Time” Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov and so on.

An epic is larger in volume than a novel, and describes major historical events or responds to national issues, more often than not, both.

The most significant and famous epics in Russian literature are “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, “ Quiet Don"Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov and "Peter the First" by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Small prose work: types

Novella - short work, comparable to a story, but more eventful. The story of the novel begins in oral folklore, in parables and legends.

The novelists were Edgar Allan Poe, H.G. Wells; Guy de Maupassant and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also wrote short stories.

A story is a short prose work characterized by a small number of characters, one plot line and detailed description details.

Rich in stories by Bunin and Paustovsky.

An essay is a prose work that can easily be confused with a story. But there are still significant differences: the description is only real events, lack of fiction, a combination of fiction and non-fiction literature, as a rule, touching social problems and the presence of greater descriptiveness than in the story.

Essays can be portrait and historical, problematic and travel. They can also mix with each other. For example, historical essay may also contain portrait or problem.

An essay is some impressions or reasoning of the author in connection with a specific topic. It has a free composition. This type of prose combines the functions of a literary essay and a journalistic article. May also have something in common with a philosophical treatise.

Average prose genre - story

The story is on the border between a short story and a novel. In terms of volume, it cannot be classified as either a small or a large prose work.

In Western literature the story is called " short novel" Unlike a novel, a story always has one plot line, but it also develops fully and fully, so it cannot be classified as a short story.

There are many examples of stories in Russian literature. Here are just a few: " Poor Lisa" Karamzin, "The Steppe" by Chekhov, "Netochka Nezvanova" by Dostoevsky, "District" by Zamyatin, "The Life of Arsenyev" by Bunin, " Stationmaster» Pushkin.

IN foreign literature one can name, for example, “René” by Chateaubriand, “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Conan Doyle, “The Tale of Monsieur Sommer” by Suskind.

Having left the management of genres on the site to the authors themselves, I thought that creative people have at least the slightest idea about the area in which they create.

People's heads are a real mess. They haven’t come up with any genres to somehow stand out from the crowd. Among the genres were “we went hiking”, and “nighties”, and “about humanism”, and “maniacs”...

This article is compiled based on materials from Wikipedia, literary sites and encyclopedias.

Let's start with the definition of prose given in literary encyclopedia(copied from Wikipedia):
Prose (lat. prosa) - oral or written speech without division into commensurate segments - poetry; in contrast to poetry, its rhythm is based on the approximate correlation of syntactic structures (periods, sentences, columns). Sometimes the term is used as a contrast fiction in general (poetry) scientific or journalistic literature, that is, not related to art.

And here is another definition (Dahl's dictionary):
Prose- ordinary speech, simple, unmeasured, without meter, the opposite of poetry. There is also measured prose, in which, however, there is no syllable size, but a type of tonic stress, almost like in Russian songs, but much more varied. Prose writer, prose writer, prose writer writing in prose.

IN different sources prose genres (their number) are different. I will dwell only on those regarding which there are no discrepancies.

NOVEL- a large narrative work with a complex and developed plot. A work of large form may have several storylines(Remember L.N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”).

STORY- a type of epic poetry, close to the novel, depicting some episode from life; It differs from the novel in less completeness and breadth of pictures of everyday life and morals. This definition of genre is characteristic exclusively of the Russian literary tradition. The ancient meaning of the term - “news about some event” - indicates that this genre has absorbed oral histories, events that the narrator personally saw or heard about. An important source of such “stories” are chronicles (“The Tale of Bygone Years”, etc.). IN ancient Russian literature“story” was any narration about any actual events. In Western literary studies, the definitions “novel” or “short novel” are used for prose works of this kind.

STORY- small epic genre form fiction is small in terms of the volume of life phenomena depicted, and hence in terms of the volume of its text.

NOVELLA(Italian novella - news) - a literary short narrative genre, comparable in volume to a story (which sometimes gives reason for their identification), but differing from it in genesis, history and structure. This is a narrative prose genre characterized by brevity, sharp plot, neutral style of presentation, lack of psychologism, unexpected outcome.

ESSAY(from the French essai “attempt, trial, essay”, from the Latin exagium “weighing”) - a prose essay of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming to be a defining or exhaustive interpretation of the subject . In terms of volume and function, it borders, on the one hand, with scientific article and a literary essay (with which an essay is often confused), on the other, with a philosophical treatise.

BIOGRAPHY- an essay that sets out the history of the life and activities of a person.

EPIC- monumental in form epic work, characterized by national problems. A complex, long history of something, including a number of major events. (The same "War and Peace", which is both a novel and an epic) The roots of the epic are in mythology and folklore.

FAIRY TALE(literary) - epic genre: a fiction-oriented work closely related to folk tale, but, unlike it, it belonged to a specific author, did not exist in oral form before publication and had no variants.

FABLE- poetic or prose literary work moralizing, satirical nature. At the end of the fable there is a short moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality. Characters Usually animals, plants, things appear. In the Bible we find, for example, the fable about how the trees chose a king for themselves (Judges 9.8ff.), or the story about the thorn and the cedar (2 Kings 14:9). These stories come very close to parables.

PARABLE-parable - a short moralizing story in an allegorical form. V. Dahl's dictionary interprets the word “parable” as “teaching by example.”
A parable generally exists and can only be properly understood in a specific context. For example, the gospel parable of the sower is the sermon of Christ, which he delivers to a crowd of people. Then it becomes clear that the “Sower” is Jesus Christ, the “seed” is the word of God, the “earth”, “soil” is the human heart.

MYTH(from the Greek mytos - legend) - in literature - a legend that conveys people’s ideas about the world, man’s place in it, the origin of all things, about Gods and heroes. These are legends about the first ancestors, gods, spirits and heroes. The mythological complex, which takes syncretic visual-verbal forms in rituals, acts as specific method systematization of knowledge about the world around us. Among the features of the myth: an arbitrary (illogical) connection of plots and the identity of the signifier and the signified, personification of natural phenomena, zoomorphism, an increase in zoomorphic elements in archaic layers of culture.