Alexey Bryantsev: biography, facts from life. New trend of modern chanson

Alexey Bryantsev is a talented chansonnier, whose soulful vocals charm not only beautiful ladies, but also the stronger sex. Moreover, according to fans of chanson music, Alexey’s voice strongly resembles the unforgettable baritone.

Childhood and youth

Bryantsev was born in the city of Voronezh on February 19, 1984. Alexey could boast of his passion for music from early childhood. The music school gave the future star basic knowledge of musical notation and a sincere love for music. However, after graduating from school, Alexey Bryantsev did not go to music school, as one might expect.

The young man chose a more serious profession: Bryantsev entered the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute, choosing the specialty of oil and gas engineer. In parallel with his studies at the institute, Alexey is trying his hand at business by opening his own fast food cafe. Profitable at first, this business soon begins to cause losses. It is known that at the moment the affairs of the cafe are managed by the singer’s mother.

And only after graduating from college, Alexey realized how much he missed music. The decision came quickly: Bryantsev went to the audition.


The audition took place not with anyone, but with Alexey’s eminent namesake - Alexey Bryantsev - Sr. The fact is that Bryantsev, the eldest (this is what fans of chanson call the man, calling the second Alexey, respectively, “junior”) is a famous producer and songwriter of the “yard romance” style. The Butyrka project, a cult project in narrow circles, is the brainchild of Bryantsev Sr. According to some media reports, both Alexeys are distant relatives. Perhaps thanks to this fact, the men were united by a common musical taste.

Bryantsev, the elder, immediately appreciated the vocal and artistic abilities of his younger namesake. What struck the producer most was Alexei’s vocals: the young man sang in the voice of an adult man. In addition, Bryantsev Jr.’s vocals are very similar to the recognizable voice of Mikhail Krug, who also preferred music in the chanson style.

On the one hand, this fact turned out to be beneficial for the young talent - after all, comparison with a seasoned chansonnier cannot but flatter. On the other hand, after the musician’s death, many imitators appeared, some performers simply tried to sing “to Krug’s tune,” others even passed off their recordings as the “secret” archives of the deceased bard. Bryantsev did not want to become one of these faceless singers. We had to create our own, unique style.

Bryantsev Sr., realizing this, begins work on the repertoire for his namesake. The first song to appear is “Hello, Baby!”. It was assumed that this song would be performed in a duet with a woman. The Bryantsevs wanted to offer this role to the popular chanson performer. However, circumstances turned out differently: thanks to a happy accident, the widow of Mikhail Krug agreed to the role of the singer. This is how the creative biography of Alexey Bryantsev began.

The song immediately appealed to chanson lovers. Alexey became recognizable, and the duet with the inimitable Irina helped the performer become even more famous. The creative collaboration did not end there; the performers released two joint albums: “Hello, Baby!” appeared in 2007, and three years later, in 2010, the album “If It Weren’t for You” was released. The compositions “Favorite Look”, “Come to Me in a Dream” and “I Miss Your Eyes” are still often played on radio stations dedicated to chanson music.

The first concert to which the performer was invited was dedicated to the anniversary of the Chanson radio station. The opportunity to perform at the main event dedicated to music in this style is worth a lot. The event took place in Kyiv, in the concert hall of the Palace of Arts "Ukraine". Alexey later admitted to reporters that he was incredibly nervous before this performance: for the first time, and even at such a loud concert. However, Bryantsev managed to cope with emotions and please fans with a soulful performance.

In 2012, Alexey presented fans with another album - “Your Breath”. Both fans and strict music critics reacted favorably to this record. After the release of the album, the performer went on tour: fans wanted to hear new songs and music by Alexei Bryantsev. At the same time, the singer is also working on music videos. Alexey Bryantsev released a video version of the composition “I Miss Your Eyes” and, according to rumors, is preparing new recordings for release. In the meantime, fans create amateur videos on their own.

Particularly popular are fan videos for the songs “Unloved,” “Your Eyes,” and “I Still Love You.” Videos from Alexey Bryantsev's concerts are also loved by fans. Two years later, in 2014, Bryantsev again delights fans with new songs: the album “Thank You for Existing” is released. 2016 in Alexey Bryantsev’s career was marked by tours and performances, as well as preparations for the release of a new album, which will be released in 2017.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexey Bryantsev is reliably hidden from prying eyes. The singer does not like to talk about things that do not relate to creativity, and also does not like to post home photos for the public to see.

It is only known that the popular chansonnier is happily married. In 2011, Alexei Bryantsev’s beloved gave the singer a long-awaited daughter. However, journalists were unable to find out the details of this marriage, nor the names of Bryantsev’s daughter and wife.

Alexey Bryantsev now

Now Alexey Bryantsev, according to rumors, has already started working on a new record. And although the beginning of 2017 has already been marked by the release of the album “From You and to You,” the singer, obviously, is not going to stop there. Fans can only rejoice at the fertility of their favorite performer and look forward to the idol’s new musical masterpieces.

By his own admission, in his free time the singer prefers to be close to his beloved family. In addition, Alexey discovered a brutal male hobby - Bryantsev is improving in skeet and bullet shooting. When it comes to sports, Alexey likes football. The performer does not hide the fact that he is a fan of Italian teams.


  • 2007 - “Hello, baby!”
  • 2010 - “If it weren’t for you”
  • 2012 - “Your Breath”
  • 2014 - “Thank you for existing”
  • 2017 - “From you and to you”

Talented Russian performers of female chanson can be counted on one hand. One of them is Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanova, former soloist of the group “Patsanka”. Despite the fact that the group broke up, Elena continues to perform solo and in duets, periodically delighting fans with new hits.

Elena Kasyanova, performer of songs in the chanson style, comes from the Voronezh region, the village of Novaya Usman. The singer prefers not to reveal her age, but fans still found out that she was born on April 11, 1976. Information about Elena is scarce; the woman tries not to talk about her life, believing that the biography is too meager and not interesting for discussion.


Elena Kasyanova was the lead singer of the group “Patsanka”, which was popular in the 2000s. The group was created in 2002 in the city of Voronezh by local music producer Alexey Bryantsev Sr., who also founded the groups “Butyrka”, “Dalniy Svet” and “Pyatiletka”. The second vocalist, Vera Myasnikova, is rumored to be Elena’s sister.

The girls recorded songs “on the topic of the day.” The repertoire was based on touching stories that were relevant at that time: in “Arrested Wedding,” a young girl falls in love with a hooligan, who from the registry office ends up in the dock; “Cinderella” told the audience the story of a young beauty who fell in love with a major - as it turned out, with a killer. The songs are arranged in disco style.

The group seemed to take the ideas for the lyrics from news reports or the press - they are so realistic. The hits of the group “Patsanka” were performed by young people with a guitar in the courtyards; the words and chords were learned by heart in a couple of days. The guys tore the strings, the girls empathized with the heroines who fell in love with criminals and hooligans: in the 2000s, when there were no social networks and the Internet, such gatherings were one of the few available entertainments.

The albums of the group “Patsanka” are a successful combination of music, text and talent of the performers. It’s worth mentioning separately about the voices of Vera and Elena: simple, soft, and the manner of performance is more reminiscent of a fascinating story.

The group "Patsanka" broke up, having recorded two albums, the release of a third is not planned. When asked “why there are no concerts,” Elena answers that the project was a studio project: the group initially did not perform on open stages.

Fans regret that the girls are no longer working on recording songs, but note that the released albums were recorded conscientiously, every melody is a hit. Some songs of "Tomboys", for example, "Cinderella", were covered by quails.

In 2007, the popular chanson performer planned to record “Hello, Baby” together with Elena. However, the circumstances turned out well for Alexey, and the widow, Irina, agreed to the duet. The creative union of Bryantsev and Kasyanova will develop, but later.

Personal life

Her personal life, like the rest of the singer’s biography, is closed to journalists. Whether Elena’s heart is free or occupied by one of the men is unknown, but it is known that Elena is a mother.

In 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Valeria. The girl is 21 years old, she is a student at Voronezh Pedagogical University, a slender, attractive blonde with a model appearance. The girl’s facial features are similar to the star’s mother in her youth.

Valeria recently got married: the touching photos on the girl’s page on VKontakte, where the mother straightens her daughter’s veil, are dated September 2017. Joint photographs with his father have not been posted on social networks. The wedding took place in a Voronezh restaurant located on Moskovsky Prospekt. There is no information about Elena’s son-in-law, but judging by the photographs, he and the bride are the same age and height.

Elena Kasyanova now

Currently, the singer lives in Voronezh and performs solo, as well as in a duet with singer Alexei Bryantsev. Bryantsev’s tour concerts in Russian and Latvian cities are planned for 2018, for some he invites Elena to perform duet hits such as “My Unexpected Joy”, “Piece of Happiness”, “I Still Love You”, “Midnight Call”, “ Sweet poison”, “I won’t give you up” and others.

Joint recordings are heard on radio “Chanson” and published in popular thematic collections. The popularity of the duet is explained simply: Alexey and Elena record simple songs about love, which is familiar to every listener.

The simple words sink into the soul, mainly the audience of Bryantsev and Kasyanova are men and women over 40 years old. Although young girls also boast about buying tickets to concerts on social networks.

The duo does not make official videos, but on YouTube there are dozens of fan-edited mini-films based on the songs of Alexei and Elena. Most of these “clips” are for the song “Unloved.” As video footage, craftsmen use either personal photos or clips from love series.


  • 2004 – “Little Girl”
  • 2007 – “Second Album”

This singer literally burst into the music world. As often happens, the young guy made plans for a completely different life, but she prepared a different path. The path of a performer in the chanson style. The name that is now known to all fans of this genre is Alexey Bryantsev. Biography and his creative path are the purpose of our article.

Thoughts about one thing, dreams about another

Alexey was born in 1984 in the city of Voronezh. He still considers it his home. Despite the fact that the singer often visits Moscow and rarely tours Russia, Voronezh remains in first place for him. It was here that Alexey Bryantsev spent his childhood and dreamed of the future.

And my dreams, by the way, have always been connected with music. Now fans will say in surprise how it can be that after graduating from school, Alexey entered the Polytechnic Academy. His specialty is gas engineer. Agree, far from music. However, man's true nature took over. Suddenly realizing that he wants to devote himself only to her, Alexey Bryantsev, whose biography contains many interesting facts, decides to radically change his fate.

The one that connected us

According to the performer, he has always been attracted to singing: folk, Russian, about human concerns. Night gatherings around the fire, in which a guitar was always present, left a pleasant mark on his soul. Alexey Bryantsev remembers this with special affection. The chansonnier's biography includes his collaboration with his relative and namesake. Producer Alexey Bryantsev at one time created “Butyrka” - one of the best and most successful teams. After Bryantsev Jr. realized that he would not be able to work in the profession (if only because of the lack of personnel needed), the realization became even greater that now the finest hour had come. Bryantsev Sr. gladly arranged an audition for him and took him under his wing. So, at the age of 22, our hero embarks on a long, but necessarily happy path to conquering the musical Olympus.

Let's not rush

Bryantsev has a wonderful baritone voice. Moreover, many listeners, having seen the singer live, were amazed: his voice gave birth to the image of a 50-year-old man “burned” by life, and before them appeared a fairly young performer. This was also noted by his relative, who did not immediately take up the promotion of his ward. He considered the similarity with Mikhail Krug to be one of the possible difficulties. With his death, an already large number of imitators appeared on the scene, so Bryantsev Jr. did not intend to become one of them, although he really wanted to.

Shot for success

Without letting the “beast” out of the cage, the producer waits for the right moment. In the meantime, he is composing the first single, “Hello, Baby.” Designed for duet performance, the future hit was supposed to be given to Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanova. But again, a combination of circumstances changed the course of the game. By the way, in a good way.

Alexey Bryantsev himself can boast about this. The artist’s biography is connected, perhaps, with the main event in his life - his meeting with Irina Krug. The widow of the king of chanson heard a demo version of the song while she was on her way to record a duet with another performer. She immediately wanted to take the obvious hit for herself.

As a result, collaboration with Irina resulted in two fruitful albums. “Hello, Baby” became the title track of the first of them. The second - “If it weren’t for you” - was released three years later, in 2010. The artists are connected by a number of love ballads, which fans instantly accepted with a bang.

Performances at venues begin. The compositions are included in the rotation of radio stations. Alexey’s independent performance took place during the celebration of the 9th anniversary of radio “Chanson”. For the first time he appeared on the stage of the “Ukraine” palace to the loud applause of an audience of thousands, feeling delight and excitement. In 2012, Alexey went on a solo voyage when his album entitled “Your Breath” was released.

New life

From that moment on, he occupies an honorable place among chanson performers. The public loves him and is ready to buy his CDs. Journalists want to interview and put on covers, and Alexey Bryantsev (photo confirms this) happily poses and answers questions.

By the way, he speaks about himself with modesty. And he doesn’t consider himself an important person at all. An ordinary person who had a stellar chance. The personal life of Alexey Bryantsev has become a favorite topic for curious paparazzi. However, here too the singer is laconic: there is love in his heart, but to whom he prefers to remain silent.

Instead, he confesses his love for football and fresh air. Alexey - for a healthy lifestyle! And also for the fact that from now on he will embody musical ideas in his characteristic manner.

Alexey Bryantsev is a talented young performer who has stirred up the world of chanson. He was born in 1981 in Voronezh, a city that still remains home to him. He graduated from the Voronezh Polytechnic Academy and has a diploma in oil and gas engineering. However, music took over. And although Alexey only graduated from music school, he decided to connect his life with singing, and now he successfully tours the expanses of his native Russia and foreign countries.

Alexey is a distant relative of his no less famous namesake - producer Alexey Bryantsev, who is known not only for participating in such a successful project as “” as a producer-arranger, but also for authoring songs for other performers. Alexey “Junior” came to his audition after graduating from school at the age of 22, driven by the desire to sing from the big stage to an audience of thousands. Even as a child, he loved to perform songs with a guitar around the fire. His magnificent baritone immediately impressed his famous namesake. At the same time, the producer noted the highlight of the performer: the outwardly young man performed the compositions in the voice of a mature 50-year-old man. However, he did not dare to take on the young performer. The reason for this was the amazing similarity between Alexey’s voice and the most popular singer. After the tragic death of the Vladimir Central performer, Russian prices were filled with numerous clones that specifically imitated both the popular artist’s performance style and arrangement. During this period, it was risky to go on stage and become “another one” a la Krug. But the famous producer could not allow the beautiful baritone to remain unnoticed for long and he writes a song specifically for the vocals of the younger Alexey. The song “Hello, Baby” was originally a duet, but the first performer was Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanova. But a happy coincidence of circumstances led to the formation of a new duet, where the widow, Irina Krug, sang with Alexey Bryantsev.

The duet turned out to be more than successful and fruitful. Two albums, “Hello, Baby” (2007) and “If It weren’t for You” (2010), where Alexey and Irina sing love songs together, were practically swept off the shelves of music stores, and the compositions became leaders of the charts.

The artist’s first performance took place on the stage of the Kyiv palace “Ukraine” during the celebration of the 9th anniversary of radio “Chanson”. Alexey later admitted that he was very worried, and no matter how many times he had to go out to the audience, he will always remember those first feelings of fear and delight that he experienced while standing on the main stage of Ukraine.
In 2012, Alexey released the long-awaited solo album “Your Breath,” which was received well by both critics and fans, as evidenced by both the level of sales and the number of mobile phones that play songs from the disc during a call.
Alexey considers himself an ordinary non-star person. He does not hide his love for football, in particular for teams from Italy, and prefers to live in nature. As a student, he opened a fast food outlet, but soon lost interest in it, even though it was profitable. Now his mother runs the fast food business.

The artist has big creative plans, but he is not going to stop. He craves development, and wants to do it in his own way, only in his own manner.

Now fans of music in the “chanson” style are increasingly interested in the biography of Alexei Bryantsev. How can this be - a young, seemingly fragile guy, but he sings with the voice of a mature fifty-year-old man? How did he appear on stage? Maybe this is another trick of the producers? The biography of Alexey Bryantsev, described in this article, will help you find answers to many questions.

The artist's childhood and first steps in music

Alexey Bryantsev is the full namesake of his older distant relative, musician and composer Alexey Bryantsev, who is known as the arranger of the Butyrka group. The younger Bryantsev, after receiving a certificate of secondary education, went to the Polytechnic Academy to study as an engineer. Despite the fact that he successfully graduated and could go to work in his specialty, this profession was alien to him. Since childhood, he loved to sing songs with a guitar around the fire, happily attended music school, and therefore wanted to connect his whole life with music. When he turned 22, he went to his namesake in order to hear a professional’s opinion about his voice and the ability to sing on the big stage. And, perhaps, the biography of singer Alexei Bryantsev would have remained unknown to the general public if the composer had not then recognized the talent in the young man. The appearance and voice of a mature man seemed like a real highlight to the musician, but he was still in no hurry to work with him.

beginning of a musical career

The composer was stopped by the fact that Bryantsev’s voice was very similar to the voice of everyone’s beloved Mikhail Krug. After the tragic death of the chansonnier, many of his clones appeared, who copied not only his voice, but also his manner of performance, even the arrangements were similar. The composer did not want Alexey Bryantsev, with his unique baritone, to become one of the imitators, and therefore kept him on the “bench” until the right moment. Soon he wrote the song “Hello, Baby” especially for him, which they planned to record in a duet with the aspiring Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanova. But chance changed everything. The composer met at the airport who flew to Voronezh to record a duet song with Vladimir Bocharov. When the singer heard a recording of the song “Hello, Baby” in the car, she expressed a desire to sing the female part in it herself. The biography of Alexey Bryantsev contains a long stage of his collaboration with the widow of Mikhail Krug. Their first duet album was released in 2007, and their second in 2010. Both created a sensation - the discs flew off store shelves, the whole country knew the songs by heart.

Solo artist Alexey Bryantsev: biography

The singer recalls that he remembered his first performance on the big stage for a long time. This happened in the Kiev palace "Ukraine" at the celebration of the ninth anniversary of radio "Chanson". Fear mixed with indescribable delight remained in the heart of the young performer forever. Recently, Alexey Bryantsev released his first solo album entitled “Your Breath”. He has ambitious plans for the future, and he is not going to stop there. But he intends to develop, to give his creativity to fans, to live a full, interesting life not according to someone else, but according to his own scenario.