Brief description of the novel. Brief description of Magnus Macintyre's novel "Whirlpool"

Roman - popular male name, which has a double meaning. According to the main version, it comes from the Latin romanus and is translated as “Roman”, “from Rome”, “Roman”. Some researchers believe that the name has ancient Greek roots and means “strong”, “strong”. There is also a version that Roman is a derived form from Romulus and Remus, thanks to the combination of which the name of the city of Rome was formed.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: amethyst
  • Color: lilac
  • Wood: poplar
  • Plant: violet
  • Animal: swallowtail butterfly
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

As a child, Roman is an active, reckless boy. He has an excellent memory, he quickly grasps and remembers everything in class, so teachers consider him a diligent student. He is very charming, his parents adore him, especially his grandmother and mother. Personality formation is completed by the age of 30. He becomes proud, witty, vain and secretive.

Roman's character type is sanguine, he manifests himself as a true optimist and sees only beauty in everything. He does not strive to take a leading position and often lets everything that happens take its course, without trying to find a way out of this or that situation.

Roman is an independent, hardworking man. He never succumbs to the influence of others. The secret of the name lies in its sociability, independence and love of freedom. He loves to talk, and there are often times when he accidentally reveals someone’s secret during a conversation.

He is often described as cheerful, easy-going, polite, courteous, kind person. Roman is creatively gifted, loves everything new, has unlimited interests, and is a good and devoted friend. Always ready to help. Negative traits are inconstancy, frivolity, unreliability, impulsiveness, talkativeness. Often resorts to lies in self-defense and can behave defiantly, even towards adults. He is a man of mood, vindictive and never forgets insults.

Interests and hobbies

Loves to travel. He is a big fan of big and cheerful companies. He likes hard sports such as wrestling, karate, boxing. As a creative person, he shows interest in art and theater.

Profession and business

Usually Roman chooses a field of activity that involves communicating with people. He gets along well in a team and quickly communicates with all colleagues. Therefore, you can often find owners of this name among actors, directors, and sales managers. It's a burden to him exact sciences, the work of a clerk or a simple employee, but he agrees to work if the profession is well paid.

Music, art, theater. Roman can realize himself as a military officer, politician, intelligence officer and law enforcement representative. In business, he is also lucky, since money is an excellent incentive for him. However, often in entrepreneurial activity gets involved in various scams, suffers financial losses, but gets back on his feet on his own or is supported and helped to get out of difficult situation. Huge love luxury and everything beautiful leads to large debts.


IN childhood Roman is often susceptible to respiratory diseases. His weak points are the stomach, gall bladder, diathesis is possible. It is necessary to carry out preventive measures to strengthen the condition of the heart, digestive organs, and lungs. Constant walking and diet are recommended, and it is also beneficial to consume fish oil, food enzymes and amino acids.

Sex and love

Roman is a conqueror of ladies' hearts. Women fall in love with him at first sight and go crazy about him. He does not want to subject his sexual behavior to generally accepted norms and changes his partners without remorse. His desires are based on instinct, not feelings. Sex for him - highest value in life. Therefore, a tender passion for one girl does not interfere with entering into intimate relationships with another. He is an egoist and pays little attention to a woman's feelings.

Despite this behavior, the bearer of the name Roman is always in search of true love. He likes unusual and extraordinary girls, and external beauty is not the main thing for him. In his sexual life he manifests himself as an inventive lover and a great romantic.

Family and marriage

Roman is treasured family values, but often experiences difficulties in marriage due to his cheerful disposition. He can marry an older woman or a girl with an inconspicuous appearance. The main thing is that the chosen one gives him an ocean of feelings and a sea of ​​passions.

He is a leader in the family, but without unnecessary dictate and stubbornness. He always helps his wife with housework. She loves and devotes a lot of time to her children. At first, after marriage, he is not a faithful husband, so the wife has to wait until he settles down. Several marriages are possible, but if the union does not break up in the first years, it becomes stronger in the future. Roman is ready to do anything for the person who loves him.

Possible wording of topics for this direction

"Russia, Rus'! Save yourself, save yourself..." (Motherland in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov.)
"Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?" The tragedy of the fate of Grigory Pechorin.
“Many people in the world do not believe in love...” (M. Yu. Lermontov).
The theme of Russian history in the poetry of M.Yu. Lermontov.
“Run, blush, despicable man, you, like others, have been pressed to the ground by our century” (Based on the poem “Duma” by M. Yu. Lermontov.)
“I look at the future with fear, I look at the past with longing” (the image of Pechorin in M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time”).
“Are we born into this world for freedom or prison?” (based on M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”).
“Pechorin’s soul is not rocky soil, but earth dried up from the heat of fiery life...” (V. G. Belinsky).
“I look sadly at our generation!”
Life is boring without a moral goal (F.M. Dostoevsky). (Based on one of the works of M.Yu. Lermontov.)
What motives of Lermontov’s lyrics do I see in the novel “A Hero of Our Time”.
“I am alone, there is no joy...” (Based on the works of M.Yu. Lermontov).
Why is loneliness a cross-cutting motif for M.Yu. Lermontov’s lyrics?
Spontaneous, conflict personality in the poetry of M.Yu. Lermontov.
Modern sound novel "A Hero of Our Time".
Why are the heroes of M.Yu. Lermontov, as a rule, lonely?
Who is the real hero according to Lermontov (using the example of the analysis of the novel “A Hero of Our Time”).
“A thought is bright only when it is illuminated from within by a good feeling.” (V.P. Klyuchevsky).

Why M.Yu. Does Lermontov call his love for his homeland “strange”?
The space of actions in Lermontov's lyrics.
The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov.
Philosophical questions and their solution in M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “The Demon”.

a brief description of works


Topics: homeland, Caucasus, moral choice.

The Caucasus, its past, captured in legends and traditions, always attracted Lermontov (poems “Mtsyri”, “Fugitive”, etc.).

The events of the poem "The Fugitive" are based on a mountain legend. Harun, the hero of the poem, is a traitor and a coward: he ran away from the battlefield. His father and brothers “lay down there for honor and freedom,” and Harun forgot his duty as a fighter and highlander: he left the dead on the battlefield: “And under the heel of the adversary their heads lie in the dust.”

He lost in the heat of battle

A rifle, a saber - and he runs!

According to the custom of the mountaineers, the survivors were obliged to carry away the bodies of their killed relatives from the battlefield, and not leave them to be desecrated by their enemies.

Details (the weapon forgotten by Harun) make his act even more shameful.
Fleeing, Harun “like a hare from an eagle” rushes to native village, he “crept up” to his native village like a thief or an animal, as if after fleeing he had lost part of his humanity.

Lermontov uses a kind of gradation: Harun’s action is “evaluated” first by a friend, then by his beloved, and finally by his mother (each subsequent “judge” is connected with the hero by ever stronger ties). Will they be able to forgive the fugitive?

A dying friend turns away from the traitor: “ are worthy of contempt.” Only after hearing the song of his beloved (there is no meeting), Harun understands that here he will not find forgiveness. This song sounds like a death sentence for him:

Changed his own

Bloody treason,

Without defeating the enemy,

Will die without glory...

The image of the mother is captured with particular force in the poem. The third meeting most likely could end happily for Harun: “There, surely, warm prayers/Rise to the sky for him,/The old mother is waiting for her son from the battle...” But the mother interrupts the flattering outpourings short question: “Have you taken revenge?” and Harun does not dare to hide the truth.

The mother refuses her son: “You are a slave and a coward - and not my son!..” Harun cannot change this sentence either with curses, or prayers, or even suicide. Rejected by his people and God, he knows no peace even beyond the grave (he wanders as a shadow around his native village).

Homeland and freedom – that’s what’s more valuable own life, Lermontov states in his poem.

This “mountain legend” made it possible for Lermontov, whose works are always focused on the present (despite the fact that the events of the poem belong to the past), to reproach his contemporaries for the lack of civic courage.

The poem "The Fugitive" was written in the traditions of romanticism. This is evidenced by the Russian author’s appeal to a foreign, exotic culture. Caucasian peoples(their folklore), and historical topics this work, and the image romantic hero, which in this poem can be considered all the highlanders, united in the fight for their freedom and independence.

“Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov”

Written in 1837. The only successful stylization of folklore in the 19th century epic form, in a verse close to the speech organization of the song “mode”.

Lermontov, as a romantic poet, turns to the past, the times of Ivan the Terrible, idealizing it, implicitly contrasting it with modernity.

The poem is not pure negative heroes. The “crafty slave” Kiribeevich even inspires compassion when he begs the heroine for at least a few moments of happiness. His passion is so great that he is ready to sacrifice his life for it: “Love me, hug me / Just once, goodbye!” This ability to love evokes sympathy both in the author and in the guslar songwriters. The death of the guardsman is depicted in the same way as the death of the traditional “good fellow” is depicted in folklore.

Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is forced to volunteer for a duel with Kiribeevich in order to wash away the shame from his family with blood. Their duel is a confrontation between great fighters - Lermontov describes it as a struggle epic heroes: “Here they both disperse silently, - / The heroic battle begins.” During the fight, the character of each hero is revealed: the meanness of the oprichnik, self-esteem, honesty and piety of Kalashnikov.

Interoperability problem common man Lermontov also touches on the Tsar, depicting Kalashnikov’s conversation with Grozny, in which Stepan Paramonovich admits that he killed Kiribeevich “of his free will”: despite the Tsar’s obvious threat, the merchant reserves the right to take revenge on the enemy and maintain personal dignity, keeping silent about the reason for his action: “ I’ll only tell God alone.” A simple merchant turns out to be morally superior to the king, who became the cause of unrighteous acts. Personal dignity in Kalashnikov is inseparable from popular moral ideas. Therefore, despite the “shameful” execution and not entirely Christian burial, the people honor the memory of Kalashnikov:

An old man will pass by and cross himself,

The good fellow will pass - he will become poised,

If a girl passes by, she will become sad,

And the guslar players will pass by and sing a song.

The poem, despite all its conventions, is historically truthful: the speech of the characters, their behavior, and the external environment recreate the realities of the Russian Middle Ages.


The poem “Mtsyri” (from Georgian “novice”) was written in 1839 and is one of Lermontov’s main program works.

Themes: freedom and will, loneliness and exile, merging man with nature.

The plot is based on a traditional romantic situation: escape from captivity. This theme is cross-cutting throughout Lermontov’s work. The image of the monastery as a prison has always occupied the poet (“Confession”, “Boyarin Orsha”). In the poem “Mtsyri,” the main character’s monasticism is interpreted as an attempt by society, in the name of high ideas, to commit violence against a free person (the problem of freedom of choice). Mtsyri’s flight from the monastery is an individual’s attempt to choose a path of his own free will.

“Mtsyri” is the apotheosis of Lermontov’s romanticism. A hero is a powerful personality who confronts the world around him and challenges it. The action of the poem takes place against the backdrop of the beautiful nature of the Caucasus, with which Mtsyri is spiritually connected. This connection determines the entire image of the main character: powerful and fearless, striving to live in full force: “Such two lives in one, // But only one full of anxiety, // I would trade it if I could.” The hero is ready to give his life for the opportunity to return to his homeland for at least three days. These three days of complete, absolute freedom allowed Mtsyri to recognize himself: he remembered his childhood in his native village, the faces of his parents... For this short term the hero lives his whole life: forgotten childhood, love (meeting with the “maiden of the mountains”), battle with the enemy (leopard). In all manifestations, he is the son of his people: “... perhaps in the land of his fathers he would not be one of the last daredevils.”

In the image of Mtsyri everything romantic traits strengthened, brought to the highest tragic feeling of a failed life, his unfulfilled fate (the hero has nothing, not even a name). Rock seeks to deprive Mtsyri of his will, to destroy his individuality - and only the call of the homeland, the innate desire for freedom, can he oppose to a hostile fate (the hero dies, but does not submit to someone else’s will).

Mtsyri is an active, active hero, whose very essence opposes the “shamefully indifferent” generation of “humble slaves” (the poem “Duma” and others).

Egorova N.V. Universal lesson developments in literature: 8th grade. – M.: VAKO, 2012.

"Captive Knight"

Philosophical lyrics. It was created at a time when Lermontov was under arrest for a duel with Barant, i.e. in 1940.

The motive of loneliness, death, wandering. Images of time, dungeons.

The poem is an extended metaphor: a living person is a prisoner. It embodies images of heaven and freedom that are endemic to the poet’s work; land and human life- prisons of the soul.

The poem is based on the antithesis: top - bottom, heaven - earth, freedom - bondage, eternal - human.

The captive knight's gaze is directed upward: there blue sky and free birds. According to Y. Lotman: “Only one line is dedicated to the sky: “All the free birds are playing in the sky...” But this line is full of symbolism that is significant for Lermontov. Birds in the sky in Lermontov's poetry are the daytime equivalents of stars. “Game” is consistently attributed to both of them: And the stars listen to me, //Playing joyfully with their rays.”
The game here is that joyful, happy state of endless freedom and fun, which in Lermontov’s poetry is attributed to children and blessed souls. Birds and stars have one more common feature- they are free..."

In contrast to the free and happy sky, the earth is depicted as a dark, joyless world, where the elements of stone and iron prevail, pressing living soul:

I am now shackled in stone armor,

The stone helmet is crushing my head,

My shield from arrows and swords is enchanted,

My horse runs, and no one controls it.

Fast time- my horse is unchanged,

The helmet visor is a loophole,

Stone armor - high walls,

My shield is the cast iron doors of the dungeon.

According to Lotman, “lower, earthly world is constructed as a collision of two hostile images: battle and prison. This conflict is realized as a clash of iron (battle) and stone (prison): “I remember only ancient battles, // My heavy sword and iron armor.”

Despite the static and monumental image of the prison, there is also a dynamic elemental image on earth: time, which man does not control (“My horse runs, and no one rules it”). The last lines of the poem contain the motif of the fatal predestination of human life: death will free a person from the autocracy of the elements hostile to him. The lyrical hero’s attitude towards death is interesting: it is good, it gives freedom, it takes off the mask (visor).

Lotman Yu. At school poetic word: Pushkin. Lermontov. Gogol

"I go out alone on the road"

A philosophical poem is a confession. Written shortly before the poet’s death, in the summer of 1841. It reflected Lermontov’s ideas about the structure of the Universe (nature) and man’s place in it.

From the first words of the first stanza we are immersed in the world of Lermontov’s favorite images: before us lyrical hero- a wanderer wandering along a night road (the road motif is traditionally an allegorical symbol life path, fate). The world around the hero is beautiful: nature is depicted as space, where everything, from siliceous soil to the stars, is animated, “listening to God.” But it’s as if it’s not his, human, daytime world, but the night – a mysterious time that people usually “miss”. And the traveler, admiring this amazingly harmonious world, painfully understands how far he himself is from such a state: the antithesis in stanza 2 immerses the wanderer in the world (in heaven - “solemn and wonderful”, and in the soul of the hero - “ So it hurts and So difficult”, the particle enhances the feeling of disharmony).

In the 3rd stanza, the hero thinks about his desires and understands that they are not connected with life, but are probably located somewhere beyond it:

I don't expect anything from life,

And I don’t regret the past at all;

I'm looking for freedom and peace!

I would like to forget myself and fall asleep!

His desire, as always with Lermontov, contradicts reality: the hero does not want to live, but also death, “ cold dream graves,” he does not accept.

The state to which he strives is similar to an eternal life-sleep, when one can listen to that harmonious life of nature, inaccessible to man while he is in the grip of the “daytime” human vanity.

"When the yellowing field is agitated"

Philosophical lyrics. Problems: the meaning of life, man and God, man and nature.

Lermontov wants to be specific and simple in this poem. Accordingly, the images of the “world” are concretized: “lily of the valley”, cornfield, forest and garden. Therefore, the main thing for Lermontov becomes the compositional organization of these images of the “world”: they need to be built in such a way that they themselves lead to both the concept of “soul” and the concept of “God”.

Lermontov's poem is four stanzas, the first three of which begin “when... when... when...”, and the final one - “then”; the syntax scheme is simple. In the first three stanzas, there is a gradual animation of the surroundings: “the field is agitated,” “the forest is noisy,” “the plum is hiding,” “the lily of the valley... nods its head in a friendly manner.” The predicates of the third stanza - “the key plays... and... babbles” - are highest degree animation. The concept of “soul” has already been instilled in us and the path to the concept of “God” is open.

Next we observe a sequence of characteristics. From the brightness of the epithets of the first stanza (“yellowing cornfield”, “raspberry plum”, “green leaf”) to light epithets (“ruddy evening”, “golden morning hour”, “silver lily of the valley”). In the third stanza, there are no color epithets at all, the material recedes into the background.

Next is the sequence of points of view. In the first stanza, everything is presented objectively, from the outside: the field is agitated, the forest is noisy, the plum tree is hiding under a leaf. In the second stanza, the point of view is already subjective: “From under the bush, a silver lily of the valley nods its head to me in a friendly manner.”

The climax is, of course, the word “dream”: it is this that transfers the world of the poem from a real plane to an ideal, enlightened one, imbued with divine harmony.

In the first three quatrains the concept of “world” was revealed to us; in the final quatrain - the concepts of “I” and “God”. It seems to show a movement from the soul to the universe, but already enlightened and spiritualized. Its four verses are the four stages of this movement: “Then the anxiety of my soul is humbled” - inner world person; “Then the wrinkles on the forehead disappear” - appearance person; “And I can comprehend happiness on earth” - the near world, surrounding a person; “And in the heavens I see God” - the distant world that closes the universe.

Thus, the compositional balance of Lermontov’s poem is ideal: it is as if we are leaving the external world and delving deeper into the internal world, and then returning from the internal world to the external world.

M. L. Gasparov "WHEN THE YELLOWING FIELDS WORRY..." LERMONTOV AND LAMARTINE(Gasparov M. L. About Russian poetry. Analyzes. Interpretations. Characteristics. - M., 2001. - P. 43-55)


Lermontov’s “Prophet” is a response or objection to Pushkin’s poem, indicating the author’s pessimism and the destruction of high hopes for the role of a poet-prophet. (B.M. Eikhenbaum)

This central work O poet and poetry, about relationships poet and crowd.

The fate of the poet in a deceitful world devoid of spirituality is sad.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Roman.

What does the name Roman mean?

The name Roman means Roman (lat.)

The meaning of the name Roman is character and fate

A man named Roman is vain, ambitious, unbalanced, and an outright egoist. He is unusually artistic, lives in a fantasy world, always plays some role, and is rarely himself. He wants to be friendly and hospitable, and for some time he succeeds, but the slightest dissatisfaction with him or, God forbid, the exposure of his true self, infuriates Roman, and the mask of nobility immediately flies off. You need to stroke this person’s fur, express your admiration for him, then perhaps you won’t find out how cruel he is. It’s as if two people live in it, completely opposite friends to a friend. A man named Roman is built in family life, irritable, impulsive, domineering, difficult to please. He himself does not know what he wants in the next minute, but his wife is required to predict this. He marries several times, and rarely does any of his ex-wives regret breaking up with him. But in the novel there is also good qualities: if he loves, then with all his heart, although not for long; If he decides to help someone, he will get hurt, but he will keep his promise. He loves children, but not to such an extent that he would sacrifice himself for them. Doesn't worry much if relationships with them don't work out. He loves comfort, entertainment, and cannot deny himself anything. He doesn’t show much zeal for housework, he’s lazy, he only cares about his health. He prefers to live with a woman in a civil marriage, but in an official marriage he strictly delineates the rights to property and will not give his own to anyone.

Meaning of the name Roman for sex

A man named Roman often acts impulsively in relationships with women. "Winter" Roman has a stormy temperament and a strong sexual constitution. His attitude towards sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner by deep feelings. He easily subjugates a woman, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires. Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is vain and believes that he is doing everything wonderfully.

The character and fate of the name Roman, taking into account the patronymic

First name Roman and patronymic....

Roman Alekseevich, Roman Andreevich, Roman Artemovich, Roman Valentinovich, Roman Vasilyevich, Roman Viktorovich, Roman Vitalievich, Roman Vladimirovich, Roman Evgenievich, Roman Ivanovich, Roman Ilyich, Roman Mikhailovich, Roman Petrovich, Roman Sergeevich, Roman Fedorovich, Roman Yurievich does not tolerate monotony, often gives up one hobby, etc. switches to something else. Very amorous, he often changes his chosen ones without much remorse. A man named Roman takes a long time to choose his life partner, but is rarely faithful even to the one in whom he sees the ideal woman. Family life with Roman is difficult, he is unpredictable, unyielding even in small things. He demands the unquestioning submission of all household members, although he does not try to perform the functions of a full-fledged owner. In general, he cares much less about the economy than own person and personal life. Even after marriage, he will never give up his habits and hobbies. On the contrary, he will force his wife to submit to his wishes and fulfill all his whims. Roman only knows how to take from others, without giving anything in return. But it’s interesting to be around him, he is inventive, smart, witty, loves art, is often musically gifted, and shows literary abilities. He is married several times, has sons from his first marriage, and does not want any more children.

First name Roman and patronymic....

Roman Alexandrovich, Roman Arkadievich, Roman Borisovich, Roman Vadimovich, Roman Grigorievich, Roman Kirillovich, Roman Maksimovich, Roman Matveevich, Roman Nikitich, Roman Pavlovich, Roman Romanovich, Roman Tarasovich, Roman Timofeevich, Roman Eduardovich, Roman Yakovlevich very hot-tempered, emotional, fickle in everything, but cheerful and cheerful. In no hurry to get married, he is promiscuous sex life; has several mistresses at the same time, twists and turns if he is caught in infidelity or lying. A man named Roman is cunning, inventive, and resourceful. He does not burden himself with any obligations to women and keeps them in uncertainty. After the wedding he calms down a little, but he cannot be called a faithful spouse. With the birth of his sons, this Roman usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In the family - a leader, not stingy, knows how to earn money, but lives for his own pleasure, loves entertainment, beautiful women. Often such a Roman remains completely alone in his old age. The children don’t remember his care, because it never happened, and the former spouses suffered so much from him that they don’t even want to remember him.

First name Roman and patronymic....

Roman Bogdanovich, Roman Vilenovich, Roman Vladislavovich, Roman Vyacheslavovich, Roman Gennadievich, Roman Georgievich, Roman Danilovich, Roman Egorovich, Roman Konstantinovich, Roman Robertovich, Roman Svyatoslavovich, Roman Yanovich, Roman Yaroslavovich cunning, self-interested, regardless of others, does what is beneficial to him. He is an egoist, but with people dear to him he is kind and honest. Unpredictable in behavior, acts spontaneously, it is very difficult to predict how a relationship with him will develop. Possesses strong will, stubbornly goes towards the intended goal. Seductive, knows how to impress women. It’s a pleasure to spend time with such a man named Roman, he is cheerful, cordial, witty, loves to travel, and knows how to care. But in family life he is unreliable. Difficult to compromise, uncompromising, domineering. Being overly jealous, in a fit of jealousy he is rude, unrestrained, and can start a fight. Marries at least twice. Has children of different sexes.

First name Roman and patronymic....

Roman Antonovich, Roman Arturovich, Roman Valerievich, Roman Germanovich, Roman Glebovich, Roman Denisovich, Roman Igorevich, Roman Leonidovich, Roman Lvovich, Roman Mironovich, Roman Olegovich, Roman Ruslanovich, Roman Semenovich, Roman Filippovich, Roman Emmanuilovich loving, but very freedom-loving. He diligently avoids a long-term relationship with one woman, not wanting to get used to her, and does not show any hope for something serious. His love wears easy character, he loves fun, beautiful image life, comfort, expensive pleasures. Not stingy, but only towards himself. For the sake of good earnings, he is able to completely forget about women; work can captivate him completely. For such a Roman, divorces occur much less frequently than for his namesakes. He has children of different sexes, knows how to win their love, because he is attentive and caring towards them.

First name Roman and patronymic....

Roman Alanovich, Roman Albertovich, Roman Anatolyevich, Roman Veniaminovich, Roman Vladlenovich, Roman Dmitrievich, Roman Nikolaevich, Roman Rostislavovich, Roman Stanislavovich, Roman Stepanovich, Roman Feliksovich, As a rule, he is a gifted, intelligent person with a subtle sense of humor, a soul in any company. Captivates women at first sight. He also often falls in love, but true love comes to him only in mature age. If Roman marries early, then disappointment and divorce await him. Then he marries repeatedly, goes through a series of divorce proceedings, but does not lose hope of finding his happiness. He falls in love again, makes mistakes again, but does not lose heart. It's not easy with him in the family. This Roman is most hampered by excessive love for himself, his freedom and independence. A man named Roman cannot live under someone’s constant supervision, much less pressure. He will never give up his habits and attachments, which becomes the reason for his divorces. From his first marriage he has children of different sexes, but does not have children in subsequent marriages.

Short form of the name Roman. Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romakha, Romasha, Romanya, Roro, Ro.
Synonyms for the name Roman. Romanus, Romano, Raman.
Nationality. The name Roman is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

Origin and meaning of the name Roman. The name Roman comes from Latin word“Romanus”, translated means “Roman”, “Roman”, “from Rome”. The name of the city of Rome was originally given from the names of the brothers Romulus and Remus. The name Roman is a derivative, a variant pronunciation of the name Romulus. Pairs female name- Romana. Another female name, Romina, will also be close in meaning.

Character and destiny. Romans love everything new, but it is difficult for them to complete everything. Everything distracts me - either illness or new hobbies. Every time he eagerly rushes to implement his idea, but he requires enormous patience and endurance to achieve results. But if this succeeds, the result will be impressive!

Roman is a little reckless, frivolous, he will not look for a way out of a difficult situation, but will prefer to let everything take its course, give up on what did not work out and take on another matter, not at all regretting the missed opportunities. Roman is an optimist by nature and tries to see the good in everything; he will try to look at any bad event in his life with humor.

A novel will always help you find a way out of a situation, as it is not subject to thinking stereotypes. Roman is a wonderful pioneer; no journey would be complete without him. Even a banal shopping trip can turn into a memorable event. The novel is proud and witty. He will not try to be a leader, achieve records, or show his best side.

Roman is a very active boy, patience is not his thing, he needs to get everything at once. But main reason the fact that his thoughts run ahead of his capabilities, he is constantly distracted, quickly switches his attention. Too strict upbringing and strict boundaries will only encourage Roman to lie creatively. At Roma's good memory, he quickly grasps everything on the fly, he will not have problems with his studies if his parents do not try to make him a diligent student.

Roman has a pronounced talent for art, he likes what happened before, but modern trends accepts with great difficulty. Roman values ​​freedom above all else. He does not like change, but is sometimes ready to do things completely unimaginable for him. For example, just pick up and move to another country, or suddenly change your preferences.

Roman applies his enormous energy to his work. The owner of this name prefers professions related to communicating with people. Often men with this name can be found among actors, directors, sales and advertising managers.

Roman never experiences problems with colleagues or communication difficulties; he makes contact very easily and quickly finds common topics for conversation even in a completely new and unfamiliar company. The owner of this name is a very sociable person. Roma loves to talk, so she might accidentally reveal someone’s secret.

It’s quite difficult for Roman to find the one, but having found her, he protects her more than his eyes. After all, it is she who will help Roman be faithful to his ideas to the end and help bring them to life. Novels are most often monogamous and value family values.

Popularity. The name Roman is quite popular. For more than 15 years, the name Roman has not left the top 30 most popular names in Russia. Behind Last year the level of attention to this name even increased slightly, reaching a maximum in November 2016.

Roman's birthday

Roman celebrates his name day on January 18, February 11, February 16, March 2, March 29, May 15, June 5, June 13, August 1, August 6, August 11, August 15, August 23, September 24, October 8, October 14 , November 13, December 1, December 10.

Famous people named Roman

  • Roman Viktyuk (theater director)
  • Roman Klein ((1858 - 1924) Russian architect)
  • Roman Vreden ((1867 – 1934) founder of Russian surgical orthopedics)
  • Roman Kartsev (pop, theater and film artist)
  • Roman Balayan ((born 1941) film director)
  • Roman Girshman ((1895 – 1979) French archaeologist)
  • Roman Ivanychuk ((born 1929) Ukrainian writer)
  • Roman Yakobson ((1896 – 1982) Russian and American linguist, literary critic)
  • Roman Polanski (one of the greatest post-war filmmakers)
  • Roman Kostomarov (Russian figure skater)

Forms of the name Roman

Short form of the name Roman. Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romakha, Romasha, Romanya, Roro, Ro. Synonyms for the name Roman. Romanus, Romano, Raman.

Short and diminutive options: Roma, Romka, Romanka, Romasha, Romakha, Romanya, Romasya, Romulya, Romchik.

Patronymics: Romanovich, Romanovna; decomposition Romanych.

Name Roman in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 小說 (Xiǎoshuō). Japanese: 小説 (Shōsetsu). Georgian: რომანი (romani). Hindi: रोमा (Rōmā). Ukrainian: Roman. Greek: Ρόμα (Róma). English: Roman (Roman).

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Roman, Belarusian Raman, Bulgarian Roman, Hungarian Roman, Spanish Romanos, Italian Romano, German Roman, Polish Roman, Romanian Roman, Ukrainian Roman, Finnish Romaani, French Romain, Czech Roman

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport - Roman

Origin of the name Roman

The name Roman translated from the Latin word “Romanus” means “Roman”, “Roman”, “from Rome”. The name of the city of Rome was originally given from the names of the brothers Romulus and Remus; the name Roman is a derivative, a variant pronunciation of the name Romulus. The paired female name is Romana.

The patron of the name, who is remembered on February 11, is the Holy Martyr Roman, who in 297 suffered for the Christian faith in Syria. He denounced paganism, debunked the misconceptions of the infidels, and for this he and his comrades were tortured, then hanged on a tree and their heads nailed down.

Roman's character

Romans love everything new, but they find it difficult to complete everything. Everything distracts me – either illness or new hobbies. Every time he eagerly rushes to implement his idea, but he requires enormous patience and endurance to achieve results. But if this succeeds, the result will be impressive!

Roman is a little reckless, frivolous, he will not look for a way out of a difficult situation, but will prefer to let everything take its course, give up on what did not work out and take on another matter, not at all regretting the missed opportunities. Roman is an optimist by nature and tries to see the good in everything; he will try to look at any bad event in his life with humor.

Astrological features of the name Roman

Planet- Saturn

Color of the name Roman- lilac

Auspicious tree- poplar

Treasured plant- violet

Patron named Roman- swallowtail butterfly

Talisman stone- amethyst

Numerology of the name Roman

Holders of this name number always occupy an active life position and always know clearly what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating complex and even extreme situations. life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by dramatically changed circumstances or caught off guard by difficulties. However, “long-term” projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let go of the threads, which automatically eliminates them from the list. business people. The hobby of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more complex and difficult the task is, the greater the likelihood that it is the “unit” who will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. Tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the life of the party and reliable friends.


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: .
Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Peridot, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Roman as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
M Think
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Roman

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

Sexuality of the name Roman

There are many women in Roman’s life, but, as a rule, he does not leave them unhappy, with broken hearted. The novel is characterized by a love for complete personal freedom, autonomy and independence, an unwillingness to subordinate one’s sexual behavior to generally accepted norms and patterns. He does nothing under compulsion, his goal is to learn, to give pleasure and happiness.

For Roman, a lot depends on his mood, and it, in turn, is determined by the state of his affairs. In the whirlpool of business life, in the turmoil of urgent business meetings and contacts, settling financial issues he is able to completely forget about women. But when things go badly for Roman, he seeks oblivion in sex and becomes uncontrollable in this sense. Often acts impulsively in relationships with women

“Winter Romance - with a stormy temperament and a strong sexual constitution. His attitude towards sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner by deep feelings (in this case, for him intimacy it’s simply “not a reason to get to know her”). He easily subjugates a woman to himself, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires.

Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is vain and believes that he does everything as required.

Roman is a gifted person, witty, able to belong in any company, women often fall in love with him at first sight. His many hobbies do not pursue the goal of collecting victories, he is looking for true love, and not erotic pleasures. Happens in repeated marriages, is often disappointed, but, having gone through a series of divorce proceedings, remains a romantic.

Physical intimacy is important for him in marriage, but if the attraction to his wife fades, Roman looks for a new partner, a new object of his passion. He is a devoted and ardent lover, but he is not used to advertising his connections.

Characteristics of the name Roman according to P. Rouget

Character: 92%

Radiation: 87%

Vibration: 100,000 vibrations/s

Color: red.

Basic features: will - hard work - intelligence - sexuality.

Type: these mysterious people have the talent to convince others. They are so reasonable that at times they seem boring; very organized and patient.

Psyche: Novels never forget the insults inflicted on them, are not influenced, are objective, and devote themselves completely to the task, however, if such a need exists. Self-confident.

Will: outwardly calm, but underneath this calmness there is a volcano.

Excitability: Somewhat sadistic, especially when learning about the misfortunes or troubles of others.

Speed reactions: disturbing. I would not like to demonize these men with their enormous intellectual potential and efficiency, but their reactions are so violent and filled with such subtext that they often confuse others.

Activity: these people are able to implement long-term projects, they manage to bring them to the end.

Intuition: have excellent intuition.

Intelligence: They are more intelligent than they might seem. They act secretly, pulling strings from behind the scenes.

Susceptibility: They have deep, even passionate impulses, which, however, rarely manifest themselves outwardly.

Moral: always strive to be free. In no case do they want to bind themselves to moral standards. They have a sharply negative attitude towards anything that could interfere with their business.

Health: good, although they suffer from diathesis. Must monitor the digestive organs. They like combat types sports: wrestling, karate, rugby.

Sexuality: more than average. They have many problems in sex, since these men do not know how and do not want to wait, their desires are more likely based on instinct than caused by love.

Field activities: find satisfaction in work, but for an appropriate fee. Would like to explore unknown areas. They can become unsurpassed intelligence officers, missionaries, police officers, and politicians.

Sociability: not very sociable.

Additionally: Such people must be resisted - only under this condition will you enjoy their respect.

The meaning of the name Roman for life

Roman is vain, ambitious, unbalanced, and an outright egoist. He is unusually artistic, lives in a fantasy world, always plays some role, and is rarely himself. He wants to be friendly and hospitable, and for some time he succeeds, but the slightest dissatisfaction with him or, God forbid, the exposure of his true self, infuriates Roman, and the mask of nobility immediately flies off. You need to stroke this person’s fur, express your admiration for him, then perhaps you won’t find out how cruel he is. It’s as if two people live in it, completely opposite to each other. He has a difficult family life, is irritable, impulsive, domineering, and difficult to please. He himself does not know what he wants in the next minute, but his wife is required to predict this. He marries several times, and rarely does any of his ex-wives regret breaking up with him. But Roman also has good qualities: if he loves, then with all his heart, albeit not for long; If he decides to help someone, he will get hurt, but he will keep his promise. He loves children, but not to such an extent that he would sacrifice himself for them. Doesn't worry much if relationships with them don't work out. He loves comfort, entertainment, and cannot deny himself anything. He doesn’t show much zeal for housework, he’s lazy, he only cares about his health. He prefers to live with a woman in a civil marriage, but in an official marriage he strictly delineates the rights to property and will not give his own to anyone.

Meaning of the name Roman for sex

In relationships with women, he often acts impulsively. "Winter" Roman has a stormy temperament and a strong sexual constitution. His attitude towards sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner by deep feelings. He easily subjugates a woman, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires. Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is vain and believes that he is doing everything wonderfully.

Compatibility of the name Roman and patronymic

Roman Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich does not tolerate monotony, often gives up one hobby, etc. switches to something else. Very amorous, he often changes his chosen ones without much remorse. It takes a long time to choose a life partner, but he is rarely faithful even to the one in whom he sees the ideal woman. Family life with Roman is difficult, he is unpredictable, unyielding even in small things. He demands the unquestioning submission of all household members, although he does not try to perform the functions of a full-fledged owner. In general, he cares much less about the economy than about his own person and personal life. Even after marriage, he will never give up his habits and hobbies. On the contrary, he will force his wife to submit to his wishes and fulfill all his whims. Roman only knows how to take from others, without giving anything in return. But it’s interesting to be around him, he is inventive, smart, witty, loves art, is often musically gifted, and shows literary abilities. He is married several times, has sons from his first marriage, and does not want any more children.

Roman Aleksandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is very quick-tempered, emotional, fickle in everything, but cheerful and cheerful. In no hurry to get married, leads a promiscuous sex life; has several mistresses at the same time, twists and turns if he is caught in infidelity or lying. Cunning, inventive, resourceful. He does not burden himself with any obligations to women and keeps them in uncertainty. After the wedding he calms down a little, but he cannot be called a faithful spouse. With the birth of his sons, this Roman usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In the family - a leader, not stingy, knows how to earn money, but lives for his own pleasure, loves entertainment, beautiful women. Often such a Roman remains completely alone in his old age. The children don’t remember his care, because it never happened, and the former spouses suffered so much from him that they don’t even want to remember him.

Roman Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is cunning, self-interested, regardless of others, does what is beneficial to him. He is an egoist, but with people dear to him he is kind and honest. Unpredictable in behavior, acts spontaneously, it is very difficult to predict how a relationship with him will develop. He has a strong will and stubbornly pursues his goal. Seductive, knows how to impress women. It’s a pleasure to spend time with him, he is cheerful, hospitable, witty, loves to travel, and knows how to look after. But in family life he is unreliable. Difficult to compromise, uncompromising, domineering. Being overly jealous, in a fit of jealousy he is rude, unrestrained, and can start a fight. Marries at least twice. Has children of different sexes.

Roman Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is loving, but very freedom-loving. He diligently avoids a long-term relationship with one woman, not wanting to get used to her, and does not show any hope for something serious. His love is light in nature, he loves entertainment, a beautiful lifestyle, comfort, and expensive pleasures. Not stingy, but only towards himself. For the sake of good earnings, he is able to completely forget about women; work can captivate him completely. For such a Roman, divorces occur much less frequently than for his namesakes. He has children of different sexes, knows how to win their love, because he is attentive and caring towards them.

Roman Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich, as a rule, is a gifted, intelligent person with a subtle sense of humor, the soul of any company. Captivates women at first sight. He himself often falls in love, but true love comes to him only in adulthood. If Roman marries early, then disappointment and divorce await him. Then he marries repeatedly, goes through a series of divorce proceedings, but does not lose hope of finding his happiness. He falls in love again, makes mistakes again, but does not lose heart. It's not easy with him in the family. This Roman is most hampered by excessive love for himself, his freedom and independence. He cannot live under someone's constant supervision, much less pressure. He will never give up his habits and attachments, which becomes the reason for his divorces. From his first marriage he has children of different sexes, but does not have children in subsequent marriages.

Positive traits of the name

Cheerful and easy-going disposition, politeness, courtesy, creative talent, breadth of interests, wit, kindness, gentleness. The novel is easy to follow. Likes to travel to fun company. He can sincerely sympathize and help, if it does not take a lot of time and effort from him.

Negative traits of the name

Inconstancy, frivolity, talkativeness, laziness, unreliability, impulsiveness, reluctance to put effort into anything. As a rule, Roman does not go well with his studies due to his restlessness, although he has a sharp and inquisitive mind. This behavior of Roman causes a lot of trouble for parents and teachers. He is capable of resorting to lies in self-defense. Roman can behave defiantly, even insult elders, but not out of malice, but for the purpose of self-affirmation. Having become carried away by something, he lights up and gives up his previous job, but a new hobby can also be short-lived.

Choosing a profession by name

Roman does not tolerate monotony: he can change places of study and work. The exact and boring sciences, the work of a clerk, a simple employee are alien to him. Greatest success is waiting for Roman in professions related to working with people. Theater, music, literature, and fine arts can be Roman’s successful areas of activity. In addition, he can realize himself as a military officer.

The impact of a name on business

Roman cares little about money, often does stupid things in financial matters and gets involved in many scams, suffers financial losses, but still amazingly"gets to his feet." Natural generosity, as well as a love of luxury and extravagance, can lead Roman to large debts, but there will always be people who will help him “get out” of the debt hole.

The influence of a name on health

As a child, Roman can often get sick. Due to his impulsiveness, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the stomach, and gall bladder are likely.

Psychology of a name

Roman knows how to make others laugh. It’s easy and free with him, if you don’t bind him with obligations. Roman does not like restrictions on his freedom and will stop communicating with any person who tries to burden him with responsibility or use him for selfish purposes. From childhood, you need to develop in him perseverance, interest in some task, and teach him to bring it to the end. Roman must not be insulted, humiliated, or cruelly punished. This will instill hypocrisy and adaptability in him. It is necessary to find other methods of influencing the lazy, frivolous, but kind Roman.

Romance and pets

As a rule, Roman loves animals, but to an extent that suits him, provided that it does not burden him too much. He can have a purebred dog, but only if it provides some benefit. Roman can get a certain breed or dog, which he will need as a guard.

Famous people with the name Roman

Roman Viktyuk (theater director)
Roman Klein ((1858 - 1924) Russian architect)
Roman Vreden ((1867 – 1934) founder of Russian surgical orthopedics)
Roman Kartsev (pop, theater and film artist)
Roman Balayan ((born 1941) film director)
Roman Girshman ((1895 – 1979) French archaeologist)
Roman Ivanychuk ((born 1929) Ukrainian writer)
Roman Yakobson ((1896 – 1982) Russian and American linguist, literary critic)
Roman Polanski (one of the greatest post-war filmmakers)
Roman Kostomarov (Russian figure skater)

Z famous name bearers: Roman of Caesarea - deacon, martyr; Roman Sladkopevets - deacon hymnographer, author of church kontakions; Roman Syrian - hermit; Roman Uglichsky - noble prince; Roman IV Diogenes, Roman I Lacalin - Byzantine emperors; Roman Mstislavich - powerful Novgorod prince; Roman Gruber - musicologist, doctor of art history; Roman Kondratenko - general, led the defense of Port Arthur in Russian-Japanese war; Roman Klein - architect.

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Incompatibility of the name Roman