Sergei Bezrukov: interview. Why Bezrukov’s new lover refuses to comment on his personal life

Sergey, at what point did the situation with birch trees get out of control?

Well look. 2003, TV series “Plot”, where I played a good policeman. There's the title song "Birches". It became very popular, and to this day, wherever I perform, “Birches” is sung by the entire audience. 2005, Yesenin comes out. Its symbol is birch trees. And everything went from then on. From KVN to KVN. But I don't feel sorry, so be it.

Do you really love all this primordial aesthetic that much?

I love Russian culture. When it is brought to the point of kitsch - birch tree, balalaika, bear - it is too much. And, frankly, this is already making me sick.

Nevertheless, in the mass consciousness you are the most Russian actor. Duty of the Russian soul: passions, throwing, spree.

There are passions and tossing. It's worse with drinking, I don't drink.

I just don’t really like myself when I’m drunk: I stop being witty and charming.

Strange! For me it's the other way around!

But I can’t joke, the quickness of the mind is lost, you become viscous, you don’t have time to react. I can play drunk and be funny, but in reality I become unfunny. When they ask me why, I usually answer that everything has already been drunk before me. In my father’s time, the acting fraternity had a phrase: “You don’t drink, you’re not a genius.” Therefore, everyone drank; the WTO restaurant was a cult place.

Strange feeling: as if the directors are afraid of me

My father gave me a lot. For all my skepticism about that era - the people of that era, the generation of our fathers, I have great respect. My father raised me by example. This, of course, is a banality, but personal example is the main principle of education. If you want to stop your son from smoking, don’t smoke yourself. If you want him to play sports, do it yourself.

By the way, are you in good shape now? How many pull-ups can you do?

In good shape, I think. I do boxing, and I can do twelve pull-ups.

Boxing? Did you fight?

No, somehow God was merciful, he never gave me such a situation. I would probably lash out at some media representatives; sometimes I want to call them out and actually smack them in the face. But we have to entrust this matter to lawyers.

You mentioned that you are skeptical about that era. What was bad about her? And many people don’t really understand now.

The amount of hypocrisy and lies that there was. An incredible number of prohibitions. Herman's film "Road Check" lay on the shelf for twenty years! They say “it’s a shame for the state,” but here it’s a shame for the people. The people believed. Despite the fact that there was more morality among the people, there was a complete absence of morality at the top. The USSR is a country that was created on blood. Right now we are staging a play based on Astafiev’s story “The Jolly Soldier”. Everything that is said about the war goes against the general opinion even now. Astafiev had a different attitude towards Zhukov and what was happening. What a war everyone waged against the same Russian soldier, who won despite the fact that they did not care about any life. And then, after the war, how many people were destroyed, the same soldiers, ordinary people. Monstrous attitude towards ordinary people!

It's clear. Let's talk about Vysotsky. Were you ready for such a reaction, for all these jokes?

Let them joke! A person must somehow pour out an abundance of love and happiness. On the contrary, I was prepared for the fact that the secret would not be revealed and no one would say anything. I advocated for this myself. They didn’t recognize me while I was filming in makeup. On the call sheet I was listed as “Vitalevich”, and a non-disclosure agreement was signed with everyone. This is actually an amazing story. I read in the newspaper that a shoot was being prepared, that Mashkov was auditioning, and I thought: it’s a pity that they didn’t offer me... but thank God. By that time I had already played Yeshua, then Yesenin and Pushkin. The films were shot seven years apart, but were released one after the other. I understood that in this way I was adding more jokes to myself. I think if Vysotsky were also present now, then that’s it, a diagnosis. Megalomania. And then the producer calls and offers! I say: no, under no circumstances, I will simply be crucified in advance. A year passes. During this time, the director changed and a lot of actors auditioned. I meet with the producer, he tells me: “Still, read the script.” Okay, I'm reading. Boldly, of course, but I said no. He shows me my portrait, modified on the computer, and I see Vysotsky’s face. The producer persuaded me to just try, just for myself, they say, we won’t show it to anyone. They do my makeup, and at night Ernst calls and says: “You are approved.” What could I say? I really wanted to play this role, but I resisted with all my might. And here I am presented with a fact.

How long did it take to apply the makeup?

Three and a half hours. We had nine samples of the mask, but nothing worked. At first it was more similar, but not as elastic. She doesn’t breathe, after half an hour processes begin on the skin. And the fact that I worked for nineteen hours wearing a mask later caused big health problems. This was wrong. But no one has done this before. I associated myself with Gagarin, whom for some reason I haven’t played yet. It was as if they had released me into space and were checking: how are you, are you still alive? Besides, it was the summer of 2010: smoke, heat... And I, like a soldier, endured and shouted from the inside: everything is fine, we’re working! I also had my back adjusted every time after a shoot, because I had to keep my shoulders inward - according to Vysotsky’s plastic surgery. He had inward shoulders, a boxer's figure. At the end of the day, my back just broke. I'm not complaining, I would just like to make it clear that all this was at great risk, with great physical problems.

Hero's hit list






Your films are more commercial. Why are you not seen in auteur films?

Honestly, it's very disappointing. I am ready and open, sometimes I acted absolutely free, for an idea. I had one original film about ten years ago - “City Without Sun”, where I played an artist. It’s a strange feeling: as if the directors are afraid. After the “Brigade” they were afraid - even ordinary people thought that I was a bandit. And this glossy image of a screen star is harming me. It's better now. Work is underway on the film “After You,” where I play a ballet dancer. This is an absolutely original project.

What if Zvyagintsev called you? Something like Leviathan?

It's not about a specific director. If I liked the script, I would be happy to star with Zvyagintsev, he is a great master. For me, the main thing is an interesting story. And then it doesn’t matter whether the director is a seasoned one or a beginner. I sometimes refused offers from very famous directors just because I didn’t like the script.

If the program “Dolls”, which you voiced, was now being revived, and they called you back?

Again a parody... No, this is a passed stage. I was too young to understand what was happening in the country. Now everything has become much more complicated and scary. Public opinion is heated to such extremes that there is no time for jokes. Here you have to watch your every word, because any phrase can be reinterpreted, inverted in meaning and used not only against you, but also against your colleagues. Nowadays, one word can quarrel a huge number of people so that they stop greeting each other. Elementary claims to creativity can be interpreted as a political statement. But I cannot afford this, because now I am responsible not only for myself, but also for the huge team of the Provincial Theater.

Yes, you have no less than your own theater. Any achievements?

Come and see for yourself. Let me just say that we are only two years old, but we already have a fairly powerful repertoire, fifteen new productions. And not only for adults, there are wonderful performances for children too.

In "Milky Way" I played an ordinary person for the first time!

On January 1, the film “Milky Way” directed by Anna Matison is released. Should I go?

Undoubtedly. This is a family New Year's movie, a comedy, but not one where you are ashamed of both the jokes and the laughing audience. This is a deeper story. Here I played a common man for the first time. This is the case with loans, divorces, throwing around. Many men will definitely recognize themselves, their problems, and maybe even see their solution. But the genre is still a comedy. On New Year's Eve, a husband and wife accidentally read notes with wishes that need to be burned...

Do you experience these typical problems yourself? For example, did you have a midlife crisis?

My life has changed dramatically this year, as everyone has already written about. Maybe this is the same crisis. Without going into details, I admit: it was an emotionally very difficult year.

Without going into details, tell me: what to do in a situation when you live with one woman for many years, and then suddenly realize that you love another?

You need to be honest with yourself. And remain human. That is, to avoid bloodshed. At least try to do it. And if you need help, then help. It is mandatory to behave with dignity in any situation: you are a man. There is definitely no need to be afraid of public opinion. A man at forty, having achieved a certain position in society, is afraid of losing something, of being misunderstood, of becoming the hero of a joke. At forty years old, it’s scary to lose everything, to start over, because you may no longer take off. I believe that at any age there is no need to be afraid of this. If you're not lying to yourself, then don't be afraid. After all, life really is short. My father once said to me: “Seryozha, how quickly it passes! You can not even imagine! It was all yesterday, but now you are seventy years old. Like one day!” There is no need to be afraid of anything in this life. Live! And don't be afraid of this life!

You are a believer. And you probably consider yourself a sinner.

I think that any person...

Great! Here I have written out a list of mortal sins, let’s go through it for the purpose of repentance. Pride?

Happens. Sinful. Of course... It's professional. When you feel bad, it happens that you go on the Internet to read good things about yourself. To feel needed at least by your fans. Run away there.

April 26, 2018

The famous actor, in an interview with TV Program, spoke about filming on credit, education without a whip, and his childhood behind the scenes of the theater.

Photo: Ekaterina TSVETKOVA/

One of the brightest and most versatile Russian artists traditionally succeeds everywhere. Now, for example, he acts as a member of the jury of the television competition for young talents “” on the “Russia” channel.

“The greatest punishment is when the father is offended”

- Sergey, admit it honestly - is it difficult to evaluate children?

- Difficult. Because I want to praise everyone and stand up for everyone. Every child is worthy of attention, everyone is beautiful in their own way. The fact that they are participating in this competition is already a big victory. Now they are recognized throughout the country. On the other hand, this is the first test for them. Those same copper pipes...

— Do you think children generally need this test?

“I think everyone should go through something like this.” Children need both attention and encouragement. Some teachers believe that you shouldn’t praise too much so that children don’t become arrogant. But I think that for a new artist, encouragement provides an important incentive to improve.

In the film “Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock and Roll" Sergei is an actor and producer, and his wife Anna Matison is a director. Photo: Personal archive

- But there is also a selection, someone will have to say no. Will this cause psychological trauma?

— I think that we in the jury work very softly. For us, all the children are great. Yes, some people hear refusals, but in this competition the winner will be given the opportunity to act in a movie, in the sequel to the film “”. And this leaves a certain imprint, because cinema first of all requires artistry. Elena Yakovleva and I are responsible for this on the jury. Our assessment is based on the acting direction.

— Many artists claim that they would not want an acting career for their children.

- Why? I don't think so…

“They say that this is a difficult profession that is very dependent on other people and circumstances.

- Like everything in this life! Everything always depends on the circumstances. And everyone has their own difficulties in life, in any profession - be it creative or technical. I wouldn't say our work is that exceptional. And that there is a special amount of difficulties in it. Everything, of course, depends on upbringing. The acting profession is labor multiplied by labor. When I see children reading at a competition, I really want them to have good teachers. This is what I had. My father taught me since childhood, took care of me. I was about seven years old, I think.

Sergei’s love for the profession was instilled in him by his father, actor and director Vitaly Bezrukov, who worked with him a lot as a child (in the photo in the center is his mother, Natalya Mikhailovna). Photo: Personal archive

— In your life, too, was probably the first test with copper pipes? Did you have to deal with star fever?

- No no. I say again: “Labor multiplied by labor.” It is very important who is next to you at this moment.

- And who helped you return to earth?

— My teachers and my father, who was always there.

— You are an actor, a theater director, your wife is a director. Can you say that your daughter’s life path is already predetermined?

— I won’t say that for now (smiles).

Elena Yakovleva and Sergei Bezrukov in “The Blue Bird” evaluate the acting abilities of children (pictured with presenter Daria Zlatopolskaya). Photo: Russia 1 Channel

- Often. But we don’t make any plans yet. As it will be, so it will be...

“And then years will pass and she will say: “I grew up behind the scenes of the theater where my dad stood on stage.”

— I myself grew up behind the scenes of the theater. And that is great. But I didn’t imagine that I would immediately become an artist. When I was about five years old, I went to see my father at the Pushkin Theater and watched many performances, both for adults and for children. I liked it, but I didn’t think about such a future.

— Did you do well at school?

- Yes. Exact sciences were probably more difficult, but I tried to study and was good at it. There were different assessments. Sometimes unsatisfactory. But in the end I got four B’s in my certificate. The rest are five.

- Were you scolded for getting bad grades?

- No. They scolded, of course, but never punished. They trusted me. So I solved my school problems myself.

— Do you think it is necessary to have both carrots and sticks in education?

— I didn’t have whips as a child, neither literally nor figuratively. They loved me, they trusted me. If I behaved differently, they were offended. This was the biggest punishment for me - when my father was offended.

In the series “Godunov” Svetlana Khodchenkova plays Boris’s wife. Photo: Russia 1 Channel

— Now there is a scandal in the news, where they are discussing the methods of raising Yana Rudkovskaya. She believes that without a whip it is impossible to raise a child athlete.

— To be honest, I don’t presume to judge. Each case is probably individual. Maybe it’s important for athletes to force it, because it’s physical activity. Let's say I judge from rehearsals. When people are already practically exhausted, this sometimes works as a plus: a certain tension goes away, the person loosens up faster. He is truly free because he has no strength to play. At this moment he is who he is - he lives on stage. And this is exactly what is required of an artist.

“We can’t talk about the truth”

— Now you are filming a large historical series “,” which will be shown on the “Russia” channel. How do you like immersing yourself in the era?

- It's nice! Because the 16th century is an absolutely amazing time in the history of the Russian state. However, it is not fully disclosed. I managed to read a lot of things from real sources. Well, how can I say, real ones? I haven't read the chronicles. But I studied a lot of scientific literature that is dedicated specifically to this time. The images of Boris Godunov, Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich, on the one hand, are well-known, on the other hand, they are confusing, and scientists cannot fully agree on them. We are being advised on this project by Nikolai Borisov, an absolutely amazing historian. And the script for “Godunov” is not just a literary work and the invention of the wonderful screenwriter Ilya Tilkin, by the way, but also a serious historical study.

- Will everything be true?

“We cannot speak with certainty about the truth.” Let's say: did Ivan the Terrible kill his son or not? We all know Repin's painting. But he lived in a different time and couldn’t say for sure either. The fact of his son’s murder has not been proven by historians. There is only Western evidence on this matter, and I don’t really want to believe them. Even then, Russia was not presented in the best way in the eyes of foreigners.

- How is everything now?

- Now, maybe even flowers! You can’t imagine how they tried to imagine Russia back then and what they said about it when they left for their homeland. In general, many historians argue that there was no murder. But poisoning is quite possible. You will see for yourself which version we choose in this case and how it will be shown in the film.

Photo: Personal archive

“Took out a loan, borrowed”

— You have another new project “Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock and roll" - what is this movie about?

— In this story, I am the producer and leading actor. The film is based on “The Reserve” by Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov. True, this is modern history. We received permission from the heirs of Dovlatov’s work for a modern version, but we tried to preserve the Dovlatov spirit, Dovlatov mood and Dovlatov intonation. Anya is the director and screenwriter in this project. I'm talking about my wife Anya Bezrukova.

“It turns out she took your last name after all?”

— In life she is Anya Bezrukova. Her creative pseudonym is . In general, together with Timur Egzubaya they wrote a script that would be interesting for young people to watch. This is not a 1970s reenactment. The scene of action is transferred to our modern “Reserve”, which, by and large, has not changed.

— It seems to me—I’m already speaking as a producer—we have assembled a very good team. Anya Mikhalkova amazingly played the director of the reserve Galina. The wonderful Sasha Semchev played Mitrofanov, and Markov. Many people know the “reserve” practically by heart. And therefore, it seems to me that the images, despite the fact that this is a modern story, will be guessed. And most importantly, the very idea of ​​the book remained - love, love, love.

— The film has already been shot?

- Yes, and it was a difficult test, because we filmed it without any support. I had to invest my own money and the money of friends. Take loans, credits. As the main producer, I naturally went to the end. It was important for me that this film take place. It's been a difficult year for everyone. Sanctions. When, say, an investor fails on the first day, you realize that you either go all the way or lose everything.

- And you went to take out a loan?

- And I went to the end. I took out a loan, yes. I borrowed. And it was important for me to reach the final. Plus there was crowdfunding (project financing based on voluntary contributions. - Ed.) - thanks to it, another part of the funds was raised, albeit a small one. But for cinema, all the money is important. Now the picture is almost ready. I hope that we will appear at festivals. I don’t know where exactly yet. And then - at the box office. So wait.

"Theater is a tough business"

— Were there moments when fame and fame weighed on you?

- No, I’m just by nature a person who works more than rests. If I were constantly, as it is now fashionable to say, partying, then it would probably be a minus. I enjoy going to premieres. We need to watch more performances and films. But I miss various celebrations and festival openings - I just don’t have enough time. I come from a peasant family - I’m used to working and plowing. I find some special pleasure in this.

— What if someone asks you to take a photo on the street?

“I think it’s part of the profession, so I don’t refuse.” And if they ask for an autograph, I always give it.

— You began managing the theater not long ago. In this position it is impossible to be good to everyone. Sometimes, like in a children's television competition, you also have to say no.

— Since I am an artist myself, I know acting psychology. I understand at what point you need to be attentive and at what point you need to be tough. In the theater you are like your own father. You must be stern and strict, and at the same time affectionate and loving. I looked at Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, my master, who was exactly like that in the theater.

— You’ve probably already had to fire someone, say goodbye to someone, refuse someone?

- Yes. Theater is a tough business. On the one hand, this is a big family. On the other hand, if you don’t care about the team, if you get bored, then it’s better to leave. Family is a voluntary matter. You need to be in it for love. We need to live with common problems. We must, strictly speaking, develop in the theater. And sometimes it happens that an artist does not find himself, there is no development, they are not given roles. Or it does not correspond to the wishes of the artistic director. The reasons for separation may be different. Theater is a living organism; it is very important here that people are connected together. This is the only way to create successful projects with a united team. Now, for example, we are preparing to hold the Summer Festival of provincial theaters “Stanislavsky Factory” from May 22 to 31. Within its framework, performances by groups from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod will be shown on the stage of the Moscow Provincial Theater and in Orekhovo-Zuevo, classes will be held for students of theater universities in the country, lectures on the history of Russian theater. Carrying out such projects is only possible with a good team. We have it in our theater, although creating it was not an easy task.

— When was the last time you were on vacation?

- Probably last year. My vacation is short-lived. We usually go somewhere. If the weather is good, we spend time outside the city. This year there are many projects - on television and in cinema. Therefore, I had to give up rest. Because there is simply not enough time.

— Do you mean the whole of 2018?

- Yes, it is already scheduled. I don’t know, maybe I’ll be able to grab a few days? Let's see... Just good, interesting projects. And it would be stupid to refuse them.

Private bussiness

Sergei Bezrukov was born on October 18, 1973 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. People's Artist of Russia. He played more than 30 roles in various plays and more than 60 roles in films. In particular, he starred in such popular films and TV series as “Brigada”, “Plot”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Yesenin”, “Pushkin. The Last Duel", "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” “Match,” etc. Since 2014, artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Drama Theater. He is married to director Anna Matison and has a daughter, Maria, who is 1.5 years old.

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Sundays/18.30, Russia 1

The film “After You” was released on the big screens of the country, telling about the life of the famous ballet dancer Alexei Temnikov, whose career was suddenly interrupted due to injury. The main role was played by the head of the Moscow Provincial Theater Sergei Bezrukov. The screenwriter and director of the film was the artist’s wife Anna Matison.

Sergei Bezrukov in the film “After You”

— Sergey, the role of Alexei Temnikov was written especially for you. Does this happen often in your acting career?

- Twice. The first film was “Yesenin,” which was based on my father’s book. And then, naturally, I was initially seen as the main character. And this is the second script that was written for me. This may probably seem strange, and for some even surprising, but I, like all artists, pass auditions, read the scripts that are sent to me. He agreed to some things, and not to others. And I am grateful to Anna. After all, this is a rare case when an actor is so lucky that he has a personal screenwriter and director who will really give him the role. As an artist, it is very important for me to develop and not stand still. And this is a great merit of the directors, who will see something new in the actor, and will not replicate what has already happened five hundred thousand times. Therefore, I want to say thank you to Anna for revealing a completely different image in me. Having invented such a character, she gave me this role

— In the film, your hero has a cross and an icon hanging around his neck. How important is religion to you? What do you yourself believe in?

- It’s not the hero’s, it’s mine. And I never take them off. Let me make a reservation right away: my hero and I are completely different people. It is absolutely impossible to compare me with Temnikov, because I have never been like that and, God willing, I never will be. (Smiles.) His behavior in society and with loved ones is monstrous. I'll tell you, this is the first time I've played such an outright scumbag. Yes, my hero is an absolute scumbag - if you look at what he is like at the very beginning. And it was interesting for me to play such a negative person. We only then begin to understand how much pain he feels inside. He is in so much pain that he is ready to offend everyone who is near him, but first of all he offends himself. Yes, a tragic situation occurred in his life, he was injured. But you can close yourself off from everyone, or you can try to create a really real school, and not the institution for rich aunts that he has. At the same time, he despises them, but he himself has never done anything serious: he did not train a student, did not create the ballet that he wanted to stage all these years, did not become a choreographer... Temnikov is an absolutely brilliant person in his profession, but only at the last moment did he come to his senses . He didn't try - he chickened out. Imagine: being a coward for 20 years and doing nothing for his profession, which he endlessly loves. He's a coward! And he admits this to himself in a monologue on a trolleybus. At the very least he despises himself

— There is even a moment in the film when he suggests that God could “laugh” at him...

“I think God didn’t laugh at him; the Lord always gives a person a chance.” In this case, he gave my hero this chance in the form of a call from Marinka. Temnikov took advantage of it. Another thing is that he did not act like a Christian: he voluntarily died. And this is already the madness of a person who is outside of faith in God. Such a person can be called a fan of his profession; he is ready to sacrifice his life in order for this ballet to be shown on the central channel. He even joked himself that ballet is shown only in emergency situations: there needs to be a coup or something like that, or for him to die... And he took advantage of this situation, having calculated everything

— Can you justify the voluntary departure from the life of your hero?

- I don’t agree with him. It seems to me that we should have waited for the premiere, come to it, and in general, continued to live. He could have staged more than one ballet. Temnikov is a talented person, and he produced a first-class production. Why shouldn't he become an excellent choreographer? Don't know. I argued with my hero. But Anya held me with an iron fist - I say this in the good sense of the word. (Smiles.)

Sergei Bezrukov with Anna Matison at the premiere of the film “After You”

— How was it working with your wife on the set?

— Anya is a very sensitive and polite director, she is incredibly easy to work with. This picture is entirely her achievement. There was always an atmosphere of love on the set: not a single swear word! This was probably the first time I starred in a movie in which no one fought with anyone. Usually the cameraman is with the lighting crew, and they are with someone else, and so on. Sometimes an artist needs to get ready for a very important scene, and something like this happens nearby: someone is bawling, someone is shouting back at him - there is no calm, and you are trying to look people in the eyes and explain: “Let me get ready, I have a very difficult scene ahead.” ! But here on set everyone worked with full dedication and were aimed at creating a good film. Everyone is polite, everyone is tactful. It seems to me that this attitude is then best reflected in the picture itself

— What else is this film interesting for you personally?

“I miss films that don’t have vulgarity, smart films where there is something to think about and reflect on.” It seems to me that this film is the only attempt in recent times to bring the serious, intelligent viewer back to the cinema. I was recently told that the fashion now in Europe is for popcorn-free cinemas; they are very successful. Maybe it's time to return to what it once was under the Soviet Union?..

— Did you encounter any difficulties while working on the film?

“It was difficult to always walk with a perfectly straight back and not fall out of the image that I internally hated. It was terrible. But I tried to do my best - and I hope that I succeeded. I trusted Anya completely and completely. There is a scene in the film when my hero drinks for the first time in 20 years. It would seem that this is elementary physiology: to play a slightly drunk person. Moreover, I “had the good fortune” to play this state in my roles many times. Moreover, with different amplitudes of intoxication. (Smiles.) And for me, as a person who doesn’t drink, it was very interesting. And then the scene where my character drinks, we rehearsed and filmed for a very long time. Anya constantly said: “That’s not it! Yes, good - but this is not Temnikov!” At some point I began to be angry with myself: I couldn’t do it! But I’ve played drunk so many times already! But we were looking. And finally Anya said: “Now you’ve got it!” Yes, that’s it!” At 43 years old, having played so many roles, it was amazing to exhale and say to myself: “Wow! Happened!" It's an incredible feeling. You try - you succeed - you exhale and set the next bar for yourself. And this is wonderful: move on, develop and not think about what you did before

— How did you film the scenes of the new ballet? After all, at that time rehearsals were actually taking place for the production of the same name, “Symphony in 3 Movements,” which was included in the repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater.

— When we later did an imitation of me staging this ballet with real artists of the Mariinsky Theater, the famous choreographer Radu Poklitaru was next to us. Can you imagine: real professionals stand in front of me, and I play their choreographer. Luckily, Radu was nearby. I constantly told him: “I beg you very much, make comments, come up, speak as you should, because I am a dramatic artist, I am not a choreographer.” And then Radu answers me with a smile: “You know, I listened to you! I stand and think: everything is fine, everything is fine.” And at some point I caught myself thinking that I was working with artists as a director in my Moscow Provincial Theater when I staged plays. I began to behave as I did with my artists: I relaxed, began to joke, they began to laugh... And as soon as I felt good, Anya came up and said that this was bad. “And now we are canceling all this, and you are returning to Temnikov,” she announced. “We won’t film this.” And I had to return to the unpleasant image again, to rigidity, and again become Temnikov. He is a very tough person...

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Bezrukov

— Have you been seriously involved in dancing yourself?

— At the Moscow Art Theater School I really loved the dance discipline, so I still remember the barre. For me, imagining what kind of ballet dancer I can be is not just a fantasy. I am a dramatic actor, but I studied a lot, and I remember this

— Are there people you admire in this field?

— I am a big fan of the choreographer Pina Bausch, I really love modern dance. I am also a fan of the undisputed genius who is still alive today - Mikhail Baryshnikov. I bow to him. I immediately remember the film “White Nights,” which I watched to death, and his emotional dance to Vysotsky. Radu choreographed the final dance to Gavrilin, but when I danced it, I was still internally thinking about how brilliantly Baryshnikov, whom I can call an idol, would have done it. I, due to my acting profession, tried to play it rather. But Radu believed in me. I did 90 percent of the dancing myself! Of course, I had an understudy - Denis Matvienko, he performed all the jumps. In order to jump like that, you need to practice choreography and be a ballet actor from childhood. By the way, I managed to meet Baryshnikov personally. Last summer he went to the premiere in Riga, where he came with the play “Letter to a Man,” based on the diaries of the dancer and choreographer Vaslav Nijinsky. Baryshnikov is a wonderful, humble, amazing person. I even managed to take a photo with him. You know, someone dreams of a photo with me, and I don’t really understand it. (Smiles.) But I remember very well my feelings when I was photographed with Baryshnikov. You can’t imagine - this is such a feeling of happiness and inner delight!

— Didn’t you invite him to watch the film?

“I would really like him to see the picture.” I handed him the disk. I am interested in the assessment of such masters. Moreover, this story is not about ballet, it is about character, about a man who, having a steely character, destroyed himself in the finale in order to bring his own idea to life

— Are you talking, first of all, about people of art?

— This applies to each of us, not only creative people. Any person sooner or later asks himself the question: what will I leave behind in this life? It’s not for nothing that we, together with the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation, came up with an action that will run until April 16. You can send an SMS to a specific number with the amount of the money transfer - and thus help children who are struggling with serious illnesses. And all the people who come to the cinema have the opportunity to help. And in this way, you can also leave behind something good and kind. Even a basic 100 or 300 rubles. And you will already have the opportunity to tell yourself that you saved someone’s life...

Sergei Bezrukov: “What will I leave behind in this life?” published: October 26th, 2018 author: Katyusha Shitikova

Antenna-Telesem, 11/28/2018

Material on the publication's website The end of the year for the couple is filled with pleasant expectations - recently they became parents for the second time, and on December 6 their third joint film, “The Reserve,” will be released. “The Reserve” is a film adaptation of the story of the same name by Sergei Dovlatov, but the action is moved to modern times, and the main character is not the writer Boris, but the musician Konstantin (Sergei Bezrukov). His car...

Our radio, 10/5/2018

Delighting your listeners is the most important mission of OUR Radio! Today, October 5, 2018, an absolutely fantastic guest arrived on the air of the morning show “Lifts” - People’s Artist of Russia Sergei Bezrukov! Recently, the artist’s boundless talent has rushed into a new, but, according to Sergei himself, expected creative side: Bezrukov tried himself as a rock artist...

TV channel Mir24, Cult personalities, 10/4/2018

People's Artist of Russia Sergei Bezrukov, in an exclusive interview with the “Cult Personalities” program on the MIR TV channel, told what the viewer likes today, why the film based on the story by Sergei Dovlatov “Reserve” changed its name, how the Provincial Theater headed by him will celebrate its fifth anniversary, and also who he wanted become in childhood. - This year the Provincial Theater is five years old. How will you celebrate..., 06/17/2018

In an interview with, spouses Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison talked about the difficulties of working in cinema, their new film “Reserve”, as well as about children, love and their more than active lifestyle. A week ago, the country's main film festival, Kinotavr, ended. The film “Reserve” directed by Anna Matison took part in the main film competition. The main role in the film was played by Sergei Bez...

Lyubov Egorova, Metro, 06/17/2018

Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison presented at Kinotavr the film “Reserve” based on the story of the same name by Sergei Dovlatov, which will be released in wide release on December 6. Alas, the film was left without awards. Bezrukov not only played the main role, but also acted as the producer of the film. The Metro newspaper spoke with the actor about how difficult it was to film the film without government support. It's a shame that you...

Olga Galitskaya, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 05/28/2018

Anna Matison's new film, where Sergei Bezrukov played the main role, has changed its name, and on June 9, in the Kinotavr competition, instead of the previously announced film "Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock and Roll", "Reserve" will appear. What is correct: this is Dovlatov, it was his story of the same name that was transferred to the screen - albeit in a new way. Sergei Bezrukov, artist and producer, told RG about the upcoming premiere. Fo...

Interfax, 11/17/2017

Material on the website of the publication The actor told how much his image in the released comedy “Myths” corresponds to the reality of Moscow. November 17. INTERFAX.RU - Russian actor, director, screenwriter, artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater Sergei Bezrukov played one of the key roles in the comedy “Myths” by Alexander Molochnikov. The film tells about the heroes of secular Moscow, including...

Irina Bezrukova: “I found the strength to forgive. And let go...”

Actress Irina Bezrukova told HELLO! about the loss of his son, separation from Sergei Bezrukov and a new round of life - from scratch. We have already written about how this conversation became possible. The time has come to introduce the interview itself.

Irina Bezrukova in a photo shoot for HELLO!

This year became a year of losses for her - life offered Irina tests that not everyone can withstand. She endured. And she returned to work in the theater, acted in films, and released her own television program. The actress speaks for the first time about the changes and events of recent times, with the hope that her words can help people who are faced with losses, in an interview with HELLO!

Last summer, Irina Bezrukova’s television program “Conversation on Stage” started on the Moscow region channel 360. The news was unexpected in every sense: the role of the interviewer in which the actress decided to perform, the choice of a little-known Moscow region television channel for this debut, the swiftness with which Irina started a new job and made first gears. But what is very important, the television program became a kind of statement about her return to the forefront of life after a tragic event - the loss of her son.

The answer to the question “What will happen to Irina now?”, which has haunted the yellow press for several months and was discussed there, as usual, blindly. And one more significant nuance - the hero of Irina’s first program was Sergei Bezrukov. Their friendly, professional, partner-like conversation looked like a real challenge to the tense informational context in which both have existed in recent months and which concerns the crisis in their personal relationships.

With your interview HELLO! Irina breaks the long silence. Her appearance to the public is by no means a confession or comments; Irina says this right away: “I’m not one of those people who comments on rumors.” This is a thoughtful and responsible step by a person who, due to his profession and position, is involuntarily in the spotlight. And this is also a very brave act by a woman who hopes that “some of my answers, maybe, will somehow help people who are faced with losses.” In conversation she is sincere, friendly, and reserved. She is still very beautiful with some special, warm and light beauty. There is not a shadow of resentment or irritation in her words and intonations, and this is the ability to control her emotions exclusively - given the exceptionally dramatic circumstances that life offered Irina.

Irina, how did your TV program “Conversation on Stage” come about? You are not a journalist, and you have no experience as an interviewer.

Yes, for me it was quite a bold decision, but not at all accidental. For two years now I have been participating in the construction of the Provincial Theater, which was organized by Sergei Bezrukov, I literally live there, like our other actors, all the people involved in this work. During this time, it was possible to do almost unthinkable things - both in terms of the number of performances, their quality, and the creation of a troupe and all the theater services. It was not an easy task, virtually around the clock. And it is very pleasant that the audience likes the results so much that the Provincial Theater quickly and confidently took its place on the theater map of Moscow. And since the founder of our theater is the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, its governor, the Moscow region TV channel 360 most often spoke about our activities. The channel is young, energetic, passionate, very professional, they make excellent documentaries, they think about new programs and formats - for he's off to a very good start. I am a recognizable person, and the channel needs famous faces.

And you were offered to become the host of the program? Or was it your idea?

It was a mutual process. At first I was offered to do ten-minute interviews with artists in recording mode. The channel wanted to see in the program people of the level of Konstantin Khabensky, Yegor Konchalovsky, Maxim Dunaevsky, Chulpan Khamatova. I liked the idea, but what is ten minutes of air time? Invite famous and super-busy people to do such short blitzes? Therefore, I responded by offering an hour-long broadcast, and my offer was accepted.

With what feeling did you set off on this voyage?

With positive! Well, of course, it was a little scary: whether it would work or not, how it would be judged. An interview is an interview, everything has already been invented - two people are sitting opposite each other, like you and me now. But how to make an interesting conversation? Not everyday, not empty chatter about this and that, without yellowness, which, it’s no secret, is what gives the channels ratings. The most difficult thing for me in preparing the first programs was to find a new approach to this or that person, to ask questions that had not yet been asked to him. What can you ask Denis Matsuev, who gives interviews all over the world?

Something about his passion for football, for example.

They asked too. (Smiles.) But trouble has begun. I refused the services of an editor and said: “If the program is called author’s, I’ll do it myself.”

Do you really come up with your own questions?

Yes exactly. I am an active Internet user; in addition to general sources, I have three more resources: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Are you looking for news and biographies of heroes?

Roy. I also do direct interviews. I just listen to direct speech, for hours. I came to an interview with Dima Dyuzhev and told him: “Dima, I actually spent two days with you. I’m preparing myself a salad, doing something else, and I have a laptop next to me and in the background is: Dyuzhev, Dyuzhev...”

Matsuev told you right on air that he hasn’t had such an interesting conversation for a long time. And this was after his anniversary, then he gave out interviews in large quantities.

Yes, and I was very amused by his phrase in the middle of the conversation: “Well, I told you that there is something human in you!” Incredible sense of humor. We both just hung on this phrase and laughed... It’s good that we are recording, otherwise we would have ended up on the live broadcast. But seriously, it’s probably good that I’m not a journalist, I don’t have clichés, extensions, or repetitions of myself. I'm trying to make the conversation feel like a friendly conversation, but one that not only the two of us will be interested in.

The first programs showed that you can do it.

I really hope so. The show begins to take on a life of its own, and I like it. Chulpan Khamatova has already confirmed her participation, it is a great honor for me. I know how busy she is, how rarely she gives interviews. The same can be said about my other heroes.

The hero of your first program was Sergei Bezrukov. There have been a lot of rumors surrounding your family lately, but you both have not commented on anything, just like before when it came to your private life. At the end of the interview there was this moment: you handed Sergei an envelope with a blank sheet of paper. It was clear that he was surprised...

It was a symbolic gesture. A blank slate arose because I know: at the current period of his life, this is exactly what Sergei really needs. I gave him the opportunity to start life from scratch. Yes, we separated as spouses, but we continue to work together. Over the 15 years of living together, we have become truly close people and associates, and our separation cannot cancel this. We are still united by a common cause - the Moscow Provincial Theater, the Foundation for the Support and Development of Sociocultural Projects, which we created together. I am grateful to Sergei for supporting my television project, for the fact that he found the time to come to my first program and voiced a promotional video for it - this was his offer. But I would like to put an end to this and, taking this opportunity, ask the media not to bother me with questions on this topic, not to think or invent anything.

Irina, it so happened that this year has become very difficult for you personally. In the spring, you lost your son, your Andrei, and the mere fact that you did not isolate yourself from the world, did not withdraw into yourself, evokes incredible respect and admiration. If only these words are appropriate here...

We can talk about this. Of course, I thought about our interview, but I couldn’t help but think about it. And it seems to me that some of my answers will at least somehow help people who are suddenly faced with losses.

There are so many different rumors surrounding Andrei's death...

Let's be clear. I am not one of those people who comment on rumors, and I will not do so. But as for Andryusha, I can say a few things, and they will not be comments. He had an accident. This was a completely sudden tragedy and should not have happened. He was alone in the apartment, hit his temple, and death occurred instantly. I was on tour in Irkutsk, Andryusha didn’t contact me for about a day, and I asked my friend to come to my house. She is a doctor. It was decided to open the apartment because no one had spare keys. A local police officer, two people from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, emergency doctors and another friend of mine, the director of our theater, came in with her. The conclusions are clear - this is an accident.

Not everyone has the strength to survive such a loss.

You know, I’m not sure that I survived this and that I will survive it again. I had moments - now I can already talk about it - when I would not mind if my life ended on its own. But it doesn't end.

Irina Bezrukova with her son Andrei Livanov, archive

Where do you find sources - I can’t say “comfort”, because that’s an imprecise word... But the strength to look and talk the way you look and talk, not to feel offended by the whole world, not to torment yourself with the question “Why did this happen?” with me?"

I don't take them from anywhere. I have already said that I had moments of such despair - and I think that they are familiar to all people whose children have died - that at some point you don’t want to live. This doesn’t mean that you’re thinking of stepping off the balcony, but, in principle, if I just fell asleep and didn’t wake up, that would be fine with me. Despair and heartache. If physical pain, even unbearable, can be extinguished - there are drugs, then mental pain simply does not go away. It hurts just as much as it hurts.

But it seems to me that there is something that you can already identify and give it a name that allows you to just live, get up in the morning, do your thing...

Eat. What I had previously seen in science fiction films or read in some amazing books and novels, after Andryusha left, began to actually happen to me. Or maybe I just wanted to believe in it, that it was happening?.. But I received information. Friends told me dreams that, to the last word, coincided with the words that Andrei told me. He once said: “I would like there to be more joy and love on Earth.” Friends came to me with these words and with others - also about joy... One day a friend took me to a cafe - in public I felt a little better. We are sitting at the table, and I keep asking Andryusha: “How can I continue without you? What should I do?” - I look up and see in front of me a black slate board - you know the ones on which menus are written in chalk in cafes? And there in English: “Enjoy every minute of your life!” One time I accidentally pressed a key on my laptop, I have hundreds of different music recordings there, and suddenly the song Woman Don’t Cry started playing. Another time I turned on the song “Mom” at random. I felt the presence of my son...

Are you a believer?

Yes, a believer, although not religious. And, you know, now I think that if they see us from there, from above, it must be unbearably painful for them to watch us suffer. And they try to console us, but we can’t cope. Because the tears never end.

This only happens when people were really very close.

Shortly before what happened, Andryusha and I went to Vietnam for ten days; he always wanted to go there. I had other plans - they invited me to a festival in Belgrade, but Andrei himself suggested: “Mom, I have a few days for vacation, would you like to go with me?” And I'm so happy that I went! Probably, this was the closest communication in my life, the closest humanly... Andrei was not just a son for me, but spiritually and mentally a very dear person to me. The most unconditional love of my life. Love for a man can be enormous, all-consuming, but it is never unconditional.

Andrey was going to become an actor, like you and his father, but he didn’t become one.

He was unlike the acting children. He was a philosopher, a wise boy, gifted in various ways, but he never wanted to concentrate attention on himself. That’s why he didn’t choose this profession, although everything was going well for him: he was already invited to play Romeo in a professional theater. He left the second year of theater, became interested in Japanese studies, he had dreams of working for UNICEF, his motivation since childhood was to help everyone - peoples, countries, individuals. Of his small salary, he always gave ten percent to charity or to me with the words: “Mom, donate it to someone.” He worked with us at the Provincial Theater as an administrator, helped everyone, did not divide the work into his own and others, literally lived in the theater. When Andryusha passed away, when despair, fear, and guilt went off scale - what would have happened if I hadn’t gone on tour? Maybe the trouble wouldn't have happened? - the theater gave me an incredible gift. They handed over a flash drive on which our actors recorded their stories about Andrey. They simply bathed me in love. I learned so many new things about my son! How he found a special kind word for everyone. How supportive you were at a difficult moment. One actor said that when his mother arrived from the provinces, Andryusha came up to her and said: “Is everyone in your family as beautiful and talented as your son?” And mom cried with happiness. When I listened to this, I cried too - it warmed my soul.

Did your friends support you during this difficult time?

Yes, they just passed me from hand to hand. At some point I stopped eating. I just forgot for a day or two. But when someone was next to me, talking, I sat down and ate. My sister was always with me at the dacha. My friend would knock on the bathroom if I didn't come out for a long time. My close friend and his family, who were in France, literally dragged me to their place, and so carefully, cautiously, as if by chance, brought me back to life. Friends. Those who are patient, who are with you, and not in moments of your strength and success, but in moments of despair - are nearby and listen. They are silent. They just hug you. They distract you and take you for a walk.

Irina, how much power does the past have over you? Or does it one day sink into the soil, from which the future then grows - whatever it may be?

This can only be discussed from the point of view of today. Since it so happened that this particular spring brought incredible events and changes in my life, I will now try to express this somehow figuratively, because words are sometimes very poor. There was a feeling that not only did I have no ground under my feet, there was nothing around me at all. This happens to people who dive for the first time
scuba diving You go deep and stop understanding where is up, down, right, left, and panic sets in. Around you, in all directions, there is one deep abyss, and there is no support. People probably experienced this in revolutions, wars, earthquakes, when life just happened, and in one minute it ended. And it is no longer clear where the past, present and future are.

Where can we get guidelines again?

They are there, you just need to see them. One day I sat down at Andryusha’s computer, asked his permission, told him: “I’m sorry, but now I really want to talk to you, as if you were alive, to find out what you were thinking about, what interested you.” And so I began to read. His correspondence with a friend who fell in love, and Andrei told him how to take a girl to the theater, what bouquet to buy, how to look after her. He was just helping a guy who didn't know how to behave and was also poor. And Andrei writes to him that he will arrange for our theater buffet to make cakes at local prices, set a table on the balcony, and a friend can invite his girlfriend for a romantic evening. I read and heard Andryusha, his intonation in every word... I felt his kindness. And I realized that all this simply cannot dissolve, disappear, that this is what remains forever. The letters encouraged me, they even discovered a new Andryusha - I did not imagine that my son had literary talent, but he did.

Irina, it is obvious that you have empathy, the ability not only to understand another person, but to feel him as if he were yourself. This is an excellent quality for an actress, and for a mother, but for a woman is this good?

Sometimes this is a problem - that you understand everyone too well. “Well, you’ll understand me? You know why I do this?” I really understand why not the best, not the most noble and not the most beautiful deeds are done. But in relationships with those close to you, this sometimes brings incredible pain. Therefore, maybe it’s easier not to understand and throw objects on the floor?

But you don't?

I have never broken a single plate in my life.

Today, when you have your own program and roles in the theater, don’t you think that in your marriage to Sergei Bezrukov you always faded a little into the background?

My opinion today - perhaps in six months I will think differently - is that in marriage a woman is always half a step behind a man, over his shoulder. If a woman gets ahead, the man develops internal aggression, and it gradually increases. This is probably fair. In general, this is a man’s business: to conquer the world, go to war, protect, make discoveries and actions. And a woman is simply a space in which a man lives. It is love that feeds him, moves him, supports him. I had a period when I complained that I could have been in a different acting category, that I had neglected my career. But at that time I believed that I was working for a good cause, for a very talented person who brings joy to people. And I help him with this.

Have you ever thought that you made some mistake in the past and would like to correct it? Or are you one of those people who believe that there is no subjunctive mood in history, that it is not only impossible to rewrite anything, but also unnecessary?

Since my son left, I have re-evaluated many, many things. After 15 years, I found the strength to ask for forgiveness from Andryusha’s father, Igor Livanov. I cried, we hugged. When I said goodbye to Andryusha, I found the strength to hold on and console those who were crying. Igor’s wife, so short, is a little sparrow, full of grief and tears - I saw her for the first time in my life. She clung to me and cried on my chest. I found the strength to forgive many things... And let go.

Irina Bezrukova in the play "Endless April" on the stage of the Provincial Theater

With Andrei Ilyin in "Endless April", staged by Anna Gorushkina based on the play by Yaroslava Pulinovich. The main character remembers his life - the length of the entire twentieth century. In his memories, his mother comes to him, and in this prism of the past she is present as light, absolute happiness and the only truth in his life

At the Gubernsky Theater you, together with Andrei Ilyin, play wonderfully in the play “Endless April”. He is an old man remembering his life, and in these memories, literally in seconds, he turns on stage into a child, into a youth, into an adult man.

Andrey is a unique artist.

Without a doubt. You are the hero’s mother, who comes to him in memories. But the role of the mother is very poignant, almost confessional. Will you continue to play it? I thought that it was quite possible that you would refuse.

No, I won't refuse. I only once asked another actress who works in the second cast to play for me, Lena Kirkova - one of the best in our theater. And not because I couldn’t play, but it was soon after what happened with Andryusha, and I understood that there might be tabloid journalists in the hall. They will film how I act as a mother: I play - I don’t play, I cry - I don’t cry. I didn’t want, I couldn’t allow the focus from the play to shift to how actress Irina Bezrukova plays a mother after the death of her son. But I played once. On my birthday, I decided to perform in this performance. Journalists from the yellow publication finally caught up with him. They just bought tickets. And they filmed several scenes with a hidden camera. And then they chased me in a car to take pictures. There was a chase, a real one: they cut me off, drove through a red light, and ran out with a camera right in front of my car. They took a photo of me, it was successful. I stopped - my nerves couldn’t stand it, my hands were shaking, I was just afraid that I would crash.

A monstrous story. I’m ashamed of my colleagues, although they can hardly be called journalists.

My lawyers are already dealing with this issue, but is this just a legal matter?.. I am a person who barely pulled myself together, put myself in a car and went to play such an important performance for myself... I have the right to personal integrity. Yes, there will be a lawsuit. Maybe not one, because I’m not at all sure that they will stop.

Will you continue to play at the Provincial Theater? You didn't even think about leaving there, did you?

Did not think. I really hope that I don’t have to. We have a wonderful theater, wonderful people, and I love them, and they love me. This is my family already.

And the audience in the new season will see you again with the amazing Andrei Ilyin in “Endless April”. Do you know what this performance reminds me of? When you approach the sea, you hear the splashing of the waves and think about something of your own, but then only the waves and the sea remain - you just go in and swim without looking back.

You see... I haven’t played in the theater for 15 years, I came to this small play, and you say such things. Am I not a happy person?..