P. Ershov: biography and interesting facts from life

(22.02. 1815 – 08. 08. 1869)

Ershov Pyotr Pavlovich was born into the family of an official - a poet, writer, playwright.

He spent his childhood in the village of Berezovo, where his father was a police officer.

From 12 to 17 years old, Ershov studied at the Tobolsk gymnasium.

After the children graduated from the Tobolsk gymnasium in 1830, the father achieved a transfer to St. Petersburg, where he moved with his family.

In 1831–1834, Ershov studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Law of St. Petersburg University “for his five best years,” as he liked to say, at St. Petersburg University, where he appeared "The Little Humpbacked Horse" . At the beginning of 1834 he presented the professor of literature as course work the first part of the fairy tale The Little Humpbacked Horse.

The professor immediately arranged a meeting between Ershov and Pushkin. Pushkin praised the fairy tale and announced his intention to publish it with pictures and at the cheapest price. Relying on Ershov big hopes, Pushkin seemed to immediately say: “Now I can leave this type of writing.”

In 1834–1836 Ershov, modest and shy, quite actively participated in literary life capital, joins the circle, publishes lyric poems. In total, during this period, 10 poems by Ershov appeared in print (mainly in the “Library for Reading”).

In St. Petersburg, Ershov was famous among students as a skilled storyteller and dreamer. At night he kept his friends entertained humorous stories and fairy tales that amazed comrades with the wealth of observations folk life. One day he told one of his friends about “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

He was quite capable of such a work - he had all the precious capital of Russian folklore in his memory. The poet, closely connected with the people throughout his life, clearly imagined his future literary activity- he wanted to give it to the people. Preparing to leave St. Petersburg, Ershov thought about a grand journey through Siberia. Home country, native people attracted the poet's heart. The idea of ​​describing Siberia did not leave Ershov almost throughout his entire life. He dreamed of creating a novel about his homeland.

Thoughts about the people were the reason for the birth of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” Closeness to the people, knowledge of their life, habits, customs, tastes, views, understanding of the people provided the fairy tale with the unprecedented success that it enjoyed even in the manuscript.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse" b was published in the “Library for Reading” in 1834, after which the fairy tale was published separate publication. Tsarist censorship distorted the fairy tale - it was published with major changes. But even in this form she was wonderful. The fairy tale genre, a new style in literature, immediately put P. Ershov in the forefront of the best Russian writers. Just like Pushkin, Ershov directs all the arrows of sarcasm at the figure of the “glorious” tsar - a pathetic, stupid, lazy, scratching, yawning tyrant from boredom.

Ershov draws a bright picture oppression of the people and trading people.

The folk spirit of the fairy tale, the wonderful hero Ivan the Fool, deep meaning, the lightness of the verse, the dance rhythm that the poet adopted from the people’s healthy humor - all this ensured the longevity of Ershov’s work. Children get used to the fairy tale with all their hearts

During the life of Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov, the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” went through seven editions.

After graduating from the university, Pyotr Ershov, who did not like to bow and seek patronage, was forced to go back to Tobolsk, since there was no service for him in St. Petersburg.

In the summer of 1836, Pyotr Pavlovich and his mother returned to Tobolsk, harboring hopes for a wider educational activities in Siberia (studying the life of local peoples, publishing a magazine, etc.), but it was not destined to come true. Ershov became a teacher at the Tobolsk gymnasium, from 1844 an inspector, from 1857 the director of the gymnasium and the directorate of public schools of the province, where he served until his resignation in 1862.

In 1856, his fairy tale was published in full for the first time. Pyotr Pavlovich at that time was already the director of the gymnasium and retired from his writing activities.

Many times Ershov tried to escape from the Siberian wilderness.

The first years he still wrote in Tobolsk, occasionally sending his poems to Sovremennik, he dreamed of creating one big fairy tale, which would unite all Russian fairy tales - a poem in 10 volumes and 100 songs, I thought about writing a novel from Siberian life.

In 1858, after more than twenty years, Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov again visited St. Petersburg, hoping to resolve official matters there and finally try to move to the capital. However, his hopes were not justified. Returning to Tobolsk, he lived there until the end of his days.

In the Siberian years, Pyotr Ershov wrote a little, but did not leave literary studies, although his writings, sent to the capital through friends, were no longer successful. The Tobolsk wilderness, loneliness, isolation from the circle of friends and writers, professional and family failures were a bad incentive for creativity. In total, from 1837 to the end of his life, 28 of his new poems appeared in print.

In Tobolsk, Ershov was the initiator of the creation of an amateur gymnasium theater. He worked as a director in the theatre. He wrote several plays for the theater. It is also known that he himself played the flute and organ, and took part in family music-making.

On the site where Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov was born and with his assistance, a temple was built (built from 1862 to 1876.)

In December 1864, the ballet “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was staged

Forgotten and lonely, Ershov died in Tobolsk (August 8, 1869). The inscription on the monument reads: “Peter Pavlovich Ershov, author of the folk tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

One hundred and seventy s extra years The fairy tale by Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov decorates Russian children's literature. For more than one hundred and seventy years it has captivated the imagination of Russian children.

A journey through the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

And now we will travel through the fairy tale of Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov - “The Little Humpbacked Horse”.

2. Choose the correct answer from two options. Make cards with questions. (Appendix No. 2)

3.Pick up a pair for the first word. Make cards (Appendix No. 3)

Appendix No. 1

About whom or what we're talking about in the passage that I will read to you:

  1. All like winter snow Bela,

The mane is golden.

Curled in chalk rings (MARY)

2. And I’ll give birth…..

Only three inches tall,

On the back with two humps

Yes, with arshin ears. (The Little Humpbacked Horse)

3. The light burns brighter.

...the field shines as if during the day:

A wonderful light flows all around,

But it doesn’t heat, it doesn’t smoke,

... here lies a feather... (FIREBIRDS)

4. I will live in the palace,

I will walk in gold

Dress up in a red dress,

It's like rolling cheese in butter,

That is, I'm from the garden

I will become a royal commander. (IVAN IS A FOOL)

5. Our Ivan, groaning in frustration,

Someone came out as if from an ambush,

He crawled towards the millet and wine -

Grab one of the birds by the tail. (FIREBIRD)

6. The fifth tale says...

That’s what’s going on in my mind...

“About a beauty, what, what?”

“Exactly! The fifth says

About the beautiful... (KING - GIRL)

7. All its sides are torn,

Palisades driven into the ribs,

The fuss is noisy on the tail,

The village stands on its back;

The men are plowing on the lip,

The boys are dancing between the eyes... (FISH - WHALE)

8. The girl says to him:

“But look, you’re gray:

How can we get married?

Everyone... will start laughing,

Grandfather, they will say, took his granddaughter!” (KING-FATHER)

Appendix No. 2

You are given cards with questions, your task is to choose the correct answer.

(You get 1 point for the correct answer)

Card No. 1

1. How many sons did the old man have?

three five

2.What did the men decide to do to catch the thief?

guard the field stand guard

3. What did Ivan and the Little Humpbacked Horse find while they were driving to the capital?

goose feather firebird feather

4.Who bought two golden-maned horses?

Groom Tsar-Father

5.Who was Ivan the Fool appointed when he caught the Firebird?

royal - forester royal - stirrup

6.What did Ruff get from the bottom of the sea?

chest with ring............... chest of gold

Card No. 2

  1. How tall was the toy horse?

three vershoks.............................three arshins

2. Who did the mare decide to give to Ivan?

two lions and a tiger cub two horses and a skate

3. What did Ivan exchange the horses for?

for 10 caps of silver + 5 rubles. ... for 10 caps of stones + 5 rubles.

4. Who plotted against Ivan the Fool?

mayor ............... royal servant

5. Whom did the king order to get for the second time?

king - sister king - maiden

6.Why did the Whale Fish suffer for 10 years?

swallowed 3 dozen ships............swallowed 3 dozen fish

Card No. 3

  1. Who did Ivan see when he was guarding the wheat in the field?

mare cow

2. How did the brothers decide to get rich?

steal horses secretly sell horses secretly

3. Who was Ivan appointed for the first time?

royal commander..........the royal groom

4. Whom did the king order to get for the first time?

heat - tit heat - bird

5. What did the Tsar Maiden want to have before the wedding?

ring ............ necklace

6. Whom did Ivan meet by the sea of ​​Okiyan with a village on his back?

fish - ruff fish - whale

Appendix No. 3

Cards with characters from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” are given.

Your task is to find a pair for the first word.

Miracle Danilo

Horse Yudo

King bird

Elder whale

Father girl

Sea of ​​Hunchbacks

Average fool

Okiyan fish

Ivan Gavrilo


Topic: “Artistic analysis of the work of P.P. Ershov” The Little Humpbacked Horse

Life story of P.P. Ershov

Analysis artistic means fairy tales.



A fairy tale is a generalized concept. The presence of certain genre characteristics allows us to classify this or that prose work to fairy tales. Life is a fairy tale, it's continuous creative process. In each era there is a partial or complete renewal fairy tale plot. And using the example of P.P. Ershov’s fairy tale, one can trace the manifestation folk traditions V literary fairy tale.

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov was born in 1815 on February 22, in Siberian village Bezrukova, Topol province. His father often moved on duty. P.P. Ershov remembered for the rest of his life many winter evenings at the Yamsk stations and the tales that people told him. In 1824, Ershov and his brother Nikolai were sent to a gymnasium. Ershov studied well, ahead of his brother. Humming something and inventing various fables to make boring lessons more interesting, he graduated from high school. After high school, he went to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Philosophy and Law of St. Petersburg University.

One day, Pyotr Alekseevich Pletnev, who taught Russian literature, came to the course and read a fairy tale instead of a lecture. P.P. Ershov’s first fairy tale, “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” In the same year, the fairy tale was published in the magazine “Library for Reading.” This was not Ershov’s only work. In 1834, the first part of “The Siberian Cossack” was approved for publication, and then the second part, “They Were Antiquities.” Also in 1834, Ershov graduated from the university. By this time he was left alone with his mother, since his brother and father had died. Together with his mother, Ershov returned to his native Tobolsk, where he began teaching. But he did not abandon his literary activity. In 1835 Ershov created the play “Suvorov and stationmaster" Ershov did not give up literary activity, he wrote a lot, stories, poems, but all these works were not as successful as everyone’s beloved and dear “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” For the rest of his life, after St. Petersburg, Ershov lived in Tobolsk, where he was first a teacher, then inspector, and then director, in 1857, at the same gymnasium in which he himself studied.

The first edition of “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was not published in its entirety; part of the work was cut out by censorship, but after the release of the second edition the work was released without censorship.

After the release of the fourth edition, Ershov wrote: “My horse again galloped throughout the Russian kingdom, happy journey to him.” “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was published not only at home, but also abroad.

But now we will leave them,

Let's have fun with a fairy tale again

Orthodox Christians,

What did our Ivan do...

“Eh, listen, honest people!

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife,

The husband will start making jokes,

And the wife for the jokes,.......”

And also the story about any events begins with the particle “well”:

Well, sir, so here it is! Raz Danilo

(On a holiday, I remember that it was),

Stretched and drunk,

Dragged into a booth...

Well, this is how our Ivan goes

Behind the ring to the ocean.

The little humpback flies like the wind...

And How folk storyteller interrupts the presentation, explaining something incomprehensible to the listener:

Here, having put it in a casket,

Screamed (out of impatience),

Confirming your command

With a quick swing of the fist:

“Hey! call me a fool!”…..

Ershov’s tale uses many sayings, jokes, proverbs, and sayings:

Ta-ra-ra-li, ta-ra-ra!

The horses came out of the yard;

The peasants caught them

Yes, they tied it tighter.

A raven sits on an oak tree,

He plays the trumpet;……

This is a saying,

The fairy tale will begin...

Like ours at the gate

The fly sings a song:

“What news will you give me?

Mother-in-law hits her daughter-in-law:

I planted it on a pole,………"

Epigraphs play a big role in a fairy tale. Which reveal the storyline to the reader. “The fairy tale begins to tell.” The first epigraph is a kind of prelude to further fairy-tale events. The author speaks and intrigues the reader. “Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.” With the second epigraph, the author tells the reader that the main character still has a lot to overcome. It seems to predetermine the difficulties that the hero will have to overcome. Just before this epigraph, P.P. Ershov lists everything that will happen to the main character:

...How did he end up with a neighbor?

Like I slept through my pen,

How cunningly he caught the Firebird,

How he kidnapped the Tsar Maiden,

How he went for the ring,

How I was an ambassador to heaven,

How is he a solntseva village

Kitu begged for forgiveness;

How, among other things,

He saved thirty ships;

How was it not cooked in the cauldrons?

How handsome he became;

In a word: our speech is about

How he became king.

“Before Makar dug vegetable gardens, but now Makar has become a governor.” With this epigraph we P.P. Ershov says that the main character, like a folk tale, will be the winner. About the victory of good over evil. Also, through Ivan’s relationship to his brothers and to the Tsar, we can judge them. P.P. Ershov portrays them with irony, with humor, but if he portrays Ivan with good humor, then he depicts the brothers Ivan and the Tsar with their courtiers with sarcasm:

The stormy night has come,


Fear came over him

And out of fear our man

Buried under the hay. ...

(about Danil)

Trembling attacked the little one,

The teeth began to dance;

He started to run -

And I walked around all night

Under the neighbor's fence.

(about Gavril)

And here’s how P.P. Ershov portrays the brothers when they came to see the horses:

Stumbling three times

Having repaired both eyes,

Rubbing here and there

The brothers enter the two horses.

The brothers don't just come in like Ivan:

Here he reaches the field,

Hands on hips

And with a gallop, like a gentleman,

Bokam enters the booth.

The brothers fall and stumble. P.P. Ershov portrays them as greedy, vile, cowardly and for comparison he puts Ivan, who does not lie, but makes things up, he is honest.

“It’s a shame, brothers, to steal!

Even though you are smarter than Ivan,

Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:

He didn’t steal your horses”...

With the same irony, P.P. Ershov depicts the Tsar and his courtiers:

And the messengers of the nobles

We ran along Ivan,

But, having all collided in the corner,

Stretched out on the floor.

The king admired it a lot

And he laughed until he burst into tears.

And the nobles, seeing

What is funny for a king,

They winked at each other

And suddenly they stretched out.

The king was so pleased with this...

The attitude towards the Tsar and his courtiers is very clearly demonstrated when P.P. Ershov describes the orders and relationships in the sea kingdom, which is mirror image earthly world. They even need a lot of “fish” to carry out the decree. P.P. Ershov’s Ivan does not respect the Tsar, since the Tsar is capricious, cowardly and extravagant, he resembles a spoiled child, and not a wise adult.

Although Ivan is called a fool, he is busy with business from the very beginning of the tale; he is the only one who does not sleep on patrol and catches the thief. He cleans, washes and cares for the horses. He is not after money, fame or power. Ordinary everyday affairs bring him joy.

The Tsar, on the contrary, is depicted as funny and unpleasant; not only Ivan, but also Mesyats Mesyatsovich laughs at him, this is how the Month responded when he learned that the Tsar wanted to marry the Tsar Maiden:

See what the old devil is up to:

He wants to reap where he has not sown!...

Ershov uses folklore motives in his fairy tale, it is collected from several fairy tales and there is a friend of the main character. The horse helps Ivan in everything and does not leave him in trouble. Just like in Russian folk tales main characters experiences incarnation and becomes a husband beautiful princess and become the King himself. The main “villains” are defeated and punished.

Although reading this tale is for modern reader causes certain difficulties (many words have already gone out of use and many people do not know the meaning of these words), but general meaning fairy tales and their humor remain understandable as before.

This is a great work about which Pushkin A.S. said after reading: “Now I can leave this type of writing to me.” This great work made P.P. Ershov famous when he was a student and forgotten at the end of his life. When P.P. Ershov died in 1869, many newspapers wrote that the author had died famous fairy tale“The Little Humpbacked Horse” some people of that time were very surprised because they naively believed that the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was a folk tale. Others thought that the author of this tale had long since died. But despite this, she still delights the reader and amazes with her humor.


1. “The Little Humpbacked Horse” Publishing house “Raduga” Ministry of Press and Information Russian Federation 1993

2. Free encyclopedia Wikipedia htt://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ Pushkin and the Little Humpbacked Horse. V.A.Chudinov and V.M.Lobov

    ✪ Ballet The Little Humpbacked Horse Konek Gorbunok Caesar Puni


History of creation

Ershov conceived his fairy tale when he read Pushkin’s fairy tales that had just appeared. Pavel Annenkov in his book “Materials for the Biography of Pushkin” (1855) retells the testimony of Alexander Smirdin that “at the apogee of his glory, Pushkin met with lively approval the famous Russian fairy tale by Mr. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” now forgotten. The first four verses of this tale<…>belong to Pushkin, who honored it with a thorough revision.”

In the 1910-1930s, the first four lines of “The Little Humpbacked Horse” were included in the collected works of Pushkin, but later it was decided not to publish them along with Pushkin’s works, since Smirdin’s testimony can be understood rather as if Pushkin only edited these poems. In addition, after Pushkin’s death, Ershov replaced the line “Not in heaven - on earth” with “Against heaven - on earth.” Doubts were expressed that he would have acted this way if Pushkin had been the author of these lines.

The words with which Pushkin awarded the author of “The Little Humpbacked Horse” are well known:

The work “The Little Humpbacked Horse” is a folk one, almost word for word, according to the author himself, taken from the mouths of the storytellers from whom he heard it. Ershov only brought it into a more slender form and supplemented it in places. An excerpt from “The Little Humpbacked Horse” appeared in 1834 in the magazine “Library for Reading.” In the same year, the fairy tale was published as a separate edition, but with amendments at the request of censorship.

Pushkin praised The Little Humpbacked Horse.

The sleeping bag does not leave Ivan's thoughts. One of the servants tells the others a fairy tale about the beautiful Tsar Maiden, who lives on the ocean shore, rides in a golden boat, sings songs and plays the harp, and besides, she is the daughter of the Moon and the sister of the Sun. The sleeping bag immediately goes to the Tsar and reports to him that he allegedly heard Ivan boasting that he could get the Tsar Maiden. The Tsar sends Ivan to bring him the Tsar Maiden. Ivan goes to the horse, and he again volunteers to help him. To do this, you need to ask the king for two towels, a gold-embroidered tent, a dinner set and various sweets.

The next morning, having received everything he needed, Ivan sits on the Little Humpbacked Horse and goes after the Tsar Maiden. They travel for a whole week and finally come to the ocean. The horse tells Ivan to pitch the tent, place the dinner set on a towel, lay out the sweets, and hide behind the tent and, waiting for the princess to enter the tent, eat, drink and start playing the harp, run into the tent and grab her. But the singing of the Tsar Maiden lulls Ivan to sleep. It was only possible to catch her the next day.

When everyone returns to the capital, the king, seeing the Tsar Maiden, invites her to get married tomorrow. However, the princess demands that her ring be retrieved from the bottom of the ocean. The Tsar immediately sends for Ivan, sends him to the ocean for a ring and lets him go for three days, and the Tsar Maiden asks him along the way to stop by to bow to her mother, the Moon, and her brother, the Sun.

Part three

The next day, Ivan and the Little Humpbacked Horse set off again. Approaching the ocean, they see that a huge whale lies across it, with “a fuss on its tail and a village on its back.” Having learned that the travelers are heading towards the Sun to the palace, the whale asks them to find out for what sins he is suffering so much. Ivan promises him this, and the travelers move on.

Soon they arrive at the tower of the Tsar Maiden, in which the Sun sleeps at night, and the Moon rests during the day. Ivan enters the palace and conveys greetings to the Moon from the Tsar Maiden. Month is very happy to receive news about his missing daughter, but upon learning that the king is going to marry her, he gets angry and asks Ivan to convey his words to her: not an old man, but a handsome young man will become her husband. To Ivan’s question about the fate of the whale, the Month replies that ten years ago this whale swallowed three dozen ships, and if he releases them, he will be forgiven and released into the sea.

Ivan and the little humpbacked horse ride back, drive up to the whale and convey to him the words of the Month. Residents hastily leave the village, and the whale releases the ships. Now he is finally free and asks Ivan what he can do for him. Ivan asks him to get the Tsar Maiden’s ring from the bottom of the ocean. The whale sends sturgeon to search all the seas and find the ring. Finally, after a long search, the chest with the ring was found, but it turned out to be so heavy that Ivan could not lift it. The horse hoists the chest on itself, and they return to the capital.

The Tsar presents the Tsar Maiden with a ring, but she again refuses to marry him, saying that the Tsar is too old for her, and offers him a means by which he can become younger: he needs to put three large cauldrons: one with cold water, the other - with hot, and the third - with boiling milk and bathe in turn in all three cauldrons: in the last, in the penultimate and first. The Tsar, at the instigation of the sleeping bag, calls Ivan and demands that he do all this first.

The little humpbacked horse promises Ivan his help: he will wave his tail, dip his muzzle into the cauldrons, splash at Ivan twice, whistle loudly - and after that Ivan can jump first into milk, then into boiling water and into cold water. This is exactly what happens, and as a result, Ivan becomes a handsome man. Seeing this, the king also jumps into the boiling milk, but with a different result: “he poured into the cauldron and was boiled there.” The people recognize the Tsar Maiden as their queen, and she takes the hand of the transformed Ivan and walks down the aisle with him. The people greet the king and queen, and a wedding feast thunders in the palace.

Plot source

The work is based on folk tales of the Slavs living along the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Scandinavians. Thus, there is a well-known Norwegian folk tale with an almost identical storyline. The tale is called "De syv folene" ("The Seven Foals"). A Norwegian fairy tale talks about three sons, which were supposed to graze the king’s magic horses; The reward for completing the task is a beautiful princess. In this order youngest son a magical foal that speaks human language helps. There are similar stories in Slovak, Belarusian, Ukrainian (in particular, Transcarpathian) folklore.

“The Little Humpbacked Horse” and censorship

They tried to ban the fairy tale several times. From the first edition of 1834, at the request of the censor, everything that could be interpreted as satire against the tsar or the church was excluded. In 1843, the fairy tale was completely banned from reprinting and was next published only 13 years later. Soviet censorship also had complaints about this work. In 1922, The Little Humpbacked Horse was declared “unacceptable for release” due to the following scene:

There is a detachment behind the king of archers.
Here he rode into a row of horses.
Everyone here fell to their knees
And they shouted “hurray” to the king.

By virtue of which decree
You hid our eyes from us
Our royal goods -
Firebird feather?
What am I - a king or a boyar?
Answer now, Tatar!

However, no examination was required, since the fairy tale, according to the Ministry of Justice, is a classic.

Petr Pavlovich Ershov
and Orthodoxy

The name of Ershov, his work and fate are associated with many well-established and to date not yet revised points of view. The most “tenacious” is the opinion that after the early and most successful artistic experience- the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, Ershov did not create anything more significant, and all his subsequent works are marked with the stamp of imitation and provincialism and are also strongly “spoilt” by religious-monarchical ideas. As a result of this approach to the writer’s heritage, a considerable part of his works has still not been published or is presented in a number of publications in a “truncated” form, with stanzas removed or even several poems in lyrical cycles, as well as cuts in prose and dramatic experiments. Accordingly, our idea of ​​his spiritual life, in which religious quest were perhaps the most important, turns out to be very incomplete. This also applies to the poet’s biography, many facts of which need new understanding.

P.P. Ershov was born in the village of Bezrukova, Ishim district, Tobolsk province on February 22 (March 6, new style) 1815 in the family of the “commissar of the Cheremshan part” (in those days the Ishim district consisted of five commissariats: Abatsky, Berdyuzhsky, Malyshensky, Petropavlovsky, Cheremshansky) Pavel Alekseevich Ershov and Evfemia Vasilievna Ershova, née Pilenkova (“Tobolsk merchant’s daughter”). Fearing for the life of the child, who was born very weak, the parents decided to baptize him on the same day. In the village of Bezrukova, the place of residence of the commissar’s family, at that time there was no church of its own, and the villagers were assigned to the parish of the city-Ishim Church of the Epiphany. It was there that the seventy-year-old priest John Simonov performed the baptism ceremony.

In accordance with the church calendar-name book (and on this day the memory of a number of saints is honored: Athanasius the Confessor, Mauritius, Theodore, Philip, Limnius, Varadat, etc.) the baby was named in the name of St. Peter, that is, he received, on the one hand , very common, and on the other hand, very rare name. Even in our time, with all the abundance of relevant literature, it is difficult to find the life of this saint. From some sources (for example, “The Lives of the Saints” by Demetrius of Rostov) it turns out that February 1 is the day of remembrance of St. Peter of Galatia, who died around 429. He is “remembered” on February 22 and November 25 under the names of Peter the Stylite and the Silent. The life of this saint was marked by feats of seclusion and silence. He could cast out demons and cure illnesses, and his hair shirt, when applied to a sick child, had a healing effect. Perhaps this was taken into account by Priest Simonov, who baptized a very weak, seizure-ridden baby who was screaming incessantly in the name of Peter of Galatia.

Ershov was sensitive to his heavenly patron, as evidenced by the constant mentions in his letters to family and friends of February 22 - his birthday, coinciding with his name day and even the 22nd of other months. For example, in a letter to his wife dated November 23, 1858, Ershov, at that time the director of schools throughout Tobolsk province, writes the following: “Dear Elena. Here I am in Yalutorovsk. This is the last city of my real route, and then to you, to hug you and your dear children. I left Ishim on Saturday at 5 o’clock. I dined at the caretaker’s place with P.I., who came to see me off. At 6 o'clock the caretaker and I were already in Bezrukova, the place of my birth, and drinking tea. Here several peasants with village heads appeared, asking for my assistance - to build a church in Bezrukova. They want to draw up a verdict - within three years contribute 1 silver ruble per person (and their souls are approximately up to 800), which in 3 years will amount to 2500 rubles. My job will be to ask for permission to build a church, deliver the plan and help as much as possible. The caretaker said that the church should be built in the name of St. Peter, and the peasants agreed. They themselves chose the place for the church, the same one where the commissary’s house was, i.e. exactly where I was born. I confess that I did not sleep the whole night, thinking about whether the Lord would really be so merciful that my long-standing desire would be fulfilled and the place of my birth would be sanctified and the name of my Saint would be praised. It’s not for nothing that his name is mentioned in the calendar for the first time this year. The rapprochement, no matter how you judge it, is prophetic. And how pleasant it was for me to hear unfeigned praise of my father from the old peasants! All this made for me the 22nd (remember – the 22nd, and not another) one of the most pleasant days of my life” (emphasis added – T.S.).

It can be assumed that the name of this saint in some mysterious sense determined Ershov’s very character: his shyness, modesty, and penchant for solitude. These character traits of the writer were highlighted by Ershov’s first biographer A.K. Yaroslavtsov, in whose book the concepts of “isolation,” “recluse,” “hermitage,” and “silence” are quite common.

Looking ahead a little, it should be said that the temple in Ershov’s homeland was built from 1862 to 1876 and was consecrated in the name of Peter the Stylite. And it is unlikely that in all of Russia one could find another temple with that name. But its fate turned out to be dramatic: it was destroyed in July 1969.

Ershov was a man of deep religious feeling. Faith in Providence and submission to Providence helped him to withstand all the trials that befell him. And, as you know, there were many of them: the death of his father (1833), brother Nikolai (1834), mother (1838), first-born daughter Seraphima (1840), second daughter, also named Seraphima (1841), wife Seraphima Alexandrovna (1845) , his second wife, Olympiada Vasilyevna (1853), and a month later his little daughter Seraphima. In July 1856, almost in the same week, son Nikolai and daughter Olga die. But all these troubles, which Ershov experienced hard and “knocked him out of his creative state” for a long time, nevertheless did not shake his faith in God. In one of his letters to his St. Petersburg friends V. Treborn and A. Yaroslavtsov, he reflects: “Whether I fall or be unharmed, I will bless the good Providence for everything. Don’t blame me for fatalism: faith in Providence is not the same word as predestination.”

Ershov’s sensitive, suffering soul is reflected in his never published letter to Anna Petrovna Vilken, née Zhilina, dated July 9, 1845. This message, piercing in its intonation, which reports the death of his wife Serafima Alexandrovna, was preserved in the personal archive of Anna Petrovna’s descendant, St. Petersburg film director K.V. Artyukhov:

“My letter will be short, dear cousin. Only joy speaks, and sadness is silent. And what should I say when I still can’t come to my senses? The blow was so unexpected, so sudden that it took faith and the special help of God not to fall under it. You knew the deceased Angel, and you knew my feelings for her: why would you believe my sadness. Yes, of all the losses that I have experienced (and which ones have I not experienced?), the loss of my beloved wife is the most terrible. It was as if half of myself was gone. With an empty heart, with a heavy thought, with a sad memory - is this really life? Only religion warms a cold soul, only it illuminates the darkness of the grave, and represents it behind the grave even better than it was on earth. And what would happen without this heavenly consolation!

WITH early youth Ershov's interests included spiritual books. According to Yaroslavtsov’s memoirs, Ershov’s St. Petersburg years passed “with an indefatigable thirst for reading.” He, like A.S. Pushkin, used the library of A.F. Smirdin. From here he also took books of religious content, “which he loved to immerse himself in, trying to hide from the curious.” And upon returning to Tobolsk, he forms a personal library, where spiritual literature occupies one of the important places. Ershov's Tobolsk biographer A.I. Mokrousov, in his unpublished work about him, written in 1918, indicated that he had seen many books in the Ershov showcase of the Tobolsk Museum, which Pyotr Pavlovich often re-read. For example, “The New Tablet, or Explanation of the Church, the Liturgy and of all Church Services and Utensils” by Veniamin, Archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas, in 4 parts, published in 1858 in St. Petersburg; almost all books Holy Scripture, some of which were rewritten by the hands of his students and Ershov himself. It is noteworthy that the Book of Job and the Book of Genesis, which he rewrote, are marked with the same date: February 22, 1854.

Ershov worshiped Orthodox shrines, often visited the Ioannovsky Mezhdugorsky and Abalaksky monasteries near Tobolsk, and during his business trip to St. Petersburg in 1858 he stopped by the Sviyazhsky Mother of God Monastery, where the former Archbishop of Tobolsk Evlampy resided, and way back Having stopped in Moscow, he set aside two days for a trip to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He carried with him a cross and an icon of St. Herman. When going out to inspect schools, he always served a prayer service for a safe return to his family.

In his works and especially in his letters, he left a poetic description of Orthodox rituals. Thus, in a letter dated July 18, 1841 from the funds of the D.I. Mendeleev Museum-Archive in St. Petersburg, he tells his stepdaughter Feozva (in the future she will become the wife of D.I. Mendeleev) about the meeting of the miraculous Abalak icon Mother of God: “This year, the residents of Tobolsk are showing great zeal for the Mother of God. Every day they raise the icon and, together with a choir of singers, themselves - especially the girls and ladies - carry it from the mountain to their homes and back. Especially late in the evening, this spectacle makes the most vivid impression. The people, although there are always enough of them, are not visible due to the darkness; Only solemn things can be heard: like an insurmountable wall, etc. And the light of the candle in the lantern, like a star, shines ahead, sometimes reflected on the gold of the robe of the Mother of God. But you yourself have been a spectator of such demonstrations, and therefore it is easy for you to imagine such a picture.”

(6.03.1815 - 30.08.1869)

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov was born on March 6, 1815 in the small Siberian village of Bezrukovo, Tobolsk province. His father often changed places of service, so the family moved a lot. Little Petrusha will remember for the rest of his life the long winter evenings at the Yamsk stations and fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales... Many Siberians were masters at telling them.

In 1824, Petya and his brother Nikolai were sent to a gymnasium in Tobolsk. He studied easily, even outpacing his older brother, always humming something and inventing various tales to make boring lessons more interesting. When he graduated from high school, he went to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Philosophy and Law of St. Petersburg University.

One day, Professor Pyotr Alekseevich Pletnev, who taught Russian literature, and instead of a lecture, to the great surprise of the students, I read... a fairy tale. And the author, who was only nineteen years old, sat and died from embarrassment and joy. In response to the applause, Pletnev pointed to student Ershov. In the same year, the fairy tale - and this was “The Little Humpbacked Horse” - was published in the magazine “Library for Reading”.

In 1834, Ershov graduated from the university, returned to his native Tobolsk and began working as a teacher in the same gymnasium from which he himself graduated.

Pyotr Pavlovich himself said that he did not come up with anything new, but simply retold it well folk tale. But that's not true! Yes, in Russian fairy tales there is a hero - good fellow, and the quarrelsome king, and the beautiful princess. But in Ershov, all these familiar heroes have their own faces, they are told about them with a smile and humor.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse" has been translated into many languages ​​of the world - English, French, German, Polish... and even Japanese! When the fourth edition of the fairy tale came out of print, Ershov wrote: “My horse again galloped throughout the Russian kingdom. Happy journey to him.” Since then, not four, but more than one hundred and seventy editions of “The Little Humpbacked Horse” have been published, and the horse continues to gallop around the world, surprising everyone, young and old, with fun and daring, humor and extraordinary adventures.

It seems this fairy tale has always existed. It seems that it was composed by the people. But no - the fairy tale turned 175 years old in May 2009. And it has an author - Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov. Many people do not know these facts. But the fairy tale - “The Little Humpbacked Horse” - is known to everyone.

Collect puzzles, answer quiz questions


Circle chart
"Friend and assistant of Ivanushka the fool"

Literary "arithmetic"

willow + waves - ox - s + drying - s =
hero of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

The mystery in the drawings

Remember the fairy tale scene when the king ordered Ivanushka to bathe in three cauldrons, and look at our drawings. In which cauldron did Ivan bathe first, and in which ones later? Check your answer based on the text of the fairy tale.

A few facts about P.P. Ershov and his tale

Ershov's fairy tale was published as a separate book in mid-1834 and went through seven editions during the author's lifetime. The book was born when the writer was only 19 years old!

P.P. Ershov was closely acquainted with many famous poets, including with V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin.

The first four verses of the tale were sketched by A.S. Pushkin, who read it in manuscript. After reading the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” he said with praise to the aspiring poet: “Now I can leave this type of writing to me.”

In addition to “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” Ershov wrote several dozen poems. There are also indications that he published poems, stories and dramatic works under pseudonyms.

In December 1864, for the first time at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, the ballet “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was staged to the music of Ts. Pugni and directed by A. Saint-Leon. The ballet “The Little Humpbacked Horse” is still performed successfully today.

In 1941, at the Soyuzdetfilm film studio, a film of the same name was filmed based on the fairy tale. Feature Film, and in 1947 and 1975 by the Soyuzmultfilm studio - an animated film.

In 2006 in the city of Ishim Tyumen region, in the author's homeland worldwide famous fairy tale"The Little Humpbacked Horse", the Ershov Museum was created (since 2009 - Cultural Center). You can get acquainted with the activities of the Center on its website - www.ershov.ishimkultura.ru

The Union of Writers of Russia and the administration of the city of Ishim established the All-Russian literary prize named after P.P. Ershov for works for children and youth. Five winners are determined annually and are awarded a monetary reward, diplomas and the Prize symbol - sculptural composition, made of bone, Ivanushka on the Little Humpbacked Horse holds the Firebird in her hands. According to tradition, the prize is awarded in the storyteller’s homeland on his birthday - March 6.

Little Humpbacked Fool
Helped me become a prince.
Who is he, Little Hunchback?
Nice, fabulous horse!

Library poster
Poster size - 1024x730
File size - 517 kb.
The author of the poster is O.I. Verkhoturova.

Double click on the thumbnail to view or copy the poster

Philword "Heroes of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse"
(Find 12 words among the letters)

1. The name of the main character of the fairy tale
2. Ivan the Fool's older brother
3. Middle brother of Ivan the Fool
4. Ivan’s envious and ill-wisher
5. Brother of the Tsar Maiden
6. Mother of the Tsar Maiden
7. Ivanushka’s most devoted friend
8. Affectionate name, which the Tsar called Ivan
9. Miracle Yudo fish
10. The name of Ivan the Fool's father
11. Fish - screamer, reveler and bully
12. Hunchback's Mother

To see the correct answers, double-click on the answer grid

Compiled by Galushko N.V.


The mane jumps is not simple,
Miracle golden mane,
He carries the boy through the mountains,
There's no way he'll be reset.
The horse has a son -
Amazing horse
Amazing horse
Nicknamed: The Little Hunchback



Chords and lyrics of the song “The Little Humpbacked Horse”
Tatiana Puchko

Let's gallop to the sea, we'll gallop to the sea Am
For the Tsar's wife.
Dm Am E Am
You fly, big-eared, like a bird,
Am G C
Let's go home at a trot.
Dm Am E A7

Don't go crazy, owl,
Dm G C
Don't let your brow rest on your shoulder:
A7 Dm G C
After all, my, fool, rights -
A7 Dm E F
Hold the pen in your palm.
Dm E Am

Dm Am E Am E Am
Exclude me from the rules -
These are the white guys.
I set up a tent for you
For government pennies.

This is what, my joy, learn,
And now stop trembling:
My stupid destiny is this -
Hold the pen in your palm.

I'm a fool, a fool, I'm not a beast -
I can't drown kittens.
I keep catching feathers with my hands,
And let the firebirds fly!

So don't blame me.
And tell the king what you want,
But my, foolish, essence
There, in the forest, he lies on a stump.

June 1989, Moscow


For P.P.’s birthday Ershov, the author of the famous fairy tale in verse “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” was held for younger readers literary game“Following the Little Humpbacked Horse, we will enter a Russian fairy tale.” First, the guys got acquainted with the biography of the storyteller, and then took part in competitive program. After watching a fragment of the cartoon, they answered questions about what they saw; guessed what was hidden in the Tsar Maiden's chest; competed in the interpretation of outdated Russian words that appear in the text of the fairy tale. The children proved that they had read the book very carefully, as they answered all the quiz questions correctly and quickly found the names of the fairy tale characters hidden in the computer fillword. For this, the children were awarded honorary medals “Experts of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”