Monologue of the humpbacked horse about his owner. Essay on the theme of the little humpbacked horse

Fairy tale by P.P. Ershov's "The Little Humpbacked Horse" has enjoyed well-deserved popularity for almost 200 years, having been first published back in 1834, not without the help of A. S. Pushkin himself. He was one of the first to read this work, and appreciated it so highly that he personally helped the then unknown Ershov with the publishing of the book, thereby introducing the author into the poetic circles of that time. And I was not mistaken - it is not for nothing that this fairy tale evokes big interest both among children and adults. The plot is so fascinating that once you start reading the book, it will be impossible to put it down until you finish reading it to the bitter end, because main character– Ivan, it’s as if he can’t live a day without getting into another story.

Very often Ivan is called a fool, starting from his own relatives - his father and two older brothers, ending with the king and the courtiers. Which, on the one hand, is understandable, because at the beginning of the book it is shown that most of all he likes to lie on the stove and eat, without particularly caring about other things. Yes, and having found a feather Firebirds, he was warned by the Little Hunchback that it would be better not to take it, because it would bring more troubles and worries than happiness. But, again, because of his carelessness, he did not pay any attention to this, for which he actually paid more than once. But, if you think deeper, this character is not so stupid. For example, when he was guarding the field, it was not difficult for him to watch and catch a magic mare, and even be able to agree with her that she would not trample the field anymore, and as a reward for letting her go, she had to promise to give birth him two handsome golden-maned horses, and another horse, inconspicuous at first glance, which would later become his best friend, which she foresaw, asking under no circumstances to sell it for any money. Moreover, he did not even tell his family about this incident, inventing a story that he had caught the devil himself so that they would not find out about his acquisition. Later, although not without the help of a horse, he was able to deceive the king, managed to catch for him the Firebird, and the overseas beauty Tsar Maiden, who in the future became his wife.

In general, our Ivan the Fool as a very positive person, he more than once came to the aid of others, never thought of anything dashing, and even forgave the machinations against him by others, the same brothers who did not hesitate to steal his stallions for their own profit.

It is worth noting the Little Humpbacked Horse, who more than once risked his own skin for the sake of his beloved master. He is a wonderful example of a friend, unselfish and faithful, and proves that one should not pay too much attention to appearance. Although he was not at all like his handsome brothers, he even seemed funny because of his vertically challenged, two humps and long, like donkey ears - it was he who turned out to be Ivan’s most valuable friend, being ready to help him at any moment.

In general, the fairy tale is really not only very interesting, but also instructive, because it shows readers that good people, despite any intrigues, sooner or later they will emerge victorious, and the dishonest and bad ones will pay in full for all their sins, like the same king who was boiled in boiling milk because of his treachery.

Apparently, Jung was right about the collective unconscious, mythology and archetypes. Here is one funny comparison that seems to be in favor of these ideas. Compare how a Mexican shaman catches a helping spirit and the fight between Ivanushka the Fool and the magic mare:

1."...When I first touched my ollie, I was young,"
he said finally. - I remember it was right after
noon From dawn I worked in the field and returned home.
Suddenly an ally came out from behind a bush and blocked my path. He
was waiting for me and inviting me to fight him. I began
turn away in order to leave him alone, to the mind
the thought came to me that I was strong enough to
touch him. However, I was scared. Chills ran through
up my back, and my neck became hard as a board....
-What happened when you grabbed your ollie? -
I asked.
“I never imagined it would be like this,”
he continued. - it was something like that, like that, like that... Like
nothing I can say. After I grabbed him we
started to spin. Ollie got me spinning but I don't
retreated. We corkscrewed into the air with such
speed and force that I could no longer see anything. Everything was
in the fog. The spinning went on and on. Suddenly I
I felt like I was standing on the ground again. I looked at myself.
Ollie didn't kill me. I was whole, I was myself! Then I
I realized that I had achieved success. After much striving I had
ollie. I jumped for joy. What a feeling! What was it
K. Castaneda "Journey to Ixtland"

.. Suddenly, about midnight, the horse neighed...
Our guard stood up,
Looked under the mitten
And I saw a mare.
That mare was
All like winter snow, white,
Mane to the ground, golden,
The rings are curled in chalk.
"Ehehe! so that's what
Our thief!.. But wait,
I don't know how to joke,
I’ll sit on your neck at once.
Look, what locusts!"
And, for a moment,
runs up to the mare,
Grabs the wavy tail
And he jumped onto her ridge -
Only backwards.
Young mare
With wildly sparkling eyes,
The snake twisted its head
And it took off like an arrow.
Hovering around the fields,
Hangs like a sheet above the ditches,
Leaping through the mountains,
Walks on end through the forests,
Wants by force or deception,
Just to deal with Ivan.
But Ivan himself is not simple -
Holds the tail tightly.

P.P. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse


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/ / / The image of the Little Humpbacked Horse in Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

The Little Humpbacked Horse is one of the most beloved characters from the fairy tale of the same name by P. Ershov. Ivan received it as a gift from a golden-maned mare who could talk human voice. From the mother horse we learn the first characteristics of the toy horse. He is only three inches tall, and has arshin ears. If you look at the measures indicated by the author, it turns out that the horse is very small. The top is approximately 4.5 cm, which means the height of this character is only 13 cm, and the ears are 71 cm (this is exactly the value of an arshin).

Despite its miniature size, the horse is very wise and kind. Very soon he proves the veracity of his mother’s words addressed to Ivan: “He will be your comrade on earth and underground.” The horse takes on the role of guide and teacher of its owner. It also differs from ordinary horses in its speed: “He clapped his mane, snored and flew like an arrow... and in two moments, if not in an instant, our Ivan overtook the thieves.

The Little Humpbacked Horse knows everything in advance. He warns the owner that he must not take the Firebird's feather, otherwise there will be trouble. This is exactly what happens: because of a small feather, the guy is forced to risk his life more than once. The Tsar gives Ivan tasks that an ordinary person cannot cope with, but the Little Humpbacked Horse knows everything: where the Firebirds and the Tsar Maiden live, how to catch them, who to contact to get a ring from the bottom of the ocean.

The Little Humpbacked Horse talks about all the miracles as if he himself had been there more than once and seen everything with his own eyes. He talks about the silver mountain with magical birds and about the daughter of the month, who swims to the shore twice a year. But such knowledge of the hero is not very surprising, because he himself is of unusual origin.

Every time Ivan comes to his friend with his head down and a story about a new test, the little horse consoles him and supports him. with a kind word and tells you what needs to be done. The horse is not the least bit angry with stupid Ivan, even though he knows that all the troubles are due to his stubbornness. But he does not forget to remind: “Your trouble comes from the fact that you did not listen to me.”

In the third part of P. Ershov's fairy tale, the Little Humpbacked Horse and his friend go in search of a ring that lies on the bottom of the ocean. The little hunchback again knows in advance what they will ask Ivan and how to do the right thing. The horse shows another unusual ability: he knows the way to heaven and easily delivers the owner to heavenly bodies. During this journey, the Little Humpbacked Horse and Ivan not only fulfill the king’s task, but also free the Miracle Yudo fish-whale from a heavy burden, and the ships from ten years of captivity.

Finally, in the last part of the tale it comes to real “service”, and not “service”. A word without a diminutive suffix hints that the matter will be much more difficult than the previous ones. The Little Humpbacked Horse calls the service the rescue of Ivan when he has to bathe in three cauldrons. Here the toy horse shows all his love for his friend, about which he says: “All my friendship is needed here”; “And I would rather perish myself than leave you, Ivan.”

The image of the Little Humpbacked Horse is another proof that little heart may harbor great love. This is an example of a true friend from whom we humans have a lot to learn.

This fairy tale contains not only entertaining content, but also instructive meaning. The fairy tale also contains humor, satire, traditions and myths of the Russian people. A huge role in the work is played by various mythological folklore images, which give fairy tales the originality of Russian culture.

Ivan the Fool is the main character of the fairy tale, who honestly serves the fastidious king. The king never thought about the needs of the state; he was cruel to his subordinates. And all his thoughts were occupied with crazy thoughts about the youth that he would get if he married the Tsar Maiden. Often in Russian fairy tales you can see an old man with three sons, and the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was no exception. The father of Ivan the Fool has three sons, Ivan the youngest, and as expected, the eldest son is smart, middle son“this way and that,” and the younger one is a fool. Ivan was lazy, stupid and simple-minded, but he was not spared such character qualities as courage, honesty and conscientiousness. These qualities helped Ivan catch a mare during his guard duty, while his brothers slept off. As a reward, the magic mare gave Ivan the Fool the Little Humpbacked Horse and two golden-maned horses.

Ivan the Fool worked honestly for the Tsar. He had to make a lot of efforts in order to fulfill all the whims of the king. At the same time, Ivan never humiliated himself before the Tsar; he treated the Tsar as well as an ordinary person. But the king dies in disgrace, and all his wealth passes into the possession of Ivan and he himself becomes king. From this we can conclude that wealth comes to those who make efforts for it, and not to those who simply want it and do nothing for it.

The fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” carries a valuable instructive meaning. She shows the reader that justice exists. The work is also filled with irony and satire. And Ivan the Fool is collectively all the best that can be in a person. Only thanks to his noble qualities of character does he become a king and acquire a faithful friend - the Little Humpbacked Horse.

Essay about the fairy tale The Little Humpbacked Horse

I first heard the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” as a child. When I was 6 years old, my mother read to me at night, and I listened with pleasure. I fell in love with the fairy tale immediately. When I learned to read, I re-read this book myself more than once and empathized with the main characters.

A real Russian fairy tale in verse, easy to remember and interesting - read in one breath. I always want to know, what next?

The tale is divided into 3 parts. In the first, we are introduced to the main characters and their environment. Let's get to know the characters. From the very first words, Ershov presents Ivan as a fool, and everyone else as smart. But as the story progresses, we see that this is not so.
The family believes the brothers’ stories about fictitious guards, and they lie without a twinge of conscience and receive their father’s praise for it.

When Ivan comes from guard duty, everyone scolds him. Younger brother He has already been taught by bitter experience, so he does not tell the truth about his adventures and findings. AND natural feeling humor helps. Several times in the tale, his father and brothers laugh at his stories.
Ivan's ingenuity and quick reaction help him out in difficult situations. The mare he caught also admits this. And for honesty, decency, selflessness he is rewarded true friend and the protector the Little Humpbacked Horse.

But the “pseudo-intelligent” brothers fell in the eyes of readers from the very first lines of the fairy tale. And Ivan shames the brothers for stealing horses, adding:

“Even though you are smarter than Ivan,
Yes, Ivan is more honest than you."

In the second and third parts, the heroes continue their adventures. Even when he gets to the king’s palace, having lived needlessly, the “fool” remains true to himself and his habits. Ill-wishers and envious people immediately gather around, but Vanya’s character does not change for the worse, but only hardens.

Ivan the Fool evokes a smile, a kind attitude, and is immediately liked by readers. And the Little Humpbacked Horse delights with his devotion, care and love for his comrade. I want to imitate the friendship of heroes.

The tale is very interesting and instructive. And as in all Russian fairy tales, good triumphs over evil.

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Page 1 of 3

Part one. The fairy tale begins to tell...

Behind the mountains, behind the forests,

Across the wide seas

Against the sky - on the ground

An old man lived in a village.

The old lady has three sons:

The eldest was a smart kid,

The average was this way and that,

The younger one was completely stupid.

The brothers sowed wheat

Yes, they took us to the capital city:

You know, that was the capital

Not far from the village.

They sold wheat there

Money was accepted by account

And with a full bag

We were returning home.

In a long time al soon

Misfortune befell them:

Someone started walking in the field

And stir the wheat.

Men are so sad

Haven't seen them since birth;

They began to think and guess -

How to spy a thief;

Finally they realized

To stand on guard,

Save the bread at night,

To waylay the evil thief.

Just as it was getting dark,

The elder brother began to get ready:

Took out a pitchfork and an ax

And he went on patrol.

The stormy night has come,

Fear came over him

And out of fear our man

Buried under the hay.

The night passes, the day comes;

The sentinel leaves the hay

And, pouring water on myself,

He started knocking on the door:

"Hey you sleepy grouse!

Open the door for your brother,

I got wet in the rain

From head to toe."

The brothers opened the doors

The guard was let in

They began to ask him:

Didn't he see anything?

The guard prayed

Bowed to the right, to the left

And, clearing his throat, he said:

“I didn’t sleep all night;

Unfortunately for me,

There was terrible bad weather:

The rain poured down like this,

I wet my shirt all over.

It was so boring!..

However, everything is fine."

His father praised him:

"You, Danilo, are great!

You are, so to speak, approximately,

Served me well,

That is, being with everything,

Didn't lose face."

It began to get dark again;

The middle brother went to get ready:

I took a pitchfork and an ax

And he went on patrol.

The cold night has come,

Trembling attacked the little one,

The teeth began to dance;

He started to run -

And I walked around all night

Under the neighbor's fence.

It was terrible for the young man!

But it's morning. He goes to the porch:

"Hey, sleepyheads! Why are you sleeping!

Open the door for your brother;

There was a terrible frost at night, -

I'm frozen to my stomach."

The brothers opened the doors

The guard was let in

They began to ask him:

Didn't he see anything?

The guard prayed

Bowed to the right, to the left

And through clenched teeth he answered:

"I didn't sleep all night,

Yes, to my unfortunate fate,

The cold was terrible at night,

It reached my heart;

I rode all night;

It was too awkward...

However, everything is fine."

And his father said to him:

“You, Gavrilo, are great!”

It began to get dark for the third time,

The younger one needs to get ready;

He doesn't even move,

Sings on the stove in the corner

With all your stupid urine:

"You are beautiful eyes!"

Brothers, blame him,

They began to drive into the field,

He's not moving. Finally

His father approached him

He tells him: "Listen,

Run on patrol, Vanyusha.

I'll buy you some splints

I'll give you peas and beans."

Here Ivan gets off the stove,

Malachai puts on his

He puts bread in his bosom,

The guard is on duty.

Ivan goes around the whole field,

Looking around

And sits down under a bush;

Counts the stars in the sky

Yes, he eats the edge.

Suddenly, about midnight, the horse neighed...

Our guard stood up,

Looked under the mitten

And I saw a mare.

That mare was

All white, like winter snow,

Mane to the ground, golden,

The rings are curled in chalk.

"Ehehe! so that's what

Our thief!.. But wait,

I don't know how to joke,

I’ll sit on your neck at once.

Look, what locusts!"

And, for a moment,

runs up to the mare,

Grabs the wavy tail

And he jumped onto her ridge -

Only backwards.

Young mare

With wildly sparkling eyes,

The snake twisted its head

And it took off like an arrow.

Hovering around the fields,

Hangs like a sheet above the ditches,

Leaping through the mountains,

Walks on end through the forests,

Wants by force or deception,

Just to deal with Ivan.

But Ivan himself is not simple -

Holds the tail tightly.

Finally she got tired.

“Well, Ivan,” she told him, “

If you knew how to sit,

So you can own me.

Give me a place to rest

Yes, look after me

How much do you understand? Yes look:

Three morning dawns

Set me free

Take a walk through an open field.

At the end of three days

I will give you two horses -

Yes, the same as today

There was no trace of it;

And I’ll also give birth to a horse

Only three inches tall,

On the back with two humps

Yes, with arshin ears.

Sell ​​two horses if you like,

But don't give up your skate

Not by the belt, not by the hat,

Not for a black woman, hear me.

On the ground and underground

He will be your comrade:

He will warm you in winter,

In the summer it will be cold,

In times of famine he will treat you with bread,

When you're thirsty, you'll drink honey.

I'll go out into the field again

Try your strength in freedom."

“Okay,” thinks Ivan

And to the shepherd's booth

Drives the mare

The matting door closes

And as soon as it was dawn,

Goes to the village

Singing a song loudly:

“Well done guy went to Presnya.”

Here he comes up to the porch,

Here he grabs the ring,

With all the strength there is knocking on the door,

The roof is almost falling in,

And shouts to the whole market,

It was like there was a fire.

The brothers jumped from the benches,

They stammered and cried:

"Who knocks so hard like that?" -

"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"

The brothers opened the doors

They let a fool into the hut

And let's scold him, -

How dare he scare them like that!

And Ivan is ours, without taking off

Neither bast shoes, nor malakhai,

Goes to the oven

And he talks from there

About the night adventure,

To everyone's ears:

"I didn't sleep all night,

I counted the stars in the sky;

The month, exactly, was also shining, -

I didn't notice much.

Suddenly the devil himself comes,

With a beard and mustache;

The face looks like a cat's

And the eyes are like little bowls!

So that devil started jumping

And knock down the grain with your tail.

I don't know how to joke -

And jump on his neck.

He was already dragging, dragging,

Almost broke my head

But I myself am not a failure,

Listen, he held him in a tight grip.

My cunning man fought and fought

And finally he begged:

"Don't destroy me from the world!

A whole year for you for this

I promise to live peacefully

Don’t bother the Orthodox.”

Listen, I didn’t measure the words,

Yes, I believed the little devil."

Here the narrator fell silent,

He yawned and dozed off.

Brothers, no matter how angry they were,

They couldn’t - they started laughing,

Grabbing your sides,

Over the fool's story.

The old man himself could not help himself,

So as not to laugh until you cry,

At least laugh - that's how it is

It's a sin for old people.

Is there too much time or not enough?

It has flown since this night, -

I don't care about that

I haven't heard from anyone.

Well, what does it matter to us,

Whether a year or two has flown by, -

After all, you can't run after them...

Let's continue the fairy tale.

Well, sir, so that's it! Raz Danilo

(On a holiday, I remember it was),

Stretched and drunk,

Dragged into a booth.

What does he see? - Beautiful

Two golden-maned horses

Yes, a toy skate

Only three inches tall,

On the back with two humps

Yes, with arshin ears.

"Hmm! Now I know

Why did the fool sleep here?" -

Danilo says to himself...

The miracle knocked down the hops at once;

Here Danilo is running into the house

And Gavrile says:

"Look how beautiful

Two golden-maned horses

Our fool got himself:

You haven't even heard of it."

And Danilo and Gavrilo,

What urine was in their feet,

Straight through the nettles

That's how they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times

Having repaired both eyes,

Rubbing here and there

The brothers enter the two horses.

The horses neighed and snored,

The eyes burned like a yacht;

Curled into chalk rings,

The tail flowed golden,

And diamond hooves

Upholstered with large pearls.

Lovely to watch!

If only the king could sit on them!

The brothers looked at them like that,

Which almost got twisted.

“Where did he get them?”

The eldest said to the middle one. -

But the conversation has been going on for a long time,

That treasure is given only to fools,

At least break your forehead,

You won't get two rubles that way.

Well, Gavrilo, that week

Let's take them to the capital;

We'll sell it to the boyars there,

We'll split the money evenly.

And with the money, you know,

And you will drink and take a walk,

Just slap the bag.

And to the good fool

There won't be enough guesswork,

Where do his horses visit?

Let him look for them here and there.

Well, buddy, deal with it!"

The brothers agreed at once

We hugged and crossed ourselves

And returned home

Talking to each other

About horses and about the feast

And about a wonderful little animal.

Time rolls on,

Hour after hour, day after day.

And for the first week

The brothers are going to the capital city,

To sell your goods there

And at the pier you will find out

Didn't they come with ships?

The Germans are in the city for canvases

And is Tsar Saltan missing?

To fool Christians.

So we prayed to the icons,

Father was blessed

They took two horses secretly

And they set off quietly.

Evening was creeping towards night;

Ivan got ready for the night;

Walking down the street

He eats the crumb and sings.

Here he reaches the field,

Hands on hips

And with a spring, like a gentleman,

He enters the booth sideways.

Everything was still standing

But the horses were gone;

Just a hunchbacked toy

His legs were spinning,

Flapping his ears with joy

Yes, he danced with his feet.

How Ivan will howl here,

Leaning on the booth:

"Oh, you horses of Bura-Siva,

Good golden-maned horses!

Didn’t I caress you, friends?

Who the hell stole you?

Damn him, the dog!

To die in a gulley!

May he in the next world

Fail on the bridge!

Oh, you horses of Bura-Siva,

Good horses with golden manes!"

Then the horse neighed at him.

“Don’t worry, Ivan,” he said, “

It's a big problem, I don't argue.

But I can help, I'm burning.

You didn't give a damn:

The brothers brought the horses together.

Well, what's the use of idle chatter?

Be at peace, Ivanushka.

Hurry up and sit on me

Just know yourself to hold on;

At least I'm small in stature,

Let me change the horse to another:

As soon as I set off and run,

That’s how I’ll overtake the demon.”

Here the horse lies down in front of him;

Ivan sits on his skate,

Rakes your ears,

That there are mochki roars.

The little humpbacked horse shook himself,

He stood up on his paws, perked up,

He clapped his mane and started snoring.

And he flew like an arrow;

Only in dusty clouds

A whirlwind swirled under our feet.

And in two moments, if not in an instant,

Our Ivan caught up with the thieves.

The brothers, that is, were afraid,

They itched and hesitated.

And Ivan began shouting to them:

“It’s a shame, brothers, to steal!

Even though you are smarter than Ivan,

Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:

He didn’t steal your horses.”

The elder, writhing, said:

"Our dear brother Ivasha,

What to do is our business!

But take it into account

Our belly is unselfish.

No matter how much wheat we sow,

A little daily bread we have.

And if the harvest fails,

So at least get into the noose!

In such great sadness

Gavrila and I were talking

All last night -

How can I help the grief?

This is how we did it,

Finally we decided this:

To sell your skates

Even for a thousand rubles.

And as a thank you, by the way,

Bring you a new one -

Red hat with a vertebra

Yes, boots with heels.

Besides, the old man can’t

Can no longer work;

But you have to wash your eyes, -

You yourself clever man!" -

“Well, if that’s the case, then go ahead,”

Ivan says, sell it

Two golden-maned horses,

Yes, take me too."

The brothers glanced painfully at each other,

No way! agreed.

It began to get dark in the sky;

The air began to grow cold;

So that they don't get lost,

It was decided to stop.

Under the canopies of branches

They tied up all the horses,

They brought a basket with food,

Got a little hangover

And let's go, God willing,

Who is good at what?

Danilo suddenly noticed

That the fire lit up in the distance.

He looked at Gavrila,

Winked with his left eye

And he coughed lightly,

Pointing the fire quietly;

Here I scratched my head,

“Oh, how dark!” he said.

At least a month like that as a joke

He looked at us for a minute,

Everything would be easier. And now,

Really, we are worse than aunts...

Wait a minute... it seems to me

That light smoke curls there...

You see, Avon!.. It is so!..

I wish I could light a cigarette!

It would be a miracle!.. And listen,

Run, brother Vanyusha!

And, I must admit, I have

No flint, no flint."

Danilo himself thinks:

“May you be crushed there!”

And Gavrilo says:

"Who knows what's burning!

Since the villagers have arrived

Remember his name! "

All is nothing to a fool.

He sits on his skate

Kicks the sides with his feet,

Tugging at him with his hands

Screaming with all his might...

The horse took off and the trail disappeared.

"Godfather be with us! -

Then Gavrilo shouted,

Protected by the holy cross. -

What kind of devil is this under him!”

The flame burns brighter

The little hunchback runs faster.

Here he is in front of the fire.

The field shines as if it were day;

A wonderful light flows all around,

But it doesn’t heat up, it doesn’t smoke.

Ivan was amazed here.

“What,” he said, “what kind of devil is this!

There are about five hats in the world,

But there is no heat and no smoke;

Eco miracle light!

The horse tells him:

"There is something to marvel at!

Here lies the feather of the Firebird,

But for your happiness

Don't take it for yourself.

Much, much restlessness

It will bring with it." -

"You speak! How wrong!" -

The fool grumbles to himself;

And, raising the feather of the Firebird,

Wrapped him in rags

I put rags in my hat

And he turned his skate.

Here he comes to his brothers

And he answers their demand:

"How did I get there?

I saw a burnt stump;

I fought and fought over him,

So I almost got fed up;

I fanned it for an hour -

No, damn it, it’s gone!”

The brothers didn't sleep the whole night,

They laughed at Ivan;

And Ivan sat down under the cart,

He snored until the morning.

Here they harnessed the horses

And they came to the capital,

We stood in a row of horses,

Opposite the large chambers.

In that capital there was a custom:

If the mayor does not say -

Don't buy anything

Don't sell anything.

Now mass is coming;

The mayor leaves

In shoes, in a fur hat,

With a hundred city guards.

A herald rides next to him,

Long mustache, bearded;

"Guests! Open the shops,

Buy, sell.

And the overseers sit

Near the shops and look,

So that there is no sodomy,

No violence, no pogrom,

And so that no one is a freak

I didn’t deceive the people!”

Guests open the shop,

The baptized people cry out:

"Hey, honest gentlemen,

Come join us here!

How are our container bars?

All sorts of different goods!"

Buyers are coming

The goods are taken from the guests;

Guests count money

Yes, the supervisors are blinking.

Meanwhile, the city detachment

Arrives in a row of horses;

Looks - a crush of people.

There is no exit or entrance;

So they're swarming,

And they laugh and scream.

The mayor was surprised

That the people were cheerful,

And he gave the order to the detachment,

To clear the way.

"Hey! you barefoot devils!

Get out of my way! get out of my way!"

The barbels screamed

And they hit the whips.

Here the people began to stir,

He took off his hats and stepped aside.

There is a row of horses before your eyes;

Two horses stand in a row

Young, black,

Golden manes curl,

Curled into chalk rings,

The tail flows golden...

Our old man, no matter how ardent he was,

He rubbed the back of his head for a long time.

“Wonderful,” he said, “God’s light,

There really aren’t any miracles in it!”

The whole squad bowed here,

I marveled at the wise speech.

Meanwhile the mayor

He punished everyone severely

So that they don’t buy horses,

They didn’t yawn, they didn’t scream;

That he is going to the yard

Report everything to the king.

And, leaving part of the detachment,

He went to report.

Arrives at the palace.

“Have mercy, Tsar Father!”

The mayor exclaims

And his whole body falls. -

They didn't order me to be executed

Order me to speak!"

The king deigned to say: “Okay,

Speak, but it’s just awkward." -

“I’ll tell you as best I can:

I serve the mayor;

By faith and truth I am correcting

This position..." - "I know, I know!" -

"Today, having taken a detachment,

I went to the horse row.

I arrive - there are tons of people!

Well, no exit, no entrance.

What to do here?.. Ordered

Drive the people out so as not to interfere.

And so it happened, king-hope!

And I went - and what?

In front of me is a row of horses;

Two horses stand in a row

Young, black,

Golden manes curl,

Curled into chalk rings,

The tail flows golden,

And diamond hooves

Upholstered with large pearls."

The king could not sit here.

“We need to look at the horses,”

He says, “It’s not bad”

And having such a miracle.

Hey, give me a cart!" And so

The cart is already at the gate.

The king washed and dressed up

And off he went to the market;

Behind the king of the archers is a detachment.

Here he rode into a row of horses.

Everyone here fell to their knees

And they shouted “hurray” to the king.

The king bowed and instantly

Well done jumping off the wagon...

He doesn’t take his eyes off his horses,

From the right, from the left he comes to them,

With a kind word he calls,

It hits them quietly on the back,

Ruffles their steep neck,

Strokes the golden mane,

And, having looked at it for a long time,

He asked, turning around

To those around: “Hey guys!

Whose foals are these?

Who's the boss?" Ivan is here,

Hands on hips like a gentleman

Because of the brothers he acts

And, pouting, he answers:

"This couple, king, is mine,

And the owner is me too." -

"Well, I'm buying a pair!

Are you selling?" - "No, I'm changing." -

“What good do you take in exchange?” -

"Two to five caps of silver." -

"That is, it will be ten."

The king immediately ordered to weigh

And, by my grace,

He gave me an extra five rubles.

The king was generous!

Led the horses to the stables

Ten gray grooms,

All in gold stripes,

All with colored sashes

And with morocco whips.

But dear, as if for a laugh,

The horses knocked them all off their feet,

All the bridles were torn

And they ran to Ivan.

The king went back

He tells him: “Well, brother,

Our couple is not given;

There's nothing to do, you have to

To serve you in the palace.

You will walk in gold

Dress up in a red dress,

It's like rolling cheese in butter,

My entire stable

I give you an order,

The royal word is a guarantee.

What, do you agree?" - "What a thing!

I will live in the palace

I will walk in gold

Dress up in a red dress,

It's like rolling cheese in butter,

The entire stables

The king gives me an order;

That is, I'm from the garden

I will become a royal commander.

Wonderful thing! So be it

I will, king, serve you.

Just don't fight me, please.

And let me sleep

Otherwise I was like that!”

Then he called the horses

And he walked along the capital,

Waving my mitten myself,

And to the song of a fool

The horses dance the trepak;

And his horse is humpbacked -

So it’s bursting squatted,

To the surprise of everyone.

Meanwhile, two brothers

The royal money was received

They were sewn into girdles,

Knocked on the valley

And we went home.

They shared the house together

They both got married at the same time

They began to live and live

Yes, remember Ivan.

But now we will leave them,

Let's have fun with a fairy tale again

Orthodox Christians,

What has our Ivan done?

While in the royal service,

At the state stable;

How did he become a neighbor?

Like I slept through my pen,

How cunningly he caught the Firebird,

How he kidnapped the Tsar Maiden,

How he went for the ring,

How I was an ambassador in heaven,

How is he in the sunny village

Kitu begged for forgiveness;

How, among other things,

He saved thirty ships;

How was it not cooked in the cauldrons?

How handsome he became;

In a word: our speech is about

How he became king.