Biography. Nadezhda Babkina’s young husband turned into her exact copy in a few years

Nadezhda was born in the village of Cherny Yar, Astrakhan region, on March 19, 1950. In Babkina’s biography, her passion for singing manifested itself in early childhood. Almost immediately, Nadezhda became interested in the folk song genre. And already in the tenth grade, participating in the All-Russian youth competition, she took first place in this field.

The first musical education in the biography of Nadezhda Babkina was received at the Astrakhan School. In 1969, she began working as a soloist, performing in cinemas before the start of a film.

Then, in 1971, she entered the Gnessin State Institute, where she studied in the conducting and choral department.

In 1974, the singer became the founder of the Russian Song ensemble. Babkina, having deep knowledge in the field of folk singing, managed not only to unite the team, but also to unite the folk styles of various regions of Russia, historical layers, and directions. So in her biography Babkina was the permanent leader of the ensemble.

Success did not come to the ensemble immediately. At first, the group performed at factories, where there were few listeners. After performing at the Sochi competition in 1976, the ensemble gained popularity.

Later, Babkina Nadezhda in her biography graduated from theater courses at the State Institute of Theater Arts. There she learned the specialty of a pop director, after which she began to independently choreograph numbers for her ensemble. All performances of the “Russian Song” group are spectacular and well staged.

In 1989, she created the Moscow State Folklore Center, which included several groups and ensembles, including Russian Songs. This center was founded as part of the Russian revival program.

The first festival held by the folklore center was “Nizhny Novgorod Carousel” in 1993. Then Babkina Nadezhda, in her biography, presented a new program called “Russian Song Center Presents.” In this program, all groups of the center presented their skills, performances took place at the State Concert Hall “Russia”.

In 2000, another event occurred in the biography of N. Babkina related to the improvement of the work of the folklore center. The Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore was created, which bore the same name - “Russian Song”. It consisted of 7 teams.

Also, the talented singer Nadezhda Babkina is a permanent member of the jury of the Slavic Bazaar festival.

In 1992, Babkina was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. Throughout her biography, Babkina was awarded several prizes, orders, and awards. Nadezhda Babkina is a member of the United Russia party.

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Even much younger colleagues will envy Nadezhda Babkina’s efficiency and love of life. Still would. At 67, she is still active and cheerful: she organizes fashion shows, tours, babysits her grandchildren - and manages to take care of herself.

You are a shining example of a woman who created herself. Wasn’t it difficult to assert yourself in a world ruled by men?

I always believed in my dream - from early childhood I knew that I would be an artist, I would sing on stage, and I achieved it. It doesn't matter here whether you are a man or a woman. The main thing is to have goals, desires and a strong character in life. Often there are men who don’t know what they want - aimless, spineless. Women are worse! I firmly walked towards my dream, towards my goal. My character is like this - once I decide something, I won’t back down. I will work my ass off for this. Nothing has ever been easy for me. Sometimes you look at someone and everything goes into your own hands, but I had neither patrons nor any crazy luck. She achieved everything through her hard work and perseverance.

I myself am on a diet, but for my family and friends I can cook something delicious for some family feast

You value and preserve national folklore and take care of the Russian heritage. Is Russia's soul in song?

The song contains the soul of our people, and the soul of Russia is precisely the same people who sang of their beloved homeland and composed songs about its beauty. Traditional culture contains such depths, such secrets of the soul and character of the Russian people that life is not enough to comprehend it all. So is our endless Russia, full of depths and hiding places.

The ensemble “Russian Song” and Nadezhda Babkina in the grandiose project “Russia a word about you”

- Do your family share your passion?

To a Russian song? What else can they do? My whole life is connected with her. My family doesn’t know me differently.

- We know that you love to cook. How can you please your family and guests?

Everyone in our family loves pancakes - all kinds. Especially the younger generation, grandchildren - Georgy, Verochka and Marfa. I myself am on a diet, but for my family and friends I can cook something delicious for some family feast. While I'm cooking, we're eating with our eyes. So much so that you don’t even want to sit at the table anymore.

- Your grandchildren are also growing up. Do you manage to devote time to them?

It works, but not like a grandmother who spends most of her time at home. I am a working grandmother. And how actively she works! I can’t live any other way. I love my grandchildren. When we have time to spend with them, we play, draw, read books, sculpt, and in winter we play snowballs and go sledding. I try to spend more time with them outside, in the fresh air.

Babkina's fashion collection

Your first clothing collection created a real sensation. We know that a new one is on the way. What will you enjoy this time?

We do not stand still, but are rapidly moving forward and gaining momentum. In February, autumn-winter 17-18 models were presented at the International Textile Exhibition SRM in Moscow. These were completely new solutions in the creation of each individual dress. When developing models, we try to take into account all the anatomical features and wishes of owners of curvy figures; we select high-quality fabrics from natural fiber.

Author of the black and white collection for the Russian Song ensemble, designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev

In the models, we wanted to trace the flavor of the nationality, which gives a feeling of a certain flight and at the same time, confidence, warmth, femininity and elegance.

We managed to combine this with the help of a clearly thought-out design, correct design solutions in creating each individual cut detail, as well as stunning embroidery. The color range of the proposed dress models is varied. I think that every beauty will transform herself by having any model from the new collection in her wardrobe.

The secret of her youth

You not only help women become more attractive, but you also look irresistible. It seems that time has no power over you. Share the secret of youth!

The secret of youth is the thirst for life! Looking for the positive in everything! In love. Smiles and a good mood are the key to success and youth.

Your life will be exactly what you set yourself up for. Set yourself up for love, success, then it will be so. We must look at the world with optimism, enjoy various little things - the snow, the heat, and the rain. After all, every moment is unique. If you are tired at work, then look for something that will give you pleasure. An exciting activity will captivate you, and you will forget about fatigue.

A correct lifestyle and a respectful attitude towards oneself are also important. Loving yourself means giving others the opportunity to love themselves. A woman, of course, must be well-groomed. Being well-groomed strengthens the spirit. However, you can take care of your appearance, I don’t know how, while being a dummy inside. And this emptiness is visible through any layer of cosmetics. On the other hand, sometimes you meet a person who is not at all clever, but he is pleasant, and you want to communicate with him.

- What about the Russian Song Theater? They say a new premiere is on the way...

We are not stopping for a second now, we are not slowing down the process - we need to develop a repertoire. We have just released one performance and are already thinking about the next one. It’s too early to talk about the premiere, but one thing I can say for sure: it will be a performance completely different from anything we’ve done before.

We invited a very interesting and talented director Anna Babanova. She now heads the Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after. V. Mayakovsky, and she has a lot of interesting ideas related to the specifics of our theater. No less interesting is the playwright who will work with her - the name of Yaroslava Pulinovich is well known in the theater world. She is very young, but already incredibly in demand as an author. Yaroslava's plays are performed in metropolitan and provincial theaters throughout Russia, and they are also staged abroad. I think this will be a very interesting and unexpected job.

About the meaning of life and happiness

- What is the most important thing in life for you?

Work occupies a large place - a favorite thing that I never tire of doing, but still I would call family the main thing in my life. It is very important that everything is fine with loved ones, everyone should be healthy. When something is wrong with one of them, then I don’t feel well either.

It's amazing how you have enough energy for all projects. Don’t you really want a quiet family life and calm happiness?

In my life I have a quiet family life and calm happiness - everything in moderation, just enough so that I don’t get tired of it. I am such a person - I don’t like having the same picture in front of my eyes every day. I am a creative person, I need impressions, discoveries, emotions, new knowledge and experiments every day. I can’t imagine myself in retirement, watching TV series from morning to evening. I don’t want to live and sympathize with other people’s lives, I want to live my own.

It’s not for nothing that they say: “Movement is life”! One has only to slow down and relax, the muscles and brain immediately begin to atrophy, and as a result, internal and external degradation occurs. I do not want it! Many things continue to sincerely please, interest and surprise me. Look around! Life is interesting and unpredictable! This must be remembered at any age.

Nadezhda Babkina is a singer, beloved by millions of viewers, teacher, founder, and also director of the Russian Song ensemble. Her original talent has revealed itself brightly and multifaceted over time. With the help of the People's Artist, the wide possibilities of the singing school in Russia were shown.


Nadezhda Babkina was born in the city of Cherny Yar in 1950. Her father served in the White Army in the past, and later began to occupy leadership positions in the national economy. Mother was a primary school teacher. Having changed their place of residence several times, the family finally moved to Astrakhan. Soon the girl’s father was appointed chairman of the village of Bolkhuny, so she began to study at a local school.

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The Babkin family was very hospitable: they loved to organize fun gatherings where they played the accordion. It is not surprising that Nadezhda grew up as a cheerful and bright child. She either read poetry or sang, performing for the village audience. Russian folk song subsequently became the artist’s main hobby. In this genre, the girl won the All-Russian Youth Competition. The music school in Astrakhan for the future singer became the first step to the big stage.

At the end of it, Nadezhda Babkina decided that it was time to show herself to the capital’s public. In 1971 she left for Moscow. By that time, the artist had a well-chosen repertoire, consisting of about a hundred songs. The aspiring singer quickly entered the Gnessin Institute. Being a person with an active lifestyle, the girl managed to combine study with work and creativity. She constantly went on tour and attended rehearsals of the institute ensemble “Russian Song”.

In 1985, to improve her professional qualities, Nadezhda successfully completed the Higher Courses organized at GITIS. There she received the specialty of stage director, which allowed her to first think through and then create her repertoire. More and more people attended the performances, the scripts for which the artist selected independently, taking into account the folk specifics of the group.

Nowadays, “Russian Song” is a state musical folk theater located in Moscow. The singer acts as the artistic director of this cultural center. She is engaged in concert activities and also releases many solo songs. Costumes for her performances are made by the best designers in the country. In the 90s, Nadezhda Babkina, already having a large number of awards, became a People's Artist. She continues to tour Russia with her ensemble.

Personal life

Nadezhda Babkina’s youth was spent in an atmosphere of romantic dates and meetings. Her first husband was jazz musician Vladimir Zasedatelev. The young couple had a son, Daniel, whom they often left with their grandmother, since both had a busy touring schedule. The couple lived in marriage for 17 years, and then divorced by mutual consent. Nadezhda believed that the main reason for their separation was the loss of her ex-husband’s role as head and breadwinner of the family. In 2012, Vladimir Zasedatelev passed away. The People's Artist helped his relatives organize the funeral.

Babkina’s talent was not only in her voice, but also in her special talents for organizing work and collective activities. It was her organizational skills in the team that helped her achieve such success in Russia and the CIS countries. Its truly folk team has visited many cities over the many years of its existence.

For a long time there was relative calm in her personal life, until one day in Saratov, at a competition for young talents, the singer, who was sitting on the jury, saw Evgeny Gore (Gorshechkov). The young man was only 23 years old at that time. His age difference with Nadezhda Babkina was 30 years. By that time, the couple had already begun a pleasant romantic relationship. Soon the woman brought Evgeniy into the world, introducing him to her friends and colleagues. This event caused a wide public outcry: some considered it skillful PR, while others rejoiced at the wonderful feeling.

In her interview given in November 2015, the singer reports that her main life principle is to believe in love. She even went on a diet to look good and has already lost a lot of weight. Babkina is given strength by the love and care of loved ones. Now she already has three grandchildren, Georgy, Vera and Marfa, with whom her grandmother sometimes likes to babysit.

Since 2010, she has been one of the hosts of the “Fashionable Sentence” program, and currently Nadezhda Georgievna is designing clothes for ladies with bodies. The People's Artist explains her desire by saying that she simply wants to make women happier. At the moment, she devotes all her free time to creative activities.

Name: Nadezhda Babkina

Age: 66 years old

Place of birth: Cherny Yar, Russia

Height: 165 cm

Occupation: singer, leader of the ensemble "Russian Song"

Marital status: Married

Nadezhda Babkina - biography

The name of Nadezhda Babkina is known not only in our country, but also abroad. And this is easy to explain, since this beautiful and well-groomed woman is known as a popular singer and performer, primarily of folk songs, and more recently also of pop songs. But besides this, Babkina is also known as the artistic director of the “Russian Song” ensemble and the Moscow State Center “Russian Song”.

To date, singer Babkina has been awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, the Chechen Republic and Karelia. And since 2001, she has also been a member of the United Russia party.

Nadezhda Babkina - The singer's childhood

Nadezhda Babkina was born in a small village with a rather strange name - Cherny Yar, which is located in the Astrakhan region. This event happened on March 19, 1950. Nadya's parents were hardworking people. Father, Georgy Ivanovich, worked in the national economy. He was respected among his colleagues and very quickly began to climb the career ladder, thanks to his hard work. The mother of the future singer, Tamara Alexandrovna, worked as a primary school teacher.

Babkina began singing in early childhood. Most likely, this was influenced by his father, who sang well and played many musical instruments.

Nadezhda Babkina's studies

When Nadya was in 10th grade, she participated in the All-Russian youth competition, where she took first place. After graduating from school, the future folk singer enters the Astrakhan Music College. Having graduated from it in 1969, Nadezhda Babkina immediately finds work: as a soloist in a cinema. Her duties included performing before the start of films.

In 1971, Babkina entered the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. She decides to study in two faculties at once, from which she graduates with success in different years. So, in 1976 she received the specialty “Folk Choir Director”, and already in 1981 - “Solo Folk Singing”. This training helped her gain not only the necessary knowledge, but also the skill in performing Russian folk songs. This became the basis of her creativity.

But if you take a closer look at the biography of Nadezhda Babkina, you can note the fact that this was not the singer’s only education. Thus, it is known that, while already working with her ensemble, between tours, the talented singer also managed to complete courses at the State Institute of Theater Arts. Having received the profession of a pop director, she was subsequently able to independently organize magnificent performances for her ensemble.

Career of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda Georgievna began her career as a child. At first, she went to all the performances together with school amateur performances and her father, who often traveled with propaganda teams to villages and villages at the height of the sowing season.

When Babkina began performing in cinemas in 1967, people specifically came to see the film, interested not so much in the plot of the film as in the singing of the young singer. At the same time, she met the famous composer Anatoly Gladchenko and became practically the only performer of all his songs. Then, in 1971, Nadezhda left for Moscow to conquer the capital. And she succeeds in this.

After receiving higher education, Nadezhda Georgievna worked, creating the ensemble “Russian Song”, which has already managed to gain world fame. Each of his performances is not only the premiere of a song familiar to the people, but each time it is also an interesting, colorful and exciting performance. Trying to preserve the culture that is already in these songs, Nadezhda Babkina tried to expand these boundaries with her creativity, introducing both improvisation and modern sound. The costumes that Nadezhda Babkina uses are always bright, original, stylish, perfectly suitable for the folklore songs that she performs.

Her organizational skills and enormous talent made it possible to create a state folklore center in Moscow. This made it possible to create new groups that bring much-needed folk music to the people. The Russian Song Center allows for the spiritual revival of Russia, and Nadezhda Babkina’s great merit is in this.

In 1993, Nadezhda Georgievna made every effort to ensure that the Nizhny Novgorod Carousel festival finally took place in Novgorod. Young representatives at this folklore festival were able to show their talents.

The creative biography of the famous singer Nadezhda Babkina includes more than twenty different awards, orders and medals. But, despite all these achievements, she is not going to stop, and every day she tries to realize her new ideas.

Nadezhda Babkina - "Evening Urgant"

The famous performer Nadezhda Babkina visited his television show “Evening Urgant” on the eve of her birthday. Live, the singer gave a vocal master class for all the presenters of the project.

Nadezhda Babkina - biography of the singer’s personal life

Babkina not only received an education and built a career. Nothing human is alien to her, so she dreamed of her feminine happiness. The personal life of Nadezhda Babkina is always in the public eye, so nothing can be hidden from the human eye.

To date, little is known in the biography of the singer’s personal life: Nadezhda lived for 17 years in marriage with her beloved husband Vladimir Zasedatelev, who at that time was the drummer of VIA “Leisya, Song”. Meeting my husband brought me an acquaintance with such a famous singer as Vladimir, with whom Vladimir got a job in the late eighties. The relationship with my husband began quickly and very romantically.

Soon the couple had a long-awaited child, Danila, who is now a fully grown man with his own family and children. But at some point, the difficult personal life of the two musicians cracked and the couple were forced to separate.

For a very long time, Babkina devoted her personal time to raising her son, but there were also love passions in the singer’s life, for example, in 1990 she performed on stage with a romance, which she dedicated to her. But this passion did not last long.

When her son grew up, Babkina accidentally met her beloved man on stage - Evgeniy Gore, with whom she is currently in a civil marriage. Little is known about him: he works in an ensemble where Nadezhda Georgievna is the artistic director. But there were enough questions and rumors about such a union, since Evgeniy Gore is 30 years younger than his chosen one.

From time to time, there are reports in various printed publications that the relationship between the young singer and Nadezhda Babkina has cracked, or that the famous singer was seen in the company of some famous young man. But for now all this news remains just rumors, and Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeniy Gore still remain together.

Nadezhda Babkina today

The famous singer’s creative biography includes more than twenty different awards, orders and medals. But, despite all the achievements, Nadezhda Babkina today is not going to stop there, and every new day for her is to realize her new ideas in her work. Nadezhda Babkina is a Soviet and Russian singer who performs mainly folk songs. Babkina, the owner of an alto voice, performs solo and with her group “Russian Song”. She is a People's Artist of the RSFSR and a professor of art history at the International Academy of Sciences.

Childhood and adolescence

The future singer was born and raised in a small village in the Astrakhan region. Father, Georgy Ivanovich, a hereditary Cossack, was the chairman of a collective farm. Mom, Tamara Alexandrovna, worked as a teacher at a local school. The Babkin family was very musical, everyone sang beautifully and played various instruments.

It is not surprising that little Nadya dreamed of becoming an artist from a young age. She loved to sing and dance, and together with her older brother Valery, who accompanied her on the button accordion, she performed in amateur performances. But the parents did not take this hobby seriously and dreamed of seeing their daughter as a doctor. Therefore, when, after the eighth grade, Nadya announced her desire to enter a music school, they categorically opposed and insisted on medical school.

Nadezhda studied there for one semester and became a student at the Astrakhan Music College. But Babkina failed to finish it. She fell in love with a married senior and tried to destroy his family. The school management found out about this, and Nadezhda was expelled for being “immoral.” Babkina returned home in disgrace, where everyone already knew about her offense. Read more below in the “personal life” section.

Because of this, her father started having problems at work; her fellow villagers constantly gossiped behind her back. Unable to withstand such an oppressive situation, Babkina packed her things and left for Moscow, where she entered the Gnessin School on her first try. Compared to the other applicants, she looked like Frosya Burlakova, but, apparently, this “hooked” the admissions committee, which decided to give the vocal provincial a chance. Nadya began her studies with great zeal, while simultaneously gaining experience in the capital's folk ensemble "Bayan".

Music career

In 1975, the Russian Song ensemble was formed within the walls of Gnesinka, and Nadya became one of its six participants. A year later, the group loudly announced itself at the prestigious song festival in Sochi; eminent composers began to help aspiring artists with professional arrangements of folk songs. Nadezhda did not remain an ordinary vocalist for long; she soon began to take a direct part in the production of numbers and became the artistic director of the group.

In the spring of 1994, the ensemble became a folklore center, and six years later - a Theater under the direction of Babkina. By that time, Nadezhda had graduated from the directing department of GITIS and relied not only on the repertoire, but also on the entertainment value of the group’s performances. Costumes for the artists were designed by leading Russian designers; during the performances, the light and scenery changed several times, turning the action taking place on stage into a real celebration of folk song.

Fans of folk music were impressed by the work of the “Russian Song”; many also liked Babkina’s duets with other famous singers - for example, Alexander Marshal or Anne Veski. At different times, Nadezhda Babkina collaborated with Oleg Mityaev and Gennady Gladkov.

Since 2001 - member of the United Russia party. She has repeatedly spoken at rallies in support of Putin, and since 2012 she has been his confidant. She supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia and participated in the elections to the State Duma.

Since 2009, Nadezhda Babkina has been hosting the “Fashionable Sentence” program and delights viewers with her style.

Personal life of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda fell in love for the first time at the age of seventeen, while still a first-year student. The wife of her chosen one, Honored Artist Oleg Goldes, having learned about their affair, complained about the homewrecker to the dean’s office, and Babkina was expelled from the music school in disgrace.

In 1974, she became the wife of musician Vladimir Zasedatelev, to whom she gave birth to a son, Daniil. The couple lived together for seventeen years and divorced because of Vladimir's betrayal: he got a job in Lev Leshchenko's ensemble and fell in love with backing vocalist Albina Levchenko.

Since then, they have not communicated and saw each other only at their son’s wedding in 2007. In May 2012, Vladimir passed away due to coronary heart disease.

In 2003, Babkina met the aspiring singer Evgeny Gor (real name Gorshechkov), who was thirty years younger than her. A romantic relationship began between them, which continues to this day. True, there are persistent rumors that Gore lives in a separate apartment and uses Babkina’s money and influence for personal gain, but the singer claims that she is happy and is quite satisfied with such a “guest” marriage.

In 2010, Danil Zasedatelev made Nadezhda a grandmother: his son Georgy was born. In 2013, he also gave his mother a granddaughter, Vera.