Joy. extracurricular reading

Topic: L. Voronkova. "Expensive gift"

Goal: to familiarize students with the work of L. Voronkova. "Expensive gift".



learn to highlight the main idea of ​​the work, characterize the characters and their actions; develop the skills of conscious, expressive reading; teaches you to find answers to questions in the text:

Corrective and developmental:

Develop coherent oral speech, memory, thinking, and the ability to analyze what you read; promote the development of expressive speech in students; enrich the student's vocabulary.


Cultivate a sense of love and respect for people, be kind, sympathetic, and attentive to others.

During the classes.

    Org. moment.

I wish you guys

Don't be bored in class

Don't be lazy, don't yawn...

Be active and friendly

Curious and obedient.

Waits for everyone at the end of the lesson

His Majesty success!

    Speech warm-up.

    Breathing exercise “Balloon”, “Candle”

    Logical stress

Read the sentences in chorus with sequential logical stress.

Which wonderful day!

Whichwonderful day!

How wonderfulday !

    Phonetic exercise:

Rara - ra - the game begins.

Ry - ry - ry - the boys have balls.

Ar - ar - ar - our samovar is boiling.

Shu - shu - shu - I’m writing a letter.

SA -s a -s a- a fox is running in the forest.

    Reading a tongue twister:Our sail is sewn conscientiously, even a storm will not frighten us.

(- What do you mean sewn to last?)

    Checking homework.

(Selective reading of excerpts from the story by V. Medvedev

"Phosphorus Boy"

Who did you root for while reading this story?

4. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

5. Working on the story:

* reading by the teacher of part 1;

* vocabulary work : - What words in the text were not clear to you?

* conversation based on what was read:

What did the kids bring to school?

Who showed the gift to Aunt Nyura?

Physical exercise – we don’t talk, we show)

I take out my comb, take care of your - ..... hair

Here is a dragonfly chirping, close your eyes quickly...

Trained Barbos wants to bite off my... nose

Pears have fallen from the tree, grab yourself by... your ears

Candles are lit in the hall, straighten your shoulders...

If your trousers are hemmed, you put it on the belt…. Hands

The reindeer are galloping through the forest, their... knees

There are patches on your pants, tear your heels off the floor.

* reading study:


Along the "chain"

By role;

* title of part 1;

* word drawing: - What illustrations could you verbally draw for this part of the story?

* selective reading: - Find in the text and read sentences in which the word gift appears, Aunt Nyura, guys.

6. Lesson summary.

Did you like part 1 of the story?

Would you like to read other stories by L. Voronkova?

7. Homework: pp. 92 – 93 read by role.

8. Grades for the lesson.

SUBJECT. Work on the content of L. Voronkova’s story “Dear Gift”.
GOALS. Continue working on the content of L. Voronkova’s story “Dear Gift.”
Improve the skills of correct, conscious and fluent reading. To develop the ability to navigate the text, highlight the main idea of ​​the work, and evaluate the actions of the characters.
Develop and correct mental activity, attention, oral coherent speech through corrective exercises.
Foster a sense of thoughtfulness and respect for others.
EQUIPMENT: plan, supporting words, excerpt from the text, proverbs.
I wish you guys
Don't be bored in class
Read it fluently and correctly.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn,
Answer questions.
Be active and friendly
Curious and obedient.
Waits for everyone at the end of the lesson
His Majesty Success!
- What work did we work with in the last lesson?
- Who is the author of this story?
- What was the homework assignment? (read part 3)
We will check reading part 3 in various ways:
- 1st and 2nd paragraph – buzzing reading;
- dialogue between Seryozha and Comrade Nyura - by role;
- “binary” reading (excerpt about Seryozha’s drawing);
- in a chain (one word at a time).
- Well done boys! I see that you were preparing for the lesson.
And now we will continue to work on the content of L. Voronkova’s story “Dear Gift”.
And an expensive gift for me will be your active participation in the lesson, your retelling, working with a plan, proverbs, your correct reading and attentive attitude to the matter.
1) Working with a plan.
Before you start reading, you must restore the story plan that we made in the last lesson. (Plan points are mixed up)
- Arrange the points of the plan in the desired sequence.
Beautiful vase.
“Gifts” for Aunt Nyura.
Drawing by Seryozha.
2) Work on content.
Let's work on point 1 of the plan.
- For what event did the guys prepare their gifts?
- Find and read how the author describes this morning?
- What was the mood of the guys and Comrade Nyura? (joyful)
- What gift is mentioned in part 1?
- Who was this gift intended for?
- Read the lines describing the vase.
- What feeling did Comrade Nyura feel at that moment? (sadness)
- Confirm your answer with the words of the text, conveying Comrade Nyura’s sad mood in your voice.
Point II of the plan is called “Gifts” for Aunt Nyura.
- Why is the word “gifts” enclosed in quotation marks?
- Who were the gifts prepared for?
- At what point did the guys feel guilty before Comrade Nyura?
- Read this passage by role, excluding the words of the author. (ie. Nyura, Fedya, Vera Gribkova)
- How did the schoolchildren try to correct their mistake?
- Find in the text the words that the author uses instead of the word “gifted”. (separated, served, left, brought, served, gave, pulled out, allocated)
- Why does the author use such words?
- Were these gifts given from a pure heart?
- With what feeling did Comrade Nyura accept the gifts? (indifference)
- What lines speak about this? Read it.
And now everyone has stood up quietly,
Together we raised our hands up,
To the sides, forward, backward.
Turned right, left.
Sit down quietly and get back to work!
Retelling of part 3.
Now let’s work on point 3 of the plan.
- Tell us how Seryozha Kamyshov gave a gift to Nyura, using words and expressions from the text.
Illustration work.
- Look at the illustration on page 95.
- How would you describe this mud?
- What do you think is the most important thing the artist wanted to show?
- Pay attention to the expression on Comrade Nyura’s face. What is it like? (surprised, thoughtful, kind, confused)
- Why was Comrade Nyura surprised?
- What feeling did she have now?
- Why do you think?
And now I suggest you scan the description of Seryozha’s drawing. In other words, you will skim this passage again, and then describe Serezha’s gift close to the text, using the supporting words located on the board (green birch trees, blue and red flowers, yellow sun)
- What detail of the picture is missing among these words? (blue river)
- So, describe Seryozha’s drawing.
- Well done boys! You were very attentive!
And now I suggest you check your attentiveness again. Let's play the game "Trap".
Game "Trap"
One student will read the last paragraph of the story but will replace some of the words in the text. And the task of the rest is to find a replacement. Mark the words with a pencil. But the main condition of the game: do not shout, listen to the passage to the end! (Student reads passage)
- Why did Comrade Nyura call Serezha’s gift an expensive gift?
- In what words do you think Comrade Nyura contains the main idea of ​​the story?
- What does this story teach?
Well done! And you completed this task!
If you were attentive throughout the lesson, then you can easily arrange Comrade Nyura’s state of mind in the right order.
Joy for teachers, slight sadness, indifference, surprise, warmth, gratitude
We worked on the whole story. I see that you are well versed in it. Therefore, I suggest you play Hide and Seek.
In front of you on the board is the sentence “I even forgot to smooth out my cowlicks.”
- Find and read the paragraph in which this sentence is located.
Game "Head and Tail".
The teacher reads the beginning of the sentence, and the students quickly find it and read it to the end.
HOMEWORK. Retelling the entire story and drawing.
We will summarize the lesson using proverbs.
- Choose the proverb that can be attributed to this story.
(Seven do not wait for one thing.
A gift is not expensive, but attention is expensive.)
- Why do you think so? Explain the meaning of this proverb.
- So how should we treat the people who surround us?
That's right, guys! We must be attentive, kind, respectful to all the people who surround us. You live in families and in a boarding school, there are a lot of people around you, not only parents, teachers and educators, but also technical staff, cooks, bathhouse workers and many others. You must respect the work of all workers and not forget anyone. Let Seryozha Kamyshov be an example for you!
Let us once again turn to the proverb “It’s not a gift that’s precious, but attention.”
State educational institution "Slashchev boarding school"
in 5th grade


In preparation for writing this post, I re-read the books of children's writer Lyubov Voronkova. I’ll start with the one that I wouldn’t recommend reading for modern children – this story "Elder Sister". I think that it will be absolutely alien and incomprehensible to the modern reader. The book puzzled even me, who grew up reading Soviet literature.

And one day in the life of the heroine of the story everything changes. A city girl Svetlana comes to the village for the summer to visit her grandmother, who does not call Aniska Roe, and even invites her to visit. It seems like such a small thing, but it turned Aniska’s whole life upside down. Now all the unspent love in her heart rushed to her new friend. Actually, the story “Geese and Swans” is the story of the short-lived friendship of Svetlana and Aniska, one summer. But was this friendship important to Sveta? Not always the one to whom we become attached may need us and sincerely accept us and our efforts, sacrifices, experiences. Probably, some people are familiar with such “friendship”, when one is everything to the other, but the other doesn’t understand it, and doesn’t need it: “Why did Aniska love her so much? But that’s how a person works – he loves and doesn’t know why. And even when he realizes that it’s in vain, even then he still loves, although he doesn’t expect anything”... It's so simple and at the same time complicated. A small book about a big life. About a huge heart.
Events of the story "Girl from the City" take place during the Great Patriotic War. But in the book there are no descriptions of military operations; we learn only about one tragedy in the life of the main character of the story. Valentinka, as the author affectionately calls her, lost her entire family: her father was killed at the front, and her mother and younger brother Tolya died from a German bomb right before the girl’s eyes. This is the most difficult episode in the book: “Valentine came to her senses among some broken logs - apparently, she had been thrown back by a wave - and from here she saw a black hole, piles of rubble and shreds of a blue dress under the collapsed bricks... She scratched these bricks, threw them around, screamed, called mom. Mom didn't respond. Strange women pulled her away from the ruins and forcibly took her somewhere. And then the road, villages, snow, forest... And all the time frost...".
By chance, Valentinka was sheltered by a village woman, Daria Shalikhina, who has three children and a husband at war. She tries with all her heart to warm the girl in her tender arms, does everything to make Valya feel like family in her new home. And Valentinka, in turn, is trying to fit into the Shalikhin family. Oh, how difficult it is for a girl from the city to get used to village life, to a new family! How bitter and lonely she is: “How cold and sad Valentinka is! It is necessary for someone to love her, for someone to love her, to be kind to her, for someone to ask her if she wants to go for a walk or to eat, for someone to tell her: “Don’t stand there.” Without a coat in the wind, you’ll catch a cold!” When no one loves a person, how can a person live in the world?..” It’s a wonder for the girl that at the table everyone eats from one large bowl, and not from separate plates, a bathhouse is arranged right inside the Russian stove, and the calf and lambs are kept in the hut . Yes, and the newly-made brother and sisters initially plot all sorts of intrigues to Valya, the village boys offend him, and the neighbors do not accept the “city young lady”. Every day described in the story is a small life, every day you need to learn and make choices. Despite the sad beginning, the book is very bright! Because the best in people comes out during years of difficult trials. Reading the story, you understand that the world is not without good people, time heals grief, you just need to believe and wait. In 1984, director Oleg Nikolaevsky filmed a wonderful feature film of the same name.

about the author

For some reason, there is little literature about the life of Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova. She was born on September 30, 1906 in Moscow, into a large peasant family. She studied at the city school, loved to read and draw. I dreamed of becoming an artist. I drew everywhere, even on the ground. The most expensive gift, memorable for a lifetime, turned out to be a box of colored pencils for her. The teacher, noticing Lyuba’s ability to draw, helped her enter the Stroganov School. But very soon my favorite activities had to be stopped: the family left Moscow, life became difficult and hungry. From an early age, the girl learned what peasant labor was. Life in the village gave the future writer not only the habit of tireless work, but also discovered the beauty of Russian nature. Lyubov Fedorovna learned to hear her mysterious voice... Fate turned out that L. Voronkova again ended up in Moscow: “It was a difficult, rocky path in my life, but I believed that I would get out onto the broad road.” Literature was a broad path for her... She took on any job, studied in a literary circle, and wrote at night. Then she became a journalist.
In 1940, Lyubov Feodorovna’s first book, “Shurka,” was published, including 11 short stories, but it already revealed the main features characteristic of the writer’s work - love for nature and people, kindness, pure, transparent language. For almost forty years, L. F. Voronkova was engaged in literary activities. Wrote books about the war:“Rough Days”, “Forest Hut”, “Girl from the City”, “The Village of Gorodishche”. And books about life without war: “Sunny Day”, “It’s Snowing”, “Golden Keys”, “Girlfriends Go to School”. Beautiful historical books: “Trace of fiery life”, “Son of Zeus”, “In the mists of time”. AND books based on documentary basis: “Where is your home?”, “Restless people”, “Altai story”.
Voronkova wrote for readers of all ages: children, teenagers and adults. So there is a book for everyone. Go to any library, they will be happy to help you with your choice.

And we are waiting for you, dear readers, in our library. Ours for you with a tail...

September marks the anniversary of Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova(September 30th (according to other data September 17) 1906 – January 20, 1976) is a wonderful children's writer, author of many children's books and historical novels. This name is known not only in our country. Her books are read in Czechoslovakia, France, Japan and many, many other countries. Lyubov Fedorovna created a whole library of books for children of different ages. The little reader, growing up, will certainly meet them. Maybe this meeting will take place in his early childhood - with the funny, instructive book “Masha the Confused Man,” which has long become one of the favorites of children. Then, in primary school, he will read “Sunny Day”, “Golden Keys”, “Girl from the City”, “Swan Geese” - these are textbook works of our children's literature. It is impossible not to know them. When the reader becomes a teenager, or even an adult, the heroes of the historical works of Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova will enter his life, and a world will open up, alarming and harsh, distant from us for entire millennia, filled with important and instructive events.

Lyubov Fedorovna wrote many books. She worked with passion and, like a real artist, in her own way, unlike others.S. Ya. Marshak said that only one who has managed to preserve the memory of his own childhood for the rest of his life, whose consciousness has not lost the ability to perceive the world around him as freshly and vividly as children perceive it, can become a true children's writer. A writer writing for children must not only be observant, noticing everything new, but at the same time he must remember his childhood, youth, his steps along the path of growing up. L.F. Voronkova undoubtedly possessed all these qualities.

She was born on 30 ( 17) September 1906in Moscow, on Staraya Bozhedomka, where her father, a landless peasant from a village in the Oryol region, once came to work and settled with his family.In the autobiographical story " Childhood on the outskirts"The writer talks about her childhood and her hobbies. Nature and books captivated the gifted girl early on. When she went to school, she discovered another passion - she became interested in drawing.I drew everywhere, even on the ground. I dreamed of being an artist. The most expensive gift, memorable for a lifetime, turned out to be a box of colored pencils for her. The teacher, noticing her student’s ability to draw, helped her enter the Stroganov School. But the First World War began, life became difficult and hungry, and my favorite activities had to be stopped.The family moved to their father’s homeland near Oryol.They settled in the village of Koskovo near Moscow, where there were seven households. The smallest was their hut. And there are seven people in the family.

From the age of twelve, she learned not from stories what peasant labor was. " The weather began in spring,” she said, having already become a writer. - Plow the garden, weed it. Before you have time to get one off your shoulders, the other is propping you up. When the grass ripened, mowing began. The rake gives me calluses. The rye is ripe. A long day in the stubble, they went out with sickles, reaped, knitted sheaves, then threshed. They laid the sheaf on a log and beat it with a stick. But the most difficult thing is to pull the flax, then crumple and fray. In winter - milk the cow, feed the sheep, fetch water from the well...“Life in the village gave Lyubov Fedorovna something else, not just the habit of tireless work. There the beauty of Russian nature was revealed to her. There she accumulated in her memory what she saw and experienced, which would later go into her books, turn into a memorable image and precise detail, and fill them with the warm breath of the earth. That is why her descriptions of nature and working people are so heartfelt and poetic.

Life wasn't easy. But there were also joys in that life - reading books. They loved books in the house and read aloud. Unforgettable Gogol, Ostrovsky's plays, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Walter Scott - all this remains forever in my memory. As long as she could remember, she always wanted to write and draw, “passionately” was her favorite word.By her own admission, she began composing poetry from the time “she learned to write.”From then on, everything gradually became poetry, acquiring its only visible colors. The thought of a big, spacious world - the world of creativity - became more and more overwhelming.

In 1926, Lyubov Voronkova moved to Moscow in the hope of finding some work and continuing her studies. Voronkova’s path to literature was not easy or simple.« It's been a difficult, rocky path in my life., - Lyubov Fedorovna recalled about those years in her autobiography, - but I believed that I would take the broad road". Literature was a broad road for her. She persistently walked towards her cherished goal. I took on any job so that I had something to live on, and at nightslowly and “for yourself” wrote novels about Spanish grandees and a medieval French merchant who, sword in hand, makes his way along dangerous roads to the Marseilles fair,strange tales, poems. She thought then that literature was called upon to tell about something unusual, not everyday, beautiful, in order to forget from the worries of today.

In the literary circle, where she began to attend in the evenings, she was noticed and helped to get to her “cut.”Lyubov Voronkova’s first publication was poetry in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda about the housekeeper Varvara. The topic was well known to Voronkova, because for some time she herself served as a housekeeper.

Soon Lyubov Fedorovna became an employee of the Pioneer magazine. Here her first essay appeared (1930), and a year later her first book for children, “Black Currant,” which told about how city children landscaped their yard. Since then, her life has changed: she became a journalist, traveled a lot around the country, wrote about rural workers. It was close and familiar to her, it was a real life in which she participated with all her heart.

In 1940, Lyubov Fedorovna’s first book, “Shurka,” was published, thin, only eleven tiny stories about village children, but it already showed the features characteristic of the writer’s work - love for nature and people, kindness, pure, transparent language. The success of the first collection inspired the writer. After "Shurka" she conceived a new book for children - "Sunny Day". But the war prevented the plan from being realized. Lyubov Fedorovna lived through the war in Moscow. During these difficult days, she writes books about the war: “Dashing Days” (1942), “Forest Hut” (1943), - about partisans and the participation of children in partisan warfare.

The story brought wide fame to the writer "Girl from the City".

Written in the harsh year of 1943, it still touches the hearts of children and adults. Because he talentedly talks not only about the great disaster, but also about the great courage that helps to survive in hard times and restores faith in life. There were many such girls who lost their parents during those difficult days and survived the horrors of the fascist invasion. The grief described in the book, the story of the war, the courage and kindness of people excited every reader.During the war, Lyubov Fedorovna had the opportunity to see people like Valentinka, orphans who suffered a child’s grief. She also met women similar in character to Daria Shalikhina - sensitive, responsive, wise, always ready to help those who most need this help. All the best in a person is most clearly manifested in years of difficult trials. This is what the story “The Girl from the City” asserts again and again.During the bombing, Valentinka loses everything: her mother, younger brother, father, home... The neighbors, like Valentinka, who were left without a roof over their head, take the girl out of the city. And on the way, Valentinka finds shelter in a village house where the kind Daria Shalikhina lives with her children: Grusha, Taiska and Romank. The father of the family is at the front and the only man at home is an elderly, stern-looking grandfather. It’s difficult for Valentinka to settle down in her new home: she’s not familiar with village life, she doesn’t know how to approach various household chores, and Taiska always tries to make fun of the city girl, exposing her to ridicule. But Valentinka really wants to help the new mother with all her might, so she boldly takes on new things and tries to be useful. It’s just that Valentinka can’t immediately call Daria mom, although the woman calls her daughter from the first day and treats her like her own. But after the shocks she has experienced, Valentina’s heart needs time to thaw and become close to her new family... Spring will come, and the child’s heart will thaw. Valentine will pick snowdrops in the forest (only a small bouquet, let the rest bloom, they are much more beautiful in the forest!), hand Daria a handful of fresh blue flowers and say: “I brought this to you... mom!” The story is piercing: so ringing, clear, like spring drops. And it is all saturated with spring: the snow is melting, streams are flowing, rooks are returning from the south, the willow is blooming. New life is waking up everywhere, and little by little a new life is taking shape for Valentinka...

Another book about the war by Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova is still recognized by readers - “ Village Gorodishche" This is how her idea came about. The editors of Pionerskaya Pravda asked Lyubov Fedorovna to write an essay about how life was improving in villages liberated from the Nazis. She saw terrible pictures: villages burned to the ground - only the skeletons of stoves sticking out. And all around were charred trees, overgrown fields that had not yet been cleared, mutilated by car explosions... People who returned home were exhausted by everything they had experienced, poorly dressed, barefoot, half-starved, but not broken, full of desire to quickly establish life on the devastated land, build houses, sow fields. There were so many impressions from the trip to the liberated villages that it turned out to be impossible to fit into one essay everything that needed to be told. And she wrote the book “The Village of Gorodishche”, which shows not only the grief and misfortunes of people, but also their labor heroism, courage, and their dreams of a future - peaceful and happy. These dreams came true. Peace and prosperity have come to our land.In literature for young children, there are few works written with such merciless truth about that harsh time.

Even before the war, the writer conceived the adventures of two girls - friends Tanya and Alenka. After the war, the idea was realized in a whole series of books: “ Sunny Day”, “It’s Snowing”, “Golden Keys”, “Girlfriends Go to School”, “Star Commander».

The childhood of a village girl appears before the reader unclouded, joyful, as if washed by good spring rain.The girl Tanya lives her childhood surrounded by loving loved ones, modest in toys, but rich in imagination, limited by material wealth (in comparison with modern times), but the expanse of Russian nature that knows no boundaries... The main character of the story, Tanya, is 6 years old. She lives with her mother, grandfather and grandmother on a collective farm. Tanya's father died at the front. Just one sunny day in the life of Tanya and her friend Alyonka makes up the content of an entire story. Step by step, the story traces the events of one day, which Tanya turned out to be bright and full of discoveries. This long summer day ends unexpectedly, although many events happen during the day.

From story to story, L. Voronkova carefully follows the growing up of Tanya and Alenka, but does not forget those unique signs of childhood that will accompany the two friends for a long time. The girls play with dolls, treat them, put them to bed, talk to them as if they were alive, but adults are already expecting help from them, and Tanya and Alenka help pick apples in the garden and cucumbers in the vegetable garden, help adults at the lectern, and every day they something unusually interesting, brings something new. The life of two friends is shown by L. Voronkova for about a year and a half. During this time, a lot has changed: both of them were accepted into the October ranks, Tanya was chosen as the commander of the star. The writer carefully watches how her friends walk through childhood, how their circle of interests and concerns expands. So, day after day, Tanya fusses with the gloomy, curly-haired Grishka Chainikov, who constantly lets down his October star, because he writes dirty, with blots and blots. The team of the first grade, where the girls study, gradually unites, and during the winter holidays they realize what a great attachment school has become for them.This is a different, post-war life, but no less happy and beautiful.The girls managed to learn a lot in this short time! And together with them, the little reader will learn a lot by reading these books - to be good friends, to love nature, to love your family.Good books, about friendship, about mutual assistance, about such seemingly simple, but at the same time complex children's problems, about how they learn to be independent, to help their elders, to be useful, to love their land, nature, about life, about first discoveries.

Lyubov Fedorovna knew the secret of the living Word. Everything in her books lives, breathes, sounds. You can hear the voices of birds and animals, forest rustles, and the babbling of a stream. A firefly flashlight glows with a quiet light. And if you hide, you will see how the awakened flower spreads its petals. And people live real lives: they work, they are sad, they are happy, they help each other. And each has its own character, its own voice, its own face. Reading the books of Lyubov Fedorovna, we believe that Valentinka, Tanya, Alyonka, Fedya and Danilka really lived and lived in the world. It’s amazing how she managed to make us love the characters created by her imagination, believe in them as living people, and understand why she makes them the way she is and not others.

And maybe most of all she herself resembles Aniska from the story “ Swan geese", with her ardor, tender love for nature, the dream of true friendship, sincerity, kindness, and the ability to compassion." Swan geese "is a story about a girl Aniska, who has lived in the village all her life.She reverently perceives nature, everything is interesting to her: watching how busy ants scurry around, how wild geese fly far, far away. At home there are flowers on all the windows: in pots, in cans, in jars with broken necks. She always wants to stand up for them, defenseless, like little children. Friends cannot understand the strange girl with slanted eyes. They tease her, and her older sister takes advantage of Aniska's love for flowers and forces her to do the work that her mother entrusts to her herself.Reading this story, it is impossible not to sympathize with Aniska. She is so pure, sensitive, responsive. And so the other children laugh evilly at her.Her subtle movements of the soul seemed wonderful and incomprehensible to those around her, which brought her a lot of grief and made her suffer. And then she ran into the forest. She didn't feel lonely there. Everything there was familiar to her. Aniska believed that the trees in the forest knew her, just as she knew them, and they couldn’t wait for her to come to them. “The shaggy tree, like a bear, waves to her, calling her to take shelter from the rain,” the birch tree rejoices at her. WITHHow many amazing things she notices in the summer forest: hard work, ants in an anthill, and the secret nests of forest birds, and the quiet whisper of trees in the wind.... Here is a bumblebee's nest, here is a hedgehog, here are moose tracks. But most of all she wanted to meet the ronju bird, the dream bird. “It will fly like a fire will light up. All red - both wings and tail. Only the cap is black.”One fine day, their granddaughter Svetlana comes to stay with their neighbor from the city. Everything about her fascinates Aniska. She tries her best to make friends with a new acquaintance. After all, Aniska has no friends: the village children laugh at her because of her reverent attitude towards nature. Aniska prevents the boys from destroying birds' nests, fights with cat offenders and wanders alone in the forest for a long time. And at first Svetlana and Aniska find a common language. But soon the spoiled city girl got bored with Aniska’s company: she doesn’t understand her and also considers her strange. And Aniska is still trying to please her: she helps to weed the beds, brings beautiful flowers, takes her to her favorite places in the area... In order for Sveta to become her friend, she weeded the cabbage bed for Svetlana, and showed the treasured raspberry places, and even a strange chick I pulled the ronji birds out of the nest for Sveta... But it was all in vain. The heart of the new friend turns out to be deaf to Aniska’s experiences, and until her departure Svetlana treats her like a toy: she sometimes calls her to play, sometimes she laughs and drives her away... She couldn’t fully appreciate Sveta’s love and warmth of Anisa, she chuckled behind her back over her with other girls...It was not Svetlana who turned out to be Roe's real friend, but a completely different girl - Katya, whose “lazy soul” was awakened by Aniska's love for defenseless animals, birds, and insects. It was she who found the “wonderful” Roe, who was hiding from everyone, and brought him to school on the day when the children were accepted as pioneers.

This story is a little sad, but our life is filled with more than just joys. Sometimes you feel sad when your loved ones don’t understand you, especially when someone you want to be friends with doesn’t understand.Aniska is a complex, poetic character, and in creating him, the writer seemed to reveal to her reader a secret about a person, that he is not always what he seems, and one must be able to see the best in him, hidden from a superficial glance. And about how rich the inner world of a person is and how beautiful it is! But only a sensitive heart can see and understand this.

Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova’s books began to appear one after another.These books, which have become classics of children's literature, speak about the main thing: love for the Motherland, respect for work, human kindness and responsiveness. And also about overcoming oneself. A man is scared, but he goes to ward off trouble from someone. Of course, such a person will grow up strong in spirit and, when necessary, will be capable of heroic deeds.Lyubov Fedorovna always wrote about the main thing: love for the Motherland, respect for work, human kindness, honesty in everything, friendship of people, no matter what age they were: adults or children. In her books, she never tires of talking about friendship, and each time in a new way, without repeating herself. Friends can do anything, they will not leave each other in trouble, they feel good together and are interested.

In the works of L. Voronkova, there are often examples of friendship between guys who are very different in character. In a short story for preschoolers " Fedya and Danilka“—two boys who perceive everything around them differently. The writer persistently and carefully emphasizes the dissimilarity of the boys: Danilka loves to bring flowers from the mountains, but Fedya does not - but he loves horses, and Danilka is afraid of them. Fedya swims far away, and Danilka splashes near the shore and examines the bottom, looking at what grows there. It would seem that nothing unites the dreamy Danilka and the sensible, brave Fedya. But L. Voronkova notices the emergence of friendship, finds its roots, which lie in the dedication of the boys, in the desire for a feat for people. Both of them dream of becoming pilots, flying to help people, saving vineyards. Here it is - the point of contact between different characters, the basis of the first boyish friendship. The desire to help people, to be useful, leads children to participate in important and necessary work. They have long climbed all the mountains and willingly go with the geologist, showing everything they know, helping him to lay out new geological routes.

Lyubov Fedorovna herself knew how to make friends selflessly, sincerely, sublimely. It happened that one of her friends got into trouble and was unfairly offended. And she openly stood up for his defense, not afraid to make enemies, not caring about her own well-being. You could come to her with your grief, and she always had kind, healing words, a sympathetic look, full of compassion. The grief became shared and therefore less severe... But not only in thick and thin was she a friend. You had to immediately come to her with your joy and tell her everything in detail. And someone else's joy became her own. That's probably why she was so life-loving. That’s why people, especially young people, were drawn to her. They were as interested in her as she was in them. Aspiring authors came to her to hear opinions about their new work. They believed her. If the story or stories were unsuccessful, she, herself upset, said: “No, it hasn’t worked out yet. We have to work, we have to work!” But how sincerely she rejoiced, even her eyes shone if she could say a kind word to the author. “This is real!” - she said then. And the timid talent gained faith in himself. How important it is for a master friend to notice this present in time and instill in the author faith in his own strength.

“The Magic Coast” is the name of the story by Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova, where all sorts of miracles happen.And her house resembled a magical land where all sorts of miracles happen. Her books were written there, her friends gathered there. There she talked to her flowers, as if they were living beings. And early in the morning she was awakened by the voices of the guests on the balcony: sparrows, tits, two noticeable jackdaws, pigeons. She fed the birds, good-naturedly grumbling at them for their lively talkativeness... TO Every morning she wrote three pages. Otherwise, you will not have time to write everything that is planned.« But what about it? — she said . — Would our classics write so much if they didn’t work constantly? You cannot work from case to case. You can't write anything like that" Someone will object: it’s so difficult to suddenly immediately enter the lives of heroes with whom you parted yesterday, having completed the three prescribed pages. It wasn't difficult for her. Because she did not part with her characters the entire time she was writing the book. They were all close, dear people to her, who brought joy or sorrow depending on how their destinies turned out. Sometimes they were forced to suffer when trouble happened to them. After all, they themselves controlled their own destiny and led the author with them.Each of the heroes created by the writer’s imagination was close and dear to her in its own way. And yet, more than anyone else, she loved Valentine from the book “The Girl from the City.” I felt sorry for her for her childhood deprived by the war. Lyubov Feodorovna had a big, sensitive, responsive heart.

From the books of Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova, one can easily guess what worried her contemporaries - adults and children, how the country lived during the period that she depicted. This applies to her five small stories about Tanya and Alyonka, and to the story “Fedya and Danilka”, and to such as “Elder Sister”, “Personal Happiness”, and many, many others that she wrote. Some of her works, addressed to older readers, are built on a documentary basis: “The Restless Man,” “Where is Your Home?”, “The Altai Tale.” The most interesting of the series of books built on a documentary basis is "Altai Tale"(1951), which talks about the development of horticulture in the northern regions. More precisely, not only about gardening, but also about the life of the peoples of the Altai Mountains, “a land of unspeakable beauty,” as Lyubov Fedorovna called it. In the preface to the Altai Tale, Lyubov Fedorovna reveals the history of the creation of this book. " I tried to write about the Altai Mountains, about its beautiful but harsh nature, about its courageous people and cheerful, hard-working guys, as I saw it all a long time ago. As a prototype for my heroes, I took schoolchildren from one good school, where both Russian and Altai children studied. The book is about their affairs, about their successes and adversities, about their heartfelt friendship, about the hardworking boy Kostya and the wayward Chechek, which means “Flower” in Russian. Many years later. My schoolchildren have already grown up and, of course, are busy with big, real things. And the school still stands on the banks of the seething, white-foamed Katun, and the school garden, in which the children learned to grow apples, is even richer in green under the shelter of a large mountain... And already other children study at this school and work in this garden. And they have their own successes and joys, their own sorrows, their own little events that make up life..."In Voronkova’s stories for teenagers (“Endless Man”, “Where is your home?”, “Elder Sister”, etc.) the conversation is about loyalty in friendship, honesty, devoted love for one’s land, how to find one’s place in life.

In the story "The Horn Calls the Bogatyr" tells about the adventures of the boys. Five children In search of the deer Bogatyr, who had escaped from the enclosure, we got lost in the Far Eastern taiga. They spent three days and three nights in the forest, suffered hunger, and climbed over rubble. Here, in difficult times, the true characters of the guys were revealed: those who were considered brave and courageous turned out to be cowardly, those who looked inconspicuous discovered high qualities of the soul, those who were inept learned a lot. The children's leader Tolya, a social activist and social activist, showed himself in an unexpected way in the taiga - he gobbled up chocolate in the bushes, hiding from hungry children, abandoned the weak in danger, and took credit for other people's merits. This is a tense tale of survival in the wild.A detailed description of nature, clashes of characters, animal habits, friendship, love and much more in this interesting book.

She wrote only for children. True, for children of all ages - from preschool to high school. But her most famous books are addressed to young readers. " Masha-Rasteryasha"- a simple story at first glance about a girl who has not learned to tidy up her things. The image of Masha has become a household name. Unobtrusively moralizing, the story is perceived easily and unconditionally, it does not need to be explained - everything is clear the first time.

The warmest, most sincere works are addressed to children of preschool and primary school age, such as the cycle of stories “Sunny Day”, “Swan Geese”, “Fedya and Danilka”, “Magic Coast».

There is excitement at the poultry house: they say an otter has appeared on the island. But what does she look like? Lenya and Arinka have never seen this animal. They want to protect the ducks and decide, no matter what, to catch the evil otter. You will learn about these and other adventures of your friends by reading the fairy tales of the talented children's writer L.F. Voronkova “The Magic Coast”, “Defender of the Weak” and “Visiting Grandma Marfa”.The fairy tales are very kind, they teach children to love nature, be brave, and protect the weak.Love for nature, for all living things on earth, unites and makes her such dissimilar books as “Shurka”, “Girl from the City”, “Sunny Day”, “Fedya and Danilka”, “The Magic Coast”,"Grandson Vanya" . It was this love that led to the fact that Voronkova most often chooses the village, rather than the city, as the setting for her books, and the heroes of her books, as a rule, are village children.Ha person who does not pretend, writes about what is important and dear to him, and not on order - in general a gift for literature, especially children's literature. " “I would be very unhappy,” Lyubov Fedorovna admitted in her later years, “if I had to write not because I WANT to write this book, but because I NEED to write it. But I’m happy because my “needs” and “wants” coincide».

Writing was her greatest joy. “...While you are writing,” she said, “you think: this is the last work, you can’t write anything else, you don’t have enough strength. And you can’t live forever in such tension of nerves and heart! But you put the last point, and suddenly it becomes sad to part with the heroes to whom you are already accustomed, and your life suddenly seems empty... You see that then you really lived, while your work lay on the table, while it was calling you, disturbing you and worried. However, you won't be free for long. Life is already telling you something else, and a new theme is born somewhere in the depths of your soul. You look - and you’re back at the table, at a new manuscript. You can't do anything. It seems to me like a tree warmed by the spring sun: it cannot help but unfurl its leaves, even if it did not even want to unfurl them.».

In recent years, Lyubov Fedorovna wrote historical stories and novels.For her, such a seemingly abrupt transition from today to the depths of centuries was not accidental. She had long been attracted by the plots of ancient history; ancient writers became her favorite reading: Plutarch, Pausanias, Thucydides, Herodotus. She studied mountains of historical materials and completely immersed herself in the era she was going to write about.She wanted to talk about what was especially attractive to her in history, “worthy of surprise.”In 1969, L.F. Voronkova published a book that was unlike anything she had written before. The book included two historical stories: “ Trace of fiery life" And "Messenian Wars"».

In the story “Trace of the Fiery Life” the center of attention is the personality of King Cyrus with his unusual fate. In the “Messenian Wars” the main character is an entire people from the small country of Messinia, who courageously fought for freedom and independence...

In history, L.F. Voronkova was attracted to strong and unusual characters who influenced the course of historical events. That’s why she turned to the image of Alexander the Great. This is how two of her books appeared: “ Son of Zeus" - about the childhood and youth of the Macedonian king and " In the mists of time" - about his campaigns of conquest and the creation of a state that included the lands of Europe and Asia.

Before starting to create a novel about Alexander the Great, she read many books about him and the era in which he lived, studied serious scientific works devoted to him, and when it came time to write a chapter about his campaigns in Central Asia, she went to those lands to find additional material for your book there. She visited Samarkand, or Marakand, as this city was called during the time of Alexander the Great, through which in 329 BC the famous commander passed with his troops and severely destroyed it.« When you look into deep history,” she shared her thoughts with the reader, “you see huge, amazing events: the rise of cities and countries, their fall. And many wars. There is no time in human history when war did not rage. Either they go to seize foreign lands and cities, or they fight to defend their homeland».

There, in Samarkand, lived Ulugbek, a great scientist, astronomer, and educator. The more she learned about Ulugbek and his life, full of significant achievements, the more she wanted others to know about him. She was going to write a book about him. And again I visited Samarkand and other ancient cities - Khiva, Bukhara, Kokand, Urgench. She spends many hours in museums and libraries, looking for materials about Ulugbek and his era, and visited excavations. But she did not have time to write the planned book.There were so many impressions from getting to know Central Asia and they turned out to be so strong that the writer could not move away from them. She wanted to talk about her favorite region.In 1975, her short story “ Garden under the clouds"about the Uzbek boy Alimdzhan and his friends, their participation in the affairs of adults - cotton growers and gardeners, about true friendship. Another of her books is also connected with Uzbekistan - “Furious Hamza”, an artistic biography of the Uzbek writer and revolutionary.

Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova was engaged in literary activities for about forty years. Over the years, her kind and bright talent did not weaken. Since she began writing historical works, it was as if a new breath had come to her. " We have to work, we have to work, she never tired of repeating . — In our work there is life, joy y! It was in recent years that she felt so happy, she succeeded in everything, no matter what she took on. Finishing one book, she already knew what the next one would be about. Ideas were born from contact with historical material. She was in a hurry to write about who was especially interesting to her. I wanted to fulfill at least a small part of my plans.

The last book published during the lifetime of Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova is “ Hero of Salamis" The Persian king Xerxes sent countless hordes to Hellas. He would undoubtedly have managed to conquer both Athens and Sparta - after all, almost all the Hellenic city-states submitted to him - if not for Themistocles. Themistocles managed to rouse his compatriots to fight against the enemy, instill in their hearts faith in victory - and victory came. With great skill, Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova describes the events of those years and the characters in the story, with their unexpected turns of fate. " Hero of Salamis" is the last work published during Voronkova’s lifetime. Over the years, the writer's talent in the most difficult genre - the genre of the historical novel - was revealed with greater depth and some new facets. Events of deep antiquity are shown in the historical works of Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova. But they worry us. And they will always worry. Because this is the past of humanity. And understanding the Past helps to understand the Present. In the name of the Future.

Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkovadied January 20, 1976 But she left a precious legacy: her word. Everything in her books lives and breathes. You will hear the voices of birds, animals, forest rustles, and the murmur of a stream. And people live there as in real life: they work, think, feel sad and happy, help each other. Everything there is true.The books of Lyubov Fedorovna do not grow old and are not forgotten. And they teach love for their homeland. Loyal to her until the end. They have firmly entered the golden fund of Soviet children's literature.These books, which have become classics of children's literature, speak about the main thing: respect for work, human kindness and responsiveness. Voronkova writes in simple, understandable language about eternal values, about childhood experiences and thoughts, about her homeland. Teaches you to love your land, your relatives and strangers who have become family. Be sure to read them to your children. Voronkova's books bring goodness and love.

And a little personal. Voronkova’s books are loved and dear to our family. My mother’s favorite book as a child was “The Girl from the City.” She, evacuated from besieged Leningrad, was close to the fate of little Valentinka, her namesake and peer. On the way, somewhere in Siberia, she, her mother and sister were temporarily placed in a village in the house of a woman with three children. Her family was very similar to Daria Shalikhina's family. She accepted the evacuated blockade survivors as family. She gave them milk and fed them potatoes, although they themselves did not live well. They lived in this village for about a month. When the train with the blockade survivors was sent on, they parted like family. We even corresponded for a while. My mother passed on this love and reverent attitude to the story to us and to many of her students, reading Voronkova’s books aloud. I remember the series of stories about the girl Tanya, the warmest and kindest books from my childhood. They evoked a feeling of home, warmth and comfort, a happy childhood with its joys and discoveries. After re-reading them as an adult, I realized that the main character’s childhood was not so happy. That it included the death of his father at the front, and his mother, who was always busy at work, and a modest, almost poor, life. But, in spite of everything, everything was overshadowed by the feeling of quiet happiness pouring from the pages of the book. Short stories that I read and re-read - “The New Doll”, “The Pear Apple”, “Cottage Pies with Cottage Cheese”... The simple, everyday flow of life and such a poetic description of nature, and the first unobtrusive moral lessons learned from the pages of books... I remember the little story in “Murzilka” “Favorite Granddaughter” is about a kind grandmother-milkmaid and her two grandchildren: the spoiled egoist Gruna and the kind simpleton Vanya. In elementary school I read “The Girl from the City” and “The Village of Gorodishche.” We were interested in books about the war then; they easily and naturally entered the lives of children of the 60s and 80s. As I got older, I read Geese and Swans. The story left me feeling sad. The love for nature, for all living things, of the main character Aniska, made her a black sheep among the village children. It was painful for her loneliness and incomprehension even in her own family and worried about the future - how the life of the matured Aniska - kind, subtle, vulnerable with a naked heart - would turn out. And then in my reading life there were “The Horn Calls the Hero,” “The Altai Tale,” and “The Elder Sister.” How poor my reading childhood would have been without Voronkova’s wonderful books!

Sections: Primary School

Goals: introducing students to the works of L. Voronkova and Y. Korinets; the formation of correct expressive reading in compliance with the basic norms of literary reading; develop the ability to find the main idea of ​​a work, observation, beautiful expressive speech, creative and emotional potential; to cultivate interest in the works of authors, a good attitude towards the family, especially the mother, to create a moral feeling.

Equipment: textbook “Literary reading”. 2nd grade. L. A. Efrosinina; M., "Ventana-Graf", 2008; reader, workbook, excerpt from Z. Voskresenskaya’s story “Mom”, leaves for modeling the cover, multimedia presentation (Appendix 1), exhibition of books on the topic “Stories and poems about Mom”

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

  1. The long-awaited call is given
    The lesson begins.
    Put your mind and heart into your work,
    Cherish every second of your work.
  2. Breathing exercise.

Who do you and I become in a reading lesson? ( readers, and also reciters)

The reader has tools that help delight the listener. Which? ( voice and breath)

Breathing training (standing)

  • Stand up straight, calmly
  • Place one hand on your upper abdomen and the other on the side above your waist.
  • Exhalation. Inhale on a count (1-5)
  • Hold air (1-3)
  • Exhale (smoothly), as if to the sound [a] (3 times)
  • Imagine a cake with lit candles. Let's put out all the candles: fufufu...; every candle ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.
  • Hold your breath until the end of the phrase: zhzhzh..., w, w, w, w, w.
  • Let's release the air from the ball: sssss, s, s, s, s, s.
  • We pronounce: s-z, z-s, sh-h-sch-ts; w-sh-ts.

II. Checking homework

What work were you introduced to in the last lesson? ( with I. Pankin’s legend “The Legend of Mothers”)

What is a legend? (Children's answers.)

Slide I.

Shall we check?

Name the heroes of the work (mothers, sons, Neptune, his daughters - seagulls).

Slide II.

Why is the work called that?

Why are sailors strong and invincible? ( their mothers gave them the best they had)

What best did the women of a distant country give? ( beauty, strength, vision)

Why do sailors love to look at seagulls so much? ( they wear their mothers' beauty)

What is the main idea of ​​the legend?

Finish the sentence with the words of the legend.

Slide III.

Have you seen, my boy, weak women?
If, dear boy, you ever see...

Why did the mothers do this? ( because love their children very much)

Can their action be called heroic? ( yes, because it was necessary to have fortitude, courage)

How did this work make you feel?

IIIWorking on learning new material.

1. Introductory conversation about mothers.

Mom is a special word. It is born, as it were, with us and accompanies our entire life. Every mother carries maternal love in her heart.

What does the word “Mom” mean to you? (Children call.)

Slide IV. Mom is...

2. - Many writers and poets have works dedicated to their mother. Read an excerpt from Z. Voskresenskaya’s story “Mama.” (Read in a chain.)


The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

Why is this the most beautiful word on Earth? ( mom is the closest person)

Why does every person need a mother's love?

What holiday do we celebrate in March?

Slide V.

How many of you congratulated your mother? Today we’ll find out in class how the heroes of the works did it.

Physical exercise. Eye exercises

  • 15 eye movements from right to left, left to right.
  • 15 eye movements up and down.
  • 15 rotational eye movements from right to left.
  • 15 rotational eye movements from left to right.

Close your eyes tightly. Open.

Close your eyes and imagine a big white screen. Mentally color it, avoid spaces: yellow, green, your favorite color.

3. Work according to the textbook p.74.


Brief message from the teacher.

Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova was born in Moscow, but the family moved to a village near Moscow. There, in the village, she developed the habit of constant, patient work, and discovered the beauty of Russian nature. And she reached for the pen to express her love for the land and people in poetry and prose. She traveled a lot around the country, working as a journalist.

Brief review of books.

4. Independent reading of the story

What have you read?

How did this story make you feel? Why? ( pleasant, joyful, the girl congratulated her family, brought them joy)

Answer to 1-2 questions in the textbook.

Why is the story named this way? What kind of gift are we talking about? (about willow)

5. Differentiated work.

1 gr. Divide the text into parts. Title each part.

2 gr. Complete the tasks in the workbook on p.44.

Students draw triangles of different colors:

  • green (confident that the task is completed correctly)
  • blue (I doubt the task is completed correctly)
  • yellow (failed)
  • red (experienced difficulties, but overcame them)

7. Checking the completed work.

1 gr. Rough plan

  1. Behind the willow
  2. Gifts for grandmother and mother.
  3. Gratitude from relatives

2 gr. Comment on completed tasks.

FM. Exercises to music. "Song about Mom" ​​music. T. Savina, Art. E. Titova.

8. Work on the work of Yu. Korinets “March”.

1) Independent reading (p.75)

What have you read?

What mood did it evoke? Why?

SlideVII Yuri Iosifovich Korinets

3) Teacher's story:

Yuri Iosifovich Korinets was born in Moscow. As a child, he was fond of drawing and even became a professional artist. He worked in a magazine and entered the literary institute. In his poetry, good always defeats evil, he knew how to see a miracle in the ordinary, in any object, the thing inhales, as it were, a particle of its soul.

Which plant bloomed first?

How did the hero congratulate his mother?


Prove that this is a poem (there is a rhyme)

Name consonant words (rhymes)

4) Preparing for expressive reading

a) Name the tools of expression.


What tone? ( glad)

Pace? ( moderate)

Pauses (/, //)

Logical stress.

b) Work with a pencil. Place pauses, underline words (logical stress). Work in pairs.

c) Expressive reading of a poem (2-3 people)

III. Cover modeling and artwork comparison

1st century – to the story by L. Voronkova.

2nd century – to the poem by Yu. Korinets.

a) Self-test. SlideX

b) Comparison.

What common? ( Theme about children and mother)

What can you say about the heroes of the works? ( They take care of mom, love her, congratulate her on Women's Day)

IV. Generalization

Why did the writer and poet write these works? ( tell how to congratulate your mother to bring joy to the listener)

8) S. Bogomolov’s poem “Beautiful Mothers.” (Student reading.)

V. Reflection

What discoveries did you make during the lesson?

What did the lesson make you think about?

Who is happy with their job? Draw your mood (joy, calm, annoyance, surprise).


VI. Homework(optionally)

Who would want to learn a poem by heart?

Who wanted to make a baby book?

Who wants to find works about mom?

Looking at the exhibition at the blackboard (books about mom.)

List of used literature

  1. Omorokova M.I. Learning to read expressively. Notebook. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2003.
  2. Internet materials.