Why do you dream of a green crocodile? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a crocodile?

A crocodile in a dream is a sign of pure and unadulterated horror. You have the rare fortune of getting to know your own fears up close and directly. From a psychological point of view, by studying the dream of a crocodile, you can better understand yourself. From an esoteric point of view, a crocodile is an excellent guest in a dream, which brings iron health, a lot of money, meat, prosperity, self-confidence and good work.

The crocodile itself is a heat-loving reptile with good intelligence and an amazing predatory instinct. It lives in fresh water and makes swimming in tropical rivers difficult.

It reproduces well, laying hundreds of eggs, and has a powerful mouth with strong curved teeth and thick skin. In fact, a crocodile is invulnerable to an unarmed person. Only natural laziness and intelligence do not allow these reptiles to seriously hunt people, including them in the food chain.

There are several dozen species of crocodiles and alligators ranging in size from 80 cm to 8 meters, covered with real armor. Let's look at what a crocodile dreams about according to dream books.

Basic values

The crocodile in your dream comes from your own subconscious. It is your indomitable aggression, invulnerability, composure and precise calculation that are eager to fight and desire fresh blood. Or calmly cuts through the water column, hatching insidious plans. The crocodile spends most of its life sunbathing or swimming.

Since dreams are your dreams, it is logical to assume that this laid-back lifestyle suits you too. It is quite possible that in your subconscious you are a cold-blooded armored predator. Panic fear of a reptile means that you yourself are afraid of this side of your nature. Cast aside your doubts before you are eaten by other crocodiles warming their backs on the same beach.

  • Walking on the backs of reptiles - you will need courage, indifference and complete disregard for the interests of others to realize your goals. Don’t be tormented by conscientiousness and altruism - go.
  • Reptiles in muddy water, in the depths of the water - you feel a hidden danger that has not yet manifested itself.
  • There are many small crocodiles, in a dream they usually dig in with their teeth from all sides. Don't underestimate the danger of small problems and omissions. Review the statements and find any mistakes. The root of the problem lies in the past. Perhaps the mistakes were not made by you and were carefully hidden. But you will have to answer if you do not urgently take corrective measures.
  • Reptiles resting in the sun. Usually in a dream you should go exactly where they settled down for a siesta, and not watch the life of nature from behind a strong fence, like a sane person. You are playing a risky game and your ideas are not very well thought out. The chance of deceiving your partners is minimal and you yourself understand this, but you still want to try. Refuse unnecessary risks, soften ideas, offer alternative solutions and justify their feasibility.
  • You are sailing on a boat and a crocodile is heading towards you. Or the mouth protrudes from the water in the immediate vicinity. The dream means that you will be able to deceive danger if you do not show fear. Don't panic and you will achieve easy success.
  • Fighting a crocodile in a dream means fighting with yourself. You need to understand yourself better and set the right priorities. The crocodile, that is, your own aggression, must fight on your side.
  • Tame a reptile, throw meat to crocodiles. You give yourself major indulgences and make risky acquaintances, enjoying stupid risks. There are many other, more productive ways to tickle your nerves in the world. Find another way to get your adrenaline flowing.

Values ​​according to authoritative sources

  • Miller's dream book warns of the dangers of excessive openness and frankness. It is likely that a crocodile in a dream warns of the imminent betrayal of people who enjoy your trust. Analyze the situation and many points that raised doubts will become clear. Don't let yourself be eaten.
  • Vanga's dream book warns of the presence of a powerful and unprincipled enemy who is hiding and waiting for the right moment to attack. To solve the problem, you will have to show your worst qualities. Demonstrating a threat on your part can prevent an attack. Do not provoke difficult situations and do not play the victim; it is better to immediately make it clear that an attack on you is unprofitable. This way you will get a not very reliable, but useful companion.
  • Sigmund Freud's dream book suddenly departs from traditional sexual interpretations and explains the presence of a crocodile in a dream as duplicity, a tendency to manipulate the dreamer or someone from the environment. Overly powerful people are ready to consider the desire for independence and the pursuit of their interests from other people as betrayal. Grow a thick skin and ignore the attacks.


If you had to see a crocodile in a dream, you see no other way out other than resorting to force and aggression. In real life, you are free to choose a side and decide who you want to be - an invulnerable predator or a defenseless victim. You are afraid of betrayal, and you have every reason to suspect insidious plans. The dream warns you to be as careful as possible.

The crocodile is one of the most dangerous predators, but there is no one more dangerous than humans in nature. Choose a strategy, avoid traps, do not fall for tricks and manipulations, pursue your own interests and your own benefit. You may be considered a heartless monster. It's better than being a pile of nameless bones on the beach.

Crocodile- an exotic animal that in our area can only be found in the zoo. Sometimes this predator appears to people in their dreams.

What does such a dream mean and what should a person who sees this dangerous reptile prepare for?

Many interpreters agree that this animal is a symbol of an insidious and dangerous enemy. To correctly decipher a dream, you need to pay attention to all the details of the dream. The dream book will help you do this.

I dreamed about a crocodile in a dream, what does it mean?

If you dream about crocodiles, soon a person will have to face betrayal and lies from people from his inner circle - this is the interpretation in his Miller gives the dream book.

He also claims that the green predator foreshadows problems that can result from the dreamer’s excessive frankness.

Vanga gives his interpretation of the dream:

  • catch a reptile- the dreamer’s quick victory over a cunning and resourceful enemy;
  • run away from a predator in a dream– enemies are up to no good, you should be careful;
  • see him in a cage– a person is overwhelmed by a thirst for power;
  • breed reptiles on a farm– the dreamer is ready to do anything to achieve his goal and make a profit.

Why does a woman dream about a crocodile?

If a woman dreams of a crocodile, it may mean the following:

  1. large predator- you have a serious ill-wisher in the person of a close friend, a major quarrel will soon occur, where the true face of your friend will be revealed;
  2. watch the battle between two animals trying to kill each other - a major conflict in someone else’s family, in which you can become a participant;
  3. see a picture of a reptile for a girl– you and your family members will be in danger;
  4. large predator swims in the water– your boss is biased towards you, perhaps you should change your job;
  5. if he splashes in bloody splashes- someone close to you will be betrayed;
  6. see a lot of predators– problems in the family, perhaps the illness of a loved one;
  7. see an animal in your home– soon a new person will appear in your life, the relationship with whom will be very tense;
  8. run away from an animal in a dream that attacks - problems that can be avoided;
  9. see a crocodile for a pregnant woman– unfriendly attitude of the husband’s relatives.

If you dream that he is in the water

If you dream of crocodiles in the water, you should pay attention to their behavior:

  • animal swam in a dark river– a feeling of discomfort and uncertainty, a desire to interfere in the lives of strangers;
  • green predator swam in clean transparent water– don’t be nervous or worry about the current situation,
  • if you dream of a lot of animals swimming in a pond– you have enemies, avoid conflicts with people you don’t like.

A crocodile that tries to bite in a dream

  • When you dream of a crocodile that wants to bite, you should pay attention to every detail of the dream, the accuracy of the interpretation will depend on this. A reptile attack means that you will soon face problems and need help.
  • If an animal is chasing you and cannot catch up- things will end with a favorable outcome for you.
  • The animal bit the dreamer- the enemy will strike, but will be defeated, kill a predator in a dream- you will become a winner in a fierce confrontation, this is a symbol of the triumph of strength and courage.
  • Dead animal means a carefree and calm life for the dreamer, as well as a quick solution to all unpleasant problems.

If you dream about small crocodiles

Small predators they warn that the dreamer faces some danger from the side from which he least expects. However, the troubles will be minor, like the animal itself.

It is also worth paying attention to the details of the dream:

  • dreamed about it small predator attacking you– prepare for problems;
  • You are close to a baby animal o - someone is trying to drag you into a dubious business or scam;
  • little green predator in the zoo- this is a good dream, expect risky adventures with a favorable outcome;
  • jumping on the backs of baby reptiles in a dream- obstacles on the way to your goal will not stop you and will be overcome, you will gain power over the situation.

Dreaming of a crocodile in the house

If an animal was able to enter your home This means that strangers are encroaching on your quiet family happiness.

Reptile in a bachelor's apartment- an unexpected trouble, the culprit of which will be your close friend.

If an animal dreams of a woman in the house- close friends envy you, and perhaps are plotting intrigues. Take a close look at the people in your immediate circle; not all of them are worth trusting.

If in a dream it attacks and bites

When you dream of a crocodile attacking and biting It is likely that one of the family members will commit a mean or thoughtless act. It is also possible that your enemies will attack you soon.

Woman or girl such a dream can foreshadow the betrayal of a loved one, while seeing a wound and blood means losses and troubles.

Run away after being bitten by a predator - you have an ill-wisher posing as a friend.

Experiencing severe pain from the bite– you are under the strong influence of an unpleasant and dangerous person.


Imagine that you are walking through a shopping center, and a huge crocodile is following you relentlessly. What could such a dream mean? Or any other involving this predatory animal. Many people are afraid of meeting him both in the wild and in their dreams. If the crocodile Gena did not appear in his night dreams, of course.

Crocodiles are exotic reptiles, close relatives of dinosaurs. A dream involving this dangerous predator does not always carry a negative meaning. Perhaps a very lonely person just wants to make friends with you.

Interpreters - depending on the details, the atmosphere of the dream - interpret this symbol differently:

  • 21st century - problems will pile up that you can only solve with the help of other people;
  • Vangi - to avoid mortal danger, you will have to submit to the will of the enemy;
  • Grishina - friends will mislead, and the boss will also start to find fault;
  • female - be careful even in the company of friends, keep your secrets to yourself;
  • Meneghetti, Medea, Vrublevskaya - a crocodile in a dream reflects such character traits of the dreamer as excessive stubbornness, intractability, irresponsibility and inability to admit one’s mistakes;
  • Miller - in the near future you will be stabbed in the back by a loved one, your enemies are plotting against you;
  • Muslim, Taflisi - a reptile is an image of an enemy, the more dangerous it is, the stronger the dreamed animal, small and weak speaks of an ill-wisher who cannot cause you serious harm;
  • Simona Kananita - you are surrounded by insincere, envious people, it is better to find yourself real friends;
  • Wanderer - someone is interested in you; a crocodile can also represent a boss in a dream; friction will arise in your personal life or in the professional sphere, they can be avoided if you make an effort;
  • Hasse - a dream is a warning about a hidden threat, underlying anxiety; your eyes may be showing dust, you may be deceived yourself, but try to comprehend the essence of things, to see the true state of affairs;
  • Tsvetkova - you will meet a person whom most of your friends will consider an enviable match;
  • gypsy - soon troubles and troubles will come, new attacks from ill-wishers.

A crocodile in a dream is often a symbol of a two-faced person


A crocodile appearing in a dream serves as a warning: troubles are coming, there is a possibility of being trapped if you have to depend on circumstances or the will of another person.

An attacking animal warns of treason and betrayal. Someone close to you will cause you severe mental pain through their actions. Try not to open up to anyone in the near future, keep your thoughts and plans secret from everyone, then you will achieve success.


This interpreter gives several definitions of the image:

  • someone dear to you is a hypocrite and can let you down at any moment;
  • you want to be the main one in the relationship;
  • the dreamer perfectly adapts to circumstances, has flexibility or wants to develop it.

A crocodile can mean danger. You do not dare to overcome your fear, which prevents you from soberly assessing the situation and coming up with a way out of this situation. Try to calm down, calculate all the options, even if it seems that you are powerless.


Reptile is the image of a pretender: a friend or acquaintance who is never completely honest with you. If he has offended you and is trying to earn forgiveness, his repentance is as sincere as “crocodile tears.” The remembered details of the dream can tell you how the relationship with this person will develop in the future.

"Crocodile" translated from Greek means "stone worm."

If a crocodile attacked you in a dream, there is a quarrel with false friends ahead. Their true nature will be revealed to you, after which you will become distrustful and cautious. This attitude, in turn, can alienate those who truly care about you. Try not to give up all your friends because of a couple of hypocrites.

Dependence of decoding on the gender of the dreamer

For a young woman or girl, a predatory animal peacefully following her in a dream foreshadows unambiguous signs of attention, wealthy gentlemen who will help out in difficult times. If the dreamer was delighted by the appearance of the crocodile, she will soon marry her loved one. She ran away from the attacking alligator - the troubles that arose could be avoided.

A large crocodile prepares for a conflict with a hypocritical friend. During a quarrel, her true attitude towards you will become clear. If a large individual was swimming in a pond, the image is related to your boss. Because of his bias, he constantly finds fault with you. It is worth considering the option of changing jobs. No matter how hard you try to please, the situation will not get better.

The meaning of other details of a woman’s dream:

  • blood-colored water with a reptile splashing in it warns that someone dear to you will be betrayed;
  • if two predators fought to the death, you may be drawn into someone else's family scandal;
  • many crocodiles promise problems with relatives or illness of one of them;
  • an animal bites the dreamer - betrayal, deception from a loved one awaits her; I saw a wound and blood - misfortune and loss lay ahead.

In a future mother’s dream, a reptile represents the negative attitude of her husband’s relatives towards her.

For a bachelor, a dream about a crocodile in his own house predicts problems that a close friend will get into

The meaning of the symbol for a man differs in different interpreters:

  • personification of a friend or boss;
  • a crocodile can reflect your worries and fears;
  • For an unmarried dreamer, the caiman predicts a meeting with his betrothed, who will be able to turn a bachelor’s den into a cozy nest.

Remember how you and the animal behaved in your night dreams. This may be the key to getting out of the predicament you find yourself in.

Description of the reptile, its location in a dream

A dead animal symbolizes defeated opponents. Cayman in a dream foreshadows changes on the personal front, a meeting with a person who will fill life with new meaning and happiness.

It is also important where the reptile was, in front of you or behind you:

  • ahead - you will encounter difficulties, obstacles will arise on the way to the goal; career complications;
  • if an animal with an open mouth was located behind your back, the dream promises trouble; with a closed one - successfully withstand the tests prepared by fate.

A label or sign with a picture of a crocodile symbolizes danger. Supposedly with good intentions, they will try to drag you or your household into a dubious adventure. Try not to succumb to “friendly” persuasion, be guided by logic, then you will be able to find the right solution to the problem. The interpretation also depends on other details: size, color, number of predators.

Size and quantity

One crocodile in a dream foreshadows an incident provoked by someone close to you. This person will let you down. If you suspect someone of being unreliable, trust your intuition. This will help you avoid trouble. Be on your guard to avoid disappointment and deception.

Two predators sitting peacefully on the shore mean that the retreat of the enemies is only a temporary lull.

A whole flock of toothy reptiles warns of the intrigues of rivals and ill-wishers. Soon they will begin to put a spoke in your wheels, seeking your collapse. To cope with all the difficulties, you will have to put in a lot of patience and effort. The main thing is not to give up, not to give your enemies a reason to celebrate victory.

A green crocodile in a dream warns of a conflict with someone close to you


If you saw a predator swimming, luck will soon smile, troubles will be left behind, things will get better. Was the water cloudy or dirty? Do not make hasty decisions based on unverified information. Fixing the error will not be easy.

A dark lake betrays spiritual discomfort; the dreamer seems to be in limbo: there is nothing to rely on, the future is foggy. Another interpretation: the dream speaks of the temptation to interfere in the affairs of other people. A clean and transparent body of water convinces: no matter what is happening in your life now, you should not be nervous about it.

The meaning of other locations of the animal in a dream:

  • on the shore - get rid of problems that have been bothering you for a long time;
  • in an aquarium - take care of your health;
  • at the zoo - you feel a lack of control in your life, secretly dream of holding a leadership position;
  • a small reptile in a cage promises risky adventures with a favorable outcome.

If a crocodile hides under water, waiting for prey, injustice awaits in reality. You only saw the eyes of the predator above the water surface - you should not brush off the threat, it is much more serious than you think.

Exotic animals often symbolize primitive feelings: fear, anxiety, the desire to find shelter. Try to calm down and find the reason for your fears. Perhaps there really is nothing to be afraid of.

The reptile was in your home - beware of envious people, strangers are encroaching on your quiet family happiness. For a woman, such a guest in the apartment portends an acquaintance with a person, communication with whom will be very tense. A dream can also serve as a warning: out of envy, your friends may harm you. They may be spreading false rumors behind your back. Take a closer look at your surroundings; you shouldn’t open your soul to everyone.

If you dreamed about a reptile walking around your house, protect your family from the interference of strangers or people unpleasant to you

What happened in the dream

The events that took place in it are of no small importance for the accurate reading of a dream. If you dreamed of people besides the crocodile, you will soon be invited to a wedding or other celebration. Other animals were present in the dream - you will meet an old friend or good acquaintance.

What did the animal do?

A predator who attacks you in a dream predicts obstacles on the way to your goal, reproaches and ridicule from others, and someone else - soon someone in your family will need your support. Be more attentive to those who are dear to you.

The animal was about to bite you - an offensive remark or action of a friend would greatly hurt you. Bitten - enemies will have the opportunity to harm you. If you felt severe pain from the bite, you are under the strong influence of an unpleasant and dangerous person.

The jaws of crocodiles have 64–70 teeth (depending on the species). They change up to 100 times in a lifetime.

Did a crocodile tear off your arm or leg with its teeth in a dream? Something is greatly disturbing you, you are in constant nervous tension. Eaten alive - an event is coming that will be a huge shock for you. Tearing prey with your teeth - you will become an eyewitness to a shameless, disgusting act, but you will not be able to do anything in this situation.

The fight of reptiles in night vision advises smoothing out emerging conflicts so that they do not erupt into a huge scandal. A quarrel (there is a possibility that it will lead to assault) may arise between two aggressive men from your environment, but if you intervene, you will suffer yourself.

Did you dream about a crocodile and a snake? The image means deceit, lies, betrayal, big problems. If the reptile managed to eat the snake, the “black streak” will be left behind, and the dream will soon come true.

The dreamer's actions

If in a dream you were treated to a dish of crocodile meat, a cloudless period awaits you ahead. If you purchased large reptile eggs, you yourself are the source of your problems. By constantly criticizing and belittling the dignity of the people around you, you thereby make enemies for yourself. Cooked scrambled eggs - a pleasant surprise is ahead, the management will be pleased with your work. There is a high probability of receiving a monetary reward.

In your dream, did you hunt a reptile? The plot has several meanings:

  • in real life, fate will arrange a tête-à-tête with an old enemy: cunning and resourceful;
  • caught an animal - the last word in a clash with an ill-wisher will remain with you;
  • the prey has escaped - you are being hunted in reality, beware of the “traps” of gossip and lies.

Perhaps a dream about a crocodile means that you should not put your finger in your mouth - bite off your hand up to the elbow

Interpretation of other actions of the dreamer:

  • walked on the back of a predator - frustration, failure, disappointment in a good friend, but over time everything will work out; to achieve success, you have to work hard and hard, it will not be easy, but in the end your efforts will pay off;
  • fed by hand - make a truce with the person who irritates you, but soon it will be broken due to another meanness on his part;
  • were able to escape from him - you will safely pass a difficult part of life’s path, success awaits you in business;
  • jumped away after being bitten - the person who is going to harm you is trying to pass himself off as a friend;
  • led on a leash - you dominate the relationship, but your significant other wants a little more freedom, so it’s better to ease the pressure and control;
  • swam with it and remained unharmed (the animal was not touched or managed to get ashore before it became interested in you) - the one who ruined your life will leave you alone;
  • killed a formidable reptile - ill-wishers and envious people will be left with nothing;
  • held in your arms - you are left alone with troubles, no one will be able to help you.

In your dream, were you the owner of a crocodile farm? In reality, to achieve a goal and make a profit, you do not shy away from any means.

The average life expectancy of crocodiles is 50 years. There are also long-livers: the oldest is 110 years old.

Watched the birth of crocodiles - beware of the revenge of your enemies. If in a dream you jumped on the backs of cubs, you will overcome all obstacles on the path to success and take control of the situation. Were you around kids? You will be offered to become an accomplice of a dirty businessman.

A crocodile seen in a dream can represent an enemy and warn of problems in your life. However, if the animal did not scare you, you managed to escape from it or kill it, you will be able to avoid trouble. Calm, happy times are ahead. When deciphering a night vision, do not forget to take into account not only the details of the plot, but also your mood both in a dream and after waking up. If you did not experience any unpleasant sensations, then the dreamed predator does not foretell trouble.

Crocodile- an exotic animal that in our area can only be found in the zoo. Sometimes this predator appears to people in their dreams.

What does such a dream mean and what should a person who sees this dangerous reptile prepare for?

Many interpreters agree that this animal is a symbol of an insidious and dangerous enemy. To correctly decipher a dream, you need to pay attention to all the details of the dream. The dream book will help you do this.

I dreamed about a crocodile in a dream, what does it mean?

If you dream about crocodiles, soon a person will have to face betrayal and lies from people from his inner circle - this is the interpretation in his Miller gives the dream book.

He also claims that the green predator foreshadows problems that can result from the dreamer’s excessive frankness.

Vanga gives his interpretation of the dream:

  • catch a reptile- the dreamer’s quick victory over a cunning and resourceful enemy;
  • run away from a predator in a dream– enemies are up to no good, you should be careful;
  • see him in a cage– a person is overwhelmed by a thirst for power;
  • breed reptiles on a farm– the dreamer is ready to do anything to achieve his goal and make a profit.

Why does a woman dream about a crocodile?

If a woman dreams of a crocodile, it may mean the following:

  1. large predator- you have a serious ill-wisher in the person of a close friend, a major quarrel will soon occur, where the true face of your friend will be revealed;
  2. watch the battle between two animals trying to kill each other - a major conflict in someone else’s family, in which you can become a participant;
  3. see a picture of a reptile for a girl– you and your family members will be in danger;
  4. large predator swims in the water– your boss is biased towards you, perhaps you should change your job;
  5. if he splashes in bloody splashes- someone close to you will be betrayed;
  6. see a lot of predators– problems in the family, perhaps the illness of a loved one;
  7. see an animal in your home– soon a new person will appear in your life, the relationship with whom will be very tense;
  8. run away from an animal in a dream that attacks - problems that can be avoided;
  9. see a crocodile for a pregnant woman– unfriendly attitude of the husband’s relatives.

If you dream that he is in the water

If you dream of crocodiles in the water, you should pay attention to their behavior:

  • animal swam in a dark river– a feeling of discomfort and uncertainty, a desire to interfere in the lives of strangers;
  • green predator swam in clean transparent water– don’t be nervous or worry about the current situation,
  • if you dream of a lot of animals swimming in a pond– you have enemies, avoid conflicts with people you don’t like.

A crocodile that tries to bite in a dream

  • When you dream of a crocodile that wants to bite, you should pay attention to every detail of the dream, the accuracy of the interpretation will depend on this. A reptile attack means that you will soon face problems and need help.
  • If an animal is chasing you and cannot catch up- things will end with a favorable outcome for you.
  • The animal bit the dreamer- the enemy will strike, but will be defeated, kill a predator in a dream- you will become a winner in a fierce confrontation, this is a symbol of the triumph of strength and courage.
  • Dead animal means a carefree and calm life for the dreamer, as well as a quick solution to all unpleasant problems.

If you dream about small crocodiles

Small predators they warn that the dreamer faces some danger from the side from which he least expects. However, the troubles will be minor, like the animal itself.

It is also worth paying attention to the details of the dream:

  • dreamed about it small predator attacking you– prepare for problems;
  • You are close to a baby animal o - someone is trying to drag you into a dubious business or scam;
  • little green predator in the zoo- this is a good dream, expect risky adventures with a favorable outcome;
  • jumping on the backs of baby reptiles in a dream- obstacles on the way to your goal will not stop you and will be overcome, you will gain power over the situation.

Dreaming of a crocodile in the house

If an animal was able to enter your home This means that strangers are encroaching on your quiet family happiness.

Reptile in a bachelor's apartment- an unexpected trouble, the culprit of which will be your close friend.

If an animal dreams of a woman in the house- close friends envy you, and perhaps are plotting intrigues. Take a close look at the people in your immediate circle; not all of them are worth trusting.

If in a dream it attacks and bites

When you dream of a crocodile attacking and biting It is likely that one of the family members will commit a mean or thoughtless act. It is also possible that your enemies will attack you soon.

Woman or girl such a dream can foreshadow the betrayal of a loved one, while seeing a wound and blood means losses and troubles.

Run away after being bitten by a predator - you have an ill-wisher posing as a friend.

Experiencing severe pain from the bite– you are under the strong influence of an unpleasant and dangerous person.

Until now, pundits do not have a consensus on why nature provided sleep for humans. Is it just a rest for the brain or is this process endowed with a different meaning. In the distant past, our ancestors endowed dreams with mystical powers. They believed that dreams predicted the future, could warn the dreamer from mistakes in life matters, and even save his life.

Humanity, trying to comprehend the secrets of dreams, has compiled a fairly large number of collections of dreams that help interpret night visions. Today, despite the achievements of scientific and technological progress, dream books are very popular. Let's take a look at the most popular and voluminous dream books to find out why, according to authoritative authors, a woman dreams of a crocodile.

Dream about a crocodile according to dream books of famous authors

If you believe the dream book of the world's most famous seer Vanga, then such a dream can speak of victory over an evil and cunning person if you kill him. Crocodile in a zoo, personifies your hidden capabilities and desire to have some power. If in a dream you are breeding these animals or working on a crocodile farm, then this promises positive changes in your financial condition. Seeing small crocodiles in the water is a sign of money.

According to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov. crocodile seen in a woman's dream, promises her a rich groom. The Wanderer's collection interprets such a dream in approximately the same way, foreshadowing a new boyfriend or communication with a boss. Run away from him- to solve problems. Why small crocodiles dream can also be found in these collections. The interpretation is identical - to financial well-being. The attacking beast is a secret enemy.

Miller's dream book tells us that such an animal seen in dreams floating in water, portends deception on the part of close friends and good acquaintances. Moreover, against this background the dreamer will become more vulnerable to his enemies, they will become more active and try to cause harm. If a woman sees herself walking on the back of a crocodile, kills him or runs away, then this may mean that she will independently fight her problems and enemies, and her perseverance will help her cope with any seemingly impossible task. Psychologist Miller advises not to be too frank with anyone after dreaming about these reptiles.

Hasse's Dreambook warns that see a lot of these reptiles in the water indicates that there are many ill-wishers in your environment. He is echoed by the collection of dreams of the Apostle Simon, giving the following interpretation: a crocodile dreams of unkind people among acquaintances. The dream book of Hubayshi Tiflisi interprets this animal in a dream as an enemy, an ill-wisher, whose strength and power in reality will depend on the size of the animal in the dream. The larger and angrier the beast in your dreams, the stronger and more powerful your enemy.

And the sorceress Medea claims that this reptile means that the dreamer in reality is very stubborn and intractable, and it is difficult for people around him to communicate with him. Sometimes such a dream can indicate a person’s complete irresponsibility towards everything that surrounds him. If a woman sees this beast in a dream, she will have to submit to her enemy, otherwise her life will be in real danger. This collection will answer why many crocodiles are dreamed of - from the monetary profit that you will receive through your perseverance and perseverance.

A fairly extensive interpretation of dreams about a crocodile is given in Aesop’s collection of dreams:

Interpretation of the dream of a crocodile according to collections of different peoples of the world

The Russian folk dream book, like many others, interprets dreams about crocodiles as visions about deceitful and arrogant people with whom you communicate and from whose actions you will suffer. The Gypsy dream book claims that dreams about these animals indicate that your enemies will pursue you. According to the Ukrainian dream book, a crocodile is a danger awaiting you.

The Muslim collection of dreams says that you will cope with your enemy if crocodile is weak in sleep, and you won’t be able to cope if you’re strong. Many small reptiles - for money, small cubs bite - people whose attempts to offend you will not be fruitful.

The Collection of Mayan Dreams examines the dream about this beast from two perspectives

  • Hunting a crocodile dreams of wealth and success;
  • If the dreamer removes the skin from a reptile, then his personal feelings and emotions will become obvious to others, personal information will be revealed and secrets will become apparent.

Other dream books about dreams about a crocodile

Large universal dream book about crocodile

According to the small dream book, this reptile in a dream promises misfortune. if you managed to kill her in dreams, then in reality you will cope with any problem. Walk on the back lying in the water - to trials and mistrust. If you see how small crocodiles attack you, you will become rich, but you will have to work hard.

According to the women's collection of dreams, after a dream about a crocodile, you should expect betrayal from close friends and warns that you cannot have frank conversations with anyone and you cannot trust anyone with your thoughts and innermost dreams.

According to the 21st century dream book, the crocodile you see is a symbol of unfavorable times for you; it can become a person dependent on someone. You may be ridiculed because of this, you will become the object of reproaches. If a crocodile runs after you overland, attacks, and you ran away from it in a dream and were able to escape, then events will turn out favorably for you.

Having analyzed the information presented in the most famous collections of dreams, we can conclude that for the most part, dreams about crocodiles do not bring anything good, they personify evil, insidious, hypocritical people who bring nothing but trouble. If you saw how you ran away from this beast and killed it, then this promises victory over your enemies, and the little crocodiles promise financial well-being. In rare cases, such a dream about this animal is interpreted in a positive way, promising the girl a successful marriage.

You should not be upset and give special meaning if the interpretation of your dream does not have a positive connotation, because it is just a dream, and the well-being of your life does not depend on it, but on your actions, deeds and thoughts in reality.