Detective agency KVN. Dals - "Moonlight Detective Agency"

DALS is perhaps one of the smallest KVN teams in recent years! There are only two participants: Philip Voronin And Timur Babyak.

KVN requires great effort and high organization in the production of creativity.

Almost every team has (its own or attracted from outside) authors and screenwriters, decorators and costume designers, directors and producers, and of course actors!

The guys from DALS have to work for everyone! On every part of the humorous front, they are forced to rely only on their own strength.

All the jokes, decorations and performances are the result of the work of these two guys! The team is greatly supported by their sound engineer - Andrey Eroshkin.

Despite the colossal amount of work, a small team has its huge advantages! Philip and Timur can always agree, find a common approach, and work out a compromise.

Phillip Voronin

Philip was born in 1992 in Belgorod. Since childhood, I have loved intellectual humor.

After graduating from school, Philip enters Belgorod State University and almost immediately creates the KVN Indy team there!

“Indy” takes part in the university and Belgorod city KVN League “KaVuN”.

However, things were not going very well for the “Indy” team and Philip is trying out solo work: he performs his material in the local “Comedy” and applies for a casting in the program “Laughter without Rules.”

In 2010, Philip was lucky and he was invited to the “Comedy Battle” where he reached the finals!

Timur Babyak

Timur was born in 1989 in Belgorod. And he was also a student at Belgorod State University.

Timur played for the KVN student team “Salad”.

Unlike “India” (which appeared a little later), “Salad” was doing better. The team performed very successfully in the city league and even tried to compete in other regions!

However, by 2010, “Salad” disintegrated due to a crisis of creative personnel...

DALLS: history

The guys met at one of the performances in 2010 year and decided to combine creative efforts.

The new team was named " D projective A agency L unique WITH vet" (in honor of the popular TV series of the same name in the past).

Already in 2011 year DALS became vice-champions of the regional “League Plus” (Nizhny Novgorod).

IN 2012 DALS takes first place in the Higher Ukrainian KVN League!

IN 2014 DULS spends the year at HSE, reaches the finals and takes second place! This is an incredible success for a young team of two!

2015 year Timur and Philip continue to participate in the KVN Major League. They reach the finals, but do not receive the main prize.

After the defeat, the DALS team announced their departure from KVN. Perhaps this decision was hasty. But…

IN 2016 year, Philip Voronin is trying out solo work in the already familiar project “Comedy Battle”, and Timur Babyak is starring in the popular sketch show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”.

It is a pity that DALS is not participating in the 2017 season.

Participants, history, best jokes, composition of a team of 2 people KVN DALS - Detective Agency Moonlight

Where: Belgorod

Composition of the KVN DALS team members: Philip Voronin and Timur Babyak.

A little history: The team was organized by two people who became recognizable thanks to the TNT show “Comedy Battle”. In 2014, we entered the major league and reached the finals.

Team style: text humor .. as well as tricks in the form of YouTube videos and the song “Your lips have a sweet candy taste, my gentle whisper will disperse sadness.”

KVN team Detective Agency "Moonlight" - team composition:

Philip Voronin

Philip, nickname Phil. If you shave your mustache it looks very similar to .
Participant of the first and second seasons. Participated under the nickname Phil in 2010.
Date of birth 1994

The second member of a two-person team with long hair.
Loves yellow suits.

Best DALSA jokes:

The girl had a fight with a guy on the escalator. I wanted to leave, but it was easier to make peace.
Serezha and Vadik were best friends, but then Serezha became prettier, but Vadik could not resist.

At the end of the month, a kindergarten employee receives DENYUFKA for his work.
Role-playing games are the only place where teachers and doctors smile.

Two Sberbank employees in line at RAY. Number E154.

The children from my first and second marriage help me, but I love them as if they were my own..
A lot of things confuse you, after all, you are a Capricorn, and I am a truck driver...
Nikita Mikhalkov became so lazy to make films that he started asking the president for money for food!!
The director brought new film ideas to the film studio: It’s hard to be on the sidelines, Legend No. 17, The Anzors are quiet here.

- Where did you work before the police?
- At the police station!

The director of the Kaluga flour mill often fantasizes that he is a Colombian drug lord.

The best video miniatures from the KVN team Detective Agency Moonlight:

two friends decided to record a video for YouTube and started dancing to the music “Mama Lyuba come on”
Musical: two friends decided to record a video for YouTube and started dancing to the music “Mama Lyuba Come on” and showed comments on their performance.

- What if it’s not a moose, but a moose cow?
- How to determine this?
- Well, if she fell for the car, it means she’s a moose anyway!

Philip Voronin (DALS) organization and ordering of performances on the official website of the agency. On general issues of organizing performances with the participation of Philip Voronin (DALS), conducting tours and performances, solo concerts, as well as hosting for private events and corporate events. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the information page where you can find out interesting information about the member of the KVN team “DALS” Philip Voronin. This handsome young man is the captain of a young but promising KVN team called the “Moonlight Detective Agency”, or “DALS”. In addition to Phil, the KVN group includes another member Timur Babyak and sound engineer Andrey Eroshkin. Perhaps this is the smallest team in the entire history of KVN, but in terms of strength and creative potential it is not inferior to anyone.

Creative achievements

Philip Voronin began his path to humor back in his school years, when he began to come up with his own jokes. His first performances were associated with the KVN student team “Indy”. A little later, Phil decided to test his strength in solo performances and in 2010 applied to participate in the comedy television project Comedy Battle. At these television concerts, the young comedian managed not only to beat about 150 competitors, but also gain enormous experience. After this, Voronin decided to continue developing his career in the field of KVN. However, by 2011, his Indy team began to fall apart. The same thing happened with the team that included Timur Babyak. This coincidence of circumstances became the reason for combining the efforts of two talented KVN players into one team “DALS”.

The newly created duo conquered many peaks on the way to the Major League: the interregional league “Plus”, the First League and, finally, the Ukrainian Major League. The organization and preparation for the games was carried out in parallel with his studies at the BelSU National Research University, where Philip received an economic education. After winning the Ukrainian Higher League, the members of the “DALS” team acquired regular fans from their hometown of Belgorod, as well as sponsors. However, Voronin is still trying to earn money on his own. Therefore, he takes orders for corporate parties, holidays and other private events. So far, the guys are handling all the work, such as coming up with jokes, preparing props, sound recording, etc., on their own. However, in the future they do not rule out the possibility of expanding their team.


Today, Phil directs all his efforts to developing his career as a comedian and KVN performer. In the future, he is thinking of trying to become an actor or TV presenter, but he does not set any specific goals for himself now. He enjoys playing KVN, enjoys every game and is armed with all the useful tips from the jury members and more experienced players. Little is known about Philip's personal life. Much more interesting information about Philip Voronin and his professional activities can be read on the official website.


Philip Voronin (DALS) ordering a presenter, agent contacts, organization of performances. For general and individual questions about organizing performances and ordering concerts for your holiday with the participation of Philip Voronin (DALS), invitations to corporate events, emcee for a wedding, anniversary, performances for a birthday, party, you can call us on phone numbers in Moscow +7-499 -343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40. Official website of the agent or write to the mail, in the contacts section.

Participant name: Timur Babyak

Age (birthday): 18.10.1989

City: Belgorod

Education: BelSU

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Timur Babyak was born on October 18, 1989 in Belgorod. The future comedian, KVN player and participant in the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia” after finishing school went to study at Belgorod State University and was casted for the team of the Faculty of Business Management.

Before this, Timur had experience participating in the school KVN league; during his student days he joined the Salad team, together with the guys he took part in the First KVN League, but was unable to achieve success.

The guy didn’t stop playing KVN. He performed well in the Central League of Ryazan, and then in KaVuN (Belgorod). It was not easy for Timur to come to terms with the collapse of the team in 2011, and therefore he soon teamed up with his friend Philip Voronin in a duet.

Together the guys called themselves the “Moonlight Detective Agency” and were even able to achieve the title of champion in the KVN Major League. The team was distinguished not only by its composition, but also by the fact that the guys are almost the only professional participants in the game in the Major League who write jokes themselves.

The most memorable number of DALS musical scene “Your lips taste like candy”, which all fans of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club remember to this day.

In 2015, the guys took second place in the Major League and announced that they were leaving the game. They needed time to devote to their own entertainment project. In 2016, Timur became a participant in the show of the project “Once Upon a Time in Russia”.

Timur is distinguished by his bright clothes. Viewers are accustomed to Babiak always appearing on stage in a flashy yellow jacket, but those who know him note that the guy loves bright T-shirts and strange trousers. Not everyone can dare to go out into society in such an outfit.

Babyak is very popular among girls, but the guy admits that he does not like communicating on social networks, he is not particularly comfortable being in the center of attention of his fans, and he tries to avoid frank interviews in the media. All that is known about his personal life is that Timur is still officially single.

KVN atmosphere

Episode III. "Detective agency "Moonlight""

Championship bid No. 3

6265 15.12.2015

The return of the two Jedi from the dark side of the Force was gradual: a dubious performance at the festival in Sochi almost called into question all the achievements of the last season. However, Philip and Timur were able to pull themselves together in time and repeat their success: they are again in the finals.

Now all the merits have been reset to zero - you will have to confirm your right to fight for the main title with each number. Let's be honest - DALS are on the right track. They don't rely on entertainment, musicality or super-sophisticated props. They give everyone the opportunity to laugh (or even laugh - that’s more correct) out loud. Over the Russian stage, the approaching New Year, over yourself, in the end. Good move. Very good move.

The musical finale does not live up to its name - the number, although funny, is very ordinary - it does not at all resemble a final one. Let's briefly tell the plot: Timur and Philip collected in one song absolutely all the rare names: Trophima, Nicodemus, Porfiry - you never know who. Fun, funny, sticks in the subconscious almost like those same “candy lips”. However, the team itself understands that the version of “the same” final competition has not yet been found, so they and the editors are discussing several more options. Among them there are several very successful ones.

The editors are still impressed by the courageous act of Philip Voronin, who shaved his head for the semi-final STEM. Obviously, this is the kind of person who should turn into a Jedi - even if only for a short time. After all, Anakin Skywalker also cut off his Padawan braid when it came time to be knighted.

While compiling a selection of DALS’s speeches, the editors could not resist and got stuck for a good half hour, rewatching “Your Lips Taste Like Candy” and “Belgradishte”. Be careful, it's contagious. That's why you won't find these videos here. However, we already have something to please you with.

1/8, greeting, Major League, 2015.

1/8, greeting, First League, 2012.

KOP, Major League, 2015 (caution, addictive!)

Muznomer, First League, 2012.

Top 5 jokes with which DALS could have won the final if they had not used them earlier:

- A gypsy woman who graduated from the Faculty of Philology curses in complex sentences with pronounced participial phrases.

- The clairvoyant did not know where they were leading her, but she knew for sure that it was Capricorn and Scorpio.

- Graduates of the directing department of VGIK demand 100 million dollars for the development of their department, otherwise they will remake Soviet films one after another, worse and worse.

- Women on a ship are unlucky. Therefore, the captain walked around with caution all the time, but happy.

- To impose sanctions against Sberbank, you need to stand in line.

Jedi stuff
What surprised the finalists in the 2015 season:

Top 3 songs with which DALS could have won the final if they had not used them earlier:

– We noticed that in them the performers ask a lot of questions to which there are no answers yet. We have come up with a musical application that will answer any musical questions.
“Well, why-why-why was the traffic light green?”
Because before that it was yellow.

"How Much Is The Fish?"
Salmon – 164 rubles,
Crucian carp – 40 rubles.

“Prostitute, prostitute, prostitute, night butterfly, well, who is to blame?”
Unified State Exam.

“Well, where are the pens?”
In a stationery store.

“Why is the snow so cruel?”
This is Russia baby.

“How could you, my friend?”
She is 30, she is not married.

“How can you not have fun now?”
Look at RBC.

“Shouldn’t I sing a love song?”
Sing, it's the theme of the game.

We searched for a long time, and finally found a song that we can sing really well. Here she is. (Includes plus El Mundo – Macaron Chacaron). Moreover, this song can be sung not only by us, but by absolutely anyone in any physical and even mental state, and now we will prove it to you.

This song can be sung in any state,
Let's give an example for understanding.
For example, if you are very drunk.

If you barely speak
Or have you stuck your tongue to the swing:

Have you not passed any certification?
And your IQ is 15?

At any karaoke at four in the morning
You can hear these words:

People love this tune
Even the foreman at the construction site is yelling.

You knew this song before,
You might have heard it at the train station.
(Jingle before the announcement at the railway station).
GZK: Wiluilua. I repeat!

You knew this song even before,
Doctors wrote it in your prescriptions.

– But no one said that this song should be good! So, the song is blackmail.

– We will sing until you give fives, although we know that the maximum is four.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– This song is transmitted by airborne droplets.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– Nagiyev knew that there would be this song and didn’t come.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– This song was enriched by Iran.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– In the 90s, this song could have sold out stalls.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– This song corrects the bite, but ruins life.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
-It’s not hot in hell, in hell...
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– This is an evacuation plan, but only I have it.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– Valdis, guess the melody? (Midi version sounds).
Attention: correct answer!
Your lips have a candy, candy taste.
– Conditions have changed, we demand a million dollars, a helicopter and all fours.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
(Sounds disgusting siren sound for 10 seconds).
- Well, what? Have you rested? Go.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
- Oh, Galustyan, he’s singing along too! Oh no, he's praying.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.
– After the game, do not drive, this song is found in the blood.
Your lips taste like candy, like candy,
Your gentle, gentle whisper will disperse sadness.