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Despite her open disposition, she is too complex and subtle a person. Only he, with all his experience and subtle intuition, can understand it. He understands her and appreciates her, which does not matter to this woman. last value in life. That is why the compatibility between them is almost perfect, apart from some difficult moments. They understand each other, and he is not burdened by her excessive care and desire to constantly patronize.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Cancer in LOVE

Love between them is not born immediately. He evaluates her for a long time and does it from a distance. And she doesn’t always have enough courage to just look him straight in the eyes. He creates trust in her, so she easily removes her emotional defenses, becoming trusting and gentle. Such a miracle of the birth of love usually happens in response, since he cannot help but be surprised by the metamorphosis that happened to her.

Surprise is followed by unusually strong love. The interesting thing is that she sees all his shortcomings, but does not try to discover them. She understands all his desires, sees behind his mask what his mood is. There is a rare understanding between them, which excludes even the rarest quarrels. They are always interested in being together, as they are both interested in the same things. That is why the relationship between them only grows stronger over the years.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Cancer in MARRIAGE

They enter into an alliance only after mature reflection. It is important for them to evaluate the need for this step. They do this with special care and, as a rule, do not miscalculate. They feel good together, as both combine almost the same qualities. Their understanding and desire to help each other makes their union especially strong, if not eternal, in which there is always a place for joy and shared sorrows.

However, such an ideal marriage between them is possible only if they begin to solve all problems together. Even minor grievances will require discussion. If they talk a lot and openly, then their relationship will not be overshadowed by unpleasant feelings. Otherwise, their grievances will be too deep to hide any longer. The only thing left for them is separation, which is a disaster for such an ideal union.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Cancer in BED

Each of them has unspoken needs that they do not advertise. Small signs of attention are important to her, for example, a bouquet of flowers. And he would like to see her as the only one. If they understand these needs and satisfy them, then an extremely special harmony will arise between them. It will be impossible to break it, since only he understands her, and only she understands him. For this they do not need words, just intuition.

Intimacy for them can vary in quality and content. The main thing is to be together and feel each other. They may even enjoy just feeling each other. Long caresses and romance combined with sensitivity are a great start. He is for a quality process, so she will have to use all her energy. And to make the act unusual, you can turn on your imagination, which he will definitely support.

Important for girls to know!

To maintain a relationship with him, you need to correctly assess your negative character traits and try to abandon them. These are jealousy, possessiveness and fears. If she can get rid of these qualities, she will be at ease with him. You don’t even have to look for any common ground, because she is connected with him by deep understanding and sincere love. The main thing is to preserve all these feelings, no matter what.

The union of a Cancer girl and a Scorpio man can be ideal, but for this, both parties will first have to try a little. First of all, Scorpios who are thirsty for drive should understand that behind the façade of shyness and calmness of Cancers lies a storm of feelings and emotions. And women should not rush to conclusions about a new acquaintance. Initially, he may seem closed and uninteresting, but give him a little time, and the rich inner world will begin to appear.

Love compatibility

Sympathy in this couple usually originates from the male side. The curious Scorpio is attracted by the mystery of Cancer, his cool attitude towards others and even some kind of detachment. Purposeful attempts to attract the attention of such a complex personality as Scorpio do not give the desired result and even repel him. begins to appear soon after the start of communication. First of all, it is based on the ability of these people to understand each other almost on an intuitive level.

The uniqueness of the union also lies in the fact that Scorpio, who is quite aggressive and demanding in relation to other signs, understands and accepts all the shortcomings of Cancer. He completely shares and supports the interests of his lady, unobtrusively instilling in her his values. Practice shows that Compatibility of Cancer woman and Scorpio man in marriage It only becomes more obvious over the years. Representatives of the water element are ready to change if it benefits their family. This allows you to quickly resolve emerging conflicts and never repeat mistakes that have already been made.

This combination of signs has another advantage. They greatly value their own peace of mind and the trust of their partner. This combination of characteristics protects the couple from betrayal and even minor provocations. Even the initially jealous Scorpio, after some time, begins to completely trust his chosen one, responding to her with the same devotion.

Sexual compatibility

Full Compatibility of Scorpio man and Cancer woman in love also affects the sexual side of their relationship. In this pair, the man acts as an expert and connoisseur of sensual pleasures. The woman becomes his capable and zealous student. Behind the cool façade of a Cancer girl, there is often a passion for carnal pleasures. It is the Scorpio man who is better able than others to liberate her and save her from excessive timidity.

If in some couples the spark of sexual interest between partners gradually fades, then horoscope for Cancer woman and Scorpio man promises the opposite outcome. Over the years, their relationship only becomes more open and complete. They bring two people even closer together, making them forget about jealousy and fear of betrayal. IN sex life the two halves have everything they need. It's enough to add some variety from time to time. usual entertainment, and once the fire of passion is kindled, it will not go out for a long time.

There is only one moment that can darken practically perfect combination- envy of others. Suspicious Scorpio will not believe rumors about his beloved that are spread by ill-wishers, but his attitude towards her may become cooler. To prevent this from happening, you just need to protect your privacy and do not show it off in front of friends and relatives.

At work and at home

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Scorpio man

A business alliance between Cancer and Scorpio can be successful if a number of conditions are met. Firstly, a woman, with her cooler head, should prepare for a stream of caustic criticism from a more demanding man. Secondly, they should not question each other’s performance and competence. It is enough to plan everything once and you can count on the fact that everyone will cope with the assigned tasks or ask for help from a partner.

In friendly and business relations Compatibility between Cancer woman and Scorpio man also leaves no doubt. They can be friends all their lives, and each will consider the other a member of their family. Quarrels and conflicts are quite possible, but they will not be of a global nature and become the cause of hidden grievances. The flexibility of representatives of the water element will allow them to easily avoid sharp corners. Just one piece of advice for Cancer - don’t pay attention to Scorpio’s constant banter. Men of this sign rarely speak unpleasant things close people with malicious intent. They simply do not have a sense of humor that everyone understands, and sometimes they try to rude jokes convey some important idea to others.

In this union, it does not matter who is the boss and who is the subordinate. In both cases, comfortable and fruitful cooperation is ensured, with a guaranteed excellent result. The only exceptions are situations when one of the parties is incompetent in some way. These signs do not forgive blunders and serious mistakes.

Compatibility between Cancer and Scorpio is almost perfect. These signs belong to the same element, therefore they understand each other very well. Their acquaintance is a meeting of two halves of one whole, which quickly develops into a strong relationship. There are problems in a couple, because both signs are stubborn, secretive and emotional. But the percentage of divorces is small; deep mutual understanding helps resolve any conflicts.

Common interests and hobbies, real feelings, portend this union a long and happy life. Partners can go through all the storms and maintain their love.

Characters of signs

The compatibility horoscope between Cancer and Scorpio is very good. This is largely due to the nature of these zodiac signs. The element of water awarded them with similar temperaments; they have a lot in common.

Scorpio character

Passion, emotions and cold reason amazingly intertwined in the nature of Scorpio. This zodiac sign subtly feels people, while remaining closed. He rarely shares his knowledge and observations. Very brave and courageous, persistent, always achieves what he wants. If you win the trust of Scorpio, you can count on his endless devotion. For the sake of loved ones, he is even ready to sacrifice himself. Here a brief description of and the main features of this sign:

  • Emotionality
  • Prudence
  • Courage
  • Strength of will
  • Determination
  • Intuition
  • Loyalty and devotion
  • Idealism
  • Stealth
  • Lust for power.

Scorpios are possessive, they like to control their loved ones, they are not easy to get along with. Representatives of this zodiac sign can be selfish and vain, often weaving intrigues and manipulating people. They remember insults for a long time and take revenge at the first opportunity. They keep their feelings under control, but from time to time they can break down. Such outbursts destroy any relationship.

Cancer character

People born under the constellation Cancer are mysterious and secretive. They are very emotional, subject to mood swings, depending on the phase of the moon. They are tenacious and persistent in achieving goals. At the same time, without an external push, they often turn into lazy dreamers. They are attached to the family, value family ties, are sentimental, and are passionate about history. In the company of other people, they like to show off, to appear better and more successful than they really are. Here are the main character traits of Cancer:

  • Mysteriousness
  • Stealth
  • Emotionality
  • Sentimentality
  • Tenacity
  • Developed intuition
  • Passion
  • Thrift
  • Caution.

Cancers are greatly influenced by who they associate with. In an unworthy environment, these people become capricious, hysterical and too passive. They are suspicious and distrustful, and remember grievances for a long time. Indecision often ruins all their aspirations. Prone to seizures bad mood and depression. During periods of bad spirits, they seek solace in a glass, which is why there are so many alcoholics among Cancers. Quit bad habit It is difficult for them without outside support.

General compatibility of signs

The connection between Scorpio and Cancer occurs on a subconscious level. These are two kindred souls between whom there is a magnetic attraction. They see each other as if in a mirror, understand and forgive all weaknesses. Crabs, like no one else, are able to discern his true feelings behind Scorpio’s cold mask. Scorpio is condescending towards the melancholy and dreaminess of his partner. They are passionate about their relationship, like children. They admire each other’s talents, take care of each other, and are completely drowned in mutual feelings. If Cancer and Scorpio are friends, they will maintain this connection long years. They can count on support at any time, and they will not be mistaken. These signs get along quite well in work, but it is better if Scorpio is the boss in such a union, and Cancer is the subordinate. Then their cooperation will be very fruitful.

There are also problems in a pair of Cancer and Scorpio, because the connection between two people is never ideal. These zodiac signs are similar, but at the same time different. Scorpio is active and practical; he does not know the indecisiveness, daydreaming and detachment that Cancer has; such traits can irritate him. Cancer is frightened by Scorpio's vindictiveness. He is also vindictive, but does not know how to bear grievances and calculate retaliatory strikes. Both signs are secretive; if they have a conflict and misunderstanding, grievances are nurtured for a long time until they reach a critical point. Cancer withdraws into itself, and Scorpio destroys relationships with his outburst of anger. Misunderstandings may arise on financial grounds. Cancer loves to save money, while Scorpio loves to earn and spend.

The union of Cancer and Scorpio is influenced not only by the Sun. The Moon and its ascendant make their own adjustments. If moon sign Both have water, the relationship is further strengthened. The air element will alienate partners, and the fire element can make them rivals. But the earth will turn this couple into a very successful one. The year of birth also matters. Rooster, Monkey and Rat are not the best combination for these zodiac signs. A partner born in the year of the Ox will become extremely stubborn. The Dog and Rabbit will strengthen your attachment to home, and the Snake will strengthen your intuition. The Tiger and Dragon will add nobility, and the Horse and Pig will add hard work and self-confidence.

Erotic horoscope

Sexual compatibility between Cancer and Scorpio is excellent. They feel each other's desires intuitively and are ready to satisfy them. Cancers can be shy and timid. Their sexual needs are very strong, but they do not always dare to express their desires. Scorpio is bolder, he is ready to realize even the most sophisticated fantasies in the bedroom. Therefore, in such an alliance, Scorpio will play the first violin, to which Cancer will gladly agree. Partners can lie in bed for hours, caressing each other; quick sex will not satisfy either of them. Mental and emotional closeness is very important for both signs. Since there is one between Cancer and Scorpio, they sexual attraction and compatibility in love relationships becomes even stronger.

Problems in the intimate sphere are rare for partners, but they arise from time to time. Venus endowed them with similarities, but still different temperaments. When carried away by love play, Scorpio can be rude, he likes to cause pain and take risks. This behavior is unacceptable for Cancer; he may get scared and lose any interest in sex. Cancer men love to be mentors and teachers in bed, but Scorpio women cannot always appreciate this, because they have no less experience. This can also bring dissonance into relationships and disrupt the compatibility of Scorpio and Cancer in love. If lovers break up, a friendly relationship can remain between them. They will maintain the relationship even when they find another mate.

Compatibility of Cancer man and Scorpio woman

The Scorpio girl and the Cancer guy quickly start a relationship. No one fits together like these two. The guy sees in front of him a seductive person who is both caring and attentive. The girl is attracted by the fact that her future partner is sensual, emotional, and is not going to challenge her leadership. They fall tenderly in love with each other, to the envy of everyone around them. Their connection is strengthened by excellent compatibility in bed. Lovers are capable of not leaving the bedroom for hours, having sex at the first opportunity in the most incredible places. The wedding between them will not be long in coming, because both understand that they will be happy in family life.

Cancer man and Scorpio woman are a harmonious and prosperous couple. There is complete mutual understanding in their family. The spouses are gentle and caring, trying to please each other. The wife gently guides her husband, while emphasizing his slightest achievements. She can become the engine that will lead Cancer to incredible success, will give him strength. The husband treats his wife with respect, appreciates her talents, assertiveness, willpower and courage. A Cancer man and a Scorpio woman are happily married; they do not notice anyone around them. The family leads a rather secluded lifestyle; they only allow close friends into the house. After all, they are the whole world to each other, they don’t need anyone else.

How to solve problems

No matter how good compatibility a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman have, it can be destroyed. If the husband is not satisfied with his position in the family, or he is haunted by failures at work, he becomes irritable and even hysterical. Loving wife will try to console him, will begin to follow all his whims. But in this way she will not improve her situation, she will lose herself, and the man will turn into a real despot. The second problem is Scorpio’s jealousy and Cancer’s tendency to cheat. No matter how attached a man is to his family, his changeable mood forces him to look for adventures on the side from time to time. Spouses are secretive by nature, so grievances between them accumulate over the years. As a result, relationships cool down, and huge scandal, followed by a break.

Scorpio and Cancer can save their relationship if they listen to some advice. They should trust each other more, pay attention to those things that unite them, rather than separate them. A woman should not put too much pressure on a man and use gentle methods to achieve her goals. A man should forget about his intrigues, not be capricious and not hysterical. Even innocent flirting makes the wife jealous, so it should be abandoned. If there is real spiritual unity and interaction between the signs, both will achieve a lot. The spouse will become more active, achieve great success in life. A woman will gain softness and tenderness, which she often lacks. Therefore, to establish relationships, it is worth using all known methods.

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Cancer woman

A Scorpio guy and a Cancer girl can fall in love with each other at first sight. They date for a long time, do not always show their feelings in public. In fact, this couple experiences such passion that others have never even dreamed of. The girl, at first glance, looks a little distant and cold. But thanks to his intuition, the Scorpio guy will quickly see her as a gentle and romantic person. For a Cancer girl, he will be the one who can understand her and support her in Hard time, give strength and energy. Cancer and Scorpio will be united by friendship and true, sincere love. Their union is very promising, they will be happy in marriage and will live together for many years.

The compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man is promising and almost ideal. Outwardly, this couple looks cold and withdrawn, but in fact, the partners are connected by sincere and deep feelings. The wife takes care of her husband, takes care of the house and children. She becomes a real guardian angel for her man. Scorpio treats his soul mate with care, he protects her from external storms and the difficulties of life. For spouses shared values, they honor traditions and family ties. They can more often be seen visiting parents and distant relatives, or at a museum, than at a noisy party with friends. A marriage is built on love and respect. Scorpio and Cancer constantly maintain the compatibility of their couple high level, do not allow quarrels and conflicts in the house.

How to solve problems

The relationship between a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman can deteriorate, despite the fact that they are perfectly compatible. They have a lot in common, but there are also differences in character and temperament. The wife is frightened by the outbursts of anger to which her husband is subject. She is vulnerable and sensitive, her husband’s behavior hurts her and unsettles her. A man appreciates the mystery of his girlfriend, but her mood swings and whims can be annoying. He does not understand when to expect another attack of tearfulness and complete detachment from reality from his wife. Sometimes the reason for the quarrel is financial questions. Cancers are stingy; they feel confident only when they have a solid cash reserve. Scorpios cannot be called spenders, but they treat money more easily.

Scorpio man - Cancer woman - a couple who will live a long and happy life together. If they come together, then a strong, long-lasting and interesting union will definitely be created. However, as elsewhere, there are pitfalls here that can hinder the creation prosperous family. Scorpio is a powerful person, and Saturn endowed him with this quality. Cancer is quite capable of giving him a powerful rebuff; this trait was given to him by his patroness, the Moon. In addition, Scorpio is a permanent sign that will not allow its partner, who belongs to cardinal sign, behave inappropriately.

They can become people for each other who will never understand their partner. This can happen if they do not take into account each other's characteristics. However, if there is a desire and desire to be together, then agreement and mutual understanding are not so difficult to achieve.

It is unlikely that anything in this world can inspire fear in a Scorpio man. But he is constantly perplexed, seeing how his partner hesitates. She is stalling for time, standing in one place when Scorpio would have taken the most active actions a long time ago. He rejects slowness, because of this he forgets that not only active actions can bring results.

The Cancer woman acts exactly as she needs, and everything produces results that surprise even the determined Scorpio. She is like a predator - she can hide before jumping, and then takes a decisive action, verified with great precision, to get the desired result. The main thing is that her chosen one does not rush his missus. Of course, he will also need time to get used to such alien methods. But you shouldn’t judge, otherwise the Scorpio-man-Cancer-woman couple will come to an end. She is a very vulnerable, sensitive person who will harbor resentment for a very long time. IN in some cases this period is measured in years.

I would like to say that Scorpio is also not so harsh person. He is vulnerable in the depths of his soul, sensitive and needs love and care, like a flower in sunlight. This is an incentive for him to be better. If he does not feel reciprocal emotions from his chosen one, he will quickly break off ties, and without any regret, because if the much-needed response from his soul mate was not received, then such a relationship is not worth continuing.

What the union will be like (Scorpio man - Cancer woman) depends only on themselves. This could be a sensual couple filled with love and harmony, or a poor semblance of a relationship. It all depends on whether they are ready to meet each other halfway, accept shortcomings and get used to the character traits of their other half. Such is their compatibility.

Cancer woman + Scorpio man is a sexually explosive mixture. In bed, for them there is only unbridled passion and sexual hunger. These are people without complexes. They only need one look to get aroused. In a couple like a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman, disputes and grievances are often smoothed out by violent sex.

When two representatives of the element of Water find each other, there is no point in expecting calculated stability; the compatibility of the couple is built solely on emotions. Scorpio is one of the most controversial signs, patronage fiery Mars creates a truly explosive mixture. Natal chart Cancer is more harmonious; the ruling Moon fully corresponds to the water element, which is why the well-being of the couple is often in women’s hands.

Character compatibility of Cancer woman and Scorpio man in the family

Compatibility in family life may come as a complete surprise to representatives of the signs: sooner or later it will become clear that marriage is not at all like the candy-bouquet period. A woman has always considered herself a natural keeper of the hearth, but in romantic dreams he looked a little different than in reality.

A man’s fears are much more clear: he is not against comfort, while he tries to stay away from responsibility and obligations. His natural habitat is the battlefield, the improvement of the world, the honor of others. In his view, home is a reliable rear, a territory of comfort, but in no way an obstacle on the way to high goals.

Despite such significant differences in priorities, astrological symbols have many common points that brighten up common life. Both know the value of money and experience an unconscious fear of poverty, which is why they know how to save. Here it is important to be able to stop in time, so as not to bring a sound idea to the point of absurdity. In this couple, saving can take on hypertrophied proportions, simply put, turn into petty greed, and the most dangerous thing is the habit of denying yourself for the sake of hoarding, which imperceptibly loses its meaning, but gains strength. If you continue to give her the go-ahead, over time you will soon transform into a sentimental, forgotten couple, whileing away their evenings in a cluttered apartment looking at old photographs.

The inherent isolation of both is another pitfall. Cancers are almost never burdened by loneliness; home improvement can absorb a woman completely. Scorpios are jealous, so a stay-at-home spouse suits them perfectly. True, years later you can easily hear a reproach from your beloved man that the inspiring muse has turned into an ordinary housewife. Periodic outings, romantic holidays, and loyalty to former hobbies, which in no case should be sacrificed to the family, will help you avoid gloomy prospects.

While maintaining individuality, representatives of the signs continue to remain interesting and mysterious to each other. Feelings burn between them, mutual attraction and commonality of ideals are strong, a little jealousy only adds spice, but does not destroy trust.

Compatibility at work

The business compatibility of the symbols is obvious: mutual understanding is quickly established between employees, both are quite motivated, diligent, and adhere to a similar rhythm. It’s good if the tasks set by higher management are clear.

When these two independently organize own project, the flight of ambitious fantasies can take you away from reality. The couple could use someone more practical and down-to-earth, for example, a representative of the earthly element. This is exactly the case when the third is not at all superfluous.

It is advisable for a Scorpio leader to take into account the heightened sensitivity of a subordinate. Scorpios love to criticize in a sophisticated way, but often forget to praise. The man is seriously convinced that the very fact of cooperation is the highest assessment on his part. Most Cancers are sympathetic to the boss's manners.

Subordinate Scorpio looks down on his boss, however, the chances of gaining authority are quite high. The Scorpio man respects competence, fairness, leadership skills, if available, he is ready to carry out orders with complete dedication.

How a Scorpio man can conquer a Cancer woman

There is no point in resorting to all sorts of tricks for a Scorpio man - he easily recognizes tricks, standard techniques will only cause annoyance. Sincere admiration will find a much more lively response. Cancers are incredibly susceptible to compliments that emphasize individuality, although they try to appear indifferent.

Often circumstances are on the side of representatives of one element. It will not be surprising if an opportunity arises to help out a girl in a difficult situation without much difficulty, which she will certainly appreciate. It happens that fulfilled worldly wisdom Cancer women willingly patronize Scorpios. Conversations start on their own: spiritual and astrological closeness takes its toll.

Almost all Cancers jealously guard their personal space and value the company of people who respect this feature. The Scorpio man can be absolutely calm: Rakin are not interested in parallel romances, the need for privacy is not an excuse at all.

How a Cancer woman can win a Scorpio man

In all centuries and times, Cancer women, in an attempt to win a man, make a similar mistake: they begin to copy the standard of beauty that was widespread at that time. This is a sure way to disappoint Scorpio, who is confident that he has finally met the one and only: unapproachable, mysterious, unlike the others.

Being a bright personality, it is important to pay tribute to the characteristics of the chosen one, respect his love of freedom, independence of judgment, and never cease to be amazed at his strength of spirit. The talent for creating psychological comfort, which most Cancers are initially endowed with, will come in handy. A guy needs confidence that there are no intentions to drag him into a relationship for which he is not ready.

Very responsive, loving, interested in mutual understanding. Despite his outward harshness, he is patient with women’s whims, and being rejected is unbearable for him. The other extreme is also dangerous: as the relationship develops, you become dependent on this Martian. Having enjoyed an unconditional victory, he will lose all interest and rush for new conquests.

Who and how raises children in a family?

Without exaggeration, parents such as the Cancer woman can be called the most caring mothers throughout the zodiac circle. Caring for babies is so exciting that the Cancer mother does not always notice that they have already matured.

Independence is more upsetting than pleasing: it’s a pity that you no longer need to tie the laces on children’s shoes, put away toys, read fairy tales before bed, pamper them with gifts and sweets. But how interesting home holidays become! Why not remember family legends that children already understand and are interested in, bake a cake according to grandma's recipe, open an old album with photographs.

Parents are not always able to accept the fact that the child is not their continuation or exact copy, this includes the Scorpio man. Innate insight allows him to almost accurately determine other people's moods. When it comes to his own children, dad faces unpleasant discoveries: little people react, perceive, dream not the way he does, but in a completely different way, and you have to get to know them, establish contact, and win them over just like everyone else.

The ability to please does not fail the Scorpio man this time either. Children are delighted with dad's courage, imagination, strength and knowledge. It’s always interesting with a Scorpio dad; as long as he’s around, nothing bad will happen - that’s how the kids see him. As children get older, they pay attention to traits such as leadership, the ability to inspire confidence, independence, and superiority.

Intimate compatibility of Scorpio man and Cancer woman

The sexual compatibility of the couple is so high that the partners understand each other without words. A charming Cancer woman is able to melt the ice of mistrust, which often hinders the Scorpio man; she does not give even a hint of a reason for jealousy with either a gesture or a word. In an atmosphere of spiritual comfort, nothing prevents a passionate Scorpio from indulging in passion, igniting and liberating Cancer.

Intimate relationships for these two mean more than just a physiological process or a way to get pleasure. The feeling of tenderness and unity brings us together, inspires, and accompanies us in everyday life for a long time.

Pros and cons of Scorpio men and Cancer women

To the uninitiated, it may seem that Scorpio's intemperance poses a serious threat to compatibility. A man demonstrates a bad mood, allows tactless statements, argues for the sake of arguing, acts contrary to requests and common sense, just to show who's boss.

The Cancer woman treats such antics with amazing calm. The behavior of the other half is not varied, therefore it is easy to miscalculate. IN in this case successfully passing the “adequacy test” will be generously rewarded: obeying developed sense justice, the guy will try to compensate for the moral damage, he will sincerely regret that he treated his wise, patient companion so ugly.

It would be unfair to believe that the Cancer woman is in complete subordination or has no right to vote - with such a girlfriend, the Scorpio man would have become depressed long ago. Cancers know how to arrange emotional shocks or scenes of jealousy, but so exquisitely that outbursts of anger rather flatter than hurt their partner.

Sometimes the stumbling block becomes the attitude towards home and everyday life. Comfort. For a born warrior, this is not just a place to rest between battles, while for Rakini it is a whole world, without which she cannot imagine herself. Lack of participation family matters The Scorpio man prefers to compensate with reliability, readiness to help out and protect. The laconic nature of the sign also has a clear explanation: why beautiful phrases when actions speak for themselves.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman?

Astrological compatibility benefits both. In the company of a Scorpio man, the Cancer woman becomes noticeably more lively and persistent, and her companion discovers many secrets in the field of psychology. No matter how long this union lasts, everyone acquires something previously unknown in it.

The water element is extremely unstable, therefore the effect of novelty is constantly renewed in relationships, opposing routine. A set of qualities that successfully complement each other, trust that has stood the test of time, and the need for love are the key to a long life together.