Rickey F (Ricky F) - biography of a rap artist. Rickey F Biography - Wit in Rude Jokes Who is Rickey in rap

In the last couple of years Rickey F gains fame not only as a strong battle fighter, but also as an experienced text writer. It seems that the rumors that it is talent Rickey F Putting letters into lines helped Yuri Khovansky get up. Also, success in the field of Russian rap awaited pop singer Dmitry Malikov and TV presenter and video blogger Sergei Druzhko, whose ghostwriter is also called by knowledgeable people Gene Rickey F.

There were attempts on the part of the executive to lure him away from being assigned to the still existing UnderWHAT label. UnderWHAT, by the way, is associated with Vitya SD, but at the same time Purulent. Paradox! So far, alas, inexplicable.

Rickey F is a rap artist with a residence permit in the capital. As part of Versus, Rickey F fought with such famous battlers as Lekha Med, Sin, Hip-hop of a lonely old woman, Purulent, tvoigreh, Booker D. Fred and many other interesting characters of Russian hip-hop glades.

Until September 2015, the hero of our dossier was known only in narrow circles, but then, thanks to the mechanism of gaining popularity, led by the Restaurateur, something in fate Rickey F has changed.
So, after the start of Versus Fresh Blood II Gene Rickey F made many listeners of Russian rap talk about themselves. In the selection of the second Fresh Blood Ricky F without a chance he endured “tvoigreh”, which Jacques-Anthony himself came to support.

A significant part of the rap crowd was confident of victory Rickey F in the second season of Fresh Blood, but everything went in a slightly different direction. In the semi-finals Ricky The opponent was Hip-Hop Lonely Old Woman, who throughout the entire selection did not show very bright performances. But in the semi-finals against Ricky F, XXOS gave his best and won a clean 3-0 victory.

But the hottest battle was with Rickey already in the main stage of "Fresh Blood" against Sin'a. After the first round it became obvious that victory would go to Ricky F. Gena gave 2 excellent answers and a bunch of sharp punchlines. Battle Rickey F – Sin In less than a month it received 1,000,000 views and is currently the most viewed Fresh Blood battle. It is worth noting that about the performance Rickey F Oxxxymiron spoke very flatteringly, calling Ricky’s rounds in the battle with Sin one of the top ones in the history of Russian-language battles.

For the entire duration of the second season of Fresh Blood Rickey F became very close to the members of the rap group “Sins of the Fathers” - Jubilee and Galat. Gena Rickey F actively began hanging out with St. Petersburg rappers, posting videos with new friends on Instagram. The founder of the UnderWHAT label, Vitya SD, did not like this very much, who sharply criticized his new friends Rickey.

In addition to Jubilee and Galata, to the list of "famous friends" Rickey F We can include the winner of the first Fresh Blood - Alphavite. The artists have been communicating for quite some time, and in January they also released a joint track Rickey F & Alphavite – Shadow. Gena also has joint creations with Vitya Classic, Lodos
As for creativity Rickey F, then Gena’s last brainchild was For Good Mixtape (2015), which included 7 tracks.

Interesting fact: Ricky took part in the first season of Fresh Blood, then he battled against Lodos instead of That Same Kolya. This battle is already a year old. Gena’s performance was not very successful, but later in the battle with Sin he made excuses that he wrote the text for the battle with Lodos in 24 hours.
Rickey F is rightfully considered one of the battle rap discoveries of 2015. But don’t forget that in addition to Gen’s battles Rickey F positions himself as a rap artist. I recommend everyone to check out Ricky’s tracks and battles.

This may be interesting to you:

Rickey F is a rap artist

“Objectively, the delight that I evoke in a person with my first appearances as a battle MC is, unfortunately, incomparable with the reaction that I evoke when I burst into his playlist for the first time with a solo song. There’s also this point: the first emotion evoked by the artist leaves an imprint on the listener’s mind. That’s why many artists become hostage to their image.”

Real name: Gennady Farafonov
Date of birth: May 23, 1994
City: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Nationality Russian
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 85 kg

Gennady Farafonov, known under the pseudonym Rickey F, is a Moscow rap artist who is a member of the UnderWHAT label, as well as a semi-finalist in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood. For a long time he was known only in narrow circles, but in the fall of 2015 - along with the start of the second season of Versus Fresh Blood - he became one of the brightest rap battlers and the main favorites of the new season of the league.
Rickey F Biography

Now Rickey F has 7 battles on his account, of which 2 victories and 2 defeats (in 2016 - Hip-Hop of the Lonely Old Woman, in 2015 - Lodoss).

In rap circles, a stereotype has long been established - performers who perform in rap battles remain “battlers.” They, as a rule, do not manage to open up in their solo careers, so they enjoy their moments of fame on the battle stages. However, Rickey F is already being called an exception to the rule, because he managed to break out of the status of an ordinary “battleman” and is now gradually turning into a professional artist. Moreover, he not only has a wealth of experience participating in verbal competitions, but also incredible charisma and an impressive fan base. Rickey F Biography

And although Rickey F never became a finalist in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood, nevertheless, it was his performances that were recognized as the most striking and explosive in the entire history of Versus Battle.

Rickey F Biography

Of course, Rickey F allows himself immoral humor; sometimes his jokes are too rude. But based on his interviews and his behavior at battles, one can note his high level of training, well-readness, education and sharp language. It’s not for nothing that he is called behind his back the main discovery of this year and the strongest MC to date.

“I organized a face-to-face meeting with fans in Moscow. And the way this meeting went is one of the most powerful emotions I have ever experienced. The meeting took place on the embankment in Gorky Park. We tried to count, there were 230 people there. Honestly, I thought at most 40 people would come - and I would talk to them as if they were friends. And the crowd was such that I stood in its center and couldn’t see the edge.”

Rickey F Biography

Rickey F Biography

Rickey F was born in Yekaterinburg. As far as is known, Rickey F did not attend university - it is assumed that he either did not enroll or was kicked out for lack of attendance. Rickey F has been interested in hip-hop since childhood and began studying it while still in school. Then he spent a lot of time watching foreign rap battles, such as KOTD, URL and Don’t Flop.

Over time, Rickey F realized that he had grown enough to try to take part in battles himself. It is known that one of his first pseudonyms was Rickey-BIFF, but at that time he was not particularly popular and his work attracted few listeners.

Rickey F began his musical journey by participating in a trio called neuro664, which included a participant in the first season of Fresh Blood, That Same Kolya, rapper Oxide, and Rickey F himself.

“I wrote solo tracks before, but I paid little attention to them due to the fact that in all the groups in which I participated, I was, firstly, the worst MC and, secondly, the least interesting to the listener. The entire neuro664 fanbase then wildly hated me for the very fact of my existence. In all the groups I was the type about whom in the comments they write: “Dudes, he’s no good. Let’s cut him out of the group”

Initially, neuro664 were not supposed to become members of the UnderWHAT label. According to Rickey F, they were just hanging out with Oxide, SD and Same Kolya, and later recorded several tracks in the style of neuro-funk. As a result, the group UnderWHAT appeared, which later became a full-fledged leiball

“It seemed to us that no one else was doing this. In general, we came to the conclusion that simply merging these tracks as singles is not an option. Since they are also in the same style, we decided to make an EP”

After some time, the trio broke up. Now Rickey F is known both as a battle rapper and as a solo rap artist. In 2012, his first mixtape entitled “Optimus Versus” was released, which was created during a particularly productive period of his life.

At this time, Rickey F took part in various rap battles, and thanks to them he not only gained experience, but also declared himself as a unique and diverse performer. Rickey F himself believes that it was with this mixtape that his rise to the musical Olympus began. Rickey F Biography

In 2015, Rickey F managed to record a release called “For Good Mixtape”, consisting of seven tracks. In 2016, his mixtape “For Good” was released.

Now Rickey F is still working tirelessly and continues to delight his fans with new tracks and videos for his compositions. It is also interesting that his close friend, rap artist Alphavite, also participates in most of the tracks, especially recently.

In November 2016, Rickey F, who had previously released only individual singles and videos, blew up the Internet with one of the most anticipated projects of the year - the album “Five”. It is noted that the name of the album is not accidental. Rickey F Biography

Firstly, it references one of Rickey F's best punches and reflects the number of tracks that made it onto the album. Secondly, according to the artist himself, five means the five elements of “Maslow’s pyramid of needs” - in the album, each track is connected in its own way with each element from this pyramid.

“I didn’t clap for you, pi^&r, I high-fived myself.”

In parallel with his participation in the trio neuro664 and recording his own solo tracks, Rickey F began to participate in rap battles. First, he applied for the Ninth Official Battle on the website hip-hop.ru, but, unfortunately, did not qualify. I decided to move on and took part in the Fifteenth Independent Battle. There Rickey F reached the third or fourth round and lost.

“And I lost to a dude whose nickname was almost the same as mine. Nickey F, something like that. When he won, I immediately said: “What are you doing!” He took my nickname and also took me out of the battle!”

Now Rickey F is actively moving up the musical ladder and all his failures are a thing of the past. Now he talks about how, as a rule, he prepared for each of his past battles the night before the battle itself. It seems that he is being disingenuous in order to give himself weight, but who knows - maybe it really is possible to write a text for a battle in just one night.

“For each of my battles, I finished writing the text on the night from Friday to Saturday. The battles themselves took place on Sunday. With the exception of the first battle that I had with Sin - the text for it was ready in a week. I wrote everything directly in the last days

Nowadays, preparation usually lasts a month. According to Rickey F, he tries to time things right so that there is enough time to carefully prepare the lines.

Rickey F Biography

“As usual, I start preparing a month and a half before the performance, as is the case with battles against Sin or the Old Woman. I think everyone should do this. The text is remembered when you write it, because for each line there are a lot of options.”

Rickey F admits that in terms of writing texts for battles, his idol is the well-known Dizaster, who never finishes the text and comes up with the last lines on the go.

“He just has a bunch of topics that he considers necessary to touch on, for each there are a bunch of bars, and he already weaves together patterns with answers on the go, swapping them in places so that the battle goes better. In this he is a king and a god.”

Speaking about the difference in the themes of the lyrics he writes for battles and for songs, Rickey F does not deny that they are very different. Rickey F's battle texts, as a rule, contain more jokes and humor, but he himself admits that if he had his way, he would not focus on humor.

“I wrote most of the battles by analyzing the crowd and understanding what material they needed to present in order to look like a strong MC in the eyes of the audience. When I reached the semi-finals, I was going through a self-analytical period in my life, and I realized that this time I wanted to write as I see it. And I realized: what I’m writing is not exactly the format of battles that I would like to see in Russia.

Rickey F Biography

As for the songs specifically, in them Rickey F tries to express what is inside him. In other words, he “conveys what he wants to convey.” According to him, if he tried to adapt to the public, which is absolutely impossible to do, then, most likely, he would be more popular.

“It seems to me that it is not so difficult to analyze the needs of the masses in a specific period of time. It’s more difficult to make a product that is interesting to the masses and that is initially interesting to you. In my opinion, this is the real task of an artist.”

“My battles and my songs are completely different. Accordingly, when a person plays my songs, he already has an idea of ​​me as an immoral dude who jokes about cancer. But this rarely happens in songs. Therefore, the listener faces dissonance and may feel uncomfortable listening to my songs.”

Now the main way of earning money for Rickey F is ghostwriting. He started doing this in early 2015, and it turned out to be such a successful and profitable activity that there was no point in quitting.

“Ghostwriting is mechanical bullshit, it doesn’t require inspiration. If they give me a topic and a reference, a day is enough to write a text of any complexity without myself. Thanks to ghostwriting, I can live, not work anywhere, and be creative.”

Rickey F Biography

Before Rickey F got to Versus Fresh Blood, he participated in battles of the Slovo Moscow league three times. However, the video from these battles was never published.

In March 2015, Rickey F took part in the first season of Versus Fresh Blood, where he battled against Lodoss instead of That Same Kolya. It was practically impromptu, because, as Rickey F himself claims, he prepared for his performance the night before the battle.

“I’m on the train to St. Petersburg with Alphavite to cheer for Kolya, and then it turns out that he’s not really coming, and that I’ll actually have to get off instead of him - but he’s already fallen asleep and, accordingly, can’t send his text . We really had to prepare everything in one night”

Already in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood Rickey F was able to perform as a full-fledged participant against a battle rapper under the pseudonym tvoigreh. He managed to defeat his opponent without a chance and became the winner. By the way, on the same day Rickey F presented a film adaptation of the remix of the track “Crown Me” from Hopsin.

However, one of the most striking, immoral and, perhaps, the best performances of Rickey F in his entire career at Versus Battle is considered to be the battle with Sin. The video on the Youtube channel gained over a million views in a very short time and brought Rickey F unprecedented popularity.

“When I wrote the text for the battle against Cena, I was preparing for soooo much! I thought persecution from the communities would begin. Of course, among tens of thousands of comments, some single percentages are written by moralfags protesting jokes about such a disease as cancer. But this is ten times less than I expected. This battle did not provoke any serious situations.”

By the way, for this battle he received praise from Oxxxymiron himself, who wrote on his page on the social network Twitter that his rounds were one of the best in the history of battles in Russian.

Rickey F Biography

In January 2016, a battle between Rickey F and Lech Med took place, which ended with the victory of Rickey F.

“On the last day I just had to remember the order of all the schemes that I have in my head. This is also not difficult, because at the end of each such segment there are connecting lines. And in the battle with Lyokha, I didn’t remember the order at all. So just battled. I was interested in trying it"

In February 2016, he took part in a battle against Booker D. Fred. After these last two battles, everyone was sure that he would become a finalist, but fate decreed otherwise.

In the semi-finals, Rickey F entered into a battle against a rapper under the pseudonym Hip-Hop Lonely Old Woman. And although XXOS had not had the best performances before, apparently, at this battle he decided to give it his all. As a result, the battle ended with Rickey F losing.

“In each of the battles in which the Old Woman won, he deservedly won. He deservedly won the Milky. Moonstar is well deserved. Me. Booker. And yet, my ass exploded because of this ending. After all, everyone put so much effort into this! And the climax of the whole journey was this action, from which people simply left in droves in the middle of the performance. This is unfortunate"

In December 2017, after participating in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood, Rickey F went to Versus BPM. He responded to Sonya Marmeladova’s diss, who decided to call out Rickey F on Versus.

Here he showed himself to be an incredibly good battle player with a high level of training, as a result of which his battle became the third most popular in the world.

In April 2017, Rickey F challenged a famous rap artist known under the pseudonym L’One to a battle. He was offered a choice of any battle platform, be it Versus or 140 BPM.

This battle promises to become one of the most anticipated events in rap circles, just like the battle between Oxxxymiron and Gnoyny.

It is known that during the entire time of participation in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood, Rickey F began to communicate very closely with members of the dissolved association “Sins of the Fathers” Jubilee and Galat.

Of course, this did not cause approval from the UnderWHAT label members, and Vitya SD himself began to criticize the members of the association. However, Rickey F continues to be in close contact with Jubilee, Galat and Alphavite, and they even managed to release several tracks.

Rickey F Biography

It is known that in real life Rickey F and rapper Alphavite are close friends. They met in the dressing room at the Versus Main Event in Moscow, and just that day there was a battle between ST and D.Masta.

A friendship began that continues to this day. Rickey F admits that they became friends long before each of them became a participant in Versus Battle. And the reason for this friendship that emerged was their similar views on music and approach to creativity.

“We just started hanging out together: we hung out at home, then he called me to his studio to mix my track, and he found in my voice, as it seemed to me then, unimaginable frequencies that no one who had mixed me before had noticed. We united even before each of us came from Versus. Neither he had much hype then, nor did I, of course.”

In one of his interviews, Rickey F admitted that his parents watched and watch all his battles, and are very supportive of him. They especially liked the battle between Rickey F and Sin. Honestly, I would like to know how the parents reacted to the jokes about cancer that came from the lips of Rickey F, but he did not talk about it.

“This, by the way, is one of the first questions that people ask: “Yo, what does your mom say?” Yes, my mother was the first to show respect. My father was at my concert in Moscow, after which he said that all his complaints about my life are in the past. I was very impressed, despite the fact that he is one of the main opponents of swearing that I have met.”



Rickey F vs Sonya Marmeladova
Rickey F vs Lonely Old Lady Hip-Hop
Rickey F vs Booker D. Fred
Rickey F vs Lekha Med

Rickey F vs Sin
Rickey F vs tvoigreh
“The Same Kolya” (Rickey F) vs Lodoss

Rickey F track lyrics


Rickey F Biography
Almost nothing is known about Rickey F's personal life. It is worth assuming that either this information is carefully hidden, or there is actually nothing to hide and Rickey F’s heart is free.

Real name: Gennady Farafonov.
Date of birth: 05/23/1994
Place of birth: Ekaterinburg
Rickey F (Ricky F) is a Moscow rap artist from the UnderWHAT label. Until September 2015, he was known only in narrow circles. But after the start of Versus Fresh Blood II, Gena made many listeners of Russian rap talk about himself. In the selection of the second Fresh Blood, Ricky F stood no chance against “tvoigreh”, which Jacques-Anthony himself came to support.

But Rickey had the hottest battle already in the main stage of Fresh Blood against Sin'a. After the first round, it became obvious that Ricky would win. Gena gave 2 excellent answers and a bunch of sharp punchlines. The battle Rickey F – Sin gained 1,000,000 views in less than a month and is currently the most viewed Fresh Blood battle. It is worth noting that Oxxxymiron spoke very flatteringly about Rickey’s performance, calling Rickey’s rounds in the battle with Sin one of the best in the history of Russian-language battles.

The entire RAM community was confident that Rickey F would win in the second season of Fresh Blood, but alas, the reality turned out differently. In the semi-finals, Gene's opponent was Hip-Hop Lonely Old Woman, who showed not very bright performances throughout the selection. But in the semi-finals against Ricky F, XXOS gave his best and won a clean 3-0 victory.

During the entire period of the second season of Fresh Blood, Rickey F became very close to the members of the disbanded rap group “Sins of the Fathers” - Jubilee and Galat. Gena actively began hanging out with St. Petersburg rappers, posting videos with new friends on Instagram. The founder of the UnderWHAT label, Viti SD, did not like this very much, who criticized Rickey's new friends.

In addition to Jubilee and Galata, the list of Rickey F’s “famous friends” includes the winner of the first Fresh Blood – Alphavite. The artists have been communicating for quite some time, and in January they also released a joint track Rickey F & Alphavite – Shadow. Gena also has collaborations with Vitya Classic and Lodos.
As for the work of Rickey F, Gena’s last creation was For Good Mixtape (2015), which included 7 tracks.

Interesting fact: Ricky took part in the first season of Fresh Blood, then he battled against Lodos instead of That Same Kolya. This battle is already a year old. Gena’s performance was not very successful, but later in the battle with Sin he made excuses that he wrote the text for the battle with Lodos in 24 hours.
Rickey F is rightfully considered one of the battle rap discoveries of 2015. But don’t forget that in addition to battles, Gena also positions himself as a rap artist. I recommend everyone to check out Ricky’s tracks and battles.

Together with this artist, we look through biographies:

Real name: Gennady Farafonov.
Date of birth: 05/23/1994
Place of birth: Moscow.
Rickey F (Ricky F) is a Moscow rap artist from the UnderWHAT label. Until September 2015, he was known only in narrow circles. But after the start of Versus Fresh Blood II, Gena made many listeners of Russian rap talk about himself. In the selection of the second Fresh Blood, Ricky F carried out “tvoigreh” without a chance, and Jacques-Anthony himself came to support him.
But Rickey had the hottest battle already in the main stage of Fresh Blood against Sin'a. After the first round, it became obvious that Ricky would win. Gena gave 2 excellent answers and a bunch of sharp punchlines. The battle Rickey F – Sin gained 1,000,000 views in less than a month and is currently the most viewed Fresh Blood battle. It is worth noting that Oxxxymiron spoke very flatteringly about Rickey’s performance, calling Rickey’s rounds in the battle with Sin one of the best in the history of Russian-language battles
The entire RAM community was confident that Rickey F would win in the second season of Fresh Blood, but alas, the reality turned out differently. In the semi-finals, Gene's opponent was Hip-Hop Lonely Old Woman, who showed not very bright performances throughout the selection. But in the semi-finals against Ricky F, XXOS gave his best and won a clean 3-0 victory.
During the entire period of the second season of Fresh Blood, Rickey F became very close to the members of the rap group “Sins of the Fathers” - Jubilee and Galat. Gena actively began hanging out with St. Petersburg rappers, posting videos with new friends on Instagram. The founder of the UnderWHAT label, Viti SD, did not like this very much, who criticized Rickey’s new friends.
In addition to Jubilee and Galata, the list of Rickey F’s “famous friends” includes the winner of the first Fresh Blood – Alphavite. The artists have been communicating for quite some time, and in January they also released a joint track Rickey F & Alphavite – Shadow. Gena also has collaborations with Vitya Classic, Lodos
As for the work of Rickey F, Gena’s last creation was For Good Mixtape (2015), which included 7 tracks.
Interesting fact: Ricky took part in the first season of Fresh Blood, then he battled against Lodos instead of That Same Kolya. This battle is already a year old. Gena’s performance was not very successful, but later in the battle with Sin he made excuses that he wrote the text for the battle with Lodos in 24 hours.
Rickey F is rightfully considered one of the battle rap discoveries of 2015. But don’t forget that in addition to battles, Gena also positions himself as a rap artist. I recommend everyone to check out Ricky’s tracks and battles.

Rickey F (Ricky F) who is this?

Real name— Gennady Farafonov

Hometown- Ekaterinburg

Nickname— Rickey F (Ricky F)

Activity— Rapper, ghostwriter

Family status- Not married




Gennady Farafonov, better known as Rickey F (Ricky F) is a Russian rap artist, as well as a popular ghostwriter.


Gennady Farafonov I became interested in hip-hop while still in school. He spent a lot of time watching various foreign battles - rap competitions. Gennady watched videos, finding interesting ones on the Internet. Since school, he dreamed of trying to take part in such a competition, because it was interesting for him. He watched rap battles URL, KOTD, Don’t Flop.

Rickey F just finished school. He does not have a higher education. According to some sources, it is known that he was unable to enter college, and according to others, he was kicked out for not attending classes. Since he had a lot of free time after graduating from school and a desire to develop as a rap artist, he decided that he wanted to participate in the battle.

Rickey F rapper

Wikipedia says that he began his musical career a long time ago. He was a little noticeable personality in Russia, since his work attracted a small audience of listeners and few people knew about him. He began to be noticed when he became a member of the neuro664 trio. At that time, the group included the following musicians: That Same Kolya, Oxide and Gennady. But at that moment he worked under a different nickname - Rickey-BIFF. While working in a group, he simultaneously begins to take part in battles. But this does not bring him any victories.

The members of the Neuro664 group were familiar with Victor SD. In 2013, they decided to record several joint tracks - compositions in the style of neurofunk. After joint collaboration, a new group is born - “UnderWHAT”. Over time, it grew into a separate label. But Neuro664 breaks up, and each of its members begins a solo career. This breakup served as a kind of “push” for Rickey F, and he began to move on.

In 2014, Gennady began attending Versus: Fresh Blood. (verbal duels). In the first season, he was rooting for his friends – Same Kolya and Alphavite. He met his second friend during the Versus: Main Event.

How did Rickey F become popular?

Until the fall of 2015, Rickey F was a little noticeable rapper - popular only in narrow circles. In the first half of the year, he decides to compete at the battle “” instead of his friend That Same Kolya. He spoke with his text against the participant Lodoss. The text for the battle was written in a short time - overnight. The reason for such a rush was that Nikolai could not come and participate in “Versus”. In the spring of the same year, Rickey F decided to release a mixtape, which he called “For Good Mixtape”. It consisted of eleven tracks.

After participating in the first part of the competition, the rapper realizes that it is worth applying to participate in the second season of the battle. He passed the selection and won over tvoigreh. This victory was a significant event in his musical career.

Having won Fresh Blood, on the same day he released a remix of the track “Hopsin’a”. A film adaptation was released under the title "Crown Me".

But the rapper gained great popularity after the battle in the battle “Versus” against Sin. This battle became the most epic and immoral in the entire history of Versus. From the first round it was clear that he would win. After her, Ricky gained new fans and subscribers on social media. networks. The Rickey F – Sin competition received a large number of views – 1 million in less than a month.

Versus Battle

Many participants in rap competitions do not advance beyond the “battles”. Few of them then begin a solo career, but not Gennady. He became an exception to this established stereotype in battle circles. Ricky gradually gains more popularity and continues to work.

He has participated in rap competitions more than once. There were both victories and defeats. But there are more first ones on his list. Some competitions go without problems for Ricky. He defeated Lyokha Med and Booker D. Fred. And he lost to Hip-Hop Lonely Old Woman, so he didn’t make it to the finals. According to Gennady, the battle was terrible and simply unsuccessful. Farafonov and his friend from “Fresh Blood” (also a participant in the season 2 battle) decided to release a video dedicated to this defeat. This music video was released on April 6th.

Career outside of battles

Rickey F ghostwriter

Having gained popularity in the "" competition, but not making it to the finals due to a loss, he returns to ghostwriting. His main income is writing songs. Ricky has been writing them since 2015, but does not indicate authorship.

In the summer of 2016, he responds to a diss track that challenged him to a verbal duel.

On November 2, his video for the track “Free Fall” premiered, which was written back in the summer. After 2 weeks, Farafonov releases the mini-album “FIVE”, including 5 tracks. One of the album's tracks, "So Web", is a remix of the single.

The album includes 11 compositions. On " Rickey F - New Moscow (ft. hvy)"The clip was released. The album appealed to the artist’s old audience, as well as those who came to him after participating in battles.

Personal life

Currently, little is known about Gennady's personal life. He is trying not to advertise it. It is known that he continues to work, he has no wife and children. Gena's parents support him and watch the battles.

At times, Riki allows rude and immoral jokes to be made during battles. Despite this, you can see from his speeches that the guy is well-read, well-educated, prepared, and has a “sharp tongue” full of sarcasm.

His current nickname is

Now Gennady Farafonov is known as Rickey F or Ricky. He changed his nickname when the trio broke up and the guy started working independently and writing songs. Before that, he went by the nickname Rickey-BIFF and was a little popular rapper.

“Objectively, the delight that I evoke in a person with my first appearances as a battle MC is, unfortunately, incomparable with the reaction that I evoke when I first burst into his playlist with a solosong. There’s also this point: the first emotion evoked by the artist leaves an imprint on the listener’s mind. That’s why many artists become hostage to their image.”

Real name:Gennady Farafonov
Date of Birth: May 23, 1994
Zodiac sign: Twins
City:Yekaterinburg, Russia
Nationality: Russian
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 85 kg

Gennady Farafonov,pseudonymousRickey F- Moscow rap artist, member of the labelUnderWHAT , and also a semi-finalist in the second season Versus Fresh Blood . For a long time he was known only in narrow circles, butautumn 2015— along with the start of the second season Versus Fresh Blood - became one of the brightest rap battlers and the main favorites of the new league season.

Currently on Rickey F's account7 battles, of which 2 wins And 2 defeats (in 2016Lonely Old Lady Hip Hop , in 2015Lodoss ).

In rap circles, a stereotype has long been established - performers who perform in rap battles remain “battlers.” They, as a rule, do not manage to open up in their solo careers, so they enjoy their moments of fame on the battle stages.However, Rickey F is already called an exception to the rule, because he managed to break out of the status of an ordinary “battle fighter” and now he is gradually turning into a professional artist. Moreover, behind his back he not only has a wealth of experience in participating in verbal competitions,but also incredible charisma and an impressive fan base.

And although Rickey F never became a finalist in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood, nevertheless, it washis performances are recognized as the brightest and most explosive in the history of Versus Battle.

Of course, Rickey F allows himself immoral humor, sometimes his jokes are too rude. But based on his interview and his behavior at battles, it can be notedhis high level of training, erudition, education and sharpness of language.It’s not for nothing that he is called behind his back the main discovery of this year and the strongest MC to date.

“I organized a face-to-face meeting with fans in Moscow. And the way this meeting went is one of the most powerful emotions I have ever experienced. The meeting took place on the embankment in Gorky Park. We tried to count, there were 230 people there. Honestly, I thought at most 40 people would come - and I would talk to them as if they were friends. And the crowd was such that I stood in its center and couldn’t see the edge.”

Rickey F was born in Yekaterinburg. As far as is known, Rickey F did not attend university - it is assumed thateither he did not enroll or was kicked out for lack of attendance.Rickey F has been interested in hip-hop since childhood and began studying it while still in school. Then he spent a lot of time watching foreign rap battles, such asKOTD , URL And Don't Flop.

Over time, Rickey F realized that he had grown enough to try to take part in battles himself. It is known thatone of his first pseudonyms was Rickey-BIFF, however, at this time he was not particularly popular and his work attracted few listeners.

Rickey F's musical career

Rickey F began his musical journey by participating in a trio calledneuro664 , which included a participant in the first season of Fresh Blood, That Same Kolya, rapper Oxide and Rickey F himself.

“I wrote solo tracks before, but I paid little attention to them due to the fact that in all the groups in which I participated, I was, firstly, the worst MC and, secondly, the least interesting to the listener. The entire neuro664 fanbase then wildly hated me for the very fact of my existence. In all the groups I was the type about whom in the comments they write: “Dudes, he’s no good. Let’s cut him out of the group”

Initially, neuro664 were not supposed to become members of the UnderWHAT label. According to Rickey F, they were just hanging out with Oxide, SD and Same Kolya, and later recorded several tracks in the style of neuro-funk. As a result, the group UnderWHAT appeared, which later became a full-fledged leiball

“It seemed to us that no one else was doing this. In general, we came to the conclusion that simply merging these tracks as singles is not an option. Since they are also in the same style, we decided to make an EP”

After some time the trio broke up. Now Rickey F is known both as a battle rapper and as a solo rap artist.In 2012his first mixtape was released called"Optimus Versus", which was created during a particularly productive period of his life.

At this time, Rickey F took part in various rap battles, and thanks to them he not only gained experience, but also declared himself asabout a unique and versatile performer.Rickey F himself believes that it was with this mixtape that his rise to the musical Olympus began.

In 2015Rickey F managed to record a release called“For Good Mixtape” , consisting of seven tracks.In 2016his mixtape was released For Good.”

Now Rickey F is still working tirelessly and continues to delight his fans with new tracks and videos for his compositions. It is also interesting that most of the tracks, especially recently, also feature his close friend , rap artist Alphavite .

In November 2016Rickey F, who had previously released only individual singles and videos, blew up the Internet with one of the most anticipated projects of the year - the album"Five" . It is noted that the name of the album is not accidental.

Firstly, it sendsto one of the best punchesRickey F and reflects the number of tracks that were included in the album. Secondly, according to the artist himself, five means five elements“Maslow’s pyramid of needs” — in the album, each track is connected in its own way with each element from this pyramid.

“I didn’t clap for you, pi^&r, I high-fived myself.”

Rickey F at rap battles

In parallel with his participation in the trio neuro664 and recording his own solo tracks, Rickey F began to participate in rap battles. He first applied for the Ninth Official Battle on the website hip-hop.ru , but, unfortunately, did not pass the selection. I decided to move on and took part in the Fifteenth Independent Battle. There Rickey F reached the third or fourth round and lost.

“And I lost to a dude whose nickname was almost the same as mine. Nickey F, something like that. When he won, I immediately said: “What are you doing! He took my nickname and also took me out of the battle!”

Now Rickey F is actively moving up the musical ladder and all his failures are a thing of the past. Now he talks about how, for each of his past battles, he usuallyI prepared the night before the battle itself. It seems that he is disingenuous, to give yourself weight, but who knows - maybe it’s really possible to write text for a battle in just one night.

“For each of my battles, I finished writing the text on the night from Friday to Saturday. The battles themselves took place on Sunday. With the exception of the first battle that I had with Sin - the text for it was ready in a week. I wrote everything directly in the last days

Nowadays, preparation usually lasts a month. According to Rickey F, hetries to time it rightso that there is enough time to carefully prepare the stitches.

As usual, I start preparing a month and a half before the performance, as is the case with battles against Sin or the Old Woman. I think everyone should do this. The text is remembered when you write it, because for each line there are a lot of options.”

Rickey F admits that in terms of writing texts for battleshis idol is the notorious Dizaster, who never finishes the text and comes up with the last lines on the go.

“He just has a bunch of topics that he considers necessary to touch on, for each there are a bunch of bars, and he already weaves together patterns with answers on the go, swapping them in places so that the battle goes better. In this he is a king and a god.”

Speaking about the difference in the themes of the lyrics he writes for battles and for songs, Rickey F does not deny that they are very different. In Rickey F's battle texts, as a rule,more jokes and humor, however, he himself admits that if he had his way, he would not focus on humor.

“I wrote most of the battles by analyzing the crowd and understanding what material they needed to present in order to look like a strong MC in the eyes of the audience. When I reached the semi-finals, I was going through a self-analytical period in my life, and I realized that this time I wanted to write as I see it. And I realized: what I’m writing is not exactly the format of battles that I would like to see in Russia.

As for the songs specifically, in them Rickey F tries to express what is inside him. In other words, he “conveys what he wants to convey.” According to him,if he tried to adapt to the public, which is absolutely forbidden to do, then most likely it would be more popular.

It seems to me that it is not so difficult to analyze the needs of the masses in a specific period of time. It’s more difficult to make a product that is interesting to the masses and that is initially interesting to you. In my opinion, this is the real task of an artist.”

“My battles and my songs are completely different. Accordingly, when a person plays my songs, he already has an idea of ​​me as an immoral dude who jokes about cancer. But this rarely happens in songs. Therefore, the listener faces dissonance and may feel uncomfortable listening to my songs.”

Now the main way of earning money for Rickey F is ghostwriting.He started doing this in early 2015, and it turned out to be such a successful and profitable activity that there was no point in quitting.

“Ghostwriting is mechanical bullshit, it doesn’t require inspiration. If they give me a topic and a reference, a day is enough to write a text of any complexity without myself. Thanks to ghostwriting, I can live, not work anywhere, and be creative.”

Rickey F at Versus Battle

Before Rickey F got to Versus Fresh Blood, he participated in battles of the Slovo Moscow league three times. However, the video from these battles was never published.

In March 2015Rickey F took part in the first season of Versus Fresh Blood, where he battled againstLodoss instead of the Same Kolya. It was practically impromptu, because, as Rickey F himself claims, he prepared for his performance the night before the battle.

“I’m on the train to St. Petersburg with Alphavite to cheer for Kolya, and then it turns out that he’s not really coming, and that I’ll actually have to get off instead of him - but he’s already fallen asleep and, accordingly, can’t send his text . We really had to prepare everything in one night”

Already in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood Rickey F was able to perform as a full-fledged participant against a battle rapper under the pseudonymtvoigreh . He managed to defeat his opponent without a chance and became the winner. By the way, on the same day Rickey F presented a film adaptation of the remix of the track “Crown Me” from Hopsin.

However, one of the most striking, immoral and, perhaps, the best performances of Rickey Fduring his entire career on Versus Battle, the battle withSin . The video on the Youtube channel gained over a million views in a very short time and brought Rickey F unprecedented popularity.

“When I wrote the text for the battle against Cena, I was preparing for soooo much! I thought persecution from the communities would begin. Of course, among tens of thousands of comments, some single percentages are written by moralfags protesting jokes about such a disease as cancer. But this is ten times less than I expected. This battle did not provoke any serious situations.”

By the way, for this battle heI waited for praise from Oxxxymiron himself, who wrote on his page on the social network Twitter that his rounds are some of the best in the history of battles in Russian.

In January 2016there was a battle between Rickey F cLekha Copper , which ended with the victory of Rickey F.

“On the last day I just had to remember the order of all the schemes that I have in my head. This is also not difficult, because at the end of each such segment there are connecting lines. And in the battle with Lyokha, I didn’t remember the order at all. So just battled. I was interested in trying it"

In February 2016he took part in the battle againstBooker D. Fred . After these last two battles, everyone was sure that he would become a finalist, but fate decreed otherwise.

In the semi-finals, Rickey F entered into a battle against a rapper under the pseudonymLonely Old Lady Hip Hop . And although XXOS had not had the best performances before, apparently, at this battle he decided to give it his all. As a result, the battle ended with Rickey F losing.

“In each of the battles in which the Old Woman won, he deservedly won. He deservedly won the Milky. Moonstar is well deserved. Me. Booker. And yet, my ass exploded because of this ending. After all, everyone put so much effort into this! And the climax of the whole journey was this action, from which people simply left in droves in the middle of the performance. This is unfortunate"

In December 2017, after participating in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood Rickey F went to Versus BPM. He responded to the diss who decided to callRickey F on Versus.

Here he showed himself to be an incredibly good battle fighterwith a high level of training, resulting inhis battle became the third most popular in the world.

In April 2017Rickey F challenged a famous rap artist, known under the pseudonym, to a battleL'One . He was offered a choice of any battle platform, be it Versus or 140 BPM.

This battle promises to be one of the most anticipated events in rap circles, just like .

It is known that during the entire period of participation in the second season of Versus Fresh Blood Rickey F began to communicate very closely with members of the disbanded association “Sins of the Fathers” Jubilee and

Of course, this did not meet with approval from the label member. UnderWHAT, and Vitya SD himself began to hurl criticism at the members of the association. Nevertheless, Rickey F continues to communicate closely with Jubilee, Galat and Alphavite , and they even managed to release several tracks.

Rickey F and Alphavite

It is known that in real life Rickey F and rap artistAlphavite- Close friends. They met in the dressing room at the Versus Main Event in Moscow, and just that day there was a battle betweenST And D. Masta.

A friendship began that continues to this day. Rickey F admits that they became friends long before each of them became a participant in Versus Battle. And the reason for this emerging friendship wassimilar views on music and approach to creativity.

“We just started hanging out together: we hung out at home, then he called me to his studio to mix my track, and he found in my voice, as it seemed to me then, unimaginable frequencies that no one who had mixed me before had noticed. We united even before each of us came from Versus. Neither he had much hype then, nor did I, of course.”

Rickey F Family

In one of his interviews, Rickey F admitted that his parents watched and watch all his battles, and are very supportive of him. They especially liked the battle between Rickey F and Sin. Honestly, I would like to knowHow did parents react to jokes about cancer?, sounded from the lips of Rickey F, but he did not talk about it.

“This, by the way, is one of the first questions that people ask: “Yo, what does your mom say?” Yes, my mother was the first to show respect. My father was at my concert in Moscow, after which he said that all his complaints about my life are in the past. I was very impressed, despite the fact that he is one of the main opponents of swearing that I have met.”

Rickey FPersonal life

Almost nothing is known about Rickey F's personal life. It is worth assuming that either this information is carefully hidden, or there is actually nothing to hide and Rickey F’s heart is free.

Rickey F battles


  • Rickey F vs Sonya Marmeladova