Compatibility of Aries and Libra according to the horoscope. Sexual attraction of a couple

According to statistics, feelings, sympathy and attraction between them often arise, and precisely due to opposites in character. The Aries man is warlike, domineering, loves to be a conqueror and subjugator. The Libra woman is soft, insecure, she tends to make concessions, and it is difficult to choose the right decision.

If there are areas for joint partnership between them and sexual interest remains, then the relationship will be quite successful and happy. Together they will not be bored; there will always be a confrontation between different opinions and views between them.

It is believed that marriages where passions, feelings, and emotions seethe can be more durable than calm marriages where feelings and emotions are rarely shown. But the main thing here is that passions end in the same stormy reconciliation. Then they will become inseparable and no worldly storms will separate them.

An Aries man will be in love

  • Hot
  • Passionate
  • Active
  • Attentive
  • Idealistic
  • Proactive
  • Energetic
  • Swift

A Libra woman will be in love

  • Feminine
  • Delicate
  • Flirty
  • Charming
  • Hospitable
  • Peace-loving
  • Sociable
  • Romantic
  • Patient
  • Well-groomed
  • Sophisticated
  • Aesthetic
  • Be able to adapt

Aries man and Libra woman compatibility in love relationships - cons

There are many disadvantages between them, and the reason is that they are opposite to each other. The Libra woman is diplomatic, adheres to the rules of behavior, decency, and avoids conflicts. The Aries man, on the contrary, is straightforward, does not know how to restrain himself, and does not accept any restrictions. It is difficult for him to adhere to the rules of decency and good manners.

The Libra woman values ​​comfort and convenience more, while the Aries man loves everything extreme, where he can show strength, endurance, and power. He likes to command and subordinate, but she wants an equal, fair partnership in relationships and in the family.

She can be nice to men, smile, but not because of mutual feelings, but only because of the rules of good behavior. What will cause jealousy for an Aries man? With subsequent stormy showdown.

Negative qualities of an Aries man in love

  • Arrogance
  • Militancy
  • Authority
  • Intransigence
  • Coarseness
  • Rigidity
  • Cruelty
  • Incontinence
  • Haste
  • Impulsiveness
  • Rashness
  • Assertiveness
  • Impudence
  • Irritability
  • Selfishness
  • Lack of diplomacy

Negative manifestations of Libra women in love

  • Coquetry
  • Addiction
  • frivolity
  • Impermanence
  • Extravagance
  • Insincerity

Compatibility of Aries man and Libra woman in love

If you learn to cope with negative characteristics and qualities of your character, the relationship will be strong. It is important that they have a lot in common, that they engage in common activities, activities, and work. For a Libra woman, it is important to have an equal partnership in the family, without authority and suppression. It is useful for an Aries man to moderate his commanding character if he does not want the Libra woman to leave him.

For her, the main thing in the family and relationships is a feeling of harmony, to achieve mental balance, and if an Aries man violates the harmony, then the relationship will only worsen. Both of them will have to look for a lot of compromises, make concessions constantly in order to keep the relationship harmonious.

see also how an Aries man loves how a Libra woman loves

How can a Libra woman win an Aries man?

There will be no particular difficulties for a Libra woman to win an Aries man. He himself has the instinct of a conqueror in his blood, especially if in front of him is the complete opposite of him, a sophisticated, cultured, beautiful lady. He likes women who are soft, gentle, passionate. Clothes should complement your bright image, but without designer excesses.

Communicate with him extremely sincerely, show admiration for his character, merits, and give him compliments. He wants to be the best in the eyes of a woman, and he will immediately appreciate it.

Aries man and Libra woman in bed

The compatibility of an Aries man and a Libra woman in bed will be ideal if their sexual temperament is similar, which is not always the case. The Libra woman wants everything to be beautiful and idealistic. The Aries man does not adhere to conventions; the main thing for him is speed and action, and he is little concerned about the details of beauty.

In a good combination, a woman will be able to diversify his passion and desires, making intimate relationships more interesting and exciting. Otherwise, she will not tolerate the rude antics of the Aries man, for whom the main thing is only to rule and subjugate and it is impossible to agree on any harmony with him.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

The love and marriage of an Aries man and a Libra woman sometimes flares up from the very beginning of communication, and they dote on each other. Aries man and Libra woman - their compatibility is due to the fact that despite the fact that these zodiac signs are very opposite to each other, and it seems they should not harmoniously coexist in one pair, since they have different views on most areas of life, all Equally, very often they seal themselves by marriage, and after that they achieve happiness and prosperity in their families.

However, no one is saying that everything is going exceptionally well. Their relationship is always an endless confrontation, as if they were in the ring and fighting for life and death. A lot of colors and emotions are mixed into such a relationship, and there will be a desire for leadership in the couple, and competition, and passion, and love. If you look at them from the outside, without plunging into their inner world, it will seem that they are simply physically unable to exist together, and their marriage should fall apart very soon. But as we know, many couples who live in such “unstable” relationships remain in them for many years, and everything is fine with them, and their love union is actually very strong.

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And all because the fiery and passionate Aries man, and the mysterious Libra woman, who is sometimes tormented between desires, so need these endless energy recharges, which they can receive in abundance in this union and marriage. And at the same time, they may not care about the opinions of others.

An important role for the Aries-Libra couple is played by Mars and Venus, who personify the masculinity and femininity of each of us. One thing is for sure - as long as these partners are attracted to each other sexually, it will be very difficult to separate them from each other.

Compatibility - Aries man and Libra woman. Good qualities

It is very good when in the union of a Libra woman and an Aries man there is a very clear division of responsibilities and roles. The Libra woman will gladly relieve herself of all responsibility and entrust this mission to her Aries husband, while at the same time she will be happy to build a sincere and cozy home. If these conditions are met, both will be attracted to each other sexually until old age.

The Aries man in this pair will always be the leader and leader, the prince who wins the heart of his beloved woman, and the Libra woman will always maintain her own femininity and gentleness, since she can trust her loved one. This happens from the first glances and movements towards each other - and continues to be attached to his partner until old age.

At the beginning of their relationship, Aries-Libra usually has their needs completely satisfied in their union, and they don't need anyone else. They prefer to spend a lot of time together, and do not really let anyone into their social circle. With age, they become more sociable, as they try to refresh their feelings and gain new emotions, which may subside over time. Both the Libra woman and the Aries man love to explore new places and travel to new countries.

Compatibility - Aries man and Libra woman. Negative qualities

Difficulties in compatibility between the Zodiac sign Aries and Libra usually arise in cases where they have different ideas about the behavior that they should show in society and to others. In this area, they can quite often swear and argue with each other, proving their point of view.

The Aries man has a more open and straightforward temperament, and, as a rule, behaves quite frivolously in society, and allows himself a lot, considering it absolutely normal. Libra women, on the other hand, have greater aesthetics, grace and a desire to behave in accordance with all the rules and without trying to fluff their tails. She often enjoys social events, such as beautiful balls. Since their behavior in this regard does not always coincide, the Libra woman may be embarrassed by her partner’s behavior and even criticize him.

At the same time, on the other hand, the Aries man, seeing how nicely his wife talks with other men, will be furious and annoyed, because he believes that this is unnecessary. Libra will perceive this only as behavior within the framework of the public norm, and understand this as adherence to etiquette.

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If we do not take the above into account, it is quite possible that

Horoscope Aries-Libra - the harmony of their relationship

The compatibility of the horoscopes of Aries and Libra is such that their couple is quite capable of being very strong and surviving any difficulties, but only if each partner can cope with their shortcomings and hide those character traits that will be unacceptable for the other. An Aries man tends to behave actively, create new opportunities and act, sometimes behave aggressively, and subjugate those around him. The Libra woman needs to create more balance, she must try to smooth out rough edges, create a harmonious environment and pleasant communication for herself, and she pays much more attention to social norms and etiquette - and this can help both.

It is critically important for the Libra woman to realize that she cannot try to remake the Aries man and mold him into what she wants. If she nevertheless persists in her desire to change Aries, she may soon experience disappointment, since by smoothing out the sharp corners of his character, she at the same time crushed his individuality, and suppressed his bright and good traits - like courage, determination, ingenuity. This will lead to the Libra woman herself feeling that she is no longer the same man she admired before.

Libra has a great connection with Saturn, and this planet is associated with rules and a certain order, so such a woman can be great in the company of other people, and understand what can and cannot be done at any particular moment. She feels it literally at the level of intuition.

Aries may have serious difficulties with this, his perception is very clouded, and he can make a huge number of mistakes. If Libra tries to subordinate Aries to all norms, then he will turn into a real soldier who meekly carries out the clear orders of the command. This is not the best solution.

How can we ensure that peace and tranquility are maintained in this couple and the love union of an Aries man and a Libra woman? The Libra woman can act as an agent of positive change here, and she will need to make certain concessions and have a good understanding of her husband’s character. Alternatively, their social circle may differ slightly, and Libra’s desire to “show off” in the world can be satisfied at other events that the Aries man does not attend. In this case there will be no conflicts and confrontation.

Aries man - Libra woman

It is usually not difficult for a Libra girl to convince an Aries to open his heart to her. He is plasticine in her lovely hands, but Aries, you know, are never like that in anyone’s hands. They are made of iron and steel (metals are also associated with the Sun sign). But next to a Libra woman, he will melt like a snowman in July. He cannot resist her charms also because she praises his amazing qualities, which, it seems to him, others always ignore. He cannot resist her irresistible sexual attractiveness, her feminine charm (this is at the beginning, there are no surprises yet). In addition, she is perhaps beautiful, like most Libra women, her smile is captivating, and every Aries man loves it when he has such a girlfriend or wife that others envy him. He needs to be proud of the woman he loves, show her off and brag about her. He wants her to always be better and more beautiful than other women, so that it is clear: he received the first prize at the festival of love (you remember, Aries sucked in this desire for victory with their mother’s milk). Since she is perhaps taller than many other women, brighter, more attractive, has a beautiful figure, and so on, this woman will meet all the requirements of Mars, and the beginning of their love will not be overshadowed by anything.

But later, the Libra woman who loves Aries can often lose her balance, because she is on the verge of neurosis every time she is forced to act instantly, and she is not yet entirely sure what she wants. Because of this, there will be unstable periods in their relationship. This man demands that everything be done now, immediately, yesterday, even if he has just decided what he needs. “Do you want me to do it today, honey, or can I do it tomorrow?” -whether that involves dry cleaning his favorite sweater or printing a copy of his address book so he has an extra copy if he loses it. (He loses things all the time.) “Today,” he will tell her. (If he needed it tomorrow, he would ask her tomorrow.)

Such inconsistent and impatient Mars thinking can confuse her delicate Venus soul. She might ask, “Would it make more sense to plan ahead or try to do something tomorrow?” - to hear him shout in response: “Don’t argue with me! Just do as I say, please.” If he has a softer Moon sign or Ascendant, he will add “please”, if not, he will simply give his orders, without even thinking that he is acting selfishly. I know one Libra woman who gave her Aries husband a handmade gift for his birthday. It was a picture of velvet and satin in Mars fiery red tones with the words embroidered on it: “Lord, give me the gift of patience, but quickly.” My husband was delighted. This is one of the good old typical Aries. He can laugh at himself and rarely gets angry if his mistakes are pointed out gently, without being harshly critical. But you have to constantly point them out. After Aries admits how selfish he is, feels guilty, ashamed, apologizes and promises not to do it again, he immediately does it again, and again, and again. The typical Mars-ruled man has no problem apologizing. This is one of his most pleasant features. Aries will quickly agree with the mistake and realize his guilt, but will not give up the bad habit. Still, it is an excellent quality to be able to admit your mistakes and try to correct them. He is trying. Not always successfully, but, God knows, he tries.

She also apologizes easily. Like Aries, Libras tend to admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. In fact, she may be too ready to admit mistakes, that is, to decide that what she did or decided was wrong. She worries if she hurts his feelings by doing or saying something wrong and tries to redeem herself gracefully. She will have to do this often because he is hypersensitive. He wants everyone to love him: family, friends, strangers and, of course, the woman he has (that's pretty much how he thinks of her - as a special delightful, precious, long-awaited gift that he found crafted on Christmas morning) . Aries men can be exclusively focused on themselves, without even realizing it. She will gradually understand this, but first her more subtle feelings of Venus will be seriously hurt more than once. She will try with all the power of Libra's logic and persuasion to make him understand that every person in the world cannot love him. But Aries will turn a deaf ear to her.

He wonders why he is not admired by his enemies, never realizing what he did or said to anger them so much. They could understand that he was right and did not want to harm anyone. He was only defending himself. Why don't they see that he regrets his hasty words and has already forgotten his anger? Aries believes that people forget bad things as quickly as he does. It always hurts him deeply when someone sulks or grumbles about something he has long forgotten about. His enemies today are his bosom friends tomorrow. He may run home furious, hoping that his Libra girlfriend will share his anger. If she tries to look at what happened soberly and wants to know the enemy's point of view, and then tries to show her husband or lover Aries where he might have been wrong, he will attack her, sometimes furiously and even with tears, and accuse her of treachery . She doesn't love him! If she loved, she would be on his side, and not defend his enemies! He is not interested in her justice, typical of Libra. The only correct point of view is his... and if she really considered him, she would see it. While Aries is angry, he cannot judge anything objectively. The next day he will probably be a real lamb, admitting his hotheadedness and trying to smooth out his stupidity. Now she could say that he was wrong, because he had already realized it himself. But not before that. By nature, a Venus-ruled woman is more able than others to balance the delicate situations that her Aries lover creates with his unbridled character. She is gentle, feminine, logical, smart. But she was born under the male sign and one day she may resist when she feels that he is completely unfair. However, this is unlikely to change him, he will either leave, slamming the door, or will scowl angrily in the corner, convinced that she hates him. It is better for a Libra woman not to show him an iron fist in a velvet glove. Aries will soon feel that they are being controlled. For a while, however, he allows this to be done, but as soon as he discovers that they are trying to squeeze him into some kind of pattern of behavior, he either pushes his horns against the wall, or gets angry, and sometimes both. No one should tell him what to do, he is his own boss! Even when he seriously intends to do something, he is more likely to abandon his plans if he thinks that she really wants it. And all because he hates doing what another suggests, especially if the wish is expressed openly.

The fact that the Libra woman loves to argue and discuss any decision or situation will not stop the typical Aries man. He sees this as opposition, a challenge. He would die of boredom with a woman who would never defend herself against him. His Mars nature is excited by the promise of battle, whether they are talking about what movie to watch, what car to buy, or discussing global issues. He needs to win all these arguments. He will not give in one iota until he is convinced that he has not won (or until his smart Libra girlfriend allows him to believe it). Then he is proud, satisfied and happy. And what awaits her is the love, passion and tenderness that any woman dreams of.

Sex in this man's mind is closely linked to his ability to always be right and appear victorious to the woman he loves. He must be respected, loved, agreed with and admired, and then he will properly show the full power of Mars as a lover. If he feels rejected, he will turn into ice, and this is already more serious than the fire of Aries. Their sexual connection, as a rule, is unusually strong and integral. Her femininity and his masculinity are perfectly combined as long as the Libra woman does not allow the male half of her Sun sign to interfere in their intimate life (for example, to show that her abilities are no worse than his). He must lead in their intimacy, as, indeed, in everything else. If she allows it, he will be the most sensual, romantic, sentimental, loving and passionate lover she can imagine. But he is capable of turning into a demanding tyrant if she destroys his super-necessary self-confidence.

This is unlikely to happen unless her Moon or Ascendant is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Cancer or Capricorn. Although their natures are polar opposites, the characters of the Mars-ruled man and the Venus-ruled woman combine in the most exquisite way. In addition, Mars and Venus themselves loved each other fiercely (even when she was married to Jupiter). Read Greek mythology. This will help you understand Sun Signs better.

Considering that Aries loves to gallop along rocky slopes, and the child of Venus lives in an unreliable world of swinging golden scales, where the slightest breath of wind can deprive her of inner harmony and outer tranquility, these two can unite their very different natures with amazing success . With the help of this man, the Libra woman will find intoxicating freedom and active mental activity, and Aries will enjoy walking through the cool forests of Libra, among the swaying bells and fluttering butterflies.

The Libra woman is very feminine. Few men can master this powerful combination of masculine determination and delightful sophistication. But the Aries man always accepts any challenge and wins, and her challenges promise the winner a precious reward. All men are boys at heart, but Aries especially. Purely outwardly there is nothing childish about him. He is tough and strong - the type of male, and only the aura of impossible dreams and wistful longing evokes a feeling of youth... If the Libra woman uses her Venus charm and patience to channel his burning aspirations and amazing energy towards one worthwhile goal, he can become great a fighter for the victory of good (both of them have a strong sense of mercy and hate any injustice).

The main reason for the difficulties in their relationship will be that they are both Cardinal signs of leadership - both Aries and Libra. Such a combination will never be an alliance if there is a constant battle between them for primacy. They will have to learn to walk side by side, as equals, and not as superior and inferior. This is the only way for them to find a way to each other's hearts.

Libra woman and Aries man

Love compatibility

The compatibility of Libra and Aries has a very strong emotional storm. This reaction occurs due to the influence of two planets - Mars and Venus, the male and female essence. This union is especially strong in terms of sexual interest. Thanks to this detail, the compatibility of the signs is quite strong in other respects as well.

As a rule, Aries and Libra can rightfully be called an ideal couple, but only if certain conditions are met. Outwardly, legally married Aries and Libra represent a very harmonious and strong married couple. The harmony of the couple lies in the lightness and sophistication of Libra and the determination of Aries. It is these qualities of the zodiac signs that allow a couple to develop harmoniously and delight each other. Thanks to their origins, the signs are ideal partners, capable of a long and strong union.

Sexual compatibility

The harmonious relationship between a Libra woman and an Aries man sexually has very strong roots. These signs are simply attracted to each other; the masculine and feminine principles of the planets of the signs determine a strong psycho-emotional connection.

Relationships can be considered long-lasting as long as there is a connection between the signs. The aesthetic attraction of Aries and Libra allows the couple to look harmonious not only in bed, but also in life. Sexual attraction between the signs is determined by a special sensuality.

At work and at home

In many ways, partners from Aries and Libra are distinguished by their independence, which each of the signs will prefer to defend no matter what. Sometimes the exactingness and excessive pressure of Aries bring a large amount of negative emotions to Libra, but in many cases the situations are resolved amicably. Libra, in many ways, despite their position, patronizes Aries, but Libra does not consider this a problem and is absolutely not burdened by this state of affairs.

Libra and Aries complement each other harmoniously. Signs on a subconscious level are attracted and become strong emotionally and psychologically. Signs from such a tandem simply draw energy, Libra is especially dependent on this state of affairs.

The compatibility of a pair of Libra and an Aries man determines a bright and strong union carried through many years. But such friendship is possible only among representatives of the same sex. Since a man and a woman most often have a friendship that ends in a romance. Unfortunately, after breaking up, these signs never maintain a warm relationship.

These two can become an ideal family if each of them is willing to comply with a number of conditions. Already at the very beginning of the relationship, others perceive them as a prosperous and very harmonious couple. And they really have the ability to understand each other well.

The pair of Aries man and Libra woman is an example of the unity of opposites: the first is purposeful, active, open, and his companion is delicate, refined and slightly mysterious. However, these are complementary, not conflicting qualities. This is a couple in which the brave, noble Aries knight is ready to lay the world at the feet of his beautiful, gentle Libra princess. They like each other precisely in this form, so they do not feel the desire to reshape their partner in their own way.

Moreover, they are ready to change themselves and acquire qualities that they feel lacking in themselves. Aries will appreciate Libra's analytical abilities, her talent to see the situation not one-sidedly, but as a whole, her wisdom and calmness. With all her merits, such a woman is unlikely to fight for the role of the head of the family - on the contrary, she will, not without pleasure, give her husband the reins of power, and with them the need to make responsible decisions. His optimism and support will allow her to spend less time on doubts and more time on real actions.

The Libra woman is always ready to compromise, having a pacifying effect on her partner. The role of the leader in the union will have to be taken on by the Aries man; it is he who to the greatest extent determines the fate of the relationship. If he does not go too far in his quest for power, respects his partner’s opinion and is more often guided by it, the Aries man and Libra woman will be happy together. The compatibility horoscope calls sensitivity, the depth of their emotional experiences, the ability to empathize, and the tendency to creative impulses, albeit of varying emotional intensity, the key to this.

Libra Woman and Aries Man Compatibility

According to the compatibility of Libra women and Aries men, they are very often fascinated by each other from the first minutes of meeting. In this union, the Aries man meets his antipode from the opposite zodiac sign Libra. Despite the fact that both partners are completely different in their mental makeup, that they have fundamental contradictions in many areas and areas of life, on a variety of issues and problems, they, as confirmed by statistics from many countries around the world, very often enter into a marriage union .

The relationship of this couple is an eternal struggle: love-battle, love-confrontation. They have everything in abundance, overflowing with everything - passion, ambition, rivalry, and the desire to be first. Of course, from the outside they seem more than strange and do not give the impression of being stable, but we must not forget that many stormy marriages ultimately turn out to be more durable than ordinary ones. For both the self-confident Aries man and the contradictory Libra woman, these bright emotions are simply vital. In their relationships with each other, they find themselves in their usual turbulent environment, and who cares what others say about it?

The creation of the Aries-Libra pair involves planets symbolizing the masculine and feminine essence - Mars and Venus. As long as the partners maintain sexual interest in each other, no everyday storms will be able to break the couple. In an ideal pair of Libra woman and Aries man, there is a clear division of the sexes. The Libra woman is happy to transfer all responsibility and the right to make mistakes to her Aries husband, and she herself organizes a cozy and reliable rear. In this couple, both partners retain sexual interest in each other until their very old age. No matter how many years this couple has been together, the Aries man always remains a brave knight, and the Libra woman is his Beautiful Lady, who will never have to worry that she has become less desirable. From the first days of their acquaintance, the Aries man is delighted with the beauty and elegance of Libra and will admire it all his life.

In a Libra-Aries compatibility pair at a young age, they do not need any further communication and prefer to spend all their time together. In adulthood, they can be found in various companies, since wisdom comes with age, and they understand that the freshness and novelty of feelings must be maintained. The couple Libra woman and Aries man prefer to spend a lot of time traveling.

The problem with the compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Aries is that they have different views on social norms and behavior in society. In this area, this couple often has quarrels and disagreements. As a rule, a Libra woman has refined, refined taste and good manners. Even at friendly “feasts” she follows the rules of good manners. The Libra woman enjoys attending various social events. And the Aries man is straightforward, sincere and spontaneous in communication. Therefore, she often has to blush and feel embarrassed for the behavior of her man, who absolutely does not like social manners. The Aries man in this couple may be offended that his woman pays attention to someone other than him, and be jealous of her, while her sweet behavior is just a tribute to good upbringing.

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Libra and Aries, their union can be funny and full of strength and life, but only on the condition that they both learn to curb the negative properties and qualities of their character and disposition. It is inherent in an Aries man to act, to attack, to attack, to bend and bend everything, to break and tear off, to destroy everything old and pave the way to everything new, still unknown. The Libra woman needs to smooth out and even out everything, to bring harmony everywhere, since they attach great importance to good upbringing, the ability to behave in society, etc.

Also, for the Libra woman to have harmony in her family, she needs to understand that under no circumstances can she change the Aries man. The fact is that Aries has a patron planet of Mars and jealousy is one of its main qualities. Therefore, if you wean Aries from being jealous, then at the same time you will weaken other Mars traits of the Aries man. Such as: courage, courage, endurance, the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones. Disappointment will follow. The man you fell in love with will no longer be next to you.

Libra has a very strong planet Saturn, which is responsible for all the rules and laws, which is why the Libra woman behaves so well in society, intuitively feeling these laws. But Aries has problems with Saturn; he perceives it distorted. If you force him to obey the rules, he will eventually turn into a martinet. Not a very good option either.

What can be done to ensure harmony in the family of a Libra woman and an Aries man? The Libra woman will have to look for a compromise. For example, she may satisfy her need for good company by socializing in a sorority. And the Aries man will not be around with his inappropriate behavior, and there will be no reason for his jealousy.