What is the human biofield? How to restore the human biofield. How to restore your aura and biofield yourself after life’s difficulties

How to restore the aura?

Our aura is a biofield that surrounds every person, energy centers that are mainly concentrated in the seven chakras. The color of the aura depends on which center prevails. In a healthy person, the flow of energy occurs harmoniously, his aura resembles the shape of an egg. But sometimes you can observe characteristic turbulence or a breakdown in the aura. Through these holes there is a gradual leakage of energy, which inevitably affects well-being. Fortunately, our biofield can be regenerated, just like the tissues of the physical body. And today we will talk about how to restore the aura.

Cleansing the aura with prayers

Prayer is one of the most powerful medicines for a wounded soul. At the moment of listening or reading prayers, micro-discharge processes take place in our body, which release additional energy and also connect the energy of the biofield with quantum divine energy. Thus, our biofield expands and thickens, the aura is cleansed and restored. It is interesting that prayers of different religions have approximately the same power of influence on every person, regardless of his religion.

To cleanse and restore the aura, resort to the method of prayer at least three times a day. It is best to read the main prayer of your religion seven times - it is the sevenfold repetition that maximally saturates and cleanses the aura. If you are not committed to any religion, recognizing that God is one, then read the seven canonical prayers for different religions. A burning candle enhances the effect. End the ritual with a prayer of gratitude. Indeed, in a world of constant accusations, we often forget to thank the Universe for existing.

Other aura cleansing methods:

Whatever option you choose, do not forget that to maintain the health and integrity of the aura, it is very important to “work with your soul.” Experience positive emotions, love yourself, practice gratitude - and you will be rewarded!

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sus said: “Praying means sending luminous streams into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

At AURASUDIA we conducted an experiment using canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, praying people and people who do not know prayers. During the research process, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

prayers - calls for forgiveness and well-being;

Self-recovery of aura

The human body is protected by an energy shell called an aura or biofield. This shell protects a person from the penetration of harmful bacteria and directed mental influence.

How to restore your aura after illness and stress? The density of the bioshell directly depends on the mental state of a person, his mental balance, nutrition and physical activity. Let's look at simple practices for self-correction of the biofield and strengthening the aura.

Causes of weakened aura

The human aura consists of several layers - esotericists count 7 subtle bodies. Human subtle bodies are connected to chakras - energy centers for receiving and processing cosmic energies. Chakras play an important role in the energy exchange of a person with the environment - they adapt the “alien” energy of the cosmos to the human body.

The seven chakras form 7 subtle bodies that make up the aura:

Imbalance in the functioning of the chakras leads to deformation of the biofield. This immediately affects a person’s well-being - from mild ailments to serious diseases of organs and systems. Each chakra is responsible for the health of the organs that are in its sphere of influence.

Muladhara responsible for the removal of toxins from the body, immunity, longevity and regeneration of cellular systems. The key word of the chakra is benefit, preservation and increase of what has been acquired. If a person has problems with material things, it means that the chakra is not functioning correctly. Once you free yourself from excessive material dependence, the energy failure in this area will be corrected.

Svadhisthana is responsible for sensual pleasures, as well as the excretory system of the body. This chakra of emotions, enjoyment of beauty, sexual contacts and self-esteem. If in a person’s life the relationship with the opposite sex is disturbed or there is an excessive passion for food and drinks, problems will begin with the genitourinary and excretory systems of the body.

Manipura is responsible for self-awareness, this is the center of the individual Self, the volitional center. Manipura gives charisma, uniqueness and originality. It also coordinates the digestive system. If a person cannot tolerate someone or something, problems with the stomach and intestines begin, including the formation of ulcers. Forgiveness and tolerance towards other individuals will help improve the functioning of the chakra.

Anahata is responsible for love for the opposite sex, parents and the world in general. Anger, hatred and narcissism upset the functioning of the heart energy center. Heart attacks, strokes and problems with the hematopoietic system indicate problems in relationships with the world and people.

Vishuddha– chakra of social relations and self-realization. The inability to find compromises, psychological complexes and dissatisfaction with society cause problems in the energy exchange of the chakra with the environment. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, hearing and vision problems indicate that Vishuddhi is not working properly. Loss of vision - a person did not want to see something or someone. Hearing problems – reluctance to hear unpleasant things.

Ajna and Sahasrara belong to the higher chakras and are responsible for a person’s connection with the spiritual world. Denial of spirituality and lack of connection with the cosmos lead a person to madness and schizophrenia.

How to restore a person's aura? To do this, it is necessary to balance the functioning of the chakras. This can be achieved with the help of psychotrainings and affirmations, since the harmonious work of human energy centers directly depends on the mental state and mental attitudes.

Restoring the aura must begin with awareness of the causes of imbalance in the energy system. Analyze your life, find problems in communicating with people or incorrect thinking. Confession in church, communion and prayers help a lot. If you are a believer, be sure to attend church.

Sincere forgiveness of yourself and other people helps to cleanse the aura and restore vitality. Attending the liturgy cleanses the biofield well, but you need to stand directly under the dome of the temple - this is an energetically strong place.

Quality rest restores the aura well. Sleep should be complete; before going to bed, be sure to take a warm bath. If you know how to meditate, conduct meditation sessions with an aroma lamp or aroma sticks.

Incense and aromas have a good effect on the human astral body, calming and strengthening. Choose pleasant aromas to enhance your mood and pine aromas to cleanse and calm.

In the fight against the effects of stress, active recreation, visiting the pool or general cleaning of the house help well. The main thing is not to remember unpleasant moments, to disconnect from working through the past situation in your mind.

Remember that resentment and hatred leave holes in the biological shell and contribute to the outflow of vitality. A bad peace is better than a good war - this rule should become one of the main ones in life if you want to maintain your health.

How to restore your aura: unity with nature

Esoteric science views the human body as a unity of the four elements and the spirit. How to restore the aura and biofield yourself with the help of the elements? To do this, you need to turn to the forces of nature for help. Let's consider the practices of working with the elements.

Earth cleansing

Earth can cleanse the body of negative energies and strengthen the aura. This requires direct contact of the body with the soil. In the summer, you can simply lie down on the ground with the thought of getting rid of black energy and diseases.

Just go to bed in natural, not synthetic, clothes. Burying in sand, mud wraps or baths helps a lot. In the cold season, you can simply touch the soil with your hand with the thought of cleansing and liberation from negativity. Only the hand should not be “taking”, but “giving”: for a right-hander - the left, for a left-hander - the right.

Cleansing with water

How to restore your aura with water? It must be a natural source - a lake, river, stream, sea. If it is not possible to swim in a natural source of water, do the following.

Draw water from the tap and leave it in the open air for a day. The water will be saturated with the light of the stars, sun and moon, and will acquire natural properties. Then draw a bath and add this water to it. Bathe with the thought of cleansing from any negativity and strengthening the body.

Purification by fire

How to restore the aura using fire? Fire is a powerful absorber of negative energy. It is enough to spend a few hours by the fire and your well-being will change dramatically. Meditate on the flame, ask the element to destroy everything bad and cleanse it of filth.

If it is not possible to make a fire in nature, you can cleanse the aura with the help of candles. Place 12 candles around and lie down among them on a warm mat. Lie in the circle of candles until they burn out completely. At this time, you can mentally ask the fire to take away all the negativity.

Air purification

The air element is very capricious and capricious. Standing on the seven winds is dangerous to health. However, smoke comes to the rescue. Smoke cleansing is an ancient practice of restoring the aura. Only the smoke should not be just any smoke, but from cleansing herbs and plants. The smoke of juniper, wormwood, St. John's wort, sage or pine needles cleans and restores the aura well.

The herbs should be dry and the smoke intense. If you don't have herbs, you can cleanse your aura with incense. Light the incense seeds and sit in prayer for at least thirty minutes. It is very good at this time to listen to the recording of bells or the sound of Tibetan bowls.

How to strengthen your aura and improve your vitality? Feel like an integral part of nature, feel love for the world, maintain inner harmony. Remember that earthly life is only a part of the eternity that lies ahead.

One should not attach too much importance to earthly troubles. Learn to perceive all events in a positive way. If you can’t find something positive, just allow events to have a right to exist – whatever they may be. Meditation and regular prayer calm the soul well.

If water changes its structure depending on what music is playing nearby, what words are spoken, then the aura no longer seems like something fantastic. And you also believe in the soul, especially after dreams that later come true.

The main thing is to be in a good mood and healthy, and then the aura will be good.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Jesus said: “Praying means sending streams of light into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

How do our appeals and prayers “work”?

At AURASUDIA we conducted an experiment using canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, praying people and people who do not know prayers. During the research process, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

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During worship, through the utterance of prayer, energy flows ascend upward to the egregor and return from the egregor to those praying. Egregors They are energy “bags” of a certain shape. Their structure depends on the system of spiritual development. With the help of prayers (certain verbal formulas), representatives of different religions send energy flows from the earth to the higher spheres, thereby feeding the corresponding egregor.

The main representatives of religious egregors are the founders of religions: Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed. Thus, there is a constant energy network around the globe, connecting the believer in difficult times and providing him with spiritual and energetic help. Therefore, people have used church methods of protection from the forces of evil since ancient times and still use them today.

The most reliable and centuries-tested way to protect a person from dark forces and people with a negative field (sorcerers, witches, sorcerers) is Holy Prayer.

Prayer - the basis of the life of every believer, for whom it is a private conversation with God. The famous Russian priest Alexander Men said that “Prayer is the flight of the heart to God.” Prayer - this is a clot of energy, part of which rushes towards the believer himself, and part - towards God or the saint to whom the person praying is addressing.

Prayer is a word, and a word is a conductor through which not only thoughts and images flow into the soul, but also the corresponding healing energy (i.e., high-frequency vibrations). For centuries, great ascetics brought as a gift to humanity the fruits of their spiritual creativity - prayers-channels for communication with God.

Prayer is a test of our sincerity: whether we can say these simple words from the depths of our hearts. If we can, the prayer will be heard.

“Doxology,” said Theophan the Recluse, “is the most perfect and selfless form of prayer. Gratitude is sent by a person for the benefits received; it is born in a grateful and sensitive soul.”

The canonical text of the prayer is a ready-made “trodden” path to God. These texts can be compared to a coded signal that is “received at the other end of the wire.”

The effect of prayer varies in strength and depth. It is very important to know that prayer operates on different planes and levels. Each person’s body has its own internal pharmacy, containing a complete set of medications for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases. And they are more effective than all the drugs ever created by pharmacists. Based on a signal coming from the nervous system, the body of any of us is capable of producing substances that relieve pain, producing antibiotics, and dissolving tumors.

Reading prayers is associated with the human subconscious, which controls physiological processes in the body. Impulses from the word come from the cerebral cortex and rearrange the vital functions of internal organs. When special words are repeated, the impulses become stronger. As a result, the nervous system normalizes organ functions. For this purpose, special prayers are used - for healing. There are prayers that bring about profound changes. They defeat our internal enemies (demons) and negative emotions, which are the root causes of diseases. Meaningful repetition of prayers leads to the fact that holy words penetrate our subconscious and rebuild it. Through frequent repetition, prayers become our inner content, changing our emotions and the quality of energies. The spiritual plan of the person praying is being adjusted. Life energy enters through the crown or, as bioenergeticists say, the chakra called sahasrara.

Life-giving energy, addressed to the Almighty with a request to help find the right path or remove a heavy burden, tunes the soul into resonance with the cosmos. In church this is enhanced by the special vibrations of church chants. In any church you can buy a special prayer book for every need, where there is a Rule for Holy Communion, morning and evening prayers, as well as recommendations on which Saint in what need to pray to.

  • about healing - to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon,
  • about patronage in marriage, as well as healing of mental and physical ailments - to Saints Cosmas and Damian,
  • from sorcery and witchcraft - to the Holy Great Martyr Cyprian and the Martyr Augustine,
  • about protection from enemies - to Saint Theodore Stratilates,
  • about the successful resolution of the burden - to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, about deliverance from eye diseases - to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir,
  • about finding stolen things, from theft and from offenders - to the Holy Martyr John the Warrior,
  • in everyday needs, sorrows and troubles - to Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg,
  • about those who left home, about drug addicts, about healing from cancer - to the Most Holy Theotokos (icon “The Tsaritsa”).

There are also special prayers for the reconciliation of warring parties, for healing from diseases of the hands, feet, head, liver, internal organs, from insomnia, for help in trade, for the protection of children, from demonic possession, etc.

Special incantatory prayers “for the exorcism of evil spirits performed” are read from the breviary. Such prayers are read by trained people (exorcists, priests, healers who have the blessing of a priest). Those who have dedicated themselves to the fight against “dark forces” need, first of all, humility, repentance and faith in God.

Suicide was and is considered the most serious unforgivable sin. An astral entity that has settled near a person or penetrated directly into his body always tries to destroy not only the person’s soul, but also his physical body (damage to hanging). Such damage is usually done to the entire family. If there was a suicide in the family, and especially a hanged man (Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree), then this is considered a curse aimed at the extinction of the family. What should the relatives of a suicide victim do? In church, praying for his soul is prohibited by the church charter, but at home you can pray with the following prayer:

Seek, O Lord, the lost soul of my father (mother, brother, husband, etc.) and, perhaps, have mercy on Your unsearchable destinies. Do not make this prayer a sin for me, but Thy Holy will be done.

If a situation arises that you are about to have an operation, then before it you need to pray for all the doctors. The cross is woven into the hair and tied to the hand or one of the fingers of the right hand. During the operation, it is necessary for one of the relatives to light a candle in the temple (or at home).

In addition to prayers, there is also a Psalter. There are 150 psalms in total. The list of psalms will indicate which of them is read for which need. For example:

  • From evil spirits – Nos. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 57, 65, 90, 96;
  • Protective – the same as against evil spirits + Nos. 34, 133;
  • For women’s infirmities – Nos. 102, 25;
  • For bleeding – No. 145, 25;
  • For children - Nos. 22, 76, 109, 114;
  • For the prosperity of trade - No. 2, 57, 60, 64, 81;
  • Agriculture – No. 1, 26, 30, 50, 52, 62, 66, 71, 83,124, 147, 148;
  • Death and the deceased – No. 33, 150;
  • From disasters - No. 17, 21, 30, 50, 62, 68, 85, 89;
  • About physical health - Nos. 5, 12, 28, 36, 37, 44, 56, 58,63, 79, 86, 88, 95, 102, 108, 122, 125, 128, 145, 146;
  • About mental health – Nos. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 27, 41, 55,56;
  • About peace in the family and with friends – Nos. 10, 19, 22, 35, 41, 43,45,54,65,76,86,94, 109, 116, 126,127, 139;
  • Spiritual issues – Nos. 3, 24, 25, 29, 49, 50, 57, 72, 91,98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 108, 115, 119, 130, 134, 136, 149;
  • Travel – No. 28, 29, 31, 92, 135, 150

Many years ago, our ancestors argued that a person has more than one material and visible body that can be felt. Each of us has a bioenergetic body that is still invisible to the ordinary eye, which is also called a biofield. Science, however, a few decades ago, denied the existence of such an intangible phenomenon. However, modern research has shown that the biofield really exists and carries information about the health characteristics and lifestyle of the individual. According to experts, each person, if desired, can influence the state of the intangible body on his own.

A physically and mentally healthy person has a harmonious flow of energy, due to which the shape of his biofield resembles an egg. However, in certain cases, against the background of stressful situations, overwork, poor lifestyle and various kinds of disturbances in the body’s activities, “turbulences” can be seen in the intangible body and even “holes” may appear. Energy gradually leaks through such holes, which negatively affects overall well-being. However, there are different methods to restore the integrity and harmony of the biofield. That is why we are talking about how to restore the human biofield yourself.


The strongest and most effective medicine for a wounded immaterial body is prayer. When listening or reading prayers, various kinds of micro-discharge processes occur inside our body, releasing additional energy and connecting the energy of the biofield with the unique divine energy of the quantum type. Thanks to this, the intangible body expands and thickens, it is effectively cleansed and restored.

As researchers have discovered, regardless of a person’s religion, all prayers can have approximately the same impact on an individual. Accordingly, for the restoration of the biofield through prayers, religion plays absolutely no role.

To cleanse and effectively restore the intangible body, it is recommended to resort to prayers at least three times a day. At the same time, to achieve a noticeable positive effect, it is strongly recommended to read the main prayer of your religion seven times. Repeating the text seven times will help saturate and cleanse the intangible body as much as possible.

If you are not a follower of any religion, and are sure that God is one, you are recommended to read the seven canonical prayers for various religions. To enhance the effect of this practice, it is recommended to light a candle.

Such a ritual should end with a prayer of gratitude, since in the modern world a person extremely rarely thanks the Universe for his existence.

Harmonization of the biofield

To restore a slightly damaged intangible body, you can also simply act on it, smoothing and leveling its structure. This method is great for using on another person. He should lie on his back, and you should position yourself on the left side, facing him. Simply smooth the aura with your right hand, as if drawing an ellipse from the head to the feet, and then in the opposite direction. The hand should move at intervals of twenty to thirty centimeters from the body. Such movements should be repeated three times.

You may well feel a slight resistance when touching the aura. However, even if you have not encountered such a feeling, the effect of manipulation will not decrease.

The same method can be used when a person is lying on his stomach.

An excellent way to normalize the state of the intangible body and even cure it is to learn several meditation techniques and practice them at least several times a day.

The use of essential oils also has a positive and quite lasting effect. To treat the biofield, it is best to turn your attention to the oils of incense and lavender, as well as bergamot, rose and orange.

On sale you can find unique special supplements that cleanse and restore the intangible body. This effect is observed when using cordyceps extract, which can have a beneficial effect on the activity of the whole organism. Even Tibetan monks actively used this supplement, combining it with reading prayers and meditation.

To restore the aura, you can use the method of positive affirmations, which consists of reading and pronouncing certain “I attitudes”, for example, “I am strong”, “I am healthy”, “I am beautiful”.

Listening to classical music has an excellent effect in restoring and maintaining the biofield in a normal state. Choose those compositions that appeal to you at the moment. As practice shows, such minutes of influence help eliminate even serious violations of the integrity of the immaterial body.

Among other things, to maintain and treat the biofield, you need to try to change your daily life a little - avoid stress, quarrels and scandals, give up bad habits and learn to love yourself. Minutes of unity with nature - going out of town, etc. will be beneficial.

There is another way to strengthen a person’s biofield - treatment using the exercise of Tibetan monks. It's the simplest. You need to stand up straight and spin around your axis clockwise as many times as you are old. Initially, you can reduce the number of turns to the minimum possible in which you will not fall from dizziness. Perform one or two approaches 3 hours before lunch and 3 after it.

Of course, you need to remember that only specialists can heal serious violations of the integrity and quality of the biofield. A person can independently cope with only minor problems in the state of the immaterial body.

Tell me, can a candle restore the aura? Maybe you know how to restore the biofield yourself? Andrey

Good day, Andrey.

To begin with, so that there is no substitution of concepts, it is necessary to clearly define the difference between the aura and the biofield. The biofield is human cosmic energy. It is both in the physical body and goes beyond it, reaching the boundaries of the Universe. Therefore, it can be treated, just as it can be disrupted, while being far from the subject.

Aura is a concept on a less global scale. This is the energetic part of our physiology that follows the contours of the body. It has not yet been sufficiently studied, but is already recognized even by many practicing doctors. The aura is like an invisible shell for a person, covering the influence of bad energy during direct physical contact with other people.

It is not for nothing that, for example, Filipino healers, before beginning manipulations with the human body, first remove this energy shell. A damaged aura, just like the biofield, attracts many diseases, so monitoring the quality of these two substances is as important as monitoring the condition of your heart, liver, and kidneys.

It is easier to restore the aura than the biofield. Aggravating factors in this case are injuries, marks from operations, and numerous moles. These are, to a certain extent, energy cuts. In this case, you cannot do without professionals. But if you are not burdened with these problems, then a candle can help.

How to restore your aura with a candle

It's better to take a church candle. For safety, do not forget to place a jug of clean water nearby. Sit on your knees in front of the mirror, light a candle. Look at the fire for a long time, swaying your body from side to side, until a state of some kind of trance sets in. Then go to the mirror, taking a candle in your left hand, and circle your image with it. Pray, reading the prayer, “Our Father!”, and go to bed.

Perhaps the flame will behave restlessly, which indicates a high degree of depravity of the aura. If after seven sessions the candle still “worries,” you need to contact professional healers. And if she behaves calmly, then three such procedures are enough.

Restoring the biofield is a long process, but pleasant, since it is associated with the cleansing of the soul. Prayers, temples, meditation, essential herbs: incense, mint, lavender, bergamot, classics (preferably Mozart). This is just part of the recipe. Try to do at least one good deed for strangers every day and not ask for gratitude for it. Remember what the poet said: “The soul must work day and night!”

It is possible to always be in good shape, radiate success, achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams with a high level of internal energy. It is important to strengthen your biofield and prevent the leakage of vital forces to please ill-wishers.

Energy is life, and you can’t argue with that. The body will work like a clock only if it is constantly recharged from positive external factors. Weak energy leads to disruption of all life processes: health problems arise, a person is haunted by a series of failures in the personal and business spheres, and negative thoughts gradually plunge them into a depressive state.

Each person is born with a large supply of energy, but throughout life we ​​are exposed to various negative factors that weaken our biofield. This could be communication with energy vampires, an incorrect lifestyle, or dangerous objects that take away your strength. But now we will talk about how not to allow various circumstances to deprive you of energy and what you need to do to increase the flow of vitality.

Types of energy

In the process of life we ​​use several types of energy: physical And creative. Without a sufficient amount of vital energy, the normal functioning of our body is impossible. Hence the consequences in the form of loss of strength, chronic diseases, premature aging and an increased risk of mortality. Creative energy helps us act, gives us talents, mental abilities and the desire to live.

It is important to maintain both energies within yourself so that the balance of life is not disturbed. A strengthened biofield, which cannot be penetrated by any negative factor, will help you live a bright and happy life. With an increased energy level, you can achieve your goals many times faster. Positive energy attracts positive circumstances and is the equivalent of monetary resources. Material security and success directly depend on the level of internal energy.

We increase energy and strengthen the biofield

First way will help strengthen the biofield. This includes proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and a balanced daily routine. Compliance with these rules will ensure the restoration and increase of the supply of vitality. To increase your energy level, it’s not enough to just eat whatever you can find - you need to eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber, cereals, healthy proteins, healthy fats and dairy products. You should also train yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Well, everyone has heard about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. These are the most powerful catalysts for the death of your energy.

Second way will help protect yourself from negative outside interference. If you feel a loss of strength, a decrease in activity and luck, know: for someone you are a donor of vitality. You should immediately get rid of the bad influences entering your life. Clear the house of negative energy, stop communicating with energy vampires and perform a ritual to remove negativity. Don’t forget that you yourself can be a source of negativity: your disapproving feelings and emotions take away a huge amount of creative energy, which, with the right attitude, can be used to achieve success. Negativity can seriously weaken your vitality and imperceptibly destroy your personality. Control your thoughts and avoid communicating with people who make you feel empty.

Third way is that every person must have a goal, a dream and faith in a higher or personal power. The mere presence in your life of a desire, the fulfillment of which you want with all your soul, is a powerful influx of energy. The universe is designed in such a way that huge energy reserves come with a dream. The presence of faith acts in almost the same way: with its help, a source of strength comes to us, which firmly settles inside us. In difficult times or when you feel empty, you should turn to the Higher Powers for support, which will definitely come.

Fourth method- get more positive emotions. Love, communication with successful and happy people, creativity (hobbies) and our little brothers will help you with this. Pets themselves are energy donors: their inexhaustible supply of activity will help you recharge with positive emotions and positivity.

Communication with successful people is useful because they have a completely different view of things and a powerful biofield: they can gladly help you with advice and support, charging you with their strength.

To reinforce your energy, literally one hour spent in contact with beauty is enough for you. Love and creativity can provoke a powerful surge of strength and energy, revive and revitalize your soul, and inhale a thirst for life.

Fifth method- this is self-hypnosis, meditation, breathing practices, contact with nature and creative activity. Meditations will help you get in touch with the cosmos, cleanse your soul of various energy blocks, increase your level of spirituality, and see hidden knowledge and talents. Affirmations and visualizations create positive changes in our lives. And creative activity saturates and strengthens your biofield. The ability to see and enjoy beauty helps us accumulate energy.

A strong biofield is the key to high and stable human energy. These are just the 5 most effective methods to preserve and increase vitality. But the main key to the source of unlimited possibilities is positive energy. In order for you to be successful in everything, you need to take measures to improve your potential. Have a great moodand don't forget to press the buttons and

Restoration and cleansing of the aura on your own. Advice from clairvoyant Arina Yurchenko.

Since I am a clairvoyant and psychic, all the practices that I teach or conduct in the office during classes or via Skype are based on visualization and sensations. Not all people can be clairvoyant and clearly see their aura, color, etc. I do not insist on this in the same way, but from teaching practice, many of my students see a lot after practice or training courses. Sometimes I give channels for developing intuition, but that is not the point of the article. Today in this article we will try to work with the aura ourselves through the method of sensation or visualization. I decided to give this exercise or technique from the course on “Protective Magic”, which I have been teaching for many years.

Many people already understand that a person is multifaceted and has a glow around his body. This is called a person's aura.

An aura is an energy field that glows around the body. It is created by generating energy in the chakras, and each chakra keeps the auric fields clean and energized. When the chakras are barely open or damaged, the aura may appear dull and weak. At the same time, if you are in a good mood and healthy and more or less emotionally open, then you will have more open and active chakras and a stronger, more energetic and vital aura.

If your aura is compressed, then it can only extend 30 - 40 cm from your body. If your aura is too extended, then it can extend from your body within a radius of 2 to 800 meters, being in a diffuse state. None of these aura types are ideal. A compressed aura usually makes a person feel more self-conscious, timid, and isolated. Moreover, feelings of this type may well cause the formation of such an aura. An aura that is too extensive can lead to absent-mindedness, a desire to escape from reality and a tendency to feel and absorb the emotions, thoughts and even pain of all those who fall into the area that the aura extends to. An aura that is too long can also be a result of the feelings and situations it tends to evoke. In other words, the cause and conditions for the existence of an unhealthy aura tend to reproduce in greater quantities the same conditions that gave rise to them.

In this article and methodology, we will strive to ensure that the aura has an ovoid shape and is evenly distributed around the body - above it, below it, behind it, in front of it and on the sides. As a result of numerous experiments, it was found that the radius of the aura, equal to 0.6 - 1 m (but not more) in all directions, is the most optimal. This size of the aura can be considered the most convenient and suitable, especially in crowded places.

Now let’s look at the process of cleansing and healing the aura:

1. Get grounded with the Grounding Exercise

Stand on the floor. Feet together. Feel your feet and the heaviness that you are standing on the ground.

Then you imagine 1 chakra below, a ball of energy. Imagine how a rope or cord, a garland, etc. is formed from a ball. and goes down to the ground. The rope or cord grows as in Fig. 1-a.

You first launch this cord towards the Earth, then pierce the earth, and this cord, like a root, goes deep into the earth and pierces into the core of the earth. The cord and core of the earth become golden in color.

Then we extend the cord to the level of the hip circumference.

The cord turns into a tree trunk.

The tree trunk is hollow inside.

Through this hollow tree, negative energy or negative vibrations, the energy of strangers, etc., flow down from your aura down the cord. I'll explain later.

Stand on the floor or ground for a while and feel the cord.

When you are grounded, you are confident and negative energy flows down the cord constantly, which helps you get rid of unnecessary astral debris or energies in time.

After you do the “Grounding” exercise:

2. With your eyes closed, feel the area around your body. First, simply spread your breath about 30 cm deep into the aura with intention. As you breathe into this area, try to get a general idea of ​​how your aura feels: compressed and dense, weak and diffuse, or energetic and soft. Or just try to feel it in your head as a hint or intuition.

3. Using breathing and visualization (or using intuition or trying to hear the message), determine how far your aura extends from the body in front of you.

4. Determine the width of the aura on both sides of the body.

5. Now try to see and feel the aura above your head and below your feet. Compare these two areas.

6. With help. breathing, feelings, imagination, or in any other way that is natural for you, determine how much space the aura occupies behind your back. Compare this to the area in front of you.

7. Now that you know more about the nature of your aura, adjust it so that it accurately fills the space within a radius of 0.6 - 1 m. around you and was ovoid in shape. To do this, use your breath, imagination, and clear intention. First, for convenience, you can use your hands to mark the space around the body and give the desired shape to the aura, attracting, where necessary, the field towards you or, conversely, pushing it away from you. For most of you, adjusting your aura means "pulling" it in and making its edges clearer and more defined. The rest need to “push” the aura field away from themselves, that is, spread it further to fill the necessary space. If you are a beginner, you will find it difficult to force the aura to move into the area under your feet; you may not be able to do it at all. In such a situation, only persistence and practice will help.

8. As you adjust the energy field around you, observe any changes in your feelings, physical sensations, and awareness of what is happening.

9. Now mentally imagine a rain of golden liquid light pouring down on you from above and passing through the field of your aura. Let it pour for at least two to five minutes the first time. Notice the amazing sensations it made you feel. You can simply imagine how a stream of this rain first pours on you, then expands to the entire field.

10. Then mentally imagine firewood under your feet and light a fire, let the flame rise up and the fire travel through the entire field of your aura, burning out the negativity. We sit like this for 5-10 minutes and breathe fire, burn the traffic jams and dirt in the aura. Then imagine the fire becomes like a huge purple flame the size of your aura. Cover your entire aura with it, including the area under your feet. Don't worry, it won't cause any harm. The violet flame will simply transform low frequency energies into high frequency ones, which represent a more natural state of being. If this is your first experience with the violet flame, then stay inside it for only one or two minutes. As a result of this method, you may feel warmer and have more energy. If you overdo it, you may experience a state of overwhelm caused by the burning of old energies at the etheric level. Therefore, take a moderate approach at first; Over time, after experimenting, you will be able to develop your own level of application of this method. Practice violet fire 7-15 minutes a day.

11. When finished, remove the violet flame and open your eyes. Most people who visualize this rain for the first time report feeling better, more energetic, mentally clearer and brighter. This is a simple but effective way to clear any unnecessary and negative or foreign energies that you have picked up. This method is also good for removing energies that you have released from your body during healing or meditation.

Clairvoyant Arina Yurchenko