Photo report on the drawing lesson “Magic TV. Photo report on the drawing lesson “Magic TV: Creating the bottom and screen of our TV”

Nadezhda Berseneva

Hello colleagues and guests of my page! I invite you to drawing lesson to the preparatory group. Subject:"Magic TV".

I would like to say that in our time TV- this is a hot topic and therefore I invite you to watch " magic TVs"with different gears that drew my pre-kindergarten students for their toy friends.

First the children guessed riddle:

There is one thing in our room

Eat magic window,

Miracle birds fly in it,

Wolves and foxes roam,

It snows in the hot summer,

And in winter the garden blooms.

That window is full of miracles

What kind of window is this?

Children's answers (TV) .

Then a conversation was held about what programs children like to watch.

There were different answers. Many guys really like to watch the program about

wild and domestic animals, cartoons, fairy tales and much more.

Today on during the lesson we will draw our"magic TV"for your dolls and bears. After all, when you are in kindergarten or at school, your toys get bored. - Let's draw for them, guys" magic TV"with programs that you yourself love to watch.

Then the children draw a window with a simple pencil TV and a small pencil drawing (animal of Africa, pet, animal of Antarctica.).

Draw by yourself TV and the selected plot in a color image, choosing the colors correctly.

Now let's see how we turned out" Magic TVs"from my students.

Nastya Belkova loves pets very much and that’s why I drew a white rabbit.

Nastya Podoprigora also loves pets and I drew a cat with a ball.

And Savely drew a giraffe.

Angelina drew lion from hot Africa.

A Maxim drew penguins, animals from Antarctica, where it is cold and there is a lot of snow.

View works.

Publications on the topic:

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Now we will draw a TV with a pencil step by step. Today, almost every family has a TV at home; adults and children watch it. Adults watch TV series, and children watch their favorite cartoons.

Materials for work

- pencil
- marker
- eraser
- ruler
- colour pencils

Let's start drawing the TV. Draw all elements with a pencil. First draw a large square for the main body of the TV. Then draw two lines on the top of the square, these will be the antennas. Please note that the antennas stick out in different directions, and their lengths should also be different.

Now draw the antennas to the end. Then start drawing the bottom of the screen by drawing a rounded half square at the bottom of the square. After that, draw the two legs of the TV.

Draw the top of the screen. Then finish the legs.

Trace the sketch of the TV with a black marker. After that, draw some picture on the TV screen. We drew a funny monster.

Finally, decorate the TV. Paint the main body and legs of the TV gray. Then color the drawing on the screen. That's it, the TV is drawn.

Interesting things about TV

— The Japanese watch TV about 9 hours a day; they spend the rest of their free time eating and sleeping.

— Eating food while watching TV is harmful to health. The digestive system suffers the most damage.

— If you watch TV for more than 4 hours every day, the structure of the brain is destroyed. And the person becomes stupid.

— The thinnest TV today has a thickness of 2.5 cm. This TV was developed by LG.

In the modern world it is difficult to find a home that does not have a TV. This miracle of technology has long ceased to be a luxury and has entered our lives as an integral part of everyday life. And since there is such a thing in every home, many children want to learn how to draw a TV on their own. Every person, even without the talent of an artist, can learn to portray it.

Making a plan

How to draw a TV? There is nothing simpler. You just need to stock up on some available tools - and you can start creating a picture with your own hands. Such creativity will help you immerse yourself in the world of childhood and carefree times. List of assistants:

  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper;
  • ruler;
  • colored paints or pencils.

And most importantly, we will need a little patience and free time to create our first personal masterpiece.

Drawing a TV step by step is not difficult. First you need to draw a large regular square. Then, on the top line of the geometric figure, we visually determine the middle. From it we draw two strokes upward. We do this so that they each strive for their own corner. These will be the TV antennas. It is worth noting that they must be of different lengths. One is half the size of the other.

When the first lines of the antenna are drawn, we begin to give them a completed look. The feature that is larger remains unchanged. Just add a small tip in the form of an inverted droplet. The second line is depicted as a broken stick. And at the end a similar inverted droplet is drawn.

Create the bottom and screen of our TV

How to draw a TV? There is nothing complicated if you strictly follow the plan and all the instructions. So, let's move on to creating the bottom of our TV. At the bottom of the figure, on each edge, we draw small narrow squares with rounded corners. These will be the legs.

Next we move on to creating our TV screen. Let's take a ruler. On the inside, we retreat a couple of centimeters from each line. Then we draw lines parallel to the sides of our square. They should be depicted so that the corners remain intact. Once the lines are drawn, we begin to connect the corners with a semicircular line. So our TV had a screen. All that remains is to give the picture some color.

Color the resulting screen

We outline all the lines of the TV with black paint or a pencil. We can make the body and legs, for example, blue. Antennas are depicted in red.

As for the color scheme, there are no specific instructions. You can use your imagination in this matter, or leave this entertaining work to your child. The main thing is to explain to him that a line drawn with a simple pencil can be erased with an eraser. And only then can you draw with colored paints or pencils. This way the work will look neater. Now it will be easier for the child to learn how to independently depict a household item on paper. And the answer to the question of how to draw a TV with a pencil will become clear.

Final stage

In order to make the picture depicting the TV brighter and more beautiful, we add an interesting frame on the screen. What should I draw? This is the decision of the adults themselves. But you can go the following way. Surely the child has favorite characters. So they can be depicted on the resulting TV screen. Such a picture will become bright and unforgettable. And it will arouse keen interest in the child.

We looked at perhaps the simplest example of how to draw a TV. Now every parent can teach this technique to their child.