Secrets of a strong personality and examples of strong people.

Such phrases were also spoken by relatives, and perhaps they themselves were uttered. What's happened force will? How to educate and develop force will? Is it possible to train her? There is a widespread belief in society that smokers, people with overweight... to maintain self-control, it is more difficult for such people to resist temptations and achieve their goals. Factors that may influence the loss “ strength will”, are suppression and limitation. What happens when you are told: “don’t think about pink elephant"? That's right, you...

Characterless. Everyone wants to have character. Therefore, it is advisable to start improving yourself precisely by educating yourself strength will. Development in yourself strength will- a very difficult process. After all, in essence, this is violence against oneself, coercion to do... and the bitterness of defeat, as if you were competing with another person. And how often you win these fights shows the degree of development of your strength will. Although you are “two in one,” you are the first. This means that you must be the master within yourself. That...

Lack of the desired result. So, in order to concentrate and achieve results, three conditions must be met: Development strength will. And in Everyday life and in magical practices, people often lack awareness and deliberation in decisions, ... the name zombie box fits perfectly), this will be your first step towards enlightenment and development strength will. Next, consider exercises to develop strength will, which must be done regularly every day for a month (later on your own...

Are they easier to achieve? Let’s make an assumption: from childhood they were given a “fruit” called “ force will" Most complex issue: How many? There is no way to go wrong with the amount of this educational supplement. Let's consider one situation and... like with caramel on the cheek. The last thing I wanted was edification and empty profanity, so know that psychologists advise training force will. How? Very simple. Make it a rule to strictly, every day, without deviations or violations, do something necessary...

I forbade myself to think about pain,
But it is impossible to forget about her.
She meanly, surprises the outposts, stabs,
The world around me became darker for a moment.

At such a moment the body will shrink into a lump,
Trying to crush the “I” in me again.
The sun will dim in the sky for a moment,
And for a moment...

So little willpower
tasteless soup without salt.
When there is no core inside, there is sadness.
Are you tired of living in captivity?
and be weak for how long?
It's such a pity for missed opportunities.
Having studied in this "school",
you will get tons of pain.
Character needs to be strengthened, as...

Strength of spirit is courage, kindness, respect, and love, which a person retains within himself, no matter what. This is, in my opinion, human nature, the way it should be. This topic has been covered quite often in both literature and cinema; in addition, strong-willed people live among us.

Arguments from literature

  1. (49 words) The first work that came to mind, revealing the theme of the power of the human spirit, is “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy. The story of an ordinary person, an ordinary Soviet soldier who was able to overcome not only cold, hunger, inhuman pain, but also himself. Having lost his legs, Meresyev overcame despair and doubt, proving that he was capable of anything.
  2. (38 words) Alexander Tvardovsky in the poem “Vasily Terkin” describes a simple Russian guy, a soldier fighting for his country. Using the example of Tyorkin, the author shows the strength of spirit of the entire Russian people. For example, in the chapter “Crossing” the hero swims across an icy river under fire to carry out an order.
  3. (38 words) “Young Guard” by A. Fadeev is another work that tells about the strength of human character, love for the Motherland, principles and unbending will. Despite their young age, the Young Guards did not retreat before own fear, nor before the enemy.
  4. (54 words) A strong-willed person is not always visible at first sight. From his modesty and calmness one may get the feeling that before us, rather, weak personality. The gloomy and silent hero of V. Bykov Sotnikov, in fact, is an example of courage, perseverance, devotion and, of course, strength of character. While undergoing torture, he does not surrender his comrades and does not agree to serve the enemy.
  5. (62 words) Peter Grinev, the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s work, can be called a strong-willed person. Captain's daughter" Grinev found himself in front of difficult choice: on the one hand - service under the leadership of Pugachev, betrayal; on the other hand, death and loyalty to oneself and duty. To preserve his honor, the young man strained all his strength and chose execution over treason. Even having saved his life, he still risked it more than once in order to act according to his conscience.
  6. (44 words) Strong-willed and strong-willed The man is the hero of Nikolai Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer.” The strength of the human spirit here manifests itself in the ability to overcome life difficulties, don’t give up, forgive and admit your mistakes. Trying to atone for his sins, Flyagin becomes a recruit instead of the son of poor strangers and accomplishes a feat.
  7. (53 words) Compassion is one of the the most important qualities strong man, according to M. Gorky. Strength of spirit is revealed, according to the writer, not only in firmness of character, but also in love for people, the ability to sacrifice oneself for others, and to bring light. This is the hero of the story “The Old Woman Izergil” - Danko, who led his people out of the deadly thicket at the cost of his life.
  8. (45 words) M. Yu. Lermontov describes a strong-willed person in his work “Mtsyri”. A persistent character helps the prisoner fight the circumstances in which he finds himself, the difficulties that stand in his way, and go towards his dream. The young man escapes from the monastery and gains short-term, but passionately desired freedom.
  9. (46 words) “Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.” This is what E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” is about. External circumstances: age, lack of strength, condemnation - nothing compared to inner strength person. Old man Santiago fought against the elements, despite pain and fatigue. Having lost his prey, he still remained the winner.
  10. (53 words) A. Dumas in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” shows the eternal struggle between good and evil; in reality there is a very thin line between them. It would seem that main character who takes revenge on his offenders, who does not know how to forgive, - negative character, but, having got out of the Chateau d'If, he remains generous and kind, helping those who deserve it - these are the qualities of a person with a strong spirit.

Examples from life

  1. (46 words) There are many examples of strong-willed people in the sports environment. Sport builds character and teaches you to never give up. A striking example may serve as the fate of a Soviet athlete, a champion Olympic Games, Valery Brumel. Having received a serious injury incompatible with sports, he found the strength to return and achieve high results.
  2. (31 words) Hockey player Valery Kharlamov, whose story was shown in N. Lebedev’s film “Legend No. 17,” had a strong character. Going ahead, despite the pain, achieving the goal is the quality of a strong-willed person brought up by sports.
  3. (49 words) Strength of spirit is also manifested in the ability to enjoy life, no matter what. In the film by O. Nakash “1+1. "Untouchable" main characters help each other reveal their best qualities, preferring not to go with the flow, but to overcome obstacles. A disabled person gains fullness of life, and a poor African American gets an incentive to develop and become better.
  4. (56 words) Strong-willed people are among us. This is confirmed by the romantic comedy “Amelie” by J. Jeunet. main character- a girl with oddities, but with strong character. She strives to help people, starting with her own father, ending with a complete stranger to her, a man who lived in her apartment before her. In this pursuit, she forgets about herself, sacrificing her desires for the sake of the happiness of others.
  5. (54 words) In Grigory Chukhrai’s film “The Ballad of a Soldier,” the main character is a young soldier who received leave to see his mother. Despite the goal - to see for yourself loved one– Alyosha Skvortsov cannot pass by people in need of help. For example, he helps a disabled war veteran find family happiness. In this desire for active good, true strength of spirit is expressed.
  6. (45 words) An example of fortitude is Admiral Pyotr Stepanovich Nakhimov, who has not lost a single battle in his entire life. A man of exceptional willpower who sacrificed his own health for the sake of his country. Carrying out orders that seemed impossible, he never complained or grumbled about fate, but silently fulfilled his duty.
  7. (30 words) History of M.V. Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist, is known to many. Thanks to his fortitude and loyalty to his ideals, he walked towards his dream from a remote village to become an outstanding world-class scientist.
  8. (51 words) Sometimes nature complicates a person’s life so much that it seems there is no way out at all. Only thanks to the strength of his character, Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs, became known throughout the world. Nick not only gives motivational lectures and writes books, but also leads an active lifestyle: surfing, playing golf and football.
  9. (45 words) JK Rowling is a British writer who gave children all over the world faith in fairy tales and magic. On the path to success, J. Rowling had to face numerous obstacles: no one wanted to publish her novel. However, willpower allowed the woman to follow her dream and make it come true.
  10. (47 words) A person with a strong spirit does not necessarily have to accomplish feats or become famous. My friend is a strong-willed person. She is not afraid of difficulties, believes that they are necessary for character to be formed, tries to help people and animals if she sees that help is needed, does not remember the bad and sees only the good in people.
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I believe you cannot live without willpower. Without a sense of humor - maybe, without imagination - too, you might not even have talent, taste, any basic instincts, without material assets It’s difficult to live, but it’s possible - without a dacha, a car, matches and salt. But without will, without willpower, you simply will not exist. Moreover, for some, the manifestation of will is to force oneself to jump from a bungee or from a parachute, and for others, it is simply getting out of bed on time so as not to be late for school or work.

The most obvious and simple example of the manifestation of will is sports. It doesn’t happen without the will of great athletes, it’s impossible. For example, when Irina Rodnina skated Olympic program on a broken leg, while smiling at the camera, experiencing unreal pain. Just a textbook example. This is why I believe that children should definitely be sent to sports. Firstly, because health, and secondly, playing sports develops will.

As a child, I had to walk ten kilometers to get to school. And yet, I studied straight A's and practiced sambo, while my peers were playing on the street. And I did this not because I was afraid of my parents, my father simply explained to me and gave me an example of how to live and how not to live. And he explained correctly - what it means.

But will cannot be possessed twenty-four hours a day. It's like when you're carrying heavy bags, you need to stop from time to time to take a break. For example, when I’m on site and I’m very tired or cold, or both at the same time, but I can’t leave, I use one simple psychological technique- I imagine that I am an android, I disconnect myself from fatigue, from cold, from pain. But I can’t do this for a long time, only for a short time. I believe that the will is like the starter of a car, it helps to start the mechanism, and it will work for some time, which you may need to understand where to go and what effort is required for this. Just as gunpowder will not ignite without fire, so not a single conscious action, decision or thought is possible without a volitional effort on the part of man, as the only intelligent being recognized on Earth.

It is wrong to always go against the flow. This will no longer be life, but hard labor. Although some people deliberately choose this form - to go only the most the hard way, only through overcoming, only from last bit of strength. This is the only way they think they can achieve results, achieve success.

Talent can do without will. Talented man can succeed without having strong will. Or rather, he can become famous and famous, but successful is not a fact. When you look at works of art or listen to them, you understand that a person is in in this case only a conductor of information or knowledge of a higher order. However, if you look at how many super talented people became successful and rich during their lifetime, you understand - no, not much. Unless there was a person next to them with willpower - a wife, husband, producer.

The list of professions in which one cannot achieve without will is headed by sports, the army and business. Business is an aggressive environment, competition, constantly changing market conditions that force a person to work hard and be strong. There are no weak businessmen, at least not those who have actually achieved success. There can be only one exception - if a person has invented something unique and fundamentally new, and that exception works until competitors appear. Or until the inventor is bought or his invention is taken away.

The percentage of alcoholics and drug addicts among strong-willed people is minimal. Will is a barrier on the way bad habits. Those who are dissatisfied with life and pronounced pessimists are just as few among the strong-willed - they have no time, they are always busy working towards their goal.

For me, an example, even a standard, of a strong-willed person is my father. Looking at him, I understand that the will does not age along with the body, and in some cases it becomes stronger. I remember as a child, when my father was a captain, he would sometimes take me on flights. Naturally, I followed him everywhere, and then one day in the engine room, as a result of a small accident, he broke thumb hands in several places at once, literally after a minute the finger became large and purple. But I was amazed that not a single muscle moved on my father’s face; he continued to calmly give commands. Later he answered my question: will is like intelligence, like muscles, it also needs constant training.

All successful people- have a will. Because it is impossible to achieve success otherwise. Only through overcoming, only against the flow. Moreover, sometimes they don’t even understand what will is; they have it since childhood due to proper education and lifestyle. For them it’s a routine, getting up at 5 am and working 16 hours a day, they don’t understand that they are doing something special, supernatural. And vice versa, when a person has been given everything since childhood, when he is at the peak of a prosperous and carefree life and suddenly needs to work. He begins to understand that in order to achieve something he needs to overcome something - his laziness, for example.

Crises and others emergencies put everything in its place. It is then that will manifests itself as a quality, it is then that it becomes clear whether he is a strong-willed person or a rag. And at these moments, a person who has a will, or can remember that he was once strong-willed a long time ago, will get up, dust himself off and move on. And in fact, he can achieve success again, because in addition to will, he now also has experience. But it can be different, and then a person breaks down and finds himself on the sidelines of life.

The highest manifestation of will is overcoming the fear of death. Because this is the most powerful human fear. And all examples of absolute manifestation of will are mainly examples from war. Karbyshev, Sailors, yes, they died as a result, but they also achieved their goal, and the goal for them was more important than life, their example inspired and taught several generations later. Just don’t confuse conscious volitional effort free man, with the action of a fanatic intoxicated by someone else's collective will. Rather, on the contrary, the manifestation of fanaticism occurs in people who do not have willpower.

But it is not enough to have will, it is important to be able to preserve it and not lose it. The will needs constant strengthening. And most importantly, it's never too late to start. Even if you are over forty and you don’t live up to Garibaldi or Stirlitz, it’s not too late, go ahead - educate and develop your will, but remember - the fire needs firewood, and the will needs your physical resource, otherwise you will simply burn out.

Will can help you realize that you have chosen the wrong path. And you can start all over again and direct all your attention to yourself, so that you learn to listen to your body, again and again look for balance, harmony between need-want and really necessary-can, and only then you can begin to implement your plans.

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Philosophers from different times have constantly tried to understand what will is in human life, but there is still no clear point of view on this issue. Here is the most common definition of this concept. Will is, in psychology, the desire of an individual to achieve a desired goal, overcoming internal and external opposition. According to L.S. Rubinstein, volitional effort streamlines activity, sets a goal in life, changes consciousness, and corrects reality in accordance with a person’s desire.

The Greek thinker Aristotle first tried to define what will is. The scientist believed that the term formulates the foundation of morality and the result of human activity. In his opinion, everyone is responsible for their own destiny, making a choice of life direction.

If an individual independently decides what to do or what to change in the present or future, then actions change according to his desire. So, being good or not depends entirely on the person. According to the teachings of Aristotle, the status good will is free choice actions and actions with a focus on reasonable intentions.

Conscious management of one's actions and behavior encounters obstacles along the way, which are characterized by internal or external motives and force the use of willpower inherent in the structure of character. In this case, the function of the will is expressed as an activating or inhibiting key. As a result of volitional effort, the action accelerates, changes direction, stops, or acquires a different characteristic.

Development methods

Will in the structure of character is not genetically determined. Everyone has the opportunity, through the use of restraining and stimulating levers, to develop strong-willed qualities in order to overcome obstacles that delay the realization of personal well-being and happiness.

Important! The earlier a child develops the expression of will: determination, discipline, courage, perseverance, the more often they will manifest themselves in adulthood.

The following activities are useful for developing the ability to use volitional effort:

  • drawing up a plan for the current day;
  • visiting clubs, the gym;
  • maintaining a routine throughout the day: getting up, playing, exercising.

Adults should monitor how the child completes assigned tasks. Examples: if a child does not respond to a call to remove scattered toys, then his volitional quality is not developed. The child makes a negative choice in his favor. If a student does not succeed in something, and he does not want to make efforts to solve this problem, it means that he does not have willpower, and he needs guidance from adults.

The child must follow a daily routine

Volitional types, to describe them briefly, are based on:

  • on physiological processes expressed in the reaction of the nervous processes of the brain;
  • laid down by the family during upbringing;
  • change in adults by regulating their behavior, moral qualities, and principles of life;
  • The development of this function is influenced by the external circumstances of a person’s life.

In people, 3 types of manifestation of will are more common:

  1. Spiritual (free type) manifests itself among believers in God. For example, a monk who decides to devote his life to the Creator consciously renounces the comfort and pleasures of worldly existence by strengthening his will. Christians limit their diet during Lent and devote a significant part of their free time to prayer.
  2. The choice of natural expression of will allows you to adhere to your principles in life and control your behavior.
  3. Forced characteristic of will: a person has to obey social laws, moral attitudes.

Spiritual type of manifestation of will among believers

How to develop strong-willed qualities

IN childhood Difficulties in developing strong-willed characteristics are caused by excessive spoiling. Getting rid of an acquired habit can be quite difficult.

Important! Also, the child’s parents provide a “disservice” by harshly suppressing any of his initiatives. With such upbringing, children grow up weak-willed.

Develop will:

  • the concept of necessity of action;
  • planning what is planned;
  • conscious determination;
  • motivation;
  • the help of other mental processes: attentiveness, emotionality, memorization, thinking, logic..

To begin the stage of improving volitional qualities, it is necessary to briefly develop the following definitions, on the basis of which the will is formed:

  • motivation of actions;
  • personal control of the process;
  • development of initiative, properties that show the child’s independence;
  • stimulating action or inaction.

Parents should encourage their child's initiative

At the same time, the act of will itself causes in a person stressful state, mental stress:

  • the impulse can be clearly recognized or beckoning with its uncertainty;
  • the difficulty of choosing the main motive if you have to choose from several;
  • determining the priority of motivation;
  • The behavioral motive may differ significantly; a feeling of uncertainty causes anxiety when choosing a behavior model.

Useful video: psychology of will

Motivation and purpose

The motive and result of a volitional action do not always correspond to the desired result.

There are 4 final types of will in psychology:

  • a positive motive is expressed after a similar action (deed);
  • a negative motive causes the same outcome;
  • good intentions under unfavorable circumstances or carelessness lead to a negative result;
  • negative motivation is imitated under positive characterization According to the type, the end justifies the means.

There are simple and complex actions. Simple ones consist of a goal and an action, which often coincide. Example: an athlete approached the horizontal bar and decided to do a pull-up. Action requires no further thought or doubt. He came up and pulled himself up.

At difficult decision the intermediate activity is planning. For example, studying at a university, preparing for a hike, sports competitions.

Before doing anything, it is necessary to set a goal - the intended result of the future manifestation of will. Achievement satisfies some human need (motive). If the goal and motive fully or partially coincide, less volitional effort is expended. Example: a person wanted to cool off in the river (goal), because it was too hot outside (motive). No volitional effort is required, the goal and motivation coincide.

Often the motive does not coincide with the intended goal: the boy enrolls in sports section. In this situation, the motive may not be volitional effort, but other reasons.

A boy can enroll in a section because he has a desire:

  • become strong and agile;
  • increase authority among peers;
  • yield to the will of the parents;
  • just do something interesting.

In accordance with the motive and goal, volitional tension occurs to achieve a result.

A conflict of motives arises if you want to do several things at once:

  • prepare for exams;
  • to visit;
  • relax on the river;
  • watch an interesting film.

Conflict of motives

A person makes choices in life consciously, comparing what is more important now. The event planning stage is also characterized by significant volitional effort. At the same time, a person looks for the most favorable ways to accomplish his plans.

The final phase is the execution of the action, in which the significance of the whole event is considered. It can be difficult for a person to bring a task to the final result and get a better result if he does not have a certain volitional preparation.

The following are noted:

  • endless postponement of the process of starting activities;
  • difficulties in completing the work started;
  • the inability to deviate from the implementation of the plan, even under changed circumstances, prompts one to stop work without completely finishing it, because it is more profitable.

Refusal to continue working in in some cases requires much more volitional effort than continuing in vain labor.

Examples of situations

The will and its main features are best examined through specific examples.

Let's try to break down the process of drinking water into its components:

  • a man approaches the refrigerator;
  • opens the door;
  • takes out a bottle of water;
  • uncorks the cork;
  • takes an empty glass with his hand;
  • pours water from a bottle, tilting the neck;
  • brings the glass to his mouth and tilts it so that the water comes to the edge;
  • makes a sucking movement with his mouth;
  • swallows water;
  • puts the bottle back in the refrigerator.

At the same time, the characteristic of the will into voluntary (requiring control of consciousness) and involuntary (swallowing) manifests itself at the level of instinct; the body responds to the sight of a glass of water. The remaining actions occur automatically, without focusing on their implementation.

Involuntary manifestation of will

The will and its main features clearly manifest themselves when analyzing the character of a person:

  • purposefulness, determination;
  • perseverance, self-control;
  • endurance, independence.

The intensity of willpower in life depends on the following characteristics personalities:

  • views on the structure of the surrounding world;
  • moral character established by upbringing;
  • the significance of the goal and its achievement;
  • a person’s attitude to the upcoming activity;
  • properties of personal controllability and organization.

The role of will in critical situation is a psychological impulse supported by emotional components. At this moment, feelings intensify, all the reserves of the human body are mobilized, maximum amount energy. Sometimes this brings “magical results” that cannot be achieved under normal conditions.

Useful video: concept, types and theories of Will


Only man, unlike other living beings on Earth, is endowed with reason and willpower. Without their use, it is impossible to achieve success in work and study. All volitional characteristics are developed in an individual throughout life and are consolidated through self-education.