Meaning of the word Masik. Affectionate nicknames: what the martyr calls you and what it means subconsciously. A dictionary of affectionate words. A list of compliments

(03/22/2011 at 19:26)
"I swam in the lunar lake with the moon,
She told me about her affairs,
How can we all get rid of vanity?
And at midnight fly high with her on wings."

1. The heroine bathes with the Moon in the lunar lake.
2. Luna tells the heroine about her affairs.
3. Deeds of the moon: a) rid everyone of vanity.
4. b) fly high on wings at midnight.

The question arises: on what is Luna’s belief about the total prevalence of this particular vice based? Why doesn't the Moon worry about voluptuousness, alcoholism, envy, gluttony? Why this particular choice? In the 21st century, people suffer from obesity as much, if not more, than from vanity.
I would suggest correcting the third line:
"How can we all get rid of obesity"

After all, it is logical to assume that a person who is obese, but not suffering from vanity, weighs more and therefore experiences special difficulties when flying.

"We swam and tumbled together,
I cleaned it down to the ground,
We penetrated into the depths of the lake,
No one thought about parting."

1. Heroine with the Moon ( new girlfriend) play together.
2. Games become intimate.
3. The verb “penetrated” - not “penetrated”, but “penetrated” - i.e. filled themselves with depths - shows the sensitivity of the situation. The author's desire to avoid erotic terminology is commendable, however, in terms of grammar, the metaphor was unsuccessful.
4. See above. It's about unity.

“The dawn appeared and was all rosy;
The moon was pale - its hour had already passed, -
She's still desirable
But the silvery light of the sun has long gone out."

1. A third character appears.
2. The moon is tired.
3. The moon still evokes desire.
4. A fourth character appears and extinguishes the silvery light of the moon.

I’d like to note the play on words “uzhchas” - here there’s horror and dinner and a husband and all the unimaginable complexity of female relationships.

"AND more lake there is no lunar one,
That he shone so much, invigorating himself, that night.
It turned purple from the sun,
And his golden rays play there."

1. The place of meeting and connecting with the moon ceased to exist.
2. "The lake... shone..." - a hint of masculine nature the mentioned lake.
3. The blossom of the sun changed to become (?) the fifth character - Mr. Purple.
4. Somewhere the golden rays of the Purple are playing.

The author carefully uses euphemisms, turning reading into exciting game.The author turns reading into an exciting game. What does the author mean by “golden rays”? - the reader may accept the change in the heroine’s orientation, or may not accept it - but the “golden rays” defeat the pale friend suffering from vanity. This is where the poem ends - and that's good. We do not know anything regarding the further deliverance of everyone from the disease, but it seems that no one died?...


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Whispers on water to attract money luck

Whispers are much like a conspiracy, but require much less effort. To magic ritual bears fruit, you must wait for the Full Moon. When the moon's disk completely illuminates the sky, pour a glass of water. Place it on the windowsill for an hour. This is necessary so that the water completely absorbs the lunar energy. After an hour, stand facing the window from which you can best see the full Moon. Holding a glass of water, say in a low voice:

“As the moon is full, so is my glass filled to the brim with happiness. Moon water will give me new life, and I will swim in money and luck."

The water over which you whispered the spell must be drunk immediately.

There is another conspiracy that helps you find financial success. However, this ceremony requires certain weather conditions. The most important thing is that the clouds do not interfere moonlight enter your home through windows.

You will need a small container, which must be filled with running water and placed under the moon's rays. Make sure that the night light is reflected in the water. Wait a few minutes and read the words of the hex:

“On the night when the moon is full in the sky, I attract money luck to me. I will wash myself with the water in which it is reflected, and wealth and abundance will immediately come to me.”

Afterwards, wash your face with this water and immediately go to bed. As you fall asleep, imagine how much money you have and how all your wishes have come true.
Spell for money on the Full Moon

A spell for money should be cast near a window or mirror in which the full Moon is clearly visible. You will need a glass container of water, which you place to be charged with lunar energy, and a small coin. Standing in front of the water, take left hand coin and say the words of the conspiracy loudly three times:

“As long as the water is charged with lunar energy, money is attracted to me. The Full Moon in Pisces will give me wealth, abundance and success. In the water today lies all the strength and power that will pass to me.”

Throw a coin into a container of water and leave it there for two hours. During this time, the coin will absorb the power of the Moon and become your personal money talisman. Such an amulet must always be kept next to money so that its power only strengthens and increases day by day.
Spell for good luck on the Full Moon

To attract good luck, on the Full Moon at midnight, draw a deep container warm water and leave it on the balcony, under the rays of the night light. After 15 minutes, lower your hands into the liquid and, looking at the Moon, say the following spell:

“I came barefoot, but I’ll leave here with luck. The full moon gave the water strength and power, which the water will transfer to me. All my affairs are going well, luck and a breakthrough awaits in all of them. Luck is now inseparable from me. Let it be so".

Everything manifests itself through the Moon feminine energies all Goddesses of all religions of the world. During the full moon, the Moon is at its peak. Therefore, since ancient times, it was on the days of the full moon that all witches performed their rituals.
Witch (to know, to know) - the one who has witchcraft, knowledge.

What can we use in our time from ancient rituals?

Lunar path

The moon plays a huge role in a woman’s life. This includes motherhood, health, and female beauty. Witches, witches, who always looked young and attractive, never missed the opportunity to swim during the full moon, when the moon is fully open and gives the woman maximum Strength and energy. While swimming, the moon must be reflected in the water. If a cloud is approaching the moon, you need to get out of the water and wait out this time on the shore.

While swimming, read the following plot:
"Moon, Moon, beautiful Moon, Look at me, smile at me, Moon, Moon, beautiful Moon, give me beauty for many years."
When you get out of the water, you should not wipe yourself off, but let the water dry.

If you do not have a body of water nearby, fill the bathtub with water, scoop some of the water into a glass, transparent vessel and place it on the window for a while so that the light of the Moon falls on it. Then pour this water into the bath again, light a white candle and bathe in this water, feeling how the energy of the Moon passes through you, soothing and filling you with femininity, an intuitive understanding of everything that happens.

Ritual for money

Do it on the night of the full moon, in clear weather.

Fill the cup halfway clean water, throw a silver coin into the water. Place the cup so that the moon's light falls into the water. It is better if the Moon is reflected in the water. Lightly move your hands over the surface of the water several times, as if you were collecting moon silver in your palms.

At this time, say three times:
"Beautiful Mistress of the Moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever You give!"

Go outside and pour water into the ground. Keep the coin in your wallet.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

Write a note in which the wish will be presented as already accomplished. Eg, " Thank you very much To the moon, that they gave me a new car." It is important that the wish is sincere and should not be aimed at harming other people. Place the note, without folding it, written up, on the windowsill on the eve of the full moon and press it down with any image of a horse, even a chess piece. Horse designed to speed up the fulfillment of your dreams.

Let the note lie there for several days. Then burn it and scatter it to the wind. It is generally accepted that you will receive everything written within a year.

Dates of the nearest full moon:
05/21/2016 21:14:24 GMT in Sagittarius
06/20/2016 11:02:18 GMT in Sagittarius
07/19/2016 22:56:34 GMT in Capricorn
08/18/2016 9:26:33 GMT in Aquarius
09/16/2016 19:05:04 GMT in Pisces (Lunar Eclipse)
10/16/2016 4:23:05 GMT in Aries
11/14/2016 13:52:02 GMT in Taurus
12/14/2016 0:05:32 GMT in Gemini