Dmitry Tarasov with a new girlfriend. Footballer Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend Anastasia Kostenko decided to tell the truth about their relationship

Victoria Romanets commented on the wedding of football player Dmitry Tarasov and his new passion, model Anastasia Kostenko, as reported by

Friend of the presenter of “House-2” Olga Buzova, ex-wife Tarasova humiliated both Tarasov and all the other football players - “stupid football players.”

“I wouldn’t want a football player husband”

The girl is sure that no prospects should be expected from marriage with a model football player, reports Victoria claims that the athlete was in a hurry to get married, and even more so with the wedding.

“Football players are stupid themselves. I think in this relationship Kostenko is both the neck and the head,” Romanets believes. - They even laugh all the same, these T-shirts. Like idiots - “gyyyyy” They end up drinking themselves to death. I wouldn't want a football player husband. After 30 they are already at the bottom, you will have to pull everything yourself. And they are not adapted to life at all, they don’t know anything except football.”

“Kostenko fell for beautiful life»

Thinking about Tarasov’s chosen one, Romanets came to the conclusion that she simply does not yet realize with whom she has connected her life, and in the future she may bitterly regret that she was in a hurry.

“I think Kostenko fell for the beautiful life,” the girl continues. - I dated the same woodpecker for a long time. As a result, he is almost 30 years old, but what’s the point? Nobody except the magazine “Dom-2” knows about him. Tarasov, like Gritsenko now, rode Olga well.”

Buzova’s friend is happy that both Gritsenko and Tarasov are building their lives away from the leading television set. The star herself ignores her ex-husband’s wedding.

At the end of December 2017, the athlete in the Maldives proposed to his beloved.

The stars had a magnificent wedding on January 29. In the morning the couple got married. Towards evening the couple moved to banqueting hall hotel "Ritz Carlton".

Attentive reporters noticed that Kostenko’s behavior was no different from Buzova’s behavior when she was married to Tarasov. Like, Anastasia, like Olga, began to flaunt her secrets and work for the public.


During her marriage, the host of “House-2” even started the sugar hashtag #myamoy and tormented her Instagram followers with love messages, tenderness and other vanilla. She also regularly boasted of luxurious bouquets of flowers and other expensive gifts from her husband, like luxury bags and cars (by the way, Dmitry took the car from his ex-wife during the divorce process).

After the divorce, Tarasov said that this life on display did not suit him. Having broken up with Olga, Dmitry realized that there was no need to expose his relationship to the public and “live for likes.” He called this existence for show a mistake, to which Buzova was accustomed for long years on "House-2".

However, the footballer’s current sweetheart does not lag behind Olga and repeats her mistakes. She, too, had already boasted about her designer handbag on social networks, after which the sharks of the pen made a logical conclusion - Tarasov does not think about gifts for a long time and gives them to all his women.

Further more. Kostenko began to increasingly demonstrate her feelings for Tarasov to the Internet audience. For example, after Lokomotiv’s victory, the beauty queen wrote to the athlete: “I’m proud of you!” and put a big scarlet heart. Ironic commentators noted that her next step would be to create a hashtag together with Dmitry like #moyama or #tarabuzika.

It’s no secret that a few months ago the couple Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov broke up, but their relationship lasted six years. Now the 31-year-old TV presenter gives interviews about divorce and even plans for children, but in the end the reason for the breakup is kept silent. Nevertheless, it is known that the footballer went to “Vice Miss Russia 2014” Anastasia Kostenko, with whom he already lives together and is even rumored to be preparing to become a father again.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko. Photo: "Morning"

The love relationship of Dmitry Tarasov and his new lover Anastasia Kostenko fell into the field of reasoning of the famous blogger, who does not choose expressions, Lena Miro. According to Miro, “the couple’s happiness is under threat because of... the football player’s mother.”

“It’s in vain that Buzova is eating herself because the lanky football player Tarasov exchanged her for a fresh, beautiful girl,” writes Miro on his page in Livejournal (LJ).

“Yes, Nastya is only 23, and she is the runner-up for something. Yes, this doll has an order of magnitude more sex than the sad, hysterical Buzova, but Tarasov will also kill Nastya. Neither her youth nor her stunning appearance will help her "Nastya's fatal mistake is that in her relationship with Tarasov, she began to play the role of an exemplary girl. Instead of being the super sucker that everyone is looking for, Nastya fit into the insipid, absolutely unsexual image of a good girl," says Miro.

And he continues: “A good girl you can marry, a good girl from whom it is safe to reproduce, a good girl who will please your mother.”

“Footballer Dima loves his mom. Mom is a god for him,” the blogger continues and clarifies: “A girl who doesn’t like Dima’s mom will have a hard time, but she is the one who has a chance to stay in the soccer player’s bed for a long time.”

"Buzova licked her dominant mother-in-law to the point of exhaustion, diligently pretending to the perfect wife and loving daughter-in-law. Stupid Olenka carried something other than her “mom” with her like a suitcase without a handle: to restaurants, to events, on trips. This is so hypocritical that, however, it is typical for Buzova,” writes Miro about Buzova.

“Well, what sincere, self-sufficient girl would want to walk around Paris with her mother-in-law?” - she exclaims. "Even if the husband cannot fly anywhere, normal woman, and not a mongrel wagging her tail in front of her husband, will fly to rest alone or with her friends,” Miro is sure.

“Buzova wanted to please Dima’s mother so much that Dima himself stopped liking her. Nastya Kostenko repeats the same mistake, because the footballer’s first wife, with whom he has a child, also got burned in the image of a good girl,” says Lena Miro.

After this, Miro switches to the personality of the football player himself: " Good girls They excite Dima’s mother, but not Dima himself. However, Dima hands each of his new women a rope on which is written: “My mother must like you.” And on this rope the stupid woman hangs herself."

    As everyone knows, Olga Buzova warned Tarasov in advance that if he cheated on her, she would immediately divorce him and leave. She had no use for a husband who was playing around with her.

    Then photos with her husband stopped appearing on Buzova’s Instagram. They immediately suspected that Tarasov had a new girlfriend. Of course, there are no photographs of her. Because it's just a duck.

    The guy goes to the club with the guys, and Buzova has a sea of ​​ill-wishers and envious women, so they wrote her a caption below for one of the photos. Thus, making Olga think that he really has someone. This is ordinary PR.

    Rumors appeared online about the imminent divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov after Olga Buzova was hospitalized due to overwork, and her husband was hanging out at the club at that time and did not even visit his wife.

    There is no confirmation of the divorce rumors, but in the photo he is with his ex-wife:

    There are a lot of rumors on this matter. But opinions are divided. Some believe that this is really so, and Tarasov was attracted to another girl, while others admit that all this PR and hype is being deliberately intensified following the example of the Borodin-Omarov couple.

    Moreover, the version that all this was staged has a higher priority.

    In general, my personal impression is that all of us, that is, viewers and readers of news in Once again They are fooling. In general, I don’t believe in these rumors, but this is just my opinion.

    October 2016

    Everything seems to suggest that Dmitry Tarasov is having an affair with Anastasia Kostenko, who held the title of Miss Russia.

    They do not publish photos together, but they also do not comment on rumors regarding their romance.

    Meanwhile, rumors attributed to Kostenko not only pregnancy, but also the birth of a child.

    This is what Anastasia looks like. It seems to be hinting at a child. From Tarasov?

    Now on the Internet they are very actively discussing the fact that Tarasov cheated on Buzova and they are on the thin line of divorce. This is discussed in great detail here.

    But not everyone believes that this is true, they were already loving and perfect couple. Although Olga last days She doesn’t post photos with her husband at all, she’s always there alone or with friends, and not so long ago she felt really bad, she even became different on air.

    Somewhat sad and not bright. He writes sad messages on his microblog. Some believe that this is a kind of PR, like Borodina or Zhuzha had.

    So far there are no comments from the married couple, but there are many messages on the network about Tarasov’s betrayal. Of course there are no photos.

    There are rumors that the reason for the break between the spouses was the betrayal of Dmitry Tarasov. Environment famous TV presenter told that Dmitry Tarasov began to avoid the company of his wife, attending noisy parties, he often did not spend the night at home, Olga was unable to forgive the betrayal and left her husband. The identity of the homewrecker remains unknown, they say that the football player was seen with a busty blonde girl, blondes are his favorite type, this can be seen in the example of his wife.

    Now rumors have appeared on the Internet that football player Dmitry Tarasov is divorcing TV presenter Olga Buzova and has already found a replacement for her. The new passion's name is Anastasia Kostenko. She works as a model and she is Miss Russia. Although joint photos at new couple Not yet. Nastya and Dima have not yet commented on their relationship, but the couple has already been spotted several times together in expensive clubs and restaurants.

    There are a lot of rumors on the Internet about the divorce of Olya Buzova and Tarasov, but I still don’t believe in these tricks, this is show business, it’s all a setup. The main rumors that the Internet is rich in are that Dmitry Tarasov cheated on his wife with his sister Buzova Anna, and that his new girlfriend is the second vice Miss Russia 2014 - Anastasia Kostenko, who is 5 years younger than Buzova, you can read more about this girl and their romance here on this website.

    Dmitry Tarasov was spotted with some girl, and it was clearly not his wife, Olga Buzova. Lately there are rumors that Tarasov and Buzova are not getting along family life, Dmitry was repeatedly seen in entertainment establishments without his wife.

    It is not yet known what kind of girl was seen next to Tarasov.

    Dmitry Tarasov is not dating anyone; this is another scam from the yellow press, that’s all. All that was written on the Internet was after Dmitry Tarasov did not come to Olga Buzova when she was in the hospital, but this is all done to attract attention, such tricks have already been done by Ksenia Borodina and Omar Kurbanov, and Katya Zhuzha did something similar for the sake of attracting attention to your person, especially from Olga Buzova huge army fans and subscribers in all in social networks. You can look at this in more detail here website.