Frozen 18 comics. Ice - a fanfiction for the Guardians of Dreams, Frozen fandom

We continue to get to know Disney princesses. Today our choice fell on the youngest of all Disney beauties. She came to us from the movie "Frozen". A film amazing in its beauty and kindness, which captivates hearts from the very first minute. Thanks to beautiful drawings, funny and different characters characters, classical history love, friendship, the struggle between good and evil, this cartoon has gone down in the history of cinema.

« Cold heart"(English) Frozen) - computer animated film 2013, 53rd cartoon created by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. In the story, the brave princess Anna and the simple guy Kristoff, along with the reindeer Sven and the snowman Olaf, embark on a deadly journey across the snowy mountain peaks to try to find Anna's older sister, Elsa, who accidentally cast a spell on their kingdom and thereby doomed its inhabitants to eternal winter. .

Although the film uses computer animation that is relatively new to the Walt Disney Company, the film continues in the tradition of classic Disney animated musicals.

Frozen became the highest-grossing animated film in Disney history, as well as the highest-grossing animated film in cinema history, and only the second animated film to exceed a billion dollars in worldwide box office receipts (the first being Toy Story 3).

The cartoon won two Oscar awards in the categories “Best Animated Film” and “Best Animated Film”. best song"Let It Go", as well as a number of other awards.

I won’t tell you the whole plot, you know it much better than me. Let me just remind you of the characters of this cartoon.

Anna- this is a favorite female type Disney studios. Bold and bold, she doesn't look like a princess at all. She acts quickly and makes decisions, driven by her heart rather than her mind. Once in her childhood, she was very close to her sister Elsa, until she, while practicing magic, almost killed Anna. And now Elsa is there, far away, alone... In contrast to her sister, Anna is an exceptionally warm character. Her look, smile, mood - everything radiates warmth and positivity. Anna is a great optimist and very a positive person. She doesn't believe in her sister's cruelty. And when eternal winter falls on the kingdom of Arendelle, Anna does not think twice. Who, if not she, will save the country? Who else can find an approach to his sister's heart?

Anna never loses her optimism. Even when she and Christophe were making their way through the domain of the snow queen, when there was frost and danger all around, she admired the icy rocks and found the true magic of beauty in every snowflake.

Armed only with fearlessness and faith in goodness, Anna sets off on a long and dangerous journey to save the kingdom and her family...

Olaf- uh that is a small humanoid snowman.

At one time it was created by the magic of the little princess Elsa. Snowman Olaf is incredibly kind, friendly and cheerful. He is slightly trusting, which is why he often finds himself in interesting incidents. But he is happy about this, because he is inquisitive and needs a change of scenery. And his most important desire is to meet the summer, because he is delighted with the warmth. One day, with his friends, he went to a very dangerous and perhaps even death march. But what is the outcome of these journeys and what else will this character delight the viewer with - you will see everything in the film itself.

Hans- elegant, refined, a real prince. He is the youngest of 12 brothers. Hans knows firsthand what it’s like to be the youngest, growing up in the shadow of his older brothers. He, like Anna, was almost invisible in his family. Perhaps that’s why she and Anna got along so quickly. Anna tries to find in Hans the attention that she has always lacked from her sister. A military bearing is immediately visible in him. At the first meeting, his gallantry and ideal manners attract attention. Hans and his family come to Arendelle for Elsa's coronation. It was at the coronation that he saw Anna, the prince immediately liked the girl and he promises her that for him Anna will always be the center of attention.

Kristoff- a nice guy and a real nature lover. He lives high in the mountains, extracts ice and sells it to the residents of the capital, Arendale. Anna accidentally meets this highlander on her way and he agrees to take her to the Snow Queen's castle. Although rough in appearance, Kristoff is actually strong, honest and loyal. Romantic Anna did not care about her safety at all during their trip. From the outside it might seem that she just went out for a walk. That is why Christophe had to be always on the alert. He knows exactly how treacherous and dangerous this beautiful ice can be! While he may seem like he's a hardcore loner at first, he's actually just not very good with people. But he is always with him best friend- a charming and very smart deer named Sven.

Sven - reindeer. If you remember latest cartoons Disney studio, there was always a horse or donkey that was much smarter than its owner. Disney writers like this type. So it is in this cartoon. Reindeer Sven is Kristoff's wise assistant. But in this cartoon the authors did not give Sven a voice. But he is very smart and manages to suggest this or that idea to his owner without words. And Christophe, in turn, voices the deer’s thoughts in a funny voice, which greatly irritates Sven. He always takes the owner's side and encourages him when Christophe doubts. He is also strong, resilient - just an ideal comrade in icy mountains. Until now, he had faithfully helped Christophe extract ice and take it to Arendelle. And now he will help the highlander lead Anna to the Snow Queen's castle. What would Christophe do without him?

At first glance, Elsa has a cold heart and a cold mind. It seems that she does not like the company of other people and in order to meet less with others, Elsa settled in a place far from human settlements. Her unsociable nature earned her the nickname "Snow Queen". But this is not true! In fact, Elsa lives in constant fear. After the coronation she is given amazing power- create frost. This is the power that allows her to create beauty. But inept handling of this power can cause great harm to others. One day Elsa almost killed her younger sister Anna. That is why she settled away from people, to protect them from herself. Elsa continues to practice. She tries to contain the growing power. But resentment, fear and anger do not allow her to concentrate, and she makes mistakes. By accident, Elsa plunges the entire country into eternal winter. She cannot correct the mistake and locks herself in her castle. She looks at herself in horror, realizing that she is turning into a monster, that there will never be a way back. She does not hope for anyone's help, and who can help her, and most importantly, will she want to.

A few facts about this cartoon and its main characters.

1. 50 people worked on the scene in which Elsa builds her palace. It took 30 hours to create one frame. But in the cartoon, it took Elsa 36 seconds to build the palace.

2. During the creation of the cartoon, the animators held a “sister meeting” in order to better understand the connection between the sisters and their relationship. This helped to better reveal the relationship between Anna and Elsa in the cartoon “Frozen”.

3. The official coat of arms of the Kingdom of Arendelle is the crocus. This flower symbolizes rebirth and the onset of spring.

4. The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Andersen, on which the cartoon is based, first attracted the attention of the Disney studio back in 1939. It was planned to create a short cartoon about Andersen's life, but this never happened.

5. Before starting work, the cartoon's creators had to take a crash course in meteorology to learn more about snow. The animators invited Dr. Ken Libbrecht from Institute of Technology so that he would tell them about the formation of snow crystals.

6. Elsa has more strands of hair than Rapunzel. The latter may have seventy meters of magical hair, but Elsa's hairstyle contains 420,000 individual strands.

7. The relationship between the main characters - sisters Anna and Elsa - was based on the real relationship between the film's artistic director - Brittney Lee - and her sister Jennifer Lee.

8. Notice the similarity with the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen? Perhaps this was influenced not so much by the story about the Snow Queen as by the names of the main characters in the film. Hans, Christoph and Anna were named after the Danish writer.

9. Of the film's 109-minute running time, characters perform songs for 24 minutes.

10. Some of Olaf the snowman's dialogue was purely improvised by actor Josh Gad.

At first, the cartoon was planned to be drawn by hand, but John Lasseter, after reading the script, said that he would be better off using CGI/hand-drawn animation, like in Tangled. In an early version of the cartoon plot, Elsa was one-sided and pronounced negative character. However, after negotiations between the filmmakers, it was decided to rework the character and complicate his character. The idea arose to add a sister Snow Queen- thus a sisterly relationship was born, and at the same time it turned out to make the antagonist complex and unpredictable.

Also, the plot of the film did not include two snowmen, but a whole snow army, which the Snow Queen, embittered with the inhabitants of Arendelle, created to attack. Olaf was not a childhood snowman, but his first “experience” in creating a snow giant (not entirely successful). This was also changed during the script revision process.

Despite the fact that the cartoon was released in 2013, already in 2014 the American scriptwriters of the series “Once Upon a Time” in season 4 decided to introduce the main characters of “Frozen” Elsa and Anna, Kristoff and Hans into their plot.

Anna was played by aspiring actress Elizabeth Lail

Elsa was played by the star of the TV series “Beyond” Georgina Haig

The series' writers, Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, said they had a hard time getting the rights to use the characters. Disney cartoon, since the Disney film company did not make contact.
“We literally fell in love with the characters from Frozen when we watched the cartoon,” Horowitz admitted in an interview with TVLine. “We saw for the first time what we needed to fit into our plot. Otherwise, this would gnaw at us until the end of our days - what would have happened if...? So we came up with a way to incorporate cartoon characters into our series. And when we presented our idea to the studio and the channel, they said they weren’t against it.”
Kitsis added his own opinion to Horowitz's words: "The whole beauty of Elsa is that she should be a classic villain, but in reality no one understands her, and this feature of her fits perfectly into our plot."

The writers of the series offer their version of what happens after the events in the cartoon. According to the plot of the series, Elsa and Anna have a forgotten aunt, aka the Snow Queen, who is also the main villain of the first half of the fourth season of the series. And so it is revealed where Elsa got her gift of ice. Hans is also trying to take over Arendelle, and he almost succeeds, since with the help of the pirate Blackbeard, he threw Anna and Kristoff into the sea, and Elsa was in Storybrooke at that time.


* Oh, look, I'm a kebab. (Olaf)

* - Can I ask something stupid? Will you marry me?
- Oh... ...can I answer something stupid? I agree! (Anna and Hans)

* For the sake of some, it’s not a pity to melt. (Olaf)

* - What kind of strange donkey is this?
- Sven.
- What's the deer's name?
- Oh, I see. Remember less. (Olaf)

* - You are beautiful.
- Thank you. And you are even more. I mean, no more. You don't look bigger, but more...more beautiful. (Anna and Elsa)

* - He wants to kiss me on the nose. What a naughty guy! (Olaf)

* Sign only true love can defrost a cold heart. (troll)

* Love is when you put the interests of another above your own. (Olaf)


I was with you

In one far, far away country, located beyond the seven seas, high mountains And snowy forests, in a huge ice palace lived a beautiful queen. Elsa, which was the name of our heroine, about whom the fairy tale Frozen Heart was written, was known throughout the world for her gloomy, but strong character and with a mysterious and unusual power to freeze everything around. It was because of this power of the queen that everyone was afraid of her and tried to stay away. And Elsa herself seemed to be happy with everything: she loved peace, quiet and solitude. Once upon a time, she adored the fairy tale about the Snow Queen, therefore, being in a huge palace surrounded by ice everywhere, she often associated herself with her favorite childhood heroine.

Fairytale Frozen: Elsa and Anna and their new adventures

Because of complex nature Elsa and the constant desire to restrain her powers, she had no friends. And only one person in the whole world understood how difficult it really was for a lonely queen to live in a huge castle. It was her sister Anna, to whom Elsa handed over all matters of managing the kingdom before leaving again for her mountain ice palace.
Anna was worried about her sister and, despite the fact that she herself twice became a victim of her powerful power, she persuaded Elsa to stay among the people. Only she knew how sensitive and kind the queen’s seemingly icy and cold heart really was. Anna understood that her sister would have become completely different if she had managed to meet a sincere and kind person and start your own family.

One day, a young beauty learned that far away, in a secret kingdom, there lived a lonely prince who had a similar problem: fate had rewarded him with an unusual powerful force, which he could not cope with, therefore, in order not to harm anyone, he moved to a separate palace on the top mountains. Anna immediately realized that she had to introduce this mysterious prince to her sister. That is why she sent her true friendmerry snowman Olaf, ordering him not to return without the prince.

A fairy tale about a cold heart: will Elsa find love?

As always, cheerful and cheerful Olaf, without hesitation, sat down on his magical ice cloud and went in search of the secret prince. It should be said that he really liked Anna’s task, because he loved travel, adventure and new experiences.

Very soon he arrived at the prince's domain. As it turned out, his country was in the north, among snow drifts and glaciers, and its inhabitants are accustomed to severe frosts. However, this was the case before, and today the whole country suffered from a great misfortune: their prince had the power to melt snow and one day he accidentally used it. From now on, the kingdom suffers from unusual heat, and there is also a threat of the collapse of a large glacier, which has already begun to melt. As told to Olaf local residents, if the glacier collapses, the entire country will be completely destroyed.
Olaf immediately realized who could help the unfortunate inhabitants of this kingdom, so he asked for a meeting with the prince. He was happily shown the way to the palace, but no one joined him for fear of the prince's strength.
Olaf managed to find the prince and tell him everything about Elsa and her powerful force that could save his kingdom. The prince was sincerely worried about his subjects, whom he had accidentally exposed to such a terrible threat, so he immediately went with Olaf to the queen’s castle. Of course, Elsa happily responded to the request for help, because, as we have already said, she was actually kind and sincere. And also, she really liked the prince. Upon arrival in his country, the queen quickly froze the glacier and returned the kingdom to its previous form.
However, at this time a disaster happened: while freezing the glacier, Elsa accidentally hit a little girl with her ice lightning, who was watching with interest what was happening. But the prince melted the child without any consequences so quickly that no one noticed the queen’s little mistake.
It was then that Elsa and the prince realized that together they could use their powers for good deeds, declared their love for each other and lived happily ever after.

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Frozen of the Iron Kingdoms

Abstract: A world in which magic and technology are intertwined has plunged into the chaos of war. And the Duchy of Arendelle was the first to fall. Will the young Duchess Elsa, who by chance became the owner of a magical gift, be able to enormous power and plunged the country into winter in the middle of summer, survive and protect your sister Anna? After all, many people dream of acquiring this power, and they are already on their way...

Cold Heart of the Iron Kingdoms.

Elsa sat with her legs crossed and looked at the winter landscape passing by outside the window. She was scared. It was scary at the speed with which the carriage rushed along the road, bouncing on every bump. It was scary from the creaking of the springs that allowed her and the others to sit in place. It was scary from the unknown into which four selected black horses carried her away.

And she was especially afraid for Anna. For the younger sister, whom Elsa accidentally wounded in the head with her magic when they were playing in her father's castle. IN Once again she reproached herself for not obeying the orders of her parents and the master arcanist, Master Rouge-Foucault. Once again, she hid her hands in horror, afraid of freezing something again. Once again, she begged Morrow to save her sister, in whose copper-red hair a white strand had already appeared.

But salvation was far away. The master arcanist was powerless, as were the doctors, as well as the priests of the Morrow temple in Laedri. Cold magic was very rare in Llael. Even the Duke of Arendelle took six months to hire a teacher from Meruin for his five-year-old daughter, who could help her curb her emerging talent. And now Master Rouge-Foucault, this elderly master arcanist, was nearby, trying to support Anna’s life with his spells, while the four horses, constantly urged on by the coachman, carried their carriage along the Anvil road further into the winter land.

Ahead, in the northwest, was Korsk - a huge city, the capital of the kingdom of Hador, the homeland of cold magic. There were legends about combat sorcerers, capable of turning entire regiments and even the most powerful combat vehicles into ice statues with their spells. Only they were able to break the spell that was slowly killing Anna.

Neither father nor mother had any illusions. The Khadorians never hid their contempt and hatred for the Laelians, considering them cowards and traitors, through whose fault the old empire fell. Wars broke out one after another, and even the wisest ruler could easily get lost in the intricacies of politics, intrigue and espionage.

Remembering all this, the Duke carried a lot of gold with him. He hoped that greed could open the doors he needed. And for the sake of saving his daughter, he did not feel sorry for any money. They have already helped us cross the border, buy new horses to replace the ones that had been driven away, and find guides. There was only a short time left to hold out.

The city grew on the horizon, first as a huge cloud of smog, and then as a huge rock of walls, roofs and chimneys. And above all this confusion towered a mountain royal palace, visible for many miles around. Elsa could not even imagine that there were such cities in the world, the smoke of their chimneys covered the sky, and the towers were supported by clouds. It was there, in this mighty citadel, that the most skilled cold sorcerers known to man lived.

After entering the city, the speed of traffic decreased as sharply as the speed of distribution of gold increased. Elsa was frightened by this huge, dirty city, frightened by the snow that had turned gray with ash, frightened by the faded banners that decorated the streets. But what was especially frightening were these gloomy people, often in masks, who tried to get money from them even for the slightest help or service. But the father was firm in his determination, polite in his words, and generous. And so they moved until they were forced to leave the carriage near some alley.

There they were met by a group of particularly gloomy men. Armed with long and wide knives, they most closely resembled the robbers from fairy tales. Of them, only one spoke, short, bald and plump as a ball. After a little haggling, he finally gave the command to his subordinates, and they led the whole family, along with their most trusted servants, into the house, whose back door faced this very alley.

They were met at the house by three people who were sitting in the living room and drinking tea. Elsa did not immediately realize that these were real sorcerers. Only when they said that their strength and knowledge were not enough to save Anna. The mother was already on the verge of despair when they said that only their mentor, the sorcerer lord, could help. The Duke did not skimp on words or money. But even he had to persuade the trio for a long time to help organize the meeting as quickly as possible.

The meeting was scheduled at the hotel in the evening of the same day. The younger sorcerers warned that their mentor would only help if he was seriously interested. Because this old man valued new mysteries and knowledge above gold and precious stones.

When this sorcerer-lord entered the hall, accompanied by a retinue of students and apprentices, Elsa could not hide her surprise at the sight of this gray-haired old man with a large, thick beard reaching to his waist. Apart from the armor and clothes painted with runes, nothing betrayed magical power in this man.

As well as compassion. Neither the requests of the master arcanist, nor the father's proposals, nor the mother's pleas helped. The old sorcerer only repeated the sentence passed by everyone before him - Anna is dying. And the magic of Master Rouge-Foucault is unable to stop this process, only slow it down.

Elsa was scared. She didn't know what to do or what to do. The father, who had previously seemed almost omnipotent at home, was completely helpless here, in a foreign country. And realizing that she would never forgive herself for her inaction, in despair Elsa rushed to the sorcerer.

She broke all the rules of behavior and decency, but she didn’t care. Her sister's life was more important to her than anyone's opinion. Especially after what she did.

No! You can't just leave! She will die without your help! You are her only chance!

And with this cry, Elsa jumped up to the sorcerer and grabbed him by the beard. And she herself did not expect that this touch would once again release her power. The beard almost immediately became covered with frost, and after a few moments half of it turned into one large icicle. And only at that moment the duchess managed to pick up her eldest daughter on the hands and tear it away from the beard of the sorcerer-lord.

There was a fair amount of noise in the room. Neither students, nor apprentices, nor junior sorcerers could contain their emotions. Many did not understand whether this was an assassination attempt, an accident, a coincidence, or malicious intent. But they were all interrupted by the voice of the old sorcerer.

So this is how you hurt your sister?

Elsa herself was even more frightened by what had happened than those around her, but still found the strength to respond.

No, we were playing, and I slipped and hit Anna in the head instead of a snowdrift. And now she's dying. You must help her, no one can do this except you.

This will be very difficult. And it will require a lot of magic. But I will do my best to save her. But for this, you will show me what you can do. Agreed?

Agreed! - Elsa answered without a moment’s hesitation.

And yet, no one should ever know about what you see in this room.

I give my word to the Duke of Arendelle that this secret will die with us. - the father said without hesitation for a second. The mother only nodded in confirmation of his words. As do the servants, as does the master arcanist.

Okay, I'll try to help.

And then the sorcerer-lord got to work. Apprentices and apprentices were taken to prepare the hall, and junior sorcerers were taken to energize the auxiliary spells. Soon Anna was already lying on the table, surrounded by the glow of blue runes and streams of magic. The sorcerer-lord created truly great spells that, like a pump, pulled the spell out of the girl’s head.

To fully heal her, I will have to interfere with her thoughts and memories. All traces of magic, every mention must be erased. And about my colleague, the master arcanist, and about my older sister. Otherwise, traces of the spell may remain in her brain, and the illness will return.

Wilhelm GAUF


Anyone who has ever visited the Black Forest will tell you that you will never see such tall and mighty fir trees anywhere else, nowhere else will you meet such tall and strong people. It seems as if the very air, saturated with sun and resin, made the inhabitants of the Black Forest different from their neighbors, the inhabitants of the surrounding plains. Even their clothes are not the same as others. The inhabitants of the mountainous side of the Black Forest dress up especially intricately. The men there wear black camisoles, wide, finely pleated trousers, red stockings and pointed hats with large brims. And I must admit that this outfit gives them a very impressive and respectable look.

All the residents here are excellent glassmakers. Their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers were engaged in this craft, and the fame of Black Forest glassblowers has long spread throughout the world.

On the other side of the forest, closer to the river, the same Black Forest people live, but they practice a different craft, and their customs are also different. All of them, just like their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, are lumberjacks and raftsmen. On long rafts they float the timber down the Neckar to the Rhine, and along the Rhine all the way to the sea.

They stop in every coastal city and wait for buyers, and the thickest and longest logs are driven to Holland, and the Dutch build their ships from this wood.

Raftsmen are accustomed to a harsh, wandering life. Therefore, their clothes are not at all similar to the clothes of glass masters. They wear jackets made of dark canvas and black leather pants with green, palm-wide waistbands. From the deep pockets of their trousers there is always a copper ruler sticking out - a sign of their craft. But most of all they are proud of their boots. Yes, and there is something to be proud of! Nobody in the world wears such boots. You can pull them above your knees and walk in them on water as if on dry land.

Until recently, the inhabitants of the Black Forest believed in forest spirits. Now, of course, everyone knows that there are no spirits, but many legends about mysterious forest inhabitants have been passed down from grandfathers to grandchildren.

They say that these forest spirits wore dresses exactly like the people among whom they lived.

Glass Man - good friend people - he always appeared in a wide-brimmed peaked hat, in a black camisole and trousers, and on his feet he had red stockings and black shoes. He was the size of a one-year-old child, but this did not in the least hinder his power.

And Michel the Giant wore the clothes of raftsmen, and those. Those who happened to see him were assured that a good fifty calfskins must have gone into his boots, and that an adult man could hide his head in these boots. And they all swore that they were not exaggerating at all.

One Svarunald guy once had to meet these forest spirits.

You will now find out how this happened and what happened.

Many years ago there lived in the Black Forest a poor widow named and nicknamed Barbara Munch.

Her husband was a coal miner, and when he died, her sixteen-year-old son Peter had to take up the same craft. Until now, he had only watched his father extinguish coal, but now he himself had to sit days and nights near a smoking coal pit, and then drive with a cart along the roads and streets, offering his black goods at all gates and scaring the children with his face and clothes darkened by coal dust.

The good (or bad) thing about being a coal miner is that it leaves a lot of time for thinking.

And Peter Munch, sitting alone by his fire, just like many other coal miners, thought about everything in the world. The silence of the forest, the rustle of the wind in the treetops, the lonely cry of a bird - everything made him think about the people he met while traveling with his cart, about himself and about his sad fate.

“What a miserable fate to be a black, dirty coal miner! – thought Peter. – Whether it’s the craft of a glazier, a watchmaker or a shoemaker! Even the musicians who are hired to play at Sunday parties are more revered than us!” Now, if Peter Munch happens to go out into the street on a holiday - cleanly washed, in his father’s formal caftan with silver buttons, in new red stockings and shoes with buckles... Anyone seeing him from afar will say: “What a guy - well done.” ! Who would it be? And he’ll come closer and just wave his hand: “Oh, but it’s just Peter Munch, the coal miner!..” And he’ll pass by.

But most of all, Peter Munch envied the raftsmen. When these forest giants came to them for a holiday, hanging half a pound of silver trinkets on themselves - all sorts of chains, buttons and buckles - and, with their legs spread wide, looked at the dances, puffing from a yard long Cologne pipes, it seemed to Peter that there was nothing in the world people are happier and more respectful. When these lucky ones put their hand into their pockets and pulled out whole handfuls of silver coins, Peter’s breath tightened, his head became clouded, and he, sad, returned to his hut. He could not see how these “wood gentlemen” lost more in one evening than he himself earned in a whole year.

But three raftsmen aroused special admiration and envy in him: Ezekiel the Fat, Schlurker the Skinny and Wilm the Handsome.

Ezekiel the Fat was considered the first rich man in the area.

He was incredibly lucky. He always sold the timber at exorbitant prices, and the money just flowed into his pockets.

Schlurker Skinny was the most a brave man of everyone Peter knew. No one dared to argue with him, and he was not afraid to argue with anyone. In the tavern he ate and drank for three, and took up space for three, but no one dared to say a word to him when he, with his elbows outstretched, sat down at the table or stretched out his arms along the bench. long legs, - he had a lot of money.

Wilm the Handsome was a young, handsome guy, best dancer among raftsmen and glaziers. More recently, he was as poor as Peter, and served as a worker for lumber merchants. And suddenly, out of the blue, he became rich." Some said that he found a pot of silver in the forest under an old spruce tree. Others said that somewhere on the Rhine he picked up a bag of gold with a hook.

One way or another, he suddenly became a rich man, and the raftsmen began to revere him, as if he were not a simple raftsman, but a prince.

All three - Ezekiel the Fat, Schlurker the Skinny and Wilm the Handsome - were completely different from each other, but all three equally loved money and were equally heartless towards people who did not have money. And yet, although they were disliked for their greed, everything was forgiven for their wealth. And how can one not forgive! Who, besides them, could throw ringing thalers left and right, as if they were getting money for nothing, like fir cones?!

“And where do they get so much money from,” thought Peter, returning one day from a festive feast, where he did not drink or eat, but only watched how others ate and drank. “Oh, if only I could have a tenth of what Ezekiel the Fat drank and lost today!”

Peter went through in his mind all the ways he knew of to get rich, but could not come up with a single one that was more or less correct.

Finally he remembered stories about people who allegedly received whole mountains of gold from Michel the Giant or from the Glass Man.

Even when my father was alive, poor neighbors often gathered in their house to dream of wealth, and more than once they mentioned in conversation the little patron of glassblowers.

Peter even remembered the rhymes that had to be said in the thicket of the forest, near the largest spruce tree, in order to summon the Glass Man:

- Under the shaggy fir tree,

In a dark dungeon,

Where is the spring born?

An old man lives between the roots.

He is incredibly rich

He keeps a treasure...

There were two more lines in these poems, but no matter how Peter racked his brains, he could never remember them.

He often wanted to ask one of the old people if they remembered the end of this spell, but either shame or the fear of revealing his secret thoughts held him back.

It happened in October, Anna turned seven, it seemed like just yesterday she was a little one-year-old child. But this is not what we are talking about, today, in theory, should be a clear autumn day and a bright night, today there should be smiles on all faces, happiness should flow over the edge. But who knew that for all this happiness you have to pay.
Author's POV
Perhaps I'll start from the very beginning of this day. And the day began with an innocent congratulation. Elsa entered the room, my sister will be very pleased, on this day my little sister was born, the seventh of October. Elsa thought: “Perhaps my little sister is very lucky, today she turns seven, and the date coincides with the date, today is a happy day for her, a day of luck.” Elsa went to Anna's crib and so that her little sister would wake up from her sweet sleep, and began to tickle her, laughing very contagiously and cheerfully. Anna immediately started tossing and turning, apparently she was having a wonderful, wonderful dream, and then Her Majesty woke up and, in a semi-drowsy state, tried to fight back and wrap herself in a warm blanket.
- Mom, just five more minutes! - Anna muttered in a sleepy voice, and wrapped herself tightly in a warm blanket, almost fell asleep, this dream was very tempting. If your sleep is so good, shouldn't you sleep longer?
- Anna, wake up, otherwise we’ll eat the cake without you! - Elsa said, laughing loudly and shaking her sister by the shoulders, even this had no effect on Anna, no one would disturb her sleep.
- You shouldn’t have read books until late yesterday! - Elsa said, stopping shaking Anna.
- Get some more sleep, sleepyhead! - Elsa left the room. Of course, it’s a pity that Anna won’t wake up soon, but on the other hand, there is time to prepare a gift. Elsa went downstairs and, darting into her room, began collecting all the scraps of fabric and sewing a small doll from them. Hours passed, and Anna still did not wake up; Elsa managed to sew a doll in a few hours. She turned out to be very beautiful, her hair was beautifully braided from yarn, her face was adorned with blue embroidered eyes, a blue sundress and knitted boots. The doll turned out excellent, Anna will undoubtedly like it. Elsa, having sewed up the last loop, ran to Anna's room, entering it, she quietly put the doll next to Anna so that she would not wake up. Elsa moved away from the bed and tiptoed out the door, after such quiet rustlings Anna always woke up. She rolled over to the other side, to the left side of the bed, and stumbled upon the doll, hugged it, and barely fell asleep. This happens to everyone, sometimes you wake up late in the morning, of course, subconsciously you want to fall asleep again, but it just doesn’t work out, and you fall asleep again. So after a few minutes Anna got tired of sleeping and woke up. Turning her head a little, looking around the room, she came across a doll, and squinting, she noticed a note, it was written - “Happy birthday, Anna. From Elsa.”
Anna suddenly jumped out from under the blanket and began looking for clothes. It took Anna a long time to find a good outfit. Anna hesitated a little and fell tired to the floor. Anna looked at the ceiling for a bit, her hair was in terrible condition, during the night her hair had become so matted that it was not comfortable to lie down. Anna got up and went to the mirror, took a comb and began to comb it, it hurt a little, but Anna quickly combed it. Then on the nightstand next to the bed, there were clothes there. She quickly got dressed and, going back to the mirror, carefully braided her light brown hair into a braid. Now on the legs there were white knee socks with black shoes, and also a green dress with patterns in the form of red flowers, and on the dress itself there was a black vest. Anna smiled impatiently, clenching her fists. It looks like Anna was in good mood and in unusual anticipation of this day.
Hearing some noise in Anna's room, Elsa ran upstairs, and when she opened the door, she saw Anna sitting in the middle of the room and playing with that doll.
- WITH Good morning Birthday girl! - Elsa said, and Anna was immediately distracted. - Happy birthday! - Elsa added with a wide smile.
Anna just hugged her sister and smiled. Anna no longer wanted to sleep, she didn’t care about anything, only one word was spinning in her head - “Play!”
- Let's run! - Anna chattered impatiently.
Anna held Elsa's hand very tightly. Elsa barely made it, she stumbled and fell, but her sister wouldn’t let her go.
- Anna, slow down! - Elsa tried to slow down, but nothing worked.
Anna didn’t even intend to slow down; another five minutes and the sisters ran to the hanger. Anna tried to reach her jacket, Anna jumped up so funny, but you can’t jump higher than your head, and when Anna was tired, Elsa got her sister a red jacket with a blue hat, after that Elsa got a jacket for herself, a few seconds and Anna was wearing a red jacket, blue boots and blue cap, Elsa dug around for a very long time, but as soon as she managed to put on her boots and fasten the last button, Anna grabbed her hand and led her out into the street. Finally, when the sisters came out, they saw what was happening in the yard. Autumn great time, very much, this is the time of red and orange leaves, of course there are gray snowdrifts here and there, but winter is far away, because the street is full of puddles, and it’s not that cold. The yard was full of puddles, and not measuring their depth would not even be beautiful. Anna bent down into one of the puddles, her boots were large sizes, but a little water filled them, Anna didn’t notice it at all. She took Elsa by the hands and pulled her towards her, they jumped through the puddles for about an hour, the boots made a funny sound - “Squish-squish.” They had a lot of fun, they spent a long time exploring every puddle, every centimeter of this yard, but even such a fun activity can quickly get boring. Elsa ran to one of the snowdrifts, and jumping into it began to make a snow angel, Anna also ran into the snowdrift, and so the snowdrift fell apart, in truth, Elsa did not like these snowdrifts, and she decided to conjure new snowdrifts, she shot her magic into the sky and A cloud appeared above them from which snowflakes fell. Anna saw all this and was amazed, because it’s not every day that you find out that your sister can do magic.
- Little sister! - Anna ran up to Elsa.
- Do your magic, do your magic! - Anna asked.
Elsa happily began to conjure. She made simple movements with her hands, and snowflakes flew out of her hands. different sizes, sometimes they even started dancing around Anna, and Anna gave herself up to dancing with snowflakes. Soon Elsa got tired and took Anna by the hand and went into the house.
- It's time to celebrate your birthday! - Elsa finally exhaled.
Anna smiled lightly and they left the room, walking along the corridor, they entered the hall. A pleasant surprise awaited Anna there.
- Happy Birthday, sunny. - flew from all sides. Many relatives gathered for this holiday. Aunt Rosie sat on the sofa, cousin Lola and Uncle Henry. Aunt Caral and Uncle Alex stood near the closet. Everyone began to congratulate Anna, the roar of firecrackers was heard everywhere, the reading of postcards and everything, every other thing. Anna was very happy. Most of all congratulations poured in from Mom and Dad.
Mom and Dad took one of the cards and began to read.
P: - You are my scarlet flower,
M: - My beloved angel,
P: - I congratulate you
M: - Happy birthday, loving!
P: - You are as beautiful as a toy,
M: - You and I are like girlfriends!
P: - Always be happy yourself,
M: - Congratulations! Your mother!
P: - And dad!
Then Elsa wanted to congratulate Anna and took the biggest card with the biggest congratulations.
- It's your birthday today.
This is the most joyful of days,
Let this be a congratulation
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness,
The longest, most interesting years,
May you not have bad weather,
Only joy, only sunshine!
After such a big congratulation, Elsa wanted to hug Anna tightly, she went up to the birthday girl and hugged her sister until her bones crunched.
- It's time to blow out the candles! - Mom declared briskly.
Anna and Elsa ran up to the table, Mom lit exactly seven candles over the cake, Anna blew out all the candles and Elsa began to help her cut the cake. The pieces turned out to be small, there were a lot of guests, and everyone will get some. The holiday was very grandiose, it was approaching evening, there was only half an hour left before lights out. The guests were leaving. But Anna and Elsa had no intention of going to bed. They played. Elsa never won, but Anna, on the contrary, won many, many times. Elsa gave in, did not want to offend her sister.
- Little sister. don't give in, I'll win anyway! - But no matter how she says it, everything will turn out the other way around. Anna and Elsa wanted to play some more, but...
- Girls! - the familiar and affectionate voice of the mother called out to the sisters. - It's time to sleep! - the woman said softly. Little Anna's expression dimmed for a moment, but then a sly smile appeared on the girl's face, which only Elsa noticed. As the girls hugged goodnight, Anna held the hug, whispering instructions to her sister.
“In half an hour in the hall, and don’t be late,” added the little girl. Elsa nodded slightly and smiled at her sister. The girls went to their bedrooms. They were put to bed, but no one was going to sleep. After the evening farewells, the girls jumped out of bed in unison, Elsa quickly changed from her pajamas into a dress and went down the stairs, Anna needed more time to prepare for the great pranks. Little Anna was very smart for her age; the girl accurately calculated the time when the house would fall into silence and no one would disturb them. Half an hour later, Elsa was waiting for her sister in the hall. The girl nervously looked around at every rustle, her palms were sweaty, and her eyes ran around in the darkness in search of something. Suddenly, quiet muffled steps were heard, Elsa immediately looked around, Anna stood in front of her. The girl smiled, and at the sight of her sister’s smile, little Elsa calmed down. The girls stood for a while, listening to the silence. The house seemed to have fallen asleep, not the slightest sound, it became somehow scary. A shiver ran down the girls' spines, causing them to laugh quietly in unison.
There was an extraordinary connection between the two sisters, like twins who were born in different time. One feels the same as the other. An incomprehensible connection strengthened the faith of little hearts in each other. They grew up together, laughed and cried together, ran together and fell together. Incredible feelings surrounded my sister like a halo of something amazing, beautiful and inexplicable.
The little sisters walked into the largest room of their house. It was a magnificent room in which there was nothing superfluous. The high ceilings made the room majestic, the huge windows on the entire wall made the room something special, something amazing and magical. There was a white grand piano next to the huge window. Elsa's heavenly eyes immediately lit up. The girl grabbed her sister’s little hand and dragged her to the snow-white piano. The girl sat her sister next to her. Elsa made herself comfortable and began... Little ones, thin fingers began to gracefully finger the keys. The melody was magical, each keystroke released a thousand different feelings, a thousand unspoken words. The melody was amazing, performed by little Elsa, the melody turned into something more, something more amazing and lighter. Anna closed her eyes and listened to Elsa's feelings. The girl began to shake her head to the beat of the amazing melody, Elsa also closed her eyes. The girl did not remember the notes, she only remembered that she was playing for her sister. It was not her hands that played, it was her heart that played the piano. This snow-white musical instrument releases of the music of the heart of the little snow princess. When the last sounds of amazing music sounded, Anna became sad again.
- Shall we build a snowman? - Elsa suddenly said, and a bright smile flashed on Anna’s face.
- Yes! - Anna answered quickly. - Elsa, do magic!
- Okay, because today is your birthday. - said Elsa. Anna jumped and clapped her hands, and the older sister began making intricate movements with her hands. Suddenly a light but frosty breeze blew. The girls' breath instantly began to freeze in the air into milky white clouds, which were caught by the wind, which carried them far, far away. Then the ceilings and walls began to become covered with graceful frost, from this sight beautiful and big eyes Anna's got even bigger. From the ceiling like blue sky beautiful fluffy white flakes of snowflakes began to fall, which instantly settled on the sisters’ hair, everything around seemed to invite the sisters to fairyland winter.
“Oh, Elsa, it’s so beautiful!” Anna exclaimed. Elsa smiled contentedly, she looked at her cheerful sister and a wave of pleasant warmth ran through her heart. The girl was happy that her sister was laughing. It's always nice.
When the snow filled the entire room, Anna and Elsa made three balls, one very large, the second smaller, the third even smaller. Anna placed the middle one on the largest one, and then the small one. Elsa brought coals, and Anna stuck them on the snowman's chest, as if putting a suit on him, then eyes appeared on the snowman, but then a nose, with arms.
- I Olaf love hot hugs! - Elsa said, waving the snowman’s arms.
- I love you Olaf! - Anna hugged Olaf, and after that Elsa for some reason remembered that day, that day when she met Jack, in Lately He’s gone, he’s disappeared somewhere again. Elsa became sad for a minute, but Anna brought her out of her trance.
- Grab me sis! - Anna shouted, jumping from a low snowdrift, Elsa created another snowdrift nearby, only it was higher.
- More! - Anna shouted, jumping from the snowdrift again, Elsa picked her up again. Anna kept jumping and jumping off the snowdrifts, and they grew higher and higher, higher and higher, until the last snowdrift reached the ceiling, Anna jumped off again, but Elsa could no longer keep track of Anna.
- Little sister! Catch! - Anna shouted.
- I’m catching it!!! - Elsa tried to create the last snowdrift, but instead she fell to the floor and a stream of magic hit Anna in the heart.
- Little sister? - Anna wheezed, falling onto the cold snowy floor.
- Anna! - Elsa screamed in panic, already running up to her sister.
Elsa hugged her sister as best she could and reassured her with the words “everything will be fine, everything will be fine!” - although she didn’t believe it herself, she started calling mom and dad, but they didn’t respond, she screamed louder and louder, but still no one answered her.
Finally, Elsa gave in, out of hopelessness she began to cry, no one would help her sister, with every tear, Anna grew weaker, her strands of hair turned white - White color, with each tear, Elsa was enveloped in darkness, when the last strand of hair on Anna turned pale, Elsa pulled away from Anna, the tears ended, she could not cry anymore, she could not. Elsa couldn't move a step away from cold Anna, she stroked Anna’s white head with the words - “everything will be fine, everything will be fine!” - Elsa had no hope, but she could still do something.
- Sorry, Anna! - Elsa said sadly, kissing her sister on the lips.
The darkness did not let Elsa go, she simply hid in the corner and began to wait for something.
- Oh, how unlucky the sisters are. - Pitch came out of the wall. - And one of them also has a birthday, a blatant disgrace! - Bent over Elsa Pitch.
Closing her eyes and holding her knees, she asked, “For what?”
- Oh! I feel very guilty! - Pitch started to mock. - It was I who set up all this, I made it so that you slipped! - he continued and continued.
- Let's make a deal? - Pitch asked because he was tormented by “Conscience”
- Why did it happen? - Elsa answered the question with a question.
- My conscience just torments me. - Pitch said in a sweet tone.
- Nothing torments you! Get out! - Elsa was furious. - Get out! - she continued. - Get out!!! - Elsa became completely angry, her eyes burned with an icy blue flame, her hands became colder than this ice and her hair changed color, instead of brown hair pure snow-white hair appeared, Elsa was advancing on Pitch, now nothing can compare with her strength, she hit the Pitch and he disappeared, the darkness dissipated, but Anna did not wake up.
I hate it! Pitch! I hate you!!! - Elsa shouted loudly, but she also quietly added - And I hate myself even more!