Ipb presentation of oral folk art. Presentation for the lesson literary reading "oral folk art"

MBDOU kindergarten combined type No. 43

Abstract open class on the topic of:

"Wild animals"

V middle group

Completed by: Lyaks E.D.


Topic: "Wild Animals"

Program content:

Teach children to highlight features wild animals. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals ( appearance, housing, food). Develop the ability to listen to the answers of other children and treat animals with care.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories. Looking at illustrations. Guessing riddles.

Demo material:

Illustrations depicting wild animals and their young. Envelope with a letter. Subject pictures. Puzzle game "Whose baby?" Drawings with animals with unfinished tails and ears.


1.Organizational part.

Educator: - Guys! Today I came to kindergarten, and there was a letter on my table. I don't know who sent it. Do you want to know? Let's read the letter.

Text of the letter:

Help urgently. The wizard scared us. He put a spell on us all. We have forgotten who we are, what we should drink and what we should eat. Help me out, help me. And urgently reconcile us. (forest dwellers).

2. Conversation

Educator: - Guys, tell me, who are these forest inhabitants?

Name it. (children list animals). What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (wild, forest).

And why? (they themselves get food, build homes, take care of the cubs). What happened to the forest animals? Can we help them?

Educator: - I suggest going to the forest.

children and teacher walk along the path into the forest.

Educator: - So we came to the forest.

Didactic game "Guess the description."

Educator: - Why can’t you see the animals? What are those white cards that lie under the tree? These are the riddles left by the evil wizard.

Riddle text:

A furry, club-footed beast

He sucks his paw in the den (bear)

What kind of animal is it in the cold winter?

Walking through the forest hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife (wolf)

Cunning cheat, red head

The fluffy tail is a beauty, who is it? (fox).

Cross-eyed, small.

In a white fur coat and felt boots. (hare)

The red-haired baby

There are mushrooms and cones in the forest. (Squirrel)

Angry touchy, lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Educator: - Do you think that only adult animals live in the forest?

Children: Kids live in the forest.

Didactic game "Whose mother?"

(puzzle game)

Educator: - Look, children, it seems that these little animals have confused their mothers, let us help you find your mother.

A wolf has cubs, a bear has cubs, a fox has cubs, a hedgehog has cubs, a squirrel has a hedgehog.

Educator: - Children, the animals are so glad that you helped find the cubs.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Educator: - Where do wild animals live, and what is the name of their home?

Children's answers.

The fox lives in a hole, the bear sleeps in a den, the wolf lives in a den.

Does the hare have a home? (no, he hides under the bushes)

Where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow).

Everyone's home is called differently.

Children, in the letter the animals forgot what they eat.

Didactic game "Who loves what?"

On the board there are subject pictures (raspberries, honey, pine cones, mushrooms, apples, cabbage, carrots, grass, mouse, hare)

Educator - Children choose a picture. Tell me who likes to eat this.

Children's answers.

The hare loves carrots and cabbage.

Squirrel loves nuts

The hedgehog loves mushrooms and apples.

Bear honey, berries

Wolf catches mice

The fox hunts for mice, hares, and chickens.

Educator: - Guys, we treated everyone. Look, what are these drawings in the forest clearing? It seems that the artist has lost his work.

Didactic game "Let's help the artist."

Educator: - Look, guys, in these drawings, some have a tail and some have ears. Let's help the artist complete the drawing.

Children finish drawing ears and tails.

The teacher evaluates the children's work.

Educator: - It's time for us to return to kindergarten.


What did you like most about the forest? What do you remember most? You tried very hard and wild animals Thank you for your help. They sent you treats.

Olga Kotova
Summary of an open lesson in the middle group “In the animal world”

Target: systematize the idea of ​​wild animals, about their way of life, habits, food and homes.


- educational:

Expand your understanding of wild animals, about their way of life, habits, food and homes;

Expand your vocabulary with nouns (habits, hollow, nest, den, lair, hole); adjectives (prickly, shaggy, clumsy, cunning, angry, hungry, etc.); verbs (hide, hunt, hide, peep, etc.);

Learn to use nouns in speech accusative case, form plural nouns;

Intensify the use of prepositions in speech (in – from, behind – because of, under – from under);

Learn to combine speech with movement;

- developing:

Develop coherent speech - compose descriptive stories oh wild animals;

Develop auditory attention, the ability to listen attentively to the teacher’s speech, select rhymes in couplets;

Develop visual attention and observation;

Develop logical thinking– guess and invent riddles, analyze and find an extra object among the group homogeneous objects;

- educational:

Cultivate an interest in the life of wild people animals, caring and kind attitude, desire to help them.

Materials and equipment: presentation showing, drawings "the dwellings of the wild animals» , "In the woods", music T. P. Lomova "bunny", "fox", "bear", coloring pages animals.

Preliminary work.

Examination of contour images of a hare, hedgehog, squirrel, fox, wolf, bear. Color these images with matching colored pencils. After listening to the stories of the children whom he painted, saying the following phrases: “I painted the fox. Red Fox" or “I painted the hare. The hare is gray in summer". Conduct conversation: "Who are the wild ones? animals» , "Dwellings of the wild animals» .

Didactic game: "match" (wild animal and its home) .

Conversation: "What do wild people eat? animals» .

Didactic game: « animal and its food» (connect with lines in the figure animal and that food, which it eats). After the task, children tell stories based on pictures.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizing time. We know many names of wild ones animals.

I am very glad to see you all today. Today we have guests, let's welcome them.

Rec.: It was invented by someone to simply and wisely say hello when meeting and say - Good morning! Guys, stand on the path, straighten your legs and put your palms out.

While clapping the palms of one child, the teacher says word by word phrase: "We know many names of wild animals» . Then returns to the child, to the one standing first, offers him his palms, asks him to name the wild animal. The child must clap his hands and say the name at the same time animal.

2. Main part. Magic TV.

Playback: Today we will watch a program on magic TV "IN animal world» . Only the TV turns on only when the riddles about the wild ones are guessed correctly animals of our forests.

1. Curls up into a ball,

But it’s not given into your hands.

2. Clubbed feet

They sleep in a den during the winter.


3. Jumps along branches

Not a bird

Not a fox


4. Quick Jump

Warm fluff

Rushing down the hill

Ears flattened.


5. Red haired, with a bushy tail

Lives in a hole under a bush.


6. Gray, toothy, prowls about the field,

Looking for calves and lambs.


When children solve riddles, the answer will appear on the TV screen.

3. Word game : "one and many"

Song: “Children, there are many wild ones in our forests. animals. Let's play a game. I will say a phrase and throw the ball to you, and you will continue the phrases you started according to the model and return them to me ball“There is not just one squirrel living in the forest, but many squirrels.”

There is not just one wolf living in the forest, but many... (wolves)

Not just one fox, but many... (fox)

Not just one hare, but many... (hares)

Not just one hedgehog, but many... (hedgehogs)

Not just one bear, but many (bears).

Well done guys, you completed this task. I see that you are a little tired, let's rest.

Physical education minute.

"Forest Dwellers".

One-squat, two-jump

This is a rabbit exercise

And when the little foxes wake up,

They like to stretch for a long time.

Be sure to yawn

Well, wag your tail.

And the cubs arch their backs,

And jump lightly

Teddy bear cub

Paws spread wide

Either one or both together

He has been marking time for a long time.

And for whom charging is not enough,

Starts all over again.

4. Who is where?

Playback: " There are many animals in the forest, but it’s not easy to see them because they’ve become very good at hiding from people.” Guys, let's look at the picture "In the forest" and we will try to find wild ones lurking everywhere on it animals».

Guys, let's say: "Ch-ch-ch", we will speak in a whisper, otherwise animals can hear, get scared and run away.

Playback: I see a bird. She is sitting in a nest.

Reb.: I see a fox. The fox looks out of the hole.

Reb.: I see a hare. The hare hid under a bush.

Reb.: I see a squirrel. The squirrel hid in a hollow.

Reb.: I see a bear. The bear sleeps in a den.

Reb.: I see a hedgehog. The hedgehog hid near a tree.

Reb.: I see a wolf. The wolf hid behind a tree.

Playback: guys, let's tell you where they're looking from animals. "A Bird Peeking Out of its Nest".

Reb: fox peeks out of hole

Reb.: A squirrel looks out of a hollow.

Reb.: the bear does not look out of the den, he sleeps.

Reb: a hare looks out from under a bush.

Reb.: A wolf looks out from under a fallen tree.

Reb: a hedgehog peeks out from behind a tree.

Playback: “Who else do we see in the picture?”

5. Animal round dance.

Playback “We went out onto the meadow and made a circle.”. Now the guys will dance in a circle to the music and pretend animals. Hare - jump, holding your hands in front of your chest like little paws. Fox - run on tiptoes, holding your hands in front of your chest like little paws. Bear - waddle, holding your arms to the sides and down.

To the music, children begin to move in a circle. By command "hare", "foxes", "the Bears" children perform appropriate movements.

6. Describe animal.

Play: guys, let's play with the magic TV some more. Now you yourself will make riddles about animals, and the TV will show you the answers. Children, you all need to tell about some wild animal, but don't call it. For example: "this animal summer coat gray, and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest and hides under a bush. Loves to nibble on carrots and cabbage.” A picture of a hare will appear on the screen.

Children's answer options.

Reb.: “It's small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms".

Reb.: “He’s big, shaggy, clumsy. In winter he sleeps in a den. In the summer he walks through the forest and looks for honey and raspberries."

Reb.: “She is red-haired and cunning. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a hole. Catches mice and hares."

If children have difficulty describing animals, then the teacher asks questions: what does it look like animal? (size, color, what are his habits? (evil, cunning, cowardly, what kind of home does he have? What does he eat?

7. Game: "fourth wheel"

Playback: Guys, our magic TV shows you pictures from animals, but something is mixed up there. Let us together determine what animal what's superfluous in each picture and why you think so.

Reb.: Cat, because she is domestic animal and the rest are wild animals.

Reb.: dog

Reb.: squirrel, because it is wild animal, and the rest are homemade animals.

Reb.: goat

Reb.: cow

Reb.: bear

8. Forest songs

Playback: wild animals, guys, now you have not only seen them on TV, but you yourself have learned to show and talk about them. And now it’s time to sing songs about them. I will sing a song, and you need to guess which of the wild ones animals say and finish the song.

We visited the forest

Met there (fox)

Near this Christmas tree

The evil ones roam (wolves)

The hollow is deep - not shallow,

He sleeps in it warmly... (squirrel)

I hear the patter of someone's feet -

Walks along the path (hedgehog)

White and small

Under the bush... (bunny)

He started to roar loudly:

“Do you recognize? I - …"(bear)

9. Summing up

Play: Transfer "IN animal world» ended. You guys are great for helping me broadcast the show. "IN animal world» , told and showed so many interesting things from the life of wild animals of our forests.

Guys, tell me you liked it class? What did you like most?


Agrafenina Yulia Alexandrovna

Summary of GCD in the middle group

"Wild animals"

Target: Expand your understanding of the lifestyle of wild animals. Enrich your vocabulary with: names of wild animals; their homes; characteristic features(fox - cunning, dexterous; hare - cowardly). Strengthen the ability to compose various phrases and short simple sentences. Cultivate an interest in nature.

Material: pictures with images of wild animals (wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog, squirrel); toys.

Educator. Guys, listen to the poem that I will read to you.

Wild animals do not live with people

They do not expect constant help from them.

They get their own food,

They protect the children themselves

Build strong houses

And medicines - looking for herbs

Wolves, hares, foxes, hedgehogs,

Can't tell about everyone

They live by their own laws

All people need to know them

To avoid harming animals

And guard everywhere.

Questions for children:

What wild animals are mentioned in the poem?

Where do these animals live?

What wild animals can be called predatory?

How do carnivorous animals get their food?

What will happen to them if they don't hunt other animals?

What does a hare eat in winter? Hedgehog? Squirrel.

How are animals similar to each other?

What is the difference?

Educator. Guys, you and I won’t be able to go into a real forest, and the animals there are very shy, they love silence. But if you and I now close our eyes and imagine that we are invisible, then we will be able to observe the inhabitants of the forest.

Guys, we are entering the forest. Quiet. Where are the animals? Look who it is? I already see someone. Now guess the riddle:

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

Who is this? (Children's answers). That's right, here it is the squirrel. (Shows a toy).

Squirrel. Hello guys. Have you come to visit me? Look how beautiful I am? What kind of fur coat do I have? (Children's answers). Fluffy, soft, gray, thick.

Squirrel. Why is my fur coat gray? (Children's answers). The trees are bare and gray in winter, and the gray coat of the squirrel is not noticeable on the trees when it hides from enemies.

Squirrel. Guys, what do I eat? What supplies have I prepared for the winter? (mushrooms, nuts, cones).

Where do I live? (in the forest in the trees). Who knows the name of my house? (hollow). Guys, it’s cold in the hollow in winter, I’ll freeze, how can I insulate it? (Leaves, grass).

The squirrel thanks the guys, the children say goodbye to her and move on through the forest.

Oh, who is this?

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog).

Educator. That's right guys, it's a hedgehog (shows a toy). He is running, in a hurry to get somewhere. Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going in such a hurry?

Hedgehog. I'm lost in the forest and I can't find the path. Maybe you can tell me where I live? (You live in a hole in the forest). What's on my fur coat? (Needles). Try my back with your hands, what is it like? (Prickly). And all my enemies drink from me.

Hedgehog. Tell me guys, what will I eat in winter? (Children's answers).

But there are no berries, mushrooms, green plants, the worms and bugs are hidden. I sleep in winter. I will gain fat in the summer and fall so that I can sleep well all winter. Let’s play the game “Hedgehog and Mice”. I really, really love mice too.

All the mouse children stand in a circle. A hedgehog is in the hands of a teacher or a child. At the signal, everyone goes to the right, the hedgehog to the left. Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

The hedgehog is running - dumb - dumb

The whole prickly sharp tooth!

Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going?

What's the matter with you?

Hedgehog legs - stupid - stupid

Hedgehog eyes - loop - loop

The hedgehog hears silence everywhere

Chu, a mouse is scratching in the leaves!

(The hedgehog walks and listens)

Run hedgehog, don't spare your legs

You catch mice, our children.

(The children run away, the hedgehog catches them).

Educator. Guys, be quiet! Which other animal is sleeping? That's right bear (shows the bear a toy that he is sleeping, or a picture). Guys, what is he doing? (Sleeping). Where is the bear sleeping? ( In the den). Where did he make it? (Under the roots of a fallen tree). He will train young fir trees, moss, and brushwood. In winter, the den will be covered with a blanket of snow. It's warm for the bear.

Educator. Guys, guess the riddle: “It’s cold in winter. He's walking around angry and hungry." (Wolf).

Shows an illustration of a wolf.

Educator. He is also preparing for winter. Its fur grows over the summer and autumn and becomes thick and warm so as not to freeze.

Where does the wolf live? ( In the hole).

Wolves live in families in winter. Who is part of the wolf family? (Wolf, she-wolf, wolf cubs).

Who do wolves hunt? (Bunnies, mice).

Educator. Let's go and see who else lives in the forest. Hey guys, who is this? ( Shows a toy bunny).

Hare. Hello guys! I'm so glad you came to visit me. Look how beautiful I have become. What color is my fur coat? (White).

Hare. Why do I need to change my fur coat in winter? Who am I hiding from? How do I escape from the fox? (The hare runs away and confuses its tracks.) Where is my home? ( During the day the hare sleeps in a hole in the snow and at night comes out to get food). What do I eat in winter? ( Gnaws the bark of trees).

Hare. Oh, guys, I was chatting with you for some reason, I hear a fox running here. (The hare runs away).

Educator. Shows an illustration of a fox.

And here comes the red-haired cheat - the fox. In winter, she wears felt boots, because thick fur grows on her paws, and she doesn’t freeze. Guys, tell me, what does a fox eat in winter? (He gets mice under the snow, catches bunnies). Where does the fox live? (In the hole).

Educator. Let us play the game “What can animals do?”

Children stand in a circle (turn into animals). Everyone must tell what they can do, what they eat, how they move. For example: “I am a red squirrel. I jump from branch to branch. I make provisions for the winter: I collect nuts and dry mushrooms.”

Educator. Well, our walk has come to an end. Let's close our eyes and say: “One, two, three, four, five. Here we are in kindergarten again.





St. Petersburg, 2010





  • What is folklore?
  • Proverbs Sayings Riddles Calls Fables Counting books Pestushki
  • Proverbs
  • Sayings
  • Puzzles
  • Calls
  • Tales
  • Counting books
  • Pestushki


A special kind of art - oral folk art.

Oral means transmission from mouth to mouth, that is, without writing down the text. A special feature of folklore is its collective authorship, which is why it is called folk art.


A short statement containing folk wisdom. Proverbs usually consist of two parts. Proverbs contain signs of poetic speech: rhythm, rhyme.

B Without a proverb there is no speech. To drink from a stream, you have to bend down. You're licking your elbow, but you won't bite it. On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow. Where someone is born, that’s where they come in handy. Chuzhbina is viburnum, homeland is raspberries.


Figurative statement. Usually this is part of a proverb or a stable combination of words. Unlike a proverb, it is not a complete judgment.

P chased two birds with one stone. R work carelessly. T pound the water in a mortar. U hitting two birds with one stone. P It really stings my eyes.

A cunning description of an object or phenomenon. The name comes from the word guess - think, reason. There is a riddle artistic image, helping to find the correct answer.

A painted yoke hung across the river.

A lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground.


Children's songs - appeals to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, to animals and birds.

Rainbow-arc, don't let it rain. Come on, sunshine, bell.

Rain, rain harder, To make it more fun, My geese are at home, They are not afraid of thunder.


Funny folk poems for children, which contain nonsense, absurdity, and nonsense.

As the village passed by the peasant, suddenly the gate barked from under the dog. The club runs out with a boy in his hands, and behind him is a sheepskin coat with a woman on his shoulders. The village shouted: “The men are burning!” Sundresses in women are rushing to the fire.

Counting books

A counting rhyme is a small rhyme that is used to determine who is driving in the game.

T ara-bara It's time to go home. Milk the cows for you to drive.

He is zealous, long-maned, gallops through the fields, gallops through the fields. Whoever catches that horse plays tag with us.


Merry folk songs for the entertainment and amusement of small children.

Okay, okay. Where were you? “At Grandma’s” What did you eat? "Porridge." What did you drink? “Brazhka”, Grandmother is good, Porridge is sweet.

We drove, we went to the city for nuts, over bumps, over bumps. Yes, bang into the hole! Squished forty flies!

  • Russian folk tales
  • Russian folk tales
  • About animals Magical-fantastic Household
  • About animals
  • Magical and fantastic
  • Household

An oral story about fictitious, unprecedented events.

Folk tales were performed by special storytellers - storytellers.

The tale consists of 3 main parts:

  • beginning (Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom...)
  • content of the tale

(main events of the tale)

  • ending (they live, they live, they make good, and I was there………..…)


  • The main character overcomes unusual trials.
  • Various miracles happen.
  • Wonderful Helpers (Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka,)
  • Magic objects with extraordinary properties (“living” water, self-assembled tablecloth, flying carpet, walking boots)
  • Dark forces, terrible monsters ( Koschei the Deathless, Baba Yaga, Dashing One-Eyed, Serpent Gorynych).
  • Mysterious mood.
  • Marya-morevna.
  • Morozko.
  • Princess Frog.
  • Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf.

about animals

  • Heroes are animals
  • Magic condition (animals talk, perform human actions)
  • The strong protect the weak
  • Fun mood
  • Fox - sister and gray wolf.
  • Cat and fox.
  • Man and bear.
  • Crane and heron.
  • Zayushkina's hut.

  • Heroes - simple people(soldier, man, worker, wife).
  • The action takes place in an ordinary life setting (in everyday life): in the house, on arable land, at a construction site, at work.
  • Various funny situations happen.
  • Ridiculed bad traits character.
  • They admire the intelligence and resourcefulness of the main characters.
  • Fun mood.
  • Porridge from an axe.
  • Lutonyushka.
  • Barin and man.
  • The controversial wife.
  • Ivan the Fool.
  • Lazy wife.

  • check yourself

1. The words “Once upon a time...” in a fairy tale are:

  • ending the main content of the beginning
  • ending
  • main content
  • the beginning

2. In which fairy tales are the main characters ordinary people?

  • in magical household animals
  • in magical
  • household
  • about animals

3. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf is a fairy tale

  • about animals magic household
  • about animals
  • magical
  • household

  • Russian folk songs
  • Calendar-ritual New Year's Maslenitsa spring Semitsko-Trinity stubble
  • Calendar-ritual
  • New Year's
  • Maslenitsa
  • spring
  • semitsko - trinity
  • stubble

Calendar ritual songs are associated with traditional rituals, peasant labor and the seasons.

They accompanied the first plowing and harvesting of the last sheaf in the field, youth celebrations and Christmas or Trinity rites, christenings and weddings.

  • Kolyadovye
  • Spring
  • Maslenitsa
  • Semitsko-Trinity
  • Stubble

New Year's

Winter (New Year's) songs - carols. Caroling is a festive tour of houses on the eve of Christmas with the singing of carols, which glorified the owners of the house and contained wishes for happiness, wealth, and harvest.

Kolyada has arrived

On the eve of Christmas,

And God forbid that

Who is in this house?

God grant you

And living and being

And wealth!


The song is an invitation to a wide and generous Maslenitsa.

The songs glorify Maslenitsa, call for people to return, and call them humorous human names: Avdotyushka, Izotyevna, Akulina Savvishna.

Oh, yes, it’s Maslenitsa,

Oh, he's moving into the yard. Yes, it’s wide, it fits into the yard.

Yes, Maslenitsa, go quickly. Yes, wide one, go quickly.

Our dear Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotyevna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is rosy,

Long braid, scarlet ribbon!


The stoneflies called for spring, warmth and said goodbye to winter. They reminded that the time for field work was approaching, birds were flying and “bringing spring.”

They were not sung, but called, climbing onto hillocks and roofs.

Little crows On straw, Fly to us, Bring us a warm summer, Plow, harrow. Take away the cold winter from us, We are tired of winter: We have eaten all the bread.


Summer songs were performed during summer festivities, during the holiday week (Semik and Trinity).

In Semitsko - Trinity songs central place is given to the birch tree - the main tree of the Slavs, a symbol of warmth and life.

A curly little birch, Curly, youthful, Under you, little birch, It’s not poppy blossoms, Under you, little birch, It’s not a fire that’s burning... Red girls stand in a round dance, It’s about you, little birch, They sing all the songs.

Autumn songs associated with the beginning, progress and end of the harvest. These songs glorified the harvest and thanked the women who went out into the fields and harvested the harvest.

Harvest songs were sung on vacation, when returning from the field, and while working.

Oh, and thank God,

That they reaped the grain, That they reaped the grain And put it in heaps, On the threshing floor in stacks, In bins in cages, And in the oven with pies.

  • check yourself

1. Carols are songs:

  • spring christmas stubble
  • spring
  • Christmas
  • stubble

2.Which tree is sung in the Semitic-Trinity songs?

  • linden aspen birch
  • aspen
  • birch

3. Harvest songs refer to

  • New Year's autumn spring
  • New Year's
  • autumn
  • spring

3. What songs were sung and sung while climbing the hills?

  • Semitsko-Trinity carols
  • carols
  • stoneflies
  • Semitic-Trinity

  • Epics
  • Epics
  • What are epics? Heroes of epics Features of the language (stylistics) “Bogatyr” dictionary Outdated words(archaisms) Art gallery
  • What are epics? Heroes of epics Features of the language (stylistics) “Bogatyr” dictionary Outdated words (archaisms) Art gallery
  • What are epics?
  • Heroes of epics
  • Features of the language (stylistics)
  • "Bogatyr" dictionary
  • Obsolete words (archaisms)
  • Art Gallery

Songs - tales about heroes - defenders of their homeland, folk heroes, folded in the 9th-13th centuries in Ancient Rus'. They were told by guslar storytellers who went from city to city. The epics were performed solemnly, slowly, in a sing-song manner.

The epic can be divided into three parts:

  • chorus
  • the beginning
  • ending

The main characters of the epics are Russian heroes. Main feature epic heroes- love to native land. Heroes of epics are different incredible strength, nobility, courage, military valor, wisdom.

  • The most ancient epics

hero Svyatogor

  • Kyiv epics -

heroes Dobrynya Nikitich

and Alyosha Popovich.

  • Vladimir-Suzdal epics

hero Ilya Muromets.

  • Novgorod epics

heroes Sadko and Vasily Buslaevich


  • Repetitions (far, far away, a long time ago, fight and fight)
  • Hyperboles - exaggerations (... “put them up to a thousand”...)
  • Epithets are colorful definitions (glorious hero, violent head, burning tears, filthy monster, good horse).
  • Diminutive - affectionate suffixes(little head, little thought, Alyoshenka, Vasenka Buslaevich, Dobrynyushka)
  • Derogatory suffixes (Ugryumishche, Ignatische, Tsarishche Batuische, Ugarische)
  • Metaphors, comparisons (... “old age flew to me out of nowhere”...)

  • Quiver - a case for arrows.
  • Chainmail is an ancient military armor in the form of a shirt made of steel rings.
  • The club is an ancient weapon, a heavy club with a thickened end.
  • Sheath - a case for a sword or dagger.
  • A helmet is a military armor that protects the head.
  • Harness - accessory

for harness.

  • A shield is a rounded metal board that protects against arrows in battle.


  • Capital city - capital city
  • Straight road - straight road
  • The road is blocked - a road littered with dry trees (blocks)
  • Azure - blue, beautiful
  • Magnify - name or glorify
  • In particular - separately
  • Sing - glorify in song
  • Saffiano - made from thin and soft sheep leather, specially tanned and dyed in a bright color


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 – 1926)


Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844 – 1927)

Epic storyteller Nikita Bogdanov

Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844 – 1930)

Sadko in the underwater kingdom

  • check yourself

1. Epics belong to the genre

  • folklore author's work
  • folklore
  • original work

2.Where epics begin

  • beginning the chorus
  • the beginning
  • chorus

3. Type of heroic weapon - a stick with a thickening at the end

  • quiver club
  • quiver
  • club

3. Where is Sadko from?

  • Novgorod Kyiv
  • Novgorod

4. Outdated words

  • archaisms epithets
  • archaisms
  • epithets

4. Hero of the epics of the Kyiv cycle

  • Ilya Muromets Svyatogor
  • Ilya Muromets
  • Svyatogor

“Developmental literature” - Conditions that reduce the developmental potential of fiction. “Literature gives us a colossal, vast and profound experience of life. Developmental functions of fiction. A regulated set of literary texts is the same for everyone; Classes organized in an educational format to familiarize yourself with fiction; Isolation of program reading from other forms of the educational process.

“Text styles and genres” - Goal: For several hours I could not find my way to school. For Easter, an elderly couple decided to bake not a cake, not a pie, but some kind of bun. Topic: Information processing of texts various styles and genres ( practical work). Dear children! Lesson 18/17. Be carefull! Don't be like Kolobok!

“Genres of Literature” - Theater in Russian culture and literature. It does not have a complex, intense and complete plot point. Stories. Story. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The story depicts a series of events. Genre originality plays. The purpose of the fable: to name the vice, to educate using a negative example. Oh yeah. Genre. Search for truth.

"Bylina" - Kyiv. Vladimir Monomakh. Novgorod. "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." Epic "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich" Glorification of peaceful peasant labor. Alyosha Popovich is merciless to the enemies of the Russian Land. Sadko visiting the sea king. Life is one of the main epic genres church literature.

“Genres of folklore” - Jokes. Song. Turn around. Wedding song. Over the bumps, over the bumps Into the hole, boom. Forty forty for their own, Forty shirts are scribbled without quarreling. A wedding song is a song associated with the traditions of wedding ceremonies. Pestushki. Calls - genre children's folklore, a naive poetic appeal to the forces of nature.

“Fantasy” - A good assistant-magician. Why do we read fantasy? (Survey of students in grades 5-7.). Types of fantasy. Magic item. Supernatural fantasy worlds. Dwarves guarding treasures. 12-14 years old - epic. Fantasy luminaries. "High." Istrian fantasy dates back to ancient myths and chivalric romances. The Dragon. Cinema painting role-playing games fanfiction.

There are 18 presentations in total